Thursday, October 17, 2019

Forces of Nature – Natural, Organic Fissure Care (11ml) Non GMO, No Harmful Chemicals –Soothe and Relieve Burning, Throbbing, Stinging, Itchy, Bleeding Tissue Caused by Fissures or Hemorrhoids


Forces of Nature – Natural, Organic Fissure Care (11ml) Non GMO, No Harmful Chemicals –Soothe and Relieve Burning, Throbbing, Stinging, Itchy, Bleeding Tissue Caused by Fissures or Hemorrhoids

40-50% of the population has a complaint in the breech area at least once in their lifetime. One of the most common causes of these complaints is hemorrhoid disease. Hemorrhoid disease develops as a result of swollen sagging of the cushions filled with blood in the anal canal or bleeding due to trauma. Disease, internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids are two types. External hemorrhoidal disease develops around the anus. The most common complaint is the mass that comes into the hands of the patient. Internal hemorrhoidal disease develops on the inside of the breech. The most common complaints are bleeding from the breech, breast formation in the breech, and sometimes itching and itching.

What is hemorrhoid clotting?
If blood clots in one of the veins in the hemorrhoid pouch, the patient will experience severe pain as the flow will stop. This condition is called hemorrhoid clotting or thrombosis.

Do hemorrhoidal diseases turn into cancer?
No, hemorrhoidal disease is not a cancer precursor. However, it should never be neglected by a mass and bleeding in the rectum. This is because similar cancers and symptoms may also occur in cancer of the large intestine, rectum (colorectal) and rectal (anus).

How should hemorrhoids be treated?
This disease can resolve spontaneously in the early stages without any treatment, and in many patients, some simple measures can achieve successful treatment results. However, surgical interventions are inevitable in patients with long-term and advanced disease that impair the quality of life of the patient.

Coagulation Method: It is based on the principle of tissue damage on the hemorrhoid pouches with a heat or light source (laser). In this way, the packets become smaller and bleeding is prevented. This method can be chosen for hemorrhoidal disease that does not come out of the anus (Stage 1-2) but causes bleeding. It is a short-term procedure that can be performed under policlinic conditions.
Band Ligation Method: It is a painless and quite simple procedure that can be performed under polyclinic conditions. It is an appropriate treatment for patients with hemorrhoids and rectal bleeding that come out of the anus (Stage 3-4). In this method, with the help of a special hand tool, hemorrhoid packs are connected at the root with rubber band. These hemorrhoid tissues are excreted with defecation within a few days. Generally, the procedure is performed on a single hemorrhoid pakes. Therefore, it may be necessary to repeat the procedure at regular intervals. There may be discomfort or minor bleeding in the breech after the procedure. These methods, when supplemented with locally administered drugs and diet, can provide 90% treatment for early stage diseases. Although these methods have advantages such as being painless and providing early return to work and social life, it should be remembered that the disease will recur in 70% of the patients treated with these methods.

Surgical Treatments:

Classical Surgery Technique
It is the most appropriate treatment choice for long-term patients, who do not respond to medication and preventive measures, who come out of the anus (Stage 3-4), cannot avoid complaints of pain and bleeding, and also have external hemorrhoidal disease. The classical surgical method is based on the principle of cutting out the hemorrhoid packs. The removal of these packs, the use of high-tech instruments with improved technology has allowed for less postoperative pain. Under the operating room conditions, it is an operation performed with spinal anesthesia and usually after 1 day of hospitalization, patients are sent home.

LONGO Method
It is a surgical procedure performed with a surgical device (stapler) specially developed for the disease that protrudes from the anus (Grades 3-4). In this technique, hemorrhoid packs are not removed, with an incision made just above the anal canal, where there is no sense of pain in this region, the process of removing excess bowel tissue circularly and thus pulling the pouches that hang out outwards into the breech. Since the procedure is performed on the intestine without pain, the comfort of the patient is very good. In 10% of patients, the disease may recur during long-term follow-up.
THD (Transanal haemorrhoidal dearterialisation) Method
In this technique, the tip of the ultrasound device is inserted into the breech, which is very thin and shows the artery leading to the hemorrhoid pouches. Thanks to this device, there are arteries leading to hemorrhoid packs and connected with sutures. It is applied in internal hemorrhoidal disease that hangs outward (Stage 3), causing bleeding (Stage 2) and selected Stage 4. It is a very easy method and patients can return to normal life the next day after surgery.

Laser Method
In hemorrhoidal disease, a tiny incision in the pockets and a thin laser probe enters the hemorrhoid, clotting the vessels. It helps to disappear by shrinking the veins and hemorrhoids pakes by burning them in public. The incision made during this process is about 2 mm. Significant pain, tenderness is not expected. Appropriate cases can be discharged on the same day.
Is there any problem of defecation and gas incontinence after hemorrhoid surgery?
Although it is a very rare complication, fecal and gas incontinence may be observed especially in elderly patients due to the interruption and damage of sphincters (muscles) during surgery.

Forces of Nature – Natural, Organic Fissure Care (11ml) Non GMO, No Harmful Chemicals –Soothe and Relieve Burning, Throbbing, Stinging, Itchy, Bleeding Tissue Caused by Fissures or Hemorrhoids

Tucks Medicated Cooling Pads 100 Pads Per Pack (Pack of 2)

What is hemorrhoids? How is hemorrhoids treated?

Tucks Medicated Cooling Pads 100 Pads Per Pack (Pack of 2)

Hemorrhoids, which are known as hemorrhoids, decrease our quality of life

What is Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids, also known as hemorrhoids, are caused by the dilation of the veins and submucosens.

One of the most common diseases in general surgery outpatient clinics stating that General Surgery Specialist Op Dr Muharrem Kuzkaya, in the examination of healthy people without any complaints in two of every three people said that hemorrhoids are detected.

Hemorrhoids are divided into two as internal and external. Of these, internal hemorrhoids usually do not cause much pain and itching. It only presents as intermittent rectal bleeding unless it is in very advanced stages. Op DrMuharrem Kuzkaya, advanced stages of the breech out of the breech and spontaneous or normal return with the finger said that the breasts can occur. He said that while external hemorrhoids usually manifests themselves with pain and burning.

1- External Hemorrhoids: They usually do not disturb the patient except the skin puffs. However, sometimes with enlarged veins, clot sitting can cause severe, thorn-like pain and subsequent swelling, redness. This condition is called thrombosiseksternalhemoroid.

2. Internal Hemorrhoids: Internal hemorrhoids are classified into four groups according to the stage of disease progression;

• Stage-I Internal Hemorrhoids: Clinic manifests itself only by bleeding. These bleeds can often be soiled or sometimes dripping during toilet or after major ablution.

• Stage-II Internal Hemorrhoids: During large ablutions, it is indicated by straining the breast outside the anus and bleeding. Bleeding is a bit more frequent and more frequent.

• Stage III Internal Hemorrhoids: Hemorrhoids are now easily projected out of the anus and can only be pushed by a finger into the anus. They often get stuck outside, causing edema, swelling and pain. In this case, bleeding is also severe.

• Stage IV Internal Hemorrhoids: In this case, usually caused by constipations that have been going on for years, internal and external hemorrhoids hang out collectively from the rectum. The breasts are painless, wet and large. Often, a slimy discharge, complete ablution after great ablution, dirty underwear and sitting pain are among the complaints.

Clinic of Hemorrhoidal Disease

General Surgery Specialist Op Dr Muharrem Kuzkaya, Itching in the clinic, hand, breast, pain or bleeding complaints, said the doctor applied. Unfortunately hemorrhoidal disease tends to worsen gradually over the years; they will never be better and therefore need to be treated reliably, precisely and effectively as soon as they emerge.

In this benign disease, whose main symptom is bleeding, colonoscopic procedures should be performed before starting treatment, especially after 40 years of age. Hemorrhoidal disease should not be focused until cancer of the colon is ruled out. Colonoscopy should be performed in young patients to avoid inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulceratic colitis and crohn.

In cases where there is no serious bleeding complaint in hemorrhoidal diseases, first and second degree hemorrhoidal diseases may not be accepted as disease.

What can be done to prevent hemorrhoids?

• It should be fed with foods rich in fiber and fiber should be added to the diet if necessary.

• Strain should be avoided during defecation.

• Constipation should be protected.

• In addition, long-term coughing and heavy lifting should be eliminated as it may cause hemorrhoids.

• Alcohol, hot pepper and spicy foods should be avoided.

• Do not sit or stand still for long periods of time.

• Regular exercise should be done. You should walk 5 minutes per hour passing out of sleep per day. Prolonged sitting has to do with hemorrhoid formation.

• Drink enough water. Water, tea, coffee, such as drinks should not be met.

• If there is discomfort after the big ablution, a sitting bath should be done with warm water.

4- Infrared Photocoagulation:

It is a method of achieving minor tissue damage in the hemorrhoid cells with infrared rays. Infra-red light leads to tissue nagrosis. It is applied in early stage small hemorrhoids. May cause pain and bleeding.

5- Surgical Treatment: 3.4. Surgical treatment is applied in the degree of hemorrhoidal diseases.

Classical surgical treatment:

It is still one of the most common methods in the world. The aim is to remove all of the hemorrhoids (hemorrhoidectomy). Open and closed methods are applied. The probability of recurrence after hemorrhoidectomy is less than 5%.

Postoperative pain, bleeding, urinary retention and Treatment of Hemorrhoidal Disease

1st and 2nd degree hemorrhoids may not be considered as a disease in the absence of clinical complaints such as bleeding. Therefore, conservative, medical treatments and small interventions (sclerotherapy, rubber banding) can be performed in first and second degree hemorrhoids.

1- Medical treatment:

Drugs that relieve constipation are also recommended for medical treatment. Antiinflamatuartopical agents (cream, pomade), suppositories and tablets are used systemically. Medical treatment should not be expected to eliminate and completely recover hemorrhoids. This treatment is mostly applied to eliminate complaints.

2- Sclerotherapy:

A special solution is injected into the soft tissue around the internal hemorrhoids and the vessels are contracted. The injected substance will stick to the tissues under the mucosa. Thus, prolapse is prevented. It is an appropriate treatment option for first and second degree hemorrhoids. It may need to be repeated many times.

3- Rubber Band Ligation:

In this method applied to 2nd and 3rd degree hemorrhoids, a rubber band is passed to the base of the hemorrhoids with a special tool. The bound hemorrhoid tissue drops within three to five days and the bands must be placed on the toothed line that is insensitive to pain. No more than two bands should be applied in the first session. Therefore, a few sessions of treatment may be required at intervals of three to four weeks. Late complications of open hemorrhoid surgery include anal fissure, anal stenosis, anal incontinence and perianal fistula risk.

Longo staplerhemorrhoidopexy:

A new concept for pain, infection and late complications after open surgical hemorrhoid surgery It was implemented by AntonioLongo. The most important advantage of this new surgical technique is minimal postoperative pain and a relatively short healing process.

Indeed, in the third and fourth degree hemorrhoidal disease, the ligaments that normally support the anal mucosa firmly to the internalsphinus are enlarged and relaxed. Anal mucosa prolapses.This method uses a special disposable instrument called stapler. Approximately 2 cm of mucous membranes are cut with stapler. Thus, the hemorrhoid nozzles which are disrupted by feeding are extinguished and the nozzles disappear. It is usually applied under general anesthesia. The mean operation time was 20 minutes.

Advantages of longohemoroid surgery:

Less painful: 80 percent of patients require much less painkillers than the conventional surgical method. The patient makes his stool even the next day and does not feel pain. The patient makes his stool even the next day.

Prevent sagging from the rectum: As the hemorrhoids are pulled upwards, they all enter into the intestine.

Short operation time: The average operative time is approximately 15 minutes in the Longo method, which is 30 minutes in conventional methods.

Ensuring earlier return to work: Most patients can return to active life and work after 3-4 days.

Tucks Medicated Cooling Pads 100 Pads Per Pack (Pack of 2)

Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment Cream - 3PK (US English Label)


Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment Cream - 3PK (US English Label)

Did you know how easy it is to be protected from haemorrhoids, which are painful for being embarrassed to say, and unfortunately often consulted when the doctor reaches the final stage?

Hemorrhoids are loosening of the vein ball around the breech and sagging out of the breast. This relaxation and expansion usually does not occur suddenly. A certain time has to pass. Therefore, the person with hemorrhoid problem has long-lasting complaints, although not obvious. However, sometimes people who have no complaints or who are known to have haemorrhoids but who are not very uncomfortable apply because of a sudden painful swelling in their anus. This condition, which we call acute thrombosed hemorrhoids, is a disease that should be treated because of severe pain. ’

Could I be a hemorrhoid?
- If you've been constipated for a long time,
- If you see blood in your stool,
- If you have swelling, pain and itching,
- If there are individuals (especially parents) who have had hemorrhoids before,
- Spicy and spicy foods cause burns and irritation during defecation, so if you consume these foods abundantly, you have a high risk of becoming hemorrhoids.

I have hemorrhoids, but at what level you say…
There are four degrees of hemorrhoid disease.

In first-degree hemorrhoids, the patient complains of a small amount of bleeding during defecation. On visual examination, hemorrhoids cannot be seen. When an anoscope is looked through the rectum, enlarged hemorrhoid breasts are observed.
In second-degree hemorrhoids, during defecation, the breasts go out and enter themselves. Bleeding, itching, such as discomfort.
In third-degree hemorrhoids, the breasts can only be pushed in manually after defecation. Complaints such as bleeding, swelling, itching also increased.
In fourth-degree hemorrhoids, the udders are now completely outside, even when pushing by hand. Bleeding, discharge, itching, discharge and breech sensation.
Can hemorrhoids herald other diseases?
Complaints of hemorrhoids can be confused with complaints of a patient with large bowel cancer. Cancer can be overlooked when hemorrhoids are treated. Therefore, depending on the patient's condition, colonoscopy may be required before hemorrhoid treatment. Other diseases commonly seen in and around the breech can be confused with anal fissure (fissure), fistula (tunnel), hair turn, and warts. These diseases can be diagnosed and treated with careful examination.

When and how do I need to be treated?
Unfortunately, patients with hemorrhoids complain late to the physician for not caring and ashamed; they seek help for treatment at an advanced stage. However, at the beginning of the disease, hemorrhoids should be treated so that the complaints do not increase, the disease that can be improved with medications does not require surgery and anemia develops due to the large amount of blood loss. There are various treatments according to the stages of hemorrhoids. Drug treatments in first degree hemorrhoids, regulation of bowel habits, avoiding spicy foods, and relieving constipation are usually sufficient. Second degree hemorrhoids; drug, radiation (infrared coagulation) and rubber banding treatments are applied. The rubber banding method is very suitable for internal hemorrhoids that have not yet come to surgery; It is a short and painless procedure like 5-10 minutes. Normal life is returned immediately after the procedure. In third degree hemorrhoids, rubber band ligation and surgical treatments; In the fourth degree hemorrhoids, only surgical treatments are applied. Breast-forming breasts are removed by surgery. Of these treatment modalities, surgery is the most effective in the long term and the least likely to recur. Currently, the method called Longo method can be used to intervene painlessly in hemorrhoids. In this method, a 2 cm wide cylindrical ring is removed from the breech approximately 4 cm and the remaining two ends are sewn end-to-end with a disposable device (stapler). In this way, the hemorrhoid nozzles are drawn into the breech and the blood flow is interrupted and thus extinguished.

How will the return to daily life after surgery and hemorrhoids repeat?
A little pain and bleeding during the first post-defecation is normal. The latter decreases. Lack of constipation, regular use of medicines, hot water baths both relieve pain and accelerate healing. No recurrence is seen after an operation in which all hemorrhoidal breasts are removed. However, when wound healing is not complete, patients may complain of pain and bleeding. This is not the repetition of the disease, but the discomfort of the unhealed wound.

Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment Cream - 3PK (US English Label)

Hemorrwedge Hemorrhoid Treatment Ice Pack - Gel Freeze Pack, Pair with Case

What is Hemorrhoids? How does hemorrhoids pass? What are hemorrhoid treatment methods?

Hemorrwedge Hemorrhoid Treatment Ice Pack - Gel Freeze Pack, Pair with Case

Hemorrhoids, also known as Hemorrhoids, is a disease that occurs at various stages and is detected by symptoms such as swelling and bleeding from the rectum. By asking our experts for you, we have compiled the answers to questions such as what is hemorrhoids, what hemorrhoid treatment methods and how hemorrhoids go.
Hemorrhoids, also known as Hemorrhoids, which reduce the quality of life and are very difficult to withstand in advanced stages, what is it, how is it passed, What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids? Eight out of every ten people, what are the various mistakes that cause the hemorrhoids, when to go to the doctor who catches the hemorrhoids, Is there anything to do at home for Hemorrhoids, What are the diet methods for Hemorrhoids, Is there any medication for Hemorrhoids? We have compiled the answers to all these questions and all the information you need to know about Hemorrhoids.

What is Hemorrhoids? How does hemorrhoids pass? What are hemorrhoid treatment methods?
Near East University Hospital Department of General Surgery Specialist Assoc. Dr. Necdet Özçay, who is known as hemorrhoids and affects the quality of life negatively, mostly due to mistakes made in defecation habit, although genetic features and ways of protection from hemorrhoids caused by spicy and non-pulp foods, treatment methods and information about the practices in the Near East University Hospital he gave.

Hemorrhoids, also known as hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids, is a disease that develops due to sagging and pinched bleeding of the vascular cushions in the anal canal. Dr. Dr. Necdet Özçay, hemorrhoid disease is very common in the community and there are two types of internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids, he said. Internal hemorrhoids are generally painless and external hemorrhoids are painful. Dr. Dr. Necdet Ozcay, hemorrhoid tissue thrombosed hemorrhoids called blood hemorrhoids when blood clots in the medical language, and this type of hemorrhoids caused very severe pain, he added.

Hemorrhoids (Hemorrhoids) disease genetic

Assoc. Dr. Necdet Özçay, the exact cause of hemorrhoid disease is not known, but familial susceptibility is observed in patients, those with constant constipation problem is seen more frequently, spicy and non-consuming people who consumed foods as well as faults in the habit of defecation, he added.

The main mistakes made in defecation habit;

• Forcing self-defecation in unnatural time and rhythm
• Passing the first and natural defecation desire in the morning
• Forcing a full discharge for a long time and by pushing
Ways of prevention;
Asserting that it is possible to protect from hemorrhoid disease Assoc. Dr. Necdet Özçay stated the points to be considered for this;
• Regular nutrition (whole wheat bread, lots of fruit, vegetables and water)
• Avoiding irritating foods and beverages (spices, alcohol, pickles)
• Regular toilet habit (this education should be given by mothers to their children in preschool period)
• Do not overstress the toilet
• No heavy load lifting

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids;

• Bleeding from the rectum
• Painful defecation
• Bumps in the breech
• Itching in the anus and sometimes discharge

When and for which hemorrhoids should go to the doctor?
If any of the complaints such as pain in the breech, swelling and bleeding especially during defecation is present, Assoc. Dr. Dr. Necdet Özçay, the use of ear-stuffed drugs and creams is wrong, although the symptoms are similar in anal region diseases, treatment shows a very different, so the diagnosis of the disease by a doctor and the treatment should be made accordingly, he said. Assoc. Dr. Dr. Necdet Özçay, bleeding from the rectum at the same time can be seen frequently in large intestine tumors, said that must be investigated. In the first stage, the definitive diagnosis of the disease should be established and the stage should be determined Assoc. Dr. Dr. Necdet Özçay, underlying symptoms, cancer, colitis, such as a more important pathology to be omitted or to be ruled out almost always endoscopic examinations should be done, he said.

Dietary recommendations and hot water application

Assisted that the application of dietary diet may contribute to healing in the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease but it is important to support the treatment process with the methods that should be applied Assoc. Dr. Dr. Necdet Özçay, the application of diet alone is not the solution for the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease, he said. Sitting bath called hot water should be done after each defecation, anal spasm in the anal area, especially because it is a very effective method to reduce the complaint Assoc. Dr. Necdet Özçay, diet and hot water application is proven methods, saying that pregnancy, heavy exercise, long-term sitting and standing hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids) may cause the formation of said.

Drug treatment for hemorrhoids
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sayın stated that great ablution softeners, regional pain relief creams and edema remedies are medical methods of hemorrhoid treatment. Dr. Necdet Özçay, said that good results can be obtained in appropriate patients.

Endoscopic methods for hemorrhoids
Rectoscopy, two-centimeter diameter device for examining the last area of ​​the large intestine small internal hemorrhoids that can be applied to the device indicating that methods Assoc. Dr. Necdet Özçay continued: “This procedure is done without hospital admission, just like endoscopy. The methods available in the endoscopy unit of our hospital are infrared laser, sclerotherapy and band ligation. The aim of all three methods is to interrupt the blood flow to the enlarged vascular vesicles and to ensure the spontaneous disappearance of the existing hemorrhoids. These methods should not be used for hemorrhoids over a certain size ”.

Assoc. Dr. Necdet Özçay; Teknolojik with the help of technological devices used in hemorrhoid surgery in our hospital, a high level of patient comfort is provided ”

In advanced cases and combined internal and external hemorrhoids, the need for surgical treatment, Assoc. Dr. Necdet Özçay also gave information about the operations performed at the Near East University Hospital and concluded his words as follows: In this way, the surgery is performed with zero pain and the patient comfort can be very high after the surgery. In our hospital, ultrasonic dissector and PPH stapler are available and high-tech devices are available. The advantage of using these devices is that it shortens the operation time, does not cause any bleeding during surgery, does not require stitches, minimizes postoperative edema and pain. The success rate and patient comfort are extremely high after our operations.

Hemorrwedge Hemorrhoid Treatment Ice Pack - Gel Freeze Pack, Pair with Case

Preparation H Hemorrhoid Symptom Treatment Cream (2 X 1.8 Oz Tube), Maximum Strength Multi-Symptom Pain Relief With Aloe

What is good for hemorrhoids? Herbal and natural solution at home!

Preparation H Hemorrhoid Symptom Treatment Cream (2 X 1.8 Oz Tube), Maximum Strength Multi-Symptom Pain Relief With Aloe

Herbal and Natural Solutions at Home!

A lot of research has been done about herbal and natural solutions for hemorrhoids. In the presence of these researches and studies; you can easily find at home herbal teas, oils, hot water presses to other natural applications in this article you will find many methods.

We are happy to recommend you and your loved ones who prefer Solution at Home day by day and we also thank you for your support. We are aware of your interest in us and we continue our work with the importance of this without interruption.

As a result of our research; Below you can find natural and herbal solutions from the best of basura.

Together to many healthy days!
Aloe vera

Although there are not enough studies about aloe vera and hemorrhoids which are a very successful herbal solution with its medicinal properties, it can be a powerful treatment method which can be said to be good for hemorrhoids with its anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties ( Evidence 8 ). Also; aloe vera can be drunk to reduce swelling in painful hemorrhoids.

After cooling for a while in your closet, you can reduce the pain and swelling and repeat this application 2-3 times a day.

Aloe vera also includes; foot cracks , gum swelling , skin spots , gas compression and skin dryness is also a feature that is good for and in accordance with studies and observations are good.
Black tea

Black tea, also known as a natural astringent, may be another method that can be said to help reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids because it contains antioxidants ( Evil 9 ). According to another article published in MedicinePlus; As it has anti-inflammatory properties, it can reduce the pressure in the blood vessels and pass swollen hemorrhoids ( Evidence 10 ).

For this method, which you can apply two or three times a day, you can apply the brewed black tea to the anus for about 10 minutes after cooling the water at room temperature or alternatively you can keep the tea bag that you have removed in the cabinet for a period of 5-10 minutes.

Black tea also; tooth pain , foot odor and jaw pain is one of the alternative solutions that we can say good.
Green tea

As in black tea; antioxidants also found in green tea hemorrhoids swell in hemorrhoids as well as create the effect of what we can call good constipation with hemorrhoids have been observed in the properties of the research ( Evil 11 ), ( Evidence 12 ).

You can consume green tea twice a day (by mixing honey and lemon) or you can wash the anus with (simple) green tea, which is kept at room temperature. As in the black tea method, you can keep the green tea bag in the cabinet for a period of about 10 minutes.

Green tea also; weight loss , gas compression, menstrual pains , nasal discharge and chin pain are also beneficial to many beneficial or beneficial activities.

A clinical observation published in the National Biotechnology Information Center of the US National Medical Library for flavonoids in the chamomile plant indicated that it may reduce the frequency, duration, and intensity of acute internal hemorrhoid symptoms, first or second degree, while reducing the severity of chronic hemorrhoids ( Evidence 12-1 ).

You can observe the effects of chamomile essential oils that you have at home by applying to the region where hemorrhoids are experienced 1 or 2 times a day.
Lemon and Milk

Lemon, as known; has digestive strengthening properties. With this feature, constipation during hemorrhoids is good and detoxifying the body reduces swelling ( Evil 13 ). Milk is; hemorrhage experienced in the tension of the hemorrhoids can accelerate the healing process ( Evil 14 ).

This solution is also effective in bleeding, you can use a few hours before bedtime, as well as a glass of hot water can be applied by spraying half a lemon.

Lemon also; Vitamin C, which is good for sore throat , foot odor, gum swelling, skin spots, bad breath , tonsil swelling , nausea , colds, menstruation, gas stuck, nasal discharge, sore throat and nasal discharge. repository.

Milk is; halitosis, tonsil swelling, nasal discharge, eczema , sore throat and menstruation is a good alternative to the method.
Radish Juice

Radish juice is another herbal method which is very effective and accelerates your digestive system and cures constipation and it is good for pain in hemorrhoids ( Evidence 15 ).

Radish juice, which you can try to drink 2 small cups during the day, will be enough, although it is not preferred because of its taste.
Dry fig

Dried figs, a great herbal remedy for hemorrhoids, are good for pain and swelling in inflamed hemorrhoids. In addition to this feature, it shows a natural laxative effect and relaxes the digestive system and also affects constipation during hemorrhoids ( Evidence 16 ).

For this beautiful solution, you need to make 3-4 figs overnight in a glass of water and the next day on an empty stomach in the morning, the other two will be enough to consume at night. Also; You can also drink water to increase the effect.

Garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic and it can be another solution that we can say is good for the pain, pain and swelling experienced in hemorrhoids with its anti-inflammatory properties ( Delil 17 ).

What you need to do for this method; Boil 3 to 4 bulbs in a glass of water for about 10 minutes, then cool the filtered water in the refrigerator, dip the gauze into the water you prepared and leave it in the anus for 10 to 15 minutes. You should repeat this process 3 times a day.

Garlic also; Throat infection, colds , toothache, runny nose and foot fungus is also a source of natural antibiotics.
Olive oil

Olive oil, which is quite good for skin and hair and has anti-inflammatory properties, is also good for swelling causing pain or redness caused by hemorrhoids and can be quite effective in reducing it ( Evidence 18 ).

You can apply it two or three times a day and apply it to the anus after heating some extra virgin olive oil for this method, which is especially effective before going to bed.

Olive oil also; toothache, ear congestion, neck pain, skin spots, foot cracks, jaw pain, nasal discharge and fungal diseases such as foot fungus is a great herbal solution that is good for.
Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil, which is a powerful essential oil, is one of the most effective solutions for inflammation and itchiness in hemorrhoids. With its antimicrobial properties, it will also be useful to purify microbes around the anus ( Evil 19 ).

This method, which you can mix with olive oil and apply to the anus three times a day, is not preferred because it can cause some pain due to the sharpness of tea tree oil.

Also tea tree oil; ear congestion and foot odor is good and is a solution with ethics.
Coconut Oil

Especially; coconut oil, which can be said to be quite good for itching and burning in hemorrhoids, is an effective solution for inflammation and pain ( Evidence 20 ). As it is indicated in another study, it may also help to reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids as it is a natural antimicrobial agent ( Evidence 21 ).

For this solution, apply some coconut oil to massage the anus two or three times a day.

Coconut oil also; skin dryness, foot cracks, foot odor, eczema, gas stuck, skin spots, ear pain , nasal discharge, foot fungus, tonsils swelling, neck pain and nausea is a good solution used in many diseases.

In line with your feedback; We have published a deep research on whether the eggplant eggplant is good for you and we decided to present the method to you under a separate examination. When examining all these methods, a solution of hemorrhoids with eggplant can be; We recommend you to read our article " Eggplant is good for hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids?

In our research article; Contrary to popular belief, eggplant is boiled in olive oil, not water, and the effects of your application on hemorrhoids and examples that can be spent in a short time.
Basura Warm Shower From Good

The temperature of the water not only relaxes the anal muscles, but is also incredibly effective. This natural method, which is also a great remedy for itching, is used in quick solutions ( Evidence 7 ).

This method is good for low back pain and you can apply it easily three times a day for 10 to 15 minutes in a warm tub and then lightly dry enough to rest.
Cream and Ointment from Basura Good

A variety of creams and ointments are available for hemorrhoids to help reduce symptoms. These creams and ointments contain anesthetic agents that are good for irritation. Some creams or ointments may be considered as a separate medicine because they are not 100% herbal or natural.

Do not forget to read the package leaflets carefully when using these alternative solutions, which are available on the advice of doctors and pharmacists.
Other Treatment Methods

There are non-surgical and outpatient procedures to treat hemorrhoids, as well as situations requiring surgical intervention and surgery. Such cases are decided after examinations and examinations by doctors.
Non-surgical Procedures

Taping treatment: This procedure is a widely used treatment method that can be applied for the 2nd and 3rd stage of the hemoid process. With the rubber band applied to the swelling area and the surrounding area, blood vessels are emptied and swelling is prevented. The band left there in a while causes the hemorrhoids to fall after a certain time. It is generally painless.

Injection sclerotherapy: Another treatment method applied by injecting a special oil into the base of the hemorrhoid causing swelling, pain, redness and itching. This causes the swelling of the symptoms to drop.

Infrared laser treatment: Infrared laser treatment is used to interrupt blood flow and prevent swelling. Pain and heat are usually felt for a while after this procedure.

Laser treatment: It is a type of treatment made with the use of CO2 type laser to smash the hemorrhoids and also vaporize them. Laser treatment, which is an unnecessary procedure in sutures, usually presents with a small amount of pain, but a rapid recovery is observed.

Electrotherapy / Diathermy: It is one of the treatment methods used to neutralize hemorrhoids by using electric current and is generally painless.
Surgical Interventions

Hemorrhoidectomy: In this procedure performed under anesthesia, hemorrhoids are stopped by a surgeon and usually headache.

Stapler hemorrhoidopexy: Stapler hemorrhoidopexy, another surgical method that is less painful, aims to cut the hemorrhoid formation in the rectum in a circular manner. After this procedure, hemorrhoids start to shrink by cutting the blood supply.

Hemorrhoidal artery ligation: In addition to other surgical interventions, hemorrhoidal artery ligation connects the blood vessels to each other and prepares the ground for narrowing of the hemorrhoid.
Stages of Hemorrhoids

As stated in a study published in Patient; The hemorrhoid types consist of four different stages and the symptoms based on these stages also vary ( Evidence 2 ).

Stage 1: The most common grade, as the first stage of hemorrhoid, can be noted that swelling is small and can not be seen on the anal canal.

Stage 2: In this phase, where the swelling is larger than in the first stage, the swelling is usually inside, but may come out of the anus during toilet or as a result of abdominal pressure such as sneezing and coughing.

Stage 3: Hemorrhoids can be pushed in in this stage, which can be out from time to time and can go out in situations similar to the second stage. At certain times, blood may come from the rectum as a result of difficulties.

Stage 4: Hemorrhoids experienced in this stage remain attached to the external swelling and cannot be pushed into the interior and blood supply is usually high.

Preparation H Hemorrhoid Symptom Treatment Cream (2 X 1.8 Oz Tube), Maximum Strength Multi-Symptom Pain Relief With Aloe

Preparation H Women’s Flushable Medicated Hemorrhoid Wipes, Burning and Itching Relief with Cucumber, Aloe, Vitamin E, Shea Butter and Chamomile, Package (48 Count)

Hemorrhoids Disease

Preparation H Women’s Flushable Medicated Hemorrhoid Wipes, Burning and Itching Relief with Cucumber, Aloe, Vitamin E, Shea Butter and Chamomile, Package (48 Count)

How are hemorrhoids treated? Hemorrhoid (Hemorrhoid) Disease Treatment

Treatment of hemorrhoid disease varies according to the location (internal - external), severity (degree), severity of the patient's complaints, effects on daily quality of life, and general health status of the patient (advanced age, additional disease, pregnancy, etc.).

Treatment should be done in accordance with the doctor's recommendations. Sometimes it may be necessary to perform some tests for differential diagnosis before starting treatment. Except for severe hemorrhoids in very advanced stages, non-operative and outpatient treatment is possible. Less than 10% of all hemorrhoid patients require surgical treatment. The methods used in the treatment of the disease are briefly discussed below. First, general treatment principles will be explained. Then, treatment of internal and external hemorrhoid - hemorrhoid disease will be discussed separately.

Conservative Treatment

Preventive treatment is very important in the treatment of both internal and external hemorrhoid - hemorrhoids. The patient should first be informed about the hemorrhoidal vessels and their functions. Then, treatment methods are mentioned according to the severity of the disease.

Some recommendations are made to the patient. With these conservative (protective) recommendations, many patients recover without the need for any intervention or surgery.
Regulation of defecation habit

Regular defecation habit is important for treatment. Avoidance of prolonged sitting in the toilet (smoking, reading a newspaper, etc.) and excessive strains reduces tension and pressure in the hemorrhoidal vessels and thus prevents hemorrhoids from coming out of the rectum.
Ensuring Hygienic Conditions

After defecation, the breech area should be cleaned without irritation.
Pushing Outward Hemorrhoid Nozzles

Hemorrhoidal swellings (breasts and pouches) coming out of the rectum during defecation should be pushed back again. Otherwise, the remaining hemorrhoidal breasts may cause pain, bleeding and inflammation.
Regulation of Diet

Increasing the proportion of fiber (pulp) foods in foods and acquiring regular defecation habits may help to treat the disease. Increasing the amount of fruit and vegetables in meals and adding bran powder on the dishes can help improve the defecation habit. Another important issue is drinking enough water. Drink at least 8-10 large glasses of water per day. (If there is disease that restricts water intake, consult your doctor.) Fruit juice, coffee, tea do not replace water.

Pulp (Fiber) Foods in Hemorrhoid Disease (Foods)
Living Room

Sitting for 10 minutes in warm water several times a day reduces the symptoms (symptoms, complaints). After the sitting bath, the breech area should not be left wet, but should be kept dry. With this treatment, even in the most severe hemorrhoids, pain is reduced in 2-7 days and hard swelling around the breech regresses within 4-6 weeks.

Sitting Bath in Hemorrhoids (Hemorrhoid)

Rest is important in painful period. Especially lying down will relax the breech area.
Cream - Pomade Applications

There are many pomades used in the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease. Your doctor may recommend a pomade depending on the condition of the disease.
Phlebotropic drugs (drugs that tighten loosening hemorrhoidal vascular networks)

There are drugs that control the blood flow of the vessels in the breech region and prevent over-swelling and facilitate the normalization of hemorrhoidal disease in a short time. These drugs should be used under the supervision of a doctor.
Treatment of Internal Hemorrhoidal Disease

The treatment of internal hemorrhoid disease (internal hemorrhoid) is done according to the degree of the disease. The conservative methods described above are very important. In addition, some methods can be applied according to the degree of the disease and the patient's complaint. These interventional methods are outpatient (non-hospitalized) interventions that can be performed during the patient's polyclinic examination.

Internal Hemorrhoids (Internal Hemorrhoids) Treatment
Interventional Methods

New-onset first-degree hemorrhoidal disease (hemorrhoids) can be treated only by observing conservative methods. If you protect yourself, you can prevent further exacerbation of hemorrhoidal disease (hemorrhoids).

Grade 2 and 3 hemorrhoids can also be improved by the conservative methods described above (with medical treatments), or interventional methods can be used for hemorrhoids that do not improve or recur despite treatment;
Rubber Banding (BandLigration)

Used in the treatment of internal hemorrhoids. It is applied on hemorrhoid pouches that hang out and bleed. Binding of the hemorrhoid pouches from the roots is a very good method. It is a simple application and can be done in outpatient conditions. Hemorrhoids and patches fall spontaneously within a few days and the wound heals within a week or two. After this application, some patients may experience discomfort and bleeding.

BandLigation in the Treatment of Internal Hemorrhoids

BandLigation in the Treatment of Internal Hemorrhoids
Injection (Sclerotherapy)

It is used in the treatment of internal hemorrhoids that do not come out of the rectum and cause bleeding complaints. A liquid (phenol solution) is injected into the hemorrhoidal vessels. Thus, bleeding can be prevented and vascular dilation and outward sagging can be prevented.

Sclerotherapy in the Treatment of Internal Hemorrhoids

Sclerotherapy in the Treatment of Internal Hemorrhoids
Heat Coagulation (Burning of Vascular Network)

It is used in the treatment of internal hemorrhoids that do not come out of the rectum and cause bleeding complaints. With the help of a light source, the application of heat on the hemorrhoidal vessels causing the complaint is prevented and the hemorrhoidal breasts (packs) are reduced.

Heat Coagulation in the Treatment of Internal Hemorrhoids

Heat Treatment in the Treatment of Internal Hemorrhoids - Infrared Coagulation

These last two methods are painless and neither of them has superiority to each other.

After all three treatments above, mild to moderate blunt pain may occur. There may be a feeling of going to the toilet after these treatments. Pain may be felt again after the procedure. The doctor may give you a painkiller medication used orally. Aspirin should not be used within the first week as it will increase bleeding. Instead, analgesics with active ingredient acetaminophen (paracetamol) or ibuprofen may be used. Locally acting anesthetic (pain relieving) pomades may also be useful in relieving pain. A 10-15 minute warm-water bath can provide relaxation.

All three treatment methods treat one or two hemorrhoidal vessels at a time. The same procedure may be required several times at intervals of 3-5 weeks.
Surgical Treatment of Internal Hemorrhoidal Disease

Surgery may be required in patients who do not pass or recur with the treatment methods described above. Surgical treatment gives more effective and lasting results. In experienced and competent hands (experts) the chance of success is high; The rate of side effects (complications) is low.

Regional or general anesthesia (narcosis) is required for the patient to be comfortable during surgery. Often hospitalization may be required after surgery. Preoperative bowel cleansing and some tests may be requested.

Below is a brief description of common surgical procedures;

Pouches causing bleeding and hanging out of the rectum, ie palpable breasts, are surgically removed or fixed into the rectum. It is the best method for the treatment of hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids) disease that does not respond to long-term and conservative methods. Hemorrhoidectomy is the process of removing the diseased hemorrhoid breast (pakesinin) that causes the complaints. Hemorrhoidectomy, anesthesia (narcosis) and may require hospitalization.

Closed Hemorrhoidectomy in the Treatment of Internal Hemorrhoids

Closed Hemorrhoidectomy in the Treatment of Internal Hemorrhoids
Longo (Stapler Hemorrhoidopexy)

Hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids) nozzles can be removed by an open or closed surgical method, or the same process can be done with a special device called stapler. This method is more painless than the open surgical method and allows patients to return to their old active work and daily life in a short time.

Stapler Hemorrhoidectomy in the Treatment of Internal Hemorrhoids

Stapler Hemorrhoidectomy in the Treatment of Internal Hemorrhoids
Treatment of External Hemorrhoidal Disease

In addition to conservative treatments, if the patient's complaints are severe, thrombosed hemorrhoids (external hemorrhoids) are large, there has been a similar thrombosis before, if there are signs of bleeding or inflammation in the thrombosed breast (pachyderm), and surgery should be performed with medication. must.

In this case, the external (external) hemorrhoid breast (pakesinin) to remove the clot (thrombectomy) or the removal of the external hemorrhoid completely diseased (hemorrhoidectomy) surgery can be done. Under local or general anesthesia, the hemorrhoid breast (external thrombosed hemorrhoid pakesine) can be intervened.
The Role of Laser in Hemorrhoid Treatment

The use of laser in the treatment of hemorrhoids is controversial. There is a disadvantage of increasing costs. In medicine, laser is used successfully in the treatment of brain and eye diseases. Hemorrhoids, commonly known as lasers, are actually coagulation with heat (IRC). Hemorrhoids are rarely treated with real laser.
Considerations After Hemorrhoids (Hemorrhoids - Hemorrhoids) Treatment

The first toilet after surgery may be bloody. Sometimes this can take a week. If it lasts more than a week, you should consult your doctor.
It is appropriate for the patient to rest for the rest of the day. Excessive activity may increase complaints. After surgery, some bleeding is normal.
Pain may be felt again after anesthesia. The doctor can give you an oral pain medication.

Aspirin should not be used for the first week as it will increase bleeding. Instead, analgesics with active ingredient acetaminophen (paracetamol) or ibuprofen may be used.

Aspirin should not be used immediately after hemorrhoid surgery
Locally effective anesthetic pomades (pain relief creams) may also be useful in relieving pain.
After 12-24 hours the dressing is turned on and a sitting bath is made in warm water. If it is painful to remove the dressing, the dressing opens after sitting in warm water. If the wound is still bleeding, cover it with a dressing and consult a doctor. A warm sitting bath is enough for 10 minutes twice a day. After sitting bath, it is necessary to dry thoroughly around the breech. Towels or hair dryers can be used. However, care should be taken not to expose this region to extreme heat.
The wound will heal in 2-4 weeks. Itching, bleeding or discharge is not considered too much. Hygiene of the anal area is important. It should be cleaned after each defecation. After 7-14 days it is necessary to be examined for wound control.

If you have constipation, consult your doctor. Do not force the breech area, especially in case of constipation. Drink plenty of water to avoid constipation, plenty of vegetables and fruits, fiber (pulp) to eat foods.

Nutrition and Fiber (Pulp) Foods After Hemorrhoids (Hemorrhoids) Surgery
Take care to go to the toilet at the same time every day. Do not sit on the toilet unless your toilet needs is compressed.

Side Effects of Hemorrhoid (Hemorrhoid) Surgery (Complications)

Surgical treatment can be performed safely in hemorrhoids. However, rare side effects (risks and complications) may occur.

Some of them belong to surgery (surgical treatment) and some belong to anesthesia. Those who belong to the anesthesia can be learned by talking to the anesthesiologist.

Complications that may develop due to surgery (surgical treatment) are as follows;

Pain and stinging may occur during defecation in the postoperative period.
There may be inflammatory discharge from the wound site.
Bleeding may occur during or after surgery. This may require re-operation due to bleeding.
Rarely, breech (anal canal) may occur after surgery. In this case, difficulty in defecation of the patient is observed.
Postoperative defecation habits may change and stool control mechanisms may deteriorate. Improvement is observed over time.
Hemorrhoid disease may recur after surgical treatment. To prevent it from recurring, high fiber (pulp) foods and plenty of water should be consumed and also should be preferred not to sit in the toilet for a long time.

Conditions to be considered after surgery;

Pain that has not subsided for three days
Increased pain days after treatment
Sensitivity in the breech (anal) area
Fever, chills
Difficulty urinating
Constipation (3 days inability to go to the toilet)
Diarrhea (more than 3 liquid toilets per 24 hours)
Increased bleeding
Inflammatory discharge in the breech - development of abscess

If you have one or more of the problems listed above, contact your doctor immediately.
How to Prevent Complaints of Hemorrhoidal Disease?

To take the necessary measures to prevent constipation
Consume plenty of pulp (fiber) food (information about pulp diet is given below)
Drink plenty of water (8-10 glasses per day)
When there is a need for defecation, defecation without postponement (postponement may result in further stiffening of the stool and therefore more strain)
Not spending a lot of time in the toilet (sitting and straining for a long time increases complaints)
Regular physical activity (exercise)
Pay attention to post-toilet anal area (breech) cleaning and not to remain damp wet (excessive cleaning will irritate the skin in this area)

Do Hemorrhoids Cause Cancer?

No.There is no relationship between hemorrhoidal disease (hemorrhoids) and cancer. However, the signs and symptoms of cancer are similar to those of hemorrhoid disease.

Since symptoms of hemorrhoids resemble symptoms of large intestine (colon) cancers and other digestive system diseases, they should first be evaluated by a doctor. Therefore, every breech site problem does not mean hemorrhoids. Differential diagnosis is very important. Medications used by others or medicines that are well supplied from pharmacies without medical supervision may cause time loss.
Hemorrhoids in pregnancy - Hemorrhoids in pregnancy

Pregnancy is a period in which both varicose veins and hemorrhoids increase due to increased pressure in the vessels for the mother. In particular, this pressure on blood vessels that carry dirty blood from the lower part of the body to the heart slows down the blood flow. As a result, the vessels expand and the hemorrhoids are facilitated.

Hemorrhoids in pregnancy - Hemorrhoids in pregnancy

Constipation and prolonged sitting in the toilet, which is another common complaint during pregnancy, may cause the development of hemorrhoids.

In addition, high levels of progesterone hormone secreted during pregnancy causes relaxation of the veins. In addition, this situation facilitates the formation of hemorrhoids during pregnancy.
What to Remember in Hemorrhoid Disease

Hemorrhoids can be seen in 50% of people.
Bleeding during defecation, palpable swelling (breasts) and pain during defecation are the most common symptoms.
According to the stage of the disease, there are preventive and interventional methods that can be applied. Your doctor will decide which method is right for you.
Complaints of hemorrhoid disease can be prevented. Your doctor will help you with this.

Any symptoms should be consulted without delay.

Preparation H Women’s Flushable Medicated Hemorrhoid Wipes, Burning and Itching Relief with Cucumber, Aloe, Vitamin E, Shea Butter and Chamomile, Package (48 Count)

DICTAMNI - Antibacterial Cream -Chinese Herbal Hemorrhoids Cream?2PCS?

How does hemorrhoids pass? Here are 5 suggestions to reduce complaints

DICTAMNI - Antibacterial Cream -Chinese Herbal Hemorrhoids Cream?2PCS?

Hemorrhoids, known by various names such as hemorrhoids, breasts in the breech, can turn life into a nightmare when left untreated. Many people who face hemorrhoids at any time in their lives are not treated because of social prejudices and privacy, and the disease is progressing and the treatment becomes more difficult. However, some accustomed to win, enough to reduce complaints! General Surgery Specialist Op.Dr. Hasan Uzer, gave information about the treatment of hemorrhoids disease

Very similar with many diseases
The anal area, which is one of the sensitive parts of the body, is formed in and around; 90 percent of complaints such as bleeding, pain, swelling, discharge, itching; hemorrhoids, breech cracks and inflammation, abscess and fistula are caused by diseases such as. These diseases may be due to age, sex, familial tendency (hereditary) and other illness.

Diseases of the anal region may also be a precursor to chronic intestinal diseases and large bowel tumors with a 10 percent incidence in the community. For this reason, especially patients over 40 years of age with pain, swelling and bleeding symptoms in the breech should consult a general surgery specialist.

Hemorrhoids, commonly known as ‘hemorrhoids’ or ‘yeast’, are characterized by swelling in the breech region. Hemorrhoids are divided into two as internal and external. For some reason in the anal region, the venous tangles expand and exit from the breech. Prolonged periods of constipation, straining, prolonged standing and pregnancy prepare the ground for the formation of hemorrhoids in the anal region.

The patient has bleeding problems during and after the toilet. If bleeding occurs intensively, there is a risk of anemia. When hemorrhoid disease is not detected and treated at an early stage, life comfort is also adversely affected by complaints such as pain and bleeding.

The treatment of hemorrhoids varies according to the level of the disease. In the early stages of the disease, plenty of fluid intake, diet, painkillers, suppositories and creams containing steroids are effective.

In addition to the hot water bath called ‘sitting bath sıra, the consumption of fibrous foods in patients with constipation reduces complaints.

It is also applied to dry the hemorrhoid pakes by giving medicine and placing rubber band at the root of this paken. In the advanced stage of the disease, surgery becomes inevitable. Nowadays, thanks to special surgeries, the patient feels less pain after surgery and heals in less time.

1. Change your diet to reduce the impact of hemorrhoidal complaints. Eat olive oil dishes and fiber foods. Drink 2-3 liters of water per day and do not stay in the toilet for a long time.

2. Limit consumption of red meat as much as possible. Also reduce carbohydrate-weighted foods such as pastries, rice and pasta.

3. External hemorrhoids are usually seen in long-term office workers and long-distance drivers. If possible, avoid sitting for a long time to prevent hemorrhoids from becoming a health problem.

4. Prevalence of hemorrhoids is high among individuals with chronic constipation, pregnant women and individuals with genetic predisposition from the family. It is important that people in this group regulate their lifestyle before the disease occurs.

5. Hot pepper and some spices irritate the area with hemorrhoids. Foods with spicy and tomato paste and spices are among the foods that these patients should not consume.

Do not be afraid to apply to a doctor!
Problems that arise in the anal region are generally evaluated within the framework of moral thought, social judgments, shame and privacy. Therefore, instead of referring to a doctor, it may be possible to use a recommended medicine or to use alternative medicine that has no therapeutic effect. Avoiding consulting with a doctor is a serious waste of time for the patient, and treatment becomes more difficult as the disease worsens over time.

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