Saturday, November 9, 2019

Flonase Nasal Spray for Allergy Relief, 24-Hour Non-Drowsy Allergy Medicine, 120 Sprays

What are the symptoms and treatment methods of sinusitis?

Flonase Nasal Spray for Allergy Relief, 24-Hour Non-Drowsy Allergy Medicine, 120 Sprays

Sinusitis with symptoms such as headache, nasal congestion, yellow-green discharge from the nose and nasal passage, weakness and difficulty in adaptation following flu or flu; Although it can be seen in all seasons, it is most effective in winter. Sinusitis, which decreases the quality of life of individuals, is a disease that responds very well to medical or surgical treatment. Acibadem University Atakent Hospital Otorhinolaryngology Specialist Battal Thompson; He explained the symptoms of sinusitis and the ways of preventing sinusitis with treatment.

What is a sinus?
Sinuses are bone voids filled with air that settle in the head bones and open their mouths (ie, their canals) into the nose. After birth, some form (ethmoid and maxillary sinuses), others form later (sphenoid and frontal sinuses) and complete in puberty. In addition to providing the timbre and character of the sound, they help the air passing through the nose to approach the body temperature, reduce the weight of the head (sinusitis patients feel a weight on the head) and keep the head upright.

How does sinusitis occur?
Sinusitis is called inflammation of the mucosa covering the sinus cavities by factors such as viral, bacterial and fungal. Sinusitis; It is called acute sinusitis if it lasts less than 2 weeks, subacute sinusitis if it lasts between 2 and 12 weeks, and chronic sinusitis if it lasts longer than 12 weeks.

The most important factors affecting the formation of sinusitis; immune system and related frequent upper respiratory tract infections, nose and sinus anatomy (nasal bone or cartilage curved nasal flesh size or closed sinus canals, nose and sinus tumors), especially in children, nasal flesh size, allergic rhinitis and dirty air (smoking) ).

What are the symptoms of sinusitis?

The most important symptoms of sinusitis are after a cold or flu;

A throbbing headache around the eyes and face,
Nasal congestion,
Yellow and green discharge from the nose and nasal passage,
Throat ache,
Bad breath, smell and taste disorder
Light fire
Weakness and difficulty in adaptation,
In addition, children may have complaints of loss of appetite, cough, nausea and vomiting.

The most important point to remember is that not every headache is sinusitis. Up to 10 percent of headaches are due to sinusitis. Sinusitis is a very insidious disease, sometimes a few of the above complaints and symptoms, but everything can look normal in the examination.

When is sinusitis most common?

Although sinusitis occurs in all seasons, it is most common in winter. For this reason, 4-5 days after a cold in winter, dark nasal discharge or sudden discharge of nasal discharge and headache should suggest sinusitis.

How does sinusitis affect a person's life?

Sinusitis affects our quality of life very much; patients “my head throbbing, I can't feel my head”, orum I can't concentrate on my work ”, ım my mouth is broken, I smell less alıy, um my nose is flowing too much or not”, var I have bad odors in my mouth ”,“ I cough ” they even help to make a preliminary diagnosis.

How to avoid sinusitis?

Prevention is essential in all infectious diseases. Since upper respiratory tract infections are spread through air and droplets, it is important for people to be careful in shopping malls, public transportation, elevators and indoor environments where people are busy and ventilate their living spaces. In case of doubt, you should take precautions immediately and feed in a way that supports your immune system. In addition to short-term measures, you should have anatomically curved nasal bone, nasal flesh size, nasal flesh size, or allergy treatment.

How is sinusitis treated?

Sinusitis is a disease that responds very well to medical or surgical treatment. Acute sinusitis is usually treated with medication. Antibiotics are the most important drugs and the duration of use varies between 10 and 21 days depending on the severity of the disease. The most important criterion for determining the duration is the use of antibiotics for at least 7 days after the passage of yellow-green nasal discharge. Long-term medication may be difficult for patients, but sinusitis may recur and become chronic if not used. Nasal opener sprays and cold pills, allergy pills and sprays, nose and sinus washing fluids and sprays are used in the treatment.

Chronic sinusitis should be treated primarily with drug therapy, but surgical treatment should be considered in resistant cases and recurrent cases. If radiological mucosal thickening, inflammation, mucocele and sinus canals are closed in the sinus, "functional endoscopic sinus surgery" must be performed. The chance of success in surgical treatment is around 90 percent. What most patients ask is whether sinusitis recurs after surgery. This can happen in patients with intranasal and sinus polyps and there is a 30 percent chance of relapse. Sinusitis surgery can be performed in childhood. Surgery usually occurs after the age of 13-14, when all of the sinuses occur. In children, the nose, small narrow and important structures close to the surgery requires careful and limited. In cases where recurrence and anatomy are difficult, safer methods can be used with navigation CT.

Flonase Nasal Spray for Allergy Relief, 24-Hour Non-Drowsy Allergy Medicine, 120 Sprays