Sunday, October 13, 2019

TUMS Antacid Chewable Tablets for Heartburn Relief 160ct, Ultra Strength, Assorted Fruit

What to take to reduce your appetite. How to reduce appetite at home

TUMS Antacid Chewable Tablets for Heartburn Relief 160ct, Ultra Strength, Assorted Fruit

There are more people in the modern world who are obese and cannot cope with hunger. In their opinion, such individuals have only one way out - to continue eating, not to cause discomfort in the need for food. In fact, a similar problem can be dealt with, but you just need to put some effort into it. However, the result will depend on the person's desire to lose weight. We'il take care of everything in order.

Appetite Reduction Products
Drained water. First, it can be given to simple drink. It is highly recommended that you drink a glass of water (250-300 ml.) Just before a meal. As a result, feverish appetite slows down and the liquid prevents overheating. I mean, it's almost impossible to eat the normal portion of food.
Fruits. In this case, you should choose sweet apple varieties. You will not need to consume ripe grapefruit, grapes, pineapple and all kinds of fruits systematically. The products proved to be a composition that perfectly controls appetite. In addition, fruits and berries have a beneficial effect on the whole body.
Greens and vegetables. Invaluable benefits for humans will bring a variety of salads based on celery, parsley, beets, cabbage, carrots and similar products. Ingredients of any form significantly reduce appetite, improve human health and beauty. In addition, the products control the normal number of portions perfectly.
Black sugar and cocoa. If you don't have a problem with diabetes, experts recommend that you satisfy your appetite with a cup of sugar-free cocoa or 2 dark chocolates. A purely natural product without impurities and sweeteners is effective. In addition, your mood will increase significantly and your natural metabolism will accelerate.
Laminaria (seaweed). The product is rich in high iodine. The taste of seaweed will not appeal to everyone. Only 40-50 gr. It is recommended to consume. Then, the normal portion of the meal will be very difficult for you. Laminaria has a positive effect on a person's overall condition. The rich chemical composition heals cells and removes toxic substances from the gastrointestinal tract. Seaweed well compensates for the lack of calcium, strengthens blood vessels and washes cellulite.
Natural yogurt The product of extra ingredients significantly reduces the feeling of hunger. In addition, the composition positively affects the intestinal microflora, improving product division processes. In addition, immunity is strengthened, the condition of the skin is improved. Natural yogurt suppresses the decay process in the digestive system.
Diet meat Boil the chicken fillet or turkey and eat a small portion of a diet meal without adding various spices. As a result, the body is saturated with high quality protein that contains a minimum amount of fat. There will be a feeling of saturation for a long time.
Sesame and flax oils. These components have high aromatic and nutritional properties. This significantly reduces appetite. Fats cover the walls of the gastrointestinal tract well, so saturation is felt.
Ginger tea. A very popular drink of our time. The composition is useful for use at any time of the year. You can make tea according to a simple tariff. To do this, add 7 g. ground ginger in a standard cup; Pour the component with boiling water, brew for about 10 minutes. After that, add 15 g to the product. natural honey As a result, ginger tea will blunt the feeling of hunger, strengthen the body's protective membrane and free of harmful substances.
Green tea with milk. Do not buy high quality green tea with lean and large leaves. Take a small casserole, 5 gr. natural product pour into a 230 ml container. full-fat milk Send the container to the burner, set the minimum fire. Decant the composition until the first bubbles appear, boil for a few minutes. After that, strain the milk tea, wait to cool to an acceptable temperature. The composition should be drunk in one sitting.

Rejection of morning meals
The above method deserves respect. It doesn't matter how inconsistent this recommendation seems, but it is considered to be very effective. The secret is that the morning meal coincides with the release of cortisol in the body.
High hormone numbers directly affect the level of insulin released into the blood. A high level of the last enzyme causes a decrease in sugar in the body. As a result, the person arouses a feeling of hunger.
Thereafter, it appears that eating after waking causes an increase in appetite all day. So if you stop eating breakfast, the body will be drowsy for a while. It is easier to control the desire to eat from here.
Dry snacks
A lot of people are deeply mistaken, and if you use liquid dishwashing, they think the fullness will be longer. It is known that the liquid will fill the stomach. In practice, the opposite has been proved.
Nutritionists argue that semi-hard and hard snacks include a more effective sense of satiety than liquid foods. The appetite will also wake up next time. In addition, better chewing of products is recommended.
During grinding, a signal in the form of the saturation (saturation) of the stomach enters the brain. In the process, prolonged chewing increases flavor buds. Here comes the effect of saturation.

Psychological technique

Use your habit of eating with large forks on small plates. The human spirit has proven to respond to the size of cutlery and utensils. The request to eat directly depends on this.
Almost everyone knows: the smaller the meals and the portions, the less calories enter the body. Unfortunately, not everyone knows the big difference in the food consumed, the volume of which depends on the size of the food.
As a result, if you eat from the impressive plates, you may inadvertently come in large quantities because the body needs it. Even educated people who keep their appetite completely under control can consume more than necessary.
Qualified nutritionists conducted an experiment. The experts ate food from large meals. As a result, educated people impose 30-35% more food on them than they eat in daily life.
Nutritionists knew they were wrong, but the desire to eat took over. A similar allegory can be made with a spoon. The larger the kitchen appliance, the more food the body consumes.
If meals are available with a small spoon, the percentage of food consumed is reduced to 15%. If you compare the forks, everything works in the opposite direction. Large kitchen appliances help to reduce food consumption by 10-12%.

Healthy Sleep
Significantly reduces healthy sleep hunger. As a result, the risk of gaining unwanted kilograms is reduced. Experiments have shown that those who lack sleep consume 25% more food, but the saturation level decreases by 27%.
Experiments did not end there, experts found that those who rest for less than 7 hours give a feeling of satiety 25-27% slower than breakfast. People who sleep less than 6 hours a day regularly expose their bodies to a 60% risk of obesity.
It is not necessary to become an expert to understand that you have to normalize sleep to reduce the feeling of hunger. Unfortunately, for most modern people, such a task is quite difficult. For this, it is recommended to use products containing melatonin.
Physical exercises

A lot of people know how active a person is, developing an appetite. In reality, things are a little different.
Exercise reduces the activity of the areas of the brain responsible for snacks. The hormone level in the blood also decreases.
It is recommended that you participate in such exercises after a small meal. 15-20 minutes is enough to go for a walk and walk on busy steps. If you do this before eating, you will only increase your sense of hunger.

Folk remedies for suppressing appetite
Parsley. A broth based on fresh herbs effectively improves metabolism and reduces hunger. Parsley chopped and 20 gr. Just put it in. finished product in a casserole. Pour into 300 ml. Purified water, send the container to the hotplate, boil the composition until boiling, boil greens for at least an hour a quarter hour. To use 120 ml is recommended a decoction. 4-5 times a day.
Corn tassels. Pour 12 g. Product in a heat resistant container. Pour in 220 ml. filtered water. Place the bowl in the steam bath. Tomyite composition is one third of an hour. The instrument should be consumed 30 ml each, 4-5 times a day before meals.
Apple cider vinegar Pour 240 ml into a glass. Add 50 ml of pure water. apple cider vinegar Stir, take half of the volume of liquid before eating.
Pelin. Pour 12 g. In a container dry plant, fill the product with 230 ml. Take 25 ml of boiling water, wait 25 minutes. Half an hour before meals 3 times a day.
Nettle. 30 g. dry plant in a container, pour 300 ml. Classic way of boiling water, insist about 10-12 minutes. Consume 30 ml. Four times a day.

Essential oils
Esters of citrus fruits have a positive effect on human beings as a whole. The smell of oil improves mood and tones the body. The composition has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system and increases the viability.
Conifer esters perfectly suppress the desire to eat and also disinfect indoor air. In addition, fats do not give the body a worse life than natural coffee.
Souls relax the body, bring the nervous system in harmony, suppress appetite. The composition is recommended for use in the bedroom.
To reduce appetite, it is recommended that acute spices, flavor enhancers and sweeteners be excluded from the daily diet. Such ingredients only increase hunger and allow you to eat more food. It is also worth reducing the amount of salt, and the component can be replaced with algae powder. With such a product, food gives the body a unique note and usefulness.

How to reduce appetite
It is a painful issue for every woman to lose weight because we consume ourselves through physical exercises to get results, constantly die from diet and starvation, get stress, run in the morning, seek the help of miraculous pills that help burn fat, and so on. n. But this doesn't always work, because not every woman can endure a diet. Meanwhile, many people who want to lose weight increase their appetite.Therefore, women seek imaginable and unimaginable methods and ways to reduce.

What is appetite and causes increased appetite.
Appetite is a natural need for the body. It is through the appetite that the body regulates the intake of food from a particular food. In addition, appetite stimulates the production of saliva and gastric juice, which is important for the normal functioning of the digestive system. In addition, a loss of appetite may indicate weakened immune system, malfunctions of nervous or endocrine systems and gastrointestinal system. Therefore, before struggling with appetite, it is necessary to identify the reasons for the increase and only choose the appropriate option for “passivation”.

The main reason for increased appetite in humans is often a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, which contributes to extra weight and obesity. If there is a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, as a rule, a person has the desire to consume foods containing a large amount of bad carbohydrates (white rice, pizza, white bread, potatoes, pasta made from white flour, dessert, soft drinks). As a result of its consumption in the blood, the glucose level increases sharply, while at the same time the body begins to produce excess insulin to normalize it, causing a strong drop in blood glucose, which leads to a desire to eat again. Some kind of vicious circle is emerging. With such a violation, excess calories are collected in the body. In addition, insulin has an effect on the production of non-pourable fat since this process is hindered. Hence permanent weight gain. Therefore, in order to reduce weight and take shape, you need to normalize your body's glucose level.

One night there is no violation of carbohydrate metabolism, this misplaced and unbalanced diet, constant stress and overwork are facilitated by an inactive lifestyle. Therefore, normalization of life and all areas of life plays a major role in normalizing appetite.

It is believed that if you use foods with low glycemic index (fruits, vegetables, milk) you can reduce your appetite, and on the contrary, eating high-index foods can increase your appetite (white bread, sweets, cakes, pastries, pastas, cereals). The glycemic index of consumed foods affects the production of hormones that increase or decrease appetite.

Foods that reduce appetite.
As it sounds paradoxical, but for most people desserts are an excellent way to reduce appetite. Appetite disappears after eating one or two pieces of chocolate or a mint. However, in this case, you should be careful, do not use a sweet bun or cookie to make snacks, as this can turn into a bad habit of causing hate pounds. Aperitifs are best made with vegetables (salt-free only) or fruits. In addition, a handful of dried fruit, a few sips of low-fat milk, an apple slice can be an excellent way to reduce appetite. Products such as kefir, yogurt, low-fat fish, freshly squeezed citrus juice can also reduce appetite. You can drink a glass of milk to reduce hunger between meals and prevent excessive eating.

Following simple tips and tricks will help reduce your appetite.
You should drink a still glass of mineral water before each meal. It helps to fill the stomach and therefore you eat much less during the meal. This method is not only effective, but also useful, because drinking water is not recommended by many experts after eating, as it dilutes stomach water and thus damages the body. A glass of water before a meal not only reduces the feeling of hunger, but also leads to the activation of the digestive process.

A good way to reduce your appetite is to add a minimum amount of spices and salt when cooking or not eating at all. Spices not only increase appetite but also promote mükemmel hunger “as perfect aphrodisiacs, in which case you should consider what is preferable to you.

Soup made with lean meat or vegetable broth gives a quick feeling of fullness. Such soups are also low calorie. In addition, lentils, peas, beans and other legumes should be included more often in your diet as they contribute to the rapid saturation of your body. And it also contributes to better digestion.

In the case of an aperitif, store a fruit container in a prominent place.

If you want to be weak, you should stop drinking alcohol, because even in small amounts it increases the feeling of hunger.

You should leave coffee because it's appetizing. It also affects the heart and kidneys negatively.

Make it a rule to eat slowly and slowly and to chew food carefully. You should leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger. This is explained by the fact that a feeling of fullness comes only twenty minutes after the start of the meal.

Aromatherapy is also a good aid in the fight against increased appetite. Mint, green apple, vanilla, grapefruit, cinnamon aromas restrict appetite because the centers of odor and hunger in the body are very close. Any of these oils should be inhaled during the day. This method is very effective, you only need to apply it continuously, otherwise the course will start all over again.

Ginger tea helps reduce appetite significantly. To prepare, 1 teaspoon. Pour boiling water in 400 ml of grated ginger. After cooling, add a teaspoon of honey to the ginger drink. You should drink ginger tea before dinner. It helps to accelerate metabolism and at the same time relieves appetite. In addition, ginger tea is an excellent aphrodisiac, so you get a double effect.

More often drink green tea. The use of at least three cups per day of this beverage has proven to contribute to the additional burning of 80 calories per day. Flavonoids, a part of green tea, improve the digestive system. In addition, green tea contains powerful antioxidants that protect cells from free radicals.

You can have a "beauty" salad prepared with 2 tablespoons to make the food eaten in the morning smaller. dry oatmeal, a glass of natural lean yogurt, grated apple, a tablespoon of chopped walnuts and tablespoons of honey. Such a salad can be eaten ten minutes after preparation.

Try adding more sprouted wheat to your diet because its use prevents fluid retention in the body and prevents fat accumulation. Moreover, digesting grains takes a lot of time, so the feeling of hunger doesn't come right away.

After eating, it is recommended to walk in the fresh air (not before it!) To speed up the fat burning process.

Give up the habit of watching TV or eating food on a computer, because it has been proven that the saturation process inhibits brain control and the amount of food eaten.

Feeling hungry will help you retreat by performing various physical exercises for 10 minutes. In addition, massaging the spot between the nose and lip will help to reduce appetite.

Drugs that reduce appetite.
Only lazy people resort to medicines because this method is fast and effective. Such drugs have a major impact on a part of the central nervous system responsible for appetite. In addition, they accelerate metabolism, thus contributing to the burning of fats. However, the use of such drugs causes insomnia, over arousal, and also an increase in blood pressure. Take medication to lose weight, should only be given by the doctor.

The principle of action is swelling-based solutions, because such preparations contain fiber (of both plant and animal origin), ie when consumed (they should be washed with liquid) they swell and create a feeling of satiety.

Currently, there are various hydrogels taken by mouth to reduce appetite. Despite their safety, it is not recommended that you take this diet supplement group uncontrolled for more than two months. When taking this group of medicines, vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids should be taken.

Chromium-containing funds also contribute to dull hunger as they normalize carbohydrate metabolism and insulin production.

Psychotherapy has also been used to reduce appetite. The basis of this method is the normalization of a person's psycho-emotional state. Sessions aim to develop a person's healthy eating principles. In addition, psychotherapy methods are used in many coding methods.

Surgical methods to reduce appetite.
Surgical methods to reduce appetite include reducing the size of the stomach or suturing the balloon, in which the volume of the stomach decreases and the appetite decreases over time. This method is used in cases of excessive obesity because the risk of postoperative complications is much lower than the risk of complications (diabetes, hypertension, etc.) from obesity-related diseases. The side effects of such a surgical intervention are continuous belching, nausea, abdominal weight and this makes disturbing corrections in a person's life.

As a result, I would say that the foundation of good health, excellent shape and slim figure is still a full and balanced diet, adequate physical activity and a lifestyle that should include walking in the fresh air. Moderation is the key to health in everything. With age, the metabolism in our body is decreasing, so you should eat less and have more movement. You don't have to listen to your body and use different numbers to reduce your appetite.

Healthy appetite in childhood determines adequate nutrient intake and normal development in the body. A person who relieves the feeling of hunger receives food for normal functioning, labor and other successes throughout the day. Problems that arise when the desire to eat becomes a reluctant character - excessive appetite, emerges as a means to reduce emotional stress, capture stress, and increase mood. Excessive eating can lead to excess weight, poor health - and health problems.

An increase in appetite occurs in the presence of so-called food impulses - an appetizing look and smell of food, eating, talking about character and thinking about eating. In this case, a person may not experience physiological hunger, but it does not allow appetite to increase, it causes snacks on the go, there is a boredom for unhealthy nutrition. If the tendency to chew something constantly develops, excessive eating occurs, which leads to the appearance of overweight, a sense of guilt emerges - and then in a vicious circle. If you want to adhere to healthy eating principles, you should understand the triggers of your eating habits to control your appetite. Insomnia, physical, mental overload and subsequent fatigue increase the feeling of hunger. Stressful situations at home and at work, boredom, the desire to reward yourself with another news plane, and a simple way to cheer up are common reasons for eating too much. Usually watching TV programs and working on a computer comes with small snacks that can significantly exceed calories.

How to reduce appetite: ways to control
To reduce your appetite, try to follow the principles of a healthy diet and stay in a good mood while creating your diet with minimum restrictions and prohibitions. Full sleep, a relaxing warm bath, walks in the fresh air, attending various activities and meeting interesting people are antidepressant effects.

Dietitians give you the following tips on how to reduce your appetite for weight loss:

seafood and marine fish, low-fat cheese, oatmeal and legumes are classified as foods that reduce appetite and control satiety;
To reduce your appetite in the evening, you can drink a glass of weakly brewed tea or low-fat milk.
In addition, the means to reduce appetite include lack of sleep, good rest and moderate physical activity, a sense of vitality and a good mood.

Appetite suppressants

If you think about how you can reduce your appetite, then you should consider diet, physical activity and rest, as well as other ways to protect against excessive food and to blind the feeling of hunger that can lose weight. These include:

medicinal plants - used in the form of infusions and decoction, to reduce appetite, also teas to suppress appetite;
pharmacological agents that reduce appetite.
How to reduce appetite: herbs
Medicinal plants used to reduce appetite affect the human body as follows:

gently soothes (has a soothing effect);
cleanse the intestines due to laxative effect;
envelops the stomach, forms a thin layer of mucosa that prevents hunger;
accelerates metabolism, reduces gastric juice production, leads to decreased appetite and rapid saturation.
Some plants make a person feel full and full without the need for excess calories. Herbs control hunger, reduce appetite and develop new eating habits. Due to the decrease in serving volume, the body begins to spend its own fat reserve, which contributes to weight loss.

Among medicinal herbs that reduce appetite, it can be noted:

hellebore - this plant helps to cope with many diseases. It is effective for reducing appetite and losing weight as it has a fortified effect, cleanses the intestines, reduces body slag, removes heavy salts and generally improves the body;
Althaea officinalis - Apply the source of Althea root to reduce appetite. Due to the high content of plant mucus in it, the appetite surrounding the protective film of the stomach wall is reduced;
mint - has a mild soothing effect, blinds the feeling of hunger;
milk thistle is a safe way to reduce appetite, activating metabolic processes, normalizing the gastrointestinal tract and stimulating the breakdown of fats;
corn stigmas - alleviates depression and neurosis, suffers hunger, stabilizes metabolism;
fennel - stimulates metabolic processes, has diuretic effect, increases digestion and reduces appetite.
How to reduce appetite: medications

If you want to use medication to reduce appetite, you should first consult your doctor. Such drugs that suppress the feeling of hunger as a result of a significant reduction in the amount of food consumed are called anorectic. Depending on the principle of action, the following types of drugs that reduce appetite are distinguished:

andrenaline-like - these drugs activate receptors sensitive to adrenal stress hormone, increase mood, activate metabolic processes and suppress hunger at the same time. With prolonged use, these types of pills that reduce appetite are addictive. Side effects include various disorders in the study of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
serotonin-like drugs - providing high levels of serotonin in the body (a hormone that regulates mood and sleep), reduces appetite and changes eating behavior. Numerous side effects have been discovered, including cardiac activity, blood circulation, and violation of brain function, leading to the prohibition of such anorectics.
Sibutramine is currently a popular and approved prescription drug for use - when the manufacturer is assured, this drug combines the effect of both anorectic groups, accelerates metabolic processes, breaks fat tissue and prevents future excess weight gain. There is an extensive list of restrictions on the use and side effects of this tool.

Vegetable fibers also contain natural products to reduce appetite, including extracts from medicinal plants - based on, for example, guarana seeds, cactus seeds.

It is highly recommended to consult with your doctor before using appetite-reducing medications.

How to reduce appetite: folk remedies
There are many recipes on how to reduce the appetite of folk remedies effectively and safely:

Pour 200 g wheat bran with a liter of boiling water and boil on low heat for 10 minutes. Filter the resulting water and take half a glass three to four times a day;
in the morning drink two tablespoons of flax seed oil on an empty stomach before meals;
Drink half a glass of water a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before each meal.

Herbal supplements to reduce appetite:

To reduce appetite, mix crushed mint leaves, buckthorn peel, fennel berries and dandelion root in a 2: 2: 1: 1 ratio. Pour a tablespoon of the collection with a glass of hot boiled water, insist for an hour and strain. Take before bedtime;
For the collection of ordinary sage of ordinary sage and heather pour a tablespoon 250 ml boiling water, leave for at least half an hour and then strain. Take three times a day before meals to reduce appetite.
In order to suppress hunger and normalize the digestive process, you should regularly drink an appetite-reducing tea for one to two weeks, followed by a two-week break.

How to reduce appetite - video
First, you need to determine the reason you want to eat too. Usually these reasons are purely psychological.

Habits from childhood

You will be healthy and strong when the child is told that you need to eat more. You should eat good in the morning, so you won't want to eat longer. Or force them to eat large portions to avoid throwing them away. And in general, products should be used in small amounts. In this case, it is better to eat better from childhood when you need to eat everything and then want to eat less.

As a result of such an installation, the stomach begins to stretch and a person wants to eat more. And in small portions can no longer eat. Therefore, the real issue is not to eat food for the future, but to satisfy hunger.

Stress, emotions

You can't escape them and why, then you want to eat more sweet, oily, starchy foods to calm down. They usually calm down after a busy day in front of the television. They move by watching programs, they don't control how much they eat.

Hurry meal

If you don't have time to eat normally in a relaxed atmosphere and you need to be satisfied with snacks on the go, you can hurry up more than the normal amount of food. This is because your stomach needs about 20 minutes to feel full. If the snack lasts 5 minutes, you will not immediately feel full and want more food to satisfy your hunger.

Sedentary Lifestyle

Today, scientific and technological progress allows us to make life as comfortable as possible. We are gradually reducing our physical activity. On the one hand, comfort improves the quality of life. On the other hand, when a person moves less, his muscles weaken, he starts to grow with fat, and his stomach grows. Why then I want to eat a lot.

Therefore, if you decide how to reduce or reduce your appetite to lose weight, you must first get rid of it. psychological problems are caused by this.

What reduces appetite and helps to lose weight
The main and simplest solution to reduce appetite and help you lose weight:

Physical activity
Active lifestyle
The truth is, when a person engages in sports, his muscles stretch and his stomach gets smaller, which makes him want to eat less. In addition, to maintain muscle mass and muscles in good form, the body consumes a lot of energy and begins to take body fat.

When the muscles weaken, they begin to get fat. The same thing happens with the stomach, when stretched, it grows with oil, fat deposits are seen in the stomach.

What to drink to reduce appetite and lose weight
The easiest way to reduce your appetite is to drink water half an hour before meals. It is especially useful on an empty stomach after waking up. By drinking a glass of water before eating, you will improve your metabolism, fill your stomach and eat less than usual food.
Even the most severe hunger can be eliminated with the help of ordinary low-fat kefir, it also helps the stomach and intestines cleanse the body.
You can get fast saturation with tomato juice. If you drink frequently, then the amount of food consumed significantly decreases.
Thanks to green tea, you can satisfy not only thirst but also hunger. It also stabilizes blood sugar and reduces appetite, reduces the desire to snack.
However, it is better to exclude alcohol because it slows down metabolism and vice versa.

How to reduce weight loss appetite with folk remedies
There are many plants where you can make a decoction to suppress your appetite. It should be taken half an hour before meals.

Burdock root
Corn tassels
flax seed
Garlic and red pepper
What the plant reduces appetite and helps to lose weight
It is worth considering that such plants are usually diuretic, so you should use them correctly to prevent the body from drying out.

Glacier Siberia

Reduces appetite
Accelerates metabolism
Fucus Bubble

Restores vitamin and mineral balance
Reduces the urge to eat
Milk thistle

Reduces appetite
Cleans the body of toxins
Cleans the liver
Medical root

Restores stomach and intestinal tissue
Reduces inflammation
Reduces craving for food
How can you reduce your weight loss appetite at home?
There are many useful low-calorie foods that contribute to rapid saturation.

Hot, rich soup
Chicken egg
Dark chocolate
Soybean Tuff
How to reduce weight loss appetite with folk remedies
In addition to herbs and boiling, you can also use essential oils. It not only reduces the desire to eat, but also improves the emotional state.

Especially useful citrus essential oils

Sweet essential oils can be used to sweeten the bedroom.

Green apple
The use of natural oils is important. Fake is easy to distinguish. Put a drop of oil on the cloth, the actual oil does not leave anymore. You also need to test how it fits you. And don't abuse them.

Exercises to reduce appetite
1 Exercise Wave

We sit on a chair, we connect our legs, we lean behind the chair and we relax. While breathing, pull firmly on your stomach, wait 3 seconds. Then exhale by gently draining the stomach.

2 Exercise Frog

We sit on a chair and lean slightly forward. We relax the body so that the elbows stay on our knees and our palms are extended forward. Then we tilt our heads 30 times in different directions.

3 Exercise Lotus

It resembles a yoga exercise with folded palms, they just need to point down. We relax and think it's nice. The main thing is to wait for the breathing to come to order and to allow the body to relax completely, as hunger slowly begins to disappear.

How can you reduce your weight loss appetite?
Relaxing bathroom
Favorite hobby
Beautiful music
Walk in the fresh air
Reading an interesting book
Breathing exercises
Use smaller cookware
How to reduce appetite to lose weight pills
Appetizing saturated drugs

These are powerful drugs and should only be given by a doctor. There are many side effects.

Dietary supplements

There are fewer side effects, but you should still consult your doctor before you begin.

Vitamin and Mineral Complexes

The most harmless and also useful drugs. However, you must still follow the instructions. For example, if someone wants to suppress his passion for sweets, you should take a drug that contains too much chromium. Because chrome suppresses the passion for sweets.

However, on the other hand, if you are still engaged in sports and are bound to do so, any medication will be as effective as possible. proper nutrition. It is not designed for continuous use. And only when the feeling of hunger is very frequent.

How to reduce your appetite in the evening to lose weight
Proper nutrition is the key to less food in the evening. If you neglect breakfast and lunch, be happy with the quick snacks, then you'll want to eat too much in the evening accordingly. So the body wants to make up for burnt calories.

It is therefore important to start the day with a full breakfast. Lunch is also important and should not be neglected. Then dinner will be light and there will be no desire to eat in the evening. If it is difficult to overcome the tendency to eat, it is better to drink green tea or low-fat kefir.

TUMS Antacid Chewable Tablets for Heartburn Relief 160ct, Ultra Strength, Assorted Fruit

Basic Care Esomeprazole Magnesium Delayed-Release Capsules, 20 mg, 42 Count


Basic Care Esomeprazole Magnesium Delayed-Release Capsules, 20 mg, 42 Count

Heartburn complaint is an issue where everyone from 7 to 70 suffers. Although many people experience this complaint, they either do not try to find out the cause and wait for it to resolve spontaneously or try to find solutions through traditional methods. However, although heartburn appears to be a common and easily treatable treatment, it can be a symptom or cause of many different ailments. Medical science and technology in the development of the causes and treatment of stomach burns can be found in an easy solution today. However, a person suffering from heartburn should not underestimate it and should definitely be examined by a qualified doctor. Once diagnosed, the type of treatment may vary depending on the diagnosis. However, non-chronic stomach burns can often heal after a certain period of time by not consuming very spicy, sugary, sour, spicy and fatty foods by changing one's eating habits.

It is possible and easy to treat this disregard of the condition or unconscious forms of wrong treatment can cause many different diseases, but can lead to diseases that can result in death.

About Heartburn
There are many different causes of heartburn. These causes can be classified as individual-related or anatomical and metabolic causes. The reasons that depend on the individual are mostly due to the individual's eating habits. Excessive consumption of bitter, sweet, sour, sugary, spicy and fatty foods can cause stomach burns and may cause different diseases if left untreated. In addition, stomach burns may occur for some reasons caused by metabolic disorders. In cases where the digestive system is not working properly, gastric acid secretes more or less acid causing stomach burns.

Heartburn is a condition that should not be underestimated. If left untreated, reflux can then lead to death, leading to gastritis followed by ulcers. In order to prevent the bad results of heartburn, when a discomfort is felt, a doctor should be consulted first and the cause should be learned and necessary studies should be started for treatment.

What is Heartburn
Stomach burns, which are mostly caused by nutritional habits, are a condition that starts with consuming foods that can disrupt the ph level of the stomach excessively and damaging the stomach wall which is covered with a layer called mucosa of the stomach acid produced by the body to balance the ph value. If it is not treated when it is felt, it also causes a process that can lead to abrasion and inflammation of the gastric wall. As a result, diseases such as gastritis and ulcers bring the person to death with consequences.

It can be defined as the dull, thin pain pattern that occurs around the back of the chest and the abdominal cavity starting from the throat to the stomach. It is often felt with a sour belch and a fluid reaching from the stomach to the mouth can also be seen. Heartburn is often seen as a cause of reflux disease and, if left untreated, can cause different diseases in later stages.

What are the nutrients that increase heartburn?
Personal nutrition threatens and cures diseases in many parts of the body, and in a healthy stomach, nutrition is often the cause of discomfort and again healing. Excessively spicy, sour, oily and consumed outside fast food products are the biggest factors that cause stomach burns and diseases that may occur in the later stages of stomach burns.

In addition to this, alcohol, cigarettes, caffeinated beverages and tea, which disrupt the ph value of the stomach, can also cause stomach burns. It should never be forgotten that when the foods that cause heartburn are taken, it does not take effect at that moment. This occurs after a certain process. When eating habits consist of foods that cause stomach burning, discomfort is noticed after a certain period of time, and especially the quitting of habits such as smoking and alcohol will make the person a bit more difficult to make the treatment process difficult. In order to prevent such situations, first of all, regular doctor control should be done and help of nutritionist can be taken by a specialist physician or dietitian. Foods that cause stomach burns can be listed as follows; Foods containing excessive spices such as French fries, tomatoes, garlic, onions, peppers, coffee, tea, chocolate, cigarettes, alcohol, fast food products, citrus fruits.

Which Diseases Bring Heartburn?
Heartburn alone is annoying, and the patient's own efforts to treat the wrong medication and wrong medication invites a different discomfort. What causes heartburn are the majority eating disorders and metabolic disorders. The more common heartburn associated with reflux is gastritis when not treated. Gastritis, which causes a more painful process of pain than reflux, causes serious consequences that can reach ulcers, also called gastric cancer, when untreated.

Reflux is briefly referred to as the emergence of nutrients in the stomach, bile acid or gastric juice to the mouth of the esophagus. As a result, the person feels a bitter sweet water in his mouth. There is a warm pain around the abdominal cavity and a burning sensation behind the chest.

Gastritis is the disease that occurs when reflux is not treated. By definition, it can be said that the gastric wall is destroyed by bacteria and causes inflammation. These bacteria, which can impair the degree of acidity of the stomach, cause inflammation and, when left untreated, can cause ulcers, also known as stomach cancer.

Ulcer can also be defined as the destruction of gastric acid or intestine by acids such as gastric acid or pepsin when the degree of gastric acidity is impaired by bacteria. In this case, as well as tissue loss occurs in the stomach wall or duodenum is formed. If it is not treated, it can lead to death.

Causes of Heartburn?
Heartburn is a subject that is neglected by the community, as well as many things we do in our daily lives triggers heartburn and causes different discomforts. Psychological conditions that we live in work or in private life, diet, working style and many metabolic disorders cause heartburn and related complications.

If a person is suffering from heartburn, this should not be taken lightly and a doctor should be urgently consulted. In accordance with the doctor's recommendations, a change in diet, daily exercise intensity and working style or lifestyle should be made.

Nutritional habits are one of the main causes of heartburn. Fatty, spicy, spicy, sour, fast food products and ready-to-eat foods that may disrupt the acidity of the stomach, chips, stomach burns, and therefore other diseases. In addition, alcohol is acidic, excessive alcohol consumption causes stomach burns. Cigarette addicts smoking cigarettes on an empty stomach in the morning can also be shown as an example of nutrition and habits that cause stomach burns. During eating, especially in children after eating less chewing, hungry after eating at night in the case of hungry meals also cause stomach burns and reflux. At night, the food may cause stomach burns, both in the supine position, yet undigested or less digested food and drinks from the esophagus to the mouth more comfortable to come to sleep, as well as the body's basal metabolism in the person may face stomach burns.

Increased secretion of gastric acid can also cause stomach burns. For this, the evening meal should be at least 3 hours before sleep time and the person should move and help digestion after a meal, especially after a supine position. Bacteria inside the stomach, which increases this, cause damage to the stomach walls after digestion and cause stomach burns.

Stomach-induced burns are also one of the reasons for stomach burns. People who are under psychological pressure may be exposed to stomach burns due to excessive muscle contraction and relaxation. This can be done by a psychologist and stress relief should be avoided.

Excess weight can cause both direct and indirect heartburn. Since too much fatty foods are consumed and makes it difficult to digest the stomach, weight control is important in stomach disorders. In addition, if the clothes worn due to excess weight are narrow, it is possible that they will experience stomach burns because it will regulate the pressure on the abdomen or fat layer in overweight people will pressure the stomach. In order to prevent this situation, overweight people need to get rid of their excess weight regularly and periodically. Professional help can be obtained from a dietician or doctor.

Another factor that triggers heartburn is excessive exercise in the abdomen and vice versa. Excessive exercise of the muscles in the abdomen can cause stomach burns as the stomach and abdominal muscles will become very hot. It also makes it difficult to digest nutrients because they do not move too much after meals, especially in the office or at home for a long time, which naturally causes stomach burns. To avoid this, a short walk after each meal or some exercises can be done.

Heartburn may also be indirect. For example, drugs used after a surgical operation may cause stomach burns. It should be used in consultation with a doctor. In addition, rheumatism medicines and unconsciously overdosed aspirins can also cause stomach burns and other stomach disorders as they erode the stomach wall.

Excessive Spicy and Acidic Food Consumption
One of the most important causes of stomach burns is to change the eating habits and to be aware of how food should be consumed can prevent many stomach ailments. The most important point in eating habits is to avoid consuming excessively spicy and acidic foods. Spices and acidic foods in the stomach secreted for digestion, such as gastric acid and pepsin secretions by disrupting the ph value and structure of the secretion of the gastric wall leads to damage.

Ingestion of food
Food such as red meat, cellulose-derived foods, skinned chicken meat, and foods that are difficult to digest cause stomach disorders in humans. Combined with a passive and immobile lifestyle, difficult-to-digest foods, which naturally cause heartburn, cause more serious problems. Eating at night before sleep or during sleep, not exercising will cause the food not to be digested and the stomach secretion will be more. Eating large meals or chewing less while eating also makes it difficult to digest in the stomach, causing stomach burns and other discomfort. Non-digestion of food in the stomach results in more secretion of enzymes required for digestion. Excessively secreted gastric juice, pepsin and other enzymes cause damage to the stomach and duodenum and cause injury to the stomach wall and inflammation, causing stomach burns.

Night Foods
Metabolic and physical events slow down during night sleep, this is called basal metabolism. Basal metabolism also tends to spend as little energy as the body can. Meals that are eaten between meals and sleep just before night's sleep remain undigested in the stomach as physical and metabolic activities are slow. This leads to both weight gain and stomach burns. Therefore, food should be eaten at least 3 hours before sleep and short walks or exercises that can help digestion after eating. Non-digestible food at night will come back to the mouth with a bitter water and will cause irritation of the esophagus can cause burns in the back of the chest, stomach contractions and sometimes even vomiting. Eating at night can cause stomach burns, reflux, and many other diseases, such as stroke, heart attacks. Because at night sleep, the body has a mobility of up to 10 percent of normal mobility, so blood flow is slowed down, which in turn causes diseases such as heart attacks and strokes, especially in non-digestible foods, especially in smokers.

Lactose intolerance
Lactose; It is a type of sugar found in milk and dairy products such as cheese, yoghurt. The substances containing lactose are absorbed by digestion by an enzyme called lactase in the small intestine, but in some people the lactase enzyme in the small intestine is either not secreted or less secreted than it should be. Lactose sugar, which cannot be broken down in the small intestine, moves to the large intestine, causing some discomfort. Some of these include a burning sensation in the stomach, pain in the stomach, bloating, diarrhea, belching, and stomach rumbling.

Although lactose intolerance is a common condition in our country and in the world, a surgical method or medication that can provide a definitive solution has not been developed yet, but some personal actions may help to alleviate it. For example, avoiding milk and dairy products and foods containing lactose sugar can prevent us from experiencing this condition.

Lactose intolerance can be congenital or may occur as a result of an operation or related drugs. Since it contains plenty of calcium, magnesium, iron, protein, etc., consumption of dairy products is important in bone and tooth development, and it is not possible to gain weight in children, weakness in bones and so on. may cause discomfort. Instead, the child should consume alternative foods that may help bone development. Some of those; salmon, soya milk and bean curd, broccoli, orange etc. like.

Belly Exercises
Another factor that causes heartburn is unconscious exercises. Especially people diagnosed with reflux or gastritis should avoid doing exercises such as sit-ups, push-ups, chin-ups and weight lifting to increase the pressure in the abdominal cavity. Increased pressure on the abdominal cavity and stomach muscles will affect the digestive process and cause unbalanced secretion of gastric acids. Even if the person does not have a heartburn, it causes disease and advances it if he has heartburn or reflux. In the absence of heartburn, sports should be done with the help of professional people and unconscious effort should not be made. those who are confronted with heartburn discomfort, especially after a short walk after the meal and the abdominal muscles in the short walks of the muscles can exercise in place.

Symptoms of Heartburn
After eating the stomach burns in the stomach with digestive enzymes and stomach acid to the mouth to come to the chest and abdominal cavity pain is a clear indication of pain. In addition to this, there may be some problems such as coughing attacks, chest pains and difficulty swallowing while eating.

Reflux associated with heartburn can affect not only the stomach but also the bronchi. Esophagus and bronchi are differentiated from the same tissues during maternal development. Therefore, gastric acid and other digestive enzymes, which are called ac hot water geri that run back to the esophagus, can cause reflexive contractions in the respiratory tract and cause asthma and various respiratory diseases. In addition, unintentional weight loss is a symptom of heartburn.

Heartburn may be a symptom in some diseases that are irreversible or very difficult to treat. Gastric cancer, which is more difficult to treat than gastritis and reflux, in other words, ulceration also occurs. In addition, excessive fat in the liver and stomach ulcers occur in the duodenal ulcer.

Heartburn is the event of digestive enzymes going back to the esophagus along with the nutrients present in the stomach during digestion. However, burning and pain in the stomach may be felt. The major cause of heartburn can be shown to be a deterioration of the pH in the stomach. This naturally makes digestion difficult and causes the food to be pushed back through the stomach muscles. Even though it may seem insignificant, it may be the beginning of serious illnesses.

When heartburn occurs, the acidic environment in the stomach should be neutralized whenever possible. For this, water can be drunk during souring or one or two slices of bread can be eaten. Subsequent drugs may be used on the advice of a physician to reduce gastric acidity or prevent acid secretion. Smoking and alcohol should not be used during heartburn. However, if there is a feeling of hunger food at dinner will balance the acidity of the stomach to relieve sourness. Another method of relieving stomach sourness is to chew gum. Since the gum activates the salivary glands in the mouth, it cleans by neutralizing the acid accumulated in the stomach.

Gas and Burp Often
Gas in the stomach and frequent belching can be a cause or consequence of heartburn, but may also be a symptom of different diseases in itself. Belching is the extraction of air through the stomach while eating or drinking water. Our stomach has different volumes while eating and stomach is empty. When the stomach is empty, when the volume is small, it contractes and relaxes while eating. Our body automatically adjusts the pressure in the stomach while contracting or loosening or contracting. If the stomach pressure cannot be adjusted as a result of metabolic or external physical intervention, a gas is formed in the stomach. This gas is also transmitted by mouth or to the large intestine.

Although it may seem like a minor event, it should not be underestimated. Continuous gas formation in the stomach and frequent belching is one of the major symptoms of gastritis. Consequently, during the gas exhaled from the stomach by mouth or by belching, nutrients and digestions in the stomach come to the mouth, which causes burning in the stomach and chest pain. However, lactose intolerance can also cause gas in the stomach, bloating and frequent belching.

Continuous gas extraction and belching is a symptom of many different diseases as well as stomach cancer. Gas compression and belching in the stomach is an indication that the pressure in the stomach is not well adjusted and that the food is not digested well.

For this, CO2 dissolved drinks, acid food and fruit, cigarettes and alcohol should be avoided.

Feeling Instant Toughness While Eating
The occurrence of a sudden feeling of saturation while eating is an indicator of psychological depression and stress. It is often seen in people who experience excessive stress and fatigue, are depressed, and have sleep disorders. Because of this, the person gets irregular nutrition and this causes some stomach disorders. If someone suffering from heartburn has one of these reasons, there will probably be an improvement in his or her dietary habits or psychological support from a professional person.

Stomach Pain and Discomfort
Stomach pain and various stomach ailments can also cause stomach burns. It is caused by nutrients taken or physical strokes that disrupt the stomach pressure or damage the stomach muscles.

Nausea and Vomiting
Nausea and vomiting is one of the usual things that can happen to someone experiencing heartburn. Nausea and vomiting may occur when these nutrients cannot be digested well or gas cannot be extracted from the stomach. Nausea and vomiting may also occur in patients with gastritis and ulcers, especially if they are exposed to extreme cold. When the person with gastritis or ulcer consumes one of the foods that should not be consumed, the secretion of enzyme in the stomach will be unstable and nausea may vomit and vomit as a result of infection of the wound in the stomach wall or intestine. Nausea and vomiting, which is a natural consequence of diseases such as gastritis ulcer and lactose intolerance, can be a harbinger of another disease if accompanied by high fever and different symptoms.

As a treatment, regular use of medicines given by the doctor and fatty, spicy, spicy, sour food should not be eaten and bad habits such as cigarettes and alcohol should be stopped immediately. otherwise, nausea and vomiting may lead to stomach pain and may lead to worse outcomes such as gastritis and ulcers.

Heartburn Diagnosis and Diagnostic Methods
Gastric diseases are often the gastroenterology departments of hospitals, but in some cases the internal medicine department may look after them. Any discomfort should be done by specialists in the field of diagnosis and diagnosis. otherwise, incorrect or unconscious drug use or treatment may lead to worse outcomes. When the diagnosis and diagnosis of heartburn are made, the complaints and sayings of the patients are taken into consideration. For example, the presence of bitter water in the mouth, stomach burning and chest pain will strengthen the diagnosis of reflux.

After the examination by the doctor, many different tests can be performed according to the patient's complaint. These include gastroscopy, ENT examination, ph meter measurement and abdominal ultrasound.

Physical examination and examinations
People suffering from heartburn can relieve their discomfort by some methods at home or by changing their habits if they are convinced that there is no other cause of illness. But in any case, they should see a doctor. In the case of heartburn, the doctor will first perform a physical examination by hand or stethoscope, and according to the patient's complaints, gastroscopy, ph meter measurement, barium esophageal gastric duodenum graphy, etc. apply different tests such as.

Barium Esophageal Stomach Duodenum Radiograph
The general purpose of this test is to measure the contact of gastric acid and digestive acids with the esophagus. In the evaluation of the esophagus, gastric film with barium is used. As a result of the film, some effects such as difficulty in swallowing, pain and burning in the stomach may occur. The patient should not eat at least 8 hours before the examination.

The ingestion functions of the person after ingestion are measured by the barium fluid administered orally to the empty stomach. After filling the stomach with barium fluid, the patient is turned upside down and radiographed for leaks in the esophagus. If the patient has an ulcer, the barium fluid escapes to the duodenum, and this will tell if he has an ulcer. In this way, the diagnosis of stomach cancer is made. considering the existing disease, endoscopy is applied to the patient or examinations such as stomach signs are applied. Nowadays, this form of treatment has been replaced with developing techniques such as endoscopy and examination methods such as organ signs.

Today, with the development of science and technology, the methods used in medicine are renewed. Instead of the painful methods that were used previously, both painless and clearer results were used. One of these is endoscopy and gastroscopy. gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, gastritis or reflux diseases after the patient's complaints and explanations are used to make the diagnosis and treatment more accurate and accurate. In short, these diseases can be directly observed and evaluated accordingly. Injuries, irritations and other disorders of the stomach, intestine and esophagus are reflected to a TV by means of a device with a camera on the end of the stomach and then to the duodenum and passing through the esophagus through the mouth of the patient. It is used as a control for abdominal pain, heartburn, heartburn, difficulty swallowing.

The patient should not have eaten or drink water at least 8 hours before entering the endoscopy. Clear and precise observation can be made if the stomach is empty. Before gastroscopy is performed, the patient's throat is anesthetized with the help of anesthesia and some medications are given to prevent incidents such as vomiting. After gastroscopy, the patient is rested in a room until the effect of the drugs and the effect of anesthesia has passed and is kept under observation.

Heartburn Risk Factors
Heartburn risk factors can be divided into two main groups as environmental and personal risk factors. From a person's lifestyle to nutritional habits and work, many things should be considered as risk factors. In addition, some diseases that can be transferred genetically may result in heartburn complaints. In order to eliminate these risk factors, help from the doctor or personal efforts can be eliminated.

One of the risk factors is that according to researches, diseases such as gastric cancer, gastritis and reflux are more common in men than in women. In addition, due to the slowing of metabolic rate, advancing age may also be considered as a risk factor.

When we take into account the occupational factor, people who belong to the occupation group who spend most of the day at home or in the office, workers working in mines, workers working in places where there is a lot of dust and smoke, heartburn complaints in some factories working in rubber and industrial production and related An increase in diseases can be observed.

Sitting Working
One of the issues that should be considered in one's private life is lifestyle. The cause of this complaint is the work style as well as the stress experienced by the people suffering from heartburn. If you do not take a short walk after eating or light exercises to help digestion, you will experience heartburn or heartburn. Since the food consumed in people who sit down after meals is difficult to digest in the stomach, digestive enzymes and gastric acid are secreted in the stomach. This can naturally lead to heartburn, reflux, and gastritis, or even ulcers.

Environmental Factors
The most important indicators of environmental factors that cause heartburn or stomach discomfort are the stresses entered in work or private life. In case of excessive stress, digestive disorders and stomach disorders occur. Depression and intense emotion can cause some congestion and loss of appetite in the stomach muscles. Likewise, the constant change of the temperature of the environment, or staying under extreme heat or extreme cold, may affect the digestive activity, causing stomach upset.

One of the environmental factors that cause stomach burns is the physical impacts from outside that can disrupt the gas pressure inside the stomach. In this case, digestive enzymes may also be affected or may cause injury to the gastric wall.

Complications of Heartburn
In addition to environmental and personal factors that affect it, stomach burns may occur indirectly. The drug used as a result of different discomfort or surgical operations performed may cause heartburn complications. In the same way, different complications of stomach burns can occur in different organs.

During pregnancy also slows the digestion of pregnancy hormones. Since the food in the stomach is late digestion, it mixes late into the blood. In this way, stomach disorders and indigestion occur. During pregnancy, there is loosening of the gastric valve due to muscle relaxation, and similar to reflux, digestive enzymes and nutrients back into the esophagus are seen, resulting in heartburn and heartburn.

Gastric Diseases such as Reflux, Gastritis and Ulcer
Although stomach burns seem to be a simple event, detailed investigations can be a harbinger of important diseases. It is a matter that should be consulted to a doctor if it is never underestimated and experienced. Heartburn and heartburn are the precursors of diseases such as reflux, gastritis and ulcers. There are many factors in the occurrence of these diseases. Nutrition, habits, lifestyles, environmental factors and business life.

Reflux is the definition of some of the nutrients in the stomach, with enzymes that help digestion in the stomach, back into the esophagus and a bitter water in the mouth. It is a disease caused mainly by fatty, over-spicy foods. Untreated, it may cause other diseases of the stomach. The most important of these are gastritis and ulcers.

Gastritis is also manifested in the form of heartburn, such as reflux, and also manifests with different symptoms such as vomiting, chest pain and weakness. Gastritis is an important disease caused by a disease called helicopter pylori and needs treatment. By definition, inflammation of the gastric membrane caused by bacteria can be called. Bacteria called helicobacter pylori disrupt the balance of acids in the stomach and cause gastritis. It is known as the most infectious bacteria in the world. Irregular nutrition, bad habits such as alcohol and smoking, malnutrition and stress are among the major causes of gastritis.

The most important symptom of gastritis is the feeling of pain in the upper stomach and burning sensation in the stomach. Symptoms such as frequent burp and decreased appetite also indicate gastritis. If the cause of gastritis is not caused by an infection called helicobacter pylori, gastritis can also occur when gastric acid destroys the stomach wall. In this case, treatment with gastric acid regulator may be possible. When using methods such as gastroscopy in the treatment of gastritis, the most important thing that the patient should pay attention to is feeding and personal care after treatment. If not treated, gastritis can cause ulcers.

Ulcer is a more troublesome disease with more severe symptoms than gastritis and reflux disease and it has two different types: gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Again what is one of the strongest symptoms is reflux and gastritis as in gastritis. Endoscopy is used during diagnosis. The endoscopy method is used to treat the esophagus, stomach and duodenum by looking for injuries and inflammation. Ulcers due to gastritis and reflux-like causes of gastric acid and other digestive enzymes in the stomach, or the outer wall of the duodenum by irritating the outer wall of the wound, causing inflammation and holes. There are involuntary weight loss, pain in the stomach after meals, bloating and flatulence, frequent belching and indigestion. The gastroscopy method used in the diagnosis is used in the treatment. With gastroscopy, inflammation in the stomach can be seen directly, biopsy can be taken and if bacteria are found, antibiotic treatment or gastric acid suppressing drugs are used to clear. Although the drug is mostly used in the treatment of ulcers, some treatments such as surgical excision of some nerves that provide pepsin and acid secretion are also used.

How to Prevent Heartburn
The most effective way to prevent discomfort such as heartburn is to pay attention to our diet and lifestyle, and we should avoid stress and depression as much as possible. It is possible that one can avoid such situations without experiencing any individual efforts. In other cases, in case of heartburn, help from a specialist doctor can be obtained. You can get support from any dietician in your nutritional needs. In cases where it is not possible for people suffering from stomach complaints to apply to any health institution, if they are sure that they do not have lactose intolerance disease, they can consume dairy products and drink water or eat a slice of bread if they are hungry. Pain relief pills or muscle relaxants may also help. However, the individual should see a doctor after the temporary measures taken. And during this period, acid foods and beverages, rheumatism medicines, aspirins, cigarettes and alcohol, such as substances should be avoided.

After the measures taken at home in the doctor's examination, if there is a disease after the treatment to prevent recurrence of stomach burns, the weight of vegetables and ph values ​​are not very extreme, an easily digestible diet list should be prepared. It should be left in habits such as alcohol and smoking.

Healthy and Regular Nutrition
Most heartburn, other stomach and other intestinal disorders are caused by foods and beverages. Our body secretes more enzymes to digest foods that are forced to digest, which causes injuries to the stomach wall or sends back non-digestible foods in the form of vomiting.

A healthy and regular diet is an important step to prevent the heartburn without recurring. In short, the foods that the patient should stay away from are as follows; hard to digest red meat and skinned chicken meat, onion, garlic, tomato, hot pepper, spicy food, chips, french fries, fatty foods, fast food products, kokoreç.

Alcohol and Smoking
Alcohol and cigarettes play an important role in stomach diseases as well as in almost all diseases. Smoking and alcohol addictions, combined with nutritional problems and stressful work life, do not cause stomach problems. Alcohol with acids in the stomach wall and liver irritation. The most important cause of stomach burns is drinking alcohol on an empty stomach. Irritating to stomach and duodenum with digestive enzyme in stomach. Toxic substances in cigarettes damage both the structure of the digestive enzymes and the stomach walls and intestinal walls. A person suffering from heartburn should definitely not smoke, especially on an empty stomach.

To exercise
An active lifestyle stands at an important point for every human health. But, as with everything else, excessive exercise leads to some problems. For example, over-running around the abdomen and chest muscles can cause stomach burns. Therefore, it is more important for our health that we do the exercises like push-ups, sit-ups and chin-ups with a professional instructor. Exercise causes stomach burns does not mean that we need to stay still. One of the major causes of heartburn and related diseases is a sedentary lifestyle and sitting work. For this, we can do small exercises after every meal except for a short walk or movements that will not exhaust ourselves and exercise the stomach muscles.

Frequently asked Questions
While stomach ailments can disappear right away at the moment it manifests itself, it recurs because it is seen as insignificant and this interval becomes more frequent. We should be aware of this issue because it can cause illnesses that need to be treated without having to show itself in the form of continuous and unbearable pain, and we should act according to the research information we have obtained from a doctor or reliable sources instead of general information.

What are the good foods for stomach burning?
The number one rule to prevent heartburn is to pay attention to the food order and type. Digestive enzymes in the stomach and intestines should not eat easily digestible foods to prevent damage to the stomach and intestinal walls. Foods such as fish, vegetables and fruits, lean foods, non-spice-free and very bitter and sour foods, milk and dairy products are foods that are good for stomach burning.

Can heartburn be a sign of cancer?
Heartburn can be a discomfort that occurs for a short time. It could be from an extremely spicy or oily food that we eat at that moment. But it means that it becomes chronic, which means that it should repeat all the time. Heartburn is a symptom of reflux. If reflux is not treated, it becomes gastritis. Gastritis also occurs in gastritis. If the gastritis, which is an inflammation caused by bacteria in the gastric wall, is not cured, it causes ulcers. In stomach cancer, other than stomach burns, severe pain, vomiting, nausea, weakness, weight loss, such as symptoms are discussed.

When should I go to the doctor in case of heartburn?
If you don't have a chronic illness, you can get rid of your heartburn by your own efforts and healthy eating. If stomach burns have become chronic, consult a doctor as soon as possible because they are symptoms of a number of illnesses that can reach up to stomach cancer.

How is heartburn treated?
Stomach burns are caused by different diseases according to which different treatment methods are applied. reflux gastric acid regulators are used, if there is a damage to the gastritis as a result of bacteria, gastric acid regulators in the absence of antibiotic treatment, ulcers in antibiotics, gastric acid regulator and preventive drugs or digestive enzymes that cause surgical operations such as the cutting of nerves.

What happens if heartburn is not treated?
Heartburn can be a symptom of a simple condition or the onset of a number of ailments that can go up to stomach cancer if left untreated. Chronic and irritating stomach burns should be treated immediately by seeing a doctor. Otherwise, gastritis can reach stomach ulcers, stomach cancer, or twelve intestinal ulcers, also known as cancer of the intestine.

Do frequent heartburn causes weight loss?
Frequent heartburn may be the cause of diseases such as ulcer and lactose intolerance. Heartburn is a frequent result in people experiencing anorexia and indigestion, which naturally leads to uncontrolled weight loss. In gastric cancer, the patient's food is not digested well and the foods tried to be digested cause pain and severe pains in the person to react as anorexia and vomiting.

Is it harmful to consume soda in case of stomach burn?
Indigestion occurs because eating excess food makes it difficult for digestive enzymes in the stomach. In this case, soda can be consumed to aid digestion in the stomach. However, when the stomach is empty, it is not recommended to drink soda as it will cause further pain to people with diseases such as ulcers or gastritis.

Does excessive caffeine intake cause heartburn?
Drinks and foods containing caffeine, such as coffee, irritate the stomach wall and disrupt the structure of the digestive enzymes in the stomach, which disrupts digestion, which naturally causes stomach burns. Especially coffee on an empty stomach triggers this situation more.

What medications are used for heartburn?
The drug treatment used in the heartburn varies according to the type of disease that causes the burning. Due to the irregular secretion of gastric acids in reflux, regulators or inhibitors of gastric acid are used. Gastric acid regulator or preventive drugs such as reflux are used if antibiotic treatment is caused by gastric acid damage and gastric acid and other digestive enzymes. In ulcers, antibiotics or drugs that prevent the secretion of digestive enzymes are used similar to gastritis. In addition, surgical treatment of the nervous systems that cause the secretion of enzymes through anesthesia is also used in ulcers.

Does heartburn cause diarrhea?
Environmental factors that cause heartburn include extreme cold and heat. When the person is exposed to extreme cold, he has a cold. This manifests itself in the form of heartburn. Diarrhea is the most prominent feature of stomach cold. Although there is no direct connection between heartburn and diarrhea, symptoms of stomach and intestinal diseases that cause diarrhea include heartburn.

Does heartburn cause a gas stuck?
Gastritis and ulcers are often seen in the stomach burning sensation naturally brings gas compression, as well as any external pressure on the stomach will cause a physical effect that will cause stomach burns, then creates a feeling of gas compression in the stomach.

Does heartburn cause hiccups?
Reflux, gastritis, and ulcers, which are a natural consequence and symptom of heartburn, are frequently seen by belching. In addition, hiccups caused by the same reasons are also a very common symptom. It is especially seen in reflux and gastritis. As a result, stomach burns cause hiccups.

What causes stomach burns during pregnancy?
Pregnancy hormones are the most common cause of stomach burns during pregnancy. Since all muscles are loose during pregnancy, it loosens in the valve between the stomach and esophagus, and the expectant mother often experiences a meal-back event similar to reflux. This causes burning in the stomach and chest pains. In addition, digestion during pregnancy is also slowed down in the stomach and digestible nutrients accumulated in the stomach cause indigestion and stomach burns.

Which is the symptom of heartburn?
While the occurrence of heartburn for a few hours depending on the food consumed is normal, the recurrence of this condition is accepted as a direct symptom of various diseases. Diseases that cause the stomach acid to persist at a high level and diseases that cause sensitization of the gastric mucosa are the main causes of stomach burns. Examples of these diseases include ulcers, gastritis and reflux. Reflux and stomach, as well as burning sensation in the esophagus is in question.

How long does it take to have a heartburn?
In stomach burns due to diseases, the stomach becomes active and causes burning to start. As long as the stomach remains active, burning continues. In acute and non-recurrent gastric burns, when the digestion of nutrients that increase the gastric acid is completed and the gastric acid returns to normal levels, the gastric burn ceases. In general, the time is limited to a few hours.

How to tell heartburn?
Heartburn is a very noticeable stomach problem. Burning that starts immediately after food consumption can bring back pain. Belching, bad breath coming from the mouth and burning to the esophagus are other symptoms. It is quite simple to understand the burning of the stomach, especially if it occurs after souring and burning. If this condition is rarely encountered, the condition of the stomach can be specifically monitored after sour and bitter consumption.

What is good for heartburn during pregnancy?
The new hormone balance that occurs during pregnancy can also cause sensitization of the gastric mucosa. In this period, it is possible to reduce the stomach burning during pregnancy by changing the nutritional habits. Natural mineral waters with low salt content, sage and chamomile tea can prevent heartburn. In general, acidic fruits and drinks should be avoided.

What is the sign of heartburn?
Although heartburn is a symptom of poor eating habits, it is generally the clearest symptom of some stomach diseases. These diseases, which cause an increase in stomach acid, cause burning in the intestines, stomach and esophagus. These diseases, which can be called gastritis, reflux and ulcers, sometimes cause burns to the tonsils.

Does fasting break because of heartburn?
After the onset of gastric burning, especially the esophagus, which affects the esophagus, but not very close to the mouth of the stomach after the stomach juice can come. Swallowing this sap does not break fasting. However, fasting should not be intended for fasting the next day, since the emergence of such a condition is an indication that fasting is disrupting the health of the stomach.

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Stomach acid excess, but not enough to cause reflux !!!

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Reflux is very common in our country and all over the world. It is said that at least 20 per cent of people in industrial countries have reflux, and even more than 50 per cent. That's what the drug sales show. Stomach acid-reducing drugs are the first or second best-selling drugs in many countries as a group. These drugs have no cure for the disease, they only save the day. They were not sold so much that was already therapeutic though !!! Contrary to popular belief, the stomach is not acid acid excess, but its scarcity is causing the reflux !!!! Again, the idols are breaking.

A conversation about reflux

My teacher is making great advances in medicine. Discovering a pile of modern stomach medicine. Despite this, reflux is increasing? Why is that?

Once in medicine there is only progress in diagnostic tools (because it saves money). Meanwhile, there is an increase in all chronic diseases (including reflux). How does this progress my lamb ????

I think I stepped on your opposing vein again?

Yes it is. Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) or reflux is the name of the food contained in the stomach and the backflow of acid into the esophagus (esophagus). It is also known as “chest burn arasında among people because it makes burning in the chest.

Reflux is very common in our country and all over the world. In industrial countries, it is said that at least 20 percent of people have reflux, and this figure exceeds 50 percent (1). That's what the drug sales show. Stomach acid-reducing drugs are the first or second best-selling drugs in many countries as a group. These drugs have no cure for the disease, they only save the day. They were not sold so much that was already therapeutic though !!! Am I right?

You're right, sir. What are the symptoms of reflux?

Patients usually experience reflux as a “burning” and ”pressure altında beneath the breastbone, and sometimes this burning sensation is reflected in the throat. These symptoms, which are in the form of burning and pressure, increase after a meal and sometimes last for hours. Sometimes sour water may come into the mouth. Asthma, laryngitis (hoarseness) and dysphagia may be seen (2,3). At least one third of asthmatic patients have reflux as the cause.

Figure 1. Stomach and esophagus

Could you tell us a little about the formation mechanism of the reflux?

I'il tell you, but you'il be patient. Because it is necessary to understand the important issues to understand the stomach functions.

Much of the information here is taken from the 12th edition of the 2010 Textbook of Medical Physiology, Guyton, the world's most famous physiology book (4).

Digestion begins orally. Saliva amylase starch saliva lipase also helps digest fat, but the main role of the mouth in digestion is mechanical disintegration. Foods chewed in the mouth pass into the esophagus with peristaltic (repulsive) movements. From there it passes through the stomach gate (cardia) and goes down into the stomach.

Where the lower end of the esophagus joins the stomach, there is a muscular valve-like structure called the lower esophagus shrinker (cardia). During this swallow, the food relaxes and opens as the food descends to the stomach, while other times it shrinks and closes. Food that normally enters the stomach through the esophagus rarely reappears from the stomach back up into the esophagus. Although this takes very short time. A few seconds of burning is considered normal when you eat extremely fizzy foods.

The reflux esophagus loosens when the lower pucker should be closed and the stomach content escapes back into the esophagus. Stomach swelling exacerbates the current state. Retrieval rarely depends on the inadequacy of the tone of this pucker (certain contraction), ie its laxity.

When food enters the stomach, the stomach relaxes as a reflex. This is followed by peristaltic waves that mix the food and push it to the duodenum (duodenum) at a certain speed.

Now let's elaborate on this.

Yes, sir

The main function of the stomach is the digestion of protein through the secretions of the stomach. When the digestive system works normally, food coming from the esophagus into the stomach is digested mechanically by the effects of gastric secretions and a slurry called kimus is formed.

Could you tell us about the secretions of this stomach?

The cells of the gastric glands secrete a large amount of gastric juice, such as 2500 mL per day. The main secretions of the stomach are;

The stomach is paved with basid cylindrical epithelium. There are 4 types of cells in the stomach (4);

Parietal cells secrete gastric acid and intrinsic factor. Gastric acid: produced by the intrinsic factor and carbonic anhydrase in parietal cells.
Basic cells secrete pepsinogen. The stomach acid activates and converts the pepsinogen enzyme, which is the first step of protein digestion, secreted from the main cells and converts it to pepsin.
Neck cells secrete mucus and bicarbonate
Endocrine cells secrete gastrin, serotonin, enteroglucagon and histamine. Histamine is as strong an acid secretor as gastrin. But not physiological, but often increases in stress and allergic events (stress ulcer)
When food enters the stomach, it causes gastrin secretion from the antrum part of the stomach mucosa. Gastrin has various effects. Its main effects are the secretion of gastric acid and pepsin and stimulate the growth of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Another task of gastronomy is to prevent reflux by causing the lower esophagus contraction. In the meantime, the vagus at least as strong as gastrin secretion should not be forgotten. The effect is maximal when both are together (4).

When the acidity in the stomach increases or the pH decreases to 2.0, a negative feed back gastrin is blocked. In other words, if gastrin rises too much, it reduces its secretion and thus a balance is formed.

Gastric secretions occur in three phases;

Cephalic phase: The appearance, smell, or thought of what you eat stimulates the vagus center in the part of our brain called the medulla oblongata. Vagus is a very long parasympathetic nerve extending to the whole digestive system. Parasympathetics stimulate pepsin and gastric acid secretion.
Gastric phase: Local secretion reflexes, vagal reflexes and gastrin increase gastric secretion.
Intestinal phase (Intestinal phase): Food in the duodenum stimulates the secretion of the stomach, albeit small.
As you understand, the secretions of the stomach are mainly caused by the activation of your parasympathetic nervous system.

Unfortunately, many of us are in sympathetic nervous system activation under the influence of stress (war or run). That's why we often eat too fast or eat while doing various things, and your parasympathetic nervous system is not working properly, so our stomach secretions are low.

We need to chew our food thoroughly. If we eat fast enough stomach acid is formed in the food goes to our stomach. Our ancestors do not swallow your bite without chewing 40 times. If not 40, we need to chew at least 20-30 times.

In order to maximize our stomach acid secretion, we need to be calm and loose before meals. We must sit down and eat. In fact, eating is like a religious ritual. All members of the family, relatives, friends sit at a desk. They chat on the one hand and slowly eat their food.

Now I know how much the proverbs are right, my teacher.

The effect of pylorus on gastric emptying is limited. Mainly, the main factor that initiates gastric emptying is increased gastric acidity. If this increase is not enough, the antrum in front of the pylorus will contract and prevent the passage of food to the duodenum and delay gastric emptying. This delay increases the stomach pressure and causes reflux. The increase in pressure does not provide discharge to the duodenum. Because it doesn't react back to the stomach from the duodenum, or very rarely. Because unlike cardia, there is only one-way transition.

Anyway, let's get back to the kimus.

Kimus is not a fully digested slurry. Digestion continues in other parts of the intestine as long as the food we eat continues to be digested until the smallest building block. However, after this process is completed, absorption occurs. If absorption occurs before the digestion process is complete (intestinal permeability increase), various rheumatic, allergic and autoimmune diseases occur.

I never thought about this very interesting subject with this dimension.

Yeah, Hippocrates didn't say in vain that all diseases start in the gut. Anyway we'll go back to our main topic.

When the kimus reaches the appropriate pH, the valve (pylorus) between the stomach and duodenum is opened and the kimus is poured. If the pH is sufficient, pancreatic enzymes (trypsin digesting protein, chymotrypsin, carboxypolipeptidase, ribonuclease, deoxyribonuclease, enzymes, amylase digesting to the starch, lipase digesting fat) and bicarbonate are secreted. The high acidity (low pH) of the kimus is neutralized with bicarbonate. If the pancreas fails to secrete enough, duodenal ulcer and various digestive disorders develop.

If I didn't get it wrong, you're saying, if there's not enough acid in the stomach, the pancreas can't make enough secretions.

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. So the problem is not excess acid but scarcity.

But the doctors say the opposite. How that happens?

Let those doctors read the physiology books again. They should not treat their patients by lying under the influence of pharmaceutical companies.

Otherwise, the kimus stays in the stomach longer. Because the stomach acid is low, bacteria grow more and the pressure increases. The stomach has two puckers: one between the esophagus and the stomach (lower esophagus sphincter = LES), and the other is the pylori between the stomach and the duodenum.

Pylorus is a one-way purse; rarely works in the opposite direction. However, the lower esophagus pusher can work in two directions; especially when the stomach pressure increases (reflux).

So, my teacher, does stomach acid have other tasks?

No, okay?

But let me talk about some of the properties of stomach acid before moving on to other tasks. The acid produced by the stomach has a pH of 1.5-3.0. Without such a strong acid, it cannot activate the pepsin enzyme that provides protein digestion in the stomach.

This is such an acidic secretion that it even pierces the wood. How is the stomach protected from the acid that it produces?

Yes, how is it protected?

The mucous layers of the stomach (mucosa and sub-mucosa) produce mucus and bicarbonate, which protect the stomach cells from damage. The esophagus does not have such a mechanism that protects the mucosa of the duodenum from the action of acid. While the gastric mucosa is not affected by very acidic (p.1.0-2.5) fluids, the esophagus mucosa is damaged even by less acidic (eg pH 4-5.0) gastric fluid because it has no protective mechanisms.


Acid that will digest protein food in the stomach does not harm the cells in the stomach lining. However, the duodenum cells are not as acid-resistant as stomach cells. Fertility that increases the secretion of gastric acid secretory hormone increases the secretion of bicarbonate from the pancreas.

However, when enough bicarbonate is released to neutralize the acid in the stomach, the pylor of the stomach opens and the stomach acid and food can pass to the duodenum. If it passes, the acid passing into the duodenum destroys the floor (mucous membrane) and makes an ulcer.

Fortunately, pyloric spasm often does not allow this situation except for some special circumstances. But this time the intra-stomach pressure is increasing. As a result, the stomach contents back to the esophagus. The esophagus is not as acid-resistant as stomach cells. This is what we call reflux. In the meantime, the stomach is chronically swollen, causing the hernia to the diaphragmatic cleft (hiatus) of the upper gate of the stomach (hiatus hernia).

Now, when my stomach or chest burns acid-reducing drugs are experiencing these complaints. I hear you're lying about this too.

At the end of my tongue, but I was afraid to ask this question in case you get angry

Why should I be angry? Here's the trick. Drugs that neutralize or reduce acid reduce this burn. Of course this can be done in emergencies, but in the long run this process does not eliminate the root cause and makes the current situation even less.

It is obvious that these drugs do not heal, on the contrary, they increase the disease even more. Most physicians are fascinated by subconscious sorcerers or do not know the truth (which is a shame) and think that it is more profitable for them to contribute to the pharmaceutical industry. The goal for conventional medicine is not to eliminate the cause but to postpone the complaints momentarily. Because eliminating the cause of the disease reduces your profits !!!!

One of the most embarrassing is that doctors use these drugs for life. So we call that medicine is not that !!!!

It's time to talk about the other tasks of stomach acid, sir.

Yeah, he's here. One of the most neglected tasks of gastric acid is to eliminate the germs that come to our stomach with our food, ie to eliminate pathogenic microbes. So stomach acid is one of the most important elements of our immune system. For example, helicopter bacteria (helicobacters) that cause ulcer disease have the chance to live in low acid environments. The underlying cause of many microbial diarrhea is the same. Not to mention the other microbes.

For example, in a study conducted in Italy, bacterial overproduction was found in more than half of the patients using gastric acid secretion (5).

There is much more important work than that. Between January 1995 and December 31, 2002, 364,683 patients were admitted to primary care centers in the USA (1). Primary pneumonia was detected in 5,551 of these patients.

The prevalence of pneumonia was 2.45% in patients taking medications that reduced acid secretion for at least one year, and 0.6% in those who did not use these drugs. that is, four times less pneumonia (6).

It is a very important mechanism that protects stomach acid from iron deficiency anemia. Because gastric acid increases iron absorption: In a study, 80% of patients with chronic iron deficiency anemia were found to have low stomach acid (7). Iron deficiency is a well-known condition in patients who have already undergone gastrectomy.

Stomach acid also protects us from another anemia (vitamin B12 deficiency). Because stomach acid provides dietary vitamin B12 separation from dietary proteins and increases the absorption of vitamin B12 by incorporating intrinsic factor. Proton pump inhibitors disrupt the absorption of vitamin B12 by 72-88% (8,9).

In recent years, vitamin B12 deficiency has increased tremendously. For example, in a study we conducted in Bakırköy State Hospital, we found that blood vitamin B12 level was below 300 pg / mL in 82% of women who gave birth. B12 deficiency (less than 200 pg / mL) was found in 42% of infants (10). Such a high rate surprised us even in this business. Because it is so high that it is not only explained by eating less red meat. Vitamin B12 levels are more than 500 to keep. In the meantime, exposure to vitamin B12 deficiency in the womb also infects the brain development of babies.

Acid-reducing drugs also impair folate absorption, another cause of anemia. Folate deficiency (not folic acid deficiency!) Also disrupts the brain development of the baby and causes abnormalities that we call neural tube disorders (11).

Stomach acid also increases the absorption of minerals such as zinc and magnesium. In case of deficiency, these mineral deficiencies that we have already been exposed to due to artificial foods in the last years further deteriorate our health.

So, my teacher, so many vitamins and minerals that cause drugs deficiency doctors knowingly give?

Many of them, unfortunately, do not know. Those who know (a small minority) already do not use these drugs. But I say the king is naked but falls like don quixote like me !!!

Good thing you're there, sir. To summarize, what problems does stomach acid deficiency cause?

So much so that it doesn't stop.

Make a summary

Indigestion, bloating, a feeling of fullness in the stomach
Excessive gas extraction after meals
Constipation / diarrhea
Chronic intestinal infection
Pieces of undigested food in feces
Food allergies and intolerances
Chronic fatigue
Skin and hair dryness
Nail breakage
Two-thirds of patients with inducible bowel syndrome also have reflux. On the contrary, one third of the patients with reflux have stimulating bowel syndrome.
Autoimmune diseases
A downside of stomach medications is that it disrupts protein digestion. Not enough digested protein particles pass into the blood. As a result, a mass of allergic, psychiatric (autism, depression, hyperactivity) inflammatory or autoimmune disease (Hashimoto thyroiditis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, ulcerous colitis, asthma, etc.) can develop.
So you're not just what you eat, what you digest. If you do not correct your low stomach acid, you cannot correct your digestion.

So far we have long explained the physiology of the work, which was very necessary. Let us now turn to the reflux mechanism in the light of this information.

Yes What is the real mechanism of my teacher Refl?

Contrary to what conventional medicine says, the main reason for reflux is not excess acid, but acid deficiency, indigestion, gas.

For example, in one study, more than 30% of people over 60 years of age had stomach acid deficiency (12).

Zero acid was detected in more than 40% of women over 80 (13,).

Similar findings were also found in other studies (14).

Now I'm going to talk about a very important book. Why Stomach Acid by Jonathon Wright is Good for You.

According to the results of 25 years of research by the author and friends, gastric acid excretion was found to be low in more than 90% of patients with GER + Gas + indigestion (15). Among these, there were very few patients with a high stomach acid beat. (These were patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, gastrinoma). The following figure is taken from this book.

Start with the truth. Reflux also increases with age !!!

In other words, gastric acid secretion decreases and reflux increases with age. As the late composer and Turkish singer Ahmet Kayan said, ne What a contradiction, mother! ’

To sum up, if our stomach doesn't release enough acid, the stomach content cannot pass to the duodenum and the intra-stomach pressure increases, and the stomach content backfires into the esophagus, called reflux. Even if the acidity in the chymus is low, even this acidity burns the esophagus mucosa.

Key point: It burns the esophagus mucosa, even with very little acid in the stomach. This is not a justification for drug use (except in an emergency).
Even McColl and Gillen wrote in the July 2009 Journal of Gastroenterology editorial. ‘It is not right to treat reflux reflux with acid-reducing drugs because the cause is not excessive gastric acid excretion (16).

Reflux is due to increased intra-abdominal pressure (17, 18).

What are the reasons for the increase in intra-abdominal pressure?

Excessive bacterial growth
Disruption of sugar digestion
Events develop as follows;

Gastric acid shortage + Excessive bacterial growth + Sugar digestion disruption = Gas Increased intraabdominal pressure + Reflux

Why is there excessive bacterial growth?

Because the stomach acid beat is low. However, when the pH is <3.0 no bacteria can survive for more than 15 minutes (including H. pylori).

For example, in one study, 30 patients with reflux were given a proton pump inhibitor for at least 3 months. While one third of the patients in the study group had excessive bacterial growth, this rate was found to be 1/10 in the control group (19).

So, why is there excessive gas in reflux patients?

Low stomach acid disrupts sugar digestion. Because if there is not enough stomach acid, pancreatic enzymes cannot be secreted enough. In the meantime, pancreatic amylase is not secreted enough. In this case undigested sugars are fermented and produce gas (flatulence).

Excessive bacterial growth + sugar digestion disorder = GAS

Although bacteria metabolize proteins and fats, their main preference is carbohydrates. If they cannot be fermented well, gas is formed. The resulting gas makes reflux.

One of the most important gases produced by the bacterial fermentation of sugars is hydrogen (H2) gas. Pathogenic bacteria use hydrogen gas as an energy source (20,21).

Excess hydrogen growth Aşırı Excess bacteria growth à Excess hydrogen growth à Excess bacteria growth (vicious cycle)

In one study, sugar absorption was found in more than half of the cases when 25 grams of fructose was given to 15 adults and in more than two-thirds of cases when given 50 grams of fructose (22). In this study, H2 was measured in breath. H2 is the sole source of sugars. H2 increased 5 times at a dose of 50 grams (23).

The amount of gas produced by carbohydrates is incredibly high. 30 liters of sugar 10 liters !!! hydrogen gas (24-30). In the clinic, we present as bad breath (key clinical finding). Because the hydrogen gas passing into the blood is thrown out with the lungs. Already the source of more than 90% of bad breath in the intestine (All chronic diseases start from the intestine, says Hippocrates again very right).

Some studies have shown that there is lower esophageal loosening in case of lactose ingestion (31).

Babies consume a lot of milk. This is the most important reason underlying infant reflux. In this case, it would be beneficial to administer lactase (eg Lactozyme drop ®), which assists in the digestion of lactose. 2-4 drops before each nozzle). This is the main reason why reflux is reduced after 6 months of starting supplementary foods. Another reason is that gastric acid secretion starts to increase only after 2-4 months, as in a study we did years ago (1987) (32).

Similar findings have been found in the areas of fructooligosaccharidosis (33).

In summary, if you want to treat reflux, you need to reduce bacterial growth (give acid) and restrict carbohydrate intake.

Is there a relationship between our feeding habits and reflux?

Of course there is. What disease do you have? For example, most fat people have reflux. Therefore, it has been suggested that excess fatty foods cause reflux. However, it has been shown that reflux is not related to the amount of fat in the diet, but to sugar. In other words, the excess of refined sugar in the diet causes reflux. Two small studies have shown that carbohydrate-poor diet reduces reflux.

In the first study, it was shown that when foods with high glycemic index in the diet of patients with reflux were removed, symptoms of disease improved within a week (34). Even the patients who participated in this study continued their bad habits such as alcohol, smoking and coffee, but their reflux symptoms improved. The aforementioned patients discontinued all the stomach medications.

Similar findings were found in another study (35)

Unfortunately, these studies were conducted with very few patients.

Our observations are the same. Low-sugar diet, which I have launched my line in Turkey "Stone Age Diet" is implementing a large portion of people (almost all of) reflux disappear spontaneously within a few weeks.

So, why isn't there a study with more cases?

Because there is no pharmaceutical company to finance it !!! Medicine has ceased to be an art and has turned into a profit-making profession. No one except a few physicians cesaret has the courage to scare the munist mules, they have become their lawyers. We've all been slaves to pharmaceutical companies! Civilian organizations are hardly sponsoring medical research. Let the blind eye of the money !!! And they call it evidence-based medicine, hitting doctors like me from place to place. We presented our evidence. What about yours?

Could you tell us about Helicobacter pylori, whose name we heard a lot?

I'm okay. Many physicians have believed that Helicobacter pylori increases the formation of acid and that acid is born to make ulcers.

I mean, isn't it?

Not really. Look, let me tell you.

More than half of the world's population has H. pylori in the stomach. As age increases, the frequency of H. pylori increases (up to 90%). Many physicians think that Helicobacter increases stomach acid. That's why they treat this bacteria with antibiotics. But for some reason their treatment is not successful. On the contrary, Helicobacter (I have already described) can reproduce in the absence of gastric acid (36). Already though gastric acid secretion is normal h. pylori also can not reproduce. Antibiotics further deteriorate the already impaired probiotic balance. 2 cloves of garlic per day kill this bacterium, but the basic treatment increases the stomach acid, which is reduced.

Helicobacter pylori infection can cause gastric cancer by causing atrophic gastritis (low stomach acidity) and intestinal metaplasia. Because stomach acid-reducing drugs lead to atrophic gastritis.

In a study published in the 1996 New England Journal of Medicine, Prisolec (acid-reducing drug) was applied to one group and two patients underwent lower sphincter surgery in the other group. After 5 years, the rate of hypochlorhydria in the first group with h.pylori increased from 59% to 81%. However, this rate was 4% in the group not receiving Prisolec (38).

Does stress have an effect on gastric acid secretion?

Yes there is. Because of the metabolic syndrome, many of us (more than 60% of the adult population) have reactive blood sugar (hypoglycemia). During hypoglycemia, our body increases stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol to raise blood sugar. As you know, cortisol is a hormone that increases gastric acid secretion. As I just explained, the pylorus is tightly closed, as the pancreas is not able to release enough bicarbonate to neutralize this acid secreted by cortisol in a short time. Intra-stomach pressure is increasing, food can not pass to the intestine, so there is no ulcer, but something else happens and the esophagus opens due to increased pressure. As a result, food in the stomach and increased stomach acid (due to cortisol) backfire into the esophagus and burn your chest.

He also had Barret's esophagitis, I don't know if I pronounced it normal?

No, you pronounced it correctly. There is such a disease and it is quite common (despite advances in medicine!). The cells lining the stomach surface are resistant to the strong acid secreted by the stomach. However, the floor of the esophagus has no property to protect from this strong acid. If it is exposed to stomach acid for a long time, there will be bleeding and stenosis. But most importantly, a germ-free inflammation develops; this is called esophagitis in medical language. Esophagitis can cause esophageal cancer in the long term.

Since the drugs that reduce stomach acid are used so much, esophageal cancers had to be reduced. Is not it?

Or is it not decreasing?

What travels? On the contrary, the last 15-20 esophageal cancers increased by 3-4 times (39). But for some reason, nobody's asking for it. Just like that hijaz song. Im I fell into the wind of my fortune. ’

It has also been shown that stomach acid deficiency causes precancerous polyps in mice (40). For example, in non-gastrin mice, there is no acid secretion due to the absence of acid, but excessive bacterial growth + inflammation + precancerous polyps.

Are food intolerances that we see a lot due to stomach acid deficiency?

Yeah. Most of the food intolerances (almost all) that have increased tremendously in recent years are due to stomach acid deficiency. Although these intolerances can be demonstrated by special tests, remove the following foods from your diet at least one month apart. If your symptoms improve, if you start that food again and come back again, you have an intolerance to that food.

Wheat (Gluten)
Dried fruits
Food additives
Does stomach acid have any effect on bile acids?

Unfortunately, there is. Low stomach acid causes excessive bacterial growth and also deconjugates bile acids (41).

Is there a relationship between vitamins and reflux?

Yes there is. In a study, this situation was well examined (42). Folate (not folic acid found in vitamin preparations!) Plays a role in the mechanism of cancer by affecting DNA synthesis and methylation. The presence of other vitamin B complex and vitamin C is essential for folate functions. Esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) is associated with inflammation caused by reflux esophagitis (RE). RE leads to esophageal metaplasia [Barrett’s esophagus (BE)] and carcinoma.

In this study, as folate consumption increases, the risk of EAC decreases.

B6 deficiency increases the risk of EAC, RE and BE.

Riboflavin deficiency increases the risk of RE.

B12 deficiency increases the risk of EAC.

So we should take vitamin B complex to prevent these diseases, sir?

Lest !!! Vitamins in our food (fresh vegetables) are sufficient. Moreover, folic acid (which is a chemical and not folate) in these vitamin preparations increases cancer formation !!!!

How is reflux diagnosed?

If the patient's complaints are evaluated well, the diagnosis of reflux is generally made easily without resorting to any laboratory methods. If there is no other suspicious condition, radiological examinations and endoscopy are rarely needed.

How to treat classic reflux?

Helicobacters, if any, are treated with antibiotics + acid-reducing drugs.

Three groups of drugs are used in the treatment of classic reflux; anti acids, H2 receptor breakers and proton pump inhibitors. Antacids are alkaline substances such as bicarbonate which neutralize stomach acid. Others are drugs that reduce stomach acid. These drugs are ranked first or second among the best-selling drugs in many countries as a group.

Although these drugs reduce the burning of the esophagus in the acute phase, they do not have any therapeutic properties. If used for long periods of time, there are a lot of serious side effects.

How do you treat reflux?

I'm a pediatrician, but I have a bunch of adult patients.

I treat reflux and ulcers in similar ways. Let me explain the two together.

The first step of the emergency treatment (excessive pain and burning) to the patient in 1 large glass of water 1 teaspoon (wipe) to give the carbonate so that the pain to reduce. Once the pain has passed, give 500 ml (1 small pet bottle or 2 large cups) of water every 3 hours (total at least 4 liters per day). After a day, the complaints are greatly improved.

After the acute period has passed, I recommend that the patient drink 250 cc half an hour before the meal and 2.5 cc after the meal, and drink as much water as he wants between the intervals. This form of treatment is Iranian. Feridun Batmanghelidj treated thousands of patients in this way.

It's clear that most of us don't drink enough water. Therefore, our body does not fully fulfill its duties and various chronic diseases emerge. Dr. of Iranian origin living in the United States. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj (Feridun Batmangeliç) Water: Not Sick, Thirsty in his book says that the most important reasons for all diseases in the body is dehydrated (43). According to this scientist, it is possible to protect against almost all diseases with the right water consumption. Unfortunately, very few of the physicians establish a relationship between chronic diseases and the lack of fluid consumed.

Dr. The story of Fereydoon Batmanghelidj is very interesting. Batmanghelidj is imprisoned for a death row in 1979 during the Iranian Islamic Revolution. In the early days of the prison, a prisoner suffering from severe writhing ulcer pain gives two glasses of water because there is no medicine in the prison infirmary. The pain goes away in eight minutes. The patient then continues to drink 500 mL (1 small pet bottle or 2 large glasses) of water every 3 hours. After the acute period has passed, the patient advises him to drink 250mL half an hour before the meal and 2.5m after the meal and drink as much water as he wants. The patient has been suffering from stomach pain for years.

Batmanghelidj treats more than 3000 ulcers with water only until 1982, when he was released from prison after the first patient. When he went to the first hearing a year after his imprisonment, he told the judge that he had made a very important invention for human health, and that he had written an article for publication in Iran and Western medical journals. He wants to hand this over to him before he's executed. The judge is sentenced and reduced his sentence to 3 years. In the following months, he decides to be released early. But Batmanghelidj refuses to offer early release to complete his investigations, stays in prison for a few more months (a total of 2 years and 7 months), and completes his work.

Important note: Do not drink water for 2 hours, starting half an hour before a meal, as this may reduce stomach acid. Because it reduces stomach acid.

Picture 1. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj

How is the treatment after the acute phase?

The second important step is the significant reduction of refined sugars, flour and sugar-made foods. The Stone Age diet is very suitable for this purpose.

I use natural ingredients to increase stomach acidity (of course, not to take bicarbonate and acid reducing or neutralizing drugs).

What are the natural ingredients that increase acid?

The two are very important; vinegar and lemon

Raw (unfiltered) natural apple cider vinegar (not vinegar sold in the market !!!!): Increases the amount of acid in your stomach. Put 1 teaspoon into 1 large glass of water: Increasing acid h. inhibits plyori.

Sugar-free lemonade: 1 large glass of water to be squeezed 1 lemon. This increases the acid h. inhibits plyori.

Betaine hydrochloride: Used if the above is not sufficient. It is an acid source taken in the form of 250-500mg. h. inhibits plyori. In the meantime, remember that 1 portion of spinach contains 500 mg, and 1 portion of red beet contains 250 mg of betaine.

Pobiotics: Reduces bacterial overproduction. Home yogurt, kefir and pickles. To adapt, start with small amounts and gradually increase portions. Otherwise you may have digestive problems.

One of the most important sources of probiotics is pickles (especially pickled red beets, including betaine). It is more nutritious because it is much richer in probiotics, vitamins and digestive enzymes, and you can buy 10 trillion probiotics in one serving of pickles, but even the most powerful probiotic preparation rarely contains more than 10 billion colonies.

Vitamins B complex: Use as a preparation is inconvenient. Eat plenty of greens (salads)

Keep your vitamin D levels between 40-100ng / mL The most natural way to keep this level is to sunbathe at noon (unlike inaccurate blood, when the sun doesn't exceed your height, the sun doesn't synthesize in the afternoon as it does !!!!). Unfortunately, very few people have access to adequate vitamin D levels. Therefore, vitamin supplements seem to be essential.

Glutamine: reduces gastrointestinal damage caused by H. Pylori (43). Animal proteins (meat, village chicken, village eggs, home yogurt, etc.) are rich in glutamine. Do not use glutamine as a medicine! There's a risk of cancer.

Basic Care Omeprazole Delayed Release Tablets 20 mg, Acid Reducer, 42 Count