Thursday, November 7, 2019

Mlife Light Therapy Lamp - 10000 LUX LED Diammable Brightness Levels and 3 Color Therapy Light with Remoter Control - 2019 Portable Sunlight Lamp Light Mimic Therapy, White

Creating a People's Network of Light

Mlife Light Therapy Lamp - 10000 LUX LED Diammable Brightness Levels and 3 Color Therapy Light with Remoter Control - 2019 Portable Sunlight Lamp Light Mimic Therapy, White

Imagine., Imagine. Before you were born, you were just a small spark of light, connected to the creative power of the universe. You looked at the earth. What a beautiful planet filled with wonderful life forms. You've started thinking about the possibilities of life on Earth. Reader, do you remember the value of life and that all life was created to experience love, light, joy, harmony, peace, equality and abundance? If you can't feel it deep inside, you know it's true. If you can't feel it, don't worry, I'll help you remember. We are a community that brings our spiritual light and energies together to remember and create a wonderful life for all living beings. We must remember our vision, focus on it and keep this vision together. Only in this way can we succeed in changing times. Sandra Ingerman (Weiser 2010).

When I researched various spiritual teachings for Medicine for the Earth, I learned that the underlying principle of esoteric knowledge was that life was created from light. As beings with ego, we often forget our true nature and over-define ourselves with our bodies and personalities. We are the light within the bodies.

The alchemists did not actually turn the bullet into gold. On the contrary, they have transformed the consciousness, which is as heavy as lead, into the radiant consciousness that shines in gold. Mysterians around the world shine and shine at the time of healing.

In my book Healing for the Earth, I focused on the concept of light in all spiritual traditions.

We're light and we're here to shine. But most of us have forgotten both our true nature and why we came here. We are made of love and light, and we are love and light. We all have the innate right to shine as much as we can on Earth.

Most of us were taught not to shine too much from an early age. If we shine too much, no one will like us. There may be only a few stars, and you're not one of them. Does this look familiar to you?

Why would there be only a few stars in the world? I have never heard anyone look at the stars and say, “If only that star doesn't shine so much, the others are suppressing the light of the stars.. Why does this belief exist?

It is time for all of us to shine with their own light, reflecting the beauty of the night sky above us. To illuminate the dark places in the world, we all need to shine with light.

We will create a network of people on a monthly basis. This will not only bring light to the places it needs right now, it will also heal us and help us remember that our true nature is light. It will be extremely healing to connect with thousands of people who remember that we are light. As I share this concept with others, I know that our network of light will expand and affect the world and all life on it.

In my Healing book for the earth, I teach that there is intent + harmony + love + concentration + focus + unity + imagination = transformation. This formula will help us to remember that we are light and to let it shine with it.

Choose a relaxing, soothing music and move to a quiet place to start connecting with your light, true nature. Take a few deep breaths to take you into a centered position, allowing you to experience harmony and love. Allow yourself to come in with your intention to experience the light shining in your being. This will unite you with your creator or the power of the universe. Secure your focus and concentrate on your intentions. Let your imagination help you to see and feel your inner light. Let your light shine completely. This light is always there and doesn't stop using it. The capacity of your light to be shared and renewed by you is unlimited. Your light cannot be destroyed and taken away from you. You don't have to worry about being exhausted because the source of this light is always infinite.

Make our experiment an experience for your entire body. Start by letting your light shine through the center of your being. Let this light spread to every cell in your body. When you feel fully filled with your light, experience trembling by connecting to the network of life. Allow your light to radiate from your flickering body. Experience light emitted from every part of your body.

Experience your light and let your radiance radiate from you, then use your breath and your intention to get out of the situation. Go back, open your eyes, feel your body, move your fingers, and know that you are ready to connect with others who will bring healing energy to the world.

Start by letting your light shine. Let your next app breathe light in days.

Your vibration will change as you connect with your light and let it shine in your life. As we bring our lights together and share them in the world, we change the vibration of the planet. It is important that you remain focused on your intentions.

In doing so, I recommend that you do not use prayer or words. Just shine with your light and allow yourself to join the planetary light network that will reach and touch dark places on the planet.

The first meditation was to celebrate the return of light on the winter solstice of 2000. During this meditation, people were told to shine their lights at the beginning of the solstice where they lived. When we did this, the light grew from country to country. Light toured the earth. But we didn't stop there. We continued to shine all day and night. In this way, we began to shine with the solstice and combined the world light network, but we kept it alive by shining through the day and night.

The meditations of creating a light network of people continue on every full moon, on every full moon that enlarges the light we reflect. Continue your work of polishing your light on every full moon and imagining that you are connected to a global human light network throughout the day and night. And let's keep doing it every full moon. Imagine vibrational change and healing both in your own lives and on the planet.

If you're working with a group at full moon celebrations, join hands and lights while letting your light shine. Experience the light of your group merging with all the other groups in the world. Experience merging with a huge network of light.

If you work alone, go to a quiet place and let your light shine. Experience merging with a luminous network of light around the world.

A friend reminds me that children always shine. Join your children in this application.

Remember all life is light. You are the light, we are all light, we are gathering together in a huge network of light.

Kate, who gave Healing trainings for Earth in Delaware, wrote a proposal in 2010. Once a month they meet with a local group to build a network of light and work as follows:

Yerine Instead of knitting the net of light up and out, we are building roots deep into the ground. Once all the roots are combined with the light of everyone, the lights gush up from the ground and surround all beings on earth. ”

It is important that the spiritual community develops the gib as is inside ”part, based on the principle that the above is as follows, the outside is like inside. Because most members of the spiritual community have a tendency to leave their body during spiritual studies. The power of our work comes from our shining as a star shining from within, remaining within our body.

Let's try to root the light net in the soil. We really want to feel the web of light in and around the earth.

Monthly Healing Advice for Our Global Community

It seems that consciousness is changing rapidly. As we learn to live in harmony, there are, of course, many rewards. Every change requires a death in our lives. This is because we need to give up what doesn't support us as we move into new levels of consciousness and awareness.

I've never seen so many people go through a hard time.

As I often write in the Change News, we need to learn to dance with paradoxes at different levels of awareness and consciousness. Because there are many levels operating simultaneously.

At one level we are all connected and we are all souls. In the spiritual state we are all holy and always perfect. At the same time, part of the condition of being human is to have an ego. And the ego sees itself as separate from all other life. This separation creates fear, anger and various other emotions. It is this separation that creates physical illnesses.

As we continue to implement our transformation, we begin to heal these cases of separation. We must also learn to surrender to the perfection of the universe as we move to a higher state of consciousness. And sometimes it's hard to do that and we need to remember our own holy light.

I decided to add a circle of healing next to the practice of creating a human network of light to help our worldwide community reading the Transformation News. We will continue to build a network of light in and around the earth on the full moon. And we will create a circle that allows our glow to shine through those who seek help.

My suggestion. If you want to volunteer as a practitioner, imagine yourself standing or sitting in a circle with other practitioners. Remember that Transformation News is translated into many different languages. We have a huge global community working together.

Our intention is to experience our own divine light and spread it into the inner circle.

We don't see those who suffer in our circle. We deliver divine perfection within each individual. So instead of restricting people to the diagnosis of suffering, we raise them to their own holiness.

Pearl If you change the behavior of a particle in quantum physics, another particle in another space, whether centimeters or distant from the universes, reacts immediately, Yazar the author and trainer Eric Pearl teaches. Lower frequencies join or match higher frequencies, not vice versa.

So if we go back to the original principle of Healing for the Earth, it is who we are, who changes the world and heals others, that is, our light here and the light.

We don't send energy or try to heal anyone. We only allow our own divine love and light to spark the divine lights of those who seek help.

Imagine yourself standing or sitting in a circle with other practitioners. Do your transfiguration work and spread divine light and love with your hands pointing into the circle.

If you feel that you need help, imagine yourself lying in a circle of people around the world.

Your role is to absorb the light shared by our practitioners. Imagine an analogy to absorb divine love and light into every cell of your being. I'll give you a few examples in the hope that you can find an analogy that works for you. You can think of a sponge that absorbs all water when placed in water. You might think that a flower that stays in the rain for days absorbs its light when the sun shines. Maybe you can think of a flower that gets too much sun and how it drinks the water that feeds it when it starts raining. Or you might think that a room with tightly closed curtains is filled with daylight when the curtains are opened.

Let the light of the outer circle trigger the flow of your own light from every cell in your body. This puts us back in touch with divine perfection and the network of light. This heals separation states that create emotional and physical illnesses. And it reminds us that we all have the strength to lead us to the challenges and opportunities that life brings to us.

And you can be in different roles at different times of the day and night. You can be a practitioner for a while and then lie down in the middle of the circle.

And since we're working out of time, it doesn't matter when you do it. Our work does not have to be synchronous.

We are not limited to full moon time to create a network of human beings. I feed the network of light every time my heart calls. And of course we can continue to spread our light on a daily basis to our global community. The essence of our work is to spread our light to the world in every breath we take and every step we take.

Mlife Light Therapy Lamp - 10000 LUX LED Diammable Brightness Levels and 3 Color Therapy Light with Remoter Control - 2019 Portable Sunlight Lamp Light Mimic Therapy, White