Saturday, October 5, 2019

Infants' Motrin Concentrated Drops, Fever Reducer, Ibuprofen, Dye Free, Berry Flavored, 1 Oz

How does headache go? What is good for a headache and how is it treated?

Infants' Motrin Concentrated Drops, Fever Reducer, Ibuprofen, Dye Free, Berry Flavored, 1 Oz

Excessive stress, fatigue, effort, etc. during the day. headaches can be faced for many reasons. There are different types of severe headaches, the lives of millions of citizens can affect the short-term or long-term. So much so that it can trigger various problems such as nausea and fever, which is an issue that requires absolute attention. Sometimes a simple headache massage can be used to solve this health problem and sometimes it does not work. So how does headache go? What is good for headaches? Together with the solution movements for you at home, we talked about what might be good for this health situation.

Although headache is one of the most common health problems in daily life; age, race, gender and so on. is not affected by any factor. In other words, both a woman and a man can also see an old grandfather when a child is young. This situation affects the short or long term people according to their severity and affects the quality of life very negatively. So, how does headache go away and what good is headache?

Individuals who encounter this problem over and over again make the right determination about the causes of headache; if necessary, should appear to physician control.

What are headache types?
At this point, the cause of the pain is very important. Because headache is considered to be 'primary' if it is not caused by any illness, and 'secondary' if it recurs due to a health problem in the brain or body. Stress, exertion, fatigue etc. in daily life. The pain caused by the disease is considered the 'primary' group.

Although the causes of headache are quite diverse; it is not possible to reduce it to certain reasons. Because stress during the day can trigger severe headaches, as well as infection conditions may pave the way for this health problem.

The most common types of headache on patients are:

Migraine: Pain, although throbbing is often severe. There is a pain in one side of the head. Nausea or vomiting may occur. It can end in two hours or more than three days of pain
Tension headache: Surrounding the head, is seen in the form of compression. Low and moderate severity. Stress, stress and excessive effort is the main source.
Adolescence: In addition to hormonal changes, changes in both psychological and environmental relations have shown that young people complain of headaches. Adolescence is a period of stress for young people. For example, increasing exam stress and intensifying curricula in high school age can trigger headaches.
Cluster headache: Although it is seen less than other types, it causes trouble to the individual with sudden attacks. So much so that it can be severe enough to awaken one's sleep at night. Although the cause of these pains is not yet known, it may be a source of redness or vomiting in the eye area.
Trigeminal neuralgia: May cause severe pain due to excessive contractions of the muscles in the face.
Blood pressure-related: Occurs after the rise of blood pressure. It is usually felt on the neck.

Head and neck injuries
Brain vascular diseases
Brain Nerve Diseases
Brain diseases
Brain tumors
Increased brain pressure
Brain infections

Take note of your pains. Note which time zone during the day and after which events you are experiencing headaches. Thus, you will be more careful and conscious about these activities.
Consume water. At least 1 liter of water per day should be taken care of.
Make sure you get your sleep. Sleep is the sine qua non of a healthy life. Sleep deprivation is one of the main triggers of headache.
Do not skip meals, do not starve. Another way to avoid headaches is not to skip meals. So that you do not starve to be absolutely careful.
Try to avoid stress. Stress is linked to many ailments, and headache is one of them. It is difficult to avoid stress in everyday life; however, try to keep stress away from your life in order to improve your quality of life and avoid this problem.
Avoid consuming alcohol. As a result of excessive alcohol consumption, headache may be faced during that day or in the morning of the following day. Accordingly, either limit or end your alcohol consumption.
Try massaging. Depending on the location of the pain, you can relax by massaging. Headache message is very effective, especially tension and migraine type pain. With gentle movements, you can rub both sides of your head, neck and head; you may ask someone you know.
Medicines. Painkillers are used immediately in small or large pain situations; however, it poses a great danger to the kidneys and other organs. It should not be dependent on the use of painkillers. As a result of regular painkillers 'chronic headache' problems may arise. Pay attention to the use of medication according to the advice of your doctor.

If the severity of the headache is of an unprecedented magnitude,
If it does not respond to any treatment,
If it occurs in children and the elderly,
Vomiting, nausea and so on. problems,
If it causes trouble during any action,

Infants' Motrin Concentrated Drops, Fever Reducer, Ibuprofen, Dye Free, Berry Flavored, 1 Oz

Infants' Motrin Concentrated Drops, Fever Reducer, Ibuprofen, Dye Free, Berry Flavored, 1 Oz


Infants' Motrin Concentrated Drops, Fever Reducer, Ibuprofen, Dye Free, Berry Flavored, 1 Oz

Dear mothers and fathers, in this week's article, I will talk about “fever olan, the fearful dream of parents in childhood. Fever, infection and non-infectious stimulation is the increase in body temperature. Fire is a powerful defense mechanism of the body. Normal body temperature is specific to the individual and varies during the day. It is the lowest in the morning and the highest in the evening. Factors such as measuring location in the body, ambient temperature, being overclothed, exercise, hot bath affect body temperature.

Here, I would like to mention especially the situation of newborn babies. In our society, there is a belief that newborn babies will get cold and get sick immediately. Therefore, the temperature of the baby's environment is extremely high and moreover, babies are dressed many times in this extremely hot environment. Babies are kept under a woolen blanket while mothers and other members walk around the house in summer clothes. This leads to an increase in the body temperature of the babies and unnecessary blood tests on the babies assuming that there is a fever by mistake.

Fever is a complaint that pediatricians frequently encounter. The most common cause is viral infectious diseases. However, serious bacterial infections may also be caused in young infants. This should be distinguished by the examination and evaluation of the physician. Infection factors are an important reason for the application of feverish children to the health center. Physicians regulate the patient's course of disease, examination findings and laboratory results if necessary. In addition to infectious diseases, there are many causes of fever. Particularly, the high ambient temperature is perceived as a fever in babies and children.

How to reduce fever and what should be done? The question also concerns mothers closely. Physical cooling and medications can be used to treat fever. Medications should not be the fastest and first choice tool. Because fever is a defense mechanism in the body to fight infections. The family must be informed about this. The first option should be applied to the child who we call peripheral cooling, such as having a warm shower, removing clothes, applying cold to certain points of the body with a wet cotton or towel, and lowering the ambient temperature. Fluid intake is very important in febrile children. Because when the body temperature rises, our water loss increases. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that water, which is vital for all of our organs, is more vital in the course of febrile diseases. The decrease in daily activity of infants and children, significant decrease in nutrition and decrease in urine output are the points that should be warned in febrile diseases. In addition, fever phobia of the family should be reduced. Every family is very afraid of fire. Most families have the belief that fever is the same as referral. This understanding is wrong. Fire is an important defense mechanism for the body to fight germs. It should be emphasized to families that antipyretics do not prevent the transfer. Our goal should be to make the child feel better.

Fever treatment is individual. Antipyretic therapy should be arranged according to the clinical condition of each patient with the advice of a physician. Antipyretics should not be given simultaneously or alternately. Such applications increase the likelihood of side effects of these drugs. Therefore, you should talk to your physician in detail about your hot child. Start all medicines with the advice of your physician. Hope to meet you on healthy days. Sincerely.

Infants' Motrin Concentrated Drops, Fever Reducer, Ibuprofen, Dye Free, Berry Flavored, 1 Oz

Motrin IB, Ibuprofen 200mg Tablets for Fever, Muscle Aches, Headache & Back Pain Relief, 225 ct.

Acute Rheumatic Fever (Heart Rheumatism)

Motrin IB, Ibuprofen 200mg Tablets for Fever, Muscle Aches, Headache & Back Pain Relief, 225 ct.

Acute rheumatic fever (ARA) or heart rheumatism, commonly known as pt rheumatic fever bakteri, usually occurs in individuals between the ages of 5 and 15 years after a throat infection (tonsillitis, pharyngitis) with a bacterial strain called Streptococci. inflammation of the joints, inflammation of the heart, swelling under the skin, involuntary sudden movements called Sydenham Koresi and red colored rashes on the skin, usually feverish. In the initial stage of the disease, death due to heart failure due to inflammation of the heart may occur. ARA is not seen in every child with upper respiratory tract infection, and its incidence is between 1-3 in 100 patients.

It is more common in the years after the initial stage (acute period) and is a valvular heart disease caused by initial cardiac inflammation. Mitral valve is usually affected in girls, whereas aortic valve involvement is more common in boys.

Clinical picture:

Arthritis: inflammation of the joints (wrist, elbow, knee, ankle, etc.), very painful, wandering (usually one to two joints in one joint, while passing another joint), leading to limitation of movement, accompanied by increased temperature and redness. It occurs in 75% of patients. Absence does not exclude ARA. The incidence increases with increasing age. It typically responds very quickly to aspirin treatment. If there is no response to aspirin treatment, the diagnosis should be reviewed.

Carditis (heart inflammation): It is seen more frequently in young children and decreases with increasing age (<3 years 90%, 30% between 14-17 years). The patient may have chest pain, shortness of breath and palpitations. On physical examination, heart murmurs are heard. Heart inflammation can be passed without any clinical findings. Rheumatic heart valve disease usually occurs as a valve stenosis or insufficiency 10-20 years after the first episode (febrile stage). Mitral valve is frequently affected (75-80%) and may be associated with mitral stenosis or insufficiency or both. Aortic valve disease is less common than mitral valve (30%) and tricuspid and pulmonary valves are less affected (<5%).

Sydenham Koresi: It develops in 10-30% of ARA cases. They are involuntary, fast, bouncing movements that often develop on the face, tongue, arms and legs. It is more common in girls. The occurrence of the disease after the febrile stage is usually later than other disease symptoms. This waiting period can be between 6 weeks and 6 months. It is often associated with carditis.

Subcutaneous nodules: 10-20% incidence. Hard, painless, 0.5-2 cm in size, usually seen on the tendons on the outer face of the joints. Coexistence with inflammation of the heart is common.

Skin rash: The most rare finding (5%). They are round, red around, pale middle, slightly raised skin. Coexistence with inflammation of the heart is common.

Laboratory findings

Throat culture must be taken. ASO antibodies are high in 80% of individuals (over 300 units). The sedimentation rate, which is the hourly sedimentation rate of blood, and the levels of CRP secreted from the liver are very high. Increased leukocytes in the blood count in the acute period is a common finding. In patients with cardiac inflammation, x-ray may increase the size of the heart.

Treatment and prevention

Antibiotic treatment: With or without throat infection, benzathine penicillin should be administered in a single dose of 1.2 million units in adults and 600,000 units in children. The faster the penicillin is administered to a child with a throat infection, the less likely it is to develop ARF. This application is called primary prophylaxis.
Anti-inflammatory treatment: Aspirin treatment is standard. Toxic symptoms of the disease are controlled and inflammatory swelling of the joints and heart is suppressed. Aspirin is given in the first 24-36 hours every 4 hours, and then every 6 hours in equal doses. The daily dose is recommended as 80-100 mg / kg in children and 4-8 g / day according to the patient's weight in adults. After two weeks, the daily aspirin dose is reduced to 60-70 mg / kg, and usually within 6 weeks the dose is gradually reduced and discontinued. Steroids are given to patients with severe heart involvement. Glucocorticoid (1mg / kg / day) in the form of diuretic. After 2-3 weeks the dose is reduced and completed in at least one month. When the daily dose is decreased to a total of 10 mg, aspirin should be started.

Prevention of recurrent attacks (secondary prevention)

If the child has a history of cardiac inflammation in the first episode, the likelihood of recurrence is higher in the first 5 years (20%). This treatment should be applied to at least 40 years of age in patients with heart valve damage, and at least 21 years of age in patients without heart damage.

Motrin IB, Ibuprofen 200mg Tablets for Fever, Muscle Aches, Headache & Back Pain Relief, 225 ct.

Basic Care Ibuprofen Liquid Gels, 160Count

What can be done to reduce fever in children?

Basic Care Ibuprofen Liquid Gels, 160Count

What can be done to reduce fever in children?
In case of fire, the ambient temperature needs to be reduced, clothes should be removed and not covered too much. We need to increase fluid intake in febrile cases because fluid loss is high during the febrile period.

Fever can be reduced by simple precautions

Anorexia also occurs if the child has an infection during a fever. Therefore, it is necessary to turn to liquid foods. After taking simple precautions, you can reduce your fever with drugs such as simple antipyretics, paracetamol and ibuprofen.

Other symptoms associated with fever should be considered. In other words, high fever per indi does not mean that the disease is very severe. Fever is 40 degrees, but it is a simple viral infection, or a child's fever is 38.5 degrees, but it can be meningitis, bone inflammation, urinary tract inflammation. Therefore, fever should be evaluated with other findings.

Evaluate findings with fever

The mother should look at the baby's activity with fever. So is there a slowdown in his movements, is there any thoughtfulness, is there a situation that is worse in nutrition, is there a constant sleepiness in the child or is there a rash on his body?

If there are no negative findings by looking at the baby's movements, simple precautions can be taken when the fever arises at 3:00 in the morning. The next day, the doctor will ask the mother a few questions to decide whether the situation is urgent. According to the decision of the doctor, the situation can be followed at home or the doctor can see the doctor immediately and decide accordingly.

Basic Care Ibuprofen Liquid Gels, 160Count

GoodSense Ibuprofen Tablets, 200 mg, Pain Reliever and Fever Reducer, 500 Count, Temporarily Relieves Minor Aches and Pains Due to: Headaches, Minor Pain of Arthritis, and the Common Cold

'Acute Rheumatic Fever' hits the heart most

GoodSense Ibuprofen Tablets, 200 mg, Pain Reliever and Fever Reducer, 500 Count, Temporarily Relieves Minor Aches and Pains Due to: Headaches, Minor Pain of Arthritis, and the Common Cold

Acute Rheumatic Fever, targeting children aged 5-15 years, causes a series of complaints in the body, from joints to heart. While the disease leaves no permanent damage to the joints, it can impair heart function. For this reason, in medicine, acute rheumatic fever is called 'licking joints but the heart bites'.

Child Heart Diseases Specialist Şebnem Paytoncu points out that Acute Rheumatic Fever, which occurs after an untreated throat infection, can cause serious heart problems in children aged 5-15 years. Private Aegean Health Hospital physician Dr. Şebnem Paytoncu, "Sore throat pain in children, especially if seen with fever must be considered. The disease should be treated with appropriate doses, appropriate time. Pain, swelling, redness in joints after the throat infections seen, must be consulted before the pediatric heart diseases specialist. After a while, the heart begins to damage, "he says.
What is Acute Rheumatic Fever?
Acute Rheumatic Fever; "Group A Beta hemolytic Streptococcus" is a systemic disease that is initiated by the microorganism, known as "Beta" among people, after it enters the body.
'Systematic' because; it affects not only the joint, only the throat or the heart, but the whole system.
The microorganism enters the body through the upper respiratory tract, starts to produce some enzymes in the throat and destroys the tissues in this region. Throat infection develops within 3-5 days and
* Throat ache
* Weakness
* Fire
symptoms occur.
If the person is sensitive, if not treated appropriately, symptoms of 'acute rheumatic fever' occur on average 1-5 weeks after having a throat infection, often 3 weeks later.
-In what age range is the disease common?
School age and adolescence are the most frequent ages. There are rarely reported cases under the age of 3 and over the age of 20, but mainly the 5-15 age group is at risk.
- Acute Rheumatic Fever, which symptoms manifest itself?
Joint involvement:
* Joint pain, swelling, redness and fever. (Joint swelling and fever can be overlooked, so pain alone should also be considered.)
* Complaints can last from a few hours to a few days in the same joint.
* Joint involvement has a mobile feature. For example, one day when the child's left knee aches, the next day pain, right ankle passes. Five hours later, he disappears into the wrist.
* Unlike other diseases, it is remarkable that there is no symmetrical involvement in the joints. Complaints do not occur at the same time, in both knee joints or in both wrists.
Hasta My left knee had ached first and my right ankle had pain the next day tür.
* The disease always involves large joints: knees, ankles, hip joints, wrists, elbows ...

Heart involvement:
* The disease can hold all layers of the heart. Heart involvement can range from a simple valve failure to heart failure.
* If the valve develops inadequate chest pain, palpitations, weakness, panting, sweating, loss of appetite, cough is seen. These symptoms do not occur after the child plays games, but at rest, with no reason.
* If the heart muscle is involved, findings similar to heart failure occur. Swelling in the body, weakness, need to rest while walking the road is seen.
* If the membranes surrounding the heart are kept, chest pain and deterioration of heart function, that is again developing heart failure.
Skin and central nervous system involvement:
* If skin involvement occurs, skin rashes may occur.
* If the central nervous system involvement occurs, the child's school performance decreases. His writing and speech may be disturbed. Tics may develop. He cannot wear his own clothes, for example, he cannot button his buttons. With these symptoms, psychiatric disorders may also occur. Therefore, parents need to watch the child very carefully.
- Joints, heart, nervous system, skin ... The disease creates many different effects on the body. In which case should parents seek medical advice from a specialist for correct diagnosis?
In all diseases related to children, you should go to the pediatrician first. Because the pediatrician will perform a general systemic examination. So when the child has a sore throat, the first option should be the pediatrician and, if necessary, refer to another specialist.
-What is done for the diagnosis of the disease in patients presenting with these complaints?
On examination, a cardiac murmur or an increase in the severity of a murmur is not suspicious. ECHO should be performed to detect valve failure and the results should be repeated after 10-20 days even if the results are completely normal. ECO is useful in the evaluation of all functions of the heart, called 'silent carditis', which allows recognition of non-murmur heart inflammation. The presence of some supportive findings is questioned by ECG, and rhythm problems, if any, are revealed. In addition, throat culture is performed and the level of antibodies against the beta-germ causing disease is examined.
- How to treat?
First of all, the beta-germ causing the disease must be removed from the tissues with penicillin treatment. Therefore, penicillin is administered to the patient at the appropriate dose for 10 days.
If the patient is allergic to penicillin, alternative medications are used for this treatment. Then, in order to prevent recurrent attacks of the disease, these people continue their penicillin treatment for three days and three days for a long time.

Long-term penicillin treatment
- How long are penicillin treatments?
* No heart involvement, at least 5 years or 20 years old if there is inflammation of the joints,
* If there is heart involvement but rheumatic heart disease has not developed, say AT LEAST 10 YEARS OR 30 YEARS,
* If there is heart involvement and rheumatic heart disease has developed, life-long penicillin treatment should be continued.
- If acute rheumatic fever has only affected the joints, if there is no problem in the heart, how is it treated?
After making sure that there is no heart involvement, 2 weeks of definite bed rest (only for toilet needs), 2 weeks of home rest is recommended. In addition, acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is given to the patient at the appropriate dose for 2-4 weeks during this period and the treatment is ended by reducing the dose over time.
- What is the treatment of heart involvement?
Bed rest for 6-12 weeks, cortisone is applied in addition to acetyl salicylic acid treatment. Cortisone is used only in moderate to severe heart involvement. Heart failure treatment is given.

GoodSense Ibuprofen Tablets, 200 mg, Pain Reliever and Fever Reducer, 500 Count, Temporarily Relieves Minor Aches and Pains Due to: Headaches, Minor Pain of Arthritis, and the Common Cold

Advil PM (120 Count) Pain Reliever/Nighttime Sleep Aid Coated Caplet, 200mg Ibuprofen, 38mg Diphenhydramine


Advil PM (120 Count) Pain Reliever/Nighttime Sleep Aid Coated Caplet, 200mg Ibuprofen, 38mg Diphenhydramine

The medical name of pneumonia is pneumonia. Inflammation of the lung. Bacteria, viruses, fungi, such as may occur with a variety of microbes. It is one of the most common illnesses that cause the most frequent deaths. It is more common in children, in the elderly over 65 years of age, in patients with a chronic disease (such as kidney, sugar, heart or lung disease), in smokers, in the presence of a disease or drug that suppresses the immune system.

Community-acquired pneumonia (TGP) is responsible for a significant proportion of hospital admissions, treatment costs, work-school day losses and deaths worldwide.

Today, due to the widespread use of antibiotics and effective immunization policies, mortality from infectious diseases is decreasing, while pneumonia in the community is still the cause of high disease and death.


Fever, cough, expectoration, chest pain are the most common symptoms. Symptoms such as shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, nausea and vomiting, frequent breathing, muscle-joint pain and weakness may also be seen. In severe pneumonia, a patient may have blue skin and mucosa, severe shortness of breath, low blood pressure and blurred consciousness.


Patients with pneumonia symptoms are usually diagnosed by chest radiographs after examination. In severe pneumonia and hospitalized patients, further investigations such as blood tests, computed tomography and sputum tests may be required. The sputum sample should be examined to determine the microbe causing the pneumonia. However, it is often not possible to identify the germ for various reasons.


Treatments such as antibiotics, abundant fluid intake, rest, painkillers and antipyretics are often used. Patients requiring hospitalization may require different treatments. In severe cases of pneumonia, intensive care unit stay and respiratory support may be required.

It is often not possible to identify the causative agent of pneumonia. However, antibiotic treatment should be started as soon as possible after the diagnosis of pneumonia. For this reason, antibiotic treatment is started by considering the patient's age, chronic diseases and the severity of pneumonia. Detection of traces of any microbe in sputum and data on which antibiotic can be treated with this microbe results in 72 hours. According to the results, antibiotic treatment can be rearranged.

It is decided whether the patient will be treated as an outpatient or inpatient according to the age, diseases, and severity of pneumonia.

The duration of treatment may vary depending on the initial severity of the disease, the responsible microbe, the presence of a concomitant disease, and the individual response of the patient. It is generally recommended to continue antibiotics for another 5-7 days after the fever falls. However, in cases of pneumonia due to some microbe species, it may be necessary to extend the treatment period to 10-14 days and sometimes up to 21 days.

Things to pay attention:

Control of underlying chronic diseases, balanced diet, hygienic measures, control of smoking and alcohol habits, pneumococcal and annual influenza vaccines, and the frequency and mortality of TGP can be reduced.

Pneumonia is a sudden onset disease that usually cures rapidly with treatment. One or two weeks after the start of treatment, the physician examines the patient and performs the necessary tests. Sometimes treatment may be extended or additional investigations may be necessary.

If you have been diagnosed with pneumonia, your treatment has begun, and your fever has not decreased after 72 hours from the start of treatment, you should see your physician again if you have not coughed or decreased your sputum production.

Sometimes diseases such as lung cancer can present as pneumonia. Sometimes pneumonia may not be due to germs. Consult a chest physician for the distinction of these conditions.

Advil PM (120 Count) Pain Reliever/Nighttime Sleep Aid Coated Caplet, 200mg Ibuprofen, 38mg Diphenhydramine

Advil (100 Count Pain Reliever/Fever Reducer Coated Tablet, 200mg Ibuprofen, Temporary Pain Relief

How to reduce fever in a child

Advil (100 Count Pain Reliever/Fever Reducer Coated Tablet, 200mg Ibuprofen, Temporary Pain Relief

What should be the approach to a child with fever?

An increase in body temperature is usually the first sign of a disease and occurs unexpectedly. Fever is the body's defense response to infections. The organism is at a high temperature in which the germ control is more effective. This struggle is also necessary for the proper maturation of the child's immune system. Recently, science has proven the role of excessive use of antipyretics in children with acute respiratory infections to increase the incidence of allergic diseases. This does not mean that antipyretic medication is not necessary. This means that antipyretic drugs (agents for fever) should be used correctly and according to the indications.

The decision to lower the temperature should be made at temperatures above 39 ° C. Exception: children with neurological diseases, children with high-temperature consecutive convulsions (so-called febrile convulsions), children of the first three months of life. Do not wrap the baby. Feel your hands and feet.

There are two types of fire. The child with red fever "feels warm", pink, as a rule, the situation is not painful, active, just feverish. In this case, we may limit ourselves to the use of antipyretic drugs. Antipyretic drugs in pediatrics include paracetamol and ibuprofen (nurofen). Do not use aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), analgin (metamizol sodium) in Russia is used only in emergency situations, nise (nimulide, nimesulide) in case of lowering the emergency temperature, other ways, preferably use rectal suppositories for young children. For drugs in the form of tablets, syrups, powders, it is necessary to accurately calculate the dose for a given child's weight. A single dose for paracetamol is 15 mg / kg. So, if the child weighs 22 kg, then the child should be given 330 mg paracetamol at once. That is, if the tablet is 0.5 g (500 mg), this dose will be 2/3 tablets. This dose can be given to a child 4 times a day. A single dose for ibuprofen is 10 mg / kg, the frequency of administration 3 times a day. If a child weighs 8 kg, the single dose is 80 mg. The 5 ml suspension contains 100 mg of active ingredient. Accordingly, the suspension dose is 4 ml.

The child at "pale fever" is pale, sluggish, cold arms and legs. This is due to vascular spasm. As the vessels remain cracked, it will not be possible to effectively reduce the temperature. No-silo (drotaverin) and papaverine should be given in wet dosages together with antipyretic drugs. Papaverine doses vary between 6 months depending on the age of the child. Up to 2 years - 5 mg, 3-4 years - 5-10 mg, 5-6 years -10 mg, 7-9 years - 10-15 mg, 10-14 years - 15-20 mg, the frequency of administration can be 3 per day -4 times. One tablet contains 40 mg of active ingredient. If the child is 7 years old, the dose is 1/4 pills.

Do not try to lower the temperature to normal. It is enough to lower it to 1-1.5 degrees. Prophylactic administration of lowering drugs should be avoided. Only when the temperature rises to 39 degrees again can the next dose of the drug be given.

Under no circumstances apply cold objects (compresses, iced hot water bottles) to a child with high temperature (this may cause spasm of blood vessels, slows heat transfer by the body, increases internal temperature). Do not rub the child with alcohol, vinegar, turpentine and solutions. These substances are easily absorbed by the baby's skin and cause toxic poisoning.

Give your child plenty of drinks but not hot. This will help to reduce the body's intoxication and maintain the water balance in the child's body (at higher temperatures, the child needs more fluids). Consult your doctor! Fever is only a symptom. The cause should be established and eliminated. God bless you!

Advil (100 Count Pain Reliever/Fever Reducer Coated Tablet, 200mg Ibuprofen, Temporary Pain Relief