Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Bayer Aspirin Individual Sealed 2 Tablets in a Packet (Pack of 50 Packets) 100 Tablets Total-325mg

Baby aspirin is enough to dilute the blood

Bayer Aspirin Individual Sealed 2 Tablets in a Packet (Pack of 50 Packets) 100 Tablets Total-325mg

The study of Harvard University has shown that aspirin, which, if used daily, increases the risk of heart attack in men, has raised controversy in the medical world.

The American Heart Foundation, which recommends regular use of aspirin for blood pressure examinations, makes another call to doctors. Instead of prescribing painkillers at the first stage of treatment, the foundation recommended that physicians apply physical therapy, exercise, slimming, joint pressure reduction, and cold-hot treatments to patients. Acibadem Kadıköy Hospital Cardiology Clinic Responsible for Asprin Nuri Caglar, aspirin to take blood to dilute the baby suggested aspirin.

* Can aspirin be taken every day?
There is no need to take aspirin every day unless there is a condition to take. If aspirin has side effects, you should not take it at all. Aspirin dilutes the blood and prevents the formation of an intravenous clot. However, should not be taken unless the doctor gives.

* Some doctors say it can be taken every day? What do you mind?
It can be taken every day, but if the patient does not have stomach bleeding or tendency to bleed in the 12 intestines. It is also inconvenient to take patients with clotting problems. If you do not know them every day, you may have inconvenient situations.

* Is there a difference between someone between the ages of 25-35 and someone between the ages of 35-50 use aspi?
There is no difference.

* If the family is prone to cardiovascular diseases or high blood pressure, is it correct to take aspirin every day?
If the family has a stroke and cardiovascular disease at a young age, there are no problems preventing aspirin intake, it is beneficial to take. The utility is more.

* What is the difference between baby aspirin and normal aspirin?
One is 80, the other 150-300 milligrams. The mechanism of action is the same. Its effect is the same. Of course we're talking about the blood dilution effect. It's not a pain reliever.

* In which cases should we take one aspirin a day?
Stroke predisposition and stroke, coronary artery predisposition or detected should take.

Bayer Aspirin Individual Sealed 2 Tablets in a Packet (Pack of 50 Packets) 100 Tablets Total-325mg

Bayer Aspirin Pain Reliever 325mg - 500 Tablets

Skin Care with Aspirin

Bayer Aspirin Pain Reliever 325mg - 500 Tablets

Aspirin is a medication in which we get rid of the disease by sweating and taking one in everyone's childhood, even now when we feel cold. Aspirin is a drug that is beneficial for the body and is said to have additional beneficial effects for the liver. The effect of aspirin is not limited to activating the immune system and protecting the body when taken orally. In this article, I looked for answers to questions such as how to make skin care with aspirin, whether aspirin whitens the skin, is good for wrinkles, what is good, what are the benefits, and what are the side effects. Good reading.

What are the benefits of aspirin to the skin
Aspirin cure, which improves unwanted acne and nerve and stress-related inflammations for a short time; it also prevents the formation of new acne and blackheads. The face cure made with aspirin, which has a very gathering feature against skin sagging, nourishes and softens the skin. Aspirin cure also works as a facial peeling; skin renewal and pores on the surface of the skin provides cleaning. In addition to preventing acne scars and wounds from settling on the skin, it also treats existing blemishes, acne scars and freckles when used regularly.

Aspirin Mask for Blackheads
The aspirin mask for blackheads is very useful and simple to make. 1 aspirin, 2 teaspoons of water, very little almond oil and lemon juice in a glass bowl, mix well. Apply the cure on the black spots on your skin. Allow the machine to dry for 10–15 minutes and then rinse your skin with warm water. You can apply the aspirin mask to your skin once a week for black spots.

Aspirin Mask for Pimples
The aspirin mask, which helps us to get rid of the excess fat in our skin, also prevents the formation of acne. The required materials are as follows:
4-5 aspirin.
1 or 2 tablespoons of warm water
Honey or yogurt
Crush the aspirin in your hand and turn it into powder. You can then mix the aspirin with warm water. According to your request, add other ingredients and mix. By increasing the moist effect of the mask, it may be advisable to add honey or yogurt. Prepare the mixture and apply it to your clean skin. 15 min. Let it stand and wash slowly with warm water. Then dry your skin beautifully. You can then apply your oil-free moisturizer.

Bayer Aspirin Pain Reliever 325mg - 500 Tablets

Berkley Jensen Extra Strength Non-Aspirin Pm Caplets, 500 Count

Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs

Berkley Jensen Extra Strength Non-Aspirin Pm Caplets, 500 Count

Pain and painful events are the first complaints among the reasons for referring to a physician. Analgesic and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the most commonly prescribed drugs after antibiotics. Arthritis and drug use, on the other hand, are a challenge for making mistakes and making choices despite all efforts and scientific steps, and modern approaches change frequently.

It may be useful to look at statistics around the world to identify the magnitude of the problem. The prevalence of osteoarthritis, which is a common arthritis, is 10-20%, and rheumatoid arthritis is 1-2% and at least half of these patients use NSAID. The prevalence of NSAID use in the population is 5%.

Analgesic drugs:

a. Opioids (narcotics)

b. Adjuvant analgesics

c. Nonopioid analgesics (non-narcotic analgesics):

I. Paracetamol and Aspirin

ii. We can summarize it as NSAI.

Classical NSAIDs are generally used because of analgesic, antipyretic, antiinflammatory and partly uricosuric effects. Reasons for use in arthritis are analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. This group of drugs is classified as in Table 1.

Taking a look at the short history of NSAIDs, it is noteworthy that colchicine was first identified in 1820, salicylic acid was identified in 1860, and the first Aspirin tablet was synthesized in 1898. The NSAID name coincides with the synthesis of phenylbutazone, which was first used in 1949. This adventure in 1971 With John Wyane's work on the mechanisms of action and his description of the first cyclooxygenase absorption, John Wayne was given the title Sir and Nobel. In 1976, prostoglandin endoperoxide synthetase (cyclooxygenase = COX) enzyme, a new stop in the adventure, was obtained, thus accelerating the studies on the mechanisms of action, side effects and safety profile of NSAIDs. This is the latest development in the early 1990s, showing that COX is not a single molecule, and that multiple isomers have different functions, thus gaining a new dimension in clinical trials.

A. According to chemical structure

I. Carboxylic acids:

a. Salicylic acid and its esters

b. Anthranilic acid derivatives: Flufenamic acid, mefanamic acid

II. Acetic Acids:

a. Phenylacetic Acid: Diclofenac, phenclofenac

b. Carbo and heterocyclic acids: Infomethacin, etodolac, sulindac, tolmeltin

III. Propronic acids: Ebuprofen, ketoprofen, flurbiprofen, suprofen, naproxen, fenoprofen, thiaprofenic acid

IV. Phenamic Acids: flufenamic, mefenamic, meclofenamic

V. Enolic Acids:

a. Pyrazolones: phenylbutazene, oxyphenbutazone, azopropazone

b. Oxicams: piroxicam, pesoxicam, sudoxicam

VI. Nonaisidic Agents: proquazoma, traramide, pflunizole, naubmetan

B. By Half Life

I. Long half-life drugs (10-12 hours)

1. Azopropazone

2. Diflunocele

3. Perbufen

4. Nabumeton

5. Naproxen

6. Oxaprazocine

7. Phenylbutazone

8. Piroxicam

II. Short half-life medications (less than 6 hours)

1. Diclofenac

2. Etodolac

3. Phenoprofen

4. Flufenamic Acid

5. Flurbiprofen

6. Ibuprofen

7. Indomethacin

8. Ketoprafen

9. Pirprofen

10. Traprophenic acid

11. Tolmetin

NSAIDs whose general effects are listed above are effective in two ways:

1. Cyclooxygenase (COX)

2. Lipoxygenase.

The COX enzyme activity controls the pathway from membrane phospholipids to prostaglandin synthesis, which inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandin by inhibition of this enzyme by NSAID and the synthesis of leukotrienes by lipoxygenase. COX inhibition is the main pathway in the inhibition of inflammation by the classical NSAIDs.

General Impact Mechanisms of NSAIDs:

1. COX inhibition, suppression of prostoglandin synthesis

2. Lipoxygenase inhibition: Suppression of leukotriene synthesis

3. Suppression of superoxide production

4. Suppression of lysosomal enzyme release

5. Inhibition of hydrogen peroxide production

6. Inhibition of phospholipase-C activity in the cell membrane

7. Effect on cartilage metabolism, chondroprotective or chondrodestructive effect

8. Reduction of lymphoid transformation and DNA synthesis

9. Central analgesic effect

10. Suppression of bradycin-related inflammatory events

11. Production of antiinflammatory peptide from plasma proteins

12. Inhibition of signals required for neutrophil aggregation and activation

13. Inhibition of granulocyte-monocyte migration and phagocytosis

The pharmacokinetic properties of this group of drugs can be generalized as follows: Absorption in the gastrointestinal tract is good. The first pass mechanisms in the liver are low. They are highly bound to albumin and have low dispersion volumes. Some have synovium deposition properties. Excretion decreases in chronic renal failure.

Side effects are distributed over a wide spectrum and show a multicolored picture.

NSAID Side Effects

1. In GIS; dyspepsia, gastric erosion, peptic ulcer, upper GIS bleeding, intestinal inflammation

2. In GOS; reduction in glomerular filtration, acute renal failure; papillary necrosis

3. Pulmonary; bronchospasm asthma provocation, pneumonitis

4. Neuropsychiatric; headache, dizziness, disturbances, provocation of epilepsy, aseptic meningitis

5. Dermatological; urticaria, leukocytoclastic vasculitis, erythema multiforme, drug eroption

6. Hematological; tendency to bleeding, aplastic anemia, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis

7. Hepatic; toxic hepatitis, cholestatic jaundice, liver failure

Interactions of NSAIDs with Other Drugs:

1. Increase the effect of oral anticoagulants

2. Reduce the excretion of lithium

3. Increase the effect of oral hypoglycemics

4. Increase phenytoin levels

5. Increase digoxin levels

6. Increase the level of aminoglycosides

7. Antacids slow their absorption

8. Probenecid slows the excretion of these drugs

9. Barbiturates increase metabolic clearance of these drugs

10. Caffeine increases absorption rates

11. Cholestyramine slows absorption.

In many studies, error rates in choosing the appropriate drug exceed 20%. It has been estimated that more than 13 million people use NSAIDs in the US every day and their annual worth is over $ 1 billion, while it is estimated at $ 5.7 billion worldwide in 1995. The cost of gastrointestinal complications is 0.8-1.6 billion dollars and the number of hospitalized patients varies between 200-400 thousand every year. In the USA, GIS complication and mortality rate due to NSAID use is the third most common cause after death from smoking and cancer and is reported as 0.2%.

It is also reported that most of the patients were asymptomatic in the period before drug-induced GIS side effects (Singh et al .: 81%, Amustrens, Blower: 58%). In the literature, GIS intolerance is reported as 30% and endoscopic ulcer prevalence is reported as 10-30%. In Europe, bleeding / perforation is directly attributed to NSAIDs in 400 out of 1000 people hospitalized daily for upper GI bleeding. All these figures emphasize the importance of public health issues and the extent to which the problem of pharmaco-economic approaches (direct and indirect) is thought-provoking.


Especially classical drugs are as therapeutically effective as opposed to finding new options with a higher safety profile (significantly less frequent side effects).

Drugs produced as examples of these options, known as COXIBs, induce inducible COX inhibition in the inflammatory area of ​​the above-mentioned side effect without inhibiting COX1 that is located in the tissue and known as structural. That is, COX1 is found mostly in the stomach, intestine, kidney and platelets, whereas COX2 is made by macrophages, synoviocytes and endothelial cells. While classic NSAIDs inhibit both enzymes, COX2 inhibitors inhibit inducible COX2 and suppress inflammation without structural side effects.

With this approach, COX inhibitors are classified as follows:

1. COX1 Specific Agents: COX1 inhibition without inhibition of COX2, such as low-dose Aspirin

2. COX Nonspecific Agents: Conventional NSAIDs that inhibit both enzymes

3. COX2 Selective Agents: Ourlar (meloxicam, nabumetane, nimesulide) cause COX1 inhibition, which is evident at increasing doses, while inhibiting CO2 in humans and animals at clinical therapeutic doses.

4. COX2 Specific Agents: Agents that do not cause inhibition of clinically significant COX, even at maximum therapeutic dose (celecoxib, rofecoxib)

The results of clinical trials with COX2-specific agents can be summarized as follows:

- Even above therapeutic doses, it leads to lower symptomatic ulcers and ulcer complications than conventional NSAIDs.

- GIS side-effect profile remains unchanged (celecoxib) despite use with low-dose Aspirin.

- Since they do not interact with drugs such as methotrexate and warfarin, they can be used safely in patients requiring RA and anticoagulant therapy.

- They do not affect platelet aggregation.

- Clinically they are as effective as conventional NSAIDs on pain and inflammation.

- Hemoglobin and hemetocrit levels do not decrease despite long term use.

- There is enough experience in the use of advanced age, they are reliable.

- There is an increase in peripheral edema compared to placebo, but they do not differ from conventional NSAIDs.

- They can be used safely in Agrave hypertension and hypertension and do not cause a significant increase in blood pressure.

- They should not be used in people with excessive sulfonamide sensitivity.

- There is no evidence of significant allergic reactions or bronchospasm in patients with asthma.

- Celecoxib has no negative effect on renal function and does not affect renal function even in patients with low glomenular filtration rate. They do not lead to an increase in creatine level.

- It does not cause clinically significant liver function test disorders and does not cause changes in enzyme levels even in patients with borderline and laboratory values ​​up to three times higher.

- An increase in the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events, especially for celecoxib, did not show an increase compared to conventional NSAIDs.

* Although this group of drugs is not perfect, it is as effective as conventional drugs, but it is more reliable in terms of side effects and safety profile and appears to be able to open new horizons for clinical and laboratory (reducing cancer risk, controlling Alzheimer's, etc.).

* There is not enough information about the use of this group of drugs in children, pregnant and lactating motherhood. This issue should be investigated in detail.

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Bufferin Buffered Aspirin (NSAID) Coated Tablets Pain Reliever/Fever Reducer 130 ea (Pack of 2)

Attention! Aspirin

Bufferin Buffered Aspirin (NSAID) Coated Tablets Pain Reliever/Fever Reducer 130 ea (Pack of 2)

The benefits and harms of aspirin continue to be discussed. Is aspirin a dangerous pill?

Aspirin ım My age has come, ”he is not a drug to be used. A minor accident after taking aspirin can cause brain hemorrhage.

Is it good for health to take an aspirin a day?

Dim I'm 40, and I'd better take an Aspirin a day, ”a habit began. This is very false. Aspirin is not a medication to take unless advised by the doctor or if it does not need to be used for vascular occlusion.

Is aspirin the easiest used painkiller with no side effects?

There are medications with much less side effects than aspirin to relieve pain. The first drug that comes to mind to stop pain is no longer aspirin.

Do you need to ask the doctor?

Aspirin is not a very innocent drug. If not necessary, it should not be used. Aspirin can have serious side effects, such as causing bleeding. Taking Aspirin without asking a doctor takes courage.

What is the greatest harm you may experience as a result of aspirin use?

After taking aspirin, let's say you were in a traffic accident and bumped your head, the risk of brain hemorrhage is much higher. A small stroke may result in greater bleeding. So you shouldn't take Aspirin without stopping.

Can aspirin have a life-saving effect?

Aspirin reduces the risk of paralysis. Patients with vascular occlusion also have a risk of paralysis. In this type of patient, I recommend taking one small Aspirin daily to prevent paralysis or to prevent patients suffering from a minor stroke to experience greater stroke.

Is it good for health to take an aspirin a day?

It is useful to take one aspirin a day for people recommended by the doctor. Regular use of aspirin is very useful for smokers, people with high cholesterol and blood pressure, family history of heart disease and diabetes.

Is aspirin the easiest used painkiller with no side effects?

It is a very innocent drug as a painkiller. Daily doses up to 1.5 grams can be taken as painkillers. You do not need to use it regularly for pain relief purposes. You get one or two at most. Then there's no risk of bleeding.

Do you need to ask the doctor?

In order to use aspirin, you need to ask your doctor. I think even aspirin should be prescribed.

What is the greatest harm you may experience as a result of aspirin use?

If your risk of cardiovascular disease is too low, aspirin may have more harm than benefits. There is a risk of brain and stomach bleeding. Aspirin is not used to reduce children's fever. It may cause Reye's syndrome with liver and brain damage.

Can aspirin have a life-saving effect?

If you have other risk factors, especially if you have a high risk of heart disease, life is possible by taking Aspirin. If the person having a heart attack chews two Aspirins on the way to the hospital, the damage from the crisis is reduced.

Bufferin Buffered Aspirin (NSAID) Coated Tablets Pain Reliever/Fever Reducer 130 ea (Pack of 2)

Bufferin Buffered Aspirin (NSAID) Coated Tablets Pain Reliever/Fever Reducer 130 ea

Homemade 6 Facial Masks Recipe for Perfect Skin with Aspirin

Bufferin Buffered Aspirin (NSAID) Coated Tablets Pain Reliever/Fever Reducer 130 ea

Aspirin is useful not only for our health but also for our skin. Would you like to freshen your worn out skin during seasonal changes and slow down time with the effect of aspirin?

Salicic acid and antiinflammatory content in aspirin, which has many benefits, prevents direct acne formation. Aspirin also prevents the spread of infection on the skin, balances the fat content, eliminates black spots, never dries the skin and keeps it moist. It is also a very effective exfoliating mask. Even if you do not have any skin problems, aspirin mask once a month, you can follow the day to day noticeable changes in your skin. Here are 6 facial mask recipes that can be easily prepared at home with aspirin from moisturizing to peeling.

1. Moisturizing mask

4-5 aspirin
1 teaspoon of warm water
1 teaspoon of honey

Preparation of
Mix aspirin, warm water and honey. Apply cream to your face and keep it on your face for 15 minutes. The mask will begin to dry on your face and stretch your skin. After 15 minutes rinse your face with warm water. This mask with aspirin and honey can be a great moisturizer.

2. Anti-wrinkle mask

5 aspirin
1 tablespoon yogurt
1 teaspoon of honey

Preparation of
Crush the aspirin and mix with honey and yogurt. Apply the mask to clean skin and leave for half an hour. After drying, rinse with warm water. You can apply this mask 1-2 times a week. Sun, nutrition and stress cause wrinkles on the face. You can use masks to prevent these wrinkles that occur at a young age. Aspirin, honey and yogurt trio can be prepared in the home environment, this mask is ambitious about wrinkles.

3. Exfoliating mask

6 aspirin
1 teaspoon of lemon juice

Preparation of
Crush 6 aspirin in a mortar and mix with lemon juice. Apply well to your face and leave for 10 minutes. Soak the cotton lightly and soak it in carbonate and wipe your face with this mixture, then wash and rinse with plenty of water.

4. Firming mask

1 aspirin
1 teaspoon of honey
1 tablespoon dry yeast
1 tablespoon oxygenated water

Preparation of
Crush the aspirin into flour, add a tablespoon of oxygenated water and a tablespoon of dried yeast. Stir until creamy and then add a teaspoon of honey. Apply a mask to your face with a brush and wait half an hour. Rinse your face after half an hour. You can apply this mask once a week.

5. Stain remover mask

3 aspirin
1 teaspoon of lemon juice
1/3 teaspoon carbonate
1 teaspoon of honey
1 tablespoon strained yogurt

Preparation of
Mix 3 aspirin with lemon juice. Continue to mix by adding honey, strained yogurt and carbonate after the apyrin melts. Clean the stains on the stains only by gently rubbing them as if peeling. You can apply this mixture twice a week and keep it in the refrigerator. Şems Arslan's mask recipe, which is said to reduce stains by 90 percent, is worth trying.

6. Anti-sag mask

1 aspirin
1 slice of brown wheat bread
1 tablespoon yogurt

Preparation of
Soak 1 slice of brown wheat bread with yogurt and throw the battered aspirin into it and mix. Apply this mixture to your face like a mask and leave for 30 minutes. Then wash your face with warm water. For an effective result, you must apply this recipe by Suna Dumankaya at least twice a week.

Pregnant women and mothers on the nose of the flower; attention!

Aspirin has no known harm, but you should still consult your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. In addition, to find out whether you will show an allergic reaction to aspirin before applying a piece of the inside of your wrist, do not forget to experiment.

Bufferin Buffered Aspirin (NSAID) Coated Tablets Pain Reliever/Fever Reducer 130 ea

HeahlthA2Z Aspirin 325mg, 300-count,Compare to Bayer? Active Ingredients

What is Aspirin, What are the Benefits of Aspirin?

HeahlthA2Z Aspirin 325mg, 300-count,Compare to Bayer? Active Ingredients

Aspirin is a medicine used as painkiller, antipyretic and blood thinner. No information has been found in the 50-year studies on how aspirin, which has a long history, prevents diseases, but its secret was solved in the 1970s. In this article, we will answer questions such as What is Aspirin, what are the areas where Aspirin is used, what are the benefits of Aspirin.

Aspirin is a drug in the painkiller group whose active ingredient is acetylsalicylic acid. This medicine can be used both as a painkiller and as an antipyretic and as a blood thinner. Its raw material contains some plants and shells. As a result of many years of research on aspirin has been found to be effective in patients who are about to have a heart attack and consumption in daily life reduces the risk of heart attack.

Aspirin is available in different forms. It is possible to take the form of tablets, chasis, effervescent tablets, enteric coated tablets and capsules. Each type of aspirin was adjusted to a different dosage. The most appropriate form according to the condition of the disease which is given that drug.

Aspirin is used for the treatment of many ailments. When consumed in high doses such as 300 mg pain relief, has antipyretic effect. In case of lower dosage, it is effective for headaches and toothache for a short time. Long-term use will show blood thinning effect, blood clotting and heart attack, stroke, ischemic attacks, diseases such as peripheral arterial disease is eliminated.

Aspirin, which is recommended for lifelong use in people with cardiovascular disease, should be consumed in doses of 75-100 mg daily. It can be used in people who do not have a heart problem if the doctor recommends it.

Areas of use of aspirin are clear. It is important to use these areas with doctor's advice. The answer to the question of how to use aspirin can be given as follows;

Aspirin can be used as a blood thinner. For this, the dose given by the doctor should be taken.
If you experience stomach pain during use of aspirin, it is beneficial to consume with food.
Aspirin tablets should never be crushed, chewed or broken.
Some types of aspirins have the ability to dissolve only in the intestines. Therefore it is important to swallow only with water.
Those who will undergo surgery or who have surgery should be careful about the use of aspirin. The use of aspirin may be interrupted one to one with the advice of a physician.
Aspirin should be stored away from room temperature and humidity.

In aspirin use, dose adjustment varies depending on the intended use. The daily dose may range from 50 mg to 6000 mg. The answer to the question of which dose of aspirin is used is as follows;

For mild to moderate pain: 350 - 650 mg every 4 hours / 500 mg every 6 hours
Rheumatoid arthritis: 500 mg every 4 - 6 hours / 650 mg every 4 hours / 1000 mg every 4 - 6 hours / 1950 mg twice daily
To prevent heart attack: 75 - 81 - 162 - 325 mg daily
To prevent the risk of stroke: 75 to 100 mg daily
These dosages should be determined by the physician according to the intended use of the patient. The person should not adjust the dose according to his / her head without doctor's advice.

Aspirin has many benefits. Aspirin can be used to prevent many ailments. The benefits of aspirin are as follows;

The most important feature of aspirin is pain relief - antipyretic. Molecules that cause pain and fever in the body cannot be produced by taking aspirin. Aspirin should be consumed at a dose of 300 mg or more to be effective in this case.

Aspirin was found to be very effective in heart diseases. The use of aspirin provides successful results both in preventing cardiovascular diseases and preventing recurrence of developed cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, people who have undergone balloon or stent treatment and who have undergone coronary artery bypass surgery have to use continuous aspirin.

Recent studies have shown that aspirin is also effective in cancer treatment. It has also been found that aspirin use has the ability to prevent cancer and halt the development of many types of cancer. In case of cancer, aspirin use should be under the supervision of a doctor.

It is also possible to treat skin problems with aspirin. Especially in recent scientific studies, it has been revealed that some skin problems are treated with the use of aspirin. The use of aspirin for skin problems should be done according to the doctor's recommendation.

The most commonly used diseases of aspirin are;

Mild to moderate headaches
Migraine pain
Menstrual pain
Cold and flu
Diseases where aspirin is used in high doses are as follows;

Rheumatic fever
Rheumatic arthritis
Joint inflammations
Cardiac inflammation
Diseases where aspirin is used at low doses are as follows;

Prevent blood clotting
Preventing transient ischemic attacks
Reduce the risk of unstable angina
Prevent clot formation
Preventing myocardial infarction in cardiovascular diseases
Preventing paralysis
Prevent colorectal cancer

Although aspirin has many benefits, some people should never use it. The answer to the question of who cannot use aspirin is as follows;

People with ulcers
Stomach bleeding
People with bleeding disorders
Those over 60
High-dose medications
Patients receiving cortisone
Patients receiving blood thinners
Those with bronchial asthma
People with hay fever
People with chronic respiratory disease
People with hepatic impairment
Patients with impaired liver function
People with severe renal failure
People with heart failure
People with hypertension
Patients with tachycardia
Patients with coronary artery disease
People with thyroid disorder
Diabetes patients
People with fever
People with allergies

There are some drugs in which the use of aspirin together is very dangerous. The answer to the question which drugs should not be used with aspirin is as follows;

Blood thinners
Corticosteroid medications
Diabetes medications
Pain relievers
MAO inhibitors
Valproic acid
The use of aspirin may cause side effects in some people. In case of swelling of the person's face, tongue, lips or throat after taking aspirin, he should go to the emergency room immediately. Side effects of aspirin are as follows;

Quick breathing
the Konvilsüyo
Stomache ache
Bloody stool
Bloody Cough
Fever lasting more than 3 days
Pain lasting longer than 10 days
Skin reactions
Burning sensation in the chest
Abdominal pain
Nose - bleeding gums

HeahlthA2Z Aspirin 325mg, 300-count,Compare to Bayer? Active Ingredients

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Pregnancy and Use of Baby Aspirin

Aspirin 81mg Chewable Orange Flavored Tablets Generic for Bayer Children's Aspirin 36 Tabs per Boxe Pack of 12 Toatal 432 Tabs. by Major Pharmaceuticals

Baby aspirin (or child aspirin) is the general term for 80-100 mg aspirins on the market, which is used by the public to "dilute blood". Normally 500 mg aspirin is used to relieve head, joint or muscle pain, while 80-100 mg doz low-dose aspirin ”is completely different.

What does aspirin contain and what does it do?
Aspirin, which contains the active ingredient ”salicylic acid,, has been used extensively in recent years with the aim of reducing the blood clotting properties with its low dose forms as well as its pain relief properties.

People with high blood pressure, diabetes, excess weight, old age and inactivity, such as stroke (stroke) risk increases. The purpose of aspirin used to dilute blood is to reduce this risk of stroke.

In addition, low-dose aspirin treatment has been used for many years to reduce the risk of angina (heart pain) and infarction (heart attack).

What does aspirin do during pregnancy?
Low-dose aspirin treatment is particularly important in pregnancy; abort (low), intrauterine growth retardation or preeclampsia. The aim here is the continuation of the development of the baby in the womb. Because in cases such as preeclampsia or intrauterine growth (IUGR), a number of clot substances formed in the placenta can decrease the blood flow to the baby and cause the baby to grow or die in the uterus.

Which pregnant women are at risk?
Pregnant women who experience pregnancy losses, IUGR or preeclampsia in their previous pregnancies are especially at risk. In addition, pregnant women with a systemic disorder such as diabetes (diabetes) and hypertension and older pregnant women (over 35 years of age) have the same pregnancy risks.

Pregnant women with a history of intravascular coagulation before pregnancy are also at risk. Pregnant women called ”thrombophilia ve and characterized by the easy formation of intravenous clots (thrombosis) also have risks such as miscarriage, preterm birth and IUGR. In addition to aspirin, these pregnant women may also need to use a number of needles for blood clotting.

In a woman who has a single abortion (90%), the cause of this miscarriage is probably the chromosomal problems of the baby and it is generally not necessary to investigate and families are advised to try a new pregnancy.

However, the causes are different in women with two or more pregnancy losses, and a general investigation before a new pregnancy is essential.

What is antiphospholipid syndrome?
The main problem in antiphospholipid syndrome (aPL), which is one of the leading causes of thrombophilia, is the increase in blood clotting. Especially during pregnancy, micro-clots formed in the vessels within the placenta can disrupt the development of the baby and cause miscarriage or intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR).

Even in preeclampsia, the mechanism is almost identical. The main reason is thought to be a problem (placentation disorder) related to the placement of the placenta during pregnancy.

In the treatment or prophylaxis of thrombophilia, low molecular weight heparin needles have been used with low dose aspirin in recent years and good results have been obtained. In this way, problems such as recurrent miscarriage, intrauterine ex death or intrauterine infant development (IUGR) in pregnant women with thrombophilia could be significantly reduced.

In addition, with this effective treatment, especially in the vein formed in the legs clot formation (Deep Vein Thrombosis) is also significantly reduced. Because the risk of intravascular coagulation in thrombophilic pregnancies is also increased.

One of the most serious complications of an intravenous clot is that the clot breaks out of the vein and reaches the lungs by way of a vein (lung embolism), in which case there is a risk of sudden death.

Can aspirin be given to every pregnant woman?
No. There is no need to use aspirin unless there is a definite indication in pregnancy. Otherwise, the drug is used unnecessarily, ie, “abused..

According to the results of many researches, this type of application has no positive effect on the course of pregnancy.

Moreover, there is insufficient scientific evidence to support the recommendation of pregnant women to use routine aspirin to prevent miscarriage, preeclampsia and intrauterine growth retardation. Again, we do not have sufficient data on the long-term effects of this practice.

Aspirin treatment should be continued until the week of pregnancy?
Aspirin and other non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs used as painkillers in pregnancy 32-33. should be discontinued after the week. Otherwise, the “ductus arteriosus” in the baby's heart can prevent the closure of the vessel after birth and may pave the way for bebek congenital heart disease te in the baby.

Therefore, superior blind use without physician control can harm the baby.

As a result:
The use of low-dose aspirin in risky pregnancies can provide a number of benefits. The results are contradictory and further studies are needed. Because there is still much speculation about which patient and from what week of gestation should start treatment.

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