Thursday, November 7, 2019

(New) Verilux HappyLight VT43 Luxe 10,000 Lux LED Bright White Light Therapy Lamp with Adjustable Brightness, Color, and Countdown Timer

What are the effects of lighting on human health?

(New) Verilux HappyLight VT43 Luxe 10,000 Lux LED Bright White Light Therapy Lamp with Adjustable Brightness, Color, and Countdown Timer

Misuse of light invites many health problems from cardiovascular diseases to diabetes, from cancer to hormone disorders…

He is one of the founders of ZEVE Lighting Design Studio, which has won many international awards for architectural lighting projects and has also designed the lighting design of the Presidential Complex. Fikret Talu emphasized that faulty approaches in indoor and outdoor lighting negatively affect human psychology and physiology.

He has been the founder partner of the Design Studio where he has been conducting research and practice on the physical and psychological effects of lighting on human health and the social impacts of urban living spaces. Fikret Talu says that lighting that is not applied correctly in indoor and outdoor environments disturbs the human body's biological clock due to negative effects such as excessive light exposure and wrong color choices.

The deterioration of the biological clock can lead to many health problems from cardiovascular diseases to diabetes, from poor sleep performance to poor performance, especially from increased risk to certain types of cancer.

Araştır Research has revealed that our eyes are not only gates to the world, but also our sensory organs that are closely related to our psychology and physiology, and that affect it in depth ”. Fikret Talu adds:

Dışında In addition to photoreceptors that provide vision in our eyes, new photoreceptors (ipRGC) have been identified that affect the circadian rhythm, neuroendocrine and neurobehavioral systems of the body, called light-sensitive retinal ganglion cells. Together with these studies, the effects of illumination on human psychology and physiology have been proved. In other words, indoor and outdoor lighting directly affects our physical and mental health. ”

“New generation lighting should be people-oriented…”

As with all living things on Earth, almost all physiological and behavioral parameters have a certain order in humans. The synchronization between the surrounding light and the biological clock is crucial to the effective and convenient functions of the body.

If the circadian rhythm is disturbed, many disorders may occur, such as impaired sleep patterns, poor performance, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, changes in hormone levels, changes in body temperature, blood pressure and increased risk to certain types of cancer.

Stating that we experienced not only the lighting we use in our homes and offices, but also the outdoor lighting used in contemporary and historical architectural buildings, Fikret Talu emphasizes that all these developments lead to the concept of “people-oriented lighting::

“Human-oriented lighting explains the link between health and comfort and meets the visual and emotional needs while balancing the physiological needs of users in accordance with the circadian rhythm. That's why we, as Zeve, carry out all our lighting projects with the principle of human-oriented lighting. ”

“This makes it increasingly complicated to design a good lighting environment, but it also puts us at the center of lighting design, Dr. said Dr. Larsen. Fikret Talu continues his statements with the following words:

“Traditional architectural lighting focuses on visual perception of space / structure, brightness and glare control, color reclaim, safety, light pollution and energy efficiency. However, the invisible effects of illumination, such as biological clock and wakefulness, have different measurement targets. This forces lighting designers to set a different measurement method and target than traditional architectural lighting design. ”

Light and mood are proportional…
Stating that the Lighting Research Center (LRC) at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (LRC) in the United States, which is working to develop measurements and tools for understanding and applying circadian light in real environments for lighting designers, has developed the Circadian Stimulus (CS) measure, which plays an important role in healthy building lighting design Dr. Fikret Talu concludes by emphasizing that CS measurements are graded between 0.1 and 0.7, taking into consideration the light level, color, timing, exposure time and previously exposure to light in the CS definition that should be in the environment:

“When the CS value is greater than 0.3, it is determined that the stimulation of the circadian system is most effective. In studies conducted with Alzheimer's patients, office workers, young people and healthy elderly people, exposure to 0.3 or more CS for one hour in the eye early in the morning is effective in stimulating the circadian system and shows us that light is associated with sleep, behavior and mood. ”

(New) Verilux HappyLight VT43 Luxe 10,000 Lux LED Bright White Light Therapy Lamp with Adjustable Brightness, Color, and Countdown Timer

Light Therapy Lamp - VIPEX LED Therapy Light with UV-Free 10000 Lux Brightness, 3 Adjustable Brightness Levels, Touch Control, Compact Size for Happy Mode

What are the effects of light on our body?

Light Therapy Lamp - VIPEX LED Therapy Light with UV-Free 10000 Lux Brightness, 3 Adjustable Brightness Levels, Touch Control, Compact Size for Happy Mode

A new map was created showing the areas most affected by artificial light pollution. The experts assess the effects of this light on our mental and physical health.
A very comprehensive map called 'World Atlas of Artificial Light Brightness in the Night Sky' was published this month in Science Advances. The satellite atlas of the first atlas in 2001 was not as advanced as it is today. The new atlas therefore contains a much clearer image.

Atlas measures the 'sparkle of artificial sky' that is reflected in the atmosphere from the electric light on earth at night. The glow is caused by light pollution. And what is the extent of this pollution?

Fabio Falchi, an Italian scientist at the head of the Atlas team, says that due to light pollution, one-third of people can no longer see the Milky Way galaxy, and the greatest loss is in industrialized areas. 60% of Europeans and 80% of North Americans cannot see the Milky Way galaxy at night.

But the problem with light pollution is not only about seeing stars, of course. Falchi and his team say that this pollution also affects the environment and public health.

Where is the most intense light pollution?
The satellite performs measurements and travels on poles at an altitude of 800 km from the ground, taking pictures of Earth at night. The location and intensity of the light are determined. These measurements are then converted into maps.

The brighter the sky on the map, the harder it is to see the stars at night. For example, you can see only a few stars in the night sky on Times Square in New York.

Singapur Singapore is the most heavily polluted country. So much so that the eyes of the people here cannot use their ability to adapt to night vision, Fal says Falchi.

In major metropolises in Europe, America and Asia, the level of light on the streets prevents or delays our body from shifting to night-time as it should be.

In developed countries, electric light is widely used and this causes a serious change in the environment.

Light pollution is not only a big city problem. For example, the light emitted from Las Vegas and Los Angeles also affects Death Valley National Park.

Body clock
Like other living things in the world, people have a body clock, and this clock rhythmically regulates sleep and wake patterns, hunger, activity, hormone production, body temperature and many other psychological processes. This clock, which runs every 24 hours, depends on important signals such as daylight and darkness.

The light pollution shown in the atlas is not alone and at a level that directly affects our body clock. This measurement is made by determining the extent to which melatonin is suppressed.

The light pollution measured by the Atlas is based on the reflection of the electric light in the atmosphere. These lights in our homes, workplaces and streets often have a disturbing effect on the body clock.

The shaping of the physiological structure according to the body clock emerged as a result of billions of years of evolution. The introduction of electricity into people's lives has been in question since the end of the 19th century and its spread since the 20th century. So this time is a tiny drop in the ocean in terms of evolution.

Lately, doubts have arisen that disruption of the body clock causes problems such as sleep problems, obesity, diabetes, some cancers and mood disorders! The most important factor is the electric light exposed at night.

Light pollution also causes ecological problems such as migratory birds and the death of marine mammals.

What light?
He is seriously investigating what kind of lights are more harmful to the body clock at what times of day ...

Accordingly, a bright light with high blue content during the day (fluorescent), dim light with low blue content at night is recommended. It is also advisable to stay away from the bright blue screen tablets and smartphones in the evening.

The most important data that will be revealed by these studies will be the application of the least harmful light in street lamps. In Los Angeles and New York, the fact that street lights have been completely transformed into 'white' LED lights is highly criticized. Because this light contains the blue wavelength that is most damaging to human in terms of body clock rhythm and night physiology.

Light Therapy Lamp - VIPEX LED Therapy Light with UV-Free 10000 Lux Brightness, 3 Adjustable Brightness Levels, Touch Control, Compact Size for Happy Mode

Nature Bright SunTouch Plus Light and Ion Therapy

Indoor Lighting and Effects on Emotions

Nature Bright SunTouch Plus Light and Ion Therapy

Lighting levels have an impact on human performance at many points, including vision, understanding, and mood. Therefore, it cannot be ignored that lighting affects the productivity of employees in a workplace or the learning situation of students in a classroom.

Researcher Alison Jing Xu says that the effect of a bright light on our emotional structure stems from the heat perception of the light and the heat perception stimulates the emotions. According to Alisaon Jing Xu's research, lighting a room affects decision-making and bright light acts as a catalyst for more intense emotions.

Light affects human behavior such as sleep order and mindfulness in a wide range. Research has shown an increase in the performance of students working in natural daylight. Natural light is always a plus; however, it may not always be available in places such as a classroom or business environment.

Natural light should be preferred as much as possible because it affects positively the mood of employees and students.

Due to the fact that we spend most of our time indoors, the amount and quality of light during the day varies according to the work we do. Illumination can affect our overall health and happiness depending on our eye comfort. It is quite common for eye fatigue to occur due to lighting or lack of lighting. Insufficient lighting, glare, flicker etc. situations may cause this. Eye fatigue can lead to general health problems such as headache, restlessness, fatigue and feeling unhealthy.

As in many areas of life, lighting should be in an appropriate balance where people work, spend their time or rest. Achieving the desired distribution of lighting is closely related to the light source and luminaires.

Fluorescent lamps are the most suitable form of lighting for the wide distribution of public areas such as meetings and classrooms. Low-voltage incandescent light sources and LED luminaires are suitable for narrow spaces such as corridors and staircases.

To achieve the right balance, different lighting levels in industrial or academic areas or residential areas need to be assessed by business managers. It should be remembered that a low level of light can cause sleep and an extremely bright light can cause emotional arousal. Therefore, a proper balance should be considered.

Nature Bright SunTouch Plus Light and Ion Therapy

Circadian Optics Lattis Light Therapy Lamp | As Seen On Shark Tank | 10,000 LUX Ultra Bright LED | Full Spectrum UV Free | Bold Accent Piece | Turn On Your Day

How does light affect our body?

Circadian Optics Lattis Light Therapy Lamp | As Seen On Shark Tank | 10,000 LUX Ultra Bright LED | Full Spectrum UV Free | Bold Accent Piece | Turn On Your Day

A new map was created showing the areas most affected by artificial light pollution. The expert assesses the effects of this light on our mental and physical health.

A comprehensive map, called the Atlas of Artificial Light Brightness in the Night Sky, was published this month in Science Advances. The satellite atlas of the first atlas in 2001 was not as advanced as it is today. The new atlas therefore contains a much clearer image.

Atlas measures the “artificial sky glow an that is reflected in the atmosphere from the electric light on earth at night. This glow is caused by light pollution. And what is the extent of this pollution?

Italian scientist Fabio Falchi, head of the Atlas team, says that due to light pollution, one-third of people can no longer see the Milky Way galaxy, and the greatest loss is in industrialized areas. 60 percent of Europeans and 80 percent of North Americans cannot see the Milky Way galaxy at night.

But the problem with light pollution is not just about seeing stars. Falchi and his team say this pollution also has an impact on the environment and public health.

Where is the most intense light pollution?
The satellite makes measurements and travels on poles at an altitude of 800 km from the ground, taking pictures of Earth at night. The location and intensity of the light are determined. These measurements are then converted into color maps.

The brighter the sky on the map, the harder it is to see the stars at night. For example, you can see only a few stars in the night sky at Times Square in New York at best.

In the red spots on the map, it is not possible to see the night as it is due to light pollution.

Singapur Singapore is the most heavily polluted country. So much so that the eyes of the people here cannot use their ability to adapt to night vision, Fal says Falchi.

In major metropolises in Europe, America and Asia, the level of light on the streets prevents or delays our body from shifting to night-time as it should be.

Research on the effects of this is ongoing.

Electric light is widely used in developed countries. This causes a major change in the environment.

Light pollution isn't just a big city problem. For example, the light emitted from Las Vegas and Los Angeles also affects the Death Valley National Park.

Body clock
Like other living things on earth, people have a body clock, and this clock rhythmically regulates sleep and wake patterns, hunger, activity, hormone production, body temperature and many other psychological processes. This clock, which runs every 24 hours, depends on important signals such as daylight and darkness.

Perhaps the light pollution shown in the Atlas is not at a level that directly affects our body clock. This measurement is made by determining how much suppression of the hormone melatonin.

The light pollution measured by the Atlas is based on the reflection of the electric light in the atmosphere. These lights in our homes, workplaces and streets often have a disturbing effect on the body clock.

The shaping of the physiological structure according to the body clock was the result of billions of years of evolution. The introduction of electricity into people's lives has been in question since the end of the 19th century and the spread of electricity since the 20th century.

This time is a tiny drop in the ocean in terms of evolution. We do not know much about the effect of artificial light on the body clock.

Lately, doubts have arisen that disrupting the body clock causes problems such as sleep problems, obesity, diabetes, some cancers, and mood disorders. The most important factor that causes this is the electric light exposed at night.

What light?
Light pollution also causes some serious ecological problems, such as deaths in migratory birds and marine mammals.

The biological science of the technology that causes light pollution with the invention of the light bulb is investigating what kind of lights are more harmful to the body clock at what times of day.

Accordingly, a bright blue light with high blue content during the day (fluorescent), dim light with low blue content at night is recommended. It is also recommended to stay away from the bright blue screen tablets and smartphones in the evening.

The most important data to be revealed by these studies will be the application of the least harmful light in street lamps. In Los Angeles and New York, the fact that street lights have been completely transformed into a “white” LED light is highly criticized. This light contains the blue wavelength that most damages human beings in terms of body clock rhythm and night physiology.

You can read the original English version of this article on BBC Future.
Other articles in the journal can be found here.

Circadian Optics Lattis Light Therapy Lamp | As Seen On Shark Tank | 10,000 LUX Ultra Bright LED | Full Spectrum UV Free | Bold Accent Piece | Turn On Your Day

Light Therapy Lamp, Sakobs LED Therapy Light with UV-Free 10000 Lux Brightness, LED Therapy Box with 3 Adjustable Brightness Levels, Touch Control, Standing Bracket & Compact Size for a Happy Life

Meaning of White Color, Psychological Effects of White Color on Human

Light Therapy Lamp, Sakobs LED Therapy Light with UV-Free 10000 Lux Brightness, LED Therapy Box with 3 Adjustable Brightness Levels, Touch Control, Standing Bracket & Compact Size for a Happy Life

What does white mean, what does white mean? What are the psychological effects of white color on people? White color is undoubtedly known by everyone as the color of purity, cleanliness and goodness.

The meaning of white color and its effects on human psychology have been researched and compiled for you. The white color, which has become the symbol of cleanliness and purity, gives peace and confidence to people. Emotions and behaviors associated with white color can be summarized as follows: Perfection, Cleanliness, Goodness and Coldness
The white color is the opposite of black and reflects all wavelengths of the visible light spectrum. In Eastern cultures white color is associated with grief and death. In Western cultures, purity is associated with innocence and purification. security, spirituality and belief. Negative emotions with white; isolation in relationships, feeling of emptiness and inaccessibility.
It symbolizes purity, cleanliness and innocence. In many cultures brides wear white. Plus cleaning icons. That's why doctors, nurses and laboratory technicians wear white to look sterile. White reflects light and keeps the environment cool. Therefore, it is the dress color of summer. It gives a generally cool and invigorating feeling.
People who love white are often people who love cleanliness, light and thinking, and whose imagination is wide, cool and conciliatory.

The white color, which contains all colors, is the symbol of purity and cleanliness. It represents cold blood, nobility, innocence, stability and continuity. Gives peace and confidence. Increases the power of thought. There is also a side that gives people sadness and reminds them of their troubles and problems. Perhaps for this reason, it is believed that white is the mourning color in the Far East Asian countries and especially among the Chinese.
The effect of colors on spaces cannot be underestimated. The dominant colors on the walls and furniture of your living room in your home or in your workplace will significantly affect your perceptions and moods. For this reason, it is necessary to take these into consideration when choosing colors and choose colors that match the spirit of the space used.
Meaning of white: If we look in terms of spaces and perception, spaces painted in white color are perceived as wider and more spacious. Because of this effect, it can be a suitable choice especially for narrow spaces like bathrooms, kitchens and guest rooms. However, it can easily be used in other places as a complementary and balancing color that matches all colors. The white color reflecting light reflects the light received by low light spaces in the space and makes the space brighter.

Because it evokes cleanliness and health, the white color is used frequently in healthcare, especially in hospitals and pharmaceutical companies. In fact, almost all medicine boxes are white.
Those who prefer white color in their clothing are perceived by their environment as more stable, reliable and clean. It also makes you look younger than you are and is often more effective than makeup.
People who love white are often cold, cold-blooded and accommodating, whose imagination is broad, loving cleanliness, light and thinking.
Like every color, white color has various effects on human health. Research has shown that white color can be used in the treatment of lung and intestinal diseases and diabetes in particular. Source: Meaning of White Color, Psychological Effects of White Color on Human

Light Therapy Lamp, Sakobs LED Therapy Light with UV-Free 10000 Lux Brightness, LED Therapy Box with 3 Adjustable Brightness Levels, Touch Control, Standing Bracket & Compact Size for a Happy Life

Circadian Optics Lumine Light Therapy Lamp | As Seen On Shark Tank | 10,000 LUX Ultra Bright LED | Full Spectrum UV Free | Modern Minimalist | Turn On Your Day

How does lighting affect mood?

Circadian Optics Lumine Light Therapy Lamp | As Seen On Shark Tank | 10,000 LUX Ultra Bright LED | Full Spectrum UV Free | Modern Minimalist | Turn On Your Day

You're probably reading this article in an indoor interior. For most people, modern living requires spending most of the day in indoor and artificial rooms.

However, while artificial light provides humanity with numerous possibilities, it also causes confusion in our bodies that have evolved for thousands of years to respond to the stimuli of daylight and night darkness. This response to natural light is called circadian rhythm or cycle and describes the 24-hour biological cycle of almost all living things. Circadian rhythm is mainly affected by light uptake, but temperature and other stimuli also play a role in this process.

Our natural clock is located in the part of the brain called the hypothalamus, which is linked to photoreceptors in the body (such as the retina). These receptors are responsible for synchronizing our internal clock with the light we absorb throughout the day. Understanding the circadian cycle is important because it affects the rhythms of the human body and affects sleep, mood, alertness, digestion, temperature control, and even cell regeneration. Research has shown that sufficient light increases mood and energy levels, while poor lighting contributes to depression and other body deficiencies. The amount and type of light directly affects concentration, appetite, mood and many other aspects of daily life.

But how can we have a healthy circadian rhythm if we spend most of our time in artificial light? Or the last thing we do before bedtime and the first thing we do when we wake up is to check our phones?
How can architects use lighting to promote a healthy circadian rhythm and, therefore, a healthier life? Researchers propose to simulate natural daylight cycles using artificial light. Brighter and stronger lighting is recommended in the morning and during the day, while dimmer lighting is recommended for the night. Conversely, configurations can lead to a confusing circadian rhythm that can alter our sleep patterns or reduce our energy throughout the day. A study at the University of Toronto shows that bright light “intensifies our initial emotional reactions to a stimulus” and “its effects can be both positive and negative, ışık pointing to the importance of light power.

The color temperature of the light also affects the human body. The higher the color temperature, usually shown as Kelvin (K), the brighter and cooler the light. In this case, “hot” and “cold” are not the physical heat of the lamp, but the tone or color of the light.

Warm light makes our environment feel warmer and more relaxing, while cold light makes the environment more stimulating, making us feel more focused, more focused, and improving our productivity. It is also believed that blue light reduces the level of melatonin, a sleep-related hormone, and makes us feel more alert. Because computers and mobile screens emit a lot of blue light, that last email check before bedtime makes our sleep less peaceful. When used wisely, however, blue light can be ideal in areas where the mind needs to work at full speed, such as meeting rooms, industrial kitchens and even high concentration factories.

The yellow tones at the bottom of the color scale correspond to the twilight and dawn times when the body is usually more relaxed. It makes sense if you think that until recently people were not exposed to high intensity lighting at night, only moon and fire light. Light, indirect and warm lighting tend to make environments quieter and more comfortable. While this is not a good choice for a work environment that requires productivity and productivity, it can be useful for a restaurant, relaxation area or bedroom.

Experts agree that the use of sunlight during the day and no direct exposure to cold or blue light at bedtime can improve sleep quality and positively affect a person's health and productivity. In addition, even though it is impossible to control the lighting of all the environments and spaces in which we are, it is important for us to re-evaluate some of the choices that we would make, otherwise without thinking, to be aware of the effects of the It can provide.

Circadian Optics Lumine Light Therapy Lamp | As Seen On Shark Tank | 10,000 LUX Ultra Bright LED | Full Spectrum UV Free | Modern Minimalist | Turn On Your Day

Carex Day-Light Classic Plus Bright Light Therapy Lamp - 10,000 LUX - Sun Lamp Mood Light

Do colors really affect us physically and spiritually?

Carex Day-Light Classic Plus Bright Light Therapy Lamp - 10,000 LUX - Sun Lamp Mood Light

Color Professor responds…

“Red makes the heart beat faster,” and just like in this sentence, all colors are said to have physical and mental effects. But there is no scientific data to support them. We are beginning to understand the effects of colors on human psychology in this century.

For example, we know that the ear is the center of balance of the body and 2 basic functions of the eye. The retina in the back of the eye has light-sensitive cells known as cones, and this region sends an electrochemical signal to the brain area known as the visual cortex where the images we see are formed. We also know that some retinal ganglion cells react to light by sending signals to the hypothalamus - the central brain region - which do not produce visual images.

Not Vision, Light

The hypothalamus is an important part of the brain that controls the body's self-regulated aspects, including temperature, sleep, hunger, and circadian rhythms. If we are exposed to light in the morning - especially the blue / green light - this causes the release of the hormone cortisol that stimulates and arouses us and also prevents the release of melatonin. Late in the night when the amount of blue light in the sunlight diminishes, melatonin enters the bloodstream and makes this person lethargic.

Retinal cells that do not form an image between the eye and the hypothalamus are selective to the short wavelengths of the visible spectrum in blue and green. In fact, this clearly means; our physical and mental state is clearly influenced by colors.

Research says that exposure to bright lights of short wavelength before going to bed, in other words, the use of phones and tablets negatively affects sleep quality. Sleep quality is rapidly decreasing in modern society and this problem brings along diseases such as heart diseases, diabetes and obesity. The side effects of blue / green light are often measured, but more research is needed to know the effects of other colored lights.

Experiencing Colors

Professor Dr. Stephen Westland leads the Experience Design research group at the University of Leeds. The lighting laboratory was specifically designed to evaluate the effects of light on human behavior and psychology. In the UK the lighting system is unique, we can emit colored light at any wavelength in a room. Recent research shows that colored light has a small effect on heart rate and blood pressure. Namely; red light increases heart rate, blue light lowers. The impact is small, we know it, but this finding was confirmed in a report published in 2015 by a group of similar studies in Australia.

In 2009, blue lights were placed at the end of the platforms on Tokyo's Yamanote railway line to reduce suicide. The success of these lights (suicides decreased by 74% at stations where blue lights were installed) resulted in similar colored lighting on Gatwick Airport train platforms. All this effort was based on the claim that blue light could make people calmer, but there is little scientific evidence to support these claims: a three-year study by doctoral researcher Nicholas Ciccone in the group confirms that we still do not have valid and sufficient information about the effect of colored lighting. Similar studies continue in the lab to explore the effects of colors on creativity, students' classroom learning and sleep quality.

The discovery of the visual path that does not create an image has accelerated the researches on how we respond physiologically and psychologically to the colors around us. The use of colored lighting, which has increased as a result of advances in LED technology, has led to rigorous research in this area.

Carex Day-Light Classic Plus Bright Light Therapy Lamp - 10,000 LUX - Sun Lamp Mood Light