Saturday, October 5, 2019

Motrin Ib, Ibuprofen 200mg Tablets for Fever, Muscle Aches, headache & Pain Relief, 50 Pks Of 2 Ct

Headache in Children

Motrin Ib, Ibuprofen 200mg Tablets for Fever, Muscle Aches, headache & Pain Relief, 50 Pks Of 2 Ct

Headache, which we usually encounter in the adult age group, is frequently seen in children with age. Do not underestimate headaches that may be a sign of serious illness in children. Headache is a very common complaint in society. Approximately 91% of men and 96% of women have headaches at least once a year. The frequency of headache in children increases with age. While it is 20-24% in preschool period, it reaches 75% in adolescence. 8-10% of the patients admitted to pediatric neurology for the first time consist of headache patients. 12% of children cannot go to school at least once a year due to headache. Studies show that migraine is the most common type of headache and occurs in 3-10% of children. The frequency of headache is higher in males between 3-5 years of age, but increases in girls after 5 years of age and is seen equally in both sexes between the ages of 9-11.

Why does headache occur?

Headaches occur as a result of physical, chemical or inflammatory effects of pain-sensitive structures of the head. The brain and most of the membranes that cover the brain do not have structures that perceive pain, which are called “pain receptors.. Pain-sensitive structures of the head; membranes covering the inner surface of the skull in the head, periosteum, vessels inside the brain, especially the vein walls, while outside the head; scalp and arteries, gums and muscles. Diseases of the paranasal sinus, eyes, teeth, head and face bones can also cause headaches.

Risk factors leading to headache

Infections (Meningitis, “encephalitis”, inflammation of brain membranes and brain tissue, sinusitis, mastoiditis, ear-eye-mouth-neck infections)

Intracranial hemorrhage, head trauma

Space occupying formations (tumor, cyst, hematoma)
Systemic diseases (cancers, fever, hypertension, brain edema, hemorrhages, “hypoxia”, oxygen deficiency, düşük low blood sugar and blood sodium ”hypoglycemia and hyponatremia)

Epilepsy attacks and post-seizures

Procedures (long-term stretching of the head during surgery, brain-spinal cord, etc.))
Increased intracranial pressure (Drugs, vascular inflammation, hypo-hypervitaminosis)
Tension, depression, anxiety, stress, psychogenic causes

Types of Headaches

Acute Headaches: Sudden onset, increasing headaches; If local, it may be sinusitis, ear, eye, dental infections or an initial migraine attack. If there is widespread pain; systemic infection, fever, trauma, hypertension, hypoglycemia, central nervous system infection, electrolyte disorder, or first migraine attack.

Migraine: The most common cause of acute-recurrent headache in children. The incidence of migraine in children has increased in the last 20 years. Headaches are accompanied by attacks, restlessness, nodding, malaise, discomfort from light and sound. The pain is often bilateral and throbbing behind the eyes, forehead, behind the ears. Nausea, vomiting may accompany pain. Pain, stress, fatigue, insomnia, exercise, hunger, noise, journey, cold weather, various odors, caffeine, nitrite, monosodium glutamate can initiate foods containing.

Migraine with aura: Sensory, visual and motor symptoms seen 30-60 minutes before headache.

Migraine-Simple Migraine: It constitutes 85% of migraine attacks in children. Pain may include excessive mobility, restlessness, depression, excessive thirst and pallor. Headaches can last for 1-72 hours. Light and sound may be uncomfortable. The patient can sleep 8-10 hours after severe pain.

Tension Type Headache: It is caused by muscle contractions. Exacerbations may be short-lived for 30 minutes or pain for 1 week. It is the most common type of headache in the community. It is usually double-sided, compressive, compressive, does not increase with physical activity, can spread to the back of the head and neck. It is mild and moderate.
Chronic, Daily Headaches: Headaches lasting all day long for 15 days or more in a month. It was found that 45% of these headaches were accompanied by psychological causes.

Chronic Progressive Headaches: Pain with the worst prognosis of all headaches. Causes of intracranial pressure increase, mass lesions, tumor, abscess, hydrocephalus, etc. should be investigated.

Cluster Type Headache: It is rare in children and adolescents. Unilateral and pain behind the eyes. Together with the eyes flushing, live and runny nose is observed.

In which situations is brain imaging performed in children with headache?

• Very sudden onset of severe headache
• Chronic, progressive headache
• Abnormal neurological examination findings
• Abnormal eye movements
• Sleep-waking headache, vomiting when waking up
• Pain and balance disorder
• Under 3 years

How is headache treated?

Patients with headache usually present when the pain becomes more frequent, increases in severity or disrupts daily activity. History, examination and necessary investigations should be performed to show that headache is not related to an underlying cause (secondary headache such as infection, tumor, bleeding, etc.). Showing that headache is not a serious cause relieves parents and children.

Occasional, short-term, and mild pain in children is common, usually does not require treatment. Headaches with moderate or recurrent or progressive adverse effects on daily activity, social life and school are required.

The education of the patient and family is important in controlling headache. The headache diary with the family should be created.

Non-Drug Treatments
Especially in migraine, it is necessary to avoid the factors known to initiate pain, to detect foodstuffs known to trigger migraine, and to remove the fabricated foods containing additives from the diet.

Regular sleep, school and homework times should be set, meals should not be skipped, the school bus should be prevented from being hungry.

School and friend problems are an important factor that causes headaches in children. Collaboration with school and teacher is necessary.

During a headache, especially in migraine attacks, children want to sleep in a dark and quiet room, and their attacks can be resolved with sleep, which should be known as a treatment.

Behavioral therapies, relaxation exercises, cognitive therapy, stress management are effective in pain control up to 80%.

Drug Treatments
When headache attacks occur 3-4 times a month and / or start to affect school and other activities, preventive medications may be used to reduce the frequency and severity of pain. If more than three prophylactic drugs have been used and have not benefited, they should be investigated for psychological factors and depression.

At the onset of acute pain, pain medication and nausea-vomiting medication should be started and the child should be allowed to rest or sleep in a quiet room. Pain medications should not be given more than 2-3 times a week. In most patients, medication and non-medication may need to be combined.

Motrin Ib, Ibuprofen 200mg Tablets for Fever, Muscle Aches, headache & Pain Relief, 50 Pks Of 2 Ct

Children's Motrin Oral Suspension, Pain Relief, Ibuprofen, Bubble Gum Flavored, 4 Oz

What causes headache? Symptoms and treatment! What is good for headaches?

Children's Motrin Oral Suspension, Pain Relief, Ibuprofen, Bubble Gum Flavored, 4 Oz

Headaches are due to many causes. In order to find the right treatment for your headache, you should first learn about the type and cause of your headache. Likewise, if you have a headache with nausea and nausea has started after a headache, you may suffer from migraine headache. To find out what is good for nausea and headache, it is useful to read the migraine treatment section of our article. There are basically two types of headache types: tension type and cluster type. Tension-type headaches are often caused by stress. Many people have this type of headache once or twice a month. These pains usually last for several hours. Sometimes more stubborn pain can last for several days.

What causes headache?
Typical symptoms of tension-type headaches are continuous pain on both sides of the head, tension in the neck muscles and a feeling of pressure behind the eyes. It affects women more than men. Cluster headaches affect one side of your head and can be very painful. Usually they wake you several times at night, causing you to interrupt your sleep. There may be inflammation in the eye on the affected side and blockage on this side of your nose. Cluster headaches are rare and affect men more than women.

If you have these symptoms together with a headache, always consult a doctor.
If your headache suddenly occurs
If the intensity increases with time
If you cause double vision, increase your weakness or cause loss of sensation
If he showed up after 50
If a blow or accident occurred to you
If your neck presents as stiffness or fever
If it creates an unusual situation
If you think that you have never had such a headache, you should consult your doctor.

Causes of pain according to headache types?
The structures that cause headaches are large arteries and veins that feed the brain, brain membranes, teeth, eyes, nose, ears, sinuses, nape and back muscles. The brain, which is the structure where all sensation of pain occurs and is interpreted, is a painless organ. The reason for distinguishing headache symptoms by type is that you can determine the type and apply the appropriate treatment.

Tension headaches cause constant and pressure pain (tension) around your head. You may feel pressure behind your eyes and tension in your neck muscles. Headache is not associated with nausea, vomiting, or hypersensitivity to light or sound. Tension headaches occur during the day and can last for several hours or longer.

In cluster headaches, the pain is extremely severe. However, the attacks are short-lived, with a maximum duration of one or two hours. Pain starts quickly and affects one side of your head, especially the eye area. The eye on the affected side may have inflammation and nasal obstruction. You may have headaches that start several times a day, usually at the same times and last for several weeks or months.

Causes of headache and triggering factors
Tension headaches cause constant and pressure pain (tension) around your head. You may feel pressure behind your eyes and tension in your neck muscles. Headache is not associated with nausea, vomiting, or hypersensitivity to light or sound. Tension headaches occur during the day and can last for several hours or longer.

In cluster headaches, the pain is extremely severe. However, the attacks are short-lived, with a maximum duration of one or two hours. Pain starts quickly and affects one side of your head, especially the eye area. The eye on the affected side may have inflammation and nasal obstruction. You may have headaches that start several times a day, usually at the same times and last for several weeks or months.

Diagnosis of headache
If you have occasional headaches, you do not need to visit your doctor. You can usually understand the cause of these pains and know how to relieve them. However, if you have more frequent and severe headaches, you should consult a physician. Tell your doctor if you are experiencing blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, confusion, or insomnia, or if you have severe headaches that suddenly get stuck. You may need to have some tests done to see if there is an underlying problem.

Keeping a headache diary can also help you in identifying possible causes. Every time you have a headache, note how severe the pain is, where it is, any other symptoms you are experiencing, and what you are doing at the time.

Routine biochemical and hematological examinations are performed once in each patient in order to be a part of the systemic examination and to monitor the side effects of the drugs to be used in headache patients. Lumbar puncture is performed in patients with suspected meningitis, cerebral hemorrhage, high or low CSF pressure syndrome. Cranial MRI can be performed in patients with new onset, atypical features and neurological examination is not normal.

Headache and treatment according to types
Although there are 2 main types of headache, there are also different types of headache classifications. Knowing the six types of headaches listed below will help you to reach the right treatment. The most well-known of these types of pain are:

Tension type headache
Horton Headache
Headaches caused by drugs
Ordinary headache
Dangerous headache
Tension type headache
It is a very common discomfort. About 80-90% of people have experienced it. It is also seen in young people and children. Daily headaches are unfortunately seen in one out of every four students, especially girls. Mild and coercive headaches are slowly settled, gradually increase and disappear slowly. It feels like a tight strap around the head or a very narrow cap. The pressure is felt on the forehead, temples and neck. Sensitive spots may occur on the jaws with hair bottoms. The neck muscles may be tense and aching. The pain can last from 30 minutes to seven days.

Causes of tension-type headache?
The muscles around the head, face, jaws and neck are stretched for a long time, causing pain in the head. You probably don't even know you're nervous! If you have frequent tension headaches, consult your doctor.

How does tension-type headache start and how does it go?
Different types of stress: Family life, relationships, worry about failure, etc. Rest and act regularly.
You grind your teeth or you squeeze them wrong: Get a biting device.
Fatigue, insomnia. - Keep your room cool, change your pillow.
Working in a bad position. - Move from time to time, five minutes per hour
Staying in front of the computer for a long time. - Use the terminal glasses for the computer.
Defect of vision. - Get an eye test.
Poor / poor lighting - Get enough lighting when reading.
Any medication used. - Investigate the side effects.
Depression. - Talk to your doctor.
Headaches can be seen as body warnings that you need some peace and quiet. You should try to find the source of this uncomfortable pain.

What to remember in tension headaches
Be very careful and alert to the pain in your head;
Finding the source of this, controlling side factors;
To see your doctor;
Trying to help yourself and applying for physical therapy;
Doing regular exercise exercises for at least half an hour a day;
Do not forget to take enough liquid. Plain drinks are more useful than colored ones.

Migraine is a discomfort that occurs in different forms. Migraine is called the “most severe headache”. It is a recurrent and severe headache. It is common between 20 and 40 years of age and tends to decrease after fifty years. Migraine, 60-80% of women in menstrual periods is exacerbated. One in five women has migraine attacks on a continuous basis. Migraine is an inherited disease.

Migraine symptoms (Headache and nausea)
Visual disturbances may occur prior to throbbing pain, usually on one side of the head, followed by nausea and vomiting. Pain can be heard around the eyes, forehead or temple. Although the first migraine attack is normally in adolescence, some of them experience it at an early age.

There are two types of migraine:
Pre-stimulating (Aura) migraine type. This type of migraine is less common and occurs in 10-20% of all cases. Before migraine with aura, there are different visual phenomena (flashes of light, zigzag lines, blank spots, vibrating images). Inexplicably speaking, numbness with pins and needles (signs of paralysis), thirst and stretching may also occur. This may take approximately 30 minutes. This severe headache after the aura may be accompanied by or before the aura.
Migraine without aura. There are no specific symptoms before this headache. Many feel bad and get angry quickly. Some have changes in appetite. Migraine attacks can last from half an hour to three days.

What causes migraine and how does migraine go?
Stress (psychological and physical), migraine attacks are frequently seen in the morning.
Sleep (more or less sleep)
Irregular meal times and abstinence.
Foods with excess tyramine (red wine and hard cheese)
Foods such as citrus and chocolate.
Blood sugar drop.
Factors related to hormones (menstruation, ovulation or birth control).
Environmental conditions (changes in hot, cold, light, sound, odor and air pressure)
Pain (tension type headache)
Physical strain.
Excessive drug consumption.
What is good for migraine?
Adjusting working hours as needed may reduce seizures.
Try to sleep reasonably and regularly.
Don't ever go hungry, eat often!
Stay away from tyramine.
Watch this food!
Check the blood sugar once in a while.
Consult your gynecologist or doctor for advice.
Do something if you can edit it !!!
Relaxation is good.
Don't force yourself with migraine.
Protect yourself from allergens.
Apart from these triggering factors, moisture, mold, some paints and inadequate ventilation (inside the house) can also cause headaches !!!

Migraine treatment
Since there are many causes of migraine, there is not a single drug that benefits every type of migraine. The best thing to do is to identify the causes of migraine and take precautions against it. It is therefore important that the doctor examine the situation and recommend appropriate medications or other forms of treatment.

Other migraine treatment methods
Avoiding initiating factors
Anti-seizure drugs
Drugs that suppress seizures (triptan and ergot alkaloid)
Other treatments (eg speech therapy, physical therapy, and anti-stress methods).
Other alternative methods.
Treatment of migraine and headache in pregnancy
Immediately before menstruation, a major decrease in female hormones affects blood vessels in the brain and causes seizures. In others, migraine occurs in the middle of menstrual periods and during the formation of ovaries. Birth control pills can help to some extent. If you experience such a problem, contact your doctor! During pregnancy, migraine can be troublesome, but miscarriage does not increase the risk of baby death or disability.

Although 70% of pregnant women get rid of migraine due to the high levels of female hormones, they may know that there is a change in migraine during pregnancy. Many prospective mothers use alternative methods of migraine, e.g. like relaxation movements, ice bags and rest in a dark room. In about 3 to 40% of women, headaches recur within the first week after birth.

How do you know if you have migraine
When your head hurts: Yes or No

Do you know in advance that a seizure is approaching?
Do you see flashes of light, zig-zag lines before the headache?
Is the pain coming to one side of his head?
Are you sensitive to light or loud sound?
Is your headache throbbing?
Do you feel increased pain in physical exertion?
Do they sometimes have nausea that can throw up?
Do you have a watch that lasts from three hours to three days?
If you answer örd Yes örd to four of these questions, you may have migraine. It is helpful to contact your doctor!

What is Horton Headache?
It is a rare headache and occurs mostly in men. It is five times more common in men than in women. In Sweden, almost 8000 people have a Horton-type headache. The first seizures usually come between the ages of 20-40 and can be alarming. Frequent seizures come periodically 1-3 times a day. Each seizure lasts about an hour. 15% of these people have these seizures every day.

The pain is always located around the eye on the same side of the head, and on the side where the pain is located, redness of the eye, tears in the eye, nasal obstruction, fever and forehead and sweating on the face occur. Although pain is severe and distressing, it is not dangerous. During the pain period, alcoholic beverages invite new seizures as they are sensitive to alcohol.

Nowadays there is effective treatment against Horton headache. Talk to a doctor if you are in doubt that you have such a headache.

Drug-related headache
Drug-induced headaches are common and occur in about 3% of the population. If you have taken pain medication pills almost every day for a few months, there is a risk that the body will get accustomed to these drugs. When he stops taking this medicine, he has a new headache that is nothing but a sign of withdrawal. To suppress the pain caused by the drug, you are using the same medicine again. If you use painkillers regularly for more than three days a week, you are in the risk zone. Excessive consumption of pain medication causes more headaches.

Symptoms of drug-induced headache
You wake up with a mild headache that doesn't go away until you take a painkiller pill.
Concentration disorder
If you have these symptoms, contact your doctor!

Ordinary headache
If you have a cold, disrupt your meal, or drink alcohol in the evening, this type of headache. Pills that can be taken over the counter against this type of pain, for which you know the cause, will help.

Dangerous headache
Although most of the headaches are non-hazardous, they can also be a symptom of a more serious illness. A sudden and very severe headache is a symptom of some kind of cerebral hemorrhage. The reason is that blood leaks out of one of the brain vessels. The patient's condition is vital and should be treated as soon as possible.

The types of headaches listed below are considered dangerous.
Inflammation of the brain and its symptoms

Severe headache, especially on the back of the head.
Neck eclipse
Brain tumor and symptoms

Increasing headache
Personality change
Epilepsy attacks
Balance disorders
Headache treatment in general
You can usually relieve tension headaches with relaxation techniques and mild painkillers. A painkiller such as paracetamol usually provides relief of pain. It is best to take a full dose as soon as headache starts and take another dose if necessary after a few hours. You must always follow the instructions on the packaging.

Cluster headaches do not respond to ordinary painkillers. A medication called Sumatriptan is usually used to relieve cluster headaches. This painkiller, 5HT in the brain called the chemical acts by interfering with the chemical. Changes in this chemical are thought to cause cluster headaches and migraine. Sumatriptan should only be used on the advice of your GP. While other medicines such as Verapamil or Lithium are not specifically made for the treatment of headaches, they may be prescribed to you if you see a specialist (neurologist) for cluster headaches.

What is good for headaches?
1- Organize your lifestyle;

Be sure to sleep regularly
Eat regularly, do not skip meals
Avoid known triggers in your diet
Regular aerobic exercise (swimming, cycling, etc.),
If necessary, do not forget simple treatments such as relaxing, taking a hot bath or icing compresses.
2- Reduce your causes of emotional stress as much as possible;

Identify the strongest and weakest stressful causes and rearrange your life accordingly
Learn biofeedback assisted relaxation method
Learn to practice meditation
Take time for individual activities, such as hobbies and social events
Learn muscle relaxation and cognitive relaxation methods
Get individual and family psychotherapy support if needed
3- Avoid environmental triggers;

Wear sunglasses
Avoid smoking, strong odors and noisy areas
Avoid excessive caffeine consumption
Take care to ensure and maintain proper posture
Avoid drug overuse
4- Take advantage of physical therapy methods;

Properly apply hot, cold, ultrasound and TENS applications
Consult your doctor for massage and cervical traction
Perform properly planned stretching and relaxation exercises on a regular basis
Apply stretching, compression or injections to the trigger points if necessary
5. Review alternative therapies;

Topical applications (piroxicam, ketoprofen, etc.) 6-Get advice for training and supportive group treatments.

Children's Motrin Oral Suspension, Pain Relief, Ibuprofen, Bubble Gum Flavored, 4 Oz

Advil Infants' Fever Reducer/Pain Reliever Dye-Free, 50mg Ibuprofen Concentrated Drops, White Grape Flavor, 1 ounce

What is good for headaches? 15 Natural and Drug Free Headache Treatment

Advil Infants' Fever Reducer/Pain Reliever Dye-Free, 50mg Ibuprofen Concentrated Drops, White Grape Flavor, 1 ounce

When we are caught up with headaches that catch us when we're not there, we either hope to get out of bed or we'd like to take a pill right away. According to experts, it is possible to pass headaches with natural treatments. If you are experiencing regular and severe headaches, you may have migraine or other symptoms of the disease, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor. If you are looking for solutions to what headaches caused by daily hustle and bustle, intensity or stress, you are in the right place. If you are struggling with migraine and are looking for natural, non-medicated methods, we recommend you to take a look at our Migraine What Good Income list.

The answer to the question of how a headache passes upside down your quality of life is our drug-free and natural remedies.

1. Use lavender oil

Lavender not only smells good, it also reduces our pain as an effective natural treatment for headaches and migraine pains. Adding 2 or 4 drops of lavender oil to 2 or 3 glasses of boiled water and smelling the steam provides a natural headache treatment. However, you should not take lavender oil by mouth.

2. Benefit from the freshness of mint oil
Due to the refreshing effect of mint, peppermint oil is used as a relaxing natural treatment for headaches related to tension and tension. Headaches are often caused by weak blood flow in the body and can accelerate the flow when you use mint oil like lavender oil. Peppermint oil also opens the sinuses to provide more oxygen to your bloodstream.

3. Also consider basil oil
The basil, which we are accustomed to seeing on the pizza and pastas, is both delicious and smelling very nice. People who prefer natural treatment for headache also use the oil produced from basil as a natural treatment method. This oil works great as a muscle relaxant and is good for headaches and weak muscles.

4. Take omega 3 from flaxseed
Some headaches may occur due to inflammations. In this problem, which is reduced by omega 3 fatty acids, flax seed is rich in omega 3 and can have a mitigating effect on your headaches. Omega 3 can be obtained from fish oil instead of flax seed. The benefits of honey oil do not stop counting.

5. For coffee but don't overdo it
It is an old tactic to drink a cup of coffee immediately when you feel headache will hit you. Because the pain relief effect of coffee can be very effective in the early stages. However, you should not consume too much, because experts stress that coffee can make you feel bad on days you don't consume.

6. Stay away from the sun
According to a study at Harvard University, bright sunlight, heat and thirst trigger headaches. To avoid migraines, it is best to stand under the beach umbrella and wear sunglasses on hot summer days.

7. Apply finger acupuncture
According to traditional Chinese treatment practices, if you put pressure on the point between your thumb and index finger with your other hand, this may help your headache. You can draw circular motions for 5 minutes after applying pressure for more effect. According to experts, this movement brings attention to pain in this area makes you feel less painful.

8. Take a hot shower

Many people usually prefer cold water when they suffer from a headache, but experts say a steam shower is what we really need at these moments. Experts suggest that a hot shower should be taken after breakfast and coffee, rather than hoping to stay in bed at times awakened by headaches. If your headache is related to flu or sinusitis, this warm air will also open your nasal passages.

9. Put ice on your forehead

According to experts, putting a wet towel on the forehead or cold compressing with an ice pack is both a temporary relief and can possibly also completely eliminate it.

10. Don't be dehydrated

One of the causes of headaches is dehydration. Especially if you drink alcohol then this may return to you as a headache because of thirst. So, as soon as your headache starts, drink a large glass of water and continue to sip water during the day. It is recommended that men drink 3 liters of water and 2.2 liters of water per day. If you have a headache then you should also be careful not to drink water too cold.

11. Massage the back of your head
You can feel good by relieving migraine pain by massaging your head. Brazilian researchers at the back of the head massage to the nape of the neck reduces migraine pain, he stresses. It is stated that a general head massage is an effective natural treatment against headaches.

12. Don't miss your neck and shoulders
Tension in your neck and shoulders can also cause headaches. Breathing and loosening your neck, your fingers around your shoulder muscles, small and circular movements to the nape of the neck can massage.

13. Perform neck exercise regularly
Relaxing and strengthening the neck muscles can prevent your chronic headaches.

14. Get support from breathing exercises
Sometimes even just breathing in is a substitute for treatment. Providing relief with deep breaths can relieve tension in the body and alleviate your headache within minutes.

15. Relax in a dark and quiet place
Resting in a cool, dark and quiet place for at least 30 minutes, focusing on your breath will help you relax and ease your headache. Wearing comfortable clothes and sitting comfortably will also help you feel better at this point.

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Advil (50 Count) Pain Reliever/Fever Reducer Coated Tablet, 200mg Ibuprofen, Temporary Pain Relief

What is headache in children? What are the symptoms of headache in children?

Advil (50 Count) Pain Reliever/Fever Reducer Coated Tablet, 200mg Ibuprofen, Temporary Pain Relief

A newborn baby occurs as well as a perception of pain from the fetus. Headache in children and adolescents is also a common problem. Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology. Dr. Dr. Derya Uludüz gave information about why children have headache, causes of headache in children and typical features and treatment of migraine in children.
What are the causes of headache in children?

The advances in technology in recent years, easy access of children to devices such as tablets, smart phones, exposure to electromagnetic stimuli, changes in dietary habits, ready, supplemented, packaged foods, excessive consumption of junk food style, sleepless sleep until late caused headaches in children to become more frequent.

There is a genetic predisposition and a triggering factor for migraine. For example, children can have insomnia by looking at their electronic devices until the morning. Irregular nutrition can also trigger headaches in children. So if a child starts the day with toast and tea at 11:00 in the morning, it is difficult to correct the child's headache. The child's social relations, psychological state, and what is going on in the family are also important. In addition, hormonal factors also play a triggering role.

What are the most important symptoms of migraine?

Preschool children may not be able to describe their headaches exactly, but the child is forced to quit his favorite game during the pain, does not want to watch his favorite movie, wants to retire to a quiet dim environment, his face is pale and sluggish, sometimes headache is really severe. The most important criterion suggesting migraine in headache is the severity of the pain.

Vomiting attacks: Vomiting attacks that occur at infrequent intervals such as 2-3 months, can last for hours without any reason, and cannot be prevented. During attacks, the child is pale sluggish and restless. Vomits for minutes, pauses a little vomiting and vomits repeat during the day. All investigations are done, but no reason can be found. The most important clue in migraine is headaches and attacks, and the child is completely normal except attacks. Vomiting attacks decrease after the age of 9-10 and may turn to migraine headaches with a frequency of 40 percent.

Dizziness attacks: Similar to vomiting attacks, sudden onset, severe dizziness attacks that cause the child to stop playing. Nausea and vomiting may accompany. The child has a fearful facial expression, restless and in a state of panic. Attacks can take minutes, hours, and then the child returns to normal. It is completely healthy between attacks.

Abdominal pain attacks (abdominal migraine): Monthly or every 2-3 months, especially around the belly, especially marked severe attacks of abdominal pain. These attacks are fever-free, and may be confused with familial mediterranean fever disease (FMF), which sometimes presents with fever. Therefore, they should be examined well. Abdominal migraine will change to migraine headaches with a frequency of 60 percent, decreasing in later years.

All these clinical features should suggest migraine, and the most important clue is that they are severe in episodes, and that the child is completely healthy except for episodes. Migraine treatment is applied in the treatment of all these migraine equivalents. Otherwise, when the diagnosis cannot be made and the wrong treatment is given, complaints continue and the frequency of migraine increases in the following years.

How is migraine treated in children?

Migraine in children is much easier to treat than adults. We can only control headaches with lifestyle changes without using any medication. In children, sleep patterns, feeding patterns are important in eliminating pain. Accompanying allergic manifestations, eye problems, elimination of bowel problems increase the success of treatment. Some children with migraine may experience brain electrical stimulation disturbances. Therefore, the presence of these abnormal stimuli should be checked by EEG (electroencephalography).

Keeping children away from painkillers as much as possible will prevent the headaches from worsening. To find the right cause of the headache, the specialist needs to listen to the child. If you avoid these reasons, you will be able to get rid of the headache. Excessive use of electronics and malfunctions should also be controlled.

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Tension Type Headache

Member's Mark Ibuprofen Coated Tablets 200mg Pain Reliever Fever Reducer Nsaid (2 Bottles (1200 Tablets))

Headache is one of the leading health problems throughout human history. It affects people very often in every society and every age. It is so difficult to find a person who has never had a headache during his life. The presence of pain-sensitive structures in the head and its surrounding area may explain this situation in part. The compression and displacement of these structures, inflammatory pathologies, continuous contractions of the head and neck muscles, changes in the diameter of intracranial and extracranial arteries, and irritation of pain-sensitive nerves can be the cause of pain. As can be seen from all this information, headaches can have many causes. It can be a life-threatening cause or a way of expressing a situation that does not go well in life.

Headaches published by International Headache Society (IHS) in 1988 and finally in 2004, classified the headaches into two main groups and then classified them into 13 separate groups.

Primary headaches; they are headaches that are not associated with diseases of the central nervous system or other systems. Primary headache accounts for approximately 90% of headache patients.

Tension type headache
Cluster headache and other trigeminal autonomic headaches
Other primary headaches
Secondary headaches; headaches associated with diseases involving the nervous system or other systems. There is no specific type of secondary headache, they can mimic any primary headache.

In secondary headaches;

There is evidence for a demonstrable cause that has emerged in a recent relationship,
Headache is greatly reduced or resolved within 3 months (which may be shorter in some diseases) after successful treatment or spontaneous resolution of the underlying disorder. Despite successful or unsuccessful treatment in progressive events such as brain tumor, it may not disappear within 3 months.

Headaches due to head and / or neck trauma
Headache due to cranial or cervical vascular disorders
Headache attributed to non-vascular intracranial disorders
Headache due to substance (use) or discontinuation
Headache associated with infection (nervous system or systemic)
Headache due to homeostasis disorder
Headache or facial pain linked to cranium, neck, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, teeth, mouth or other face or cranial structures
Headache due to psychiatric disorders
Cranial neuralgias and causes of central facial pain

Features suggestive of secondary headache in the story:

Onset of headache before the age of 10, after the age of 50
It has started in the last 6 months, or in terms of character, frequency and violence.
Progressive and non-responsive within days
Acute and severe features of new onset headache
Defining the person as the şiddetli most severe pain yaşam in his life
Occurrence during pregnancy or after childbirth
Increased physical activity by straining or coughing
Associated with body and head position
Onset age and clinical features are not typical for the described headache
Progressive and incurable vomiting

It is the second most common headache after migraine. Tension type headache is a type of headache that can last from 30 minutes to 7 days and can become chronic due to continuous pain. As in other primary headaches, the age of onset is around 20 years. Nevertheless, it can be seen at any age. Although not as prominent as in migraine, it is more common in women.

Tension headaches; they are grouped as sparse, frequent and chronic and this is meaningful for the patient in terms of problem size and directing treatment.

Tension type headache with rare episodes; less than 1 day per month (less than 12 days per year). They are rare episodes of headache that can last for 30 minutes or days. Pain is typically bilateral, coercive, or compressive in nature, mild to moderate in severity, and does not worsen with routine physical activity. Nausea is not encountered; photophobia or phonophobia.
Frequent episode tension-type headache is a condition (less than 15 days per year and 12 days or more and less than 180 days), with the other characteristics being the same.
Chronic tension headache is a condition that develops daily or very frequently from episodic tension headache. Headache (180 days or more per year), which is seen for 15 days or more during the average three months, is similar in terms of other features. It is important to show that it is not associated with any other disease. It is the most common group (more than 5%) in our country and makes frequent visits to polyclinics. It has a negative effect on quality of life. The drug may lead to overuse, and in some cases it may be a problem to distinguish it from chronic migraine.

The characteristics of these criteria may not be exact in every patient. Because, pain-throbbing in about -20% of patients, 25% of the exacerbation of pain may be exacerbated by pain in approximately one case may be hemicranial pain. Because these features are features that can be confused with migraine without aura, diagnosis can sometimes be experienced. Again, in migraine headache, tension type headache features may be in the foreground. These data support the approach that migraine and tension headache are different but sometimes intertwined elements of the same spectrum. The triggering factors in tension headache are physical and psychosocial stress, menstruation, posture and position disorders, anxiety disorders and depressive disorders. Again, we should not forget the oromandibular dysfunction among the triggers and evaluate the patients in this direction.

The lifetime prevalence of Tension Headache is reported to be between 34.8% and 78%. This rate was 37.1% -88% for women and 32.3% -69% for men. In the studies conducted, annual incidence rates in western countries were between 34% and 86% for women and between 28% and 63% for men. Turkey headache epidemiology data according turkey in tension headache prevalence rates episodic tension-type headaches for 20% -30% was found to be 3.1% for chronic tension-type headache. Tension-type headache often interferes with daily life activities. However, the majority of patients do not seek medical attention. While tension-type headache patients have to quit their normal activities during the pain periods, 44% have limited daily activities.

When evaluating a patient who meets the criteria for Tension Headache, care should be taken in terms of findings for organic causes. Although it is possible to make a differential diagnosis from migraine and other primary headaches by using diagnostic criteria, especially in sudden onset headaches in patients over 50 years, in cases of progressive conditions, accompanied by fever or rash with papillary edema, changes in pain character or focal neurological findings are detected. caution should be exercised. Organic findings should be excluded by laboratory findings and neuroradiological imaging methods.

Associated Psychiatric Diseases; Coexistence of headaches and psychiatric disorders is a common condition. Psychopathologies such as depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, panic disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder have been associated with tension-type headache. Of the patients with tension type headache, 68.3% had depressive disorder, 3% had anxiety disorder, 5.5% had panic disorder, and 1.1% had obsessive compulsive disorder. Depressive disorder is observed more frequently in episodic GTBA cases.

Psychological and environmental factors are menstruation, diet, alcohol use and headache triggering conditions. Migraine with and without aura is known to be associated with menstruation. Recent publications have also indicated that there is a relationship between tension-type headache and menstruation. Depletion of alcohol and caffeine after frequent use is one of the factors that cause pain in migraine and tension headache. Insomnia is also a triggering factor in tension-type headache as in migraine.

As in other primary headaches, the treatment approach for tension headache is two-way. On the one hand, there is acute, pain-related treatment and on the other hand, a preventive approach. If there is an episodic tension headache and the pain is rare and mild, treatment for pain should be arranged only. If chronic tension headache or frequent painful days are common, then preventive treatment should be initiated as well as treatment for pain. Most patients perform their own treatment with simple analgesics. If tension-type headache attacks become more frequent or exacerbated, seek medical attention. There are pharmacological and nonpharmacological (psychophysiological) treatment options in the treatment of tension headache.

Treatment of acute attacks to stop or reduce any attack involves the use of simple analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents alone or in combination (caffeine, codeine and anxiolytics). There are many acute treatment options. The type of acute treatment depends on the frequency, severity of the headache, the associated symptoms and the presence of other concomitant diseases. Oral therapies such as analgesics, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and caffeine combined compounds are suitable for mild to moderate headache without nausea.

With the addition of muscle relaxants to analgesics, efficacy is slightly increased. Analgesic combinations, sedatives and tranchilizing / analgesic combinations have also been used in the treatment of acute tension headache. The problem or danger in the use of analgesics is the daily intake of these pharmacological agents and the occurrence of bad drug use. The other major side effect is gastric tenderness, as well as the headache itself. Acute treatments should not be used more than two days a week. Antidepressant drugs, which have been widely used in the treatment of chronic tension headache prophylaxis, are generally effective on serotonin and noradrenaline metabolism. The efficacy of commonly used tricyclic antidepressants with serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibition mechanism has been demonstrated.

Non-pharmacological treatment methods are also used in the treatment of primary headache, especially tension-type headache. First of all, it is ensured that patients acquire sleep order and healthy eating habits; it is also recommended to avoid substances that can trigger headaches such as cigarettes and alcohol. The patient's mood should also be considered. Depression, anxiety, or both may accompany tension-type headache and may increase headaches. These conditions need to be recognized and treated.

Psychophysiological treatment options include relaxation exercises, biofeedback, acupuncture, hypnosis and physical therapy. Progressive relaxation training is one of the most commonly used relaxation methods. The aim of this training is to eliminate the tension in daily life. In the meta-analysis, it was stated that approaches such as relaxation training and cognitive behavioral training were effective in the treatment of tension-type headache.

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It is thought that headache may be only in adults. However, chronic headaches occur in approximately 20% of children aged 5-7 years.

Older children can identify headaches, but children of this age and younger ones cannot.

Researchers classify headaches according to their types and pain formation mechanisms. There are 5 mechanisms that cause headaches in children:

Tension Type: Many headaches are caused by contraction of muscles around the neck. Your child's tension-type headaches can be caused by wrong posture, distress, sadness, depression.

Vascular: The blood vessels and arteries within and around the skull can expand. These enlarged vessels compress the nerves and cause pain.

Intracranial pressure: Some tumors, hematoma, etc. organic causes may cause pain by increasing intracranial pressure.

Inflammation: Eye, ear, nose, teeth, sinus inflammation can cause headaches.

Neurogenic or Epileptic Headaches: Some nervous disorders, such as epilepsy (epilepsy), can cause headaches.

Tension-type headaches occur as a result of the tension created by the muscles around the neck. There are several causes of tension-type headaches in children. It is usually seen at school, not when playing, eating or resting.

Stress: Stress, anxiety or depression can cause headaches in children as well as in adults. Usually this tension occurs in the school. However, depressive children may also have headaches.

Somatic tension: Somatic symptoms such as posture disorders and eye disorders can cause tension headaches in children.

Hunger: Tension headaches in children can sometimes occur due to simple reasons such as hunger. After a long night's sleep, going to school without breakfast or skipping meals can be the reason.

Some inflammatory diseases
The ingestion of certain trigger foods can cause headaches: caffeine, chocolate, some meat products, some fruits play a triggering role. Which of these foods can be learned by following the child.

Treatment: Beta blockers and antidepressants can be used as preventive treatment for tension headaches. Your doctor should decide which medicines are used and in what quantities. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and relaxation exercises are useful for the relief of headache.

Children under the age of 7 often do not describe migraine pain. Towards the age of 10 they gradually begin to identify these pains. The incidence was 2.5% before the age of 7 years; The incidence between puberty and puberty is about 5%.

Migraine is a vascular headache. Vascular enlargement and contraction triggers throbbing pain of migraine.

The pain is recurrent and there are periods without pain. Before the onset of pain, there may be a period of symptoms called aura that indicates that the pain will begin. During the aura, the child may see wavy lines, bright lights and dark spots. However, not all children have this aura period. Skin pallor, excessive fatigue, throbbing pain on one side or forehead, abdominal pain, nausea occurs. Changes in mental state may be accompanied by dizziness, blurred vision, increased or decreased appetite. 70-90% of children with migraine have migraine complaints in their families and the personality structure of the child is very similar to the parent with migraine.

Bright and flickering lights, noise, cinema or TV, physical or mental tensions, anxiety or depression, play a triggering role. Rarely, excessive fatigue and too much sunlight can play a role as a triggering factor in migraine.

Betablockers or antidepressants can be used as a preventive, paracetamol for the relief of pain.

Fever: Headache may occur due to high fever. First, you should measure your child's fever.

Infections: Headaches can also occur in many infections. The infection may be in the ear, urinary tract, lungs.

Head Traumas: Headaches are common in children as a result of falls and impacts. Only brain tests can be used to determine if there is brain damage in head trauma. In such cases, take them to the health institution. As time goes on, drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, loss of consciousness may develop.

Brain Tumors: Less than 1% of children with headache have benign or malignant brain tumors. As the tumor grows, the severity of the headaches increases and is accompanied by some other findings depending on the type and location of the tumor.

Meningitis: Headache is accompanied by high fever, neck stiffness, mental blur, sleep halide.


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Children’s Advil Suspension (4 fl. oz, White Grape-Flavored), 100mg Ibuprofen Fever Reducer/Pain Reliever, Dye-Free, Liquid Pain Medicine, Ages 2 – 11

How does headache go?

Children’s Advil Suspension (4 fl. oz, White Grape-Flavored), 100mg Ibuprofen Fever Reducer/Pain Reliever, Dye-Free, Liquid Pain Medicine, Ages 2 – 11

The most common discomfort in daily life is headache. So how does headache go? What triggers the headache? Here is the headache treatment and its causes

The use of medication, even for a minor headache, can make it addictive in the future.

How can headache be treated without medication?

Causes of headache

Vascular diseases, sudden rise or fall of blood pressure cause headaches,

- Eye disorders, dental caries, constipation,

- Sinusitis, catarrh, nasal obstructions,

- Get a blow to the head,

- Women's menstruation,

- Insomnia, excess alcohol and smoking,

- Stress, anxiety, anxiety, avoidance of responsibility

- Fail to comply,

- Childhood concussion or some depression,

- Excessive fatigue and unwinding.

What are the types of headaches?

-Primer headaches

- Voltage type headache


Apart from these pains headache:

- If it starts suddenly and very violently,

- If accompanied by fever or vomiting,

- For the first time in your life,

- If there is any other nervous system disorder,

- If a change in consciousness causes sleep, immediately contact the emergency department of the nearest hospital.

- If it started suddenly and very violently,

- If accompanied by fever or vomiting,

- If you experience this kind of pain for the first time in your life.

- If there is a change in your consciousness / tendency to sleep; Immediately consult the emergency department of the nearest hospital.

- As with any discomfort, headache should be followed by the advice of a doctor.

- Avoid excessive stress. No matter how difficult this is in daily life, stress can cause many diseases.

- Do not neglect your teeth, periodically check your teeth and have them treated if necessary. - Another reason for the headache is the eyes. If you often have headaches, it is useful to have your eyes checked.

- Organize your sexual life.

- Take a walk outdoors, getting air will give your body resistance. - Try to relax by taking time to avoid excessive fatigue. If you're busy at a busy pace, try to take frequent breaks.

- When your headache recurs, rub your earlobe with your nails for 3-5 minutes. This will lead to the release of a substance called endorphin.

Endorphin will make you relax, even temporarily, by making morphine effect. Therefore, take a break from your work and move to fresh air. Take a 5-minute walk if possible.

Blow Dryer If you have a muscle held behind your headache, hold the blow dryer to the aching area for 3-5 minutes. Then run the machine over the shoulder, neck and head area. However, this is not an appropriate method for migraine sufferers. Migraine patients, this process, the opposite can increase pain. Turkish Coffee Prepare yourself a sugar-free Turkish coffee. For squeezing only a few drops of lemon into it. Coffee prepared in this way will alleviate your headache. For water Sometimes a headache is caused by a lack of fluid.

In these cases, as the blood density increases, oxygen communication to the cells slows down. The pain threshold drops. So for plenty of water.Sodal Ayran Headache against the simple, safe and delicious we have another suggestion.

Add 2/3 of the glass buttermilk, the rest of the mineral water and stir. After drinking, you will see your headaches disappear. Another fear of people is whether headache is a precursor of a brain tumor. Experts warn that brain tumors can not be identified only with headaches.

In some cases, no headache may occur during tumor development. Therefore, all changes in the body should be listened to in order to provide early diagnosis, and unusual situations should be solved immediately with the doctor.

Children’s Advil Suspension (4 fl. oz, White Grape-Flavored), 100mg Ibuprofen Fever Reducer/Pain Reliever, Dye-Free, Liquid Pain Medicine, Ages 2 – 11