Saturday, November 9, 2019

Vicks Personal Sinus Steam Inhaler Face Steamer with Soft Face Mask

Sinusitis on

Vicks Personal Sinus Steam Inhaler Face Steamer with Soft Face Mask

Inflammation of the sinus cavities located around the nose is called sinusitis. Sinuses; the maxillary sinus located on the right side of the nose, the frontal sinus located on the upper side of the nose, the frontal sinus on the forehead bone, the sphenoid sinus on the midline of the posterior and upper sides of the nose, and the ethmoid sinus consisting of several small gaps on the lateral and upper sides of the nose. All these sinuses open into the nose through a hole.

The sinuses have tasks such as resonance of sound, humidification of the respiratory air, heating, retention of harmful particles, and reduction of headache. Only maxillary and ethmoid sinuses are present at birth. Other sinuses develop over time. It is also possible that some sinuses may not develop at all. Sine size varies from person to person.

Inflammatory agents such as bacteria, viruses, fungi are frequently located in one of the regions of the human body is the most in contact with the external environment of the nose and sinuses. However, although there are bacteria and viruses that often cause inflammation in these areas, there is not always an inflammation in a normal working sinus. Sinusitis develops if there is a condition that prevents normal operation of the sinus. Sinusitis most commonly develops after upper respiratory tract infections such as flu and flu. In such infections, the perforations of the sinuses are closed due to edema and sinus secretions do not empty into the nose. In addition, the aeration of the sinuses is impaired. In this case, inflammation develops easily in the sinus. If a cold or flu does not heal in 7 days, or if it starts to heal and worsens in 1-2 days, it has returned to sinusitis. Apart from this, allergy that obstructs sinus mouths, bone curvature of the nose, flesh growth, foreign body, nasal flesh also facilitate the development of sinusitis. People with low body resistance for other reasons may experience sinusitis more easily than healthy individuals.

Sinusitis is generally divided into acute and chronic (chronic). Acute sinusitis refers to newly formed sinusitis. When properly treated, it heals completely. However, chronic sinusitis means continuous inflammation in the sinuses and is difficult to treat.
The symptoms of acute and chronic sinusitis are different. Complaints are more severe in acute sinusitis. One of the most uncomfortable complaints is pain. According to which sinus is inflamed, headache, face pain, pain around the eyes. It usually increases by bending forward. Symptoms such as nasal congestion (continuous or intermittent), runny nose, decreased smell (or feeling bad smell), nasal discharge, fever, pain in the jaw and teeth, bad breath, nosebleeds, eyelids and swelling of the face. The runny nose can be of varying consistency, often yellow-green, colorless or mixed with blood. It is usually smelly and flows both from the front of the nose to the outside and from the back of the nose into the throat. Nausea-vomiting, cough and hoarseness may develop due to nasal discharge. Cough is a symptom of both acute and chronic sinusitis. In chronic sinusitis, although complaints are longer lasting, they are lighter than acute sinusitis. Pain is less frequent and sometimes even absent. The nasal discharge and the associated throat and cough are most uncomfortable. Apart from this, there is again nasal congestion, fullness of the face and bad breath. Patients with chronic sinusitis may sometimes experience acute episodes, with more severe complaints. Sinusitis is a disease that does not cause serious problems when treated with appropriate antibiotics and adjuncts or, if necessary, surgery. However, although it is not seen very often today, some additional problems related to the spread of inflammation may develop. The most important of these are the spread of inflammation to the eye area and diseases that can go as far as blindness, spread to the brain membrane or brain, abscess formation, inflammation within the sinus and bone inflammation.

Diagnosis of sinusitis patients; Complaints and examination findings are accompanied by diagnostic methods. It is often possible to diagnose sinusitis, especially acute sinusitis, with complaints and examination findings (discharge in the nose at a dark-yellow consistency). Ancillary diagnostic methods are usually used in suspected cases. The most commonly used method for this purpose is a film called Waters radiography, which examines the maxillary sinus. Other sinuses include films shot from different angles. However, although these are useful in practice, they should be known to have some margin of error, and computed tomography of the sinuses should be performed, especially in patients who do not respond to treatment or who are considered for surgery. Computed tomography gives us very useful and detailed information about the nasal and sinuses.

The aim of the treatment of sinusitis is to destroy the bacteria and to ensure that the perforations of the sinuses are patented. Destruction of bacteria occurs with antibiotics. Antibiotics are selected, taking into account the bacteria that cause the most sinusitis. Culture and antibiogram selection for antibiotic selection is a very rare method. Other than that, if there are conditions such as tablets or sprays used for decongestant purposes, pain relievers to suppress the pain and suppress inflammation, and allergies that help sinusitis, they are given anti-allergic drugs such as antihistamine. Decongestant sprays should not be used for more than 5 days. In cases where there is no response to drugs, the presence of other factors that facilitate sinusitis is investigated and treated appropriately. However, sometimes surgery may be necessary. In chronic sinusitis, maximal drug treatment is applied first. However, if maximal drug therapy does not respond or there are underlying preparatory factors, surgical treatment is applied. Surgery for sinusitis has been very advanced in recent years. The most important reason for this progress is the introduction of camera devices called endoscopes that allow detailed examination of the inside of the nose and surgery. The most important purpose of the surgery is to open the sinus mouths and clean the inside of the sinuses. The most important issue after surgery is the proper dressing. The patient may also try to prevent adherence and debris by washing the inside of the nose with saline. The rate of recurrence of sinusitis is extremely low after endoscopic surgery. However, it is not uncommon to see recurrent problems, especially in sinusitis where allergies play a role.

Vicks Personal Sinus Steam Inhaler Face Steamer with Soft Face Mask