Monday, October 28, 2019

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Causes of menstrual irregularity

Poise Pantiliners Regular Length Very Light Absorbency 48ct Each (Pack of 2)

Gynecology-Obstetrics and IVF Specialist Op.Dr.Serdar Koç, women's menstrual irregularity problem in childhood, adolescence, fertility, pre-menopause and menopause by separating the irregular bleeding should be examined in this way, he said.

Gynecology and Obstetrics and IVF Specialist Op.Dr.Serdar Koç, “Menstrual irregularity before defining the normal menstrual order must be defined. The period from the beginning of one menstrual cycle to the beginning of the other is between 21-35 days (ideally 28 days). a pain is normal. Deviations from all these definitions should be perceived as menstrual irregularities. ”

Gynecology-Obstetrics and IVF Specialist Op.Dr.Serdar Koç, in his information on the subject noted the following:

“Frequent, early menstruation; The menstrual cycle lasts less than 21 days is called polymenorrhea. As a result, the number of menstrual bleeding seen in 1 year increases.

It should always be kept in mind that in the event of a frequent bleeding in a woman who has regular menstrual bleeding, this bleeding may actually be an intermediate bleeding.

Sparse menstruation, delays; Menstrual cycles last longer than 35 days is called oligomenorrhea. As a result of this, menstrual bleeding is seen 3-4 times a year.

In this case, if there is bleeding for less than 21 days and lasting more than 35 days, we can talk about the presence of a problem if there is more than 2-3 pads (40 ml in amount) and bleeding more than 8 days in the day. It is unnatural for menstrual blood to contain clots and fragments.

If we talk about the other problematic bleeding, one of them is less bleeding or short-term menstruation and the other is excessive bleeding or long-term menstruation. The decrease in the amount or day of bleeding is called hypomenorrhea.

The amount of bleeding in menstrual period tends to decrease with advancing age.

The most advanced dimension of menstrual irregularities is eme amenorrhea eme. If a young girl has reached the age of 15-16 and has not yet had menstruation, the cause should be investigated: var Physiological amenorrhea var. During pregnancy, women do not menstruate, before puberty and menopause, breastfeeding is not seen ...

Gynecology-Obstetrics and IVF Specialist Op.Dr.Serdar Koç, about the causes of menstrual irregularities, “Menstrual irregularities are usually caused by organic and hormonal reasons.

At the beginning of the uterus and benign tumors are considered as benign tumors. Adenomyosis, which causes thickening of the uterine wall, polyps arising from the uterine membranes, or spirals applied for birth control purposes are other common causes. increases.

Disorders in hormones secreted from the ovaries, birth control pills, etc., containing hormones and pregnancy, of course, are the major causes of hormonal-induced menstrual disorders.

Treatment; In order to reveal the source of the problem, gynecological examination, ultrasonographic examination (when necessary, tomography, MRI, hsg) and the measurement of hormones secreted from the ovary and other parts of the body (especially the thyroid gland) at the same time should be kept in mind. 2-4 days of the cycle).

It is not correct to use only menstrual medications before the problem is revealed. We can use this kind of preparations to give an 80-year-old woman a period, but in fact we cover the actual disease.

After a detailed examination, if the problem is an anaotomic problem, the preferred treatment modality is surgical approach.

In almost all of these problems, laparoscopic method called closed method should be preferred. Open surgery should be abandoned due to the side and adverse effects caused by modern medicine.

During the use of birth control pills should be kept in mind that there may be intermittent bleeding for the first 1-2 months, and the patient should be patient and the change of preperation should be recommended in cases of bleeding exceeding this period.


Since menstrual irregularity may be an indicator of ovulation disorder, it is normal for women with this problem to have difficulties in getting pregnant. A woman with menstrual irregularities should apply to a reproductive health center, especially if she wants to have children.

Once the cause of the irregularity has been identified, treatment for this reason is necessary. Sometimes pregnancy can be achieved with very simple treatments, but in some cases it may be necessary to apply in vitro fertilization techniques called advanced reproductive techniques.


In addition to stress and distress, climate changes can occasionally cause menstrual irregularities. If this is the only reason underlying the irregularity, it may resolve spontaneously over time.


First of all, I recommend every woman to keep their menstrual calendar regularly from puberty. When menstrual irregularities begin to be observed, the diversity of menstrual irregularities should be considered. If these irregularities repeat and increase for several months, it is absolutely necessary to consult a physician. ”

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Organyc 100% Certified Organic Cotton Panty Liner, Light Flow, Folded, 24Count

How to pray in irregular flows during menopause?

Organyc 100% Certified Organic Cotton Panty Liner, Light Flow, Folded, 24Count

Irregular bleeding in a menopausal woman is not regarded as a menstrual but as a discharge of employment / apology.

In this case, a woman who comes from her blood constantly, takes ablutions for all the time because she is handicapped, and she performs prayer and other prayers with this ablution as long as she wishes, unless there is an excuse for disturbing the ablution other than her discomfort. With the emergence of prayer time or other ablution occurs when a state of distortion is broken (Mevlili, al-Ihsan, Istanbul, ts., I, 29).

What is the provision of blood from a pregnant woman? The bleeding that a pregnant woman sees is not menstruation, but blood (apology). The blood of choice is the blood flowing from anywhere in the body. With this blood flow only ablution is broken, gusül is not required. (Mevsılî, Elder, Istanbul, ts. I, 27) .If the opinion of the device is continuous, the provisions of general disability apply. Accordingly, a pregnant woman who constantly sees blood receives a new ablution with each prayer time; This ablution is valid until it emerges at that time unless it is disturbed for another reason (Mevsılî, Elder, İstanbul, ts. I, 29). Source: How to perform prayer in irregular flows during menopause?

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Carefree Acti-Fresh Freedom Fit Panty Liners, Regular, 168 Count

How normal is the menstrual irregularity?

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Menstrual bleeding is a periodic bleeding that starts in puberty and continues every month until menopause. Menstrual bleeding that occurs every 26 to 32 days and lasts 3 to 5 days is considered normal.

ISTANBUL - Bleeding between 2-4 pads a day is also natural. The menstrual cycle, which is 28 days on average, is different from 26-32 days.

The most frequently asked question is neden Why are my menses irregular? ”. Under this problem, in fact, the regular menstrual period, because they are psychologically conditioned because there is a tendency to expect menstruation on the same day every month, "said Acibadem Bakirkoy Hospital Gynecology and Obstetrics Department Responsible Prof. Dr. Cihat Ünlü, women frequently asked questions about irregularities :

What types of irregularities do women have?
Frequent menstruation (every 15-20 days), rare menstruation, longer than 35 days (every 2-3 months). Bleeding occurs in non-menstrual periods, can see a large amount of menstrual period, may be prolonged, the amount may be too much, can continue for 8-10 days, 6-12 pads per day can be used.

The amount of menstruation is very small, which is not always pathological. Women who take birth control pills and similar medications will have a reduced menstrual period, and some menstrual hormones may also decrease. In other periods, the amount of menstruation decreases rarely. The most advanced dimension of menstrual irregularities is eme amenorrhea eme. If a young girl has reached the age of 15-16 and has not yet had menstruation, the cause should be investigated: var Physiological amenorrhea var. During pregnancy, women do not menstruate, before puberty and menopause, breastfeeding is not seen.

Why Does a Woman Have Menstruation?
The reason for menstruation is the following: The uterus prepares for a future baby each month following ovulation, the walls of the uterus become thicker, preparing a velvet bed for the nesting of a possible embryo. This is caused by hormones. If there is no sexual intercourse during ovulation or if pregnancy is prevented, this intrauterine layer (endometrium), which is prepared for nesting of the baby, thickens when the pregnancy does not occur, is poured out with bleeding. Then the layer thickens again. Preparing for baby again. This process is repeated every month until menopause. Regular menstruation is provided.

Why are the irregularities caused?
The mechanism that operates the entire hormonal system in a woman starts from the brain. Ovarian hormones are produced, the walls of the uterus thickens. All kinds of factors, stress, mental problems, seasonal changes, long air travels and all kinds of events that may affect you can change the order of the mechanism that initiates this system in the brain. Problems in hormones, the absence of ovulation, ovulation problems, polycystic ovarian disease, ovarian tiny cysts can cause menstrual irregularities.

Apart from these, the most important reason is the organic problems that we will investigate after excluding these hormonal factors. If uterine fibroids are located in the inner layer of the uterus causes menstrual irregularity. Other fibroids also cause menstrual irregularity. Cysts should not be forgotten.

What is done in the treatment?
First, we go through a very detailed gynecological examination to find the cause. Young girls are doing ultrasound. We exclude uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, organic problems, and look at hormones, vaginal smears, ultrasound. We look at tumor values, and if hormonal factors are involved, we can give corrective treatments. We also apply treatments that dissolve the cysts. We remove them by laparoscopy, we take fibroids.

The uterine fibroids located in the internal cavity must be removed. It is not possible to correct them with drug treatment. With the advanced technology called hysteroscopy, we can remove these fibroids without opening the abdomen and regularize the menstrual bleeding. My advice to every woman is that they keep their menstrual calendar regularly since puberty. Every woman has menstrual irregularities once or twice a year. They should not panic.

If these irregularities repeat and increase for several months, it is absolutely necessary to consult a physician. Cysts should be prevented with simple treatments when fibroids are mostly in small stages. Very rarely, hemorrhages may be large enough to require removal of the uterus. We can solve this in simpler ways. We can take a 51-year-old woman with a uterine fibroid to restore her health, but we cannot recommend it to a 28-year-old woman.

Does Painful Menstrual Affect Daily Life?
Painful menstruation can adversely affect a person's social and business life. One can have difficulty focusing on his or her daily life from thinking of pain. Professor Dr. Cihat Ünlü, these pains are actually physiological and the resulting menstrual blood should be thrown out by opening the uterus, as a result of the contraction of the uterus says that more or less pain occurs. Pointing out that painful menstruation is a very serious health problem. Dr. Cihat Ünlü, said:

“This is a very serious health problem. We do all the examinations along with the examinations. Cysts, fibroids, chocolate cysts that we call endometriosis cause it. The removal of these cysts as soon as they are diagnosed is an important factor. We certainly use medication. Drug treatments can be given primarily to these cysts. We eliminate cysts that can be prevented with medication. We provide pain relief treatments, and use a wide range of painkillers.

It is more effective if the patient takes the drug while the pain begins. This is the most important criterion in pain management. Birth control pills can also suppress ovulation and eliminate menstrual pains. To be effective, these pills need to be used in certain periods. ”

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Always Xtra Protection Daily Feminine Panty Liners for Women, Extra Long, Unscented, 34 Count - Pack of 6 (204 Total Count)

Many women in the reproductive period cannot conceive because of menstrual irregularities. How can irregular menstruation calculate ovulation? How do women with irregular menstruation understand their pregnancy?
Many women in the reproductive period are curious about whether or not they have ovulation because of irregular menstrual cycle and pregnancy. In practice, it can be said that a woman who has a menstrual period every 25-35 days probably ovulates. Longer or shorter menstrual periods may be indicative of anovulation.
Calendar method:

It is possible to find out if there is ovulation with a few practical information. The leading method is the calendar method. If the first day and the last day of menstruation begin for several months, it may be possible to determine the duration of one's own menstrual cycle. According to this cycle, it is the estimated ovulation period 14 days before the next expected number, and couples planning pregnancy are advised to engage in the interval including 2 days before and 2 days after this day. In addition, some unclear findings, such as increased mucus secretion between two menstrual periods and menstrual pains during the same periods, may indicate ovulation of sudden onset groin pain. Sensitization in the breasts, fluid retention in the body, changes in appetite and mood changes may suggest ovulation. Progesterone, one of the female hormones, increases in the body immediately after ovulation. This may cause some increase in body temperature.
Measuring body temperature:

If women measure their body temperature sublingually, preferably with mercury thermometers (digitals can be misleading in this test), before and after the second day of menstruation, they will record a 0.5-1 degree increase in temperature after a while. This suggests that ovulation is about 2 days ago. The calendar method and basal body temperature monitoring are somewhat inadequate in determining fertile days because many women have irregular menstruation and cannot calculate the order. Body temperature monitoring also gives information only after some time after ovulation. However, a woman can get pregnant more easily by the relationship she has entered about 24 hours before ovulation.
Vaginal mucus evaluation:

The cheapest and practical way to determine the time of ovulation is to evaluate the quality of vaginal mucus. Increased levels of estrogen just before ovulation increase the amount of mucus; it makes it more transparent, fluid and elastic, and women are more likely to conceive from the moment they detect it.
Electronic kits:

A much more valuable method is to capture the moment when the excretion of hormones called LH in urine increases, which is now available on the market for kits that can be easily used at home. These kits are more expensive, but give more accurate answers. Electronic kits that detect both estradiol and LH excretion make the result more reliable.
In spite of all the above methods, the patients who cannot determine the ovulation period can make the timing with the egg diameter measurements in the ultrasonography to be performed by the gynecologists.

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Causes menstrual irregularity? How is it treated?

Poise Active Collection Incontinence Liners with Wings, Light Absorbency, 104 Count

The menstrual period can often show irregularity during the first few years after menstruation.

Menstrual irregularity causes:
Most women go through menstruation 11-13 times throughout the year. Values ​​close to this figure (1-2 or less) are considered normal. Therefore, an assessment can be made on the issue of menstrual irregularity only by looking at the values ​​that are normal for you.

The menstrual period may show frequent irregularities during the first few years after menstruation begins. In order for menstruation to enter the normal time cycle, the hormones that require menstruation must be balanced. The same is true before the periods of "perimenopause" and "menopause", when menstruation approaches the end. Menopause starts after 12 months after the last menstrual period.

How to treat menstrual irregularities:

If the cause of bleeding is caused by reproductive organs, that is, if there is no hormone disorder, treatment is done for the cause. For example, if the uterus has large fibroids or cancer, the patient should be operated.

Any bleeding seen during menopause is important and should be investigated in detail. For this, vaginal ultrasound, intrauterine biopsy, pathological examination and hysteroscopy should be performed and definitive diagnosis should be made.

As a result of all these investigations, if there is no disease that can cause bleeding; menstrual irregularity is due to hormonal imbalance, and in this case, menstrual regulatory drugs are tried to regulate bleeding.

In addition to contraceptive drugs, balancing alternative drugs can be used in medical treatment.

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Thin Dailies, Unscented, Wrapped 120 Count

How can women with menstrual disorders become pregnant?

Thin Dailies, Unscented, Wrapped 120 Count

Women of reproductive age are normally expected to have menstrual bleeding, ideally every 28 days. Menstrual irregularity is defined as having two bleeding intervals less than 21 days or longer than 35 days. This period between two bleeding is counted from the day of the previous menstrual bleeding until the next menstrual period. Women who are out of this range, ie menstrual irregularities, have some problems. Hyperprolactinemia, polycystic ovary syndrome, premature ovarian insufficiency and perimenopausal hormone menstrual irregularity which can cause infertility in women can cause infertility. In addition, problems such as pregnancy, weight loss, eating disorders, intensive exercise program, excessive stress, systemic diseases experienced by the woman may cause menstrual irregularity and cause reproductive problems. In this context, it is very important that women who want to get pregnant regularly have regular menstruation and ovulate regularly.

How is the spawning period calculated?

If a woman of reproductive age is periodically periodic, if the menstrual period is counted from the first day of menstruation, the period between the next menstrual period is very important in calculating the ovulation period. For example, if the number of days between the onset of both menstruation is 28 days, 14 days are subtracted and the time of ovulation is calculated. When a woman who has menstruation every 28 days counts from the previous menstruation, she ovulates on the 14th day or between the 13th and 15th days. In the same context, a woman who has a menstrual period every 30 days subtracts 14 from this day, and the remaining time is known as the 16th day of ovulation. In the same way, a woman who has a menstrual period every 26 days is in the ovulation period around 12 days from the day of menstruation when she removes 14 from 26 again.

Women who want to have a planned pregnancy by observing the ovulation period will have an unprotected sexual intercourse for two weeks starting from 3 to 4 days before the calculated ovulation. It should not be forgotten that while the follicle hatching life is between 12 and 24 hours, the duration of sperm flowing into the vagina as a result of unprotected sexual intercourse is up to 4-5 days. For this reason, the unprotected sexual intercourse of a woman by trying to determine the time of ovulation will facilitate pregnancy.

The irregular pattern of a woman's menstruation means that her ovulation periods are irregular and hence it is difficult to conceive. In women whose ovulation period is irregular, first maturation of eggs can be ensured by using drugs under expert control first and then relationship period can be planned with ultrasound monitoring. In the next stage, if the vaccination method or none of these methods can be useful, the in vitro fertilization method can be tried. In such a case, it is necessary to consult and consult an expert immediately.

How is ovulation monitoring performed in women with menstrual irregularity?

Women with irregular menstruation may experience the problem of not being able to conceive naturally. Because women who cannot calculate the day of ovulation may not know when to have unprotected sexual intercourse for pregnancy. Because it is very difficult for the irregular menstruation to know the exact time of ovulation. Ovulation is irregular and irregular menstruation occurs. There are some measurements, different calculations and methods used to determine the time of ovulation in such cases.

Luteinizing hormone (LH) measurement

Women who have menstrual irregularities can benefit from the pharmacies' eliza test so that they can accurately calculate the day of ovulation. In the Eliza test, devices measuring urinary LH (luteinizing hormone) peaks are detected and understood. With LH measuring devices, the female can determine and estimate the day of ovulation. These devices that measure the LH peak are available from pharmacies, and with regular urine tests, women can understand the time of ovulation at home on their own. However, although the reliability of the LH devices is not 100%, it is a great convenience for the woman to benefit from the body temperature measurement. It is much easier to determine the time of ovulation in women who have regular menstruation.

Calendar method

Normally, women of reproductive age should practice menstruation every 25 to 35 days. It is believed that women who have menstruated in this way probably lay eggs regularly. Anovulation may be suspected in women with longer or shorter menstrual periods within this time frame. It is also possible to calculate the periodicity and ovulation periods by using the calendar method. In this method, women; it counts from the first day of menstruation for the next few months to the next period of menstruation and marks it on the calendar. In this way, the woman can determine the duration of her own menstrual cycle and calculate the ovulation period.

According to the time elapsed between these two menstrual periods, the estimated ovulation date is 14 days before the next menstrual period. For this reason, couples planning pregnancy is advised to enter into a relationship that includes 2 days before and 2 days after this day.

Changes in the body

Women with irregular menstrual periods need to monitor and follow changes in their body in order to predict the ovulation period and plan pregnancy. Although these data are not said to give very clear information, they are considered as signs of ovulation period. Changes that women may feel; Suddenly increased mucus secretion between two menstrual periods and menstrual pain during the same periods can be listed as sudden onset of groin pain. When these symptoms are felt, the woman can understand that she is in ovulation. Besides these; Just like in the menstrual period, breast sensitivity, fluid retention in the body, changes in appetite and mood changes indicate that ovulation occurs.

Immediately after ovulation, the amount of progesterone, which is one of the female hormones, increases in the body, so there is an increase in body temperature. This is why the woman can estimate ovulation by measuring her body temperature. For this purpose, women can measure their body temperature using sublingual thermometers from the second day of menstruation before getting out of bed and at the same time every day. As a result of the recording of this heat day by day, the temperature increases approximately 0.5 -1 degrees after a while. This increase in temperature also indicates that about 2 days before ovulation.

If it is necessary to evaluate and compare the above-mentioned egg laying accounts in terms of effectiveness; calendar method and basal body temperature monitoring may not be enough to determine days suitable for reproduction. Because many women have menstrual periods at irregular intervals and have difficulty in calculating this order. At the same time, body temperature monitoring gives information after a while after ovulation. However, a woman should have unprotected sexual intercourse about 24 hours before ovulation in order to get pregnant easily. However, vaginal mucus evaluation may give some healthier and realistic values ​​compared to others. Namely; The cheapest and practical way to determine the time of ovulation is to evaluate vaginal mucus quality. Just before female ovulation, estrogen levels increase and the amount of mucus increases. Mucus during this period; become more transparent, fluid, elastic. When the woman detects this change, she should engage in unprotected sexual intercourse and increase her chances of becoming pregnant.

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Causes Menstrual Delay, How to Treat?

Carefree Thong Pantiliner Unscented 49 Liners per Box, 2 Pack

Each month, the recurring menstrual cycle prepares the woman for a new pregnancy. Half of this preparation, which lasts a whole month, is done by making the uterus a nest for the baby, and the other half is spent in the restoration of the uterus because it is not a baby. All these events start again on the day of the bleeding and continue every month until the woman's average of 400,000 eggs are born at birth. So what causes menstrual delay and how is it treated? Here are the reasons that may cause menstrual delay ...

Menstrual delay is the most common form of menstrual irregularity. Sometimes an infection can sometimes cause a delay in just a change of season. It is important for your health to have accurate information about menstrual bleeding, to know the reasons that may cause menstrual delay and to get to know your body well in order to take the treatment steps in time. When the correctly identified factors are treated, the menses will spontaneously regulate.

How does the menstrual cycle occur?

The menstrual cycle is controlled by the regulation of GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) secreted by the main secretory gland called hypothalamus in the brain. This hormone, which starts to be secreted at the age of puberty, stimulates the pituitary gland to release the hormones FSH and LH. These two hormones act on the ovaries and ensure ovulation every month. In this excellent organization, the main actor is the follicle sacs in the ovaries that host the egg cells. Follicles provide the communication between the brain and uterus with the estrogen and progesterone hormones they secrete.

Follicles carrying the eggs are found in the ovaries located on either side of the uterus. Each month, only one egg is released from one of the ovaries by the follicle. The released egg advances through the ovarian canal to the uterus. Fertilization takes place here if the conditions are appropriate. Meanwhile, the wall of the uterus began to thicken and prepare space for the baby. If fertilization does not occur, the cells that thicken the uterine wall are poured and thrown out with bleeding.

How Many Days Does Menstrual Bleeding Last?
The duration of menstruation varies from woman to woman, but lasts from 2 to 7 days. Bleeding that lasts less than 2 days or more than 7 days is considered abnormal and requires control.

How Much Bleeding Happens?
The amount of bleeding is often measured by the number of pads changed during the day, but this can be misleading. The total amount of blood lost in one bleeding is approximately 1 cup of tea.

How Many Days Does a Normal Menstrual Cycle Last?
The period from one menstrual period to the next menstrual period is termed "period" and lasts for 28 days, with a difference in each woman. Periods that last from 21 to 35 days are also considered normal limits.

At this point, we must say that every woman has her own characteristics. The menstrual irregularity is not that a woman has menstruation of different lengths in a different time than another woman, but deviates from the order in which she is accustomed to in her own motion. So if you regularly see 1 in 30 days and your menstrual bleeding lasts for 5 days, you can say that if you start menstruation every 40 days or if your bleeding period lasts 7 days, it is an irregularity. Moreover, every woman may experience such irregularities 2-3 times a year.

How Many Days Is Menstrual Delay?
Normally, the period between 2 bleeding should be at least 21 days and at most 35-40 days. But if you've been seeing menstrual cycles every 21 days for a long time, and you're suddenly becoming 30 every day, it's irregular, even if it's within normal limits. You may experience such delays several times a year. This process, which is directly related to hormones, can be affected by some emotional fluctuations, sadness and seasonal turning. But what surprises you is that any delays that you are not used to in your own cycle should be examined.

Causes Menstrual Delay?

There may be many reasons or no reason at all. The first thing that comes to mind is pregnancy. Another cause of menstrual delay may be undesirable form of fibroids, polyps or cysts in or in the cervix. Disruptions in hormone activities can also cause menstrual delay. This may be caused by chemical fluctuations or emotional fluctuations. In this respect, menstrual delays should be evaluated psychologically.

For young girls who have started menstruation for the first time, menstrual delays are a normal process. It may take up to 4 or even 6 years for some young girls to regain their order.

If we list the main reasons for menstrual delay;

Menstrual delay in adult women with active sexual life suggests the possibility of pregnancy. Menstrual bleeding occurs 14 days after the follicle breaks and releases the egg (ovulation). If this egg is fertilized, there will be no menstrual bleeding. Pregnancy should be evaluated by performing the necessary urine or blood tests before any other possibility.

Failure in laying mechanism
Depending on how long the menstrual bleeding is delayed, it may be considered that there is a failure in the ovulation processes. If there was no bleeding, either the egg was fertilized or there was no ovulation. Since the probability of pregnancy is evaluated in the first stage, it is checked whether there is ovulation. This is done by measuring the levels of estrogen and progesterone hormones in the blood.

Effect of hormones
Thyroid hormone, milk hormone (prolactin), ovulation provider hormones and male hormone testosterone are effective on menstrual pattern. A failure in one of them disrupts the order of others and may cause delays.

Any changes in emotions that cause tension in the body can cause menstrual delay. On the other hand, hot flashes, irritability, increased appetite, such as menstrual delay can have effects on the body, which can increase the level of stress and prolong the delay.

Some fungi and bacteria can cause infections in the genital organs. Infections activate the defense system and the system may delay the normal process to protect the baby.

When the number and quality of eggs in women decreases gradually, the time between two bleeding starts to increase and the number of menstruation begins to decrease.

How is menstrual delay treated?

The remedy for delay should always be sought in modern medicine. Often the solutions to menstrual delay are very simple. Sometimes it is enough to wait without doing anything. As long as the menstrual delay is detected correctly. This is only possible through examinations and analyzes performed by a specialist. Even if a doctor, the uterus, ovaries, ovarian ducts, vagina, such as organs that are active in the menstrual cycle, without examining whether your hormones are timely and adequately secreted, all women and all delays for the same "so-called" solution should approach to the distance. Gynecological examination intimidates many women, especially single women. However, the examination of young women who have never had sexual intercourse is not performed vaginally. Above the abdomen is performed by hand and using visual examination devices, blood tests are requested to monitor the level of different hormones. If these examinations are performed at regular intervals, it is easier to identify the reasons for single menstrual delay in a single girl. There are countless benefits for every young girl who has started menstruating by contacting a gynecologist and obstetrician from this moment on and receiving expert advice on the developments she will face.

Treatment is intended to eliminate or correct the causative agent of menstrual irregularity. Formations such as fibroids, polyps, ovarian cysts in the uterus or cervix can be treated with medication or surgery. When the organs are evaluated by ultrasound examination, hormones are evaluated by blood tests, infections and hormones are evaluated by vaginal smear test.

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