Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Tri Buffered Aspirin Tablets Generic for Bufferin 325 mg 100 Tablets per Bottle Pack of 2 Total 200 Tablets

Answer 5 questions about aspirin

Tri Buffered Aspirin Tablets Generic for Bufferin 325 mg 100 Tablets per Bottle Pack of 2 Total 200 Tablets

The risk of serious or even fatal bleeding in the stomach of those taking aspirin on a daily basis after exacerbation or stroke is higher. This risk is higher than previously thought, writes Lancet, based on research findings.

According to scientists, in order to reduce the risks, older people should take in addition to aspirin as well as PPI (proton pump inhibitor) tablets that protect the culture.

At the same time, doctors insist that aspirin intake plays an important role in preventing seizures and outweighs other risks.

For this reason, they do not recommend taking aspirin immediately.

Patients should consult a doctor before any changes to the medication regimen, the authors note.

"Life Pills"
As a rule, after a stroke or a stroke, doctors advise the person to take aspirin until the end of his life.

It is also known that aspirin can cause gastric bleeding.

So far, research on this issue has been conducted only for people over 75 years of age.

And the results of these studies have revealed that in this age group, the risk of serious gastric bleeding is low.

In Britain, more than half of those taking aspirin in the age of 75 are over. Scientists from the University of Oxford compared the risks of taking aspirin to those of this age group.

They observed 3,166 patients receiving aspirin.

It was found that the percentage of cases of gastric bleeding and other fatal complications among those under 65 was less than 0.5% (on average, one in every 200 drug users).

However, in the age group of 75-84, this coefficient increased, reaching an average of 3 persons or about 1.5% for every 200 people.

It has been found that as the patient's age increases, the risk of aspirin gastric bleeding is also on the rise.

According to existing rules in the UK, doctors write PPI pills in addition to aspirin therapy for patients at high risk of gastric bleeding.

However, there is a need to specify who is at high risk.

According to a leading researcher, Professor Peter Rothwell, most drugs over the age of 75 are not prescribed.

I take aspirin every day - should I take action?
Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard of the Royal College Hospital says "patients who take aspirin should not panic."

"For a long time, aspirin users are advised to discuss this with their doctor or pharmacist."

Why is it not advisable to cut off aspirin intake?
It has been shown that sudden withdrawal of aspirin increases the risk of heartburn or stroke.

You need to talk to your doctor before taking this step. If the doctor advises, you can gradually reduce the number of pills taken.

What should be done to protect the stomach of those over 75 years of age and those who take aspirin on a daily basis after heart attack and heartburn?
Patients in this age group have a lower risk of gastric bleeding. Professor Rothwell does not recommend that people of this age group take supplements.

However, scientists recommend these patients to appear to the doctor every 3-5 years.

What should those who take aspirin daily but do not suffer from heart disease?
Researchers advise carefully considering the decision to take aspirin for a healthy person. They consider it necessary to consult a doctor before making that decision.

What are the health risks of PPI drugs that are culturally protected?
All medicines have certain benefits and risks. The decision on whether or not to take this drug should be made individually, based on the advice of a physician. In certain cases, patients may experience excessive abdominal pain, meteorism, and gastric infections after the drug is administered.

Tri Buffered Aspirin Tablets Generic for Bufferin 325 mg 100 Tablets per Bottle Pack of 2 Total 200 Tablets