Sunday, October 6, 2019

Toenail Fungus Treatment - Natural 2-Step Topical Anti-Fungal Solution with Oregano and Tea Tree Oil - Removes Yellow from Infected Finger & Toe Nails


Toenail Fungus Treatment - Natural 2-Step Topical Anti-Fungal Solution with Oregano and Tea Tree Oil - Removes Yellow from Infected Finger & Toe Nails

If you think that you have a fungal infection of your fingernails, you should consult your doctor! Remember, toe and fungus is an infectious disease that can be cured!

1. What is Nail Fungus?

Nail fungal infection, a disease called onychomycosis, is mainly caused by organisms called dermatophytes. This is not only a cosmetic problem, but an infection that involves the nail bed and plaque. It accounts for about 50% of all nail diseases.

2. Do you have fungus on your nails?

What are the signs and symptoms of nail fungus?

If you have fungal infection on your nails, you can see it, smell it or feel pain / tenderness;

Yellow-green or brown coloration of nails

Exfoliation of nails

Accumulation of dirt under the nail

Bad smell in the feet

Pain / tenderness in toenails

3. How does fungal form on the nails?

Usually the mushroom enters and holds it under the nail. Any damage to the nail can make it easier for the fungus to enter, for example:


Hitting the hand / toenail with a hard object

Pressing the toenail

Multiple cutting of nails

Small / pointed shoes that squeeze toes

4. How does nail fungus spread?

Nail fungus is contagious. Infectious fungi are found in common, warm and humid places:

Changing rooms,

Swimming pool,

Shared showers and bathrooms,


Manicure or pedicure instruments not sterilized

5. How Is Nail Fungus Treated?

Nail fungal infection does not heal spontaneously. You should follow the medication and recommendations recommended by your doctor.

In the case of fungal infection, the medication prescribed by your doctor approaches the location of the disease-causing fungus - the nail bed - and eliminates the infection. In this way, your doctor will take the dose and time recommended by your doctor will be treated with the drug.

Our center; The nail is thinned as an aid to the main treatment and the treatment process is shortened.

6. What are the Treatment Options for Nail Fungus?

Your doctor may prescribe oral medicine for your yeast infection. Treatment of foot nail fungus lasts about 3 months. Treatment of hand nail fungus lasts about 2 months. Please consult your doctor to find out which treatment is right for you.

7. How do you get rid of the fungus?

To protect your nails during and after your treatment:

Keep your feet as clean and dry as possible,

Use slippers in the public swimming pool and shower areas,

Cut your toenails straight so as not to exceed the tip of your finger,

Sterilize instruments for manicure and pedicure, or best use your own instruments,

Wear comfortable, non-pointed shoes that fit your foot,

Make sure that the towels used in the house are personal,

Replace your socks during the day if your feet perspire too much / remain damp.

8. Who is more likely to catch nail fungus?

Nail fungus is the most common nail disease. It is slow and chronic. It accounts for about 50% of all nail diseases. The incidence of nail fungus worldwide is 2-18% and its incidence is increasing.

Many people are at risk of getting nail fungus.

Some people are more susceptible to nail fungal infection:

People with diabetes

Circulatory problems

Immunodeficient (eg AIDS / HIV infection)

65 years and older

Fungal infection of foot skin

Those who sweat their feet or remain permanently moist

Overloaded, like athletes, runners and dancers.

Toenail Fungus Treatment - Natural 2-Step Topical Anti-Fungal Solution with Oregano and Tea Tree Oil - Removes Yellow from Infected Finger & Toe Nails

FUNGINIX Finger and Toe Fungus Treatment - Maximum Strength Anti-Fungal Solution, Eliminate Fungal Infections, Powerful & Effective (3 Bottles)

Nail fungus

FUNGINIX Finger and Toe Fungus Treatment - Maximum Strength Anti-Fungal Solution, Eliminate Fungal Infections, Powerful & Effective (3 Bottles)

Nail fungus; is a fungal infection of the hand or toenails. Thickening of hands or toenails causes discoloration and discoloration.

Several types of fungi can be caused by nail fungus. Fungus develops in a damp and airless environment inside the shoes. Toenail fungus can prepare the appropriate environment for nail fungus.

What is the expected duration of nail fungal disease?
Nail cork rarely heals itself. It is usually a chronic (long-lasting) condition. It may worsen and affect other nails. Although the affected nail falls, the new nail may be infected with fungus.

How to Prevent Nail Fungus Disease?
To protect from nail fungus:

You should wear comfortable shoes and socks that allow your feet to breathe.
No shoes, sandals or slippers belonging to others should be worn in the common shower and dressing rooms.
Wash your feet every day. Dry thoroughly and use a quality foot powder.
Wear clean socks every day.
Keep your nails short.
Disinfect pedicure tools before use
What are the findings of nail fungus?
Nail color turns yellow or brown. The nail thickens and grows excessively. There may be a smelly buildup under the nails. As the infection progresses, the nail may become crumbly and spilled, or it may become thick enough to cause discomfort or pain in the shoe.

How is Nail Fungus Diagnosed?
Your dermatologist can diagnose by looking at the appearance of your fingernails and hands. Sometimes small samples can be taken from your nails. These samples are sent to the laboratory for testing and the diagnosis is definitive.

What are the Factors That Can Increase Your Nail Fungus Risk?

Professions whose feet remain moist for a long time (soldiers, athletes, miners, etc.)
A history of illness (diabetes, circulatory disorder, HIV) that may reduce your resistance to infection or block blood flow to your toes
Injury to the nail, traumas
Wearing narrow and pointed shoes that pinch the fingers,
Use of communal areas such as changing rooms, swimming pool and shower
Wear the same shoes in a row
Manicure and pedicure in non-hygienic environment with non-sterilized instruments
Pressing the ground with bare feet
Moist environment caused by excessive sweating of feet
Poor foot hygiene
How is Nail Fungus Disease Treated?
The treatment can begin with the removal of the infected nail as far as possible by your physician. Removal;

Cutting the nail with scissors,
The filings,
It can be made by melting with a cream containing urea.
If your infection is mild and limited to a small area of ​​your nails, an antifungal cream or a nail polish may be sufficient. You may also need to take medication orally if you have wider involvement.

If the nail fungus is resistant to treatment in very severe cases, it may be necessary to remove the entire nail surgically.

FUNGINIX Finger and Toe Fungus Treatment - Maximum Strength Anti-Fungal Solution, Eliminate Fungal Infections, Powerful & Effective (3 Bottles)

Vite20 Antifungal Nail Gel (0.5 Ounce)

What are the symptoms of nail fungus?

Vite20 Antifungal Nail Gel (0.5 Ounce)

Although it may seem insignificant, nail fungus can cause serious problems, including gangrene if not treated in time. Wound Care Nurse Deniz Yahci, who is at risk, the symptoms of nail fungus and told the ways of treatment.

Nail fungi, seen as very simple problems, cause serious health problems if left untreated.
Generally, white and yellow spots on the nail, starting with nail fungus infection can lead to a great damage to the nails that can be underestimated Wound Care Nurse Deniz Yahci, weak immune system in people with nail fungus infection, such as gangrene, even stresses that the invitation is very important. In the treatment of nail fungus disease summarizes the important points as follows;


What is fungal infection of the nail?
Nail Fungus (Onychomycosis); fungal infection of the nail which is a disease mainly caused by organisms called dermatophytes. It is an infection involving the nail bed and plaque. It accounts for about 50% of all nail disease.
• Commonly seen on toenails, rarely on hand nails.
• Nail fungus usually begins under the nail, spreads to the root of the nail linearly, thickens, loosens the nail and causes separation. Finally, the nail is completely damaged.
What are the causes of onychomycosis?
Dermatophyte fungi are the most common cause of nail fungal disease. Other less common causes of nail fungal disease are yeast types called yeast. Yeast fungi usually settle in weakened nails after an old trauma. In addition, fungal disease is more common in people with diabetes and those who sweat their feet. Fungal infections of the toenails are quite common, and are rarely seen in the hand nails.


• Thickening of the nails
• Distortion in color and shape
• Pain due to shoe pressure
• Thicken and crumble
• Difficult to cut the nail


The appearance of many nail diseases initially resembles that of fungal disease; Therefore, the diagnosis of fungal disease should be confirmed before starting treatment. A definite diagnosis is made by taking a sample from the crumbled part of the nail by looking under the microscope in the laboratory or by producing in culture medium.


Nail fungal infection can cause severe damage to the nails. In diabetic patients, in people under medication and in people with weak immune systems, nail fungus infection can lead to very important health problems such as gangrene. If left untreated, it may cause soft tissue infections (such as cellulite, erysipelas). The aim of treatment is to get rid of nail fungus. The nails will then regain their normal appearance. However, if the nail is abnormal before it is caught in the fungus, it is quite difficult to completely clean it up and take its initial form.


After the infected nail structures have been cleaned by the experts with sterile devices and end mills, the patient is followed up with the appropriate care and therapeutic drugs recommended by the experts until the second session. Nail fungus is not a disease that can be treated with a single session.

Vite20 Antifungal Nail Gel (0.5 Ounce)

Toenail Fungus Treatment, Fungus Stop, Toenail Antifungal Care, Nail Fungus Treatment pen, Fungal Nail Gel, Anti Fungus Nail Treatment, Nail Fungus Solution Effective against nail fungus (3ml4)

Laser Nail Fungus Treatment

Toenail Fungus Treatment, Fungus Stop, Toenail Antifungal Care, Nail Fungus Treatment pen, Fungal Nail Gel, Anti Fungus Nail Treatment, Nail Fungus Solution Effective against nail fungus (3ml4)

The fungus loses its reproductive power The lasers stop the growth of the fungus by heating the fungus on both the surface and the nail bed without damaging the nail tissue.

In case nail fungus treatment is the solution, there are many water infections in the nail and nail bed. The diagnosis of nail fungus is usually made clinically. In nail fungus, it is characterized by the separation of the nail from the nail bed, yellowing and crushing in the nail, and the accumulation of brown, crumbling debris (debris) under the part of the nail separated from the bed. In the later stage of the nail fungus, the nail tip edge can be separated and shattered, resulting in kıs erosion belirgin which can be significantly shortened or the nail may thicken, lift, distort, and be painful with the pressure of the shoes. By secondary colonization of non-pathogenic bacteria (eg aspergillus), black or greenish coloration may appear under the nail.
It is often associated with tinea pedis or tinea manum.
Involvement of the toenails appears more than the hand nails.
Toenail fungus can occur in one nail (often the toe of the toe) or in more than one nail.

In the process of nail fungus, if the involvement is single and the skin is unaffected, it may be due to traumatic damage which is the gateway for infection.
Nail fungus rarely heals by itself. It is usually very resistant to treatment.

As time passes, other nails may be caught, especially if the skin on the soles of the feet and palms is affected.

Classical nail fungus treatment is long and very difficult.

Creams or medications taken by mouth are classic treatment options.
Lasers bring a new approach to classical nail fungus treatments.

Different lasers are used for surface and deep heating
It is a simple and effective method.
The affected nail is based on the heating principle to the depth.
Heat decreases the strength of the parasitic fungus that holds the patient's fingernail.

Deep heating both the nail surface and the nail bed will kill the fungus. The body's own immune mechanism will then structure the nail bed. they are not effective because they can not go down to the nail bed. Laser can open microchannels on the surface of the nail and effect topical agents.

Nail Fungus Treatment is applied in 4 steps.
*** Fungus deforms and enlarges the nail, thickens. Therefore, it is necessary to rasp and thin the nail before treatment. Thinning the nail will allow the laser light to penetrate the treatment area.

*** All nails are scanned with Nd: Yag laser in circular motions. Do not overlap and leave no gaps. The patient should feel a warmth throughout the nail.

*** The third step is to scan the edges of the nail bed and finger tissue with Nd: Yag laser.

***** Step 4 is to drill holes on the nail surface with a superficial effective laser / erbium oil.

In the treatment of nail fungus treatment with laser will vary according to the condition of the patient, the type of fungus.
All problematic nails should be scanned every time. Laser light will purify the surrounding skin tissue from fungus.

In addition, people with nail fungus are generally infected with interfering nails in other microorganisms and when it is thinned, a deep smell is spread around. Laser light causes these bacteria to die.

The biggest advantage of the use of lasers in nail fungus is the bactericidal effect of the laser. Laser light causes local hyperthermia. This increase in heat will kill the pathogenic microorganisms. It will also initiate the therapeutic process. Tricohyton rubrum fungus has been shown to inhibit growth when scanned by 1064 -nm Q swiched laser. The effect of this laser on the reproduction of Trichophyton Rubrum was also found in invitro studies. The studies of Meral and Taşar also showed the effect of 1064 Nd-yaq laser on Candida Albicans. The Nd -yag photothermal light will go down to the nail bed, creating the heat required to kill the fungus, both in the dermis and in the nail bed.

The average temperature that provides the destruction of the fungus in the nails is 43-51 degrees.Therapy time is approximately 2-3 minutes. This time will provide adequate treatment dose. These parameters will inactivate the microorganisms. Mushroom colonies will not die immediately; but their reproductive capacity will stop.
There are reports that hyperthermia stops fungal growth. The formation of reactive oxygen radicals and denaturation of cellular proteins will lead to a programmed cell death.

As a result, the effectiveness of 1064 nm Nd yag laser is effective in destroying the nail fungus. The characteristic of this wavelength is nail bed.
This method is a fast, rapid method with no significant complications. Suitable for various types of mushrooms. It seems to be the only treatment option for all patients with liver malaise and who cannot receive medical treatment. In addition to the deep heat input effect of Nd-yag laser, the use of erbium - laser which denatures the fungal protein on the surface increases the success rate.

Total dystrophic, distal sublingual, proximal sublingual and endonyx settled fungi were studied. Candida varieties, Trichophtyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentogrophytes, Aspergillus niger breeding 194 fingernail Jasmina Kozarev in his study of the success rate of 90 percent is given in 4 sessions.

Toenail Fungus Treatment, Fungus Stop, Toenail Antifungal Care, Nail Fungus Treatment pen, Fungal Nail Gel, Anti Fungus Nail Treatment, Nail Fungus Solution Effective against nail fungus (3ml4)

Probelle Clinically Proven Natural Fungal Nail Gel Treatment - Extra Strength Formulation Restores Beauty to Fungal Nails 15 ml (1 Pack)

What is Nail Fungus? How is Nail Fungus Treated?

Probelle Clinically Proven Natural Fungal Nail Gel Treatment - Extra Strength Formulation Restores Beauty to Fungal Nails 15 ml (1 Pack)

What is Nail Fungus? How is Nail Fungus Treated?

The nail fungus, the enemy of aesthetic appearance, started to come up again in the summer months. Although we have stated that the enemy of aesthetic appearance, not only a disorder of appearance, but also can be considered as a kind of disease nail fungi, experts in the subject said that the process of warm and humid environments faster than accelerated, he said. Symptoms of nail fungus on the nails of yellow, green and brown shades of color changes seen, peeling the top surface of the nails, nails hardening and dislocation. If you have these symptoms, you are very likely to have caught nail fungi.


We have said that bacteria and fungi grow in wet environments, and if your network smells, it may also indicate nail fungus. Then you can take measures. For example, you can take a step to prevent fungus by washing and then thoroughly rinsing your sweaty feet. Regardless, you should not leave your feet moist. After taking a shower, general cleaning, and even after taking ablutions, you should dry your entire feet, including your fingers, with paper towels. If you already have nail fungus, you can accelerate this process by taking care of hygiene while continuing to use medication.


Protecting nail fungi is not just for yourself, it is a kind of responsibility within your family. As you know, nail fungus is contagious and the treatment process is a long discomfort. It is only a risk of getting caught in the fungus, if you use the same nail scissors as someone else or rinse your hands and feet on the same towel. For this reason, personal use of materials such as nail clippers, towels, nail files will prevent the contamination of the fungus. If you do all these things, but still see the symptoms of nail fungus in yourself you should see a dermatologist.

Probelle Clinically Proven Natural Fungal Nail Gel Treatment - Extra Strength Formulation Restores Beauty to Fungal Nails 15 ml (1 Pack)

Kerasal Fungal Nail Treat Size .33z Kerasal Fungal Nail Treatment .33z

Nail Fungus Treatment

Kerasal Fungal Nail Treat Size .33z Kerasal Fungal Nail Treatment .33z

Nail fungus is one of the most common nail diseases and starts with color change in the nail. Thickening of the nail and other findings accompany the infection progresses. Fungal infection can be seen on both fingernails and nails, and can spread to all nails. Fungal disease associated with foot skin is called “Athlete's Foot”.

What are the symptoms of nail fungus?
Fractures, deformities and dulling of the nails are among the symptoms. Separation and discoloration of the nail may occur.

Causes of nail fungus;

Fungus is an infection caused by microscopic microorganisms that do not require sunlight. Humid and warm environments, pools and showers provide the basis for fungal infection.

What are the risk factors for nail fungus formation?
Excessive sweating
Working in a wet environment
Indoor footwear
Living in the same environment as someone with nail fungus
Walking around bare feet in public areas
It facilitates factors such as diabetes, circulatory disorder.
What are the hazards of nail fungus?
Advanced fungal infections can result in pain and permanent nail damage.

How to diagnose nail fungus?
Your dermatologist will determine the differential diagnosis after examination.

Many diseases, such as psoriasis, structural nail disorders, can mimic nail fungus.
Direct microscopy and fungal culture for diagnosis; If the diagnosis is suspicious, biopsy can be performed.

Which methods are used to treat nail fungus?
Oral medications, local creams and varnishes and laser nail fungus treatment methods developed in recent years are among the methods.

Oral antifungal drugs: Ingredients such as terbinafine and itracanazole are commonly used. The new nail will prolong without infection. Oral anti-fungal drugs may need to be used for 3-6 months. Liver function tests should be checked from time to time during use.

How to Prevent Nail Fungus Infection?
Nails should be kept short and dry
Sweat-absorbing socks should be worn
Breathing shoes should be preferred
Old shoes should not be used long
The skin around the nail should not be traumatized and should not be cut.
Use of nail polish and rinse should be limited.
Nail fungus
Nail fungus is one of the most common nail diseases and starts with color change in the nail. Thickening of the nail and other findings accompany the infection progresses. Fungal infection can be seen on both fingernails and nails, and can spread to all nails. Fungal disease associated with foot skin is called “Athlete's Foot”.

What are the symptoms of nail fungus?
Fractures, deformities and dulling of the nails are among the symptoms. Separation and discoloration of the nail may occur.

Causes of nail fungus;

Fungus is an infection caused by microscopic microorganisms that do not require sunlight. Humid and warm environments, pools and showers provide the basis for fungal infection.

What are the risk factors for nail fungus formation?

Excessive sweating
Working in a wet environment
Indoor footwear
Living in the same environment as someone with nail fungus
Walking around bare feet in public areas
It facilitates factors such as diabetes, circulatory disorder.
What are the hazards of nail fungus?

Advanced fungal infections can result in pain and permanent nail damage.

How to diagnose nail fungus?

Your dermatologist will determine the differential diagnosis after examination.

Many diseases, such as psoriasis, structural nail disorders, can mimic nail fungus.
Direct microscopy and fungal culture for diagnosis; If the diagnosis is suspicious, biopsy can be performed.

Which methods are used to treat nail fungus?

Oral medications, local creams and varnishes and laser nail fungus treatment methods developed in recent years are among the methods.

Oral antifungal drugs: Ingredients such as terbinafine and itracanazole are commonly used. The new nail will prolong without infection. Oral anti-fungal drugs may need to be used for 3-6 months. Liver function tests should be checked from time to time during use.

How to Prevent Nail Fungus Infection?

Nails should be kept short and dry
Breathing shoes should be preferred
Old shoes should not be used long
The skin around the nail should not be traumatized and should not be cut.
Use of nail polish and rinse should be limited.

Kerasal Fungal Nail Treat Size .33z Kerasal Fungal Nail Treatment .33z

Fungavir - Anti-fungal Nail Treatment, Effective against nail fungus - Toenails & Fingernails Anti-fungal Nail Solution - Stops and Prevents Nail Fungus, 1 Bottle

Nail fungus

Fungavir - Anti-fungal Nail Treatment, Effective against nail fungus - Toenails & Fingernails Anti-fungal Nail Solution - Stops and Prevents Nail Fungus, 1 Bottle

How to treat nail fungus?

Treatment may begin with the removal of the infected nail as far as possible by your physician. This can be done as follows:

• Cutting the nail with scissors

• Rasping

• Melt with a cream containing urea

If the nail fungus is resistant to treatment in very severe cases, it may be necessary to remove the entire nail surgically.

How does the nail look after treatment?

Many individuals can be treated with oral antifungal drugs for several months. However, even after the fungus has died, the nail may not return to its normal appearance.

Some individuals may relapse even after successful treatment with oral antifungal medication.

Nail fungus; is a fungal infection of the hand or toenails. Thickening of hands or toenails causes discoloration and discoloration.

Several types of fungi can be caused by nail fungus. Fungus develops in a damp and airless environment inside the shoes. Toenail fungus can prepare the appropriate environment for nail fungus.

What are the symptoms of nail fungus?

Nail color turns yellow or brown. The nail thickens and grows excessively. Whoever smells badly under the nails. As the infection progresses, the nail may become crumbly and spilled, or it may become thick enough to cause discomfort or pain in the shoe.

How is nail fungus diagnosed?

Your dermatologist can make a diagnosis by looking at the appearance of your hand and toenails. Sometimes small samples can be taken from your nails. These samples are sent to the laboratory for testing and the diagnosis is definitive.

What are the factors that can increase your risk of nail fungus?

• Professions whose feet remain moist for a long time (soldiers, athletes, miners, etc.)

• A history of illness (diabetes, circulatory disorder, HIV) that may reduce your resistance to infection or prevent blood flow to your toes.

• Nail injury, trauma

• Wearing narrow and pointed shoes that pinch the fingers,

• Use of common areas such as changing rooms, swimming pool and shower

• Wearing the same shoes in a row

• Manicure and pedicure in non-hygienic environment with non-sterilized instruments

• Pressing the soil with bare feet

• Humid environment caused by excessive sweating of feet

• Poor foot hygiene

What is the expected duration of nail fungal disease?

Nail cork rarely heals itself. It is usually a chronic (long-lasting) condition. It may worsen and affect other nails. Although the affected nail falls, the new nail may be infected with fungus.

How is nail fungus protected?

To protect from nail fungus:

• Wear comfortable shoes and socks that allow your feet to breathe.

• No shoes, sandals or slippers belonging to others should be worn in common shower and dressing rooms.

• Wash your feet every day. Dry thoroughly and use a quality foot powder.

• Wear clean socks every day.

• Keep your nails short.

• Disinfect pedicure instruments before use.

Fungavir - Anti-fungal Nail Treatment, Effective against nail fungus - Toenails & Fingernails Anti-fungal Nail Solution - Stops and Prevents Nail Fungus, 1 Bottle