Friday, November 15, 2019

PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer Refreshing Gel, Clean Scent, 1 Liter Pump Bottle (Pack of 2) - 3080-02-EC

What is the most effective hand washing method?

PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer Refreshing Gel, Clean Scent, 1 Liter Pump Bottle (Pack of 2) - 3080-02-EC

How to wash hands? Which is the most effective method? Only 5 percent of the people who do this are always right.

Almost everyone knows that after using the toilet, before eating, after getting on public transport, we need to wash our hands, thus preventing diseases. But only 5 percent of the people do it all the time.

According to the data obtained from the observation of three thousand people, 10 percent of those who use public toilets come out without washing their hands, 33 percent of those who do not use soap. Since we constantly take our hands to our face and mouth, the germs from unwashed hands become the source of entry to our body. Researches conducted in Brazil and the USA showed that we touched different surfaces with our hands 3.3 times per hour in public areas and brought them to our mouths and noses 3.6 times.

So we have to wash our hands properly. But what is the best way to do this? Should he use hot water to clean the hands well?

Most people believe that washing our hands with hot water is more effective. It's true that heat kills bacteria. That's why we heat food until it boils. The hot water that we wash our hands must be at the heat to burn the skin for it to be effective. For example, salmonella bacteria can survive for 10 minutes even at a temperature of 55 degrees. If you wash your hands with water at this temperature for more than 30 seconds, severe burns will occur.

After washing the hands with water at different temperatures (between 4.4 and 50 degrees), an experiment was conducted in Florida to see how much germ remains. The subjects' hands were washed with water at a certain temperature after touching the raw minced meat rich in bacteria. The hands were rubberized with gloves and a special liquid was added inside the glove to collect bacteria. One minute massage was applied to the hands to allow the bacteria to pass into the liquid. These liquids were then collected with a pipette and examined in the laboratory. Whether the hands were washed with hot or cold water, the same amount of bacteria remained.

However, a certain hand washing time was applied for this experiment. However, in real life, excessive hot or cold water may adversely affect the washing time. Therefore, warm water in public toilets can prolong the hand washing time.

PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer Refreshing Gel, Clean Scent, 1 Liter Pump Bottle (Pack of 2) - 3080-02-EC

Wet Ones Antibacterial Hand Wipes Singles, Fresh Scent, 48 Count

Why is continuous hand washing and excessive cleaning harmful?

Wet Ones Antibacterial Hand Wipes Singles, Fresh Scent, 48 Count

We live in the age of cleaning. Our soaps are antibacterial and our cleaning materials promise to destroy 99.9 percent of the germs. Everyone knows that germs are harmful.

But some scientists say that extreme cleanliness is not correct because it can lead to asthma and other allergic diseases. Is it possible to create a balanced situation between obsession cleaning and learning to live with the bacteria around us? At the end of the 19th century, the German doctor Robert Koch discovered that certain bacteria caused certain diseases. Since then, great progress has been made in human health due to cleanliness and sanitation.


But not all germs are harmful. Some bacteria are known to cause disturbing or even fatal diseases; but many of them are useful: they produce vitamins in our intestines, protect them against harmful microbes by forming a layer on our skin and help us digest nutrients. In environments outside our bodies, they break down organic residues, produce half of the oxygen in the world, regulate the nitrogen level in the air, which makes the world livable. Today, researchers say people have become “extremely clean ölçü to the extent that they can harm themselves.

In 1989, British epidemiologist David Strachan was the first to argue that exposure to certain diseases in childhood provides protection against the development of allergies at a later age.
Allergies occur when the human immune system overreacts and perceives a harmless substance as a major attack. Experts, our immune system forgot to live with them, our bodies can sometimes react to useful microbes, he says.


Therefore, we need to understand what kind of benefit microbes live in our body do to us. Epahemiologist Graham Rook of UCL University in London says it is important that the body meet various microbes in the surrounding area. Some people call it ışma microbial acquaintance therapy..

Rook believes that it is more beneficial for the mother to suck and clean the baby before the baby is given a new sterile pacifier. For this purpose, Rook emphasizes the importance of feeding on a variety of farms, doing sports outside, and increasing the variety of germs exposed by feeding animals such as dogs, which most of us consider dirty.

However, there is not much information about which diseases occur in the case of insufficient microbes in the body. Rook says that one day we will have knowledge of it, but it is technically and statistically too complicated.
Experts associate germs in the body with immunity, autism, allergies, autoimmunity, mood and development of the central nervous system. Microbial therapy starts from the moment we are born. It is stated that babies born as a result of normal birth have fewer allergies compared to those born by cesarean section and it is stated that meeting with germ environment from the first moment is effective in this.


However, due to excessive cleaning, the chance of meeting these good microbes is decreasing. But how will it be possible to meet good bacteria while avoiding the disease-causing bacteria? Experts say that you should follow the basic principles of washing hands. He sees dirty hands as the most important cause of contagious diseases among humans. Cleaning hands is not about how long, but how well you wash. To do this, the hand should be rubbed with soap for at least 15 seconds and then thoroughly rinsed and dried under running water.

But it is not necessary to wash every part of the body in this way. Experts say excessive cleaning disrupts the microbial environment that makes the body healthy against harmful organisms. For example, a long bath every day removes beneficial bacteria from the skin. For this reason, it is recommended to wash the genital area and very sweaty places and change the underwear every day.

In order to purify the house from harmful bacteria, cleaning is recommended as a part of daily life instead of cleaning once a week. For example, if you have chopped vegetables on the chopping boards in the kitchen, their cleaning may remain after the meal, but if food such as raw fish or chicken is chopped, you should clean it immediately.


Research in hospitals shows that microbes and viruses can easily spread from sheets and towels. Experts recommend that these items be changed once a week at home and personal cleaning materials such as towels should not be shared with anyone. It is stated that towels should be washed at 60 degrees and bleach should be used if they are washed at a lower degree.

It is important to close the toilet seat while flushing the toilet. Otherwise there may be danger of germs spreading and proliferating. Pajamas also need to be washed once a week.

In short, no one is recommended to live in filth to protect beneficial bacteria. But biologists believe that spending time in the woods and in the woods and touching the soil and plants is important in terms of encountering beneficial microbes.


Research shows that children who have not grown up in extremely clean environments are less susceptible to asthma and other allergic diseases. Some bacteria are known to protect people against intestinal diseases and some mental illnesses such as depression.

If the hypothesis about hygiene is correct, it may be possible to explain the increase in asthma and allergy in the last 20 years. Other developments in the field of public health, such as the use of filtered water, excessive use of antibiotics, increased environmental pollution, are also said to be influential.

However, it is believed that vaccines do not play any role in increasing allergy. In addition, after each disease, the body gains strength, so even the slightest discomfort in the body to apply to drugs is said to weaken.

Wet Ones Antibacterial Hand Wipes Singles, Fresh Scent, 48 Count

PURELL Hand Sanitizing Wipes, Clean Refreshing Scent, 20 Count Travel Pack (Pack of 6) - 9124-09-EC

What should be an ideal hand wash?

PURELL Hand Sanitizing Wipes, Clean Refreshing Scent, 20 Count Travel Pack (Pack of 6) - 9124-09-EC

Spending more time in closed and crowded areas due to the arrival of the winter season accelerates the spread of infectious diseases. In particular, to protect against infectious infections should be paid attention to hand hygiene experts, often recommends washing hands. So, what should be the ideal hand wash?

General Surgery Specialist from Uskudar University NPİSTANBUL Brain Hospital Op. Dr. Şerafettin Ozer emphasized the importance of hand hygiene by emphasizing the spread of infectious diseases in the winter season.

If hand hygiene is not provided enough, an expert invites infections, Op. Dr. Şerafettin Ozer said that hand washing can prevent certain infections.

Wash hands after contact
Hand hygiene should be washed whenever you have the opportunity to ensure hand hygiene Specialist Op. Dr. Şerafettin Özer stated that water and non-antimicrobial solid / liquid soap can be used for hand cleaning after all routine procedures such as shopping, using public transportation, giving and receiving money, especially in social life requiring hand contact.

What should be an ideal hand wash?
Micro-organisms transmitted to the skin during daily activities, soap and water can be removed completely from the skin in the case of washing hands Specialist Op. Dr. Şerafettin Özer said: “Hands should be washed with suitable soap and wash time should be at least 30 seconds. Antimicrobial soap can also be used when there is visible contamination of the hands. Wash hands first with water. Hands should be taken 3-5 ml of soap and rub hands for at least 15 seconds. Make sure that the entire surface of the hands and fingers is covered with soap. The hands are rinsed with water and fully dried. ”

PURELL Hand Sanitizing Wipes, Clean Refreshing Scent, 20 Count Travel Pack (Pack of 6) - 9124-09-EC

Germ-X Hand Sanitizer, Original, Pump Bottle, 30 Fluid Ounce (Pack of 4)

Constant handwashing can show you're obsessed

Germ-X Hand Sanitizer, Original, Pump Bottle, 30 Fluid Ounce (Pack of 4)

One of the most common obsessions is “contamination” and “contamination”. Specialist psychologist Aziz Görkem Çetin, who draws attention to obsessive compulsive disorder, made important evaluations about obsessions.

One of the most common obsessions is laşma contamination ”and“ contamination.. “In order to call something‘ illness yön, some aspects of our lives must have disrupted the function, uzman said experts, noting that a person who thinks they are getting dirty on the bus constantly washing their hands disrupts functionality, and pointed out Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Exp. Psychologist Aziz Görkem Çetin made important evaluations about obsessions.

One of the most common obsessions is ‘contamination’ and ‘contamination Aziz, says Aziz Görkem Çetin. For example; If an individual who feels dirty because he touched the bus, repeatedly shows his hand washing behavior, this can be considered as a point of disrupting functionality. ”

Underneath the obsessions lies guilt

Gerekirse Obsessive Compulsive Disorder gerekirse can be expressed in terms of obsession. Obsessions, our thoughts; compulsion can be divided into behaviors we do to relieve our obsessed thoughts. m Psychologist Çetin said, bakmak It is true to look at obsessions from another angle. There are connections between obsessions and our unconscious processes. These connections can be described as a process extending from childhood to today. Any psychological point in this process can make the connection. Like our lives, our traumas açıklamak It is not right to explain the obsessions or a situation in a single point. A causality can be found by evaluating human biological, psychological and social aspects. It is possible to say that most obsessive thoughts also arise from subconscious feelings of guilt. Therefore, studying the subconscious processes will help to solve the reasons that trigger the individual. ”

Iz We are not responsible unless we commit our obsessive thoughts to behavior ”

Exp. Olog People with obsessive-compulsive disorder and many of us think the same thing in the first place, ürüz said psychologist Aziz Görkem Çetin. The only distinction here is that the individual who is not OCD, after dealing with real information, the individual's anxiety and suspicion is over. But we observe that some worrying thoughts of individuals with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder do not pass and relax even though they have access to information. ”

I Differences in obsessive thinking; impulsively, unwillingly, repetitive, and distressing thoughts. For this reason, the individual may show behaviors that are thought to be meaningless in order to get rid of this situation. I use this slogan in negotiations with my clients. Iz We are not responsible unless we commit our obsessive thoughts to behavior. ’

Psychotherapy plays a major role in the treatment of OCD

The treatment of OCD is done pharmacologically and psychologically and should be performed simultaneously. The individual should seek support from the psychiatrist and psychologist for this treatment process. Psychotherapy plays an important role in this process. It is possible to say that two schools are frequently used in the psychotherapy process. Cognitive behavioral therapy and psychodynamic therapies will contribute to this process. But first of all, before the techniques and treatments, there should be thoughts that the individual can understand the fluctuations in the process and will not be able to succeed, and that he / she should continue the treatment process decisively. ”

Germ-X Hand Sanitizer, Original, Pump Bottle, 30 Fluid Ounce (Pack of 4)

PURELL Hand Sanitizing Wipes, Alcohol Formula, Fragrance Free, 300 Count Individually Wrapped Hand Wipes - 9020-06-EC

30 Seconds to Hand Wash Protects from Infectious Winter Diseases

PURELL Hand Sanitizing Wipes, Alcohol Formula, Fragrance Free, 300 Count Individually Wrapped Hand Wipes - 9020-06-EC

Have you ever thought it would be possible to gain resistance to infectious diseases in just 30 seconds? At first glance, it seems very değil unlikely.. However, in winter months, especially in public transport, the disease may be passed on contact with sick people touched places, thanks to the habit of regular hand washing is possible.

Memorial Antalya Hospital, Department of Infectious Diseases. Dr. Şirin Elmi, where there are crowded groups such as school, especially influenza, such as hepatitis-A infectious diseases, such as spreading quickly because of unwashed hands, gave recommendations on hand hygiene.

You decide whether your hands will be a sickness visa or a protection shield
Water and nutrients, which are the basic necessities of life, can become harmful if the hygienic conditions are not observed in the stages from supply to consumption and constitute a danger to our health. We meet all our needs in our daily life with our hands. Therefore, many infectious diseases can be carried with our hands which are in constant contact with our environment. Even in clean-looking hands, thousands of disease-causing microorganisms can be found. Furthermore, it is not possible for our hands to be kept clean. Influenza, jaundice, diarrhea causing factors, intestinal parasites spread to our mouths through hands and then to our body.

Hands should be washed frequently throughout the day
Children are more easily ill because their body resistance is weaker. Most of the children become ill because of the germs they take from their environment just because they do not wash their hands. In particular, not to wash hands properly after the toilet, even in the exchange of items such as erasers and pencils made in school between children can be transferred to the microbes, coughing and sneezing infected with these items can be taken into the body through the hands of the disease-causing germs. For this reason, it is very important to wash hands at school and everywhere we are.

Liquid soap should be preferred in bulk places
Hygiene is the first step of protection methods. Persons should be told about the ways of transmission of diseases and individual cleaning, which is the most important method of protection. In particular, the importance of hand washing should be emphasized. Personal hygiene habits are very important in the control of many infectious diseases. Handwashing is the best, most effective and inexpensive method of protection from diseases. With the development of hand washing habits from a young age, the fight against diseases begins. It is very important to maintain this habit in the school age.

After eating and after eating
After using the toilet
After touching raw meat, chicken, fish and eggs
After handling contaminated food and garbage
After closing our mouths with our hands during sneezing and coughing
Public transport, money exchange, after use of public telephone
After handling cats, dogs and other animals
After coming home from work and school, it must be washed by hand in the right way.
The aim of hand hygiene is to remove harmful germs. Cleaning with water only removes visible dirt from the eye but does not provide effective hygiene. For complete cleaning, soap should be used with water. Liquid soap should be preferred especially in bulk places.

Need to wash hands with the right technique
How to wash hands?

The hands are soaked with lukewarm water, the soap is distributed to all surfaces of the hands and is thoroughly foamed.
Wrists, palms, fingers, between the fingers, back of the hand and nails are rubbed vigorously for at least 30 seconds.
Rinse hands thoroughly.
The hands are dried with disposable towel paper especially in public and bulk places.
The paper towel used for drying is closed with the faucet and discarded in the trash.

PURELL Hand Sanitizing Wipes, Alcohol Formula, Fragrance Free, 300 Count Individually Wrapped Hand Wipes - 9020-06-EC

Amazon Brand - Solimo Hand Sanitizer with Vitamin E and Aloe, 8 Fl Oz (Pack of 1)

How to gain the habit of hand washing?

Amazon Brand - Solimo Hand Sanitizer with Vitamin E and Aloe, 8 Fl Oz (Pack of 1)

What should be considered while giving children the habit of hand washing? Here are the suggestions that make hand washing fun ...

Acıbadem Fulya Hospital Infectious Diseases Specialist Hülya Kuşoğlu explained the ways to give children the habit of yıkama hand washing olan which is the most effective and simplest way to protect them from infectious diseases.

Hands are the most polluted organs in daily life. Although the hands appear to be clean, they can carry many disease-causing factors, such as bacteria, viruses and parasite eggs, which are invisible to them. There are about 4000-6000 bacteria in every square centimeter of the hands. These invisible microorganisms can be transmitted to children by means of moving hands to the mouth or eyes, touching, shaking hands, and sharing food or goods. The purpose of our handwash is to remove harmful microorganisms found on the hands. Because hands that are not washed frequently become susceptible to the growth of microorganisms. The environment, animals or after contact with other people after influenza, diarrhea, even causing the disease to cause harmful microorganisms that can cause our body to settle with our hands, '' especially in the hands of the thumb, fingers and finger tips are the most common contact points for more microorganisms.

Hand washing is the most effective method of protection from diseases
Handwashing is the simplest and most effective method to prevent the transmission of harmful microorganisms, especially the common cold, influenza, diarrhea and pneumonia. For example, it is possible to protect our children from diarrhea by 53 percent, by 50 percent from pneumonia and by 43 percent from bacterial infection of the skin called impetigo, by teaching only the right hand washing method.

Parents should set an example for their children
Infectious Diseases Specialist Hülya Kuşoğlu hand washing habit in childhood, preschool age should be given from stating, parents often have to make their children wash their hands, they should be a good model, he said. Washing hands with the child is the most effective way to learn the correct washing technique.

Training should be fun
Children like to learn with fun. Try to make it fun while you teach your child to wash hands. To do this, you can place reminders around the sink, such as fun pictures in the form of a favorite toy or cartoon character, or pictures showing how to wash your hands. While teaching your child the importance of washing hands, be careful not to put pressure on them. Tell him that he can be protected from many diseases by washing his hands in a calm tone. If you are unable to wash your hand, try another way to solve the problem.

Wash your hands for at least 30 seconds!
Although washing hands may seem simple, there are rules to be followed. Because according to scientific studies; microorganisms are not cleaned from hands unless they are washed with a certain time and appropriate technique. Therefore, your child needs to wash their hands for at least 30 seconds.

What are the stages of hand washing?
First, wet hands with water,
Wash hands by rubbing with soap,
Thoroughly rub the fingertips and between the fingers, thumbs, palms and wrist folds,
Rinse your hands thoroughly under running water,
Dry your hands with clean towels after washing,

Hands are our organ that provides all kinds of connections with our environment in our daily life, which is constantly polluted during the day and therefore can contain plenty of bacteria. We have millions of germs in our hands. Many of these microbes are harmless. But some of them do not wash your hands; fever, flu or diarrhea. Some bacteria adhere well to the pores, scratches, cracks and hairs in our hands, and find suitable environments to multiply by mixing with dust and dirt.

Touch the soap in the water!
When you cough, sneeze or clean your nose, germs spread to your hands. Microbes that get on your hands will go to your mouth with food and drinks you touch or with your hands and make you sick. These germs are transmitted to those around you through the items you touch. Especially after washing the microbes in your hands and nails that are not washed well; jaundice, typhoid fever, dysentery, hairworm. Washing hands is our most effective weapon in the fight against germs. We must wash our hands frequently with appropriate methods. We should also use soap when washing.

When should we wash our hands?
Here are the situations where we need to wash our hands:

Before preparing food and food,
Before preparing the dinner table,
Before eating,
Before you love little babies,
Before we brush our teeth,
When you come home from the outside,
After using the toilet,
After the game,
After handling raw foods,
After wiping our nose,
After coughing and sneezing,
After shaking hands with a sick friend,
After handling animals.

Eurasia Hospital Child Health and Diseases Specialist Ersin Sari, giving children the habit of hand-washing tips to be applied.

Why is hygiene important in children?
Children with a more sensitive immune system than adults, can easily face the infestation of microbes. Even though it is not seen with the eyes, the microorganisms that accumulate mostly in the hands and even children touching their hands to the mouth and eyes can become a problem in itself. At this point, hand washing is the most effective way of protection. Especially the early hand-washing habit helps to prevent problems such as hepatitis A, tuberculosis, diarrhea and intestinal parasites. Because the factors that cause these diseases in general, as a result of routine behaviors that are a part of daily life in children and especially in the hands of microbes that accumulate.

How should children wash their hands?
Hands should be washed with soap for about 20 seconds, then rinsed with plenty of water.
While washing hands; care should be taken to wash the fingers, nails, palms and the outer surface of the hand very well.
Then dry thoroughly with a cotton towel. The towels used by the child should also be changed frequently.

How can children gain the habit of hand washing?
Parents begin with toilet training as a baby when they are little, and when they grow a little older, children begin to test with hand washing. At this point, parents should determine a path in line with the developmental processes of children and refer to clues that will turn education into a fun activity.

Make role model
Handwashing, which is the most practical way to protect children from diseases, should become a routine in life. However, first of all, children should be made aware that washing hands is an important step to prevent diseases. For this, you should be a good role model as a parent, when you wake up in the morning, before and after meals, you must wash your hands when you come outside, and you should involve your child in this process. Remember, you are the most important people at that age where children are exemplary, whose behavior is replicated and imitated.

Teach handwashing is a necessity
Your relationship with your child is very important in hand washing education. The process works much more easily in an authority-love relationship. At this point, when you ask your child to wash his hands, say as if he was not giving orders or begging. Do not use bad words and threats when you do not wash your hands. Or bargain in case he doesn't, follow a balanced path instead of begging too much. Be loving but serious.

Turn hand washing training into enjoyable times
It's worth adding some fun. For this, colorful and pleasant stickers can cheer up the area to wash hands. You can place your favorite toy in this area, which shows how to wash your hands. Since the handwashing time should be at least 30 seconds, you can sing a favorite song during this time. For the duration, you can obtain children's hourglass. For easy access to the washbasin, you can buy stools specially prepared for children.

Basic hygiene rules and common sense are effective Wash your hands frequently. Rinsing your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or using an alcohol-based hand disinfectant when water and soap cannot be reached significantly reduces your risk of getting sick or the risk of carrying the flu germ home. Do not use antibacterial hand disinfectants as they may cause the growth of resistant microbes and contain some chemicals. Instead of shaking hands, try hugging. The risk of wrapping germs is much lower. Also, try not to touch your eyes, nose and mouth. Finally, if you show flu symptoms, stay home by not going to work.

Amazon Brand - Solimo Hand Sanitizer with Vitamin E and Aloe, 8 Fl Oz (Pack of 1)

PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer Gel, Variety Pack, 8 -1 fl oz Portable, Travel Sized Flip Cap Bottles with included JELLY WRAP Carriers (Case of 8) - 3900-09-ECSC

The most effective weapon in the fight against germs wash hands

PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer Gel, Variety Pack, 8 -1 fl oz Portable, Travel Sized Flip Cap Bottles with included JELLY WRAP Carriers (Case of 8) - 3900-09-ECSC

For daily hygiene you need to wash your hands using soap 8-10 times a day. It is stated that washing hands with clean water and quality soap is very important for preventing diseases.

The main way of protection from diseases is to take care of personal hygiene. Especially the cleanliness of the hands plays a very important role in the fight against germs. When washing your hands, we must use soap with water.

The main way of protection from diseases is hygiene. Hygiene starts from the hands. Especially before cooking and sitting on the table, hands must be washed.

It is stated that the most important substances required for personal cleaning are clean water and soap. It is often enough to wash hands and body regularly with plenty of soapy water.

However, in cases where the water is not clean enough and in special environments, additional measures are needed.

In a society where the concept of cleanliness is not developed and hygienic practices and measures are insufficient, the person remains at risk even if he pays attention to individual hygiene.

On the other hand, a person who does not give importance to individual hygiene, hygiene measures around him become very vulnerable to various disease risks, albeit very effective.

The research carried out by the European Hygiene Council as a result of the laboratory examination of samples taken from homes in 8 different countries reveals that the kitchen faucet in millions of households carries more germs than the flush arm in the toilet.

According to scientific data, the rate of parcel bacillus in the kitchen faucet is 14 percent, while this ratio is around 6 percent in the siphon handles. Hygiene rules that must be observed in order to live healthy are as follows:

- You often take a bath and change your laundry.

- Wash hands with plenty of clean water and soap after each toilet and before each meal.

- Wash hands with plenty of clean water and soap in the event of contact with non-clean objects.

- Brushing teeth in the evening before bedtime and after breakfast in the morning.

- To ensure that drinking and drinking water and foodstuffs are clean and safe, not to put foodstuffs on soiled soils.

- Frequent cleaning of contaminated environments and floors with suitable cleaning agents.

- Frequent ventilation of living spaces.

- To remove wastes from living environments without waiting and using the most appropriate methods.

- Avoid contact with people known to have infectious disease, and if contact is unavoidable, take protective measures for ways of transmission.

Wash your hands 8-10 times a day
In terms of hygiene, these recommendations need to be followed:
- For daily hygiene you need to wash your hands correctly 8 to 10 times a day.

- It is seen that babies are washed every other day in terms of hygiene.

- While aromatic scented products and body lotions are insufficient for cleaning and maintenance; clean water, soap, disinfectant gel and sprays are recommended.

- It is not enough to wipe a bleeding wound with water. During the first aid phase, doctors need to go to the doctor according to the depth of the wound to squeeze antibacterial wound spray directly on the cut or abrasion.

- Washing hands with clean water and quality soaps is very necessary for the prevention of diseases and it is stated that it is important to wash hands correctly. \ N

- It is not seen enough to wash with water for hand hygiene after toilet, it is recommended to use plenty of water and antibacterial soap.

Give your children the habit of using soap
- Washing hands alone prevents the formation of stomach bacteria by 47 percent.

- Washing hands with soap reduces diarrhea and pneumonia-related infections by more than 50 percent in children under 5 years of age.

- The number of germs at the fingertips of the person using the toilet doubles.

- Although we think that toilets are the most dirty places, this is not the case and kitchens are said to be the most dirty place.

- It is pointed out that the number of microbes accumulated in one's wedding ring is equal to that of the European population.

PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer Gel, Variety Pack, 8 -1 fl oz Portable, Travel Sized Flip Cap Bottles with included JELLY WRAP Carriers (Case of 8) - 3900-09-ECSC