Wednesday, November 13, 2019

ValuMeds Enteric Coated Aspirin Tablets, 325 mg (Orange) Safety Coated (500 Tablets), Regular Strength Headache Medicine | Natural Anti-Inflammatory | Help Reduce Joint Pain, Menstrual Cramps

Should We Use Protective Aspirin

ValuMeds Enteric Coated Aspirin Tablets, 325 mg (Orange) Safety Coated (500 Tablets), Regular Strength Headache Medicine | Natural Anti-Inflammatory | Help Reduce Joint Pain, Menstrual Cramps

Aspirin is one of the safest drugs we have. We have been using it for nearly 300 years.

It is understood that this miracle molecule, which is mostly used as a painkiller, is also good for veins in the recent years and prevents clotting processes.

Using Aspirin regularly to dilute blood (ie, make coagulation a little more difficult) may be beneficial for someone with a high risk of vascular disease or a history of vascular problems (eg heart attack). Aspirin reduces the likelihood of clotting by many mechanisms in these individuals, delays vascular aging, and prevents sudden clot formation and related vascular blockages.

The debate over whether it is beneficial to regularly use Aspirin prophylaxis in the middle age and beyond does not stop! You are looking at the results of a new study this year, "40 to 80-100 mg every day after the use of aspirin," said those who say, the following year can say the opposite. It seems that it is not clear which one is right and which one is wrong. To me, it will never be clear! The reason for this is that medicine has often made a serious mistake recently about Aspirin.


One of the most important weaknesses of modern medicine is the fact that it is overpowered by pharmaceutical manufacturers and the other is that people think that it is a single model uniform mechanical device that has come out of the same production line. I think the same mistakes have been made with aspirin. A "stone-like" person who has reached the age of forty or even staired to 50 to 60 does not need to use Aspirin. In fact, if these people have problems such as ulcers, gastritis, Aspirin can even be harmful.

On the other hand, it may be beneficial for a middle-aged diabetic patient with high cholesterol (especially if the family has a high incidence of heart attacks at an early age). In other words, the use of protective Aspirin should be evaluated individually and carefully for each person.


The decision to start taking Aspirin as a preservative should be left to doctors. Because the doctor can decide who will benefit or suffer from this preventive treatment. The time to start aspirin is very important. In general, 40 for men, 50 for women after age Aspirin to begin to slow down the aging of the vessels a little. "When should I start aspirin?" When looking for answers to the question of personal health and family history of health, that is, genetic heritage should also be taken into account.

In my opinion, if you do not have problems such as cardiovascular disease, paralysis and cancer until your old age in your family heritage, you do not need to use Aspirin if you are a man 50-55 and a woman until 60 years old. On the other hand, if your family has a large number of cardiovascular disease in the early ages, if you have a heart attack and / or paralysis below 50-55 years of age, if the incidence of large intestine, breast, prostate cancers is high, it may be helpful to discuss the use of Aspirin prophylaxis after 40s.


If you started using Aspirin regularly, be sure to drink with plenty of water after meals. Do not take Aspirin, especially just before exercise, or if you do, remember to drink plenty of water together. If you are using an anti-inflammatory pain medication such as ibuprofen and naproxen with aspirin, be particularly sensitive to drinking plenty of water. It may be beneficial to take Aspirin for a while during flu infections.

If you use other blood thinners, tell your doctor before starting Aspirin. Those who use supplements such as Omega-3 and Ginko Biloba should advise their doctors before starting Aspirin. Remind your doctor if you have kidney failure or asthma. If you regularly use Aspirin and do not have any surgery in the near future, such as surgery, biopsy, remember that you should stop Aspirin'e. Remind this to your doctor. If you have problems such as stomach bleeding, peptide ulcer, gastritis in your personal health history, you should keep in mind that these conditions should be evaluated before starting Aspirin. Let your doctor decide how many milligrams of Aspirin you will swallow each day.

Do not use any medicine without aspirin without consulting your doctor. Former doctors say, "Drugs are like double-edged blades.

Handkerchiefs do not fall

You sneeze, your nose is flowing, you shudder ... You have a slight fever. You may have a cold. You might think, "It's cold, I'm cold." However, the main cause of colds is not cold weather or change of air, but javelin throwing "rhinovirus" viruses. Of course, trying to keep the body temperature constant at 37 ° C, increasing the runny nose and viruses will facilitate the work of the flu invites. Crowded environments, schools, work places, such as where ventilation problems are ideal for transmission.

Drugs containing "paracetamol" can be used to reduce fever, relieve pain and joint pain. Congestion is more important than nasal discharge and must be removed. Sprays containing seawater can be used, or "saline" can be easily prepared with a wiping teaspoon of table salt to be added to a cup of boiled and warmed water at home. Consuming plenty of fluids, giving priority to fruits and vegetables, paying attention to sleep patterns, strengthens immunity and accelerates healing.

Causes of stillbirth

Pregnancy is 40 weeks; if the baby dies in the womb after the 20th week, it will have to be delivered as a dead child. The baby watches are sometimes noticed after being dead in the womb for weeks. This is seen in around 1 percent of all births. In such cases, the chance of stillbirth increases to 3 percent on average. If the cause is a mother's chronic disease or genetic disorder, the chance increases.

Although smoking and excessive alcohol increase the risk of stillbirth, there are 3 main reasons that can be found:

- Problems with the placenta or cord.

- High blood pressure in mother, pregnancy poisoning, uncontrolled diabetes, lupus, heart or thyroid disease, some viral and bacterial infections.

- Structural defects of the baby. Autopsies revealed one or more structural abnormalities in one quarter of infants.

The newest medicine may not be the best medicine

Don't make a mistake made by most patients or even a physician! Do not attempt to replace each new drug with your existing one, as it is more effective and harmless than previous ones. The new drug may not always mean better. Sometimes it may even be risky to start a new drug that has not been sufficiently tested and used widely. Former physicians thought: "It is not right to be the first and last physician and patient to use a medicine or medical method!" This idea remains valid today. Every new blood pressure, sugar, cholesterol medication you see is better than the drugs you have used safely for years, thinking of replacing. If you have such an idea, don't forget to share it with your doctor.

Seasonal diets are very wrong (2)

1) Consume a lot of flaxseed and grape seed extract-like substances considering it to be useful.

2) Drink lemon juice, thyme juice, vinegar water, parsley juice thinking it is fat burning.

3) Taking calorie reduced nutrients (wholemeal biscuits, cakes, chocolate) as zero calories to get more calories than intended.

4) Omega 3 source of olive oil to benefit from the health benefits to consume excessive amounts.

5) Unconsciously removing yogurt and milk from the diet.

6) Excessive sports during the diet and the physical activity is reached when the targeted weight is reached.

7) Increasing calorie intake by consuming too much pumpkin seeds, nuts and walnuts to benefit from its positive effects on cholesterol.

8) Excessive consumption of carbonated beverage and soda with sweetener.

9) Weigh every day.

10) Applying one kind of diet-based diet lists.

11) Excessive consumption of fruit by considering less calories.

12) To be obsessed with losing weight, to lose weight diet.

Medicines on your table

I have hypertension. I'm on a diet to lose weight. What should I pay attention to in this diet because my blood pressure is high?

- Reduce your salt use. Try not to exceed 2-3 grams of salt per day. - Use potassium-rich flavors such as parsley, mint, thyme, dill, onion and lemon juice.

- Garlic, which also has a potential protective mechanism against cancer, should be on your table.

- Prefer vegetable oils.

- Don't forget the greens! Cress, arugula, green onions, parsley ... - Take your cheese unsalted. - Consume 3-5 servings of vegetables and fruit a day. - Do not use alcohol; if alcohol is used, limit it to 1 glass of drink. Do not use butter, margarine, tail oil and tallow.

ValuMeds Enteric Coated Aspirin Tablets, 325 mg (Orange) Safety Coated (500 Tablets), Regular Strength Headache Medicine | Natural Anti-Inflammatory | Help Reduce Joint Pain, Menstrual Cramps