Thursday, November 7, 2019

HL13C 10,000 Lux Happy Energy Health Light Daylight Adjustable Natural Sunlight Simulation

Physical and emotional changes in pregnancy

HL13C 10,000 Lux Happy Energy Health Light Daylight Adjustable Natural Sunlight Simulation

Pregnancy is one of the most important stages in a woman's life. Here are the things to do for a healthy and comfortable pregnancy process…
Pregnant mothers undergo many physical and psychological changes during their pregnancy. While these changes are a natural process, it is sometimes not easy to keep up with them. In this month's file, we discussed what should be done before and during 9 months of pregnancy. Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Suat Süphan Erşahin, see what he told us.

Physical and psychological changes in the first 3 months

With the start of pregnancy, feelings of joy increase in the family and the expectant mother experiences a feeling of happiness. Subsequent nausea and vomiting can lead to fatigue and depression. During this period, fatigue, weakness, reluctance and tenderness in the breasts are observed as if they have done heavy workload. Groin pain may be felt. If pregnancy occurs after an infertility treatment, excessive activity associated with excitement and joy may occur. If the pregnancy has occurred involuntarily, the expectant mother may be in fear, anxiety, anxiety and constant thoughts. During this period, hormones begin to affect the body and the mother begins to feel that she is pregnant. Breasts begin to become full and tender. Sleep and fatigue increases. There is a need to go to the toilet frequently. Nausea and vomiting may begin. Abdominal bloating and cramps may feel. Occasionally, skin lesions due to hormonal changes may occur. It enters the peak period towards the 10th week. The underlying gastrointestinal problems are exacerbated. The mother begins to feel that she has gained weight. Tension in the abdomen increases further. It is the period during which the pregnancy hormone peaks, after which nausea and vomiting may decrease. The expectant mother starts to become sensitive to her family. His behavior towards his relatives changes the way he decides against events. Nausea gradually begins to decrease and appetite increases. Bleeding of the gums may occur when brushing teeth. The mother begins to feel the swelling in her abdomen with her hand.

What to do

With the change in emotion that occurs during the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother may be affected by the behavior of her environment, family and friends. If the expectant mother is anxious, she will hide that she is pregnant from the environment and sometimes even distant relatives will be informed. Drug treatment is usually applied for nausea during this period. It is recommended to avoid nausea (scented food, stress, noise, excessive light, etc.). Folic acid is used for neural defects that may occur. Bedding is recommended for those with low risk. Sexual intercourse is not recommended. If the expectant mother does not have any problems, she can continue her business, social and sports activities.

Physical and psychological changes in the second 3 months

It is the period when the mother feels most comfortable. In this period, excessive reading and internet research leads the mother to anxiety and pessimism. Waiting for the results of the tests worries the mother. Abdominal bloating can also be observed by relatives. Frequent urination is reduced. During this period, lower than normal blood pressure is seen. The feeling of tension is reduced. Pregnancy is accepted. Intestinal habits change and constipation may occur. Low back pain may occur with groin pain. Discharge from the nipple can be observed. In rare cases, baby movements can be felt. Skin lesions increase even more. Hair may be seen in the womb. Weight gain can be experienced more. Complaints such as dizziness and fainting may be observed. The mother's face may start to change color on the nipple, which we call a pregnancy mask. This can be seen anywhere else on the skin. Pain in the waist and groin is exacerbated. The mother begins to feel the movements of the baby. The feeling of excitement and happiness increases. Growing baby, pressing the organs in the abdomen causes some problems to occur. For example; Shortness of breath may occur with lung pressure. Depending on the growth of the abdomen, the mother may experience problems with balance. Due to changes in the hormones, problems may increase in the joints. Now baby movements can be seen from the outside. The expectant mother begins to gain weight fast. Extra hormones in the body during pregnancy can cause swelling and bleeding of the gums.

What to do

In this period, since the baby's genetic tests and organ anomalies were investigated, the patient's anxiety also increased. Negative tests overwhelm the family, and tests that require invasive intervention will start to pessimistic thoughts. In this case, instead of soliciting ideas from the environment, acting solely with the consultation of the doctor will provide better information about the health of the mother and the baby. During this period, iron and vitamin drugs can be started.

Physical and psychological changes in the last 3 months

Birth fears begin in this period. Anxiety and migraine attacks may occur. There may be pain in the legs and lower back. With the enlargement of the abdomen, fatigue and weakness may be seen in the expectant mother and contractions may cause abdominal stiffness. As the baby grows, there may be difficulties in breathing. Sleep patterns may be impaired. Varicose veins may have swelling and cramps in the feet. Burning in the stomach and itching may occur in the abdomen. The pressure on the mother's upper rib may increase. Digestive disorders may occur. Mild edema may occur on the face, hands and feet. Fullness increases in the breasts. As the baby grows, pressure to the bladder and shrinking of its capacity cause frequent urination. The baby's movements become visible from the outside. A dark line appears from the mother's umbilical region to the groin. Occasionally, the legs may have complaints similar to electric shock. Reductions in baby movements may occur. Stains on the skin begin to disappear. In recent weeks, the mother may experience difficulty walking due to pressure. In the 40th week of the pregnancy, the risk of opening the amniotic membrane and water is quite high. At the 41th week, the cervix begins to open with the start of pains. This process continues gradually. After the opening is completed (10 cm), the delivery process takes place.

What to do

In this case, both the mother and the family have duties. If the mother is educated or has the necessary education, it will comfort her. Choosing the right doctor and making the right determinations by the expectant mother relieves the patient both physically and psychologically. The necessary medication should be used only under the supervision of a doctor. During the last 3 months of pregnancy, the expectant mother is recommended to attend maternity courses, attend yoga classes and exercise.

For a comfortable and healthy pregnancy

Pregnancy is often a feared period. Because the false sensations previously received and the risky pregnancies seen in the immediate environment affect women negatively. However, some precautions can make the pregnancy more comfortable and healthy.

Doctor selection

Pregnancy problems and the elimination of these problems start with the selection of health institutions and doctors, which are particularly good at monitoring pregnancy. The right choice leads to targeted treatment while solving one's problems. Couples wishing to have children should consult a doctor 3 months before the woman becomes pregnant. Thus, whether they are suitable for pregnancy is determined by the assays required by the physician; If any, infection problems are solved and smear test is performed. Folic acid treatment is also started. Problems that may occur during pregnancy (eg early miscarriage) are detected and treated beforehand.

Regular checks

It is extremely important to have regular check-ups for a comfortable pregnancy. Especially during the first weeks of pregnancy, 12th week, 22th week, 36th week and 37th week it is mandatory to go to the controls. Analysis and USG (ultrasound) controls to be performed during these periods can report negative conditions during pregnancy and talk to the doctor of the expectant mother to solve the problems and plan the way of delivery.

The importance of nutrition

Healthy nutrition during pregnancy; it is important both for the well-being of the fetus and for the well-being of the pregnant woman. Healthy development of the baby will also help the mothers to relax mentally. Drinking milk, consuming seasonal fruits and vegetables, taking the necessary protein and carbohydrates, 1 day a week fish consumption, 2-3 days to eat eggs, drinking plenty of water, daily consumption of 100 grams of meat, cheese and yogurt consumption provides a healthy nutrition for the mother.

Low back pain

The incidence of low back pain in pregnancy is between 40-60 percent. The majority of pain occurs between the 5th and 7th months. Sometimes it can last throughout pregnancy. The cause of these low back pain is not entirely clear; but excessive weight gain may reveal hidden lumbar hernias. Increased waist cupping, shortening and weakening of the back muscles can cause low back pain. During pregnancy, diet should be considered, excessive food should be avoided, controlled weight gain should be made.

Vaginal infections

Urine is normally sterile, free of any germs. E. coli infection, often seen in pregnant women, causes frequent cystitis. It may occur even more frequently due to low resistance. In particular, pregnant women with diabetes and unhygienic hygiene are at risk. Frequent small amounts of urination, urination pain and burning are the symptoms. In advanced infections, inguinal pain, fever, nausea and vomiting are seen. In such cases, it is recommended to consult with a doctor and urine examination and culture and use of antibiotics for the causative agent. Vaginal discharge also increases during pregnancy. This discharge is normally colorless and odorless. If a bad smell and coloration starts in the vaginal discharge, if it is like a white milk cut, itching and burning complaints should be consulted to a doctor. The most common discharge during pregnancy is V. Candida (fungal) infection. The reason is the change in the amount of glycogen due to degradation of vaginal acid provides the basis for infection. Vaginal discharge can cause premature labor as well as affect sexual life during pregnancy. Drinking plenty of water, not keeping urine for a long time, cleaning the genital area from front to back in the toilet and paying attention to hygiene in sexual intercourse prevents urinary tract infection.

Nausea and vomiting

Pregnancy nausea starts in the first trimester (weeks 4-8), peaks at week 10 and continues until week 14. Rarely can it continue throughout pregnancy. It is more in the morning, it can last throughout the day. High levels of hormones called BHCG, gastrointestinal diseases, vitamin B1, B2 deficiency, psychological problems, multiple pregnancies and mole pregnancy, which is commonly known as grape pregnancy, can also cause severe nausea and vomiting. Avoiding excessive noisy, lighted and odorless environments, not cooking, not using cleaning agents, consuming lean and odorless foods prevents nausea. In case of severe nausea and vomiting, consult a doctor and apply the necessary medical treatment in case of urine ketone.

Weakness and headache

This situation, which lasts until the 4th month due to the increase of progesterone hormone during pregnancy, generally disrupts work life and quality of life. Headaches of unknown cause are attributed to hormonal imbalance. Psychological causes, excessive consumption of caffeine and food, migraine, sinusitis and eye diseases can cause headaches. Hypertension should be considered in headaches in recent months. In this case it is necessary to adjust the sleep pattern. Regular sleep and rest will reduce these complaints. In such cases, holiday and relocation are important. Headaches in the temples massage and hot application, rest may also work. For more severe and persistent pain, consult a doctor.

Skin changes

There are some changes in the skin during pregnancy. At the beginning of the skin staining increased brown tone in the face, under the navel linea nigra line, the nipples, abdomen and groin may be darkening. Pregnant women are particularly affected by sunlight. Therefore, it is recommended to use sunscreen with high protective factor and sunbathe in the shade during the holidays. In addition, red palms and soles of the soles of the feet (palmar erythema), due to the expansion of capillary red lesions (hamartoma) or branching in the form of dilation (spider nevus), more than normal hair, nail fractures, abdominal fractures (stria gravidarum) other pregnancy may be seen during are changes. In these complaints, especially dermatologists need help.


This complaint, which has the most uncomfortable dimension during pregnancy, may occur due to dermatological diseases, liver disorders and bile duct obstruction, but most of them do not have a clear cause. Liver and biliary tract patients may even develop liver failure. In such cases, preterm labor can be started. Various drugs can be used to reduce liver enzymes. Local corticosteroids are useful in dermatological diseases. Itching may also be due to infections caused by parasites such as scabies, lice, flies and insect stings.


This complaint called reflux, indigestion and heartburn; It occurs especially when gastric acid content is escaped into the esophagus due to deterioration of the gastric angle. The complaint of heartburn occurs at 20-25 weeks called hair removal. In this case, the number of meals should be increased, but a large amount of food should not be eaten, gas and oil-spicy foods should be avoided, should not eat immediately before bedtime. Acid-removing medications prescribed by the doctor may be used.

Hemorrhoids and constipation

The presence of these complaints and genetic factors, especially before pregnancy, causes the bowel to slow down. Sitting constantly can also cause this problem. Taking plenty of fluids, consuming pulp foods reduces these complaints. Fiber foods, bran bread, oatmeal, red beans, whole wheat pasta, apricots, figs, grapes, peas, leeks, rice, such as the mother comfort. It is good to drink warm water and exercise before breakfast. In case of hemorrhoids; In order to prevent constipation, local anesthetic ointments may be used, not to stand for a long time, not to be overstressed, and in further cases surgical intervention may be necessary.

Numbness in hands and feet

The numbness may also be regional, but may include an entire limb. Particularly in pregnant women working with their fingers (pianist), there may be complaints of severe pain. This can usually be due to nerve muscle as well as a decrease in body blood level. Drugs containing B1, B2 vitamins and iron are beneficial.

HL13C 10,000 Lux Happy Energy Health Light Daylight Adjustable Natural Sunlight Simulation