Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Kirkland Signature Low Dose Aspirin

Another benefit of magic drug aspirin

Kirkland Signature Low Dose Aspirin

Aspirin may be effective against cancer. Here are the benefits of aspirin as a result of research ..

Rather, rheumatism, colds, pain, heart attack used in the prevention of aspirin has been another benefit. You can find information about the benefits of aspirin and how it can protect you from cancer in the news detail. A study in the Netherlands examined the effect of aspirin on cancer, which has been discussed for a long time. Observation on 14 thousand patients with cancer of the digestive system, daily aspirin users who use regularly, compared to those who do not have a chance of recovery is twice as much.


The survival rate of stomach and intestinal cancer patients using aspirin was found to be 75 percent, while those not using it were around 42 percent. The development announced during the European Cancer Congress in Vienna, Austria, drew great attention. According to the results of the study, aspirin increases the survival rate almost twice, especially in people with colon, stomach, pancreas and larynx cancer. Experiments, cancer patients taking aspirin every day at the end of 5 years survival rate as measured as 75 percent, while those who do not take aspirin at 42 percent. Experts who stated that the drug is As magic artık shared the opinion that aspirin should now be included in the prescriptions. The drug, which increases the survival rate at a very low price, is said to provide a reduction of blood clots in which the cells of the casner are stored. Martine Frouws, who conducted the research, said: mark Cheap, unbranded drugs with little side effects will have a big positive impact on healthcare and patients.

What other diseases can aspirin do?

Protects against Alzheimer's disease: 13 percent less Alzheimer's is seen in regular Aspirin users. On the other hand, other research suggests that non-cortisone-derived anti-inflammatory agents, such as ibuprofen, have a better effect than Aspirin.
Aspirin can prevent recurrence of brain hemorrhage. If not taken with ibuprofen, Aspirin can prevent brain hemorrhage. The FDA officially warns the consumer not to use aspirin with ibuprofen.
It protects against Parkinson's. A study on women claims that people who use Aspirin for at least a month in their lifetime, 2 or more times a week, have 40 percent less Parkinson's disease.

Itches the itch
Crush a few tablets of Aspirin into a powder. Mix the powder with some moisturizer and apply it to the itchy area. This lotion will allow Aspirin to penetrate the skin and stop itching.

Lowering blood pressure
A study by Spanish scientists revealed that Aspirin is good for high blood pressure. Every day, 100 milligrams of aspirin significantly reduces large and small blood pressure.
But experts warn: Aspirin should drink at night, not in the morning.

Against sunburn
Burns caused by being exposed to the sun unprotected in the summer are quite painful and then cause the skin to collect water in the form of blisters. However, two Aspirins to be taken at least one to two hours after being exposed to too much sunshine reduce both burning and water retention.

Heart friendly
Taking at least 75 milligrams of Aspirin per day can reduce the risk of heart disease by 30 percent by preventing blood thinning and vascular inflammation. Choking an Aspirin when chest pain is felt helps prevent a possible heart attack and reduces the damage caused by the crisis, even if the crisis has been experienced.

Callus is good
Powder 5-6 pieces of Aspirin and mix with half a teaspoon of water and lemon juice. Apply this mixture to the callus area and cover with a warm and damp cloth for 10 minutes. The acid in Aspirin will soften the callus, and after a little rub with the sponge, your callus will improve.

Prevents prostate
A survey of 1400 men over 5.5 years by experts at the renowned health center Mayo Clinic showed that the risk of prostate doubles in men who drink Aspirin every day.
Preventing colon cancer:

If one of your family members has colon cancer, you should benefit from drinking Aspirin every day. According to research, 81 milligrams of aspirin per day in men with colon cancer risk, according to those who do not fall by 50 percent.

He's having cold sores:

According to a study by Hungarian experts, 125 milligrams of Aspirin to be taken every day can reduce the life of herpes on the skin from an average of 8 days to 5 days, reducing it by almost half. Aspirin also reduces inflammation that causes herpes, allowing the affected area to heal more quickly.

Protects from Alzheimer's
According to a study carried out by scientists at the Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands, the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease in regular Aspirin users for several years is about 80 percent less than in irregular users.

Good for infertility
Argentine experts conducted tests on a group of women who could not have children. One of the women was given only 100 ml of Aspirin with the infertility drug and the other group with the sterility drug.
Since aspirin increases blood circulation in the ovary, the chance of getting pregnant with aspirin increased by 40 percent. Only 20 percent increase was seen in infertility drug areas.

Warts off
Take a piece of tape, drill a round hole in the middle, and stick the tape on your skin so that the hole is completely over the wart. Apply the aspirated Aspirin, which you have previously pulverized, on the wart exiting the tip of the tape, but do not infect the other side of your skin. Then cover it with another tape and apply the same procedure for three consecutive nights. Your wart will heal.

Protects from paralysis
Paralysis is caused by blood clotting. The most important feature of aspirin is the prevention of clotting. It was known that an Aspirin to be taken daily would prevent 25 percent of the risk of a new stroke in men with stroke. Starting from this, experts in general, the risk of paralysis will be equally effective in those who think. In fact, some studies show that this rate may be even higher.

With these new benefits, Aspirin has once again proved to be a miracle drug. But Aspirin, like any drug, can have harmful effects. Experts warn patients, especially stomach: Caution, Aspirin may puncture the stomach. Because the stomach is an organ that secretes acid. Aspirin or rheumatism medications * remove the protective cover of the stomach. So the inner cover contacts the acid directly

Aspirin and Heart Attack
Since heart attack is the result of a coronary artery clogging with a blood clot, the effect of aspirin on coagulation is beneficial in the early hours of a heart attack. Taking aspirin daily is useful in most people with coronary artery disease, including those who have undergone by-pass surgery.

Losses of Aspirin
If you have coronary artery disease or have undergone coronary artery bypass surgery, aspirin can help reduce the risk of a later heart attack. Avoid aspirin. In any case, consult your doctor before taking aspirin regularly. (Note that the chemical name of aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid; it is different from aspirin substitutes, such as acetaminophen. Aspirin has an effect on coagulation; acetaminophen does not.) It is also inconvenient to take patients with clotting problems. If you do not know them every day, you may have inconvenient situations.

Kirkland Signature Low Dose Aspirin