Saturday, October 19, 2019

Mack's Pillow Soft Silicone Earplugs - 12 Pair, Value Pack - The Original Moldable Silicone Putty Ear Plugs for Sleeping, Snoring, Swimming, Travel, Concerts and Studying

How to Reduce Noise in the Workplace

Mack's Pillow Soft Silicone Earplugs - 12 Pair, Value Pack - The Original Moldable Silicone Putty Ear Plugs for Sleeping, Snoring, Swimming, Travel, Concerts and Studying

How to Eliminate High Noise
There are many ways to reduce noise and exposure, and it is often best to apply several directions together. First of all, you have to think about how to completely remove the high noise. If it is not possible to eliminate loud sound for technical reasons, you should take some precautions to check the noise at the source. If necessary, you can redesign the workplace and reorganize work patterns. If necessary, take individual protection measures and consider the following:

Use a quieter operation or quieter equipment than you are using, for example:

Can the work be done more quietly?
Can you replace what caused the noise with something less noisy?
Provide a low volume priority purchasing policy for the purchase of machinery and equipment.

Take Engineering Measures:
Avoid metal-to-metal contact, for example, use wear-resistant rubber groove grooves and reduce fall heights.
Vibrating machines can be a source of noise - add extra load (dampen) to reduce vibration.
Remove vibrating machinery or components from the environment, use antivibrated or flexible materials.

Install a muffler at the air vents (exhaust shots, etc.).
Take precautions for those exposed by air because they are in the same environment, not directly to noise. for example:
Use machine guards to reduce the amount of noise emitted to the workplace or the environment.
Use sound barriers to block the path of sound.

Keep sources of noise away from workers.
Design the work area for low noise emissions, for example:
Use absorbent materials such as foam or wool inside the building to reduce sound from the walls.
Keep sound sources, such as noisy machines, away from quiet areas.
Change your workflow to deploy noisy machines in areas that spend less time instead of areas where employees spend most of their time.
Limit time spent in noisy areas.

Do Not Disrupt Noise Measurements and Machine Periodic Controls

Regular maintenance and periodic inspections of machinery and equipment are of great importance for the prevention of hearing discomfort as the machines may deteriorate as they are used and thus become more noisy. Be aware of changes in noise levels by taking regular noise measurements in your work environment, and it may be time to replace worn parts.

Why Should You Have Your Noise Measurements and Machine Periodic Controls Performed from Özden to OSGB?
Özden OSGB, which has been in the occupational health and safety sector for more than 30 years with its long years of technical experience, was authorized by Türkak and MoLSS in 2014 and became an occupational hygiene laboratory. As in every business, Ozden OSGB meticulously conducts occupational hygiene environment measurements and periodic control of machines. We are an occupational health and safety company that meets all OHS needs of its customers from a single point.

Mack's Pillow Soft Silicone Earplugs - 12 Pair, Value Pack - The Original Moldable Silicone Putty Ear Plugs for Sleeping, Snoring, Swimming, Travel, Concerts and Studying

The Ear Buddy Premium Soft Foam Ear Plugs, Best Noise Cancelling Earplugs For Sleeping, Hearing Protection For Concerts, Work, Shooting & Travel, Noise Reduction Rating 32 Decibels, 50 Pairs

Factory Sound Insulation

The Ear Buddy Premium Soft Foam Ear Plugs, Best Noise Cancelling Earplugs For Sleeping, Hearing Protection For Concerts, Work, Shooting & Travel, Noise Reduction Rating 32 Decibels, 50 Pairs

Factories are areas where people stay intensely. In these areas, both the human voice and the machine voice are quite high, of course the expectations are reduced and the work motivation is less than it should be. Therefore, factory owners are required to make sound insulation in factory areas.
Those living in and around the factory should support sound insulation and walls, floors and ceilings in order not to be affected by factory noise. Of course, due to the fact that there are factories, it is also the duty of the owners to take care not to create image pollution. As Teknik Acoustics, we have been serving our customers for years and offering support to eliminate annoying noises in their work areas. In order to go beyond your expectations in factory sound insulation services, just call us.

How is factory sound insulation done?
First of all, work areas and office areas are determined and material selection is made. Then, the application phase is passed. The acoustic panels to be used for the factory sound insulation should first have noise-canceling properties. Our team of experienced experts in sound insulation of the factory come to your address and make the solution-oriented works after the necessary examination.

Search for a solution
We continue to offer you the best solutions with Teknik Acoustics, which we have signed new works in order to increase the service quality to a higher level. 100% sound insulation services to our customers with the prices we provide and the convenience of payments can be much more comfortable to meet your expectations. You can call our contact number for details and application.

The Ear Buddy Premium Soft Foam Ear Plugs, Best Noise Cancelling Earplugs For Sleeping, Hearing Protection For Concerts, Work, Shooting & Travel, Noise Reduction Rating 32 Decibels, 50 Pairs

Ear Plugs for Sleeping Block Out Snoring, Premium Thermo Foam Noise Reduction and Cancelling Earplugs for Shooting Range Sleep Loud Events Construction Work Study by Jourdak New SNR 36db 60Pair

Noise Pollution Control and Audits

Ear Plugs for Sleeping Block Out Snoring, Premium Thermo Foam Noise Reduction and Cancelling Earplugs for Shooting Range Sleep Loud Events Construction Work Study by Jourdak New SNR 36db 60Pair

A. Information on noise
Today, noise is one of the important factors that negatively affect the quality of the environment and human health. We can define noise as meyen unpleasant, unwanted, disturbing sound ”.
Sound is an objective concept. So it can be measured and its presence does not change depending on the person. Noise is a subjective concept. As can be understood from the definition, whether a sound is considered a noise may vary depending on the person. The music that some people listen to with pleasure and enjoyment may disturb others.
Especially in fast-growing cities, the unplanned and intertwined development of residential and industrial areas, increased traffic density, electrical, electronic and mechanical devices enter our daily life more and more discomfort from noise is increasing and gradually our people can rest, work in a peaceful way decreases.
On the other hand, in situations where respect for others' right to rest and sensitivity to the environment is not sufficiently developed, noise from entertainment and other daily activities causes intense complaints and serious physical and mental disorders, particularly hearing loss and sleep disturbance. In everyday life, the presence of sounds is necessary for people to feel good. Speech, music, sounds in nature are indispensable for our lives.
However, noise, defined as unwanted sound, adversely affects human health. Today, the negative effects of noise, as before, are not only investigated in factories when hearing loss due to long-term noise. The surveys cover all types of noise in open spaces and interiors.

Noise sources can be grouped in different ways. According to the genesis of sounds, noises in air and in solid environments can emit acoustically from point, linear and planar sources. Noise forming acoustic pollution; Depending on the location and propagation paths of the source and recipients in an environment, it can be divided into two groups:
Noise sources available in the open area: Noise produced from sources located outside the buildings, affecting both the volumes inside the building and the outdoor areas outside the building. (Industrial noise, transportation noise, construction noise), human activity noise, entertainment and commercial noise.
Noise sources in the building: Sounds arising from the sources inside the buildings. (Speech sounds, step sounds, house noise, loud music sounds, door slams, office noise)

Human behavior against noise is divided into two groups. The first is psychological discomfort that can only be determined by explaining emotions and senses; is a physiological disorder that can be determined by various measurement methods. Therefore, in terms of human health and comfort conditions, noise control should be performed at the architectural design stage.
Three important factors can be considered when examining the effects of noise on human beings:
• Annoyance,
• Preventing communication,
• Continuous risk of hearing impairment,
However, there are many factors that need to be considered, such as volume usage, time used, duration and type of noise.
Daytime (Leq) (dBA) Impact
55-60 Noise disturbing
60-65 Discomfort is markedly increased
Over 65 Behavior in the form of inhibitions, noise-induced harmful symptoms occur

Noise Degree Impact Range (dBA) Health Effects
Noise in degree 1 30-65 Uncomfortability, discomfort, anger, anger, sleep disorder and concentration disorder.
2. Noise 65-90 Physiological reactions; increase in blood pressure, acceleration in heart rate and respiration, decrease in brain fluid pressure, sudden reflexes
3. Degree of noise 90-120 Physiological reactions, headaches.
4th degree 120-140 Continuous damage to inner ear, disturbance of balance
Severe brain damage, bursting of eardrum

B. Legislation
Regulation on Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise has been published in the Official Gazette dated 04.06.2010 and numbered 27601 (Amended 27.04.2011 and numbered 27917) in order to ensure that the necessary measures are taken to prevent the deterioration of the peace and tranquility of persons, physical and mental health as a result of exposure to environmental noise. .
C. Authorities and Responsibilities of Metropolitan Municipality
With the Circular No. 2006/16 of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization dated 29.06.2006, the authority to evaluate the complaints regarding the Regulation on the Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise within the boundaries of the Metropolitan Municipality, to supervise the compliance with the said regulation and to make administrative sanction decision has been transferred to the Metropolitan Municipality.
* To supervise the compliance of the principles set out in this Regulation in cooperation and coordination with the institutions and organizations authorized by the Municipalities, municipalities and neighboring areas, which have been delegated in accordance with the Environmental Law, programmatically, unscheduled or otherwise authorized within the scope of other legislation, if necessary.
* To prepare acoustic report or environmental noise level assessment report for noise sources, to examine and evaluate these reports, and to apply administrative sanctions in case of violation of this Regulation,
* Responsible for preparing Strategic Noise Maps and Action Plans.
D. Which complaint should be made and where?


- Industrial plant noise
- Noise of entertainment
- Workshop, Workshop and Workplace noise
- Construction site (construction) noise outside the renovation of the building
- Highways, railways, airport noise
Authorized by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Osmangazi, Yildirim, Nilufer District District Municipality, Bursa Metropolitan Municipality in other districts
- Using a motor vehicle without silencer or other parts of the sound attenuator
- Use of a horn or other sounding device except when required.
- The noise caused by the sound of music in public transportation within the boundaries of the Municipality / District Police (Traffic) Directorate
Provincial / District Gendarmerie Command outside the municipality
- Noise from sea and sea vehicles Boat Commandership of the Coast Guard Command
- The noise emitted from the use of sound amplifier in religious facilities to the environment Presidency of Religious Affairs and Provincial / District Mufti's Offices
- Noise generated by household activities and neighbors (All kinds of musical instruments, washing machines used for purposes other than entertainment purposes, such as door, window closing, walking, speaking, cleaning, drawing furniture, watching television, listening to radio, use of appliances such as refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, activities such as pet feeding and renovations to be made inside the building)

Related Municipal Police or Police Force (Police or Gendarmerie)
- Apart from the noise generated by the house activities and neighbors, the noise in the house and garden (such as celebration, fireworks, etc.), which have been authorized by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, have been granted to Osmangazi, Yıldırım, Nilüfer Districts and Bursa Metropolitan Municipality in other districts.
- Noise from people outside the house or garden (making loud, shouting, loudspeakers, such as announcement systems and making pulsed regular or irregular sounds, making propaganda, advertising, announcement, promotion and sales, entertaining on the street (weddings, fireworks) etc)
Related Municipal Police or Police Force (Police or Gendarmerie)
- Noise of animal noise Relevant Municipal Police or Law Enforcement (Police or Gendarmerie)
You can report your noise complaints under the responsibility of Bursa Metropolitan Municipality to and or request complaint notification line (0224) 444 16 00/234 40 00/153.
E. Penalties
As of 2015, 770 TL for housing, 2.3216 TL for transportation vehicles, 7.746 TL for workplaces and workshops, 23.249 TL for factory, construction site and entertainment noise for those who do not take the measures determined by the regulation issued according to the Environmental Law numbered 2872 or cause noise and vibration in contradiction with standards. administrative fine.
F. Live Music Permit
In the Regulation on Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise;
The entertainment center is a business establishment that operates within or within an accommodation facility and provides live music service to meet the customer's entertainment needs.
Live music ü genre made with real instruments and / or sounds or from the band or electronically amplified sound source ”,
Sensitive uses ları such as housing, accommodation facilities with inpatient facilities, educational institutions, open spaces and quiet areas within the residential area ”,
Very sensitive uses ları use of inpatient health institutions, boarding education institutions during education periods, child and elderly care homes ”,
Very sensitive areas of use refer to “the area determined to cover 250 meters from the limits of very sensitive uses”.

(A), (d), (ğ) (in summary), the following conditions are included.
a) It is forbidden to broadcast live music in open and semi-open entertainment places in very sensitive areas of use. Open and semi-open entertainment venues are not allowed in these areas. The existing outdoor and semi-outdoor entertainment places in these areas are closed.
d) It is forbidden to broadcast live music in open and semi-open entertainment venues operating in sensitive areas. In other hours, the regulation continues its activities in order to ensure the limit values,
Live Music Permit
The live music permit is issued by the competent authority that regulates the work permit. Bursa Metropolitan Municipality within the boundaries of the workplace who want to get a live music permit is required to apply to the county municipality.
The district municipality that does not delegate authority is asked to the Metropolitan Municipality about the issue and our opinion is notified to the District Municipality within the framework of the hüküm Environmental Noise Level Assessment Report lat prepared by one of the institutions and organizations that have received prequalification / qualification from the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization.
G. Measures to reduce noise
- No traffic with a motor vehicle without silencer and other parts of the sound absorber
- Do not use horns or any other sound generating equipment unnecessarily on or in motor vehicles.
- Compliance with speed limits
- Adoption of driving in high gear and low speed
- Radio, television and musical instruments in residential areas and noise-sensitive areas that do not raise or disturb the level of disturbing sound
- Avoiding street weddings and fireworks in residential areas
- Road and building construction equipment used in residential areas in the evening and night hours are not used
- Prohibition of locomotive drivers from signaling each other in residential areas
- Establishment of airports and industrial zones away from settlements
- Establishing noise-sensitive areas away from traffic-intensive areas by good urban planning
- Paying attention to sound insulation in the buildings in order to prevent noise disturbance and prevent the deterioration of health.

Ear Plugs for Sleeping Block Out Snoring, Premium Thermo Foam Noise Reduction and Cancelling Earplugs for Shooting Range Sleep Loud Events Construction Work Study by Jourdak New SNR 36db 60Pair

Mpow 055A Ear Plugs 60 Pairs, Super Soft Foam Ear Plugs 34dB SNR, Noise Reduction Hearing Protector, with Aluminum Carry Case, for Sleeping, Woodworking, Shooting, Travel, Loud Events-Green


Mpow 055A Ear Plugs 60 Pairs, Super Soft Foam Ear Plugs 34dB SNR, Noise Reduction Hearing Protector, with Aluminum Carry Case, for Sleeping, Woodworking, Shooting, Travel, Loud Events-Green

Types of ear protectors can be grouped under two main headings.

Ear Plugs: Plugs placed inside the outer ear canal or obstructing the entrance of the ear. The structure and size of the ear canals are different, making it possible to make ear plugs in different sizes and shapes. These plugs are produced in different shapes and sizes from materials such as plastic, rubber, silicone and cotton.

They can be found in four types;

Plugs Fitting All Ears; paraffin wax cotton and similar materials are used once and then discarded. Normal cotton is ineffective.

Shaped sponges or spongy materials, one-time use of foam-type plugs of the same size. Because they are minimized by hand then inserted into the ear. Plugs take the shape of the ear canal by trying to get the old shape in the ear and completely seal the canal to provide an excellent seal.

These types of ear plugs are comfortable, clean and inexpensive. However, when placing the plug, the hands must be clean. This type of stopper can be used for up to a week

Ear Plugs Made of Rubber, Rubber and Plastic Materials; they can be used repeatedly. The plugs made of rubber and plastic are among the most preferred types due to their ease of cleaning and long-term use. There are two types; The universal type fits most people's ears. Variable-Size Type The protector is available in small, medium and large types to fit the ear comfortably. However, it can harden and shrink over time. In this case, they do not fit fully in the ear canal and lose their effectiveness.

Custom Made Ear Plugs : Silicone rubber or plastic ear size is taken, prepared accordingly. They are clean, comfortable and fit perfectly and can be used for three to five years.

Ear plugs reduce noise by 15-30 dB when proper selection and proper use are achieved. The user must be checked before ear plugs are used. The physical shape of the ear canal may interfere with protective use. In the event that the ear canal is filled with hardened ear impurities, it is decided to use the preservative after the necessary inspection and cleaning is completed.

Protectors by Covering the Ear Canal Inlet: Protectors made of a soft rubber-like material that is held firmly on the ear canal inlet by an elastic band over the head. Suitable for use by people entering and leaving the noisy area frequently, these protectors can be used in many jobs. It is also often recommended for people who do not use ear plugs.

2. Ear Covers (Ear Sleeve Type) Ear Protectors; They are two or more containers which can be adjusted up and down and are secured by a flexible band that passes over the head, neck or under the chin. These containers are generally of hemispherical shape made of insulating hard plastic. Around the container are sound-absorbing cushions, usually made of plastic, which are filled with air, liquid or foamy, spongy material to close the sides of the ears. They can be individually adjusted with these holding straps, which ensure that the containers covering the ear stay on the ear with the appropriate frequency. The width of the container, the circumference of the circle and the cushion of the ear canister are also very important in order to provide a good acoustic barrier. The pad filled with oil or oil provides better protection than other types.

These ear protectors are used to protect against severe, high frequency noise. They can reduce noise between 15-30 dB. (It is recommended that the ear protectors and ear plugs be used (together) where the noise level exceeds 105 dB (A).

Such protectors reduce the noise by 10-15 dB more than the ear plugs. When the muff-type ear protector and ear plugs are used together, the total sound reduction is 3-5 dB higher than the muffle-provided sound reduction.

To be safe, convenient and convenient to use;

. The tape on the head should not be too tight or loose.

. The protective containers must not touch any part of the pinna.

. It should be light to be used for a long time.

2.1 Hearing Protective Helmets: When the noise level is too high, the helmets can be mounted on the helmets of 115-120 dB and above. This type of protector closes the bony parts of the head, preventing sound from leaking through the bone conduction.

The selection of suitable ear protectors is of great importance for the comfort of use. Some people are reluctant to use a preservative, taking into account the risk of hearing loss by being affected by physical and psychological disturbances caused by the preservative. Here the slow, painless and long years of hearing loss caused by noise is the most important reason for not using it. Trio of cause, effect and importance; it is not as fast as hand cutting or burring into the eye. The most important way to overcome these problems is education. Personal interviews are other ways of encouraging.


The effectiveness of an ear protector depends on many factors. Sound energy enters the ear directly from or around the protectors. There are four ways in which the sound can reach the inner ear when using a protector (Figure 5);
1- Air Leakage:

2. Material leakage,
3- Protective Vibration or tissue transmission,

1- Air Leakage: Small air leaks between the ear protector and the ear canal allow low frequencies to pass through. As the air leakage begins to increase, the level of sound attenuation at all frequencies decreases.

2- Material Leakage: Sound passes through the protector due to sealing. Ear protectors can prevent the transmission of sound, as well as the wrong choice of protection or misuse of the sound is passed through.

3- Protective Vibration: This is the vibration produced by the ear protectors' response to external sound energy interference. The amount of sound transmitted in this way depends on the material, design and mass of the protector.

4- Bone Conduction: Even if the ear canal is completely closed and the sound is prevented by this way, it cannot prevent the sound to reach the inner ear through bone conduction. However, the sound level transmitted in this way will be 50 dB below the level that reaches the no-ear ear.

Mpow 055A Ear Plugs 60 Pairs, Super Soft Foam Ear Plugs 34dB SNR, Noise Reduction Hearing Protector, with Aluminum Carry Case, for Sleeping, Woodworking, Shooting, Travel, Loud Events-Green

Mpow Foam Earplugs 60 Pairs with Aluminum Carry Case, 34dB SNR Ear Plugs, Soft Earplugs Noise Reduction for Hearing Protection, Hunting Season, Sleeping, Working, Shooting, Travel-Green


Mpow Foam Earplugs 60 Pairs with Aluminum Carry Case, 34dB SNR Ear Plugs, Soft Earplugs Noise Reduction for Hearing Protection, Hunting Season, Sleeping, Working, Shooting, Travel-Green

The methods to be used to protect against the effects of noise can be grouped under three main headings.

Technical Protective Measures: Technical protective measures can be grouped under two headings : Design Methods and Personal Measures.

Design Method: It is the most important step in the struggle. Reducing the noise at the source is the most important way. Its purpose is to take protective measures to reduce noise at the source of noise and on the road where sound energy is emitted.

_ Arrangement of machine and machine layout according to the production process is the first step in the establishment plans.

_ To give importance to the selection of the latest technological products which will emit less noise in the selection of machines and machines,

_ Moving the machines and workbenches that make a lot of noise to the isolated parts separate from the working environment,

_ The floor covering in the work area is made of sound absorbing material,

_ Reducing the noise level caused by maintenance of machines and machines at regular intervals,

_ Your voice in the air use sound-absorbing materials to the extent possible,

_ Reducing the surface area of ​​the vibrating parts,

_ Avoiding large surfaces near vibrating objects (large surfaces resonate and generate more noise than the original source),

_ Replacing the noisy operation with less noisy operation

_ Increase the distance between the noise source and the person exposed to it

_ To cover or make the places where sound can pass and reflect like walls, ceilings and floors with or with sound absorbing material,

b) Personal Protective Measures: These types of protective measures include earplugs and earplugs developed to protect people working in noise from noise. That is, to prevent noise in the person exposed to noise.

_ Isolating the person who is exposed to noise,

_ Use personal protection,

Medical Protective Measures: Medical protective measures can be examined in two parts.

a) Employment Inspections: The audits of the persons who will work in noise-risk works should be subjected to a full audiometric examination and should be included in the health file. The purpose of such an examination is not to prevent the person from being more affected by the risk (such as preventing a person with dyspnea from working in a dusty environment), as with other risks, and to ensure that subsequent health damages are examined by the person's employment status. Partial or complete deafness during work-up examination is an advantage for noise-related hearing loss in such noisy jobs. It is seen that the deaf ear of a person with a conductive loss in one ear is not affected by the noise and the sound ear is affected. Therefore, it should be emphasized that deaf citizens for noisy workplaces are employees who are not considered disabled and should be called in particular.

b) Periodic Inspections: In these examinations, instead of a full audiometric examination, this audiometric examination, which is performed at 4000 Hz and 8000 Hz hearing frequencies, does not cover low frequencies. What is the initial loss of noise at 4000Hz from the detected hearing levels; most importantly, the first frequency of speech frequencies affected by noise 2000 Hz. The level of hearing in the state can be easily seen.
Organizational Measures: Certain rest periods of hearing loss due to noise

provided that it can be prevented in the previous chapters. The limit value is 90 dB (A), which is accepted as the limit value in order to avoid hearing loss, and half of the exposure time when the noise level increases by 95 dB (A) according to another group of standards. That is, when the noise level is 95 dB (A), the exposure time should be 2 hours and when it is 100 dB (A) the exposure time should be 1 hour.

_ Reduce the duration of exposure to noise or operate in noisy places with ratosyon (administrative control)

_ Changing the work schedule

However, this method is purely conceptual and is not a preferred method in practice.

Mpow Foam Earplugs 60 Pairs with Aluminum Carry Case, 34dB SNR Ear Plugs, Soft Earplugs Noise Reduction for Hearing Protection, Hunting Season, Sleeping, Working, Shooting, Travel-Green

Speedo Ergo Ear Plugs


Speedo Ergo Ear Plugs

The noise that we must emphasize is not only the problem of the workplace, but also the problem of the majority of people in today's life. The size of this problem and its negative effects are growing.
It is impossible to deny the words of Robert KOCH many years ago for the noise which is the main concern of the century. Gibi As with diseases like cholera and plague, the years we will fight noise are close ”. But humanity is still not struggling enough with this trouble.
Hearing loss, which can occur in every stage of life for many reasons, has been a problem throughout human history. Hearing loss can occur for many reasons. The most important of these reasons is the noisy work that people working in the industry are exposed to.
More effective and faster machines in the industry have caused the noise level to rise. It is estimated that the number of people with industrial hearing loss, which is not very common in SSK statistics annuals, exceeds 200,000.
Noise, which constitutes a very important health risk from an industrial point of view, is also an important health problem for general public health. It is seen that all values ​​exceed the permissible values ​​in the meli Noise Regulation değer, especially during long-term measurements in different districts of Istanbul.
Initially, all attention was focused on the effect of noise on the human ear, but over the last 40 years extracurricular effects have been taken into account (such as thoughtfulness, forgetfulness, psychological effects, speech impairment, reduced working power).
First of all, we should never forget that the treatment of hearing loss due to noise is medically impossible today.
In order to better understand the effect of noise in the ear, let us briefly explain the definition of noise, the structure of the ear and the hearing mechanism.


In order to define the noise which affects the mental and physical structure of the human being negatively, it is useful to mention the physical qualities of the sound and hearing.
Sound: Gas, solid and liquid body molecules in the air pressure fluctuations in the ear is a feeling of the effect.
Noise: Generally defined as unwanted sound. It is a sound spectrum with a beautiful structure that can be described as unpleasant, unwanted, disturbing sound. Sound, on the other hand, is a physical phenomenon that is caused by fluctuations in the air pressure of a vibrating source and evokes a sense of hearing. As a physical concept, there is no difference between sound and noise.
Noise is an artificially generated, undesirable, quality and quantified noise. As can be understood from the definition, the notion of unwantedness shows that the noise may vary subjectively, that is, it may vary from person to person, and thus the effects on the psychological and neurovetitive system may be different in humans. The most important effect of noise, which does not differ significantly from person to person, is its effect on hearing.
After these two general definitions, when we look at how the definition of noise is defined in Article 3 of the convention signed at the 63rd Conference of the International Labor Organization (ILO), we see that the term ürültü noise ses includes all sounds that cause a hearing loss or cause health hazards or other hazards ”. It is important for us that this definition, which receives noise together with human health.
The deterioration of the quality of sound is the overlap of many sound waves with different frequencies. In other words, when we look at the frequency spectrum of noise, it is known that sounds occur at many frequencies. The deterioration of the quantity of sound is that, no matter how qualified and pleasant the sound is, its violence reaches a harmful value for the human body. For example, if we like the sound of a very nice music 90 dB (A) level will cause hearing loss. Of course, this effect of noise is the most easily visible effect. Psychological and neurogetative system effects may begin even at lower intensity sounds.
Decibel: The human ear is an organ that can respond to pressures of 0.0002-2000dyne / cm2. Decibel (db) in relative units is used in the evaluation of sound intensity to avoid unnecessary large numbers of studies.
Frequency: As the sound is a wave movement, every wave movement has a frequency in its sound. Roughly the number of vibrations per second of sound pressure.
Usually measured in Hertz (Hz). A normal adult person can hear sounds in the frequency range from 16 Hz to 20000 Hz. The ability to hear sounds at medium and high frequencies decreases with advancing age.


Physically, sound is the result of mechanical vibrations of matter. This vibration is propagated by causing periodic changes in the density of the surrounding environment. The ear converts the energy carried by sound waves into neural vibrations to be perceived by the brain. The human ear is composed of three parts: outer, middle and inner ear. Each part has separate functions in the hearing event (Figure 1).

Fig.1- The structure of the ear; outer ear, middle ear (eardrum, hammer, anvil, stirrup) and inner ear.
The outer ear collects and directs the sound waves towards the middle ear, and as the sound waves enter the middle ear, they first strike the eardrum and vibrate the membrane.
With the help of hammer, anvil and stirrup bones in the middle ear, vibrations caused by sound waves are carried to the inner ear.
The inner ear is composed of a liquid-filled snail tube. This tube contains very fine sensitively sensitive strands and yarn cells as well as sensitized cells dispersed in the liquid. When the sound waves coming to the inner ear are carried to the hearing center of our brain with the help of these strands, we perceive the sounds (Picture.2).

Picture.2- Spreading sound in one ear. The cochlea transmits the sound that it receives from 35,000 sensitive hair cells within the cortical organ to the brain through 18,000 nerve fibers.
The sound is not only collected by the scoop of the ear, but is carried to the strands in the inner ear with the help of the skull bones just behind our auricle.
Sound waves are generated by the activation of air from mechanical events.

Sound waves enter the ear canal and vibrate the eardrum.
The vibrations pass through three ossicles (hammer, anvil, stirrup) connected to each other in the middle ear.
This action activates the fluid in the inner ear.
The moving fluid waves thousands of fluffy cells, causing vibrations to become neural stimuli.
The hearing nerves deliver these neural impulses to the brain.
The brain transforms these warnings into the sound (senses) we hear.

Healthy Ear: The following image (Figure 3), taken with an electron microscope, shows the image of the hair cells (cilia) on the surface of the snail (cohlea) in the inner ear. As a result of the sound, the movements of the hairs turn into electrical signals and reach the brain. This is how hearing works. In a healthy ear, the hairs are upright and dense as shown.

Image.3- Image of hair cells on snail surface in a healthy ear.

Damaged Ear: The image of the inner ear of a person with hearing loss as a result of noise, taken with an electron microscope (Figure 4). The hair cells are very thin, the existing ones are oblique and incapable.

Image.4- Image of hair cells on the surface of the snail in a damaged ear.


Human ear vibration 16 Hz. and 20,000 Hz. Therefore, this kind of sound is called “hearing sound”. Sea waves, frost, earthquakes, wind sounds, such as 20 Hz. sounds below the "infrases" (infrases), the most recently used in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, "above 20,000 Hz sounds" ultrasound "is called. Human voices are located at frequencies of approximately 250-500-1000-2000 Hz. Male voices are at lower frequencies (250-500 Hz) and female voices are at higher frequencies (1000-2000Hz).

In order to hear the sound, its intensity needs to reach a certain level. Moreover, the human ear does not show the same sensitivity to sound at all frequencies.

That is, the human ear has different thresholds of hearing at different frequencies.

At this point, we can see some examples of the noise levels we hear or experience in daily life.
Hearing Limit (Threshold) 0 dB
Recording Studio, Forest, whispering speech at 120 cm 0-20 dB
Bedroom 20-30 dB
Library, Quiet office, Living room 30-40 dB
General office, Conversation 40-60 dB
Working office (Typewriter, etc.) 60-70 dB
Average Traffic Noise, Noisy Restaurant, Printing House 70-90 dB
Pneumatic Hammer, Machine Tools, Automatic Drill, Textile Fab. 90-100 dB
Hydraulic Press, Pop Group, Circular saw, Air gun 100-120 dB
Jet engine, (Pain or Threshold Threshold) 130 dB
City alarm siren 140 dB
Rocket launcher 180 dB

Speedo Ergo Ear Plugs

Flents Quiet Please Ear Plugs (50 Pair) NRR 29

What is noise pollution and how to prevent it?

Flents Quiet Please Ear Plugs (50 Pair) NRR 29

Noise can be defined as the tone of sound that damages the health and daily life of human beings and other living things. People are not always affected by the same tone. Sometimes we perceive these tones as normal, and these tones do not bother us. Sometimes these voices become unbearable and disturb us. Noise is the condition that you cannot bear this high tone. For example, listening to loud music, talking loudly on the phone, or traffic-borne sounds are all familiar to us. But from time to time, these sounds, exceeding the state of sound causes noise. If these familiar voices have begun to disturb us, noise pollution has started.

In our age, there are many disturbances that can disrupt the mental balance that can make people sick, and noise is one of them. For example, if you wake up one morning with a severe pain in your head or if you are feeling tired, you are probably exposed to the sound of television or cars at night.

When we say pollution, we usually think about the pollution caused by material elements. (cigarette butts, pet bottles, bags, etc.) But there is also an abstract dimension of pollution. One of these abstract dimensions is noise pollution. Noise pollution is a problem that disrupts the general flow of our lives, damages us and sometimes even causes permanent damage.

For this reason, we can define noise pollution in the following way: Noise pollution is high tones that interfere with our daily life, disrupt the natural flow of our lives and damage our lives.

How to Prevent Noise Pollution in City Centers?
Nowadays, many settlements are exposed to very disturbing noise. For example, large motorways may be located on the edge of residential areas, or a large factory may be built near the city center. These disturbing noises caused by traffic, factories or construction machinery cause both psychological and physical disturbances on human beings. According to scientific studies, noise pollution does not only cause hearing difficulties or condensation disorder. At the same time, noise pollution affects our sleep patterns and even our memory.

In order not to be exposed to noise pollution, it will be healthier to carry out the studies in remote places away from the city center. For example, if an airport is to be built, this area should be selected in areas remote from the settlements. However, if this cannot be done, restrictions should be imposed on the landing and take-off times of the aircraft. The best example of this is the Heatrow Airport in London. At this airport night flights are organized with people in the residential area in mind.

If we want to keep the noise under control, another way to do this is to make noise measurements. With the noise measurements, we can examine the settlement areas and determine the high noise level in which region and take measures accordingly.

Sound barriers are one of the best measures to prevent noise pollution. Thanks to the sound barriers, the noise remains only in the living area and does not disturb the environment. So what are the benefits of sound barriers, Hatko Sound Barriers we have organized for you, let's examine together.

What are the Benefits of Sound Barriers?
Noise barrier (also known as sound barrier, noise barrier, sound shock, sound barrier or acoustic barrier) is a structure designed to protect people living in sensitive land use areas from noise pollution. Noise is an undesirable disturbing tone and noise barriers are barrier systems that are manufactured with advanced technology that protects us from these damages. Thanks to the sound barriers, we will be physically and physically protected from diseases. Hatko Sound Barriers are working to provide you a better quality and peaceful life service. Let us now examine the benefits of sound barriers in substances.

Noise causes us to feel psychologically tense and nervous and in this case our daily life and one-to-one communication with people are negatively affected.
With Hatko Sound Barriers, both the quality of your daily life and your workplace performance will increase.
As we all know, recycling is very important in our age.
We need to use recycled materials in our productions so that we will leave a cleaner and more livable world to future generations.
Hatko Sound Barriers are made of completely recyclable material and do not harm the environment.
Aesthetic image is very important for all of us.
Our eyes always look for beauty and we want to add color to our lives in our concrete world.
Hatko Sound Barriers create a distinct atmosphere with their aesthetic appearance and do not create any image pollution.
Our sound barriers have different colors and designs.
For more information, please contact us or visit our website.
Our barriers are of good quality and long-lasting. Extra wear-resistant and non-flammable.
As you can see, it is very easy to get rid of noise pollution with Hatko Sound Barriers. Please contact us for a more beautiful world and for detailed information.

Flents Quiet Please Ear Plugs (50 Pair) NRR 29