Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Dynarex Alcohol Prep Pad Sterile, Medium (Pack of 200)

How does a mouth wound pass? What are the main causes of mouth sores?

Dynarex Alcohol Prep Pad Sterile, Medium (Pack of 200)

Aphtha, which is referred to as mouth sores among the people, is a mucosal damage that occurs in sensitive areas such as tongue, gums, cheeks and palates by affecting the daily error and prevents the person from eating, drinking, talking or even controlling salivation. So how does the mouth wound pass? What are the methods of treatment of mouth sores?

25 percent of the population experienced oral wounds in a part of their lives. Mouth sores, also known as aphthae, are seen more frequently in women and affect life negatively. Mouth sores can prevent a person from eating, talking or even swallowing. Generally, mouth sores on cheeks, lips, gums, tongues, under the mouth and soft palate are also referred to as painful ulcers. These wounds can be caused by a variety of factors, from stress to gastrointestinal diseases. Mouth pain symptoms typically include a burning or tingling sensation followed by painful, tender ulcers. In more severe cases, mouth sores may be accompanied by swollen lymph nodes, physical fatigue and fever. What about the treatment of mouth sores? Here are the main causes of mouth sores…

Mouth sores are painful ulcers on the cheeks, lips, gums, tongues, under the mouth and soft palate. These wounds can be caused by a variety of factors, from stress to gastrointestinal diseases. Mouth pain symptoms typically include a burning or tingling sensation followed by painful, tender ulcers. In more severe cases, mouth sores may be accompanied by swollen lymph nodes, physical fatigue and fever. There are many different types of oral wounds, and oral wounds rarely require immediate medical attention.

Symptoms of mouth sores include red, shiny or swollen mouth and gums, as well as pain. Small ulcers or sores may occur in the mouth, gums, above or below your tongue. You can also see white spots, pus in your mouth. You may experience sore throat, dry mouth and throat.

Stress and Anxiety, Smoking and Some Toothpastes are the main triggers of oral wounds. Besides these elements;
Vitamin, Iron Deficiency:
Lack of iron and vitamins, and in particular vitamins B3, B9 (folic acid) and B12, may trigger oral wounds. These vitamins, skin health and nervous system to support, such as hormones and blood cells to produce, such as lack of oral wounds can help in issues that can be seen.
Immune Deficiency:
Any immune disease that attacks the body's immune system, such as HIV or lupus, can cause mouth sores.
Physical Trauma:
Accidentally biting the cheek, too hot food or drinks, irritation of the mouth due to a sharp object, or prosthetic teeth are examples of physical trauma that can cause wounds in the mouth.
Behcet 's disease:
Although the majority of oral wounds in Behçet's Disease are indistinguishable from recurrent aphthae, which is a common disease, there are differences in the number and recurrence. Aphthae in Behçet usually recur once or several times a month and heal within a few days to a week. They are several in number and may cause pain from time to time, making it difficult to feed the patient.
Acid food, drinks can trigger mouth sores. In addition to high-acid beverages, vinegar, vinegar sauces, salty, spicy, spicy foods, pickles, snacks and many chemicals can trigger aphthae in the mouth.
Hormone Changes:
One of the body's responses to hormonal imbalances is mouth sores. For example, it is common for adolescent girls or women to have mouth sores during menstruation.

Stomach Microbe:
Gastric microbes, known as helicobacter pylori, can cause oral deficiencies as well as some vitamin deficiencies such as B12. While investigating the causes of aphthae, it is often skipped, but gastric germ, which can also cause various stomach disorders such as ulcers, is a very common health problem. If the stomach germ lies under the aphthae problem, it will not be possible to get rid of the aphthae without treatment.
In 90% of food allergies, milk, peanuts, nuts, soy, fish, wheat or shellfish appear to trigger food-related allergies. Gluten, cow's milk proteins, chocolate, cinnamon, walnuts, almonds, tomatoes, figs, lemons and strawberries contribute to the development of aphthae in the mouth. Histamine secretion can damage cells and tissues in the mouth and may cause oral wounds as one of the allergic symptoms.

Generally, mouth sores can heal by themselves for up to a week. When you see a doctor, your doctor will give you antibiotic treatment and oral mouthwash. These can improve the treatment to a great extent and accelerate the treatment.
But to get rid of mouth sores in your own methods as soon as possible;
- Alcohol diluted with sterilized water can be applied to the painful area in the mouth with cotton.
- Rinse mouth with water and carbonate mixture.
- Half a glass of water by adding 2 teaspoon salt can be gargled every 2 hours.
- In cases where the pain is very uncomfortable, solution and oral mouthwash can be used.
Keep in mind that the exact treatment of aphthae in the mouth can be determined by a doctor. Never use medication without consulting your doctor. The use of some antibiotics is also useful if recommended by your doctor.
Miswak has the same acidity as the oral acidity degree, preventing the formation of aphthae. Miswak, oral cleansing, as well as expectorant, memory strengthening and has positive effects such as providing beautiful pronunciation.
Adding salt to the injured areas is an effective method to combat mouth sores. You can apply this salt on the wound with your hand or gargle with salt water. When you put salt on the wounds, wait for it to melt on the wound. You will suffer, but the healing time will be shortened because it cleanses these wounds. You can apply salt to your tongue and mouth three times a day. You can do the same using vinegar. You will see the benefit.

- Avoid hot and overly spicy bitter and sour foods.
- Vitamin and mineral supplements (C, B complex, folic acid, iron and zinc) should be taken
- Teeth and mouth should be brushed and rinsed regularly.

Dynarex Alcohol Prep Pad Sterile, Medium (Pack of 200)

EmuaidMAX? Ointment - Antifungal, Eczema Cream. Maximum Strength Treatment. Use Max Strength for Athletes Foot, Psoriasis, Jock Itch, Anti Itch, Ringworm, Rash, Shingles and Skin Yeast Infection.

What causes a tongue wound?

EmuaidMAX? Ointment - Antifungal, Eczema Cream. Maximum Strength Treatment. Use Max Strength for Athletes Foot, Psoriasis, Jock Itch, Anti Itch, Ringworm, Rash, Shingles and Skin Yeast Infection.

The language wound, which many of us have experienced at least once in a lifetime, is sometimes very insignificant and sometimes dangerous. So what causes a tongue wound? How is it treated?

Wounds on the tongue are usually caused by accidental bites of the tongue and virus infection. The most obvious symptom caused by wounds on the tongue is pain and burning in the area of ​​the wound.

What causes a tongue wound?

• Gingivostomatitis (viral or bacterial oral infection)
• Herpes simplex infection
• Oral lichen planus (an immune system disease that may increase the risk of oral cancer)
• Oral thrush
• Behcet's syndrome (diffuse blood circulation inflammation)
• Accidental bite of tongue
• Tongue burns
• Infectious infections
• Inadequate mouth cleaning

What are the symptoms of a language wound?

-Language lesions
- Wounds on the bottom, top and end of the tongue
-Language sensitivity
- Pain and burning sensation in the tongue
- Pain and burning on contact with food containing acidic products
Treatment of tongue and mouth sores
If tongue and mouth sores are developed due to physiological factors, they can heal spontaneously in 5-6 days with clean oral care, regular tooth brushing and mouthwashes. It is possible to get rid of the language wound at home with your own methods.

Herbal remedies for tongue sores:

Baking soda for tongue sores: Used for sores on the tongue. Baking powder has the ability to alleviate and reduce pain. It is also very effective against inflammation caused by some infections.

How to use?

Mix a little warm water with a teaspoon of baked dusty. Make this mixture pasty. Paste the mixture into the affected area and wait a minute. After a minute, rinse your tongue with warm water.

Salt for tongue sores: For the treatment of wounds on the tongue, you can use salt which is a natural painkiller. Helps reduce pain and inflammation and prevents infection.

How to use?
Mix 1 teaspoon of salt with 1 cup of warm water. After thorough mixing, wash your mouth 3 or 4 times a day with this mixture.

Licorice Root for Tongue Wound: The healing properties of licorice root give positive results in tongue wounds.

To use: Mix a teaspoon of licorice root powder with a little water and make a paste. Place on the affected area of ​​the tongue. After several minutes on the wound, thoroughly wash the affected area with warm water.

Note: In case of language wounds that do not last long, a doctor should be consulted.

Tongue wound during pregnancy:

Some of the causes of language injuries during pregnancy include:

Stress: Pregnant women may develop ulcers on the tongue with increasing stress. Therefore, try to avoid stress as much as possible.
Smoking: Excessive smoking causes irritation of the tongue and sore throat. You should stop smoking to prevent tongue wounds.
Biting the tongue: If you accidentally bite your tongue or eat something extremely hot, you may have sores on your tongue. Clenching teeth can also cause irritation and pain on the edges of the tongue.
Medical conditions: Some medical conditions, such as diabetes and anemia, can also cause the development of language wounds.

Viral infection: Tongue sores may be caused by viral infection.
Iron and vitamin deficiency: Tongue sores are sometimes caused by a lack of vitamins and iron.

How to prevent language sores during pregnancy?

Here are a few tips to prevent language sores during your pregnancy:

Oral hygiene: The best way to prevent any language disorders is to give importance to oral hygiene.
Balanced diet: Sometimes tongue sores occur due to lack of nutrition in your body. To prevent tongue sores and help your baby's normal development, you should eat a balanced diet.

EmuaidMAX? Ointment - Antifungal, Eczema Cream. Maximum Strength Treatment. Use Max Strength for Athletes Foot, Psoriasis, Jock Itch, Anti Itch, Ringworm, Rash, Shingles and Skin Yeast Infection.

Babyganics Alcohol-Free Foaming Hand Sanitizer, Fragrance Free, 8.45oz Pump Bottle (Pack of 3)

Is wound infection a hospital defect?

Babyganics Alcohol-Free Foaming Hand Sanitizer, Fragrance Free, 8.45oz Pump Bottle (Pack of 3)

I had surgery in a hospital. Postoperative infection occurred in the wound area. Is this the defect of the surgeon or hospital doing my surgery?

Postoperative infections at the wound site are among the most common hospital infections. The frequency of infection development and infection-causing microorganisms and their antibiotic resistance vary from hospital to hospital. Wound infection can lead to longer hospital stay, increased treatment costs, impaired patient quality of life, sometimes permanent disability, and rarely death.

Units should be installed
Postoperative infection is a condition that the surgeon does not want. This development overshadows the success of the surgeon. It puts him in a difficult position in front of the patient and his relatives. Both the surgeon and the hospital management should take the necessary precautions in order to avoid such an unpleasant situation. The risk of developing nosocomial infections is higher, especially in those with more beds and in education hospitals. Each hospital should have an infection control program and a responsible unit dealing with this issue.

Continuous control is a must!
Infections that develop in the hospital should be monitored continuously, the microorganisms causing them, the units where they are seen, the medical devices and materials infected with the active microorganisms and the susceptibility of the active microorganisms to the antibiotics should be determined in each case and a dynamic struggle should be carried out. In the light of this local information, patients with nosocomial infections should be diagnosed early and treated effectively. Measures should also be taken to reduce the frequency of nosocomial infections. Cleaning and medical hygiene measures should be taken in the hospital environment, especially at risky units, sterilization of medical equipment and devices should be done and controlled properly, diagnostic or therapeutic interventions should be carried out in accordance with sterilization rules, and hospital workers should work in a way not to be the carriers of microorganisms causing infection. Before the operation, the patient should be investigated for a disease that suppresses the immune system and thus facilitates the development of infection. Preventive antibiotic treatment should be started for the patients at high risk of infection, postoperative patient care and wound dressings should be performed appropriately and symptoms of infection should be noticed and treated without delay.

There is always a risk!
All these measures reduce the incidence of infection in a hospital, but never completely reset it. That is, even if a surgeon does everything correctly and completely and the hospital management takes all the precautions known in medicine, wound infection may develop in a hospitalized and operated patient. Being in a hospital environment is a risk of infection in itself. This is a situation where the person who accepts the risk of accidents to a certain extent. In law, this is called 'allowed risk' and in medicine it is called 'complication'. In a patient with wound infection, the issue to be explained is whether there is a negligence, carelessness or imprudence of the physician or hospital management. It is the expert who is still a physician who will decide.

Babyganics Alcohol-Free Foaming Hand Sanitizer, Fragrance Free, 8.45oz Pump Bottle (Pack of 3)

Amazon Brand - Solimo Hydrogen Peroxide Topical Solution USP, 32 Fl. Oz

How does a foot wound pass?

Amazon Brand - Solimo Hydrogen Peroxide Topical Solution USP, 32 Fl. Oz

Wound healing occurs spontaneously. In other words, the ability and ability to heal the wound is found in the genetic structure of the body. However, if there are conditions that prevent the healing of wounds, the body is inadequate to heal the wounds. Thus, the first way to heal wounds that have delayed or stopped healing is to remove obstacles.

Infection is the most important factor that prevents wound healing. Normally, a solid skin is an important protection shield against bacteria, fungi and viruses that may cause infection. When the wound is opened, it cannot act as a shield. Microbes reach the open wound surface easily. Microbes reach the wound, infection does not mean infection. Not only do these germs get infected, they become important if they start to hold, feed, multiply and form a community. This is called colony formation of microbes. Even at this stage, microbes multiply only in the wound, they feed there, they do not spread to the body. When microbes begin to spread to the body, they cause systemic infection. Fever rises, fatigue becomes weakness, redness around the wound, swelling, pain, temperature becomes apparent. In the blood assay, values ​​reflecting infection are determined. In short, germs are first transmitted to the wound (contamination), then they begin to hold here, feed, live and multiply (colonization) and spread to the body, causing signs and symptoms that concern the whole system (infection).

Of course, if the germs spread to the body, it is not only about wound and wound healing. This means that the patient's limb may even endanger his life. Such situations should be taken seriously and all treatments recommended by the physician, including appropriate antibiotic therapy, should begin immediately. However, before the germ spreads to the body, it delays and heals the wound healing while it is still in the wound environment. In this case, it is necessary to remove the germ load from the wound to ensure wound healing. For this purpose, all the dead and bad tissues in which the microbes easily settle and multiply in the wound environment are removed. This removal pathway is called “wound debridement.. Debridement is most easily performed surgically. Wound treatment physician scalpel, scissors, curette with tools such as dead, dirty tissue cuts away. Dead tissues are cleaned by scrubbing, wiping and scraping during wound dressing. Some gels, wound care products containing substances that break down dead tissues, ultrasonic devices, high-speed water gushing devices, even fly maggots are used to clean the wound.

A wide variety of antimicrobial materials known to be effective against microbes are used in the fight against wound infection. The important point is that these substances should kill microbes easily and quickly, be effective against a wide variety of microbes, but should not be harmful to normal body cells, that is, they should not disrupt wound healing. There are various substances used in wound treatment for this purpose.

Discharge occurs when the wound is infected with microbes. This stream should be removed from the environment. If not removed, wound healing will not occur. Dressing materials with varying absorbency characteristics are selected and preferred depending on whether the stream is more or less. For example, if there is a very discharge wound, a highly absorbent foam sheet is preferred. If it is not possible to use such materials, only dressing with gauze, then maybe the dressing is changed several times, not once a day.

Both bed sores and wounds seen in the protruding areas of the feet of diabetic patients are pressure-related. Their recovery is only possible with the disappearance of the press. Whatever treatment is applied after the pressure has not been removed, they cannot heal. For this reason, the patient needs to be turned around periodically in bed wounds, suitable beds are used. Appropriate insoles, shoes, orthosis devices or even plaster casts are used to remove pressure in diabetic patients.

Vascular obstruction
Wounds on limbs with vascular occlusion become difficult to heal. Due to vascular obstruction, nutrients, oxygen, or even medications do not reach the cells. Wound careers may find it necessary to open it if they detect severe vascular occlusion in the patient's veins. In this case, the vessels should be opened either surgically or by intravenous procedures such as stents and balloons. Thus, sufficient oxygen and nutrients reach the tissues. When the cells receive enough blood, wound healing is possible.

Vein insufficiency
Due to various disorders of the veins, blood accumulates in the leg veins. Due to the expanding veins, a condition called varicose veins occurs. When the veins do not operate adequately, wounds are opened on the leg. These wounds are called venous ulcers. The way to heal these wounds is to prevent blood from accumulating in the veins. In such wounds, bandage, varicose veins, stockings applied to the leg and blood pressure return are applied if the devices provide pressure and the wound heals.

Protection of healing tissues
After removing the bad and dead tissues from the wound, a red, clean tissue develops on the wound base. The wound edges gradually shrink and the wound starts to shrink. Starting from the wound edges, the skin begins to cover the wound. At this stage, it is necessary to protect this red repair tissue that develops on the base of the wound and the thin skin covering the wound. Because these newly formed tissues can be easily damaged. During dressing, these tissues should be kept moist by covering, not drying and removing. Pits and recesses on the wound base impede healing. If the wound base swells and rises too high, the skin cannot cover this height. These surpluses should be corrected during dressing. If the wound edges are rounded, blistered, there is no space underneath, the skin cannot be covered again. When dressing, the edges of the wound base should be corrected.

Proper dressing and wound care

During wound dressing, the wound is wiped with a liquid that will kill the germs, the inside of the wound is washed with saline and wiped. In the meantime, dead, bad tissues are removed from the wound base. If there is excessive discharge during dressing, it is absolutely removed. If this is inadequate, it is necessary to use a wound dressing material with a higher absorbency or to dress more frequently. The dressing is not only about cleaning. Cover the wound to prevent the wound from drying out. Because the best wound dressing is moist wound dressing. Wound healing is not preferred. But humid does not mean wet. When the wound is touched by hand, its wetness is indeterminately moist, if appropriate.

Closing the wound not only maintains its moisture, but is also useful for maintaining the proper temperature. Closing the wound also prevents microbes that can reach the wound surface.

General condition of the patient

Focusing only on the wound often means not seeing the barriers to the general condition of the patient in front of the wound healing. If the patient's nutrition and water intake are not sufficient, the wound will not heal. In this case, it should be ensured that the patient is fed sufficiently especially in terms of protein. If a diabetic patient's blood sugar is elevated, it is necessary to correct the sugar level before dealing with wound healing. If the patient has heart failure, it will prevent enough blood to go to the tissues, maybe it will cause the wound. Heart failure must be treated with medications, then the wound should be healed. Blood values ​​are low in patients with long-term disease. Even if the heart, veins work normally, the wound cannot get enough oxygen. In these cases, blood support is required to heal the wound.

How does a foot wound pass?

The wound actually heals itself. The body has the ability to heal the wound genetically. If the wound does not heal, you should consult a health center dealing with wound treatment. If there are reasons such as malnutrition, sugar imbalance, lack of blood, vessel failure that prevent healing of the wound, these are corrected first. Then local causes such as infection, vascular occlusion and compression that prevent wound healing are investigated and corrected. Finally, the wound passes through the foot wound with proper wound care and treatment.

Amazon Brand - Solimo Hydrogen Peroxide Topical Solution USP, 32 Fl. Oz

Neosporin Original Antibiotic Ointment, 24-Hour Infection Prevention for Minor Wound, .5 oz

How to tell if there is infection in the wound?

Neosporin Original Antibiotic Ointment, 24-Hour Infection Prevention for Minor Wound, .5 oz

Cuts and abrasions are part of everyday life. These wounds often heal easily. But sometimes the bacteria get into the wound and cause dangerous infections. Early detection of infection will make treatment faster and more effective. Although most infections are treated with antibiotics, this depends on the severity of the infection. There are basic indicators of infection, such as redness, inflammation of the wound, and ongoing pain. Learning how to check if the wound is infected is an important part of protecting your health.

Checking for Increased Pain, Swelling, Redness or Wound Around Wound Check

Wash your hands first. You should always wash your hands thoroughly before examining a wound. [1] If you're worried about a wound getting infected, rubbing your dirty fingers around the wound can make it worse. Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap and water before doing anything. [2]
Don't forget to wash your hands after you touch the wound.

Examine the wound closely. You should remove the band-aid from the wound you're examining. Do this carefully so that there is no possibility of deterioration in the sensitive area. If the band-aid adheres to the wound, you can use tap water to remove it. The water sprayer in the kitchen sink is useful for this. [3]
You have to take out the dirty band-aid and throw it away. Don't try to use that dirty band-aid again.

See if the wound has redness or swelling. When you look at the wound, imagine whether it looks extremely red or reddened more than before. If the wound looks too red and the redness appears to be spreading outside the wound area, this may be indicative of infection. [4]
The skin in the injured area may be hot. If any of these symptoms are present, see a doctor for advice.

Ask yourself if the pain is increasing. Emerging or increased pain is a symptom of an infected incision. Only pain or other symptoms (such as swelling, heat, and inflammation) can be seen as an infection. See a doctor if you notice increased pain in the wound area. [5] Pain may feel like it is coming from the deep inside the wound. [6] In general, swelling, heat / temperature, tenderness, and pain in the site of the wound are the best indicators to see if a wound is infected.
You may feel a throbbing pain. [7] There's no such thing as an itch. But you should never make it worse by scratching the wound. Fingernails can carry more bacteria and scratching the worsens may worsen the condition.

Apply antibiotics to the wound unless recommended by the doctor. There is no evidence that antibiotic ointments significantly reduce wound infection. [8] A spreading infection has also entered the body. Therefore, treating the external wound only after the infection enters the body will not treat the bacteria in the body.
If the infection is small and superficial, the doctor may recommend an antibiotic ointment. [9]

To check if there is inflammation or fluid in the wound

Look for any yellowish or greenish inflammation or fluid in the wound. The smell of this stream can also be disturbing. If you see inflammation or turbid fluid flowing through the wound, this is a major symptom indicating infection. [10] You should seek medical attention as soon as possible.
Some currents flowing through the wound are normal as long as the fluid is sparse and clear. The bacterium may produce clear discharge which is not yellow or green. In such a case, the doctor may examine the fluid to determine the cause of the infection. [11]

See if there's any inflammation around the wound. If you notice an inflammation under the skin around the injured area, there may be infection. [12] This may still be a sign of infection and should be taken seriously, even if inflammation does not flow from the wound when there is an accumulation of inflammation, tenderness, and a lump growing under the skin. [13]

After examining the wound, replace the old band-aid with a new, sterile band-aid. If there are no signs of infection, this will close and protect the wound. If there are signs of infection, a sterile band-aid will prevent further wound contamination until you see the doctor. [14]
Be careful to stick only the non-adhesive part of the band-aid to the wound. The band-aid should be large enough to cover the wound.

If inflammation of the wound continues to flow, see a doctor. Some currents flowing from the wound may be normal when the body fights the infection. But if the inflammation turns yellow or green and the amount of inflammation increases (or does not stop), consider seeing a doctor. This is especially true if other symptoms mentioned above are present. [15]

Checking the lymph system for infection

Check for red streaks on the skin around the wound. You may notice that these lines move away from the wound along the skin. The formation of red lines on the skin around the wound may mean that the infection has spread to the lymphatic system, which drains fluids from the tissues.
This type of infection (lymphangitis) can be serious. If you see red streaks coming out of the wound area, especially if you have a fever, you should seek medical attention immediately. [16]

Find the lymph nodes closest to the wound. The lymph nodules closest to the arms are around the armpit. The ones closest to the legs are around the groin area. Lymph nodes, which are located in other parts of the body and which should be checked and located nearby, are the lymph nodes on both sides of the neck, just below the chin and jawbone. [17]
During the immune response, the bacteria are trapped in these glands. [18] [19] Sometimes there is infection in the lymph system, even though there is no red line on the skin.

Check for any abnormalities in the lymph nodules. Use 2 or 3 fingers to apply gentle pressure and manually examine the area to see if lymph nodes are growing. Growing lymph nodes may be sensitive. A relatively easy way to find abnormality; to feel both sides at the same time. If it is healthy, both sides should generally feel the same and symmetrical. [20]

See if you have swelling or tenderness in the lymph nodes you checked. If you feel swelling or tenderness, even if there are no red streaks, this may indicate that the infection has spread. Lymph nodules are approximately 1 cm and you should not feel them. They can swell twice or three times that number, and you can feel them clearly. [21]
Swollen lymph nodes that are soft and easily moveable usually indicate infection or inflammation.
Rigid lymph nodes that do not move, ache or persist for 1 to 2 weeks should be examined by a physician. [22]

Checking Fever and General Condition

Measure your temperature. In addition to symptoms in the wound area, fever may occur. Fever above 38 degrees may indicate an infection wound. You should seek medical attention if fever occurs with one or more of the above signs of infection. [23]

Think overall if you're feeling bad. The indication of an infected wound can be as simple as feeling uneasy (general fatigue). [24] If you have a wound and you start feeling sick after a few days, it may be related to infection. Check the wound again for signs of infection and see a doctor if you continue to feel ill.
If you have body pains, headaches, dizziness, stomach upset, and even vomiting, you may have an infection. A new redness is another reason for you to see a doctor.

Know the water level of your body. Dehydration can be indicative of an infection-infected wound. The main symptoms of dehydration include low urination, dry mouth, collapsed eyes, and dark urine. If you're experiencing these symptoms, you should be very careful with your wound. You should check your wound for other signs of infection and see a doctor. [25]
Since the body fights infection, it is important that you drink a lot of water and that your body is not dehydrated.

Dealing with a Serious Situation

Know which types of wounds are susceptible to infection. Most wounds heal with almost no headache. However, a wound that is not properly cleaned and treated is highly likely to contract infection. Cuts in the legs, hands and other areas that usually come into contact with bacteria are particularly prone to infection. Bites and nail wounds caused by an animal or human are also highly likely to get infection. [26]
Pay particular attention to bites, foreign body wounds and crush injuries. When handling the wound, pay attention to health-damaging sources such as sharp knives, rusty nails or a dirty tool.
If you get bitten, see a doctor and talk about the risk of rabies and tetanus. You may need antibiotics, vaccines or other treatments for tetanus or rabies. [27]
If you are healthy and your immune system is strong, most wounds will heal with minimal risk of infection. The body's defense system has evolved to prevent infections from taking root.

Understand other risk factors related to infection. If the immune system is compromised by diabetes, HIV or unhealthy nutrition, you have a higher risk of infection. Bacteria, viruses and fungi that normally do not cause problems in the body's immune system can infiltrate and grow in a disturbing level. This is especially the case where the first line of the physical defense system, the skin is severely compromised by second and third degree burn injuries.

Be aware of the symptoms of serious infection. You may have fever and dizziness. Your heart may be beating faster than normal. The wound will be warm, red, bulging and painful. You may notice a bad smell, such as the smell of something that starts to rot or deteriorate. [28] All these symptoms may be mild or very severe, but if you have a few of them, you should seek medical advice.
Don't drive if you're dizzy or hot. If possible, ask a friend or family member to take you to the hospital. You may need to take a strong antibiotic to keep your health in balance.
If in doubt, get an examination. In the case of infection, it is not enough to diagnose yourself on the Internet. To be sure, a valid medical diagnosis is best.

See a doctor. If you believe the wound is infected, go to a medical clinic or make an appointment with your doctor immediately. This is especially important if you have another disease or you have any of the risk factors for infection.

Consider using antibiotics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Antibiotics can help and prevent bacterial infection. In addition, antibiotics can be the most powerful way to overcome severe inflammation. Nonsteroidal inflammatory drugs will help relieve bloating, pain and fever. You can buy a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug without the need for a prescription, but you will need a prescription for most effective antibiotics.
If you use blood thinners, do not use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Be aware that these drugs can cause stomach ulcers and kidney dysfunction in some people. Consult your doctor!

Use good lighting. You will be able to see signs of infection more easily in a well-lit environment.
If you have no signs of healing, such as scabbing, you may have an infection. See a doctor. You should see a doctor if the wound gets worse.
If there is persistent inflammation, clean it as soon as you notice it and see a doctor if it persists.

Infections can cause serious health problems. So see a doctor or family doctor if you are not sure about infection or wound.

Neosporin Original Antibiotic Ointment, 24-Hour Infection Prevention for Minor Wound, .5 oz

Curad Alcohol Prep Pads , Thick Alcohol Swabs (Pack of 400) - CUR45585RB

What is Bed Sores (Pressure Sores)?

Curad Alcohol Prep Pads , Thick Alcohol Swabs (Pack of 400) - CUR45585RB

Your doctor will look closely at the skin to determine if it is a bed sores and how bad it is. He will try to classify the level of your wound to a certain stage. Determining the stage of the wound will help you apply the best treatment for you. They may also require a blood test to assess your overall health.

Possible questions the doctor may ask:
When did bed sores first appear?
What is the degree of pain?
Have you ever experienced bed sores before?
What kind of care is being implemented now?
How often do you change positions?
Which diagnosis was made medically and what is the current treatment?
What is your daily diet, diet and fluid intake?

Wound care and pressure sores should be given by wound care trained specialist medical staff and physicians who are experts in their field. Please note that in adverse situations, incorrect treatments may be performed that will adversely affect the patient's limb and life.

What are the symptoms of pressure sores?
There are varying stages depending on the severity of pressure sores. Patients with wheelchairs have a higher risk of developing pressure sores:
- Buttocks, coccyx
- Leg behind the arms

Pressure sores or bed sores are divided into four phases:

Image of bed sores or pressure sores. Photo Source:

First stage: The skin appears red and warm to the touch. It may be itchy.
Second stage: Colorless painful open wounds or blisters can be seen.
Third stage: Crater-like appearance may occur due to tissue damage under the skin surface.
Fourth stage: Serious skin infection is likely. Muscles, bones and even tendons can be seen.
An infection-wound takes much longer to heal and can spread to different parts of the body.

Bed Wound Treatment
Treatment of bed sores involves relieving pressure on the affected area of ​​the skin, thinning wounds, providing pain control, preventing infection, and good nutrition.

Necessary Team for Treatment

Wound care treatment usually requires a highly disciplined approach:

A physician supervising the treatment process and plan
A home care doctor or home care nurse specializing in wound care
Nurses or medical assistants providing care support to manage wounds
A physical therapist who can help improve mobility
Dietician monitoring your nutritional needs and recommending a good diet
A dermatologist specializing in skin diseases
A neurosurgeon, orthopedic surgeon or plastic surgeon
Reducing Bed Wound Pressure
The first step in the treatment of a bed wound is to reduce the pressure and friction that cause the wound. Strategies include:

If there is a bed wound, change position frequently, the frequency of changing the patient's position depends on the condition and quality of the surface you are on. If you usually use a wheelchair, try changing the load every 15 minutes and changing the position every hour. If the patient is permanently in bed, change position every two hours.
Using Support Surfaces
Use a special mattress, cushion, and pillow to help lie down or sit down to protect vulnerable skin.
Wound Cleaning and Dressing
Care and treatment for bed sores is related to how deep the wound is. Generally, the process of cleaning and dressing a wound involves:

Cleaning. If the affected skin is not severely damaged, it should be gently cleaned, washed and left dry. Open wounds should be cleaned with water or saline every time you change clothing.
Placing the bandage. The bandage keeps the wound moist and accelerates healing. It also forms a barrier against infection and keeps the wound around dry.
Removing Damaged Tissues. The wounds must be free of damaged, dead or infected tissue for proper healing. A number of methods are required to remove a damaged tissue, for which you should seek help from your doctor.

Wound Care Drugs and Other Interventions
Other medical interventions include:

The use of drugs to control pain. A number of drugs are effective in reducing pain, you should consult your doctor for information about these drugs. Such medications can be of great help before or after wound care.

Drugs fighting infection. Infected wounds that do not respond to other treatments can be treated using some antibiotics.

Choosing a healthy diet and feeding well can accelerate wound healing.

Surgical operation may be required in cases where the wound does not heal and all other methods do not work.

What is an open wound?
The main complication of open wound is infection risk. You may be at risk of infection if the wound area is dark, dry or deeper

How does the wound heal, what are the stages of wound healing?
The wound healing stages are organized and four processes are followed; hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation and maturation. Although the stages of wound healing progress in a significant range, the wounds may regress or progress depending on the patient's internal and external conditions. Four stages of wound healing:

Hemostasis Stage
Hemostasis is the process of wound closure by coagulation. When blood leaks from the body, hemostasis begins, the first step of hemostasis is the restriction of blood flow as a result of narrowing of blood vessels. The platelets then adhere together to close the division in the blood vessel. Finally, coagulation occurs and the platelet-containing plug strengthens with a molecular linker fibers.

Inflammatory Stage
Inflammation is the second stage of wound healing, which begins immediately after the damage that infiltrates the damaged blood vessels, causing regional swelling. Inflammation both controls the bleeding and prevents infection. The leaking fluid allows the cells to heal and repair, and damaged cells, pathogens and bacteria are removed from the wound during the inflammatory phase.

Proliferative Stage
The proliferative stage of wound healing occurs when the wound regenerates with a new tissue consisting of collagen and extracellular matrix. At this stage, the wound narrows when new tissues are formed. In addition, a new blood vessel network must be established in order for the granulation tissue to be healthy and to receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients.

Maturation Stage
Also called the regeneration phase of wound healing. This stage of maturation results in collagen tissue type 3 to type 1 remodeling and complete closure of the wound. Cells used to repair the wound but no longer needed are removed by apoptosis or programmed cell death.

What is good for the wound?
Good nutrition is essential for healing. During the healing process, increasing amounts of calories, protein, vitamin A and C and sometimes zinc are needed in the body.

Healthy eating goals
Eat a variety of foods to get all the calories, proteins, vitamins and minerals you need. Your body needs a variety of nutrients to effectively heal wounds. What you eat is one of the most important factors that determine how quickly your wound will heal.

What is wound care dressing?
Dressing is used by a doctor, nurse, caregiver and / or patient to help heal the wound, to prevent infection or other complications such as complications. Wound dressings are designed for direct contact with the wound. The dressing serves various purposes depending on the type, severity and location of the wound. In addition to being the most important function of reducing the risk of infection, it helps stop bleeding and coagulate and initiate other healing processes.

Hydrocolloid dressing is used in burns, mild to moderate wounds, necrotic wounds, pressure ulcers and venous ulcers.

The hydrogel dressing is used in extremely painful, liquid and necrotic wounds, pressure ulcers, second-degree or higher burns and infection-containing wounds.

Alginate dressings are used for moderate and high wound drainage, venous ulcers, level 3 or 5 ulcers.

Collagen wound dressing can be used for bed sores, ulcers, chronic wounds, surgical wounds, second or higher burns and large surface wounds.

What are the factors that prevent the healing of the bed sores or pressure sores more quickly?
Dead tissue (necrosis): Dead tissues and impurities affect the healing process.

Infection: Open wounds can develop as a result of a bacterial infection, the body tries to cope with the infection instead of healing the wound.

Bleeding: Permanent bleeding will keep the layers of the wound permanently separate and prevent it from joining.

Mechanical damage: For example, an unstable, bed-bound patient is at risk of constant pressure and friction.

Diet: Choosing foods that are poor in nutritional values ​​can deprive the injured area of ​​nutrients that are effective in healing the wound, such as vitamin C, zinc, and protein.

Medical conditions: Diabetes, anemia and certain vascular diseases that limit blood flow to the area or disorders affecting the immune system may delay wound healing.

Elderly: Bed sores or compression sores may take longer to heal in the elderly.

Drugs: Drugs or treatments used in the treatment of certain medical conditions can affect the healing process of the body.

Smoking: Smoking prevents healing and increases the risk of complications.

Varicose veins: Limited blood circulation and swelling can cause skin disintegration and permanent ulceration.

Dryness: Wounds in contact with air (such as leg ulcers) are less likely to heal. Various cells involved in healing, such as skin cells and immune cells, need a moist environment.

Does the pressure sores or bed sores in contact with air heal faster?
Most parents and nurses have a time-based approach to wound treatment: clean it, stop the bleeding, and then let some air in. As discussed in medical sources, the aim of this approach is to reduce the likelihood of infection and accelerate the healing process. However, as the years progressed, research has shown that many people use this method for minor cuts and injuries. Experts believe that contacting a wound with air is a terrible mistake because it creates a dry environment that leads to cell death.

Several studies have shown that the blood vessels are regenerated more rapidly when the wounds are kept moist and covered, and the number of infection-causing cells decreases more quickly than open wounds. It is best to keep the wound moist and cover it for at least five days.

It is also a common mistake to apply antibacterial ointments, which may cause the wound to remain moist, but may cause swelling and allergic reactions called contact dermatitis. Vaseline, which is administered twice a day, is a very effective solution.

The information on bed sores or pressure sores in this article is not intended to guide people to diagnosis and treatment. Do not carry out all diagnostic and therapeutic procedures without consulting your doctor. Content does not include information on Acıbadem Mobile Health's therapeutic health services.

Acıbadem Mobile Home Care Wound Care Team
Acıbadem Mobile home care team provides wound care to people who cannot come to the hospital or who are not able to go to their homes or where they are. Another task of Acıbadem Mobile home care team and wound care team who perform bed wounds care is to prevent the opening of new wounds by educating the relatives and caregivers of these patients who are mostly bed-dependent.

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Wound and Skin Infections

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Wound and skin infections mean that tissues are invaded by one or more types of microorganisms. This infection triggers the body's immune system, causing inflammation and tissue damage, as well as slowing the healing process. Most infections are confined to a small area, such as an infected scratch or hair follicle, which usually passes on its own. Others may persist and, if left untreated, the infection becomes severe, spreading further distances and / or deep tissues throughout the body. Some infections may spread to other organs or cause septicemia.

Skin is the body's largest organ and the first line of defense. The surface of the skin is not sterile even if it is clean. The surface is filled with a mixture of microscopic organisms called normal flora. This normal flora helps keep other harmful microscopic organisms (pathogens) away. At any given time, a certain percentage of the general population will be carriers of a pathogen that displaces a portion of normal flora and forms colonies in places such as mucous membranes of the nose. Normally, normal flora and colony-forming pathogens do not cause discomfort and do not stimulate the immune system. If there is a skin crack or the immune system is at risk, it can cause any existing microscopic live wound or skin infection.

Wounds are caused by disruption of skin and tissue integrity. They can be superficial cuts, scratches or abrasions, holes, burns, as well as surgical or dental treatments. The possibility that microscopic organisms can cause infection depends on the width and depth of the wound, the environment in which the wound occurs, and the microbes present in the skin of the person. The skin consists of three layers: the outer epidermis, the dermister glands and the hair follicles, and the subcutaneous layer. Below these layers are membranes that protect connective tissues, muscle and bone. Wounds can penetrate any of these layers, and skin infections can spread into these wounds. Wound healing is a complex process involving systems, chemicals and cells that work together to clean the wound, close the edges, and create new tissues and blood vessels.

Skin and wound infections may interfere with the healing process and cause additional tissue damage. Although it may affect everyone negatively, people who have slowed wound healing due to immunosuppression or poor circulation are at greater risk. Infections can become difficult to treat and become chronic infections when they penetrate into tissues deep in the body, such as bones, or occur in inadequate circulation.

About Wound and Skin Infections

Types of Wound Infections and Microorganisms
Wounds can be grouped according to the cause, the environment in which they occur, their extent, and whether they are clean or dirty. Typically, microorganisms that infect wounds and skin depend on which is present in the environment, the state of the individual's immune system, and the depth of the wound.

Bacteria, fungi and viruses can cause skin and wound infections. Bacteria can be separated according to the environment in which they multiply. Aerobic reproduction in air, microaerophilic growth in low oxygen environments, anaerobic bacteria that grow in environments with little or no oxygen are called. Deep wounds and abscesses may contain microaerophilic and anaerobic bacteria.

Superficial skin infections
Superficial infections occur mainly in the outer layers of the skin, but may progress deeper into the subcutaneous layer. Deeper wounds may also be infected with anaerobes, with the primary cause being aerobic microbes.

Bacterial infections are typically caused by normal flora bacteria such as Staphylococcus (Staphylococci) and Streptococcus (Streptococci). Colony forming bacteria and antibiotic resistant bacteria such as MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) can also cause infections. Wound infections in mild saline waters may be due to waterborne Vibrio or Aeromonas species. Pseudomonas aeruginosa may be the cause of infections associated with hot water pools and whirlpools. In deeper wounds, pathogens such as anaerobic bacteria such as Bacteroides and Clostridium species can be detected.

Typical bacterial skin infections:

Folliculitis, furuncles and carbuncles
Impetigo — skin lesions and vesicles
Pressure sores (bed sores) and ulcers bu can be detected in patients who remain inactive for long periods of time, such as long-term nursing home patients. Since such wounds can contain many different bacteria, culture tests do not provide useful information on how the patient should be treated.
Cellulite bir is an inflammation that causes redness, warmth and swelling, often involving subcutaneous and connective tissue.
Necrotizing fasciitis - a serious but uncommon infection that can rapidly spread and destroy the fascia, a layer of tissue that surrounds skin, adipose tissue, muscle tissue, and muscle groups. Often this type of infection is caused by Group A streptococci, sometimes called “meat-eating bacteria”.
Other common skin infections, called hair breakers and athlete's feet, are not bacteria but fungi. Spines, splinters and dead plants can be found on fungi and can lead to wound infections of the vein. Specific cultures are needed for their identification and identification. Yeast infections can occur with Candida species in the mouth (thrush) or in other moist areas of the skin.

Common warts, such as palms or soles of the feet, are caused by human papilloma virus (HPV).

Wound infections caused by bites are caused by microbes in the saliva and oral cavity of the human or animal forming the bite wound. The agents comprise one or more aerobic, microaerophilic and / or anaerobic microbes.

Human bites may be infected with various aerobic and anaerobic bacteria as part of normal oral flora. The majority of animal bites are made by dogs and cats, and Pasteurella multocidaptans are the most common cultures. Rarely, there is a risk of rabies infection from unvaccinated animals.

Trauma includes a wide range of injuries caused by physical forces. It includes everything from burns to traumas (injuries in traffic accidents, crush injuries, cuts with knives and other sharp tools, and gunshot wounds). The type of infections in which trauma victims are caught depends primarily on the environment in which the injury occurs, the size of the injury, the microbes present on the patient's skin, the germs exposed during wound healing, and the general health and immunity of the individual.

Wounds, which can be contaminated initially, such as in motor vehicle accidents, or where extensive tissue destruction, such as severe burns, are at risk of infection. The presence of multiple aerobic and / or anaerobic bacteria in deep and contaminated wounds is not uncommon.

A deep puncture wound will allow bacteria such as Clostridium tetani (tetanus agent) to multiply. Since most of the population in Turkey is immunized against tetanus, tetanus is a very rare event. Vaccination against tetanus needs to be updated every ten years In the emergency room, where deep wounds that may require suturing are treated, the patient is often re-vaccinated against tetanus.

After surgery
Surgical sites are mostly infected with normal skin and / or gastrointestinal flora of the patient. The same microbes are seen in superficial infections. Infection may also result from exposure to microbes in the hospital environment. Bacteria such as hospital-acquired MRSA often show high resistance to antibiotics. Deep surgical wounds can be infected by both superficial aerobic microbes and anaerobic microbes found in the deep tissues of the body.

Burns can occur with hot or flammable liquids, fires and other sources of heat, chemicals, solar radiation, electricity and very rarely nuclear radiation. First degree burns involve the upper skin (epidermis). Second degree burns penetrate into the skin. Third degree burns cross all layers of the skin, often causing damage to the underlying tissues.

Although the burn wounds were initially sterile, the patient's normal flora quickly formed colonies because of the dead tissue-escar (crust) in the centers and the skin being unprotected. The patient is at increased risk of wound infection, sepsis and multiple organ failure. Initially, bacterial infections occur. Fungal infections with Candida, Aspergillus, Fusarium and other species may occur if not prevented by antibiotic treatment. Infections caused by herpes simplex virus may also occur.

Symptoms and signs
General signs and symptoms of a wound infection include redness, swelling, local sensation of temperature, tenderness, and pus discharge. In the area concerned, the skin may become stiffened or stretched, and red streaks may form radially outward from the wound. Wound infections cause fever, especially when spread through blood. Skin infections can often cause redness or discoloration of the skin and pus, crusting, pain and / or itching.

The doctor diagnoses many minor and superficial skin and wound infections based on clinical evaluation and experience. In addition to the general symptoms, many skin infections have characteristic signs such as athlete's feet in typical localities such as warts and toes on the soles of the feet. However, the clinical evaluation cannot tell the doctor exactly which microorganism is causing wound infection and which treatment they may be sensitive to. Laboratory tests are required for this.

Laboratory tests
Laboratory tests are primarily used to diagnose bacterial wound infections, identify responsible microorganisms, and determine possible susceptibility of certain antibiotics. Sometimes testing is performed to detect and identify fungal infections. To collect the sample, cells or pus are collected by applying a buffer to the surface of the wound, or the liquid or pus is aspirated with a needle or syringe and / or a biopsy tissue sample is taken. When anaerobic microbes are suspected, special sample collection and transport precautions should be applied to protect the sample from exposure to oxygen. Skin scrapings can be collected for fungal evaluation.

The test may include:

Bacterial wound culture: - The primary test used to diagnose bacterial infection. The sample is seeded into and onto the nutrient medium and allowed to stand at room temperature for the growth and identification of any bacteria present in the sample. Part of this test includes the identification of MRSA, if any. The results of bacterial wound cultures are usually obtained within 24-48 hours. It may be necessary to wait several weeks to obtain the results of specific cultures of slow-growing organisms such as fungi or mycobacteria.
Gram stain - Applied with wound culture. The special dye allows the bacteria to be evaluated under a microscope. These bacteria in their form - cocci (round) or rods; color can be divided into Gram-positive or Gram-negative bacteria. These test results should be taken on the day the samples are delivered to the laboratory. The laboratory can detect the quality of the sample and the potential bacteria that can cause infection.
Antibiotic susceptibility test - Test of wound culture results. When the causative agent is identified and isolated from the wound culture, this test is used to determine the possible susceptibility of the bacterium to certain drug treatments. This information helps guide the physician in selecting the appropriate antibiotic for treatment. These results can also be obtained about 24 hours after identification of the infection-causing microbe.

Other tests that may be requested:

KOH preparation - Prepared for microscopic examination of the fungal components (cellular structures) in the sample.
Fungal culture - Desirable when a fungal infection is suspected. Since many fungi produce slowly, it can take several weeks to identify.
ARB culture and swab test - Desirable when mycobacterial infection is suspected.
Blood culture - Desirable when sepsis is suspected.
Urine culture - Desirable when urinary tract infection is suspected.
DNA or RNA testing is performed to determine the genetic content of the specific microbe.
Examinations other than laboratory tests
In some cases, imaging scans such as ultrasound or radiological examinations may be required to assess the extent of tissue damage and to look for fluid / inflammation areas.

The risk of wound infection can be minimized by immediate and appropriate wound cleaning and treatment. Most wound infections can be treated successfully.

Many superficial bacterial and virus infections will go away on their own. Other bacterial infections may require only topical antibiotics. Some cases require incision and drainage. Deeper infections and stubborn patients typically require oral antibiotic therapy. The choice of antibiotic to be used is based on wound culture and antibiotic susceptibility tests. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria or an infection that is difficult to penetrate into drug therapy may require a wider treatment and / or treatment with intravenous drugs.

Wounds sometimes require removal of many dead tissues (debridement) and / or drainage. Topical antibiotics and removal of dead tissue are also used to treat burns. In large injuries, patch surgery (grafting) or other surgeries may be necessary.

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