Thursday, October 10, 2019

Dr. Frederick's Original Better Blister Bandages - 12 ct Variety - Waterproof Hydrocolloid Bandages for Foot, Toe, Heel Blister Prevention & Recovery - Blister Pads

Fracture and Dislocation Treatments

Dr. Frederick's Original Better Blister Bandages - 12 ct Variety - Waterproof Hydrocolloid Bandages for Foot, Toe, Heel Blister Prevention & Recovery - Blister Pads

Fracture is the bone's injury due to overload or high-energy impacts and loss of integrity. Great forces are required for fracture of the bone, except for diseases that reduce endurance (Osteoporosis, Osteogenesis imperfecta, cancers and cysts). Fractures resulting from weakening of bone with diseases are defined as “pathological fractures.. Long and flat bones react differently to external forces and are injured differently. The load with which the long bones are most resistant is to resist forces in the longitudinal transport direction. Bending strength is relatively low but weak against shear forces. Flat bones are more resistant to shear forces, but do not exhibit the same strength as long bones during transport and bending.

Fractures; It can be simple (one-piece), segmentary and multi-part. It is defined as open fracture in case of contact of the fracture line with the external environment with skin injury. Open fractures are graded according to the size of the wound and the type of contamination. The most dirty and most difficult to treat injuries have been reported as open fractures associated with agri-fertilizer.

In penetrating-explosive injuries such as high-energy or firearms, sudden loads in all three directions cause fragmented fractures. The type of fracture is important for planning the treatment. Simple fractures can often be corrected by hand-fixing (closed reduction), with plaster-wrap fixation after the fracture ends face. In cases where the fracture ends cannot be confronted, the fracture ends are assembled and fixed in various ways. In open fractures, if the wound is dirty, surgical cleaning and surgical treatment may be at the forefront.

Types of Fracture Treatment with Outlines

Closed smoothing and plaster fixation: Broken ends are manually corrected and brought together. It is followed by a maximum angulation of 15 degrees in the direction of movement without contact and rotation of at least 50%. While this angulation is accepted at the upper limits in children, high angulations in adults are directed to surgery since there is no chance of reshaping.

Traction correction: Segmented fractures, large bone fractures that cannot be controlled by strong muscles, or fractures of the spine with dislocation are tractioned to provide alignment. Traction is the principle of placing the fracture directly with the weights hanging over the wire passed to the bones. In traction, the broken ends should be balanced and the muscles should be brought up to face for 72 hours. If the procedure is successful, it can be continued until boiling tissue is achieved or gypsum and other external fixations (external fixator) can be passed.

Surgical Methods

Closed correction and percutaneous screw-wire-nail fixation: Today's most preferred surgical treatment method. Fractures in the muscle-ligament joints, fractures of the joint, which cannot be stabilized after fixation, can be planned in case of necessity of movement.

Open correction and internal-external fixation: If soft tissue interferes with the contact between the fracture ends, open surgical treatment and fixations are applied in cases where the joint fractures, growth cartilage fractures, intra-articular fractures and vascular-nerve lesions are accompanied in order to remove foreign bodies in open fractures. In dirty wounds, metal fixations are not applied in such a way that external fixations are preferred.

Dislocation; is the disruption of the relationship between the surfaces forming the joint. Joints can be harmonious, interlocking sphere-bowl relationships (hip), often incompatible or not enough bone coverage. The joint thus becomes more mobile but prone to protrusion and is vulnerable to external forces. Joint limits are limited by ligament structures, and compliance is achieved through meniscus structures and cartilage-like structures surrounding the joint called labrum. But the most important support, the joint capsule provides what we call structure. While providing lubricity with fluid in the joint, the capsule approaches the surface like a suction cup due to the negative pressure effect of the closed airtight structure of the capsule and shows resistance to exit.

As a result of joint dislocation, the articulation of the joint capsule ruptures, ligament rupture and joint alignment are broken. It may break the bones that form the joint as it exits. In this case, fracture-dislocation is mentioned.

Joint dislocations should be placed within the first 24 hours. It is placed closed joint by special maneuvers and fixed with bandage-bandage-plaster. Fixation of at least 3 weeks is planned according to the characteristics of the joint.

Fracture-dislocations, dislocations with joint fractures, dislocated dislocations, dislocations with vascular-nerve lesions and interfering structures are treated surgically.
The main goal in modern orthopedic surgery, whether fracture or dislocation, should be immediate detection and early movement. The sociocultural structure of the patient may change the treatment.

The main goal of treatment is painless, fully mobile joint and healthy limb.

Dr. Frederick's Original Better Blister Bandages - 12 ct Variety - Waterproof Hydrocolloid Bandages for Foot, Toe, Heel Blister Prevention & Recovery - Blister Pads

Curad Performance Series Adhesive Bandages, Assorted Variety Pack Includes Standard, XL, Finger & Knuckle Bandages, 50Count

How is the heart protected in diabetes?

Curad Performance Series Adhesive Bandages, Assorted Variety Pack Includes Standard, XL, Finger & Knuckle Bandages, 50Count

Diabetes, which is spread by modern life, leads to heart attack and stroke and darkens many lives. A newly published scientific paper answers the question of what a person with diabetes should do to prevent cardiovascular disease ...

Ms. Sevda passed the health check for being 60 years old as per the rules of the company she works for. He hadn't seen a doctor in years. Fasting blood glucose was found to be high in two different measurements. Thereafter, a test showing the 3-month average value of blood sugar was performed. When this test was high, he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
Doctor, blood pressure is also high because of a healthy diet and doing regular sports should lose weight, he said. He added that if the condition does not improve in 3 to 6 months, he will have to start drug treatment.
Ms. Sevda didn't like to take medicine, she thought they would do more harm than good. He left the doctor's office, saying that he could solve the problem without medication, taking care of his nutrition. When he came to check eight months later, there was no improvement in his condition. On the contrary, her blood pressure and blood sugar levels were higher. Their weight had already increased a little more. The main reason he came back to the doctor was because his friend, a diabetic husband, had a severe heart attack at the age of 55. Or I might have the same problem, ’he said, trying to get used to the idea of ​​taking medication.
The American Heart Association and the American Diabetes Association answer the question of what Sevda Hanım should do to protect cardiovascular diseases from a joint scientific paper published this month.

Should first correct the lifestyle

A well-known reputation in the field, with the contributions of many respected experts in the final form of a person with diabetes in the cardiovascular disease risk of being a person of the same age and sex of one to two times more than four times stated. The first step to reduce this risk is to lose weight with healthy nutrition and regular sports.
When it comes to healthy eating, it is recommended to adopt a Mediterranean diet or similar diet, to reduce sugary foods and to use unsaturated fats of plant origin instead of trans and saturated fats. Regular exercise facilitates blood sugar control and prevents serious complications.
Another point that is emphasized is the problem of obesity. It emphasizes the importance of overweight diabetics to lose weight and reduce to ideal weight. Comparative research shows that surgical methods such as stomach reduction in very obese ones work. If necessary, in very competent hands with very low risk of these diabetic surgery is very successful people are said to be treated.

Blood sugar should not rise too high
The main problem in diabetes is the low level of insulin required for the use of glucose or the resistance of cells to existing insulin. In both cases, glucose cannot enter the cells easily, it continues to circulate in the blood and blood sugar rises.
How to protect the heart in diabetesDivision of patients by oral pills or insulin injections, sometimes using two treatments together, the blood sugar is raised to normal limits. Keeping blood sugar under control is life-saving. Diabetes destroys small vessels, causing serious problems, especially in the kidney, eye and nerves. It causes kidney failure, blindness and nerve disease called sinir neuropathy ”. Keeping blood sugar under control prevents these problems by reducing small vessel damage.
Keeping blood sugar within certain limits also benefits the heart and vessels. The effect of blood glucose control on large vessels is not as positive as in small vessels. Research suggests that strict control of blood sugar is not very useful in preventing heart attacks and strokes. Experts, one reason for this surprising result may be lowering blood sugar too, he says.
Hypoglycemia: Drugs to reduce blood sugar to normal limits when you say that the amount of glucose in the blood can be very low. This is called “hypoglycemia tıp in medicine. It is not good that blood sugar is as low as it is high.
The doctor gave Ms. Sevda a drug called metformin as well as diet and exercise advice. Unlike some other diabetes medicines, this drug does not mind weight, blood sugar does not reduce excess, he said.

Increases risk of high blood pressure

How to protect the heart in diabetes
A major study, MRFIT, found that high blood pressure increases deaths from cardiovascular disease. This graph shows that the increase in deaths is much higher in people with diabetes than in non-diabetic patients.
Diabetes often goes hand in hand with high blood pressure. Research shows that three out of four diabetic patients have high blood pressure. The alliance of two chronic diseases poses a major threat to the heart, kidneys and brain. Doctors who know this danger very well want to control the blood pressure of patients with diabetes. But they don't want blood pressure to be lowered, just like blood sugar. Because too low blood pressure can cause a number of serious problems. The targeted blood pressure level varies slightly from patient to patient. Many experts looking at available research, diabetic high blood pressure above 135 mmHg recommends not to increase.
Her blood pressure of 155/90 mmHg Sevda Hanıma doctor, diabetic patients with a protective effect, shortly called ACE suppressor group gave a drug. He asked him to buy an automatic blood pressure monitor and measure and record his blood pressure at home.
It's important to get statins in diabetes

How to protect the heart in diabetes
In most diabetes patients, the benefit of preventive statin treatment is far greater than its possible side effects.
When blood tests are performed for diabetics, it is seen that most of the blood fats are abnormal. Triglycerides called high fat levels, good cholesterol (HDL) is low. Bad cholesterol (LDL) levels are often not too high.
Seeing these values, doctors thought that if we lower the triglyceride level and increase the HDL cholesterol, we will protect patients from cardiovascular disease. Scientists have done a series of research to test these hypotheses. The results show that drugs developed for these goals do not provide any benefit and may even be harmful. On the other hand, it was found out that statin diabetics had less common problems such as stroke and heart attack.

What does the scientific data say?
Based on these scientific data, statin treatment is recommended for a person who is diabetic but does not have a known cardiovascular disease if he is too young or too old. According to a joint statement, statin is protective in all of these patients after poor cholesterol levels are not too low.
Statin drugs are known to raise blood sugar, albeit small, leading to diabetes. After taking this side effect into account, the net effect of statins is not harm, experts say that diabetics in heart attack, stroke and deaths are useful for reducing statins emphasizes.
Taking this evidence into consideration, the doctor recommended that Ms. Sevda take statin every day despite her bad cholesterol level being 107 mg / dl.
LAST WORD: Healthy eating, moving life, maintaining ideal weight helps us not to have diabetes, if there is diabetes protects from complications. Drugs further reduce the damage caused by the disease.

Curad Performance Series Adhesive Bandages, Assorted Variety Pack Includes Standard, XL, Finger & Knuckle Bandages, 50Count

Band-Aid Brand Tru-Stay Clear Spots Bandages for Discreet First Aid, All One Size, 50 Count

How can children be protected from germs?

Band-Aid Brand Tru-Stay Clear Spots Bandages for Discreet First Aid, All One Size, 50 Count

Children do not know what is dirty and clean, germs almost to themselves. You can protect your children from illness by paying attention to some issues.

For this reason, there are many places in your home, school or outside where children can get infected and become sick. You can protect your children from illnesses by paying attention to some issues and taking precautions.

According to the WebMD website, here are the dirty places where children can easily reach:

Toothbrush container: According to research conducted in 2011, the cup or container where you store your toothbrushes is the third most dirty point in the house. Flushing the toothbrushes next to the toothbrush causes the droplets of germs to spread to the brushes in the form of smoke. To clean, wash the toothbrushes in the high-temperature dishwasher, or wash the brushes in hot water every week and wipe with disinfectant wipes.

Pets available: Pets and children love each other. However, domestic animals can infect children with bacteria, viruses and parasites with their feces, saliva. Toys or bowls of these animals can be a source of coliforms (bacteria family such as Salmonella and E.coli). Children must wash their hands after loving their pets. They should not kiss pets such as cats, dogs or birds.

Backyard: Experts say it's good for children to come into contact with bacteria in the soil. However, you must also consider some risks. Do not allow children to play where animals have feces. Make sure that your child is immunized with DBT (Diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus). So you can protect your children from tetanus caused by cuts in the garden.

Refrigerators: A leaking meat bag and spilled milk are the places where children are most interested in the refrigerator. Diseases such as salmonella, campylobacter and norovirus causing abdominal pain and vomiting are common in the kitchen. To prevent contamination, immediately spoiled food must be stored properly. Wash and disinfect the refrigerator walls and shelves thoroughly.

Outside animals: In zoos, animal shelters, farms and school trips, children get closer to animals to learn. These are also areas where bacteria are spread. Especially young children are at greater risk. Children should never take food, beverages or bottles, pacifiers or toys with them. They should wash their hands immediately after touching the animals.

Places: Food crumbs, fats, people walking around the kitchen or pets pollute the kitchen floor. Carpets and hard floors are contaminated by dust mites, mold, food crumbs, dirt and even insects. The kitchen floor can trigger allergies and asthma attacks.

Steady waters: After heavy rain or after the snow melts, stagnant waters can be children's playground. However, these areas are feeding places for insects such as mold, bacteria and mosquitoes. Children can get many viruses around here.

School germs: School toilets and faucets have 800 times more germs than normal. Plastic cafeteria trays are other important points carrying germs. However, another study found that when children cleansed their hands with hand cleansing and disinfected areas such as the top of the rows every day, the diseases were reduced by half.

Sports and gymnasium: If your child gets a private lesson on weekends, bacteria such as MRSA can be easily spread in swimming schools and gymnastics courses. This bacteria enters the body through open cuts or open wounds. Sharing the same towel with your friend and doing contact sports like wrestling is another way to make it easier to spread the disease.

Sand pond: Sand ponds in parks or school gardens have more than sand. A survey in 2010 showed that there were 7,440 bacteria in 2.5 centimeters of sand ponds. These bacteria come from human saliva, hands, food, cats and dogs, diapers.

Shopping malls: It is not surprising that all kinds of germs await children in closed shopping malls, especially during the flu and cold season. Research shows that elevator keys, video game consoles, stair railings and ATMs are full of germs. Because these spots are not cleaned regularly. It can help wash your hands, but common toilets, taps, sinks also contain too many germs.

Children attract germs: Children's frequent behavior invites germs: mixing their noses, eating their nails or wiping their noses with their hands. And then most of them can't wash their hands. Washing your hands takes first place in protecting against colds, flu and other infectious diseases. Teach your children when and how to wash their hands.

How to wash your hands?

Always tell your child that he should wash his hands before preparing a meal, after a toilet, sneezing, coughing and cleaning your nose. Teach your child how to wash their hands nicely with warm water and a good soap. Let it rub between the fingers, under the nails and the top of the hands for about 20 seconds. Hand cleansing gels can also be a good alternative. However, they do not remove invisible dirt and can also be toxic if swallowed by children.

Band-Aid Brand Tru-Stay Clear Spots Bandages for Discreet First Aid, All One Size, 50 Count

Band-Aid Brand Hydro Seal Adhesive Bandages for Heel Blisters, Waterproof Blister Pads, 6 ct

Injuries and tetanus vaccine

Band-Aid Brand Hydro Seal Adhesive Bandages for Heel Blisters, Waterproof Blister Pads, 6 ct

Tetanus is a very serious and fatal infection that can occur after some injuries. Tetanus vaccine is still in our country's routine vaccination programs; At 2, 4, 6 and 18 months, then 4-6. is given as a mixed vaccine between ages. If the 3-dose tetanus vaccine has not yet been completed or a single-dose booster vaccine has not been administered in the last decade and there is a small and clean injury, the tetanus vaccine should be administered. For more serious injuries (deep, dirty wounds, burns), the tetanus vaccine is given if the last vaccine has not been given in the last 5 years. In which situations should you call your doctor? 1-Wound edges are irregular, zigzagged 2-Wound, face or length, 3-Incision is longer than 1.5 centimeters, 4-Cut the two sides of the opening is deep, 5-If you can not remove the dirt or matter inside the incision, 6-Incision is sensitive to touch or red, 7 - If there is a dark grayish discharge from the incision, 8 - Fire is above 38 C, 9 - There is numbness in the area around the wound, 10 - The movements are painful, 11 - Red lines near the wound, 12 - A puncture or deep wound and If the tetanus vaccine has not been given in the last 5 years, 13-incision is bleeding in a gushing manner, the blood carries out of the bandage or the bleeding has not stopped after 5 minutes of pressure ...

Band-Aid Brand Hydro Seal Adhesive Bandages for Heel Blisters, Waterproof Blister Pads, 6 ct

Nexcare Waterproof Clear Bandages, Dirtproof, Assorted Sizes, 100 Count

The most useful treatments for healing wounds

Nexcare Waterproof Clear Bandages, Dirtproof, Assorted Sizes, 100 Count

There are many old and new methods that are said to help heal unsightly wounds. These can range from cures at home to surgery. Whitney Bowe, director of cosmetic and laser services at New York-based Advanced Dermatology, says it's hard for patients to come back and forth among the "great legends" of skin wounds. Bowe also lectures at SUNY Downstate Medical Center and Mount Sinai Medical School. Dr. Minimization of skin wounds. We resorted to Bowe's expertise.

Why do scars occur on the skin?

Irregular collagen build-up after skin damage causes scarring. Collagen protein, which is indispensable for healthy skin, is actually a stress-induced reaction. Dr. Regardless of the wound, Bowe says that only a few treatments work, and the rest is usually a waste of time and money.

What is the best way to avoid scars?

Dr. "I see patients coming to me sometimes think that they need to dry the wound right away, so that they can shell and heal. But that's the worst thing you can do. Keep the wound clean and moist, avoid using fancy things." says.

Dr. Bowe, the more components in a humidifier, the more likely it is to cause an allergic reaction, vaseline and band-aid is sufficient, he says. It also emphasizes that the wound must be protected from the sun to avoid color differences.

Do medicines sold in pharmacies work?

Vitamin E, which is known for its antioxidant properties and can prevent inflammation in this way, is widely used in topical creams and lotions, but Bowe does not think that it works well. Moreover, Bowe says that vitamin E causes allergic reactions and skin irritation in some patients. Sometimes it's likely that it works because the lotion keeps the skin moist.

Another component of over-the-counter medicines is onion extract. Dr. Bowe thinks it doesn't do any better than Vaseline.

Dr. Bowe states that one of the products that can benefit is silicone. The gel product is adhered to the skin with a tape. Dr. Bowe says the pressure of the bandage may have a positive impact on the healing process. Still, he says it doesn't make a huge difference and can be quite expensive. The process can cost around $ 40 a month and can last up to two years for full recovery.

Are home cures reliable?

Dr. Bowe says that the healing wound can be treated with honey, but it will not be better than vaseline. Honey contributes to the healing process by killing bacteria and fungi.

Honey is one of the alternatives in scarring treatment.
Dr. Bowe also recommends the avoidance of two traditional treatments. They rub the wound with onions and pour lemon juice. Dr. Bowe underlines that both methods cause death of very irritating and healthy skin cells.

Are surgical interventions worth the cost?

Dr. Bowe, laser treatment may work with some thick or red colored scars, as well as thick or fluffy scars can be flattened by injecting cortisone, he said. Dr. Bowe recommends a v-beam laser for red scars and a fractional laser for some acne scars. However, dr. Bowe points out that the treatment of acne scars is risky and the result may be a better-looking scar instead of a scar. Fractional laser is effective on old scars.

Nexcare Waterproof Clear Bandages, Dirtproof, Assorted Sizes, 100 Count

Curad Assorted Bandages Variety Pack 300 Pieces, Including Antibacterial, Heavy Duty, Fabric, and Waterproof Bandages

How does the scar pass? Here are the ways to pass the scars

Curad Assorted Bandages Variety Pack 300 Pieces, Including Antibacterial, Heavy Duty, Fabric, and Waterproof Bandages

Scars are something most people don't want. Everybody has a scar on their face even if they are small. So how does this scar go? The answer to the question of how the scar passes through our news. Here are the miraculous methods to remove the scar ...


Facial wounds, which can be seen as a result of some injuries and acne, can be annoying and reduce one's self-confidence in social settings. Getting rid of facial wounds is more dependent on the type and size of the wound, but there are professional treatment methods for facial wounds caused by acne as well as home treatments. From laser treatments to lemon masks, it is possible to reduce the appearance of these wounds.

Regardless of the cause of wounds on the face, prolonged exposure to sunlight makes the scars more visible.

Use a highly protected sunscreen. Cream should be applied evenly over the whole face and applied 15-20 minutes before sun exposure.


You should clean the area where the scar is in good hygiene. Then pour a teaspoon of lemon juice into the cotton, rub the scar area. Make sure that the lemon juice stays on your skin for about 10 minutes after the scrubbing is over. Then you can clean your skin. You can apply 2 times a day for about 1 month.

As lemon is bleaching, it brightens the scars. Thus, the scars are alleviated and as long as they are applied properly and sensitively, the scars will decrease from day to day and eventually you will lose its appearance and thus treat the wound with a natural solution with lemon.


Mix 2 teaspoons of real honey and 2 teaspoons baking powder in a bowl.

Apply the mixture to the wound on your skin with a mixture for approximately 5 minutes.

Then place a warm towel on the wound area.

You can clean your skin when the towel loses its temperature.

You should make sure that the honey you will use in honey wound treatment is pure and real. Otherwise, you will not get the result you want. Honey is also a natural moisturizer. It accelerates tissue regeneration in the treatment of wounds and has the property of repairing wounds on your skin.


Onion is rubbed on the wound area.

If you want to get serious results from onion wound treatment, you should apply it at least once a day and for 1 month.

However, if you have a sensitive skin structure, this application may not be for you. If your skin has a burning or redness, you should stop the application.


Cucumber is one of the natural solutions used in skin care in general. It is especially used for softening and keeping the skin alive. The other benefit of cucumber to skin is that there is little possibility of irritating the skin thanks to the acidic content of cucumber. In short, after the application with cucumber, your skin does not react in the opposite direction and can be used for all skin types.

Chop the cucumbers into a bowl and mash them in the blender for 4-5 minutes. Place an egg in a separate bowl and then combine the cucumber with the egg.

Apply the cream you prepared on your skin. Especially after applying to the wound area, leave it for 20 minutes and then clean your skin.

Curad Assorted Bandages Variety Pack 300 Pieces, Including Antibacterial, Heavy Duty, Fabric, and Waterproof Bandages

Band-Aid Brand Flexible Fabric Adhesive Bandages for Wound Care and First Aid, All One Size, 100 Count

How do wounds pass?

Band-Aid Brand Flexible Fabric Adhesive Bandages for Wound Care and First Aid, All One Size, 100 Count

We have researched for you how the wounds will heal quickly, the healing time and what are the plants that accelerate the healing of wounds. What plants are good for wounds? How do wounds pass? Details in our news

When an injury occurs, it is important to act immediately if an open wound has occurred. The healing time, rate and rate of wounds depend on a number of factors. The size and type of wounds are the most important factors. However, the patient's physical condition, wound cleaning and treatment also play an important role in the rate of wound healing. Untreated and untreated wounds are more susceptible to unwanted permanent scars and infections. It is possible to heal your wounds quickly thanks to the treatment with the right drugs.


A wound heals in three stages. The inflammation stage occurs immediately after the injury and usually lasts around 2 to 5 days, depending on the severity and treatment of the wound. It is then the proliferation stage. At this stage, new cells called fibroblasts, pericides and keratinocytes begin to develop and grow. These proliferating cells replace damaged tissue cells. The last phase is the remodeling phase. As the dermal or skin tissue is gradually replaced by new, more elastic healthy skin cells, the final stage of wound healing is completed.


First remove any dirt or debris that appears on the wound before starting wound care.
Pour a small amount of hydrogen peroxide onto the open wound. This cleans the wound and prevents infection. When you apply hydrogen peroxide, you will observe that the spilled area will bubble. Wait until this process stops and reapply a small amount. Continue this action until the foaming process is finished.

After the wound has dried, apply antibiotic ointment onto the injured area. This prevents the germ from entering the wound.
Put a bandage on the wound. This bandage is used to keep the wound dry. If the bandage gets wet, replace it with a dry bandage. In the meantime, the wound will be allowed to breathe, healing will accelerate.

Repeat this process twice a day for several days. After these few days, it is advisable to replace it once a day until the wound heals.
After the wound closes, you can use gels or creams to reduce scarring in the morning and evening. These creams will contribute to the scarring of scars called scarring. Apart from these, it is important to keep the wound immobilized, although this is difficult, depending on the location of the wound, to accelerate wound healing.

To accelerate wound healing;

It is always a good idea to apply an antiseptic agent, such as alcohol or commercial product, to heal an open wound. However, there are other antiseptic agents that are useful to prevent infection and promote healing. Aloe vera (gel / fresh juice / plant itself) is commonly used antiseptic on open wounds. Tea tree oil and clove oil are also known to have antiseptic properties.

Band-Aid Brand Flexible Fabric Adhesive Bandages for Wound Care and First Aid, All One Size, 100 Count