Wednesday, October 2, 2019

PREGMATE 40 Pregnancy HCG Test Strips (40 HCG)

Which changes during pregnancy are normal and which are pathological?

PREGMATE 40 Pregnancy HCG Test Strips (40 HCG)

There are many changes in the body of mothers during pregnancy. It is very important to determine whether these changes are normal or pathological.

There are many changes in the body of mothers during pregnancy. It is very important to determine whether these changes are normal or pathological.

Gynecology and Obstetrics Expert Assoc. Dr. Dr. Faruk Abike, common problems during pregnancy and pointed out important issues related to their solutions. Here are the 15 most frequently asked questions of pregnant women counting the days to hold their baby. Abike answers:

1- How can I fight cramps?

Especially during 24-28 weeks of pregnancy, there is a significant calcium transfer for mineralization of the baby's bones. Therefore, there may be painful cramps in the legs and hands during these weeks. Massage during cramps will be beneficial. Since the beginning of pregnancy, it is important to consume plenty of calcium-rich milk and dairy products (especially yoghurt, cheese, buttermilk, kefir). Increasing the consumption of yogurt after the 20th week of pregnancy prevents the formation of cramps. If there are cramps despite consumption of milk and dairy products, the use of calcium or magnesium can also be effective in preventing cramps.
There may be numbness and pain in the middle fingers during pregnancy. Although it is generally beneficial to massage the hand and rest the wrist, it will usually improve after pregnancy without treatment.

2- I'm constantly nauseous, what should I do?

With the effect of increasing hormones in the first 3 months of pregnancy, nausea and vomiting may occur especially in the morning. Generally, nausea and vomiting rapidly decrease from the 12th gestational week and nausea no longer remains at 16th gestational week. Especially in the first 3 months, fat-free, odorless, spice-free, solid food consumption will be effective in reducing nausea. It should be fed frequently and in small amounts. During nausea, do not force yourself to vomit because vomiting does not provide relief. During nausea, salty solid foods (white chickpeas, non-spicy chips, salted potatoes, white cheese sandwiches) should be taken, taking deep breaths from the open area can be relaxing. If nausea and vomiting persists despite all precautions, the use of certain medications under the supervision of a doctor will help to circumvent this process.

3- What will I do for pregnancy sugar?

After 20 weeks, there may be blood sugar problems during pregnancy due to increased hormones. Excessive weight gain during pregnancy and starting with excess weight increases the risk. To determine, all pregnant women should undergo a sugar loading test between 24 and 28 weeks of gestation. First, blood sugar is regulated by the appropriate diet program, if adequate blood sugar is not regulated by the diet, it may be necessary to start insulin. After pregnancy, blood sugar usually returns to normal levels.

4- What to do for hypertensive diseases during pregnancy?

In the first 3 months of pregnancy, blood pressure is lower due to the expansion of blood vessels due to hormones. But 24-28. blood pressure rises from weeks. Pregnancy toxemia may develop with increased blood pressure and increased urinary protein excretion. This is a threatening situation for the mother and the baby, close monitoring is very important.

5- What would you recommend to avoid reflux-gastritis and constipation problems?

Stomach and intestinal movements slow down during pregnancy and the tendency to reflux increases due to the relaxation of the valve between the stomach and esophagus. To prevent reflux, the supine position should not be used immediately after a meal, but a high pillow should be used when lying down. Complications of gastritis are reduced during pregnancy due to a decrease in gastric acid. Due to the slowing of bowel movements, the problem of constipation may increase during the whole pregnancy. Iron and vitamin drugs used in pregnancy may increase the problem of constipation. To prevent constipation, plenty of fluids should be taken, pulp and fiber food should be consumed, fruit should be consumed, a few dried apricots a day can help prevent this problem.

6-Should I have screening tests?

When pregnancy is diagnosed, to reveal risks for mother and baby; thyroid function tests, blood count, urine analysis, hepatitis, iron-vitamin B12 levels, and infections that may lead to abnormalities in the baby should be screened.
Down syndrome screening test between 11-14 weeks of gestation should be done with double test, nuchal translucency and nasal bone examination. 16-18. Down syndrome screening test should be performed in four weeks. 18-22. Second level detailed ultrasonographic screening should be performed between the first and second weeks.
24-28. between the gestational weeks, the sugar loading test should be applied to all pregnant women.

7- Can I exercise while pregnant?

After the first 3 months of pregnancy, pregnant women should be encouraged to exercise if there is no medical problem. Aerobic and cardio exercises are recommended. 2-3 days a week, 45-60 minutes walk, swimming, pregnancy-specific yoga or pilates can be done. Exercises should be continued until a few weeks before delivery for weight control and a comfortable pregnancy.

8- I have bleeding, what should I do?

During pregnancy, vaginal bleeding should never be considered normal. Particularly during the first days of pregnancy, staining-type bleeding during embryo placement is not a problem, but should be checked by ultrasonography in case of bleeding. Placenta-induced hemorrhage during the last 3 months of pregnancy is extremely important and can risk the life of the mother and the baby.

9- Is it true to have sex while pregnant?

There is no harm in having sex up to the last 3 weeks unless it is prohibited medically.

10- Can I get rid of the abdominal fractures?

As pregnancy progresses, tension in the skin may cause cracks in the abdomen, legs and breasts. In order to prevent crack formation, weight gain should be taken into consideration during pregnancy, balanced and especially fed with vitamin C-rich diet and after the 20th week of pregnancy special moisturizing creams, olive oil, almond oil, cocoa butter or sesame oil should be applied on the skin every day.

11- Does ultrasound harm my baby?

2-dimensional (black and white) ultrasound, 3 and 4-dimensional ultrasound during pregnancy is safe for the baby and the mother.

12- How often should I be examined?

Every 4 weeks until 32 weeks of gestation, 32-36. There should be an examination every 2 weeks between weeks and once a week from 36 weeks to birth.

13- How will I observe my baby's movements?

Baby movements are first felt in 18-20 weeks, and women who have already given birth can feel movements from 16 weeks. Infant movements are one of the most important parameters showing the well-being of the baby. When the baby has problems or problems, baby movements will decrease. If baby movements are felt after 20 weeks, consult a doctor immediately.

14- How many kilos should I gain?

It is normal for him to gain 11-14 kg in all pregnancy. The first 6 months of pregnancy, 1 kg per month, the next 3 months should take 2 kg per month. Excessive weight gain can lead to problems such as diabetes, hypertension, and prevention of normal birth, while inadequate weight gain can lead to low birth weight infants or preterm births.

15- What are my responsibilities?

Pregnancy can lead to psychological changes as well as physical changes in women. Emotional changes can be sadness, anxiety, susceptibility and mood changes. Men should always be understanding and supportive. Especially in the first 3 months of pregnancy, males should handle the kitchen and food business because of the smell sensitivity. During pregnancy, she should participate in pregnancy related activities and examinations. She must read courses and books on childbirth and baby care and actively participate in the process at every stage.

PREGMATE 40 Pregnancy HCG Test Strips (40 HCG)

Pregnancy Test Early Detection - 5 Pregnancy Tests - One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test - Do It Yourself Home Pregnancy Tests - The Easy Way to Monitor Fertility - FMH-139 5-Pack - iProv?n (Pink)

How to determine pregnancy without testing at home

Pregnancy Test Early Detection - 5 Pregnancy Tests - One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test - Do It Yourself Home Pregnancy Tests - The Easy Way to Monitor Fertility - FMH-139 5-Pack - iProv?n (Pink)

Faster and easier when using special test strips to determine if you're pregnant: Can be purchased at any pharmacy and is easy to use. Of course, the degree of accuracy of the result is lower than clinical methods (blood test or ultrasound) and in some cases is inaccurate, but more often the test shows the actual condition in the female body. But is it possible to determine the beginning of pregnancy without using it? What are the symptoms that can tell a woman that her body is preparing for motherhood?

How to determine pregnancy without a test

It is a special feature that women pay special attention to the slightest sensitivities and changes in their health status with the expectation of undesirable pregnancy, on the contrary or desirable. Consider in more detail, it is possible to draw conclusions about the onset of pregnancy and how to evaluate them correctly.

Changes in menstrual cycle
The first sign that a woman is the delay of the next menstruation, indicating the onset of pregnancy. Of course, this approach makes sense: as a rule there are no critical days for expectant mothers.

When a woman has a regular menstrual cycle, this indicator can be directed, eg. it always starts after a certain day. If the time usually changes, then it is wrong to talk about the delay, because only the previous thing may be delayed.

Among other things, even in a complete cycle, there are delays not related to pregnancy. The causes of this phenomenon can be quite numerous:

hormonal changes;
take any medication;
nerve shock, depression, stress;
various diseases and so on.
In some cases, at first, at first glance, small actions can lead to the delay of the next critical days, for example, overheating in the sun, an unusually high physical effort, a strict diet.

We should also talk about implant bleeding. Such discharges may appear in the underwear as a few brown drops in the middle of the cycle or up to the second half 5-10 days before the start of the next menstruation. The insertion of the fertilized egg in a place suitable for attachment to the uterus is associated with the fact that a small “wound inde is formed on its surface. Such bleeding can be correctly called early sign of pregnancy, but it is quite rare.

Basal temperature
Measurement of basal temperature (CT) is another way to learn the onset of pregnancy. However, there are some special features:

Basal temperature

Measurement of CT first of all receives information about the possible change in the body's hormonal background. A successful understanding can be used to diagnose pregnancy as long as it causes increased production of certain hormones.
In order to conclude about the onset or absence of pregnancy, the basal temperature should be measured in advance 2-3 days before the start of the next menstrual cycle and the values ​​obtained should be recorded in a book.
How to monitor the baseline temperature correctly?
The menstrual cycle can be divided into two parts before and after ovulation. It rises from the beginning of the body (about 36.6 degrees) to the stage of maturation and release of the egg and reaches its maximum level with the time of ovulation (about 37 degrees). If the clutch takes place, in the second period of that cycle, the indicators will go up. Where there is a gradual decrease in temperature, we can assume the absence of pregnancy.

Basal temperature is usually measured at least in the rectum in the mouth and vagina. Indicators should be recorded every day in the morning, still awake and still in bed at the same time (the difference is 30 minutes). For measurement, you can use a normal mercury thermometer with the tip placed about 2 cm in the rectum for about 5-7 minutes.

The disadvantage of this method is relatively complex: not everyone can monitor their temperature for a month, not strictly following the rules.

In addition, fluctuations in CT are not always the answer to changes in hormonal levels. Sometimes the disease may remain elevated due to the inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, stress and even drinking alcohol at night. Therefore, it is possible to rely on CT measurement data only when two conditions are met:

Factors that may lead to higher values ​​are excluded.
The absence of acute or chronic diseases that falsely distort the accuracy of CT measurement results.

Changes in health: irritability, drowsiness, nausea
Most of the time, pregnancy is completely optional in most women, but with varying degrees of symptoms.

Changes in well-being

These include:

Changes in the emotional field: irritability, crying, or conversely, unusual serenity;
Changes in general well-being: drowsiness, increased or decreased appetite, fatigue;
Physiological symptoms: Pain in the chest, feeling of weight and bloating, slight pain in the lower abdomen, weakness and some others.
Is it possible to draw conclusions about the occurrence of pregnancy on the basis of these symptoms? Indeed, in some women, from the first days of pregnancy, there is toxicosis, shortness of breath, mild dizziness, appetite and digestive disorders and pigmentation. These and other symptoms may improve over time or otherwise intensify.

In reality, however, the body rarely responds to pregnancy with similar symptoms before 1-2 weeks delay. While listening to the slightest changes in the state of their bodies, women often exaggerate their emotions and make hasty assumptions about the onset of pregnancy.

So try to really and adequately assess your well-being: is it really nauseating in the morning, or what you really don't want (or vice versa)?

Home laboratory
There are several ways to determine pregnancy in women based on biochemical changes in the composition of urine.

How to check pregnancy at home without a test

Collect urine in a clean and dry container and add a teaspoon of baking relief regularly.If it falls to the bottom in the form of a median, it can be assumed that pregnancy comes. Otherwise, the soda reacts with uric acid to form bubbles on the surface of the liquid.
Make half a liter of weak solution of pale pink manganese. Then add a little morning urine. If the color of the solution becomes lighter and slightly yellower, no fertilization has occurred. However, the appearance of small scales and the preservation of the previous color in the liquid indicate the onset of pregnancy.
A drop of iodine added to the freshly collected urine can help diagnose pregnancy. Pregnancy can occur if it remains briefly on the surface of the fluid. Fertilization has not occurred in cases where the fall spreads immediately.
Moisten a strip of white paper in the urine and drop iodine on it. If there is a pregnancy, the lilac or purple color will change and if there is no pregnancy, it will turn blue.
In the morning, mix the collected urine with wine in equal proportions. If the resulting fluid becomes cloudy and has catarrh spots, we can talk about the beginning of pregnancy.
Bring some urine to boil in a metal plate and immediately pour into a glass bowl. If you see the cereal settling down, you can talk about pregnancy. But remember, the heat-curled protein can enter the urine and it is very difficult to separate it from the flakes.
From the supernatural world
If desired, you can choose a group of pregnancy symptoms that are not based on observations of changes in your own body and various studies. These include:

fish dreams, water, children, small animals;
intuitive prerequisites;
Signs: a pregnant woman can drink water from a cup, sit in her place, etc.
Of course, some women coincide with the onset of pregnancy and some signs or dreams. However, in most cases this is not just a coincidence and more. Trusting such methods in the diagnosis of pregnancy is not worth it.

Some are eagerly awaiting pregnancy, others don't want it to be uncomfortable, but in any case she has to give a timely and accurate answer to the question of whether she expects a baby. Of course, it is better to do a blood test and use a test to get an accurate result or diagnose pregnancy.But if you do not have such an opportunity, then a few popular methods and pay attention to changes in your own body, help you draw a close to real situations It will be.

Pregnancy Test Early Detection - 5 Pregnancy Tests - One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Test - Do It Yourself Home Pregnancy Tests - The Easy Way to Monitor Fertility - FMH-139 5-Pack - iProv?n (Pink)

Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown, 5 Pregnancy Tests

5 interesting pregnancy tests from date

Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown, 5 Pregnancy Tests

There are many ways to find out if you are pregnant today, both scientifically and easily.

WALL - There are so many interesting methods used to understand pregnancy throughout history…

Here are just 5 of them…


One of the oldest pregnancy tests comes from Ancient Egypt to the present day. B.C. In 1350, women are advised to urinate on wheat and barley seeds for several days; if wheat sprouts, you will have a girl, and if barley sprouts, you will have a boy. If none of the barley and wheat has sprouted, you are not pregnant.
The most interesting thing about this test is that in 1963, 70 percent of pregnant women in the wheat and barley test in the laboratory really sprouted the seeds; however, it was found that the urine of men and non-pregnant women had no effect on the seeds.
This ancient Egyptians knew everything!


In ancient Egypt, when testing wheat and barley, in ancient Greece, Hippocrates advised women suspected to be pregnant to put onions or other strong-smelling vegetables in their vaginas at night. If the woman's breath smelled of onions the next morning, she was not pregnant; this showed that her uterus was open, so that the smell of onions reached her mouth. If she was pregnant, the uterus would be closed and there would be no tunnel to bring the smell.


Another ancient Egyptian papyrus suggests that you spread mashed dates and beer and record the number of times the woman sitting on the carpet vomits. If the recorded vomiting is high, it probably means she's pregnant. The thought behind this test comes from odor sensitivity, one of the signs of early pregnancy.

4- Look inside my eyes… YOU CAN NOW DO THIS TEST DE

A 16th-century physician Jacques Guillemeau claims that the woman's eyes can tell if she is pregnant. Guillemeau, an important work on ophthalmology (a medical science that deals with visual pathology and surgery), says that in the second month, a pregnant woman's pupils shrink, eyelids sagging and small veins swelling around the corner of her eye. It may not be convincing, but one thing is true: Eyes change during pregnancy to affect vision.


In the Women's Bible, which can be thought of as an encyclopedia of medical information about women in the late 15th century, “If you want to know if a woman is pregnant, ask her to pee in a basin and then put a peg in it; leave this latch in the urine for three or four hours. Pour urine out of the basin and raise the latch. If there are latch marks on the basin, the woman is pregnant ”. (Source: Bread and Roses)

Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown, 5 Pregnancy Tests

First Response Triple Check Pregnancy Test 3 ct.

What is a pregnancy test, how is it done?

First Response Triple Check Pregnancy Test 3 ct.

Main topics of this content
Pregnancy test

You can usually tell at least one common symptom if you are pregnant. If you are experiencing any of the signs of pregnancy, you should take a home pregnancy test or go to your doctor to confirm your pregnancy.

You will probably get accurate results from a pregnancy test one day after your first missed period. However, it is best to wait at least one week after your missed menstrual period to make sure you get the most accurate test results.

Home Pregnancy Tests

A home pregnancy test (HPT) can be used on the first day of your missed menstrual period. Some very sensitive tests can be used earlier.

These tests work by detecting human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (hCG) in the urine. This hormone is found only in the body during pregnancy. When it comes into contact with the hormone, a chemical in the test strip changes color. Wait times vary depending on the test, but most take about 10 minutes to deliver an accurate reading.

Most manufacturers recommend performing home pregnancy tests twice; because if you take the test too early after your first missed period, the results may change. In some cases, your hCG levels are too low to determine pregnancy. Practitioners vary from brand to brand, but tests are often cheaper.

Pregnancy tests are correct when used correctly. You may be pregnant, but there is a false negative result that says you are not in the test. If you have missed your period and do not have your period after a few days, repeat the test or consult your doctor.

Clinical Urine Test

You can do a clinical urine test at your doctor's office. It is not certain that these tests are more accurate than home pregnancy tests. However, your doctor may be able to help eliminate errors that may affect the accuracy of the test. Depending on your health insurance plan, a clinical urine test may be more expensive than a home pregnancy test.

The results of a clinical urine test may vary depending on the medical facility you are visiting. However, you can usually get your results within a week of testing.

Blood analysis

A laboratory tests your blood to determine the amount of hCG. There are two types of pregnancy blood tests:

Qualitative hCG blood test: This test checks whether any hCG is produced in the body. It gives a simple positive answer to whether you are pregnant or not.

Quantitative hCG blood test: This test measures the specific level of hCG in the blood.

If your HCG level is higher or lower than expected since you think you have been pregnant, your doctor may order further tests. They may request an ultrasound or repeat the hCG test within a few days. The most common reason why HCG appears abnormal is that you are not sure of your dates.

Quantitative hCG blood tests are very accurate because they accurately detect the amount of hCG in the blood. They can detect smaller amounts of hCG levels more accurately and more accurately than a qualitative hCG blood test or urine test.

A blood test can detect hCG levels before urine tests. A blood test is usually more expensive than a home test and you will have to wait longer for your results.

How Pregnancy Tests Work

Do you think you might be pregnant? Even if you use the most effective birth control methods, there is always a chance to make mistakes. After all, fertilizing the egg is only the work of a sperm. It is easily learned by taking a pregnancy test at the pharmacy to find out if it is.

Home pregnancy tests typically test a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in the urine. hCG is only found if you are pregnant. The hormone is released when a fertilized egg is attached to the outside of the uterus or to the lining of the uterus.

There are different ways to take your urine for testing. Depending on the test you choose, you may need to do the following:

You can urinate in a glass and immerse the test in it
You can urinate on the test and wait
You can use your dropper to make your urine in a glass and drop it on the test
According to experts, most pregnancy tests, 99 percent of the menstrual period is performed after the correct results. The best part is that you can do it in the privacy of your own home. Open the test, follow the instructions, and wait for the recommended time to display the results. After the recommended waiting period has elapsed, it will display your test results in one of the following ways:

color change
a line
an icon such as plus or minus
When should you do the Pregnancy Test?

For the most accurate results, you should expect to have a pregnancy test until the end of your missed menstrual period. If you do not want to wait until you miss the period, you should wait at least one to two weeks after having sex.

If you are pregnant, your body needs time to develop detectable HCG levels. This typically takes 7 to 12 days after successful implantation of an egg. If the test is performed too early from your menstrual cycle, you may get an incorrect result. Here are some signs that you should have a pregnancy test.

If you missed your period

One of the first and most reliable signs of pregnancy is a missed menstrual period. If you do not follow your period closely, it may be difficult to determine if you are late. Many women have a 28-day menstrual cycle. If the time since your last period is more than a month, consider testing. Keep in mind that stress, diet, exercise or some medical conditions will delay the period.

If You Have Cramps

Implantation may also produce a feeling similar to menstrual cramps. You may feel this discomfort in the early stages of pregnancy and think that your period is approaching, but then it will never come. If this is the case, you should do a pregnancy test. Hormone levels vary according to women and pregnancy.

If your breasts hurt

While your pregnancy produces more and more estrogen and progesterone, these hormones begin to make changes in your body to support your baby's growth. Your breasts may feel tender and appear larger due to increased blood flow. The nipples may be damaged and the veins may appear darker under the skin. This symptom is not always indicative of pregnancy, since many women also suffer from breast discomfort during their menstrual period.

If You Feel Different

In the early stages of pregnancy with cramps and painful breasts, it can cause:

food sensitivity
frequent urination

As the weeks persist, these symptoms may become more difficult before HCG levels even enter the first trimester. If you know yourself, watch your body. Any unusual physical symptoms may require a pregnancy test.

First Response Triple Check Pregnancy Test 3 ct.

PREGMATE 25 Pregnancy HCG Test Strips (25 HCG)

How to do a pregnancy test? How to do a home urine pregnancy test? What does a single and double line mean?

PREGMATE 25 Pregnancy HCG Test Strips (25 HCG)

If your menstrual period is delayed and you suspect that you are pregnant, you can do it yourself with the pregnancy test you can get from pharmacies. So, how to do a pregnancy test? What do you mean, the single and double lines on the pregnancy test?

Pregnancy test should be done 5 days after the delay of menstruation. Pregnancy test can be done by buying test tools which are sold in pharmacies and can be applied by themselves or this test can be applied as a result of blood donation.

When you want to be done by yourself; a small amount of urine is added to the marked portion on the test strip and left for 3-5 minutes. Single line is negative (not pregnant) and double line is positive (pregnant).

How to Pregnancy Test by Blood Measurement?
Blood can be given at any time of the day. In order to do so, there must be a menstrual delay of at least one week. Blood is drawn and tested in the laboratory. Results can be obtained within 1-2 hours. Whether the pregnancy results from the test is determined according to the values.

PREGMATE 25 Pregnancy HCG Test Strips (25 HCG)

Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test, 3 Count Prueba de embarazo Rapid Detection Clearblue

Here is what happens during pregnancy week by week

Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test, 3 Count   Prueba de embarazo Rapid Detection Clearblue

After the pregnancy symptoms, you did a pregnancy test and then came to the happy news that you will now include a new baby in your family. In the first stage, although more enjoyable to put aside to look at baby clothes. Here's everything from nutrition tips in pregnancy to weeks of pregnancy that you need to know about how to spend the pregnancy.

1 Everything you need to know about the beginning and the stages of motherhood during the pregnancy week by week from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Op. Dr. Herman told the Labor.
4th and 8th weeks of pregnancy

2 Here is what happens during pregnancy from week to week: Nausea and vomiting in the first months of pregnancy affect the majority of expectant mothers. In fact, half of the pregnant women may have a heavy weight that will impair the quality of life and require diet and medication. Deviations of appetite, asking for things that are not, craving are actually the lightest form of this situation. When a pregnant woman with severe nausea sees the gestational sac on the screen, it increases her stamina.

3One of the most touching moments for mothers is the moment when their babies hear their heart beat. At the end of two troublesome weeks with nausea, the embrio begins to appear. The power of the ultrasound device now detects heart sounds.
4 Here is what happens in the pregnancy week by weekWeights taken during the controls, changes in the skin, many changes or negativity due to pregnancy that connects land in normal life are often ignored. For pregnant, the baby grows rapidly, the arm is seen leg, even small movements, which is already important.
12th week of pregnancy
5 Here is what happens in the pregnancy week by week In the third month of pregnancy at the time of the so-called dual screening test, maternal sentiment reaches its peak.

6 Indeed, the baby is now fully selectable. After these weeks the time for the expectant mother is really endless. Days until the fourth month the baby will be re-evaluated.
7 Here is what happens in pregnancy week by weekMom candidates begin to think about the place of birth, the shape, the baby room, the kindergarten they will send, even if they do not express it verbally to their spouse yet. Although hormonal agitation provides a very positive life for the expectant mother, it is not possible for the prospective father to try to understand it.
16th and 17th weeks of pregnancy
8 Here's what happens during the pregnancy week by week. Most likely the sex of the baby will be determined. The individual inside is no longer embrio; Zeynep, Defne, Ali or Mert.
9 Here's what happens in pregnancy weeks by week Learning to know that a baby is not always a baby but in the examination room will cause louder cheers. Learning to be a lonely baby girl usually creates a sneaky smile for mothers. Very few people can observe this facial expression except for gynecologists. Perhaps I do not know that they think "I am suffering so much, this is a companion who will understand me and help me." This examination is usually a turning point in the family's life.
20th and 21st weeks of pregnancy
10 Here is what happens in the pregnancy week by weekThe abdomen grows, but in daily life pregnancy does not manifest itself. One day, suddenly, something moves inside like a butterfly on a palm. Again, a discharge of emotion occurs. Now all these troubles are for something tangible. Only an image on the screen is not a sound on the ultrasound speaker. Someone inside you is moving back and forth.

11 Here is what happens during pregnancy from week to week. The baby lives in the fluid in the amniotic sac surrounded by a two-layer membrane in the womb. The force of gravity is balanced by the buoyancy of the water. While the newborn is so weak in the outside world that he cannot raise his arm or move his head, flying kicks in this period are very surprising. Like a submarine, the baby slides through the abdomen and causes fluctuations in the abdomen.
12 Here's what happens during pregnancy weeks to week Sometimes kicks and bumps coincide with the nerves leading to the legs. It causes your mother to have serious pain. But nothing reduces maternal urges. The mother is rejoiced in that movement, and the mother is worried if the movement decreases. After a while, the expectant mother realizes that the baby is moving when she eats sugary things or chocolate.
13 Here are some things that happen during pregnancy. There are mothers who push the limits of obesity so that the baby can move. The expectant mother is so motivated that for her baby, even though she knows she will become ugly, she does not care.
14 Here are the weeks of pregnancy

Motherhood impulses are so strong that we have often observed that a woman who smokes two packs a day suddenly quits smoking. As it is known, the most common reasons for smoking cessation are heart attacks. People stop smoking because of fear of death. Pregnancy comes second. The worry of harming her baby is almost motivated by the fear of death.
24th and 25th weeks of pregnancy
15 Here is what happened during the pregnancy week by week now your weight gain has accelerated. Weight gain rate 2 kg per month. should be. Your baby has started to gain weight. It can make your movements feel stronger now. The father can easily perceive the baby's movements when he puts his hand on your stomach.
16 Here are the weeks of pregnancy
Your leg cramps will increase. Taking magnesium and calcium will reduce cramps. Your back pain continues.

17 Here's what happens during pregnancy weeks to week Varicose veins may occur on your legs and face, and this condition will pass after birth. Acne on your skin increases. Withdrawal and bleeding may occur in your gums.
18 Here is what happens during pregnancy weeks to week Color Doppler ultrasonography can be performed during these weeks of pregnancy. It is performed by using sound energy, it is a reliable examination method since it does not contain radiation. It can detect if your baby's heart has structural defects.
19 Here are the weeks of pregnancy in your pregnancy. Your baby's heart is best evaluated on ultrasound during the 22nd and 24th weeks. In this period, both the baby's and the mother's necessary vessels can be made doppler. The doppler of the vessels feeding the mother's uterus will give information about whether the baby will be low.
20 Here is what happens during pregnancy from week to weekThe length of your rapidly growing baby is 18-21 cm. weight 400-600 gr. It is up. Their senses develop gradually. White blood cells and red blood cells begin to form. It can move the hands, feet, arms and legs regularly.
21 Here's what happens during pregnancy week by weekPancreas secretes insulin more regularly. Eyebrows, eyelashes and eyelids began to form. Subcutaneous fat storage continues. It can detect external sound and strong light. The gall bladder and liver are functional. Bilirubin secretion increases. The pancreas is developing. Quick eye movements begin.
3. trimester period in pregnancy
22 Here's what happens during pregnancy week by weekYour feelings of fatigue increase. You may have back and low back pain. Vaginal discharge increases as your hormones change.
23 Here is what happens during pregnancy week by weekWhen choosing cotton underwear, hygiene needs to be paid attention. Pain and contractions can be felt in the hands and fingers.
24 Here is what happens during pregnancy week by weekWe should be aware of possible pregnancy poisoning (pre-eclampsia) during pregnancy. In the morning, swelling of the hands, feet and face more than necessary, rapid weight gain, frequent and very headaches, visual impairment, high blood pressure in the case of symptoms such as you should see your doctor immediately.
25 Here's what happens during pregnancy weeks to week In your rapidly growing uterus, there may be irregular contractions called Braxton-Hicks. Complaints such as leg cramps, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, itchy skin cracks, low back pain, edema of the feet, heartburn, indigestion are more common in the third trimester.
28th and 29th weeks of pregnancy
26 Here is what happens during pregnancy week by week, 24th to 28th of pregnancy. water sugar test known to the public between the weeks of 50 gr. 1 hour glucose (sugar) screening test. For pregnant women whose glucose screening was more than 140 mg / dl, 100 gr. 4-hour loading test with glucose. According to the result, the diagnosis of gestational diabetes is made and treatment is started by evaluating the results.

27 If you have problems such as blood mismatch during pregnancy, that is, if the mother's blood type is Rh negative, you should be immunized with Rh immunoglobulin to prevent the formation of antibodies in your body that will affect your baby's blood. If your baby's blood type is Rh positive, you should be immunized again with Rh immunoglobulin after birth.
28 Here's what happens in pregnancy week by week. If contractions occur frequently (like 4-5 times per hour), water comes from the vagina less, if you have bloody discharge, you may be at risk of premature birth.
29 Here's what happens during pregnancy weeks to week You should talk to your doctor right away. In such cases, uterine contractions with 2 probes called NST (non-stress test) and the heartbeat of the baby can be seen by printing on a graph.
30 Here's what happens during pregnancy week to weekHormonal, emotional motivation reaches its peak in labor. This process may take 8-10 hours, especially in the first birth. No known hormones, progesterone, prolactin, oxytocin, endorphin, cortisone, adrenaline ... are enough to explain this stamina.
31 Here is what happens during pregnancy week by weekThis process cannot be managed in a non-pregnant woman or in a man. Maternity is a spiritual, emotional, bodily and hormonal preparation that lasts for months, and in 70% of women, birth results spontaneously, even if you never touch it.
32 Here's what happens during pregnancy week by weekBirth is getting closer. Time's running out. Now it is useful to have your birth bag ready.
You get more and more emotional. The first milk from your breasts can come from colostrum.

33 Here's what happens during pregnancy week by weekYou should take care that your blood pressure is at risk for mother and baby.
If the measured blood pressure exceeds 14/9, especially if the blood pressure exceeds 9, a doctor should be consulted.
34 Here is what happens during pregnancy week by week, swelling of the legs increases.

35 Here's what happens during pregnancy week by weekWhen your constipation complaints increase.

36 Here's what happens during pregnancy week by weekWhen you have frequent urination, heartburn and gas problems.

37 Here's what happens in pregnancy week by weekWhen the uterus is very large, the respiratory, digestive and circulatory system burden increases and your back pain increases accordingly.
38 Here's what happens during pregnancy week by weekWith the growth of your uterus, you may experience irregular and painless short-term contractions. There is no need to worry that these are false birth pains. However, if you experience frequent and painful contractions, bloody or pinkish vaginal discharge, pressure and pain in the lower abdominal cavity, there may be signs of premature birth, and you should see your doctor immediately. If your doctor does not see any obstacles, you can continue your sexual life. It is very healthy to experience sexuality during pregnancy.
32 and 33 weeks of pregnancy
39 Here's what happens during pregnancy week by week. average length of 2000 -2500 gr. It weighs. Because your baby grows and increases in weight, it takes up a lot of space in the uterus, and therefore, its movements may be slower and less. No need to worry. The mother should follow the baby's movements closely after this period. If you feel more movement or decrease in your baby's movements than normal, you should consult your doctor if no movement is felt within 1 hour after drinking 1 glass of milk if this does not play at all. Some tests are necessary to understand your baby's condition.
40 Skin wrinkles are reduced, soft and smooth. The increase in fat and muscle tissue accelerated. Lanugo hairs begin to shed and may remain in the shoulder and back after a small amount of birth. It makes the urine into the amniotic fluid it contains. Your baby needs more calcium during these periods because of bone development. Try to consume lots of milk and dairy products.

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AFAC Pregnancy Test, 3 Pregnancy Tests, Early Pregnancy Test Kit, HCG Test, Reliable and Quick, Over 99% Accuracy, 10 Seconds Dip, 3 Minutes Wait

The materials of these pregnancy tests are in your home!

AFAC Pregnancy Test, 3 Pregnancy Tests, Early Pregnancy Test Kit, HCG Test, Reliable and Quick, Over 99% Accuracy, 10 Seconds Dip, 3 Minutes Wait

The first signs of pregnancy may not feel the same in all women. Some women experience all the symptoms, while others do not experience any symptoms other than menstrual delay. It's easy to see if we're pregnant nowadays. We can get a pregnancy test from the pharmacy and learn the result in a few minutes. But how did women know in the old days whether they were pregnant or not? Here's the answer ...

No blood test, no ultrasound, no pregnancy test. But the women living in this old era will not be intimidated that they have done their own pregnancy tests themselves. Here are the pregnancy tests with the materials in the house in the old times ...

These home pregnancy tests have no scientific value and have not been proven to be accurate. You should have a blood and urine test to be sure.

Pregnancy test using bleach

Bleach can be used to confirm your pregnancy. Many women used this method.


2 tablespoons


Plastic container.

Preparation of:

Bleach is put into the plastic container. Urine is added to the container containing the bleach. If foam is formed, the result is positive, if no foam is formed, the result is negative.

Home pregnancy test with sugar

This test is known as one of the most reliable and easiest methods from ancient times.


1 tablespoon sugar

1 pc plastic container

Preparation of:

Urine is collected in a plastic container. In another container put 1 tablespoon sugar. Urine, sugar is poured into the container. Wait a few minutes to observe the reaction of sugar in the urine. If the sugar remains as it is, the result is positive. If the sugar is reduced and mixed with urine, that is, if the sugar is dissolved in the urine, you are not pregnant.

Note: In the old times, in order to get more accurate results, this process was applied in the morning after getting out of bed.

Pregnancy test with toothpaste

One of the other methods is test with toothpaste. What we need for this test is a toothpaste.


Tooth paste

A small container.

Preparation of:

A small amount of toothpaste is squeezed into a container. Urine is added to the container. If the toothpaste foamed or turned blue, the result was considered to be positive.

Urine only test

As soon as the urine gets up in the morning, it is made into a jar. 24 hours without touching. If a thin layer is formed on the urine then the result is positive. If there is no change in urine, the result is considered negative.

Pregnancy test with dandelion

In the past, pregnancy tests were also performed using dandelion leaves.


3-4 dandelion leaves

Plastic container.

Preparation of:

Dandelion leaves are put into plastic bowl. Urine is poured onto the leaves and left for a few minutes. If there are red spots on the leaves, the result is considered positive and if there are no spots, the result is considered negative.

Pregnancy test with soap

Urine is applied on a piece of soap. If the soap forms bubbles, the result is positive. The result is negative if no bubbles form on the soap.

Pregnancy test using baking soda and soda

Pregnancy tests can also be carried out using baking soda and soda, which is a kitchen material.


2 tablespoons

2 tablespoons baking powder


Plastic container

Preparation of:

Baking soda is added into the plastic cup. Urine is added to the container containing the baking powder. (A few minutes) After adding 2 tablespoons of soda, it is positive if the carbonate foams as a result of the reaction of the mixture, if the carbonate does not foam, the result is negative.

Pregnancy test with vinegar

Vinegar can be used in everything and helps you in your pregnancy test.


½ cup white vinegar

Plastic container

Preparation of:

Put white vinegar in the plastic bowl. Urine is added to the container containing the vinegar. If the color changes, the result is positive, otherwise the result is negative.

AFAC Pregnancy Test, 3 Pregnancy Tests, Early Pregnancy Test Kit, HCG Test, Reliable and Quick, Over 99% Accuracy, 10 Seconds Dip, 3 Minutes Wait