Saturday, October 19, 2019

Mack's Slim Fit Soft Foam Earplugs, 50 Pair - Small Ear Plugs for Sleeping, Snoring, Traveling, Concerts, Shooting Sports & Power Tools


Mack's Slim Fit Soft Foam Earplugs, 50 Pair - Small Ear Plugs for Sleeping, Snoring, Traveling, Concerts, Shooting Sports & Power Tools

Acoustics - Determination of noise exposure at work and estimation of hearing loss caused by this noise

This standard describes the relationship between the noise exposure in persons of different age groups and the permanent threshold shift value (GSKEK) caused by this noise in statistical terms. This standard specifies procedures for the prediction of hearing impairment as a result of exposure to noise (taking into account the age effect) of the non-hearing loss population or randomly selected population whose hearing ability is estimated or measured. (GSKEK is used herein as an additional term, independent of other components of hearing threshold levels. In the case of no-exposure, GSKEK is usually 0, and at any noise exposure level, GSKEK receives positive values ​​indicating the variation of noise-damage sensitivity between individual individuals in a population. ) Persons who are regularly exposed to noise may develop hearing loss to varying degrees. Because of this hearing loss, their ability to understand speech, their ability to perceive daily acoustic signals or their assessment of music may be impaired. Permanent deterioration of the hearing organ takes time, with the exception of noise to explode, high pulsed noise and very high constant noise, and progresses after exposure to noise for months, years, or decades. GSKEK usually occurs before a reversible transient effect on hearing and is called the transient threshold shift value (GEK) caused by noise. The importance and recovery of GEC depends on the level and time of exposure. In individual individuals, it is not possible to accurately determine the change in the threshold value in the hearing caused by noise and the changes caused by other factors, although in the individual case it is suspicious. The data in this standard may provide additional means for the most likely effects of audiological diagnosis. However, for large populations exposed to a particular type of noise, changes in statistical distributions of the hearing threshold can be determined. Parameters such as the mean RSQEC value, the medium RSQEC value can be used to determine differences in hearing threshold between two similar populations in terms of noise characteristics that are very well defined in one (usually the workplace population) and related characteristics. Within the scope of this standard, “GSKEK” value is applied as a change in the permanent threshold shift value caused by noise in the statistical distribution of a population and not for individual individuals.

This standard can also be applied to calculate the risk of permanent hearing loss due to repeated daily exposure, or regularly exposed noise at work. In some countries where hearing loss occurs as a result of exposure to noise in the workplace, legal regulations apply for liability and compensation. The hearing threshold at different frequencies, which is thought to be a hearing loss (“limit value”), is firmly dependent not only on the disorder in individuals but also on legal definitions and interpretations based on social and economic approaches. In addition, the definition of hearing loss depends on the ability to understand spoken language as desired, the average value of ground noise, and perhaps even the spoken language because of its relative importance at different frequencies. Consequently, this standard does not guarantee a specific formula for the assessment of the risk of hearing loss (as opposed to the first edition of ISO 1999), but specifies fixed methods for predicting hearing impairment that can be used in the assessment of hearing loss according to a formula or guaranteed in a particular country. The results obtained with this standard can also be used to determine the permanent effects of other noises, except for acoustic signals exposed daily, the perception of music or the specific frequency effects that do not have to be guaranteed with a hearing loss formula.

Since hearing impairment caused by noise is not only the result of the noise at work but also the total noise to which the population is exposed, it is necessary to take into account the noise that individual individuals are exposed to in areas outside the workplace (in the places they shop during their work, at home and in entertainment activities). may be important. This standard allows the estimation of the occurrence of hearing impairment due to noise exposure at the workplace only if the noise exposed outside the workplace is insignificant compared to the noise exposure at the workplace. Otherwise, it is necessary to use the hearing impairment to be estimated from the sum of two of the total daily exposed noise (the sum of external and workplace exposure). The contribution of workplace exposure to total hearing impairment can be estimated when desired. The selection of the maximum tolerated or maximum permissible noise levels and the selection of a special formula for hearing loss risk assessment or compensation purposes, as well as the maintenance of rules laid down by ethical, social, economic and political factors, are not the responsibility of an international standardization process. . Individual countries that differ in these factors and their interpretation should therefore be excluded from the scope of this standard.

For the reasons given above, this standard does not provide a complete guideline for risk assessment and protection rules, and in practical use this standard should be combined with test codes or national standards that define the factors that are left open here.

ICS 13.140; 17.140.20 TURKISH STANDARD TS 2607

ISO 1999 / April 2005

3.8 Hearing loss
A disadvantage of adequate hearing impairment that affects the individual's personal activities in daily living activities and is often described as a difficulty in understanding what is spoken in low-level basic noise. The numerical indication of hearing loss is given as a combination of hearing threshold levels given in 6.2.

3.9 Limit value
Hearing threshold above the presumed hearing loss (or insufficiency) degree.

3.10 Risk of hearing loss
The fraction of a population whose hearing loss continues (Article 6.3)

3.10.1 Risk of hearing loss due to noise
The difference in the risk of hearing loss in the noise-exposed population from the risk of hearing loss in the non-noise population is equivalent to the risk of hearing loss of the noise-exposed population in the absence of the noise-exposed population.

3.11 Age and noise-related hearing threshold (HGIE), H H
Permanent threshold level of hearing in dB in a population (hearing threshold level (IES) specified in ISO 389). The value of LAGS is a combination of components related to noise (GSKEK, 3.12) and age (LAGs, 3.13) as specified in 5.1.

3.12 Permanent threshold shift caused by noise (GSKEK), N
Actual or potential permanent shift of hearing threshold level (dB), estimated to be caused by exposure to noise only when no other effects are present.

3.13 Age-related hearing threshold level (YİES), H
Hearing threshold in dB, observed only with respect to age, with no effect of noise exposure. YİES, only, pathological conditions or exposure to noise and so on. can be observed directly in the absence of other effects that cause hearing impairment.

3.14 Pulsed noise
Although pulsed noise can be defined in different ways (ISO 2204 and ISO 1196-2), for the purpose of this standard, all unstable noises, which are generally characterized as effective or pulsed noise in the industry, take part in the measurement of sound exposure (Art. 1, Note).

4 Identification and measurement of exposed noise
4.1 General

Normalized exposure level and / or average A-weighted, exposed level, EA, 8h, exposed sound measuring devices or integrating sound level normalized to the rated 8-hour working day to estimate the risk of hearing impairment and hearing loss as a result of exposure to noise Measured directly using sound meters or calculated from sound pressure measurements and exposure time. Such measurements may be made by means of fixed devices, which may be connected to the individual. The measurement sites and measurement times should be chosen to represent the noise exposure during a typical working day at which the population is at risk.

4.2 Device

4.2.1 General

Integrative-average sound for direct measurement of equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure levels

level meters shall be in accordance with IEC 60804, Type 2 or better.

4.4 Measuring

4.4.1 General

Carefully record the relevant details, measuring procedures and conditions of the measuring instrument in use during the measurement

and stored for reference purposes. Uncertainty in the total measurement when the measurement result is reported

should be specified taking into account the following factors:

- Measuring device,

- Position of the microphone,

- Number of measurements,

- Spatial variation of duration and noise source.

4.4.2 Long-term, daily exposure to noise
Daily A-weighted exposure to the sound or noise level exposed, for a sufficient number of days and persons under examination allowing the determination of the average noise exposure, or for the years or decades examined with the total uncertainty that fits a particular noise problem. .4 or 4.4.5. The average daily noise to which the person or group of persons is exposed in the total number of days shall be calculated using Table 1 of Article 3.6. If noise differs from day to day, this standard is primarily based on a daily equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level on the worst day of noise, or the equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level average over longer periods (not exceeding 1 year) of more than 10 dB if not exceeded.

NOTE For the application of this standard, monitoring of audiometry for irregularly exposed noise is recommended.

ICS 13.140; 17.140.20 TURKISH STANDARD TS 2607

ISO 1999 / April 2005

4.4.3 Direct measurement of daily exposure
The direct measurement of daily exposure to noise should be performed with an A-weighted exposed sound or an equivalent continuous weighted sound pressure level. Such devices integrate noise fluctuations that occur when the source of noise changes over time or when the person moves from one place to another. Fluctuations may spread over a wide range of levels and / or may exhibit irregular time characteristics. Fluctuations may also include pulsed noise.

4.4.4 Indirect measurement of daily exposure General

To indirectly measure the daily exposure, sound pressure levels should be measured with a sound level meter or equivalent recorder. The duration of exposure in each clearly identifiable level range should be measured separately.

NOTE Integrative sound level meters are preferred. If conventional sound level meters are used, the time-measuring feature F (fast) is recommended and the time-measuring feature I (pulsed) is not recommended.

The A-weighted exposed sound and the level of noise exposed normalized to the rated daily 8-hour working period shall be determined according to the procedures outlined in This method can also be applied to theoretical approaches. Stable noise exposure
In the case of noise whose fluctuations in the total period level to which the equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level is to be determined, the arithmetic mean of the sound pressure level is numerically equal to the equivalent continuous sound pressure level.

NOTE Noise is assumed to be almost stable if the total range of sound pressure levels is within the 5 dB range with the time-measuring feature S (slow). Stable noise exposure, varying level intermittently
If the noise is stable but consists of clearly distinguishable levels, the individual levels shall be measured in accordance with, with periods corresponding to different level ranges. The total A-weighted exposed sound, EA, T, should be calculated as Pa2.s using the following correlation:

Mack's Slim Fit Soft Foam Earplugs, 50 Pair - Small Ear Plugs for Sleeping, Snoring, Traveling, Concerts, Shooting Sports & Power Tools

Decibullz - Custom Molded Earplugs, 31dB Highest NRR, Comfortable Hearing Protection for Shooting, Travel, Swimming, Work and Concerts

Noise Regulation

Decibullz - Custom Molded Earplugs, 31dB Highest NRR, Comfortable Hearing Protection for Shooting, Travel, Swimming, Work and Concerts

Purpose, Scope, Basis and Definitions
Article 1 - The purpose of this Regulation is to protect the health and safety risks from the exposure of workers to noise,

measures to be taken to protect them.
Without prejudice to the more stringent and specific measures specified in this Regulation, the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation shall also apply.
Article 2 - This Regulation shall be applied in all establishments covered by the Labor Law No. 4857 dated 22/5/2003.
Article 3 - This Regulation is regulated in accordance with Article 78 of the Labor Law No. 4857.
Article 4 - In this Regulation;
a) Highest sound pressure (Ppeak): “C” - the maximum value of the frequency-weighted instantaneous noise pressure,
b) Daily noise exposure level (LEX, 8 hours) (dB (A) re.20 µPa): Time of all noise exposure levels, including instant pulsed noise, as defined in TSE 2607 ISO 1999: 1990 weighted average,
c) Weekly noise exposure level (LEX, 8h): Time-weighted average of daily noise exposure levels for a week consisting of five working days of eight hours, as defined in TSE 2607 ISO 1999: 1990,
d) Ministry: The Ministry of Labor and Social Security,
refers to.
Obligations of Employers

Exposure Limit Values ​​and Exposure Effective Values
Article 5 - Exposure limit values ​​and exposure effective values ​​are as follows:
a) For the purposes of the implementation of this Regulation, daily noise exposure levels and exposure limit values ​​and exposure effective values ​​in terms of maximum sound pressure are given below;
1) Exposure limit values: LEX, 8h = 87 dB (A) and Ppeak = 200 µ Pai
2) Highest exposure effective values: LEX, 8h = 85 dB (A) and Ppeak = 140 µ Paii
3) Lowest exposure effective values: LEX, 8h = 80 dB (A) and Ppeak = 112 µ Paiii
b) In determining the exposure that affects the worker, the exposure limit value shall be applied considering the protective effect of the personal ear protectors used by the worker. The effect of ear protectors will not be taken into account in the exposure effective values.
c) Weekly exposure values ​​may be used instead of daily exposure values ​​for the application of the exposure limit values ​​and exposure effective values ​​provided that the following conditions are complied with and where the daily noise exposure is determined to be significantly different from day to day:
1) The weekly noise exposure level determined by adequate measurement shall not exceed the exposure limit value of 87 dB (A).
2) Adequate measures shall be taken to minimize the risks in these works.

Obligations of Employers

Identification and Assessment of Risks
Article 6 - In determining and evaluating the risks arising from noise in the workplace;
a) The Employer shall evaluate the noise level to which the workers are exposed and, if necessary, measure noise, while fulfilling the obligations specified in Article 6 (c) and Article 9 (a) of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation.
b) The methods and devices used shall be appropriate to the present conditions, in particular the characteristics of the noise to be measured, the duration of exposure and the environmental factors.
These methods and devices shall enable the determination of the parameters defined in Article 4 of this Regulation and the determination of whether the values ​​specified in Article 5 are exceeded.
c) The noise measurement method used shall be such as to indicate the personal exposure of a worker.
d) The evaluations and measurements mentioned in paragraph (a) above shall be planned by the experts taking into account the provisions of Article 7 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation and shall be carried out at appropriate intervals.
The assessment of the noise exposure level and the measurement results will be appropriately stored so that it can be reassessed at a later time.
e) Measurement errors due to measurement applications shall be taken into account when evaluating the measurement results.
f) The employer shall pay special attention to the following issues in the risk assessment to be carried out in accordance with Article 6 (c) of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation:
1) the level, type and duration of exposure, including exposure to pulsed noise,
2) Exposure limit values ​​and exposure effective values ​​specified in Article 5 of this Regulation,
3) Impacts on the health and safety of workers, particularly those in vulnerable risk groups,
4) Technically, if possible, the interactions of noise and work-related ototoxic substances or the interactions between noise and vibration on the health and safety of the worker,
5) the indirect effect of the interaction of noise and warning signals and other sounds, which are used to reduce the risk of accidents and which should be perceived by workers, in terms of workers' health and safety,
6) Information provided by manufacturers in accordance with the relevant legislation on noise emissions of work equipment,
7) Whether there is an alternative work equipment with less noise emission,
8) Whether the exposure to noise continues outside normal working hours under the responsibility of the employer,
9) All information obtained from health surveillance, including the most recently published, if possible,
10) Whether there are ear protectors that can provide adequate protection.
g) The employer shall undertake the risk assessment in accordance with the subparagraph (1) of article (a) of Article 9 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation and define which measures should be taken in accordance with Articles 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the same Regulation. Records of risk assessment shall be maintained and maintained in accordance with applicable legislation. The risk assessment will be re-conducted regularly and whenever there is a significant change or if the results of health surveillance require it.

Prevention or Reduction of Noise Exposure
Article 7 - In order to prevent or reduce the exposure caused by noise;
a) The risks arising from exposure to noise shall be eliminated or minimized at the source by taking appropriate measures in accordance with technical developments.
In order to reduce the risks arising from noise, the general principles stated in Article 6 (b) of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation will be followed and in particular;
1) Choosing other working methods where exposure to noise is less,
2) Taking into account the work done, selecting the appropriate work equipment emitting the lowest possible level of noise,
3) Design and arrangement of the workplace and places of work,
4) To give the necessary information and training to the workers in order to use the work equipment in a correct and safe way where they will be exposed to the least noise,
5) To reduce noise by technical means;
- Reduce airborne noise by shielding, closing, noise-absorbing covers and similar methods,
- To reduce the noise caused by the building by means of insulation and similar methods,
6) Implementing appropriate maintenance programs for the workplace, work systems and work equipment,
7) With a work organization that will reduce noise;
- Limit exposure time and noise level,
- Arrangement of working periods by giving sufficient rest intervals,

measures will be taken.
b) In the case of a risk assessment in accordance with Article 5 of this Regulation, if it is determined that the maximum exposure effective values ​​are exceeded, the employer shall establish a technical and / or organizational program of measures to reduce exposure to noise, taking into account the measures specified in (a) above; and will apply.
c) According to the risk assessment carried out in accordance with Article 5 of this Regulation, workplaces where workers may be exposed to noise exceeding the maximum exposure effective values ​​shall be marked accordingly. In addition, the boundaries of these areas will be determined and if technically possible, access to these areas will be controlled.
d) The noise level in the places reserved for the rest of the workers shall be suitable for the purpose of use of these places.
e) The employer shall take the necessary measures to protect vulnerable risk groups such as women, children, the elderly and the disabled in accordance with Article 15 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation.

Personal Protection
Article 8 - The risks arising from exposure to noise cannot be prevented by other means;
a) In accordance with the provisions of Article 13 (b) of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation and the Regulation on the Use of Personal Protective Equipment at Workplaces and in the following conditions, workers shall be provided with ear protectors that fully comply with the person and shall be used by the workers:
1) When the noise exposure exceeds the minimum exposure effective values, the employer shall provide ear protectors and keep them ready for use by the workers,
2) When the noise exposure reaches or exceeds the highest exposure effective values, ear protectors will be used,
3) Ear protectors shall be selected in such a way as to eliminate or minimize the risk of hearing.
b) The employer shall make every effort to ensure the use of ear protectors and shall be responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of the measures taken.

Noise Exposure Limitation
Article 9 - Under no circumstances shall the exposure of the worker exceed the exposure limit values ​​as set out in paragraph (b) of Article 5 of this Regulation.
In spite of all the measures specified in this Regulation, the exposure limit values ​​are determined to be exceeded, the employer;
a) Immediately do what is necessary to reduce the exposure to below the exposure limit values,
b) identify reasons for exceeding exposure limit values ​​and
c) Take measures for protection and prevention in order to prevent it from recurring.
Informing and Training of Workers
Article 10 - The employer shall ensure that workers and / or their representatives who are exposed to noise at the lowest exposure effective value or above are informed and trained in relation to noise exposure and in particular in the following matters, together with the issues specified in Articles 10 and 12 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation. :
a) Risks arising from exposure to noise,
b) The measures taken to implement the provisions of this Regulation in order to prevent or minimize the risks arising from noise and the conditions under which such measures shall be applied,
c) Exposure limit values ​​and exposure effective values ​​specified in Article 5 of this Regulation,
d) The results of the assessment and noise measurement carried out in accordance with Article 6 of this Regulation and their importance and potential risks,
e) Proper use of ear protectors,
f) Why and how the symptoms of hearing loss are identified and reported,
g) The conditions under which the workers shall be subjected to health supervision and the purpose of health supervision, in accordance with Article 12 of this Regulation,

h) Safe working practices to minimize noise exposure.
Providing Consultation and Participation to Workers
Article 11 - In accordance with Article 11 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, the workers and / or their representatives shall be consulted and ensured that the issues covered by this Regulation and in particular the following matters:
a) In the assessment of risks and defining the measures to be taken as specified in Article 6 of this Regulation,
b) To take the measures specified in Article 7 of this Regulation aiming to eliminate or reduce the risks arising from noise,
c) in the selection of ear protectors as specified in sub-paragraph 3 (a) of Article 8 of this Regulation.
Miscellaneous Provisions
Health Surveillance
Article 12 - Workers shall be subjected to health surveillance considering the following:
a) The workers shall be subjected to appropriate health supervision if it is found out that there is a health risk as a result of the risk assessment made in accordance with the paragraph (a) of Article 6 of this Regulation.
b) A worker who is exposed to noise exceeding the maximum exposure effective values ​​has the right to require a hearing test by a physician or other specialist under the responsibility of the physician. Where assessment and measurement results stipulated in Article 6 of this Regulation indicate that there is a health risk, hearing tests shall also be performed for workers exposed to noise exceeding the minimum exposure effective values. The aim of these tests is to make early diagnosis of any hearing loss due to noise and to protect hearing function.
c) Personal health records of each worker shall be maintained and updated in relation to the health surveillance performed in accordance with paragraphs (a) and (b) above. Health records will include a summary of health surveillance. These records shall be kept on a confidential basis and subject to review.
Copies of these records shall be provided upon request by the competent authorities. Every worker will have access to the records of his choice.
d) When hearing loss is detected in the worker as a result of the health surveillance related to hearing, a physician or a specialist deemed appropriate by the physician will evaluate whether the hearing loss is related to the noise exposure. If hearing loss is due to noise;
1) The worker shall be informed by the physician or other qualified person about the results of the work.
2) Employer;
i) review the risk assessment made in accordance with Article 6 of the Regulation.
ii) review the measures taken in accordance with Articles 7 and 8 of the Regulation to prevent or reduce risks.
iii) In order to prevent or mitigate risks, it shall take into account the recommendations of occupational health experts or other appropriate qualified persons or competent authorities when applying the measures required by Articles 7 and 8 of the Regulation, including the assignment of the worker to another job, where the worker shall not be exposed to noise.
iv) will also conduct regular health surveillance to review the health status of workers who are similarly exposed.

Decibullz - Custom Molded Earplugs, 31dB Highest NRR, Comfortable Hearing Protection for Shooting, Travel, Swimming, Work and Concerts

Howard Leight by Honeywell Laser Lite High Visibility Disposable Foam Earplugs, 200-Pairs (LL-1)


Howard Leight by Honeywell Laser Lite High Visibility Disposable Foam Earplugs, 200-Pairs (LL-1)

Noise Measurement,
It is the most common physical factor in noisy work environments. Noise Measurement, which is one of the most frequent measurements among Occupational Hygiene Measurements, comes first.

Before describing the noise measurement, it is necessary to start from the definition of noise.

Noise is defined as distracting unwanted sounds that disturb and disturb.

Noise in working environments is considered to be the sounds that affect workers physiologically and psychologically negatively and decrease work efficiency.

Sound is the vibration of any material, which is absorbed by the ear by moving from the molecules of the environment.

Noise measurement; In accordance with the Labor Law No. 4857 and the Noise Regulation, it is obligatory to do this in workplaces and factories.

Noise measurement should be carried out in two stages as required by the noise regulation. For noise measurements, it should be ensured that all the machines and machines of the facility to be measured are working.

In the first stage, instantaneous noise levels should be measured in all factories or workplaces in accordance with the legislation. In addition to preparing the noise measurement report, the noise measurement points should be shown on the factory layout plan and colored according to the measured value and the noise map should be prepared. The noise map should be hung where all workers can see it and ear protection should be used in noisy areas.

The second stage is the measurement of personal noise exposure. According to the nature of the work, the location of the factory, the machines and the machines, personal noise measurement devices should be installed on the ear collars of the pre-determined workers. The noise meter stays on top of the worker from the beginning of the shift to the end of the shift and performs continuous noise measurement at short intervals. The noise measurement continues between tea and food and accurately measures daily exposure.

As can be seen from the graph in the figure, taking into account the background noise, the peaks of the noise are recorded in the most accurate form of the time interval when the noise is higher. Personal noise measurement according to ambient noise measurement guides the selection of the correct ear protection. In personal noise measurements, the calculation method is far from accurate. Calculating 8-hour exposure according to the noise level within the specified time interval does not give real results, especially in jobs whose noise level changes instantaneously (welding, grinding, cutting, hammer, press, etc.). The measurement of personal noise will be most accurate during the time interval between tea and food during the study.

Noise measurement; It should be carried out with appropriate methods and devices as specified in Article 6 of the Noise Regulation. Noise measurement that is not made in accordance with the correct technique and legislation will render the noise measurement report worthless. Noise levels in the noise measurement report will have no scientific value. As a result of noise measurement, it will prevent proper measures to be taken.

In some sectors, due to the nature and process of the job, the noise measurement result is inevitably above the limit values. In case the noise measurement result is higher than the limit values, the employer should take the necessary measures and measures in accordance with the labor law and noise regulation. The negative effects of noise on human beings and the noise level in the working environment should be analyzed well and embezzled and committed ear dryers should be given to the workers. In accordance with article 10 of the noise regulation, workers should be provided with occupational health and safety trainings on noise measurement results, damages and effects of noise and noise protection methods.

1. Noise
2. Definition, types and sources of noise:
Noise is generally defined as unwanted and disturbing sound.

The noise in the industry can be defined as the voices that leave physiological and psychological effects on the employees in the workplaces and affect the productivity negatively.

If the sound that makes noise is physically defined; Sound is an oscillation event that occurs in a medium of matter, which is caused by the compression and expansion of molecules.

The sound produced by the tuning fork is known as pure sound, that is, compression and relaxation are uniformly spaced in the tuning fork. The sound generated in the tuning fork forms a smooth sinusoidal curve. When we hit the tuning fork, the tuning of the tuning fork again from the deteriorating state of equilibrium is a vibration (one-way), the distance between two consecutive compressions or two expansions is called the wavelength (l), unit; Centimeters. The time taken for a wavelength is called period (T), the unit is seconds. The number of vibrations per second is called frequency (f); 1 / sec. or Hertz (Hz), (fxT = 1 is constant). The product of frequency and wavelength gives the speed of sound (V = fxl). Since it is not enough to know the frequency and wavelength to recognize the sound, it is necessary to know its other features.

This time, let's hit the diapason once strong, once slow. Since the compression and expansion of the tuning fork in the air molecules is different, the sounds we hear are also different. The pressure difference of the atmosphere between pressure and compression and expansion is called sound pressure.

The pressure unit is Bar. The bar is the pressure generated by a force of 106 dynes per square centimeter. Since the sound pressure is very small, one-millionth of a bar is used.

Regarding worker health and work safety, in other words, hearing loss due to noise, it is sufficient to determine the pressure and frequency to recognize the sound. However, since the sound pressure depends on the proximity and distance of the person hearing the sound, the power of the sound must be taken into account. Sound pressure, one meter away from the sound source, is known as the sound power.

Sound power in a unit area is called the intensity of sound, and these intensity levels are called the intensity of sound. In addition, our ears can distinguish two sounds of the same intensity as treble and bass sounds. This feature of sound is called loudness.

The higher the frequency, the higher the sound, the lower the frequency.

It is possible to identify three types of sounds that generate noise. Subsonic sounds are audible sounds and Ultrasonic sounds.

Subsonic sounds; sounds whose frequency is less than 20 Hz.

Audible sounds; approximately 20 Hz. with 20 kHz. sounds.

Ultrasonic sounds; whose frequency is higher than 20 kHz.

Every vibrating object is a sound source. Noise sources in industry; striking type forging, riveting, nailing machines and cutting, crushing and forming machines; liquid and gas repellent effects of pumps, compressors, turbines, fans, jet engines and valves; ignition noises of furnaces and engines; magnetic sounds generated by transformers and dynamos; vibration and friction noises from the gear, motors and machines, etc. d.

3. Effects of noise on human
Noise has two types of physiological and psychological effects on people.

3.1. The physiological (hearing loss) effects of noise on human beings depend on multiple factors. These are:

The intensity of the sound that makes noise,
Frequency distribution of the noise that generates noise,
Time to be affected by noise,
Personal sensitivity to noise,
Age of the subject,
Gender of the subject.
Let's try to examine these factors one by one.

3.1.1. Although the intensity of the noise making noise is important, it is never the main measure alone. Let's examine the relationship between sound and hearing, taking into consideration the intensity of sound.

A healthy human ear is sensitive to sound intensities ranging from 20 µPa to 200 Pa. The ear hears comfortably in this wide range. The sound of 20 şiddetPa is called the hearing threshold, and the sound of 200 Pa is called the pain threshold. The hearing range includes a 107-digit numeric scale. Decibel unit is used to define the sound pressure in this very wide numerical range with a numerical expression in the narrower range.

In practice, the measure of noise is decibel. Decibel is a unit of gain (a physics term) and is a logarithmic expression.

Every three decibel increase doubles the sound, and every ten decibel increase increases the sound ten times.

The volume decreases in proportion to the square of the distance. If the distance doubles, the volume decreases by 6 dB.

20 µPa, 0 dB; 200 Pa corresponds to 140 dB. For this reason, 0 dB in decibels is called as hearing threshold and 140 dB is called as pain threshold.

Noise Level
Location & Location
0 dB.
Hearing threshold.
20 bir A quiet forest.
30 konuşma Conversation with whisper.
40 “Quiet room.
50 bir An office in the city.
60 “Conversation.
70 “Vertical drill.
80 konuşma Speak aloud.
90 “Strong shout.
100 “Weaving halls.
110 “Air hammer, woodworking.
120 “Ball mill.
130 yan Near the planes.
140 “Pain threshold.

3.1.2. A young and healthy human ear with a frequency of 16 Hz. and 20000 Hz. between the sounds. This sensitivity is 60000 Hz in bat, 140000 Hz in dolphin. d. human voices normally under 500 Hz. - 1500 Hz. It is around.

3.1.3. Noise exposure time is a very important factor. The person who has been affected by a long period of severe noise is likely to suffer a great deal of hearing loss.

3.1.4. Being affected by noise shows very different results from person to person. Functional status of the inner ear, previous or existing diseases are important factors in the sensitivity of individuals. However, this factor is not taken into account in the detection of hearing loss.

3.1.5. Age is also an important factor in influencing noise. Especially for the detection of hearing loss age must be taken into account.

3.1.6. Gender is a separate factor in noise impact. However, this factor is not taken into account in the detection of hearing loss.

3.2. Let us briefly summarize the psychological effects of noise on people.

3.2.1. People living or living in noisy environments
- Concentration, attention and reaction capacity weakened,

- Fatigue, sleep disorders, late sleep,

- Central nervous system disorders, headaches and stresses,

- Metabolic and hormonal disorders,

3.2.2. Suddenly, you are under the influence of a loud noise
- Increase in blood pressure (blood pressure),

- Cardio vascular (circulatory) disorder,

- Changes in respiratory rate and

- Increased sweating can be seen.

3.2.3. Noise can also
- Don't shout when you talk,

- Anger,

- Difficulty of mutual agreement,

- Negative relations between people and

- It plays an active role in increasing work accidents.

The most important effect of noise is undoubtedly the hearing loss on people's hearing.

4. Hearing Loss

There are two types of hearing loss in people exposed to severe noise for a long time.

4.1. Conductive hearing loss:
It is a type of hearing loss that occurs in the outer and middle ears. The sound intensity suffers a loss as it passes through the outer and middle ear and is not transmitted to the inner ear. This type of hearing loss occurs as a result of a sudden high explosion damaging the outer eardrum. The same sound may cause irregularities in the ossicles in the middle ear.

4.2. Sensori-Neural hearing loss:
This type of hearing loss is a hearing loss in the inner ear. It is the disruption of the fluid or fibers in the cochlea in the inner ear and hearing nerves not working. This type of hearing loss is more of a hearing loss caused by high intensity and high frequency sounds.

In the industry, people with short exposure to high noise may experience a transient perception hearing loss. If this effect is prolonged, the hearing loss is permanent (permanent) and the ear can no longer regain its ability to lose.

5. Noise evaluation
In industry, hearing loss caused by high noise in workers is an occupational disease. Occupational disease is defined in Article 11 of Law No. 506 as follows.

“Occupational disease: temporary or permanent illness, disability or mental breakdown caused by the insured for a repeated reason or due to the conditions of execution of the job, depending on the nature of the work in which the insured is employed.”

It is stated in the list attached to the Social Insurance Health Transactions Regulation which diseases will be considered as occupational diseases and how long after the actual occurrence of these diseases, the insured will be accepted from the profession.

In the occupational diseases list, these diseases are grouped under 5 groups.

A. Occupational diseases caused by chemical substances,

B. Occupational skin diseases,

C. Pneumoconiosis and other respiratory diseases,

D . Occupational infectious diseases,

[0136] E. Occupational diseases with physical factors.

In the industry, hearing loss caused by noise is a occupational disease which is included in the occupational diseases group due to physical factors.

In the list of occupational diseases in the annex of Social Insurance Health Transactions Regulation; Ürültü In order for noise losses to be considered as occupational diseases, it is necessary to have worked at least two years in noisy work and at least 30 days in jobs where noise intensity is consistently above 85 dB. ” The period of obligation for noise is 6 months.

In industry, noise should be measured and evaluated in the best way. In a workplace, noise level measurements are made with noise measuring devices. Noise measuring devices are designed as ambient dosimeters and personal dosimeters.

In a workplace, the total noise level should be measured and a good frequency analysis should be performed during the eight-hour work. In addition, personal dosimeters should be fitted to the workers who work at the workplace to determine the total noise levels to which they are exposed.

If noise measurements are to be carried out considering the hearing loss, the noise measuring devices should be calibrated to dB (A).

In the noise measuring device, dB (A) represents the values ​​closest to the hearing curve of the human ear.

The human ear hears sounds with certain losses, especially at low frequencies and high frequencies. Sound meters have A, B, C and Linear measuring positions. Scale A was calibrated according to the hearing curve of the human ear. In other words, the measurement in frequency A is the value of the human ear. Scale B is a scale used by telephone companies and C scale is used to measure all voices. In addition, the linear scale in the devices is the scale used when frequency analysis is desired.

6. The methods of protection against noise in a workplace can be listed as follows.
6.1 Technical Protection

Measures to be taken at noise source Replacement of used machines with machines with low noise level, Replace the process that needs to be done with a process that requires less noise, Separation of the noise source.

6.2. Precautions to be taken in a noisy environment
6.2.1. To take adequate precautions against noise and vibration on the ground where the machines are placed,

6.2.2. To put noise prevention barrier between the noise source and the person exposed to the noise,

6.2.3. To increase the distance between the noise source and the person exposed to the noise,

6.2.4. Covering places such as walls, ceilings, floors where sound can pass and reflect with sound absorbing material.

6.3. Measures to be taken in the person affected by noise
6.3.1. Enclosing the person exposed to noise in a well-insulated compartment against sound,

6.3.2. Reducing working time in noisy environment,

6.3.3. Use effective personal protection against noise.

Noise canceling values of ear protectors:
Degree of Reduction

Cotton 5 - 16 dB.

Paraffin cotton 20 - 35 ”

Cotton wool 7,5 - 32 ”

Ear plugs 20 - 45 ”

Headset 12 - 48 ”

6.2. Medical Protection

6.2.1. Those who will work in noisy jobs, audiograms should be taken at work and healthy ones should be employed. it is also conceivable to employ deaf and dumb people at birth in noisy work if adequate measures can be taken against certain accidents.

6.2.2. Ear noisy audiograms should be taken every 6 months for those who work in noisy jobs and necessary measures should be taken in cases of hearing loss.

7. Noise control methods, legal regulations
Noise control starts with a good knowledge of the noise intensity in the workplace. employers need to know what is the noise intensity in the workplace, what problems will be experienced in the workplace at this noise level and how much it will be affected by the problems itself. If the employer does not take adequate measures against noise, the employer will have to pay compensation against the occupational disease that will occur in his / her worker.

Likewise, having sufficient information about the negative effects of noise in the workplace and how the workers themselves will be affected and their physiological and psychological consequences will ensure that noise control methods in the workplace work well. As it is known, the supervision of the workplaces in terms of health and safety conditions in our country is mainly the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and local administrations (Municipalities).

Undoubtedly, the most effective and widespread supervision of these organizations is carried out by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.

It cannot be said that the inspections carried out by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security by the Labor Inspectors (Technical) attached to the Labor Inspection Board are healthy and scientific in terms of worker health and safety, especially in terms of physical and chemical conditions of the workplaces. Because, Labor Inspectors (Technical) inspections with five senses. However, the best method of knowing the physical and chemical conditions of the workplace is measurement and evaluation.

Regarding noise control in the workplace, in Article 22 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, “Where heavy and dangerous work is not carried out, the noise level shall not exceed 80 decibels. Where jobs are required that require more noisy work, the maximum degree of noise is 95 decibels. However, in this case, workers will be provided with appropriate protective equipment, such as headgear, headphones or ear plugs.. In Article 78 of the same Regulation; Aşağıdaki The following measures shall be taken to protect against the harmful effects of noise;

7.1. During the installation of machines that produce noise in the workplace, the floor of the workplace shall be made with materials and systems that will reduce vibration and sound.

7.2. The walls of the noisy workplaces will be covered with materials that will prevent the reflection of sound and the buildings will be constructed with double doors and double windows. Walls shall be made with soundproof material.

7.3. Where noise cannot be reduced, the provisions of Article 22 of this Regulation shall apply.

7.4. General health examinations of workers who will work in noisy jobs will be performed, especially hearing and degree of hearing, ear and nervous system disease, those who have malfunction in this system and hypertension will not be taken into these jobs. However, those who are deaf and mute by birth can be recruited.

7.5. Periodic general health examinations of noisy workers will be carried out. Those with decreased hearing and any disorders, those with ear and nerve disease, and those with hypertension, who will leave their jobs will be controlled and treated. ”

It is called.

In addition, in terms of health rules, but only seven and a half hours a day or less work to be done in the Regulation of Article 2 XX. It is stated in the işler Works with noise exceeding 85 decibels ”that can be worked for maximum seven and a half hours a day.

8. Noise Measurements
Noise measurements; It is made with noise measuring equipment at source, environment and employee's ear level.

In a workplace, a plan and program is prepared in line with the answer to the question of what to do for noise measurement before measuring noise. In line with this plan and program, noise measurements are made and evaluated.

8.1. Noise measurements at source;
In the plan and program, the target should be health and safety of the employees in the workplace. In line with this objective, the noise level of each noise source in the workplace should be measured. These measurements should be made one meter away from the noise source and at points equivalent to the ear levels of employees. These measurements, according to the continuous and variable noise generated by the noise source; It can be done with noise measuring device or ambient dosimeters that can make instant measurements. Again, these measurements can be made in the form of noises produced by the noise sources individually or by the noise generated by all. In addition, it is useful to create noise maps of working areas to be used in measures to be taken against the harmful effects of noise in noisy environments.

As is known, the noise level is measured in decibels and all evaluations are made with this unit. Decibel is a logarithmic expression. Therefore, the noise level to be measured for each source is not determined by simple arithmetic addition for the value of the noise produced by the sources together. For example: the noise produced by two noise sources at the same time with the same noise levels; It is not 100 dB + 100 dB = 200 dB, but 100 dB + 100 dB = 103 dB.



0 3.0

2 2.6

3 1.8

4 1.5

5 1.2

6 1.0

7 0.9

8 0.8

10 0.4

12 0.3

14 0.2

16 0.1

Distribution of hearing loss of persons exposed to noise at constant frequency noise of 4000 Hz at years of noise levels of 83, 92 and 97 dB (A).

Less than 90 dB (A)

90 dB (A) 8 Hours

92 dB (A) 6 “

95 dB (A) 4 “

97 dB (A) 3 “

100 dB (A) 2 “

102 dB (A) 1.5 “

105 dB (A) 1 “

110 dB (A) 0.5 “

115 dB (A) 0.25 “

More than 115 dB (A)

In terms of the implementation of the Noise Regulation, daily noise exposure levels;

Daily noise exposure level (LEX, 8h) (dB (A) re.20 µPa): Time-weighted average of all noise exposure levels including instant pulsed noise for eight hours of work day.

Weekly noise exposure level The time-weighted average of daily noise exposure levels for a week of five hours of eight hours.

Exposure limit value and exposure effective values; maximum sound pressure.

Exposure limit value LEX, 8h = 87dB (A) and Ppeak = 200 Pai

Highest exposure effective value LEX, 8h = 85dB (A) and Ppeak = 140 Paii

Lowest exposure effective value LEX, 8h = 80dB (A) and Ppeak = 112 Paiii

20 µPa with respect to LEX, 8h = 87dB (A) and Ppeak = 200 Pai 140 dB (C)

L (dB) = 20 log P / Po (noise intensity)

If P = 200 Pa and Po = 20 µPa, L (dB (C)) = 140 dB (C)

LEX, 8h = 85dB (A) and Ppeak = 140 Paii

Related to 137 dB (C)

LEX, 8h = 80dB (A) and Ppeak = 112 Paiii

20 µPa in relation to 135 dB (C)

Highest sound pressure (Ppeak)

C - maximum value of the frequency-weighted instantaneous noise pressure
Regulation Footnote:

: 20 µPa in relation to 140 dB (C)
Related to: 137 dB (C)
: It is taken as 20 µPa with respect to 135 dB (C).

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Mack's Dreamgirl Soft Foam Earplugs, 50 Pair, Pink - Small Ear Plugs for Sleeping, Snoring, Studying, Loud Events, Traveling & Concerts


Noise is one of the important industrial and environmental problems of our time. The sounds produced by the industrial machinery and equipment can cause significant harm to the workers in that particular line of business unless adequate and effective measures are taken. For example, in the textile industry (4000-7000 rpm) high-speed spinning machines, commonly used shuttle looms, motors and air conditioning plants of the ventilation system are the sources of noise.

Noise; unpleasant, unwanted, disturbing sound. The sound; air, water, or the like. The emergence and propagation of sound occurs by the vibration of particles (solids, liquids, gases) in the medium and the transmission of these vibrations to neighboring particles.

The possible effects of noise on human health can be summarized as follows:

Psychological effects; nervous disorder, fear, discomfort, uneasiness, fatigue, slowing of mental effects, insomnia and so on.

Noise prevention of communication with speech, effects on job productivity and safety.

Physiological effects; Negative effects on hearing sensation (Hearing loss or loss of hearing threshold called hearing loss, ear pain, nausea (exposure to high pressure noise - presenting), muscle stress, stress, increase in blood pressure, heart rate and blood circulation change, eye baby growth

Irreversible hearing loss may occur as a result of exposure to high levels of noise in the ear (more than 80 dB (A)) for long periods (months and years). This loss; it can be temporary, continuous, or both. Temporary hearing loss, also called auditory fatigue, disappears after moving away from the noisy environment (usually one to two hours).

Continuous hearing loss;

Personal sensitivity,

The level of noise (total energy of sound),
Frequency distribution of noise and sound,
Daily total exposure - duration of presentation,
The length of time a person is affected by noise,
Noise, continuous, intermittent or pulsed

It depends.

As can be seen, many factors are associated with noise-related hearing loss. This makes it difficult to take measures to protect people from negative effects. In order for the problem to be solved and to protect the employees, the level of exposure, threshold values ​​should be determined and the noise level and frequency distribution in the workplaces should be measured and evaluated accordingly.
As a result of the researches, the maximum permissible working times were determined depending on the noise level in the environment. The values ​​determined according to ILO and our country standards are explained in Table 1. The values ​​given are valid for continuous or intermittent noise. Not applicable for explosion and impact noises.

Table 1: Permissible Noise Level

Measurement of noise level:

Sound level meters, frequency analyzers and personal or ambient noise dosimeters are used to measure and analyze the noise level.

There are also some non-technical rules for deciding whether the noise level is high in the workplace:

In order to understand the speech of a person next to him / her, it is necessary for the person to speak by increasing the tone outside the usual speaking tone, or if it is necessary to shout in the ear for the person to understand, the noise has exceeded the permissible level.
If the worker hears noise in his head and ringing in his ear at the end of a working day, he is exposed to excessive noise.
If the worker has difficulty understanding the sounds of speech and music clearly at the end of the working day, but if he / she understands the sounds of speech and music on the way to work in the morning, he / she is exposed to a high level of noise. Without precaution, there is no doubt that permanent hearing loss will occur in the future.

Prevention Against Noise:

Measures to be taken regarding noise in the workplaces are specified in article 78 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation.

The sequence of measures to be taken is (1) at the source of the noise, (2) the elimination of the sources of reflection - the road also - (3) blocking at the receiver. Measures that can be taken are summarized in Table 2.

Table 2: Noise control

Reducing Noise at Source
It is the most effective way.
Replace the noise generating process with less noisy operation.
Using machines that produce less noise (substitution).
Reorganize the operation of noise generating machines (such as maintenance, covering vibrating or impacting parts with soft materials, making some changes in the process).

Reducing Noise on the Spread of Sound Energy

Increase the distance between the source of noise and the person exposed to it.
Use sound-absorbing obstacles to prevent sound from spreading in the air.
To cover or make the places where sound can pass and reflect like walls, ceilings and floors with or with sound absorbing material.
Switch off or isolate the noise source with sound-absorbing material.

Preventing Noise in the Person Exposed to Noise
Isolating the person exposed to noise.
Use personal protection.
Exposure to noise - to reduce the time of presentation or to run in noisy places with rotation (administrative control).
Change the work schedule.

As a last resort;

Workers should wear ear protection in certain noisy areas. (2) prolonged exposure to high levels of noise - presenting is detrimental to the very sensitive hearing mechanism. (3) Ear plugs or ear protectors covering the entire ear prevent (reduce) noise before it reaches the eardrum. (4) The choice of ear plugs or protectors covering the entire ear depends on the level of noise and the work performed. (5)
In the noisy areas, when hearing protection is worn, it is unnecessary to worry about not hearing speeches or warning signals. Even sounds are heard more comfortably.

Ear protectors The talimat ear protection instructions for use belirtilen listed in Table 3 must be followed.

Table 3: Instructions for Use of Ear Protection

1. The worker's health and safety officer should give the appropriate protective equipment to the person's ear and teach them how to use it.

2. Use of ear protectors should be started according to an exercise program as follows.

Afternoon Afternoon

Day 1 30 30 .30 minutes ………. 30 minutes

Day 2 ……… 1 hour ………… .. 1 hour

Day 3 ……… 2 hours ………… 2 hours

4 days ………. 3 hours …………. 3 hours

5th day süresince During all working hours

3. If there is a problem in using protective equipment after the 5th day, the occupational health and safety officer should be informed.

4. The ear protectors should be replaced when worn, hardened or deformed.

5. If the ear protection is forgotten or lost anywhere, a new ear protection must be used and used.

6. Dirty ear plugs should never be used. Ear plugs should be washed with soap and water at least once a day.

7. With proper care, ear plugs can be used for months and ear muffs for years.


Other issues to remember about the use of ear protectors are;

The best ear protector is the one that fits well in the ear, so it can be used comfortably.
A small opening in the ear canal with a plug significantly reduces the effectiveness of the protector. Therefore, a good protective ear fits well.
After the ear plugs are worn, they may come off as a result of talking or chewing anything. For this reason, it should be checked from time to time and placed in place.
If the ear plugs are kept clean, they will not cause any irritation and any other reaction.


Before starting work, every worker / personnel who will work in places with a noise level of 80 dB (A) or more; possible effects of noise on hearing, the purpose of ear protectors, advantages, disadvantages, use, identification of the appropriate type of protection, care and cleaning should be given. These trainings should be renewed every year. In addition, examination and audiometric tests should be explained.

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Eargasm High Fidelity Earplugs for Concerts Musicians Motorcycles Noise Sensitivity Conditions and More (Ear Plugs Come in Premium Gift Box Packaging) - Blue

Sound disturbance in Mechanical and Machine rooms creates a disturbing situation. Sound isolation applications are one of the most important studies for clearer and better understanding of the sound in the environment. The materials used should be selected correctly according to the sound level of the sound. Correctly selected material and correct application result in effective sound insulation. Sound Insulation is important for many human health and environment. Who would not want a peaceful environment away from disturbing sound and noise. If you want the sound to be heard more clearly, you should do Sound Isolation. In the first place, the sound can be very uncomfortable, but you can accept disturbing sound and noise over time, but this will have a negative effect on you. Nervous systems can be disturbed as disturbing sound and noise add negative effects to human psychology. Insulation, nervous, stress, sound isolation application that will help you get rid of such problems are made.


Factory noise insulation, we do sound insulation in noisy factory spaces to avoid disturbing employees or people outside. You can benefit from our solutions by reducing the noise pollution in your environment or by increasing the noise inside. We provide sound insulation services in many areas, especially in factories, as well as insulation materials and room acoustics services with Factory Sound Insulation.


We offer economical and professional solutions for soundproofing of generator room. We do similar works such as sound insulated cabin, wall insulation to the generator. For the sound insulation application in the generator rooms, the generators that are noise source are taken to a cabinet covered with barrier acoustic sponges. If it is not possible to isolate the source alone, sound insulation can be applied to the environment.


Compressor chamber is a machine which produces high and intense sound in terms of sound insulation, compressors structure and operation. If the soundproofing of the compressor rooms is not done, you will be exposed to very loud noise and this will seriously disturb you. You can get sound insulation for a healthy working environment. If you do sound insulation, you will get a more efficient working environment that reduces the noise in the compressor room.


Marin boat engine sound insulation, people prefer boats to spend quiet and peaceful time. However, the high level of noise generated by the boat engines is disturbing. The sound insulation of the boat motors helps to remove the noise easily.


Boiler room sound insulation, otherwise acoustically noisy boiler rooms sound insulation. Noises from boiler rooms disturb the residents of the apartment. You can solve these sounds by sound insulation. Both machines in the boiler rooms around the other machines; they may disrupt the vibrations they emit. We have a lot of noise-canceling sound insulation materials.

Eargasm High Fidelity Earplugs for Concerts Musicians Motorcycles Noise Sensitivity Conditions and More (Ear Plugs Come in Premium Gift Box Packaging) - Blue

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How to avoid noise pollution

Ear Plugs AMAZKER Bell-Shaped 60 Pairs Ultra Soft Earplugs SNR-35dB Perfect for Sleeping Snoring Working Study Travel with Aluminum Carry Case No Cords Noise Reduction (AM-1006)

The Ministry of Environment and Urbanization continues its efforts to combat environmental noise that causes mental, physical and physiological disturbances in humans.

The Ministry has accelerated the work on the Uygulama Implementation Capacity for the Environmental Noise Directive olduğ, which was initiated in June 2013. With this project; Selected from across Turkey, Istanbul, Bursa, Izmir, Kocaeli, Ankara advanced; final noise maps for industry, road and rail noise sources will be prepared.

Final noise maps will be prepared for the airport in Adana and for the port in Samsun. In addition, sample noise maps and action plans will be prepared for selected noise sources in the provinces of Muğla, Antalya, Nevşehir, Eskişehir, Erzurum, Gaziantep, Edirne, Samsun and Adana and the institutional capacity will be strengthened with this study.

Within the scope of the Regulation on Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise, which is fully in line with the EU's environmental noise directive, transportation resources, industrial facilities, entertainment ...

Ear Plugs AMAZKER Bell-Shaped 60 Pairs Ultra Soft Earplugs SNR-35dB Perfect for Sleeping Snoring Working Study Travel with Aluminum Carry Case No Cords Noise Reduction (AM-1006)

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Vibes High Fidelity Concert Earplugs - Hearing Protection Ear Plugs Noise Reduction for Concerts, Fitness Classes, Motorcycle, Sensory Disorders (Tinnitus Relief & Autism) - As Seen on Shark Tank

What is noise?

The difference between sound and noise is that noise is often described as unwanted sounds. Such sounds are perceived as annoying and annoying or may be directly harmful to hearing. Indeed, the subject “What is sound” and n What is noise tamamen is purely personal and is determined by the response to the noise source.

Reducing or eliminating noise at work often results in very efficient results. When the work environment is safer and healthier, the employer's obligation to finance the costs of absenteeism or accidents or workers who are not able to work at full capacity will be reduced. A good sound environment requires a preventive, stable and long-term approach to noise injuries. And achieving the goals is always the responsibility of the employer.

Noise and sound tones

Noise may consist of a single tone only, but usually consists of several tones of varying forces. The disturbing effect of a sound does not depend solely on the strength of the tones; frequency also has an effect - high tones are more disturbing than low tones. Pure tones are more disturbing than mixed tones.

When considered as a noise sound, it is often used for levels that do not make sense and exceed a certain height. When approached in this way, any sound that has reached a high level is noise. On the other hand, for example, a dialogue between two people may be perceived as "noise" by a third person who does not participate in the conversation. Dog barking, loud music played by the neighbor, car sounds from the road, or aircraft heard in a rural area can also be considered "noise".

Noise in compressed air systems is often seen in industry. There are two types of blowing noise. The first is the friction noise that occurs at the place of automatic valves and cylinders. The second type occurs where compressed air is used to blow, clean, cool, transport and sort out something. Blowing noise occurs at the point where compressed air is emitted from the system. It is of high speed and is usually formed by an open pipe or bore. It creates turbulence as the air spreads freely, producing loud noise.

Noise can make communication between people or electronic devices difficult or impossible by blocking the message being transmitted, changing the meaning of the message, or even distorting it.

Noise is described as unpleasant, unwanted, disturbing sound. While sound is a measurable and objective concept whose existence does not change depending on the person, noise is a personal, subjective concept.

Noise pollution (acoustic pollution), which is among the environmental problems, emerged as a result of the industrialization process in developed countries and in the form of technology surplus and became a major area of interest for various segments of the society after 1960s, especially transportation noise.

Vibes High Fidelity Concert Earplugs - Hearing Protection Ear Plugs Noise Reduction for Concerts, Fitness Classes, Motorcycle, Sensory Disorders (Tinnitus Relief & Autism) - As Seen on Shark Tank