Thursday, November 7, 2019

Boxelite 10,000 Lux Bright Light Therapy Light Box, Black

Eight ways to strengthen your brain

Boxelite 10,000 Lux Bright Light Therapy Light Box, Black

Can't you remember someone's name at the tip of your tongue? Or do you ever go to the kitchen and forget what you're going to do?

We often hear that with age, memory and other mental functions such as causal relationship and reaction are impaired. But there's still hope. Because the brain can be restructured in some ways.

If you want to strengthen your brain, here are a number of advice and exercise techniques:

1. Physical exercise allows the brain to grow

Exercise improves both body and brain
It is true that physical exercise enlarges our brains.

Exercise increases the number of nerve junctions, thus creating more contact points in the brain and contributing to the formation of new cells.

Good cardiovascular health also means more oxygen to your brain and faster removal of harmful toxins.

Doing your exercise outdoors is even more beneficial because you also get the advantage of getting additional vitamin D from the sun.

Tip: Try to combine the exercise with seeing a new place, doing new things, or exchanging ideas. This will increase the likelihood that new cells will form solid circuits.

Let's say you like gardening. Try to do this with your neighbors, family or friends if possible. Instead of taking a walk alone, go as a group or as a couple if possible.

Most importantly, be sure to do the exercise the way you enjoy it. The impact of exercise and social communication on the brain is strengthened by this desire to participate.

2. Memorizing technique on the move

Gardening is very useful both physically and mentally and it gives you the opportunity to think.
This is a technique proven by research and has been used by actors for a long time. If you try to memorize a text on the go, information can be much more permanent in your mind.

Tip: Let's say you have to make a presentation, prepare for an exam, or put your mind to work. Try turning your thoughts as you walk or dance in your head.

3. The vital importance of proper nutrition

Healthy intestines required for healthy head
An average of one-fifth of what we eat is sugar, and the energy goes directly to the brain, which makes the brain completely dependent on the glucose level.

If you can't control your sugar consumption, your mind will be much more confused.

When you eat what you love, the reward area of ​​the brain secretes a chemical called dopamine that lets us enjoy.

But while eating things that will please the reward areas of the brain, you should also buy foods to keep your intestines healthy.

There are more than a hundred trillion germs associated with the brain in the human intestines. Their balance is vital to the health of the brain.

The intestines are therefore often called the "second brain." When you feed on a variety of healthy foods, these microbes are balanced and your brain is healthy.

Recommendation: The building material of the brain cells is fat. Therefore, it is vital for your diet to contain some fat. Especially fats in nuts, peanuts, kernels, avocados and fish are healthy fats. Rosemary and turmeric are also known to be beneficial for brain health.

Enjoying food and sharing the pleasure of eating in social settings also reinforce the benefits of what you eat to the brain.

4. The secret to getting the switch off and away from everything

Rest is essential for the mind to perform some functions
Some stress is necessary to maintain a person's reflex to react to emergencies. It causes the secretion of the hormone cortisol. This gives us energy, but not much, allows us to focus our attention.

But long-term anxiety and high levels of stress in the brain on the contrary, poison effect.

Therefore, from time to time, so to speak, it is very important to download the switch and let this part of the brain rest, and when you do, you actually activate a different part of the brain.

There is a network in our brains that we can call "self-study networks." Thanks to this function, we can daydream in the daytime and this function is very important for maintaining memory.

When we break our mental relationship with the outside world, we ensure that this function of the brain takes over and runs things.

So if you ever get caught up dreaming at work again, you can defend yourself by saying you're working on some very vital parts of your brain!

Tip: If you are having trouble loosening and lowering the switch, you can try to reduce your stress to healthier measures by trying meditation or awareness-based techniques.

5. Do things you've never tried before

Learning something new opens new neuronal pathways in the brain
A key method of developing your brain is to test it by directing it to doing or learning new things.

Writing a course in an art or learning a new language will increase the flexibility of your brain.

Tip: Find a game on the Internet to compete with friends or family.

This will test you and compete with others as a social communication that will also contribute to the development of the brain.

6. Music is the food of the brain

There are findings suggesting that music has a very special effect on the brain.

When you look at the brain of someone listening to music or making music, you see that almost the whole brain is active.

Music can generally enhance understanding, and music memory is often the most recently lost information in brain diseases such as dementia.

Tip: Join a choir or get a ticket to the concert of your favorite band.

7. Bed preparation

Work hard and get a good night's sleep
If you've learned something new during the day, there's a connection between one nerve cell and another in your brain.

When you sleep, this connection is strengthened and settled, and what you learn becomes part of your memory.

For this reason, sleep is really important for the maintenance of memory.

For example, give one person a list to memorize in the morning and one person just before going to sleep. When you ask the next day, you will remember much better by memorizing just before going to sleep.

Tip: If you are preparing for the exam, try the answers to possible questions before you go to sleep.

If you have been traumatized or have a bad memory, try not to think about it right before you go to sleep. If you think about it, the memory of this bad moment or traumatic event and its negative emotions will be deeply embroidered in your memory.

For the same reason, avoid watching horror movies at night!

Instead, sleep thinking about the positive things you've learned or experienced that day.

8. Waking up correctly

Increasingly waking up with light boosts brain performance
We all know how important it is to sleep. If you sleep less than 5 hours, your mental abilities will weaken and if you sleep more than 10 hours, you will feel dizzy.

But one thing that will allow you to make the most of your mental functions all day long after sleep is how you wake up.

The ideal is to sleep in a dark room and wake up with a gradually increasing light.

This light gradually seeps through your closed eyelids and prepares the brain in a sense and releases more cortisol.

When you wake up, the amount of cortisol hormone in your body determines how your brain works on that day.

Tip: Obtain a light that gradually increases its parkability, such as the sunrise, that will allow you to wake up naturally.

Of course, those who have heavy sleep may have to use an audible alarm as well as light to avoid being late for work!

Boxelite 10,000 Lux Bright Light Therapy Light Box, Black