Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Genuine Bayer Aspirin, 325 mg, Coated Tablets, 200 count

Is Aspirin Good for Hair? Aspirin Hair Mask Recipes

Genuine Bayer Aspirin, 325 mg, Coated Tablets, 200 count

Aspirin is good for hair, generally known for its pain relief and antipyretic properties, aspirin is good for hair loss. In addition to its numerous benefits, aspirin solves many hair problems in a very short time. Visually reduces hair loss when regularly treated with aspirin. In addition, it prevents dandruff and makes hair lush and shiny. When used locally, aspirin cleanses your hair thoroughly and removes dandruff and fungi that dry out the scalp. Provides oxygen to the skin care cells more easily and accelerates blood circulation and contributes to faster hair growth.

Aspirin Is Good For Hair
In short, aspirin mask, which is frequently used in skin care, is also effective in hair care. In this article, how to prepare aspirin hair mask for women who want to have healthy and stronger hair? What are the benefits of aspirin to hair? We have provided information about hair care with aspirin to answer questions.

What are the benefits of aspirin to hair?
Shines hair; Thanks to the salicylic acid content of aspirin, hair gets a shiny appearance. Salicylic acid cleanses and purifies hair from cosmetic information accumulated in hair follicles and strands. In this way, the blood circulation is accelerated and the hair becomes healthy.
It destroys dandruff; With regular care with aspirin, it is possible to get rid of dandruff in the long term. Salicylic acid in its content prevents the oiling and dandruff by regulating the pH balance in the scalp.
Effective against hair loss; PGD2 prostaglandin protein which causes hair loss causes hair loss. Therefore, anything that prevents the production of this protein will prevent hair loss. Aspirin has been used as a prostaglandin inhibitor since 1970. In this way, hair care with aspirin will prevent the formation of this protein and prevent hair loss. In addition, it provides hair to bruise.
Extends hair; Aspirin has the ability to inhibit PGD2 protein, which enables hair to grow faster. Aspirin blocks this protein and removes dead cells from the hair follicle. Thus, blood circulation is accelerated and the hair bottoms get more oxygen. Therefore, the hair grows.
Protects hair color; Especially, it is a remedy for the problem of lightening of the hair of the people entering the pool due to chlorine. Aspirin removes the color change caused by chlorine, especially in light colored hair. However, it should be remembered that the hair that is light colored and darkly dyed will cause the dye to flow.
Prevents itching; aspirin also has antifungal and antibacterial properties. Taking care of the scalp with aspirin, the scalp is free from harmful bacteria and relieves itching.
Prevents damage caused by chlorine; chlorine, which lightens the color of the hair, also disrupts the structure of the hair. Women who enter the pool very often complain that their hair is dull and dry. For this, you should do hair care with aspirin.
Reduces hair fractures; hair fractures, which are nightmares of many women, can be reduced with an aspirin mask. In addition, the aspirin mask prevents dyed hair from fading and dulling over time.
Cleans hair deeply; The aspirin mask, which has an excellent exfoliating effect, cleanses the hair deeply and prevents fungal formation on the scalp. In addition, the mask with aspirin, which is also good for hair dryness, cleanses the hair bottoms from dead cells.

Aspirin Hair Mask Recipes
Using several crushed aspirin in shampoo or conditioner is one of the most common methods of hair care. It is recommended to apply dandruff and oily hair regularly. With a few different additions of aspirin, hair masks that can solve all hair problems can be made.

Anti-Dandruff Aspirin Hair Mask

Two aspirin
Two spoons of shampoo
Apple cider vinegar in a spoon
How is it applied?

Aspirins are crushed into powder and mixed with shampoo. Wash the hair with this mixture. After rinsing the hair, rinse the hair again with apple cider vinegar mixed with a glass of water. This method reduces dandruff in your hair. The most important issue to be considered here, absolutely anti-dandruff shampoo should not be used when applying this mask.

Aspirin Hair Mask for Oily Hair

2-3 aspirin
How is it applied?

After crushing the aspirin thoroughly, mix with shampoo and apply this mixture to your hair. Keep this mask on your hair for 5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. In this way, you will see that your hair is not lubricated as before. You should not use this mask on fine, dry, damaged hair.

Aspirin Hair Extension Mask

4-5 aspirin,
2 tablespoons castor oil,
2 tablespoons of coconut oil or almond oil to soften hair bottoms,
How is it applied?

You should first apply this mask to clean hair. First, mix the castor oil and other preferred oil and heat it in double boiler. Then crush the aspirin thoroughly and add to the mixture. This mask prepared by massaging the roots of the hair thoroughly to eat. After applying the mask for 20 minutes in your hair. Then rinse with water. Apply this mask twice a week. Here, the hair growth effect of castor oil is utilized. Aspirin opens the pores and nourishes the roots while at the same time the hair growth effect of castor oil is utilized.

Aspirin Hair Mask to Restore Hair Color to Natural

½ liter of water,
6-8 aspirin,
How is it applied?

Thoroughly crush the aspirin and powder. Then mix thoroughly with water. Put this mixture in a spray bottle and spray your hair with plenty. This application should be applied every night before bedtime until your hair returns to its original color. Be sure to shake the bottle before application.

Hair Revitalizing Aspirin Mask

One tablespoon of carbonate,
30 aspirin,
How is it applied?

Dissolve aspirins thoroughly in hot water. Add carbonate to this mixture. When the mixture becomes warm, lightly massage the moist hair follicles. Leave this mask in your hair for 15 minutes. Then rinse. Cosmetic product residues on the hairs and roots will be purified with this mask and your hair will have a natural appearance and shine. The most important issue to be considered here is that the long-term use of carbonate can cause fractures because of increasing the pH of the scalp. Therefore, you should make this mask at least every two weeks.

Aspirin Mask Against Hair Rotation

2 aspirin,
Jojoba oil, ½ spoon
1 spoon of honey,
How is it applied?

Heat the bain-marie by mixing the honey and jojoba oil. Then crush the aspirins thoroughly and add to this mixture. After the mask is thoroughly warmed, apply to the problem area and wait until it dries. Wait approximately 10 minutes and rinse. You can apply this mask up to twice a week.

Aspirin Hair Mask should be considered when applying

The effect of aspirin hair masks varies according to the hair types and daily routines of the individuals.
You should apply them regularly to get the best out of the masks,
Do not forget to drink plenty of water for your hair health and to follow a diet rich in vitamin E, biotin and protein.
Before applying the mask, do not forget to do an allergy test on a small part of your hair.

Genuine Bayer Aspirin, 325 mg, Coated Tablets, 200 count