Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Original Percogesic enhanced pain relief -Acetaminophen 325 mg, Diphenhydramine 12.5 mg - Fast Acting Coated Caplets, 90 Count(Pack of 2)

Is it Good to Drink Aspirin Every Day?

Original Percogesic enhanced pain relief -Acetaminophen 325 mg, Diphenhydramine 12.5 mg - Fast Acting Coated Caplets, 90 Count(Pack of 2)

The following is a real event described by a doctor and reflects a very common problem.

ALL the family was worried. Now the doctor was worried. Sa If he doesn't stop bleeding soon, we may have to think about blood transfusions, Doktor the doctor said.

The man had been slowly bleeding from his intestines for weeks, and the problem was diagnosed as gastric inflammation, gastritis. Desperate, the doctor asked: mis Are you sure you haven't taken any medication? ”

"No. I only drank this over-the-counter medicine for arthritis, adam the man said.

Suddenly, the doctor listened to what was said. Im Let me see this, ”he said. Examining the label carefully, he found what he was looking for. Acetylsalicylic acid! The problem was solved. When this patient stopped taking the aspirin-containing composition and took the iron and some stomach medications given to her, her bleeding stopped and her blood count slowly returned to normal.

Bleeding Caused by Drugs

Gastrointestinal bleeding caused by drugs is a serious medical problem today. Although there may be many drugs that contribute to this condition, most of the problems are caused by drugs used for arthritis and pain. These include a group of drugs called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). The names of these drugs vary from country to country.

Aspirin is a component of many prescription drugs. And in recent years, the number of people who drink aspirin every day has increased in many countries. Why is that?

Request for Aspirin

1995 Regular use of aspirin saves lives, Har says the Harvard Health Letter in 1995. After this date, the researchers came to the conclusion that many studies have been repeated many times around the world: herkes Almost everyone who has had a heart attack or stroke, has angina or has coronary bypass surgery and has no allergies to aspirin should drink half to one tablet of aspirin per day. ”*

Other researchers claim that it is beneficial for both men over the age of 50 who are at risk for a heart attack and aspirin for women at risk. There are also studies showing that daily aspirin can reduce the risk of large bowel cancer, and long-term high-dose aspirin can help lower blood sugar levels in diabetics.

How does aspirin function to provide these benefits? Although this is not entirely known, evidence suggests that aspirin affects platelets in the blood to make them less sticky, thereby interfering with clot formation. It is estimated that this helps prevent the blockage of small arteries in the heart and brain, thereby preventing damage to vital organs.

Despite all these predicted benefits, why doesn't everyone drink aspirin? One reason is that many things are still unknown. Even the ideal dose of aspirin is unclear. Dosage recommendations range from a standard tablet to be taken twice a day to aspirin to a baby every other day. Should a dose be different from that of men? The doctors aren't sure. While enteric-coated aspirin may be considered to be of some benefit, the advantages of aspirin in combination with an antiacid are still controversial.

Reasons to be cautious

Native Americans obtained aspirin components from willow bark. Although aspirin is technically a natural substance, it has many side effects. In addition to causing bleeding problems in some people, there are many other possible complications of aspirin, including the development of allergic reactions in aspirin-sensitive individuals. Of course, aspirin every day is not suitable for everyone.

However, a person with a risk of heart attack and stroke or other significant risk factors may want to talk to his doctor about the risks and benefits of taking aspirin every day. The patient will, of course, want to make sure that there are no bleeding problems, aspirin intolerance and stomach or intestinal problems. Any other problems or drug interactions should be discussed with the doctor before starting treatment.

As mentioned previously, those who take aspirin and similar drugs are at a significant risk of bleeding. This bleeding may not be immediately apparent, it starts slowly and increases with time. Other drugs, especially anti-inflammatory drugs, should be considered with caution. Be sure to inform your doctor if you are using one of these. In most cases, it is wise to stop taking these medications before surgery. Perhaps even regular laboratory tests on blood counts will help.

If we want to protect ourselves from future problems, we will pay attention to this proverb in the Bible: adam The prudent man sees evil and hides; (Proverbs 22: 3) In this medical matter, let us be prudent in order not to harm our health.

Who Can Consider Taking Aspirin Every Day?

● People with coronary heart disease and stenosis of the carotid arteries (main blood vessel in the neck).

● Persons who have had a thrombotic stroke (a type of clot-induced stroke) or a transient ischemic crisis (a short stroke-like event)

● Men over 50 with at least one of the following risk factors for cardiovascular disease: smoking, hypertension, diabetes, high total cholesterol levels, low HDL cholesterol levels, obesity, excessive alcohol consumption, early coronary disease in the family (Heart attack before the age of 55) or a person with a stroke and a sedentary lifestyle.

● Women over the age of 50 who have at least two of these risk factors.

You may want to discuss this with your doctor before making any decision.

Original Percogesic enhanced pain relief -Acetaminophen 325 mg, Diphenhydramine 12.5 mg - Fast Acting Coated Caplets, 90 Count(Pack of 2)