Thursday, November 7, 2019

RubyLux NIR-A Near Infrared Bulb Grade A

Don't Say My Child Wants To Sleep With The Light On

RubyLux NIR-A Near Infrared Bulb Grade A

How should the use of antipyretic drugs be regulated in children?
With the cooling of the weather and the spread of school and nursery diseases, high fever complaints in children increase especially in winter months. Paracetamol and ibuprofen antipyretics are commonly used in cases where fever cannot be reduced in childhood. Paracetamol group should be taken on an empty stomach and ibuprofen group on a full stomach. In the case of fever during sleep, suppositories can be applied. The World Health Organization does not recommend the use of antipyretics unless fever exceeds 39 degrees or disrupts the general situation.

Is antibiotics given to reduce the child's fever?
Antibiotic use is an important treatment and should only be supervised by a doctor. Depending on the type of drug, fasting or full use will be recommended by your doctor. Administration of the antibiotic dose during the day during the day will facilitate the spread of the drug. In addition, in the case of fever in babies or children, supportive treatments such as regulation of room temperature and removal of thick clothing are just as important as medications.

How to create a sleep pattern?
Sleep education is of great importance in infants and education should be given as of the 6th month. It is necessary to create a sleeping ritual for the baby and accustom him to the sleeping baby. Because as the baby gets used to sleeping, he will want to sleep the same way when he wakes up between his superficial or deep sleep. If the baby is constantly breastfeeding, shaking, sleeping on the lap or lying next to the baby will also want to see you when you wake up. Therefore, some rules should be observed in sleep education. For this purpose, the child can get ready to sleep step by step, by having his bath, brushing his teeth and reading a book, at 8-9 every evening. Night feeding should also be discontinued at the age of 1 year. However, if the baby wakes up regularly at night, it should be investigated whether there is any other health problem.

Should babies be put to sleep in a completely dark environment?
Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the brain, especially at night, and is also known as the “hormone of the dark“. Its main task is to maintain the biological clock of the body and adjust its rhythm. It also has growth-enhancing, cell renewing, immune system regulating, anti-oxidant and puberty-inducing effects. The production and release of this hormone starts with darkness and ends with light. The highest levels of melatonin secreted between 23.00 - 05.00 are reached between 02.00-04.00. There are many factors affecting the synthesis and release of melatonin. The most important of these factors is light. For melatonin, which does not like light and whose synthesis is inhibited in the presence of light, it is necessary to remove the night lights from the rooms where children sleep.

How should bottle hygiene be provided?
It is an appropriate approach to wash frequently used bottles daily and rinse with plenty of water. It can also be washed in the dishwasher, but it would be more beneficial to rinse it again later. In addition to daily washing, it should be remembered that bottles should be boiled 2-3 times a week.

What should be done for the baby to stop using pacifiers?
For oral and dental health, the pacifier should be left to the age of 2 at the latest. One of the most important factors in this period is the right time. It may be necessary to postpone the release of a pacifier at a time when there are significant changes in the baby's life, that is, when the mother starts work or when a new sibling joins the family. If your baby uses the pacifier for pre-sleep relaxation, different relaxation methods should be available. In addition, small changes to the pacifier can prevent the baby from suckling with pleasure as before. The first thing you can do for this is to pierce the plastic part of the pacifier with a needle, but it should be avoided to disturb the pacifier, such as hot pepper, and shake the trust of you.

What should I look out for to strengthen my child's hair?
Babies with congenital hair loss should undergo a dermatology examination. This may be due to structural hair shortage, chronic disease or malnutrition. After the problem that causes hair shortness has been investigated and identified, the reason-related treatment should be planned. For healthy hair, proper nutrition, good sleep and controlling chronic diseases, if any, are of great importance.

RubyLux NIR-A Near Infrared Bulb Grade A