Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Genuine Bayer Aspirin 50/2s - 50 Packets of 2

We Open The Aspirin File ..! Benefits of Aspirin do not stop counting ..!

Genuine Bayer Aspirin 50/2s - 50 Packets of 2

What is Aspirin?

Made from willow bark made by Hippocrates, the ancestor of aspirin and known for more than 3,000 years; used for non-intense pain and aches; pain relief and antipyretic. Since it has blood diluent properties, it has the feature of providing protection against heart attack. It can be used for a long time provided that it is low dosage.

Aspirin, whose active ingredient is acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), was discovered by chemist Felix Hoffmann.
In 1897, Hoffmann synthesized salicylic acid and acetic acid to produce pure acetylsalicic acid. Acetylsalicylic acid is present in a flat or nail-like crystal form. It is also seen in powder form. Aspirin also has a smell like vinegar acid.
Chemist Hoffmann, the source of the drug willow tree after a while after the discovery of the same way by synthesizing diacetylmorphine found heroin.
Aspirin soon became known by its brand name instead of its active ingredient and helped to eliminate the influenza epidemic in Europe in the 1900s. Aspirin is most effective in diseases and ailments, pain, aches, high fever and colds. In later years, new inventions and information about Aspirin have attracted attention.
In 1971, British pharmacologist John R. Vane proved that Aspirin stopped pain in metabolism and took the next major step after Hoffmann. Vane won the 1982 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work.
From the 1940s onwards, Apsirin was found to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. However, it has been over 20 years to prove it.
Canadian professor Henry J. M. Barnett has proved that Aspirin reduces the risk of transient circulatory problems in the brain and reduces the risk of a second stroke.

In 1985, Margaret M. Heckler, the health minister of the time, announced that people who have had a heart attack had a 20 percent chance of having a second crisis if they took Aspirin regularly. In a study of 22 thousand doctors in the United States, the use of aspirin has shown that the risk of heart attack regressed by 44 percent. Aspirin was proposed to people at risk for acute heart attacks, as the Newsweek issue was published on February 8, 1998.
According to a study by Australian professor Gabriel A. Kune, Aspirin is also useful in preventing colon cancer.
According to Kune, the risk of colon cancer may be reduced by 40 percent among those who regularly take the drug. The results of the study have been confirmed by the American Cancer Society.
Aspirin is a registered trademark of Bayer and is now available in more than 80 countries. The manufacturer Bayer supports the investigation of other conditions affected by Aspirin and studies of how this effect is achieved.
Aspirin, which is considered a miraculous drug, has many benefits besides health; however, the most important factor to know is to pay attention to the measure when using.


Pain relief. It is especially good for head, teeth, sciatica and throat pains.
Blood thinner and has a thinning effect. Aspirin stops the production of substances released by the platelets into the blood, activating other platelets and causing them to stick to the wound site. Thus, it prevents clot formation. Therefore, it is good for heart and blood pressure diseases. Prevents heart attack and stroke.
Aspirin also has an effect on improving blood circulation in the ovary when used in combination with infertility drugs in women who do not have children. According to researches, women's chances of getting pregnant increased by 40 percent.
Menstrual is expectorant and reduces the pains that occur during this period.
It is perfect for the symptomatic treatment of migraine.
It is antipyretic. It reduces fever in febrile diseases, influenza and colds.
Reduces inflammation in rheumatism and lumbago.
It helps prevent preeclampsia, which threatens women during their first pregnancy, causing premature births and deaths at birth.
Prevents colon cancer.
Prevents recurrence of breast cancer.
Prevents recurrence of brain hemorrhage.
It has an opening effect in the occlusion of the capillaries in the retina of the eye and kidneys, which are noticed in late stages of diabetes.
It prevents Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
Who Should Not Use Aspirin?

Salicates and those sensitive to non-stereoidal anti-inflammatory drugs should not be used.
Breastfeeding mothers should not use aspirin. Pregnant women should take under the supervision of a doctor. Aspririn should not be taken in the last 3 months of pregnancy.
Persons with asthma, nasal polyps and nasal allergies should be used with caution and under the supervision of a doctor.
Not recommended for use by children.
It should also be used by people who are about to undergo surgical intervention under the supervision of a doctor.
It should not be used in pathological conditions where bleeding tendency will increase.
Glucose-6 should not be taken in case of phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.
Chronic and active ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract should not be used.
Since cats do not have UDP glucronyltransferase, their use
It should be avoided.
In all these cases, it can trigger toxic reactions that can cause death or disrupt digestion, resulting in vertigo or temporary hearing loss. It may increase bleeding or itching can lead to conditions such as edema.


It stops itching: A few tablets of Aspirin can be crushed and powdered and mixed with a moisturizing cream and applied to the itchy area.
Reduces cold sores: If taken daily, it reduces inflammation in the region of herpes. This allows the herpes to pass in less time.
Eliminates warts: The hole to be made in the middle of a band-aid is placed on the wart and adhered to the skin. Powdered Aspirin is applied on this wart and another tape is covered again. This procedure is repeated for three days. Aspirin should not be transmitted to other areas of the skin.
It is good for sunburn: It helps to pass water bubbles caused by the sun on the skin. Reduces burns and prevents skin build-up.
It helps to pass the calluses: 4-5 pieces of Aspirin powder should be made and half teaspoon of water and half teaspoon of lemon juice should be added. This mixture should be spread over the callused area and covered with a hot and damp cloth. The diaper waiting 10 minutes, then can be removed. In this way, the acid contained in Aspirin softens the callus. To accelerate the treatment, calluses can then be rubbed with a pumice stone.
Reduces skin blemishes: Aspirin contains an oil-soluble component used in the production of creams and skin cleansers. Mix 7 uncoated aspirin pills with 3 tablespoons of yogurt and 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply to clean face and leave the mask for 15 minutes. This facial care will leave your skin shiny and smooth. It provides a slight crusting effect, reduces scars and blemishes, and prevents clogging of your pores.
Revitalizes dead cells: Aspirin is the perfect exfoliant to remove dead cells from the face. In addition, it helps to remove excess fat and reduce the size of enlarged pores. Just mix with water and let stand for a few minutes. If you have sensitive skin, apply it carefully to avoid skin irritation.
Eliminates acne: Aspirin helps reduce acne due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Crush 2-3 aspirin pills and mix with lemon juice. Apply the mixture to acne and leave for a few minutes before washing. Avoid using this mixture before sun exposure.
Effective against insect bites: Aspirin can help relieve the itching caused by mosquito bites. Immerse one tablespoon of aspirin uncoated in water and apply to the affected area for several minutes.


A hair care with aspirin gives the following effects. To do this care, an aspirin mask can be easily prepared at home. The ingredients for preparing the mask are 1 cup of hot water, 30 aspirin and 1 tablespoon of carbonate. After the aspirins are dissolved in hot water, carbonate should be added to the mixture and mixed and allowed to warm. The hair must be cleaned before applying the mixture. The hair should be dried with a towel instead of a hair dryer after washing and left a little wet before the mixture is applied. The mixture is applied to the wet hair by massaging. After waiting for 15-20 minutes, the hair is washed with warm water and shampoo once again and rinsed. This maintenance can be performed once a month.
It provides the opening of the pores in the scalp.
Helps scalp get oxygen
Prevents dandruff on the hair: Dandruff ‘snowflakes olmak not only cause itching of our scalp but also look very ugly. To get rid of dandruff, wash your hair with a normal amount of 2 aspirin pills shampoo.
Helps remove shampoo and oil residues on hair bottoms
Helps hair to be brighter & healthier


Aspirin also helps keep your clothes clean. Apply an aspirin pill dissolved in lukewarm water on top of sweat stains and let stand overnight. Then wash your clothes as usual and enjoy the result.


It removes the soap bubbles in the bathtub.
If you do not want soap bubbles to ruin the aesthetics of your bathtub, grind 5 aspirin pills and add to the bath cleaning liquid. Sprinkle the whole area, leave for half an hour, and then easily remove all dirt with a cloth.


Extends the life of flowers: If you want the flowers to last longer in vases, add a crushed aspirin tablet to the water. This includes features that provide extremely longer and better conditions for roses.

Genuine Bayer Aspirin 50/2s - 50 Packets of 2