Friday, November 15, 2019

Amazon Brand - Solimo Hand Sanitizer with Vitamin E and Aloe, 32 Fl Oz (Pack of 1)

What should be the right hand washing technique?

Amazon Brand - Solimo Hand Sanitizer with Vitamin E and Aloe, 32 Fl Oz (Pack of 1)

What should be the right hand washing technique? What are the points to consider?

We should wash our hands with soap and soap our fingers, between our fingers thoroughly, soap our nails one by one thoroughly, because impurities build up on the nails and on the edges. Our palms, fingers, fingers between our wrists and nails should be thoroughly soaped and rinsed with water.

First you need to wet the hands, then we need to take some soap in our hands and foam nicely. It is necessary to rub the fingers between each other and rub it nicely. It is necessary to rub the inside and outside of our hunter in a beautiful way. In order to clean the nails, it is necessary to wash our hunter's interior as if it were scratching. Hand cleaning is always important. Hands should be clean for the person to feel comfortable. When you meet someone, we shake hands. If our hands are dirty and neglected at first, they are undesirable to touch and can be nauseous. There are creams that are keller for hand cleaning. Softness and hand cleansing results in good results and make people feel comfortable. It can move in a wondrous way.

According to the principle of asepsis should be used before the machine with sensor, then soap is washed one hand then the other hand is washed so that the germ does not dissolve right to left

I always wet my hand first in my daily life and throw the rough dirt. Then I take the soap and put it in my hand and froth. Then it forms my fingers one by one. I rub your nails into the palm. Then I wash the fingers. The last thing I do is pour the remaining water into the sink. And I dry my hands with the same process. Already a meyhodu health professionals use it. I learned a similar method in home economics when I was a child.

The right soap should be used to wash the hands correctly. So soap should be used for oily skin. Even natural soaps should be preferred, such as bıttım soap, olive oil bay olive soap ... Hands should be well soaped, including wrists should be thoroughly rubbed. The fingers should be joined and rubbed on the palm of the other hand, soap should be provided between nails. Between the fingers, the fingers of both hands should be joined to each other should be soaped. Hands should be rubbed thoroughly, then hands should be rubbed thoroughly washed with plenty of water, rinsed. The nails and hands should be smelled one by one to understand that they are completely cleaned.

It is very important for our hygiene to wash our hands between the fingers and the nails. Assuming that the hands of the human body are the most dirty, this is very important for our health.

You need to wash your hands with plenty of soap and plenty of water

By spreading the soap everywhere, I would clean the hand using different gestures and rinse off.

If you want your hands to be clean, you should cut your nails priorities because the most nasty place in the human body is the nail breaks because we do everything with our hands, the most beautiful and easy way is to wash with plenty of water after a nice hedge.

You should rub your fingers thoroughly dirt and germs stick to most places rub with liquid soap for two minutes and close your faucet with paper towels.

The handwashing technique in a sterile way is quite simple. First of all, sterility is easier with warm or hot water. We should take some soap in our hands and wash the fingers between the fingers and wash the palms by drawing a half moon shape and wash them up to our wrists.

How to become ALFA child handwashing technique

Our hands get dirty all day. Some bacteria, especially Staphylococcus and Micrococcus species, are firmly adhered to pores, scratches, cracks, dirt and hairs, and the secretions of oil and sweat are particularly suitable for the growth of bacteria by mixing with dust and dirt. Therefore, we should wash our hands frequently during the day.

We scrub our hands thoroughly with a little soap and a little water.

Amazon Brand - Solimo Hand Sanitizer with Vitamin E and Aloe, 32 Fl Oz (Pack of 1)

Nano Pure Next Generation Hand Sanitizer & 24-Hour Skin Protectant Spray - Home Bundle (Pack of 2)

A Habit to Remember: Hand Cleaning

Nano Pure Next Generation Hand Sanitizer & 24-Hour Skin Protectant Spray - Home Bundle (Pack of 2)

Our hands touch many places during the day and help us in many of our jobs. We do not even have a memory without him. It is naturally very important to care and clean. Hand cleaning is the most important personal cleaning needs to be done daily. Serkan Karaer, carried by hands everywhere microorganisms from simple colds, serious illnesses can cause many undesirable conditions, he said.
Dr. Karaer, "frequent washing of hands with warm water and soap, preventing the formation of cracks and abrasions, nails to be clean, the most effective way to prevent the spread and spread of infectious diseases. Bacteria and viruses are the most basic way of hand contact. consuming nutrients can lead to various digestive system diseases.It is very important to wash hands, destroy harmful microorganisms or get away from the skin with water.It is one of the most effective ways of preventing the transmission of diseases and food poisoning. can protect against harmful microorganisms, "he said.

Danger of not washing hands with the right technique
If the hands are not washed with the right technique respiratory diseases, stomach and intestinal problems, such as diarrhea can derive diseases. Karaer, "Soap to touch all parts of the hand before you start washing your hands with water and wet hands before the use of liquid soap, nails and thumbs, which are the most dirty areas are not forgotten and washed by rubbing for at least 15 seconds, microorganisms to proliferate more rapidly (microorganisms proliferate rapidly) The most important factors in hand washing technique are running water, soap and rubbing.The mechanical strength of running water and rubbing process of hands removes the microorganisms that settle in the skin. helps to go away with temporary microorganisms from the skin, "he said.

When to wash hands during the day
Giving information about when and how to wash hands. Karaer said: "Before and after meals, before and after the toilet, after sneezing, coughing, after each lesson, combing or touching your hair, after money shopping, before touching sick people, after cleaning your nose, cat, dog and all other After handling the animals, the hands should always be washed with the right technique when they are seen as dirty and when you think they are dirty. In addition, the nails should be cut short, rounded, avoiding the contact of the eyes with eyes, mouth and nose, avoiding nail eating and inserting the back of the pen into the mouth. "

Nano Pure Next Generation Hand Sanitizer & 24-Hour Skin Protectant Spray - Home Bundle (Pack of 2)

Babyganics Alcohol-Free Foaming Hand Sanitizer, On-The-Go, Mandarin, 1.69 oz, 6 Pack, Packaging May Vary

How to Gain Handwashing for Children

Babyganics Alcohol-Free Foaming Hand Sanitizer, On-The-Go, Mandarin, 1.69 oz, 6 Pack, Packaging May Vary

About 3.5 million children under the age of five die each year from diarrhea and acute respiratory infections. These deaths occur particularly in low-income communities in developing countries. Studies have shown that encouraging children to wash hands is effective in preventing infectious diseases. In the meta-analysis of studies on handwashing, diarrheal diseases were shown to be reduced by 47% by handwashing.
The habit of handwashing is a behavior that is gained not only by narration but also by practice and at a young age. In addition to the education that you will be given by your parents, your child's school should also be shown in practice through a guidance teacher or kindergarten teacher. The important point here is not only to wash hands, but to wash hands correctly.
The right hand washing has the tricks to free the hands from germs. First the hands should be wet with water. Then the liquid poured into the hand should be rubbed thoroughly with soap. The palms, nails and wrist folds should not be forgotten during the rubbing process.

The rubbing process should be continued for at least 30 seconds. Hands should be rinsed thoroughly with plenty of water. After washing the toilet, the hand washing process should be repeated twice.
Now let's come to the issue of how we can bring this behavior to our children. The basis of gaining the habit of hand washing for our children is to stay away from exaggeration by acting realistic and natural. Respecting your child while presenting this behavior you want to gain, making him feel that he is valuable and most importantly presenting what you look at from his window, will start you 1 - 0 ahead in gaining your intended hand washing habit.
The most common mistakes in this behavior can lead to adverse reactions in your child, but can lead to stubbornness with you and your parents. To equal all of this, you must first pay attention to your tone of voice, your body language. It is very important that you make your child feel calm and clear that you do not lose control.

You should establish the principle of authority-caring with your child very well. In order to wash your child's hands, you should not speak, beg or even bargain. You must show him that this is a necessity with a compassionate but serious tone and posture.
A very common method is to threaten our children with sentences such as ‘When the father arrives / goes home / you see in the evening’. You can't solve anything like this. What you parents should do is choose to play a ‘detective’ game instead of asking your child the ‘why’ question. By observing your child closely, you can better understand the actual cause of his / her movements.
As a result; Do not react under the influence of your emotions, do not lose your authority rope, use severe or empty threats, observe instead of asking for accounts, and do not name and label your child.

Children copy the behavior of parents like carbon paper. Fear and anxiety, enthusiasm and positive temperament. Be an example of your behavior instead of giving advice. For them the action is much more effective than the promise. Because our children learn and apply what they see, not what they hear. Just start getting to know your children well; because you don't know them at all.

Babyganics Alcohol-Free Foaming Hand Sanitizer, On-The-Go, Mandarin, 1.69 oz, 6 Pack, Packaging May Vary

Mountain Falls Advanced Hand Sanitizer with Vitamin E and Aloe, Pump Bottle, 67.59 Fluid Ounce (Pack of 2)

Did You Wash Your Hands?

Mountain Falls Advanced Hand Sanitizer with Vitamin E and Aloe, Pump Bottle, 67.59 Fluid Ounce (Pack of 2)

It's a noon in west London. Location in a shopping mall. The center is full of students who came for lunch. Did they wash their hands? No. Why is that? Da That's where the toilets come from, Shel Shelley says. Ayn I wash at home, but here's no, at home, my mother constantly shouts to wash your hands, ’says Sumayn from behind.
When I first arrived in England 15 years ago, one of the things that went to my most strange was the warning “Wash your hands now arkasında behind the door of all the toilets I went to. They didn't even settle for that, they were hanging behind the exit door like ünden You didn't forget to wash your hands, did you? ”. What was that?

Though their toilets didn't have a faucet attached to the toilet and all the toilets you used would have toilet paper, but couldn't someone wash their hands when they left the toilet? He wasn't washing. They didn't have the habit of washing hands before going to the table in our culture, leaving the toilet - and even entering.

No bathing in cultures

In their culture, there was no way to take a bath. When the Romans invaded Angles 2000 years ago, they established a city of baths in the Somerset area. This city, now known as Bath (Hot Spring), was heated by hot water pipes passing through the underground in its time. After the Romans left the country, the baths were left to their fate. Because the Angles had no bathing history. Even during the Victorian period, they would try to remove their bad odors in layers and powders.

In the intervening 2000 years, there has been a relatively change in cleaning habits. With the introduction of running water and heaters into the houses, the habit of taking a shower in the morning began. But their relationship to water all day was limited to this shower. They weren't washing his hands outside.

5.5 million food poisoning per year

When you don't wash your hands or just keep them under cold water, the germs in your hand can easily be carried to your mouth. This prepares the ground for food poisoning. About 5.5 million food poisonings are seen in the UK in a year. It is possible to halve this figure by washing your hands with hot water and soap. But even washing your hands sometimes isn't enough. When your hands remain wet, germs in your hands can reproduce at a rate of 1000 times that they normally do.

According to the Foodlink Web site, half of men and one-quarter of women do not wash their hands when they leave the toilet. However, when you leave the toilet, the number of microbes on your fingertips is doubled.

So how do young people wash their hands? The Food and Drink Federation (FDF) last week investigated whether young people were washing their hands when they left the toilet and before eating.

According to a study conducted among 500 young people aged 11-19, 40 percent of young people did not have the habit of washing their hands, even if they did not use soap.

There was no soap, I forgot, the toilets were dirty, I didn't have time

Of course they know they have to wash their hands. And what happens if they don't wash. Two-thirds of the youth came out of the toilet, 40 percent said they had to wash their hands before preparing food or sitting down.

They know the general hygiene rules, but they don't have such deep knowledge. For example, only a quarter of young people know that they should wash their hands after handling raw meat. The ratio of those who know that they should wash their hands after handling animals is one third.

The apologies of young people who say that they do not wash their hands are very diverse. “School toilets are so dirty that even if I wash my hands, it will still get dirty when I touch the doors, birisi says someone. Another said, zaten We are waiting in line for the world for lunch. If we go to the toilet and wash our hands, we lose time. We don't have time for dinner. ” One of the most common apologies was yok There was no soap ”. Liquid soaps in the toilets run out quickly during the day. Soaplessness is shown as a leading problem in narrow budget schools. What about outside of school? The biggest apology is that the toilets are paid.

Martin Pateson, FDF Executive Vice President, said, ama Children's habit of not washing their hands is an invitation to disaster. Jud many problems will be eliminated, he says.

Chefs don't pay attention

However, even food industry employees do not pay attention to this basic rule. According to a study conducted by the FSA in 2002, 39 percent of kitchen workers are out of the toilet and 53 percent do not wash their hands before they start preparing food.

The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) said in December that cooks on television did not comply with the hygiene rules. For example, Nigella Lawson, who admires everyone, especially male audiences, cooks food with rings on his finger while Jamie Oliver, who has become the idol of the youth, sticks his finger in his dishes and licks his finger. CIEH official Jenny Morris, TV cooks should be an example for everyone, saying: “Hygiene rules in the restaurant, food controllers will lift a big load,” he said.

According to Hugh Pennington, professor of microbiology at the University of Aberdeen, it is odd that even this has turned into a problem. “You don't have to be an atomic engineer to know the handwashing technique. It's something that everyone knows, but somehow it doesn't do. ”

That's why there are warnings on the kitchens behind the toilet doors: ın Have you washed your hands? BB (BB)

Mountain Falls Advanced Hand Sanitizer with Vitamin E and Aloe, Pump Bottle, 67.59 Fluid Ounce (Pack of 2)

PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer Soothing Gel for the workplace, Fresh scent, with Aloe and Vitamin E - 8 fl oz pump bottle (Pack of 4) - 9674-06-ECDECO

What does washing hands mean in dream, how to interpret

PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer Soothing Gel for the workplace, Fresh scent, with Aloe and Vitamin E - 8 fl oz pump bottle (Pack of 4) - 9674-06-ECDECO

Wash your hands in a dream
Washing hands in a dream is a very auspicious dream and is called healing.

He points out that the dream owner will find salvation, catch happiness, and get away from the feelings and thoughts that make him feel bad and sad. It means that the dreamer will clear his painful thorns and become more comfortable, peaceful and healthy.

Hand and Face Wash in Dream
He points out that the dream owner will be able to get rid of his sorrow, grief and past suffering, that his pleasure, joy and taste will be fulfilled, that he will enjoy one's peace of mind and be in peace.

Washing Hand with Soap in Dream
The person who sees that he was washing his hands with soap in his dream means that his work force will come across, his life will be organized and his chance and fortune will be opened. It is a portent to goodwill and it is said that the dreamer's life will move in the direction he wants.

Washing Hands at the Fountain in a Dream
It is a sign that the dreamer will not leave the truth, will not compromise this principle throughout his life, will not haram his bread, will not have bad feelings and thoughts, will not have bad intentions and say bad words about anyone.

Washing Hands with Water in a Dream
It implies that the dreamer will experience auspicious and beautiful events enough to heal the soul and body of the owner. A person will get rid of unnecessary doubts about his life and himself and will be at peace and comfort.

Hand Wash with Hot Water in Dream
In the dream, hot water is not generally interpreted in good ways. The person dreaming will take weight and distress, will experience unhappy and bad days, will be pessimistic and will have restless days.

Hand In The Sink In The Dream
He is rumored to be an honest, honorable and auspicious person, and points out that the dreamer will maintain his life in a halal way, that every penny of his earnings will be repaid with forehead sweat and that he will never gain unjust profits.

PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer Soothing Gel for the workplace, Fresh scent, with Aloe and Vitamin E - 8 fl oz pump bottle (Pack of 4) - 9674-06-ECDECO

Germ-X Hand Sanitizer, Aloe, Pump Bottle, 30 Fluid Ounce (Pack of 4)

Hand Washing Prepare A Gel. How To Make A Gel For Washing Soaps Washing

Germ-X Hand Sanitizer, Aloe, Pump Bottle, 30 Fluid Ounce (Pack of 4)

My friend came out of the fixed idea - make life the most environmentally friendly synthetic and instead use simple household chemicals, natural products. For example, he cooks gel for hand washing. And very pleased with the results.

In our world, he said, you need your own destinies. This is not a fist, but it is also important. At every step, impose something. The advertising even taught you to buy certain products that you do not think you need for. We, in fact, are accustomed to experiencing someone else's mind.

If you think this is a bit of reality. But the use of advertising advice is very convenient. In the shop you know what you need laundry detergent, bleach, fabric softener or dish detergent. And many crowded marts do not have long time to examine the contents and lose valuable time.

A long time ago, as an alternative to powders, went on sale a variety of gels - a new detergent. They are more expensive but more efficient. Dissolves easily in water and do an excellent job with the task. And all the same advertising says, to get better results. I liked the reviews I bought on the sample gel to wash the Power Wash:

dark consistency,
Nice smell,
No need to add descaling agent
Also does not require air conditioning,
Perfect for delicate,
Long enough.

Gel to wash their hands However, the friend insists - the gel for washing soaps washing gel is poor. He is suitable with all the advantages listed above. And it has a very important advantage - safety guarantee for health. As a result, he was convinced in practice.

Get out of the list of household chemicals because you have to have an ordinary allergy. As well as experts who are itching on the body, and to learn rash, it was like hospitals. The use of detergents to improve the quality of phosphates products that cause allergies to manufacturers.

Thanks to all kinds of chemical additives, regardless of water hardness or spots origin achieve the desired purity of the effect. On a radiant whiteness perfectly clean, remember about the problem spots ... then go to you TV Remember the TV ad Of course, manufacturers of household chemicals try to please the customer very well. And you can find it for new and new facilities.

But as it turned out, rinsing all of the wonderful bleaching agents, softeners and sweetener bad. Not surprisingly, the skin of the protests - and in contact with these tissues are covered with itchy spots. Moreover we "industrial" ottdushek "with herbs, without even noticing and gently breathe evaporation of your body.

for washing his fingered girlfriend. Existing specialist began quality detergent powders. And the situation has saved washing soaps for washing gel. The Internet provides such a lot of information. People share experiences and impressions of an experiment. After a long study tips, forums and websites girlfriend began to make homemade laundry detergent because he solves almost all the problems of everyday life.

Frankly, I asked out courtesy, how to gel to wash hands. It turns out, that is quite stale. The recipe received in our grandmothers app did not have any outstanding products, but the purity has always been excellent.

Take the soap, rub the grater, to get the little shavings you did with your hands gel for laundry. Add soda ash. And choose essential oil on the palate - for flavor. Stunning simplicity. If you count money - the benefits are obvious.

Many recipes are used, and even green tea has borax or ordinary tea leaves. The number of essential oils also varies according to mood, desires and taste. Note also that it is good to wash your hands and gel, you can choose the components for themselves. But everything before.

The conventional recipe given per liter of water is 50 g of soap and 100 g of sodium carbonate is used. 4 drops - 3 enough Essential oil. But not much gel comes out. So it is best to immediately increase the amount of substances a few times. And there is a tool ready for each wash separately.

The method is as simple as all brilliant.

1. Soap rubbing small quickly dissolved in water. It takes all day in the cold, so fall asleep in boiling water and mix until homogeneous. Cooking all over low heat so as not to give weight to boil.

2. Now add baking soda - it is better to be dissolved in warm water. Again, stir well to avoid lumps remain. After all, even the little soap is not fried white speck can sunk all of us. So it is better to disturb the solution carefully to solve the material.

3. Essential oils are added after cooling the gel. Again, mix carefully. It is best to use a blender. The result will be perfect.

Liquid soap, gel for washing Now leave the gel to cool and pour into a suitable container. It should be emptied the jar out to rinse fine.

In fact, soap gel for hand washing, iterating different options when preparing. Castilean, Marseille, antipyatin from coconut oil - a small percentage fits any natural with perezhira. Soap Glycerin is not required. You can take the kids and even the remains of dressing.

If there is no soda, take baking soda, the rate is about 5 times higher. Although shopping is more convenient, because it is called locals - washing.

Oddly enough, the gel to wash your hands is cooked as used in the same way as industrial gels. If things are not much - 100 ml is sufficient. This is about a quarter cup. And taking large volume 200-300 ml (0.5-1 glass) gel. You can use measuring cups, lids on branding jars. On the lessons - then I do not know about you, but I have the pawn several times and the tools of instruction.

The number, as usual, depending on the amount and contamination. The most important thing - before laying gel linen is better to pour into the drum of the washing machine. And if it came out diluted in water and fill the appropriate slot machines have too thick.

Another point. laundry soap Laundry liquid is good for moisturizing dirty things. But with a special coating can not be used for wool clothes or clothing.

The application indicates that before the car wash under hand wash or "hand wash" the gel is still still to dissolve in hot water, so that it is then easily melted at low temperatures.

For a better otstiryvaniya bed sheets, it is very useful to add hydrogen peroxide in white kitchen towels - just a teaspoon. If you want to take bleach, make sure that it is not mixed with gel. It is better to put the powder in a cell at high temperature.

There is also an interesting experience - adding vinegar, so as not to lose colors. This is done only during rinsing. enough spoonful of vinegar 2 9% solution to remove the remnants of soap and deodorize processes.

Yes, it turns out that gel wash your hands do, even ultra-expensive tools are not necessary. The clothes look like new, and home is always relatively simple and can be used components, purity shines. Remember, once our grandmothers did.

Gel Wash Washer Review Here my grandmother used traditional gelatin for rinsing and starching. And to give the shine silk blouse, a sugar and some amount of water were added citric acid. For fine white linen blouses took the mandatory soda and then rinsed in a drop of vinegar water.

One brave to try, I will not give up this idea. The washing result is more than impressive. we like it all exactly clean, fresh and flavor. No air conditioning required. And it is great for washing children's clothes.

The gel is used economically, which is easy to store, easily soluble in water and rinse completely. The garments are very suitable for processing individual dots and are suitable for hand and machine washable.

But now the dilemma should bother the dilemma "expensive dust - efficient and cheap - more accessible." Because not only will you save the cost of household chemicals, but also on journeys to the pharmacy. As my friend: ecology life takes on a completely different, bright colors when life firmly holds our reality!

at times I could not understand why ordinary soap and soda better deal with dirty clothes. Curiosity was passed to her husband and he began to study chemistry.

It turns out that in the composition of the main active ingredient of soap - alkali. In addition, acid does not harm almost any compound but does not damage fabrics and colors.

Fat is also found in large quantities. Softens and regenerates tissues. The addition of soda increases the alkali percentage of the final mixture, the gel washes better place.

And so I try to switch to natural, natural and most importantly, friendly products for the home. In particular I already knew how to wash gel. Here are the choices of experiments and imagination.

You should try different varieties of scented soap, with pokoldovat. The house will certainly delight in new fragrances and unusual freshness of things. In addition, every woman can feel like a real fairy.

There are other reasons to pass environmentally friendly detergents. First, they are completely harmless in humans, they do not emit hazardous chemicals through evaporation, and do not cause allergic reactions.

Second, the native gels are very frugal to tissues. They allow bright colors to keep even the most complex types of spots removed.

Germ-X Hand Sanitizer, Aloe, Pump Bottle, 30 Fluid Ounce (Pack of 4)

PURELL Cottony Soft Hand Sanitizing Wipes, 120 Individually Wrapped Wipes in Self-Dispensing Display Box - 9027-12

How to wash hands

PURELL Cottony Soft Hand Sanitizing Wipes, 120 Individually Wrapped Wipes in Self-Dispensing Display Box - 9027-12

Do you know how long it will take to rub your hands? Or is the rinsing actually the most important step? Washing your hands is not about killing germs. Removing germs, believing it or not, you're probably doing it wrong. These steps will lead you to more efficient handwashing.

1 -

Open Water

Interior chrome faucet

Clean, flowing water temperature is more important. Open the water and wet your hands. Depending on your preference, you can turn off the water or let it run. Turning it off protects you from water, but then you increase the number of touches to the tap handles with microbes - you are trying to wash.

2nd -


Child with soapy hands

Soap is important. It helps to remove germs and germs from your skin while washing your hands and making the whole process more effective. Something you don't need? Antibacterial soap. Studies have shown that it is no better than normal soap and that the commonly used component triclosan can actually contribute to antibiotic resistance. This is a problem that we don't have to do worse than it already is.

3 -

Scrub in at least 20 Seconds

Washing hands

Most people don't clean their hands nearly enough. Twenty seconds doesn't sound like a long time, but it's much longer than you can imagine.

To wash at the right time? Sing the Happy Birthday song to yourself twice (or loudly).

While you're there, make sure your hands are completely covered. Brush between your fingers, under your nails, all over your head, and brush your wrists up. Not only your palms and fingertips, but all your hands have germs.

4 -

Rinse Soap (and Microbes)

Close up of woman washing hands in bathroom sink.

How to remove germs from your hands at the end of the rinse is really the most important step. Again, it is important to use clean running water. Soaking your hands in a still pool of water (or water standing in the sink) is not the same as rinsing soap and clean running water. If everything you have is a water pool - for example, you are outdoors and you have no access to running water - it is better than nothing and is definitely preferred not to wash your hands.

Many people don't realize that washing your hands doesn't kill germs, it's the most effective way to get them out of your hands, so don't spread them to yourself or others. Rinsing germs and washing germs greatly reduces the likelihood that the disease will spread.

5 -

Dry your hands

Woman drying her hands

We finally came to dry. Use a paper towel, air dryer or cloth hand towel, dry your hands completely. Studies have failed to determine which drying method is best, so use existing or preferred ones. If you use a cloth hand towel, it should be washed frequently - especially if they live in a common house where they can easily spread.

6 -

Turn off water

Faucet close-up

This can actually be step 6 rather than step 1.2. If you want to save water, wet your hands and turn the water on and off again when you need to wash again. According to the CDC, "Some recommendations include the use of a paper towel to close the tap after rinsing the hands, while this practice leads to an increase in the use of water and paper towels and there is no study showing that it improves health."

Use your best judgment here. If you are using a public toilet, you may think that you will use your bath towel to open the bathroom door.

PURELL Cottony Soft Hand Sanitizing Wipes, 120 Individually Wrapped Wipes in Self-Dispensing Display Box - 9027-12