Friday, October 25, 2019

Basic Care Allergy Relief Diphenhydramine Hcl Tablets, 400Count

What is Spring Allergy & How is it Treated?

Basic Care Allergy Relief Diphenhydramine Hcl Tablets, 400Count

What is Pollen?

Pollen is small particles that are released into the air for fertilization of plants of the same type and dispersed around by wind. These particles are of different sizes and different weights. The most important types of pollen are produced by alder, hazelnut and birch. It is also wormwood, grass species and orchard.

What is Spring Allergy?
Allergy type, commonly known as spring allergy, is actually pollen allergy. Pollen allergy occurs in the spring. For this reason, it is called spring allergy. Pollen allergy is caused by an individual's allergic reaction to proteins present in certain types of pollen. Pollen allergy has different names.

In medicine, allergic rhinitis is called hay fever in folk language. The pollens settle in the respiratory tract of people by breath. Apart from the respiratory tract, pollen is also found in the hair, skin and eyes. Some types of pollen do not cause problems. Some types of pollen cause very different problems in the person. It causes the immune system to act in people with allergies. Inflammation of the nose or eyes occurs when the immune system is activated. The body reacts to proteins in the pollen, causing discomfort. Pollen allergy is a common condition. This allergy occurs in people aged 4 to 40 years. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of people suffering from this disease.

How does spring (pollen) allergy occur?
In people with allergic susceptibility, airborne pollen settles in the nose by inhalation. This causes seasonal complaints. When the body encounters proteins in the pollen, it produces a biochemical weapon, causing allergic symptoms and diseases. The person's complaints show an increase or decrease depending on the amount of pollen in the air.

Symptoms of Spring (Pollen) Allergy
Spring allergy occurs with different symptoms. The body reacts to proteins in pollen. As a result, discomforts occur. People with pollen allergy have different symptoms. Usually these symptoms are experienced continuously. Some problems occur in the nose, eye, ear, palate and respiratory tract. Nasal congestion, runny nose and nasal itching are experienced. Itching occurs in the ear and itching in the palate. There is a periodic bleeding in the nose. Itching of the eyes, watery eyes, redness in the eyes occurs. The person often has a cough.

Respiratory problems occur. Shortness of breath occurs in the person. In some cases, the common colds are symptoms of pollen allergy. Especially in people fatigue, fatigue is seen. Concentration problem is also frequently experienced in people. These symptoms are common symptoms of pollen allergy.

Nasal congestion
Runny nose
Itchy nose
Itching in the ear
Itching on the palate
Nose bleeding
Itchy eye
Eye watering
Shortness of breath
Concentrate problem

Ways to Prevent Spring (Pollen) Allergy

Care should be taken against other allergens.
Avoid heavy odors, cigarettes and tobacco smoke.
Attention should be paid to cleanliness.
The windows should not be opened and the house should not be ventilated during pollen intensive hours.
Laundry should not be dried out in the middle of the day.
Hair should be washed before bedtime.
Physical activities should be performed when the pollen is not intense.
Dust mask should be used if there is a pollen density when going out.
Sunglasses should be worn.

Spring (Pollen) Allergy Treatment
People with pollen allergy symptoms should first consult a doctor. Diagnosis is made after medical examination and necessary tests. Then the necessary treatments should be applied. In addition to treatments, people should consider ways to protect against pollen. People with pollen allergy should avoid factors that they cannot tolerate. Drug treatment is usually done in this condition. Nasal medicines, eye drops, allergy pills, needles, and auxiliary drugs for opening the airway are used in the treatment of drugs. These drugs aim to minimize the sensitivity seen in people.

In addition to drug treatment, vaccines are administered. It is made insensitive to allergen by vaccination application. This treatment lasts 3 to 4 years, but 100% treatment is not possible in allergic patients. Therefore, people should be kept under control.

Basic Care Allergy Relief Diphenhydramine Hcl Tablets, 400Count

GoodSense Allergy Relief Loratadine Tablets, 10 mg, 365 Count Allergy Pills for Allergy Relief

How does dust allergy go?

GoodSense Allergy Relief Loratadine Tablets, 10 mg, 365 Count Allergy Pills for Allergy Relief

What is dust allergy? What are the symptoms of dust allergy? How does dust allergy go?

Dust allergy is a type of allergy in which many people are severely affected. Pollen in the dust, insects and mites feces and particles are caused by overreaction of the body. If you are a person with a dust allergy, your home should be hygienically cleaned and dust-free items, including carpets, should be avoided.


Symptoms may occur in powder allergy, where the powder touches, or throughout the body. This varies from person to person, but symptoms are most common in the respiratory tract or on the skin. Sneezing, coughing, runny nose, nasal congestion, flushing, eye watering, eye itching, nasal itching, headache, throat inflammation, hoarseness, skin dryness, skin rash and swelling are the main symptoms of dust allergy. In cases where dust allergy is highly affected, shortness of breath, chest pressure and fainting may occur. In this case, the drug should be taken immediately and the hospital should be urgently.


Most allergies have an active substance. When this substance enters the body, the body immediately begins to work to throw it away. Allergies are excessive reactions of the body's immune system to allergens. In powder allergy, the immune system reacts to invisible organics that are in the powder. In dust allergy, pollen, mite faeces fed by skin rash, insect secretions and faeces are formed against mold.


There is only one treatment for all allergies. It is necessary to avoid allergens. If the allergen is dust, it is necessary to avoid dusty environments as much as possible.

No carpet in your bedroom,

Avoiding fluffy fabrics and blankets,

Beds and pillows should be renewed every 3 years, anti-allergic ones should be preferred,

The cleaner should be very strong and the house should be swept in detail almost every day,

Pillowcases and bed linen should be changed once in 2-3 days,

The room humidity should be low and as dry as possible,

Pets should not be fed, if feeding should be avoided as far as possible, should not be taken to the bedroom,

If there is mold on the house, precautions should be taken.

In spite of all these precautions, if allergy persists, drug treatment is applied.

Antihistamines; soothes immunity, prevents sneezing, watering, runny nose and itching.

Decongestant drugs; good for nasal congestion,

Corticosteroids; good for respiratory infections.

Immunotherapy is used in severe dust allergy. At the doctor's control, slow doses of the allergen substance are given to the patient and acclimated to the immune allergen.

GoodSense Allergy Relief Loratadine Tablets, 10 mg, 365 Count Allergy Pills for Allergy Relief

Basic Care All Day Allergy Cetirizine Hcl Tablets, 10 mg, 300 Count

What are allergy types and how are they treated?

Basic Care All Day Allergy Cetirizine Hcl Tablets, 10 mg, 300 Count

Things to Know About Allergies

Allergy is the reaction of the body as a result of damages of substances entering the body. In other words, the immune system disorder causes allergies. The type of allergy varies according to any substance entering the body.

Allergy types seen today;

Allergic rhinitis
Allergic asthma
Allergic dermatitis
Allergic conjunctivitis
Food allergy
Skin allergy

What are Allergy Symptoms?
Nasal obstruction, sneezing, nasal discharge, sore throat and cough are the most important symptoms of allergy.
Allergy especially affects the upper and lower respiratory tract. For example, pollen, dust in the lower respiratory tract causes asthma, cough. It causes sneezing and nasal discharge in the upper respiratory tract.
Sinusitis and skin reactions are more common in people with allergies.
Dust, pollen, insects and grass in the house are among the most triggering factors of allergy.

What are Skin Allergies?
There are 2 kinds of skin allergies. The first is hives, and the second is angio edema.

Hives are called red, pinkish puffs that occur in various parts of the body. They range in size from 1 cm to 10 cm. Hives create stinging and itching. Hives cause allergic reactions in the body as a result of the chemicals found in certain foods. Swelling can be seen on the lip of the person with hives and around the eyes. But this is not something to fear. This can be resolved within 24 hours. However, if the person has difficulty in breathing and difficulty in swallowing, he / she should immediately see a doctor.

Causes of hives;

Various medicines
Some foods cause hives. For example, eggs, nuts, fish, shellfish
Various additives in foods
Household dusts, animal feathers
Insect bites
In the treatment of hives; The first thing that should be done first is to identify allergy-causing foods and avoid them. If antihistamines, an oral medication to be prescribed by the doctor, are used regularly, you will experience significant hives.

Angio Edema
Angio edema is a very serious allergy that occurs under the skin and causes itching and swelling. The areas where angio edema occurs are the face, eyelids, arms, genital area, lips and legs. Angioedema can swell the entire body of the person who is allergic to edema. In fact, swelling of the tongue and throat may make it difficult for the patient to breathe and may result in death. The family of people with angioedema allergy should have a history of allergy. In the treatment of angio edema; The method used is very different from that used in the treatment of hives. People with angioedema allergy should immediately go to a health facility and try to reduce the stress caused by the disease.

Allergic Rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis is an allergic inflammation of the nose caused by dust, pollen, and hairs of animals. Allergic rhinitis symptoms include nasal congestion, runny nose, nasal itching, sneezing. Disease triggering factors are pollen, dust, insect, animal proteins. Another name for allergic rhinitis is hay fever. Diagnosis of allergic rhinitis is made by blood and skin tests. In the treatment of allergic rhinitis; avoid allergy-causing factors, drug treatment should be applied as soon as possible. Drugs used in treatment are usually nasal sprays. In addition to drug treatment, the vaccine may be administered for allergic rhinitis.

Allergic Asthma
Allergic asthma is called hypersensitivity to the airways in people who are genetically susceptible to allergies. Symptoms of allergic asthma include shortness of breath, dry cough, wheezing in the chest. Allergic asthma symptoms are seen in seizures. In particular, these symptoms appear at night and before morning. Pollen, house dust, animal hair are the most common allergens in people with allergic asthma. In the treatment of allergic asthma; the aim is to regulate the patient's breathing and to eliminate inflammation in the airways. Asthma medications are divided into controlling and relaxing medications. Controlling drugs are inflammation drugs. On the other hand, relieving drugs are drugs that alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

Allergic conjunctivitis
Allergic conjunctivitis is a kind of allergy that occurs in the eye. Allergies develop after inflammation of the membrane and the white part of the eye. Symptoms of the eye itching, redness, burning and watering the eye is seen in the form. Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis; examination and laboratory tests. Detailed eye examination should be performed to diagnose the error. Tear drugs can be used as drug treatment. Commonly used drugs are antihistaminic drugs and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Food Allergy
Food allergy is a state of hypersensitivity to food. Foods that may cause the most food allergy; cow's milk, eggs, fish, mussels, soy, cereal, meats, fruit, chocolate and honey are a few of these nutrients. Of these, the foods that cause food allergy are eggs and milk. Food allergy manifests itself as itching, flushing, blistering, nausea, rash, diarrhea, chest pain. In the treatment of food allergy; There is no definitive solution. Only people with food allergy should stay away from whatever food they are allergic to. Vaccine which can be applied in food allergy does not give much positive results.

Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)
Atopic dermatitis is a kind of allergic skin disease, also known as eczema. Atopic dermatitis in children occurs at the age of 1 year. He disappears at the age of 2. There is no treatment for eczema in adolescence. The cause of allergic eczema in adults is stress, and some foods. The areas where eczema is seen are the face, the back of the ear and the joints. These areas are very itchy, dry red bubbles formed. A person with an allergy to atopic dermatitis has very irritating itching. However, itchy areas should definitely not itch. Treatment of atopic dermatitis should be performed by an allergy specialist. First, various allergic creams should be used to prevent itching.

Vaccine Treatment in Allergy Complaints
Vaccine treatment can be applied in allergy diseases. The allergen is primarily injected into the patient's body at a low rate. Then, the dose is increased and the person's sensitivity to allergy is tried to be eliminated. Two types of vaccine methods are used in allergy treatments. The first method is administered by injecting the dose subcutaneously. In the second method, it is applied by giving the allergen as a drop under the tongue.

What is good for allergy?
It is possible for people who are allergic to get rid of allergy types by natural methods. So, what natural nutrients are good for allergy? What nutrients should we consume in order for allergy to go away? Here are the details about the allergy geçiril

Apple is one of the nutrients that strengthen the immune system. Thanks to the apple of people caught allergies, defense mechanisms against allergy is strengthened. Quercetin helps to stabilize mast cells membranes (cell filled with basophil particles) and basophils (white blood cell related). In this way, allergy-causing factors are neutralized.

Turmeric is the most effective food source for the prevention of allergies. The active ingredient curcumin is used in the fight against allergies. When used regularly during the day, it contributes to lowering the level of allergies.

One of the foods used against allergies is garlic which is a panacea. Garlic prevents the enzymes that cause inflammation in the body and prevents allergic events. Consuming 1 or 2 crushed raw garlic during the day is a shield against allergies.

Lemon is the most well-known food that strengthens the immune system. Vitamin C is the number one move to prevent allergic events. In addition, lemon acts as an anti-toxin and maintains the alkaline state of the body.

Green tea
Our readers with allergic problems should definitely add green tea to their meals. Green tea supports the immune system and provides security against allergic events. Using two meals a day will help people against allergic events. It can also be added in honey or lemon while drinking lemon mix.

Basic Care All Day Allergy Cetirizine Hcl Tablets, 10 mg, 300 Count

Flonase Nasal Spray for Allergy Relief, 24-Hour Non-Drowsy Allergy Medicine, 120 Sprays

How is the allergy treated?

Flonase Nasal Spray for Allergy Relief, 24-Hour Non-Drowsy Allergy Medicine, 120 Sprays

The first thing to do in the treatment of allergic disease is to prevent contact with allergens to which the patient is sensitive and to avoid allergens. Because in many allergic diseases complaints usually occur following contact with allergens. For example, if the patient develops nose fever as a result of susceptibility to house dust mites, the application of preventive methods to prevent exposure to mites at home will reduce his complaints. When an allergic reaction to any of the foods develops, that food should not be eaten, drug allergies should not be used.

In addition, drugs that can be very effective to control the signs and symptoms of the disease occurring today are being used. These drugs vary according to available findings. For example, anti-allergic drugs and nasal sprays in nasal fever, airway dilatation and therapeutic oral sprays in asthma, and anti-allergic drugs in addition to antiallergic drugs are effective in skin lesions.

Immunotherapy, which is known as vaccine therapy, is the only cure for allergic diseases. The allergens to which the patient is susceptible are administered by increasing injections or by sublingual drops. Thus, by sensitizing the body to that allergen, it can be prevented from reacting when the patient encounters allergic substances. However, it is a risky treatment method and it should be applied in the hospital environment by the allergists who have been trained in the subject of specialization (immunization).

What are allergic diseases?

Allergic rhinitis, diseases known as hay fever and eye fever among people called conjunctivitis,
Allergic asthma,
Skin itching, redness, swelling, urticaria and eczema,
Food allergies
Drug allergies
Insect allergies are common allergic diseases.

How to diagnose allergies?

People with complaints compatible with allergic diseases, for example, from time to time runny nose, sneezing, nasal discharge or cough, shortness of breath, or itching on the skin to reddening and blistering, accompanied by a similar disease in the family, frequent complaints, changes in other allergic diseases The presence of typical features in the history of such an accompanying disease suggests an allergic disease. Allergic skin tests are performed on these patients and the presence of immunoglobulin E type antibodies specific for allergens is investigated in the blood. In addition, a definitive diagnosis can be made by different tests depending on the type of disease, such as pulmonary function tests in asthmatic patients, drug provocation tests with drug allergies and food provocation tests with food allergies.

Flonase Nasal Spray for Allergy Relief, 24-Hour Non-Drowsy Allergy Medicine, 120 Sprays

Xyzal Allergy 24 Hour, Allergy Tablet, 80 Count, All Day and Night Relief from Allergy Symptoms Including Sneezing, Runny Nose, Itchy Nose or Throat, Itchy, Watery Eyes

How does spring allergy go?

Xyzal Allergy 24 Hour, Allergy Tablet, 80 Count, All Day and Night Relief from Allergy Symptoms Including Sneezing, Runny Nose, Itchy Nose or Throat, Itchy, Watery Eyes

The current spring months, with the effect of pollen in the upper respiratory tract and respiratory system allergies and allergic skin problems peaks as a period of attention. Citizens suffering from allergic problems during this time, 'Spring allergy passes how?' is looking for an answer. Here's the details ...

Spring is the season where respiratory allergies and allergic skin problems are most common due to the effects of pollen. Allergic reactions that peak during the spring months reduce the quality of life. Allergy treatment requires patience, experience and knowledge. Here are the main points you need to know to protect yourself ...

Health problems caused by allergic responses peak in spring. Especially in those with pollen allergy, exacerbation of upper respiratory tract and lung problems with spring is common. Symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, sore throat, runny nose and runny nose, dry cough, shortness of breath, varying severity and vital importance occur. It is necessary to deal with various health problems until allergic asthma, especially allergic rhinitis called ’hay fever var. Redness of the eyes, burning, watering, discharge, symptoms such as disrupting daily comfort "eye fever" that occurs conjunctivitis. The most important problem concerning the skin is urticaria which causes unbearable itching, redness, burning and stinging. Just as there are complaints after contact with stinging nettles, the skin problem with this name may require a more serious treatment if the infection is added.

If you think you have problems with allergies, you should try to solve your problem using immune supports and get the help of an expert. Problems with your allergy will be demonstrated by your examination, medical history, some specific tests (skin tests, blood tests, respiratory tests, etc.).

The solution of allergic problems is unfortunately difficult, laborious and time consuming. Knowledge requires experience and patience. Sufficient experience and expertise are essential for diagnosing and solving the problem. Initial treatment with antihistaminic drugs, creams and special treatments to reduce the allergic response may require the use of more serious drugs, such as the cortisone group after some time. The solution of all these complex medical problems necessarily requires the contribution of a physician and center experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases. Spring allergy should not say, you should care about the problem from the beginning.

Xyzal Allergy 24 Hour, Allergy Tablet, 80 Count, All Day and Night Relief from Allergy Symptoms Including Sneezing, Runny Nose, Itchy Nose or Throat, Itchy, Watery Eyes

Allegra Adult 24 Hour Allergy Tablets, 70 Tablets, Long-Lasting Fast-Acting Antihistamine for Noticeable Relief from Indoor and Outdoor Allergy Symptoms

How does spring allergy go? Good methods for spring allergy

Allegra Adult 24 Hour Allergy Tablets, 70 Tablets, Long-Lasting Fast-Acting Antihistamine for Noticeable Relief from Indoor and Outdoor Allergy Symptoms

Experts for allergy sufferers 'spring fever' season began by specifying the protective measures noted. If the protective measures of this period are not taken for those with allergic fever, 'may turn into a nightmare' voicing experts, citizens questioned 'Spring allergy passes?' answers the question. Here are some details about spring allergy ...
Turkey National Institute of Allergy and Immunology Association Vice President Prof. Dr. Ugur Musabak, said in a statement, this period is not taken protective measures for those with allergic fever "nightmare can turn into" said. From March to the tree, then grass, weeds pollen in the summer months, indicating that the dominance of nature Muşabak, said that this situation continues until the end of September.

Muşabak, allergies without the need to test some symptoms manifesting itself, saying, "Allergies, pollen sensitivity, if there is usually increased pollen density sneezing, runny nose, nose and eyes itching, watering and swelling of the nose can occur in a number of symptoms. It can be given different names such as allergic flu, hay fever or spring allergy. " he said.

Mushabak pointed out that spring allergies can be seen at any age, "Allergies that start in childhood can usually pass through adolescence, but allergies that start in adolescence are more resistant." gave information.

Professor Dr. Muşabak emphasized the importance of prevention rather than treatment in allergies and made the following suggestions to allergy sufferers:

"Pollen allergies, especially when the pollen season comes too much outside. Do not go to lawns or wooded places, picnics should not be done. Home, evening, the atmosphere should be ventilated during the hours of pollen density. If necessary, mask and glasses should be used. Protection is the most important part of the treatment."

Allergic drugs used in the treatment of all these symptoms by removing the person's quality of life Muşabak mentioned, according to the severity and frequency of the patient's clinical symptoms of cortisone containing a number of nasal sprays, he said.

Prolonged runny nose and cough warns that Allergy is a precursor to allergies, said:

"Some patients say they get sick often, although they don't get antibiotics, but they can't get better. In this case, two things need to come to mind, there is a problem with the immune deficiency or an allergic condition. Infectious diseases continue to be effective for up to 10 days in healthy individuals and recover after treatment, but this is not the case with allergies. "

Allegra Adult 24 Hour Allergy Tablets, 70 Tablets, Long-Lasting Fast-Acting Antihistamine for Noticeable Relief from Indoor and Outdoor Allergy Symptoms

Goodsense All Day Allergy, Cetirizine Hcl Tablets 10 Mg, Antihistamine for Allergy Relief, 365Count

How does the allergy go through natural methods? Causes of allergies and prevention methods!

Goodsense All Day Allergy, Cetirizine Hcl Tablets 10 Mg, Antihistamine for Allergy Relief, 365Count

One of the health problems experienced by the sun's face is hay fever, continuous sneezing, runny nose, and itchy nasal itching that affect life negatively (rhinitis) causes problems. So what is hay fever known as spring allergy, is there any treatment?

Allergic rhinitis, known as hay fever with the arrival of spring, is a problem that occurs in the nasal airways. Generally, the time spent outdoors increases as a result of wind dispersal of pollen in green areas. This allergic reaction may be replaced by allergic asthma over time. Here are methods of treatment of hay fever known as spring allergy ...

Hay fever is also known as erjik allergic rhinitis.. Congestion, runny nose and sinus pressures are common symptoms of common cold symptoms and symptoms. Hay fever is caused by an allergic reaction to airborne substances such as pollen, unlike a cold caused by a virus.

The substance that causes an allergic reaction to hay fever is called “allergen.. For the majority of people without hay fever, these substances are not allergens. Because the immune system does not react to them.
Although hay fever and allergic rhinitis have the same meanings, most people think that hay fever is an allergic reaction to pollen or airborne allergens caused only by plants or fungi. Allergic rhinitis may cause airborne particles; for example pollen, nose, perhaps dust mites or animal hairs that affect the eyes and sinuses.

- Nasal discharge and nasal congestion,
- Juicy, itchy, red eyes (allergic conjunctivitis),
- Sneezing,
- Cough,
- Itchy nose, mouth or palate,
- Swollen blue skin under the eyes,
- Pressure in the sinuses and facial pain,
- Tiredness.

Pollen is present in a large amount of air at certain times of the year. The most common sources of pollen; trees in the spring season, grass and wormwood towards the end of summer. The coast and high mountain areas generally contain less pollen. Grass and wormwood pollen can only spread over distances of several hundred meters, while tree pollen can reach distances several kilometers away. This is especially true for birch pollen. Such pollen can, for example, reach from Southern Finland or the Baltic region to Northern Norway with constant south-east winds.
With regard to allergies, pollen warnings are reported on a daily basis during the summer season in which part of the country in which kind of pollen the season is. For example, birch pollen season ends in Oslo and has not yet started in Tromsø.

- Those with hay fever problems should take care not to go out if there is wind in dry weather without rain. In order to go out, it should be preferred after rain that cleans the pollen in the air.
- Avoid lawn mowing and weed cleaning, which causes allergens to be mixed into the air.
- Clothing worn outside should be changed when returning home and allergens in the skin and hair should be removed by taking a shower.
- During this period of the year, laundry, towels and sheets should not be dried out to prevent the pollen from sticking.
- Do not use wide-rimmed glasses when going out. People with a very allergic nature and asthma patients can also use allergy masks.

- Avoiding allergy-causing factors is the first and most important stage of treatment. To avoid hay fever, it is essential to avoid dust and smoke. If the person is very sensitive, he may wear a mask. In the environment, temperature and humidity should be adjusted well. In the seasons when pollen increases, it is necessary not to be outdoors as much as possible and not to open too many doors and windows. At home; carpets, rugs, blankets and lots of plants (especially in the sleeping room). Since the hairs of the animals also cause allergies, the animals should not be fed at home. Bed linen should be washed frequently with hot water. When purchasing the vacuum cleaner, care must be taken not to let the dust out. In order to protect children, care must be taken to ensure that toys at home are not allergic.
- Medication: This treatment consists of oral pills and nasal sprays.
- Desensitization (Vaccine Method): Vaccine allergy treatment is not possible to avoid allergy and (or) drug treatment is not seen in cases, starting from low doses of the allergen by injecting or subcutaneously by injecting is done by sublingual. There are several newly developed applications of this.


Carob cure:
This cure, prepared with carob, relieves itching in the nose and nasal area, relieving people with spring allergy. Carob also strengthens the immune system, antiallergic and antibacterial structure is effective in the disappearance of allergic symptoms. For seasonal allergies such as spring allergy, carob cure should be applied as follows:
5 pieces of carob are washed in cold water and chopped two fingers thick and thrown into half a liter of boiling water. It is boiled for 10 minutes at low heat and filtered and put into glass bottle or glass jar. For 1 month at breakfast and before dinner 1 cup of cold drink. The cure is repeated monthly, 3 times a year.

Chamomile tea cure:
Chamomile with antibiotic effect can be used in the treatment of allergic reactions. The revitalizing effect of daisy is very effective, especially in the spring when the body resistance is reduced, reduces allergy symptoms and relieves sore throat. Chamomile tea; It can be prepared by brewing 3 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers by adding half a liter of boiled water. 5 minutes waiting in this way, chamomile tea, 2 cups a day after breakfast and dinner can be drunk. Chamomile tea can also be bought ready from the market.

Nettle cure:
One of the most commonly used herbal cures in the treatment of spring allergy is nettle tea cure. However, first of all, it should be noted that those who have low blood sugar levels should not apply this cure without the doctor's opinion. In addition, those with low platelets should not apply nettle cure.
Nettle tea to make 1 cup boiled water 1 teaspoon of stinging nettle is prepared by boiling for 3 minutes. After boiling stinging water is filtered and hung on an empty stomach in the morning and evening drink 1 cup of tea and at least 20 minutes to eat. It is sufficient to continue this cure for 15 days and apply it once a year.

Lavender cure:
Lavender is an effective plant for the symptoms of spring allergy, nasal discharge and itchiness in the nasal passages. The following cure prepared with lavender can be applied to soothe sneezing caused by mites and flying powders in spring:
1 cup water 1 teaspoon dried lavender boiled for 5 minutes. After warming up, it is filtered and drunk slowly before bedtime. The cure is repeated for 2 weeks. Refreshing is achieved when a piece of cotton soaked in the same mixture is left in the nostrils for a while. Lavender tea with gargle made without swallowing, relieves nasal itching.
These simple measures in spring allergy will make you more comfortable in your daily life. With the herbal cures you will apply, you can survive the pollen time more healthy and relaxed. However, do not forget to consult your doctor before applying your herbal cures.

Goodsense All Day Allergy, Cetirizine Hcl Tablets 10 Mg, Antihistamine for Allergy Relief, 365Count