Thursday, November 7, 2019

(New) Verilux HappyLight VT43 Luxe 10,000 Lux LED Bright White Light Therapy Lamp with Adjustable Brightness, Color, and Countdown Timer

What are the effects of lighting on human health?

(New) Verilux HappyLight VT43 Luxe 10,000 Lux LED Bright White Light Therapy Lamp with Adjustable Brightness, Color, and Countdown Timer

Misuse of light invites many health problems from cardiovascular diseases to diabetes, from cancer to hormone disorders…

He is one of the founders of ZEVE Lighting Design Studio, which has won many international awards for architectural lighting projects and has also designed the lighting design of the Presidential Complex. Fikret Talu emphasized that faulty approaches in indoor and outdoor lighting negatively affect human psychology and physiology.

He has been the founder partner of the Design Studio where he has been conducting research and practice on the physical and psychological effects of lighting on human health and the social impacts of urban living spaces. Fikret Talu says that lighting that is not applied correctly in indoor and outdoor environments disturbs the human body's biological clock due to negative effects such as excessive light exposure and wrong color choices.

The deterioration of the biological clock can lead to many health problems from cardiovascular diseases to diabetes, from poor sleep performance to poor performance, especially from increased risk to certain types of cancer.

Araştır Research has revealed that our eyes are not only gates to the world, but also our sensory organs that are closely related to our psychology and physiology, and that affect it in depth ”. Fikret Talu adds:

Dışında In addition to photoreceptors that provide vision in our eyes, new photoreceptors (ipRGC) have been identified that affect the circadian rhythm, neuroendocrine and neurobehavioral systems of the body, called light-sensitive retinal ganglion cells. Together with these studies, the effects of illumination on human psychology and physiology have been proved. In other words, indoor and outdoor lighting directly affects our physical and mental health. ”

“New generation lighting should be people-oriented…”

As with all living things on Earth, almost all physiological and behavioral parameters have a certain order in humans. The synchronization between the surrounding light and the biological clock is crucial to the effective and convenient functions of the body.

If the circadian rhythm is disturbed, many disorders may occur, such as impaired sleep patterns, poor performance, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, changes in hormone levels, changes in body temperature, blood pressure and increased risk to certain types of cancer.

Stating that we experienced not only the lighting we use in our homes and offices, but also the outdoor lighting used in contemporary and historical architectural buildings, Fikret Talu emphasizes that all these developments lead to the concept of “people-oriented lighting::

“Human-oriented lighting explains the link between health and comfort and meets the visual and emotional needs while balancing the physiological needs of users in accordance with the circadian rhythm. That's why we, as Zeve, carry out all our lighting projects with the principle of human-oriented lighting. ”

“This makes it increasingly complicated to design a good lighting environment, but it also puts us at the center of lighting design, Dr. said Dr. Larsen. Fikret Talu continues his statements with the following words:

“Traditional architectural lighting focuses on visual perception of space / structure, brightness and glare control, color reclaim, safety, light pollution and energy efficiency. However, the invisible effects of illumination, such as biological clock and wakefulness, have different measurement targets. This forces lighting designers to set a different measurement method and target than traditional architectural lighting design. ”

Light and mood are proportional…
Stating that the Lighting Research Center (LRC) at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (LRC) in the United States, which is working to develop measurements and tools for understanding and applying circadian light in real environments for lighting designers, has developed the Circadian Stimulus (CS) measure, which plays an important role in healthy building lighting design Dr. Fikret Talu concludes by emphasizing that CS measurements are graded between 0.1 and 0.7, taking into consideration the light level, color, timing, exposure time and previously exposure to light in the CS definition that should be in the environment:

“When the CS value is greater than 0.3, it is determined that the stimulation of the circadian system is most effective. In studies conducted with Alzheimer's patients, office workers, young people and healthy elderly people, exposure to 0.3 or more CS for one hour in the eye early in the morning is effective in stimulating the circadian system and shows us that light is associated with sleep, behavior and mood. ”

(New) Verilux HappyLight VT43 Luxe 10,000 Lux LED Bright White Light Therapy Lamp with Adjustable Brightness, Color, and Countdown Timer