Thursday, October 31, 2019

SHARPER IMAGE Hot & Cold Herbal Aromatherapy Neck & Shoulder Plush Wrap Pad for Soothing Muscle Pain and Tension Relief Therapy, 100% Natural Lavender & Herb Spa Blend, Use in Microwave or Freezer

Stress and tension can lead to muscle pain

SHARPER IMAGE Hot & Cold Herbal Aromatherapy Neck & Shoulder Plush Wrap Pad for Soothing Muscle Pain and Tension Relief Therapy, 100% Natural Lavender & Herb Spa Blend, Use in Microwave or Freezer

Tensions during the day; may cause head, neck, chin pain. Rheumatology Specialist Orhan Eren, the causes of muscle pain and muscle pain gave information about the underlying diseases.

Dr. Orhan Eren, mostly pain in the location of the localization of the pain is not known as a superficial, widespread pain in muscle pain, the correct diagnosis made in medicine, brings with it the right and effective treatment. Eren, stress and tension in the muscles can lead to muscle contraction, he said. While 639 muscles in our body provide the movement of our skeletal system consisting of bones with the main skeleton, we also express our feelings through the connections of the muscles to the nervous system and 60 muscles on our faces. Actin-myosin proteins in our muscles, which weigh one-third of our body, allow us to relax and move, while lactic acid accumulates in muscle cells. The accumulation of this lactic acid is the most common cause of muscle pain when we first start doing sports or when we over-exercise our muscles. Our muscles may also ache by stimulating the nerve endings to which they are connected. Our muscles may ache with mechanical stimuli such as impact, forcing, minor injuries. Stress can cause muscles to contract, causing muscle pain in tension.

Muscle pain can often be described as less severe, superficial contraction or weight, where the aching site cannot be fully localized. In unilateral use of muscles, the muscles of that side may be localized. In these types of strain pains, the pain is mostly felt as tendinitis pain at the site of muscular attachment to the bone. The commonly known tennis elbow pain is felt due to mechanical strain where half of the extensor muscles in the anterior (lower) arm are attached to the tip of the bone in the upper arm and occurs in half of the tennis players. Its medical name is lateral epicondylitis. In fact, the right and left movements of the arm, such as wiping and wiping the glass, tend to be very difficult for these muscles and tendons.

Other than physiological and mechanical / traumatic muscle pain, there may be neurological or rheumatic diseases under muscle pain. Inflammatory (rheumatic) rheumatic diseases should be considered, especially in people with morning pains, night pains, resting muscles with increased and decreased motion. Morning stiffness is usually less than half an hour in non-inflammatory soft tissue rheumatism, the most common fibromyalgia syndrome. The longer the stiffness this morning, the higher the likelihood and severity of inflammatory rheumatic disease. Tension and stress have an important role in fibromyalgia syndrome. Neck, shoulder, back, buttocks, knees and elbows, as well as sensitive points are common muscle pain. The medical name is Fibromyalgia and the other name is soft tissue rheumatism. Soft tissue rheumatism (fibromylagia) and autoimmune (deterioration of the immune system), which are not in the group of inflamed rheumatism, are distinct diseases of Connective (collagen) tissue disease. Polymyositis (itihap muscular rheumatism) is one of the connective tissue diseases.

In medicine, the right diagnosis always brings the right treatment. In other words, the treatment of muscle pain is done depending on the underlying cause. If muscle pain is very much used, mechanical impact such as impact, crushing, tearing, resting and light exercise that will not tire the muscles, massage with hot water is effective to do. Anti-inflammatory and / or muscle relaxant ointments, pills or needles may be used. Of course, orthopedic traumatology specialists should determine if there is a condition that requires surgical intervention in the examination of the physician. In the case of muscle pain other than mechanical muscle pain, the above-mentioned diseases should be diagnosed and treated accordingly.

Fibromyalgia patients with rheumatologic diseases should be evaluated by a rheumatologist, especially Spondylarthropathy, Connective tissue disease, polymyositis, polymyalgia rheumatica and treatment should be performed accordingly. If such an inflammatory rheumatic disease is accompanied by fibromyalgia, the medications administered will not suffice.

There are treatments for diseases that cause muscle pain, including fibromyalgia, and can often last for many months or years. Accurate diagnosis brings correct and effective treatment.

SHARPER IMAGE Hot & Cold Herbal Aromatherapy Neck & Shoulder Plush Wrap Pad for Soothing Muscle Pain and Tension Relief Therapy, 100% Natural Lavender & Herb Spa Blend, Use in Microwave or Freezer

Carex Health Brands Bed Buddy Heat Pad and Cooling Neck Wrap - Microwave Heating Pad for Sore Muscles - Cold Wrap Pack for Aches and Pain

Muscle Pain Causes, How Muscle Networks Pass?

Carex Health Brands Bed Buddy Heat Pad and Cooling Neck Wrap - Microwave Heating Pad for Sore Muscles - Cold Wrap Pack for Aches and Pain

It is known that there are 3 types of muscle in the human body.

These types of muscles are classified under different names depending on how they work, what features they have and where they are located in the body. In line with this distinction, muscles are classified as striated muscle, smooth muscle and heart muscle.
These muscles can be damaged for various reasons, causing people to experience pain. In later cases, it may even cause the muscles to lose their function. For this reason, the structure of muscles, functioning, to protect them, and to ensure that they are healthy to know what to do is an important part of healthy life.

What are the duties of the muscles in our body?
The muscles allow the body to stand upright in a correct position.
It supports the bones in the body.
It allows us to move our bodies.
It supports some vital functions such as blood circulation.
The calories that are taken into the body by meals, in other words, the energies are stored in the muscles.
The movement of the organs in the body is realized by the muscles.

What should we do to protect our muscles?
We shouldn't make any sudden moves.
We must avoid compelling actions.
We need to exercise regularly.
We must take care of our posture.
Balanced diet, drink plenty of water.
We must avoid unconscious movements.
When lifting weights we need to put the weight on the right points of the body.
We need to avoid stress.
We should do some relaxing activities.

What Causes Muscle Pain?

Muscle pain is called myalgia in medicine. The reason for this muscle pain is unconscious and the muscles are overloaded, sports, weight lifting, such as compelling body movements. If these movements are done continuously, it causes muscle fatigue. Over time, fatigue loses itself to wear and becomes dangerous. It is known that muscle fatigue invites some serious irreversible muscle problems when not treated. In addition;
Muscle crushing,
Impact of muscles,
Damage to muscles,
Lack of vitamins and minerals,
Bad posture,
Inadequate and unbalanced nutrition,
Not enough rest,
Still lifestyle,
Stressful life,
Psychological disorders,
Hereditary diseases,
Unconscious movements,

Muscle strain is one of the factors that cause muscle pain.

What is the effect of magnesium on muscle pain?
Magnesium is one of the essential elements for the body, 60% of which is found in the bones. The task of this element is to provide blood flow in our body and regulate the muscular system. Magnesium is essential for muscle development and protein synthesis in muscles. People who frequently experience pain in their muscles, cramps in various parts of their body, may not have enough magnesium in their bodies. In order to find a solution to your muscle pain, magnesium deficiency must be removed.

How Muscle Pain Relieves?
People experiencing muscle pain should be examined by going to a doctor. The information to be read on the Internet is for general information purposes only and cannot replace personal examination. However, the results on the internet are highly likely to mislead the person. Those who wonder how muscle pain passes firstly after going to the doctor can benefit from the following substances.
People who experience mild muscle pain can do light exercises that do not wear their muscles.
Those who complain of muscle pain with the pain can be massaged regularly to the aching areas.
Cold and hot compresses will help reduce pain.
The area where muscle pain is experienced should be rested.

Simple Solutions for Muscle Pain at Home
People suffering from muscle pain may apply some treatment methods at home according to the level of pain. Those who wonder what is good for pain can find practical solutions to their pain by making use of these methods which are extremely easy to apply.
Applying ice. When the muscles are injured, the ice to be applied will remove the illusion of the muscle. Therefore, when you experience muscle pain, applying ice on the fly will take the inflammation inside the muscle. This method is effective when applied as soon as the pain begins.
Opening and stretching movements. When starting a new day every morning, people should make movements to stretch their legs, arms and back, even if they do not have pain. Even if these movements are performed in as little as 5 minutes, the effects will be great. Those who perform these movements regularly will not experience muscle pain. At the same time, the muscles get warm and you will save yourself from big injuries for flexing. Opening stretching movements are also psychologically comfortable movements, so starting the day with these movements has a relaxing effect.
Take a shower. A warm bath taken for the purpose of dilating the veins will help relieve muscle pain. People who experience muscle pain should not make movements that force their muscles until the pain is relieved. If you are doing sports, it is better for you to take a break from sports. If you also hear pain in your leg muscles, it is important for your health that you sit for a while until your pain goes away and that you do not take long walks. Remember that excesses and overloads will increase your muscle pain.

What are the conditions and diseases that cause muscle pain?
Myalgia is a disease known to cause muscle pain. There is no contraction in the muscles of the affected people. In contrast, people experience severe pain in their muscles. If people exercise very intensely and the muscles are tired from these exercises, there is a high risk of developing this disease. Some viral diseases may also cause myalgia.
The disease called dystonia also causes muscle pain. This disease typically does not show severe pain, but severe muscle contractions are seen. People with occupations that need to use their muscles mechanically in the same direction may develop this disease. For example, people who write their jobs for a long time, and because the muscles work constantly to move the muscles to move, "printer cramps" is a disease called. Because of this disease, people constantly experience painless contractions in their fingers.

Some Suggestions for People with Muscle Pain After Sport
People who play sports often complain of muscle pain. It is extremely important to replace the energy spent in sports to avoid muscle pain, especially if an intensive exercise program is exited. In this way, the body will recover itself and the muscles will relax with the help of nutrients.
It is recommended to eat foods with high protein content for tired muscles to gain energy and to avoid pain.
It is recommended to consume healthy and complex carbohydrates within the first 40 minutes after the end of the exercise. In this way, people will feel less tired, the next day will not encounter pain from sports.
Sports people should take a warm shower at the latest within half an hour after the exercises. The warm shower after exercise has a relaxing effect on the muscles.
After training, lactic acid accumulates intensely in the body. It is necessary to drink plenty of water after exercise to dissolve the accumulated acid. In this way, both the water lost with sweat can be restored to the body and the next day people will experience muscle pain in front of.

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MIGHTY BLISS? Large Electric Heating Pad for Back Pain and Cramps Relief -Extra Large [12x24] - Auto Shut Off - Heat Pad with Moist & Dry Heat Therapy Options - Hot Heated Pad

Does applying heat to the aching area really ease the pain?

MIGHTY BLISS? Large Electric Heating Pad for Back Pain and Cramps Relief -Extra Large [12x24] - Auto Shut Off - Heat Pad with Moist & Dry Heat Therapy Options - Hot Heated Pad

Applying heat to the aching area is a widely used pain relief method. Heat is applied to the aching area to relieve pain caused by back and neck involvement, menstrual pain, muscle injuries, rheumatoid arthritis and many other reasons. But does heat treatment have a physical effect at the molecular level, or does the relaxation result from the placebo effect?

Muscle Pain
Heat treatment is used especially for muscle injuries. Muscle injuries can occur for many reasons; for example, contractions of the uterine muscles that cause menstrual pains.

In training for the development of muscles, the muscles undergo micro injuries and tears. These damages cause muscle development but also cause pain. The process that causes pain is the excessive stretching of the muscle and the lack of abundant blood. In this case, heat therapy provides quick relief. Although the placebo effect in relaxation cannot be denied, heat therapy has proven to provide more than psychological relief.

Heat Therapy
Heat creates a range of effects that will contribute to the muscle mass. Warming causes vessels to dilate. The dilation of the vessels will accelerate the blood flow in the region. For example, it contributes to the removal of residues (lactic acid, etc.) caused by muscle injuries. It also accelerates healing by providing more nutrients and oxygen to the damaged part of the muscle.

In the case of muscle spasms, heat leads to relaxation of the ligaments and relaxation of the muscles. This helps to relieve stiffness and pain in the muscles.

LED heat therapy
Research has revealed another very important effect of heat therapy. As you know, there are receptors in our body that allow us to perceive temperature, cold and pain. In case of a temperature above 40 ° C, the heat receptors are activated, the P2X3 pain receptors are blocked. When P2X3 receptors are disabled, the pain sensation is eliminated. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) molecules released by damaged cells or tissues activate pain receptors on the cells. When heat receptors are activated, they block pain receptors. Therefore, although ATP is released by damaged or dying cells, it does not trigger pain.

Heat has been shown to provide relief at the molecular level. The effects of painkillers on our bodies are no different.

Electric heating pad
Although heat treatment is helpful in relieving pain, there are some points we should be aware of during the application:

Our body is about 37 ° C. Therefore, if the applied heat is too high, it may cause burns. During application, the skin should be checked regularly.
Heat therapy should be administered at least 48 hours after injury. If bone fracture is involved, it should not be applied to the fracture site, since it may dilate the vessels and cause bleeding.
It is recommended to take short breaks instead of applying them for a long time.
Can be used in chronic pain.
Water heating methods allow better heat penetration into the area.
A number of methods are used in the treatment of heating: hot-dipped towels, hot-water bags, heating pads and the like.
As a result, heat therapy is an effective method of pain relief. Moreover, it is a safer and more efficient alternative to pain medication.

MIGHTY BLISS? Large Electric Heating Pad for Back Pain and Cramps Relief -Extra Large [12x24] - Auto Shut Off - Heat Pad with Moist & Dry Heat Therapy Options - Hot Heated Pad

Monday, October 28, 2019

Always Dailies Regular Thin Unscented Pantiliners, 120 ct (Pack of 2)

What you need to know about irregular periods

Always Dailies Regular Thin Unscented Pantiliners, 120 ct (Pack of 2)

The normal length of a woman's menstrual cycle is 28 days, but it varies between individuals. Irregular menstruation occurs when the length of the cycle is more than 35 days, or if the duration changes.

Periods usually begin during puberty, between the ages of 10-16, and continue until menopause when a woman is 45-55 years old.

Treatment for irregular periods during puberty and during menopause is usually not necessary, but if irregular periods occur during reproductive years, you may need medical help.

How do I know?
The menstrual cycle lasts approximately 28 days, but may vary from 24 days to 35 days depending on the individual.

Most women have between 11 and 13 units each year. Bleeding usually lasts 5 days, but this can vary from 2 to 7 days.

When menstruation first begins, it can take up to 2 years to form a regular cycle. After puberty, most women are menstruating. The length of time between each period is similar.

However, for some women, periods are. The duration varies considerably. This is known as irregular menstruation.

The main symptom of irregular menstruation is that the cycle is longer than 35 days or changes according to length.

This is considered irregular if there are changes in blood flow or if clots appearing more than 2.5 centimeters in diameter.

A number of factors increase the likelihood of irregular menstruation. Most are related to hormone production. The two hormones that affect menstruation are estrogen and progesterone.

What are the treatments?
If necessary, treatment will depend on the cause.

Adolescence and menopause: Irregular periods during puberty or when a woman enters menopause usually do not need treatment.

Birth control: Irregular bleeding can be regulated with birth control pills.

Stress and eating habits: Emotional stress, eating disorder or sudden weight loss triggers irregular periods can help psychological therapy.

Is there a connection with pregnancy?
Irregular periods may indicate a problem with fertility, but this is not always the case. Even if menstruation is irregular, ovulation may occur.

Here are some things you can do to track ovulation:

Mark all periods in the calendar.
Measure your fever every day and note when it rises. This may indicate that ovulation has occurred.
If irregular periods are associated with fertility problems, these records will help the physician diagnose.

Anyone who is concerned about irregular menstruation should seek medical advice.

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Menstrual Irregularity and Pregnancy

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What is menstrual irregularity?
Women are usually menstruated 11 to 13 times a year. This number is considered to be the normal menstrual cycle in menstruation 1 to 2 more or less, but menstruation that is seen more or less indicates that this is not normal.

Menstrual irregularity is understood by looking at normal values. Menstrual irregularity is experienced in young girls for several years and returns to normal. Consult a doctor for menstrual irregularities that do not return to normal or do not continue in the normal cycle.

How are menstrual irregularities detected?
It is easy to determine whether the person has menstrual irregularities or not in the menstrual period. Therefore, every woman who has menstruation should take note of all the situations she has experienced during this period.

Start and end date of menstrual cycle should be noted
Pay attention to the amount of menstrual flow
Menstrual period after sexual intercourse should be considered if there is bleeding
Abnormal situations should be noted

Menstrual Irregularity Causes?
Menstrual irregularities occur for many reasons. This situation varies from person to person. Irregularities are experienced in every woman for different reasons. Generally, stress, seasonal changes, drug use and some diseases cause menstrual irregularity.

Birth Control Pills
Uterine fibroids
Excessive weight gain or weight loss
Endometrial hyperplasia
Uterine cancer
Thyroid problems
Cirrhosis of the liver
Systemic lupus
Abortion or ectopic pregnancy
Estrogen supplements
Use of blood thinners
Use of intrauterine devices for birth control
Antidepressant use
Estrogen or progesterone imbalance

What are the symptoms of menstrual irregularity?
Period less than 21 days more than 35 days
Not seeing 3 or more consecutive pieces
Bleeding is more or less than normal
Menstrual and pain, pain, cramps lasting more than 7 days
Bleeding after menopause
Bleeding after intercourse

Does Menstrual Period Prevent Pregnancy?
Menstrual irregularity, in some cases, may prevent, delay, and in some cases prevent pregnancy. This situation varies according to the causes of menstrual irregularity.

Apart from menstrual irregularities, some conditions prevent pregnancy. Generally, some diseases and reproductive diseases are among the factors that prevent and delay pregnancy.

Therefore, the first reason for not being able to get pregnant is shown as menstrual irregularity, but in some people the menstrual irregularity is the first reason for not getting pregnant. So this situation varies from person to person.

Some women with menstrual irregularities have problems with ovulation. Women who do not experience regular and balanced ovulation are less likely to become pregnant. Therefore, people should consult a doctor for menstrual irregularities.

Menstruation (Menstrual) Irregularities When Ovulation Periods?
Ovarian disorders are the most common cause of menstrual irregularity. Therefore, irregular menstruation is more difficult to determine the time of ovulation and make it easier to become pregnant. Not all women experience a normal menstrual cycle.

Menstrual irregularities should determine their menstrual cycle. A calendar should be created by calculating the menstrual start date and the menstrual end date. Every woman should use a calendar to determine her menstrual cycle. This is important for women.

Ovulation period calculation can be done in general by coming 14 days from the expected date. In other words, the woman's ovulation period is seen as the 14th day after the first day of menstruation. Ovulation tests sold in pharmacies and tests that determine ovulation can also be used.

Menstrual Irregularity Treatment
First, the cause of menstrual irregularity should be investigated. It is learned whether this is due to hormonal or reproductive organs. Once the cause of menstrual irregularity has been identified, treatment should be determined. This condition of the person should be taken into account if the menstrual irregularity causes excess weight and excessive weakness.

If it is overweight, treatment is applied for weight loss and for weight gain. If menstrual irregularities are experienced due to mental conditions, the person should receive support from psychiatry. Menstrual irregularities caused by hormonal disorders are treated with drugs. Birth control pills are generally used. These drugs are used between 6 months and 1 year.

► Menstrual Plants, Cures and Movements

► Plants and Cures for Menstrual Irregularity

► Ways to eliminate menstrual pain

► Things to Know About Menstrual Pain

► Menstrual Period Calculation

► Causes of Menstrual Delay

► Sexual desire before and during menstruation

► Menstrual Irregularity and Pregnancy

► Considerations During Menstrual Period

► Menstrual Retardant Pills and Effects


Written and visual contents in our news are compiled from different sources, suggestion and information letter. There is no definitive diagnosis and treatment. In case of any health problems, consult your doctor.

The Honest Company Organic Cotton Liners | Hypoallergenic | Ultra-Soft and Ultra-Thin | PH Compatible | Breathable | Plant-Based with Organic Cotton | Fine Liners | 24 Count

Always Xtra Protection Pantiliners - 200 Count

Menopause is not the End of Life

Always Xtra Protection Pantiliners - 200 Count

Menopause, which constitutes approximately one third of female life, is an important transition period. Menopause, which is the last menstrual bleeding, is a natural process and develops slowly. Perimenopause is the period of transition to menopause and postmenopause is the period after menopause and continues until the end of menopause complaints.

Menopause affects women physically and spiritually to varying degrees. The symptoms and effects of menopause may be different in every woman, and many diseases are more common in the menopausal age group. Studies in the average age of menopause in women 50-52 years of age when menopause age in Turkey is 46.7 years old.

Although genetic factors are the first determining factor at the age of menopause; factors such as number of pregnancies, first menstrual age, previous surgery, hysterectomy, chemotherapy or radiotherapy, use of birth control pills, race, nutrition, socio-economic status, working status, physical characteristics, alcohol-cigarette consumption also play a role.

Affects the entire system of the body
In the perimenopausal period, some problems such as menstrual irregularities, abnormal bleeding, flushing, sexual problems and psychological problems may be experienced.

In menopause, about 80% of women have hot flashes in the short term, but also complaints such as sweating, fatigue, insomnia, depression, stress, anxiety, changes in appetite, irritability, headache, depression, restlessness, joint and muscle pain, palpitation and insomnia. may is.

In the long term, vaginal dryness due to estrogen deficiency, vaginal dryness due to vaginal atrophy, pain in the relationship, burning, bleeding, sexual reluctance, aging of the skin, loss of bone, increased risk of cardiovascular diseases are observed.

Suggestions for the golden age of women
Do not neglect the controls: Regular mammography, breast ultrasound, gynecological examination and PAP smear test, complete blood count, liver function tests, TSH, such as have a health check.

Tea-coffee increases hot flashes: Menopause decreases daily caloric requirement. You need to maintain your weight balance. To prevent bone loss and cardiovascular disease, low-calorie, low-cholesterol, calcium-rich diet should be careful. Reducing fat (especially saturated fat) and sugar intake and increasing the amount of fiber in your diet will help you maintain your ideal weight. Limit your consumption of salt and sugar. Avoid caffeine-containing foods such as tea, coffee, cola, chocolate that can trigger insomnia, hot flashes and bone resorption. You can drink herbal teas with a calming effect.

Strengthen your muscles and your heart: Still life adversely affects the menopause process. Regular physical activity strengthens bones and muscles and heart, slows bone loss, increases balance, flexibility and agility and self-confidence, reduces stress and plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy weight.

Hormone treatment against complaints: Hormone therapy reduces hot flashes, sleep disturbances and menopause-related mental changes, vaginal dryness, night sweats, fatigue and joint pain. Reduces mortality from large bowel cancer by 50%. Less than 5 years of use does not increase the risk of breast cancer. Once you understand the benefits and risks of hormone therapy, your choice doesn't have to be permanent, even if you decide to take it or not. You can always change your mind. You should decide with your doctor.

Talk to your doctor about the best treatment: In addition to hormone treatments, there are alternative treatments available to treat menopausal symptoms, and you can talk to your doctor about their suitability.

Set sail for new activities: make plans for the best way to live this period of your life, increase your social activities, take time for your family, participate in activities you will enjoy and feel free to talk to your doctor about your problems and, if necessary, seek medical help.

Hormonal changes cause mental distress
Menopausal women are the most common and experienced symptoms; loss of self-esteem and inability to enjoy life, susceptibility, crying for no reason, dislike, attention and concentration difficulties, re-remembering and experiencing sad memories, changes in sleep cycles. Symptoms of anxiety may be described as unjustified fears, tension, irritability, restlessness, panic and decreased sexual desire.

One of the most important elements to be considered here; menopause alone is not a cause of psychiatric disease. It is thought that mental life is negatively affected by the decrease in estrogen levels in menopause. Hormonal changes alone are not responsible for psychological symptoms; hot flushes, sweating and sleep rhythm changes that start after these changes may play a role as stressors in the life cycle of women and may negatively affect the mental state.

In addition, the personality and family characteristics of the woman (mood, sociality, family structure, role of motherhood, relationship with children), social, professional and economic characteristics (retirement, social withdrawal, marital separation of children) are perceived in the society where menopause occurs (traditional There are many factors such as increasing the status of women as the age increases in societies, making them more restful, and perceiving women in the western societies as losing their beauty and power). It is also known that important life events experienced during menopause increase the psychological effects of menopause.

Meditation against mental changes
Each woman should be evaluated individually and recommendations should be made according to personality traits, living conditions, stressor factors and comorbidities. These recommendations; physical activities, especially physical symptoms, regular exercise, healthy and appropriate nutrition, time to sleep and relaxation, relaxation techniques such as yoga, exercise, meditation, listening to music, to engage in different areas in order to reduce isolation and isolation from social life. assistance groups and social associations). The resulting psychological changes should be evaluated by a psychiatrist if these recommendations and lifestyle changes are not regulated when applied.

Bone resorption leads to sagging of body tissue
Sagging of many areas of the body is seen with age and especially after menopause. The causes of this condition are some changes in all tissues. Bone resorption, decreased elasticity of tissue, ejaculation and increases in adipose tissue, muscle tissue loss and gravity are some of the responsible factors.

First of all, loosening of the tissues on the cheekbone, decrease in fullness and deep grooves may occur around the mouth. Deformations are corrected by filling or adipose tissue injection. For advanced sagging, mid-face lift surgery can be performed.

Botox against wrinkles, sagging stretching operation
Platismal bands and sagging occur in the neck region. The prominence of these bands is reduced by botulinum toxin. In advanced sagging, neck stretching is inevitable and very positive results can be obtained.

The forehead wrinkles and the eyebrows are stacked on the eyelids. It is also possible to manipulate brow level and remove forehead wrinkles with botulinum toxin. The forehead stretching and eyebrow lifting operations are done with incisions made from the hair and stored in the hair.

Sagging and bagging of the eyelids occur. The gold standard surgery for these is to fix the bags by taking the surplus skin. After surgical procedures to the eyelids, there is an indistinct scar. In patients who do not prefer such interventional procedures, these deformations can be performed individually by focused ultrasound or radiofrequency-based devices.

Restore your body to its original form in a short time
Breast sagging treatment is breast lift and reduction surgery. Thanks to these surgeries, both sagging breasts are erected and volume reduction can be performed. During these processes, we can give the breast a more fresh and full appearance. It is possible to gain volume in the emptied and sagging breasts by using oil injection or silicone implant placement methods during erecting surgery.

Sagging in the abdomen is corrected by abdominal stretching and liposuction. Relaxation of abdominal wall and tightening of muscles are performed in the same session. Fat accumulation and sagging in the upper and inner legs of the leg are made by incisions hidden in the groin area to be made in this region. Regional fat tissue increase is corrected with liposuction.

The sagging and fat tissue increase especially in the lower parts of the arms are also corrected by liposuction and stretching surgery. The incisions made by the inside of the arm are not visible because they are in the contact area of ​​the arm.

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Always Ultra Thin Overnight Feminine Pads with Wings, Unscented, 38 Count

Menstrual bleeding problems and irregular bleeding

Always Ultra Thin Overnight Feminine Pads with Wings, Unscented, 38 Count

What is Irregular Bleeding?
A woman with a normal menstrual cycle will experience bleeding on average every 28 days (this period is from the first day of one menstrual period to the first day of the other menstrual period) and this bleeding continues for 3-7 days. The bleeding, which is relatively high in the first days, gradually decreases and ends completely at the latest 7 days. During this period, women lose an average of 40 milliliters of blood. Some women may also have a spotting bleeding that lasts a few drops during the ovulation period, which coincides with two bleeding. This bleeding occurs during ovulation in these women repeats monthly and is not considered an abnormal condition.

Any deviation from the above-described pattern is defined as irregular bleeding. Since each type of irregularity has its own causes and treatment methods, it is very important that the woman is able to describe the disorder well to her doctor at the diagnosis stage.

One of the most common causes of irregular bleeding in a reproductive age woman with active sexual life is pregnancy-related problems. For this reason, the first question the Obstetrician and Gynecologist will ask you is "can pregnancy be the case?" It will be. Even if you are using an effective contraceptive method, examinations are carried out in most cases.

Another important factor in menstrual irregularities is the lack or excess of thyroid hormones. Menstrual bleeding is often impaired in the absence or excess of these hormones.

Irregular hemorrhages show one or both of the following characteristics and are defined according to these characteristics.

Menstruation ("amenorrhea")
A period of three consecutive delays in menstruation or at least 6 months of absence or no menstrual bleeding occurs.

Sparse (Delayed) Menstruation ("oligomenorrhea")
It is the case that the number of menstrual bleeding per year is reduced (menstrual cycles last longer than 35 days).

Frequent Menstruation ("Polymenorrhea")
Increased number of menstrual bleeding (menstrual cycles lasting less than 21 days) is the condition.

Excessive Bleeding or Long Term Menstruation
("hypermenorrhea" or "menorrhagia")
Increased amount or day of bleeding in a cycle.

Less Bleeding or Short Term Menstruation ("hypomenorrhea")
Reduction in the amount or day of bleeding in a cycle.

Intermediate Bleeding ("metroraji")
Bleeding is the condition that occurs outside the usual bleeding days.

Post-Relationship Bleeding
It is a condition where unexpected bleeding occurs immediately after or the next day.

Bleeding in Childhood
Vaginal bleeding is not expected in a girl who has not reached puberty yet and the cause must be clarified.

Problems Specific to Adolescence
Adolescence is a period in which menstruation begins but is still relatively irregular. Some problems may arise during this period.

Problems in Transition to Menopause
The transition to menopause may be in the form of discontinuation of menstrual bleeding in some of the women or may follow a transition period with various irregular bleeding in some of them. The most common problem is bleeding in menopause and requires further examination.

Why do women get menstrual bleeding?
Between the first days of two bleeding and the purpose of the cycle is to prepare the uterus for pregnancy. Both physiological and mental processes contribute to the regular functioning of this cycle: On the first day of each menstrual period, an egg cell begins to mature and produce estrogen hormone in one of the ovaries with the effect of a hormone secreted from the pituitary gland in the brain. This hormone is responsible for the thickening of the inner layer of the uterus and the completion of preliminary preparations for pregnancy. During this thickening period which lasts for 14 days, fluid accumulates around the egg cell and is approximately 18-20 mm. diameter is filled with fluid and called the follicle fluid pouch occurs.

During these events, when the level of another hormone secreted from the pituitary gland reaches a certain stage, this developing follicle fractures and the mature egg cell is released. This cell enters the Fallopian tube and begins to advance here. In the fallopian tube, the egg cell encounters a sperm cell and if fertilization occurs, pregnancy begins.

Progesterone hormone starts to rise in the blood in addition to estrogen hormone immediately after ovulation. This hormone makes the inner layer of the uterus suitable for the placement of the fertilized egg and the continuation of pregnancy and in a sense, it completes the preliminary preparations made by the estrogen hormone. If pregnancy does not occur, the inner layer of the uterus begins to fall out after a certain period of time with decreasing hormone levels in the blood. This spill occurs with bleeding. With this bleeding called menstruation, the inner layer of the uterus begins to be prepared for a possible pregnancy in the new menstrual cycle and the above events start again.

The most important mechanism that ensures periodic regularity of menstruation is ovulation and the secreted progesterone hormone. If ovulation does not occur for any reason, the inner layer of the uterus continues to thicken under the influence of estrogen, and unexpectedly, often delayed and often more than normal bleeding occurs.

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