Sunday, October 13, 2019

Basic Care Omeprazole Delayed Release Tablets Acid Reducer, Wild Berry Mint, 42 Count

What Is Your Gastric Acidity Rating Pointing To?

Basic Care Omeprazole Delayed Release Tablets Acid Reducer, Wild Berry Mint, 42 Count

What is stomach acid?
Stomach acid is a very strong liquid necessary for digestion. The amount of gastric acid in healthy individuals is between 20-100 mL and the pH is acidic (1.5 - 3.5). This figure shows how strong stomach acid is and how many things in nature can break down. But this fluid won't harm your stomach. Because the inner part of our stomach is multi-layer and there is a protective layer containing mucus on the inner surface.

What does stomach acid do?
The most important functions of stomach acid:

1) Helps inactivate bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms with the help of acid structure. This feature is very important for stomach, intestinal health. Because these microorganisms that cross the stomach have no other enemies.

2) Helps digest nutrients. Foods need to be broken down for the digestive process. The acidity helps to break down nutrients as well as to activate the enzymes in the intestines in the stomach. Pepsinogen enzyme, which has an important place in protein digestion, needs an acid environment to be activated.

3) Helps absorption of vitamins. The best example is vitamin B12. Because vitamin B12 is transported by binding to a structure called verilen intrinsic factor ”. The stomach acid activates the intrinsic factor, allowing separation of vitamin B12. If this factor is missing, B12 is eliminated without absorption.

What is stomach acid excess?
The reason for having too much acid in the stomach is that certain processes increase gastric acid production. The stomach produces about 1.5-3 liters of acid on average per day.

Eaten foods can increase the amount of stomach acid.

Some foods that increase stomach acid:
Research has shown that foods that increase gastric acid are: acidic fruits such as orange, grapefruit, tomato, onion and garlic, red, spices due to its acidic structure, but these foods do not have the same effect on everyone. Therefore, it should be tried by the patient himself to determine the foods after which the heartburn complaint occurs.

Consume caffeinated drinks:
Excessive consumption of coffee, tea, cola and other caffeinated beverages leads to stomach acid production. A 2017 study showed that the bitter taste of caffeinated beverages increases gastric acid production in the stomach. However, other studies have shown that gastric ulcer patients can drink 1-2 cups of coffee a day. Although caffeine increases gastric acid production, there is insufficient evidence that it causes acid reflux.

Fatty foods:
Researchers have shown that fatty foods increase gastric acid secretion and stimulate gastrointestinal hormones. In some cases, fatty foods increase the symptoms of stomach ulcers.

Excessive alcohol consumption:
Researchers report that fermented alcoholic beverages, such as beer or wine, cause stomach acid problems. Beer and wine have a stimulating effect on gastric acid and increase gastrin hormone and gastric acid content. However, chronic alcohol consumption can also lead to stomach acid deficiency.

According to research, insufficient sleep leads to an increase in the amount of gastric acid. Scientists state that factors such as irregular sleep and poor sleep quality increase the incidence of heartburn at night.

How is stomach acid reduced?
There are several ways to reduce the amount of stomach acid by nutrition.
If you experience occasional heartburn problems due to stress or improper nutrition, mineral water (high sodium bicarbonate content) will help suppress the excess stomach acid. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water with 1 teaspoon of cooking soda will help to balance stomach acid.
In a study, it was shown that the Mediterranean diet reduces the amount of gastric acid, that is, gastric acid. In many cases of gastric acid excess, changes in nutritional style are as effective as drugs.
Instead of eating less and eating more, feed on 3 main and 3 snacks. Don't skip meals.
Do not eat anything in the last 3 hours before bedtime.
Avoid foods that increase your symptoms of excess stomach acid.

What are the symptoms of stomach acid deficiency?
Lack of stomach acid makes stomach burns and indigestion. Low stomach acidity causes stomach pain, gastritis and other signs of acid reflux. In addition, gastric acid deficiency opens the door to health problems such as the development of bacteria in the digestive tract, bone resorption and anemia.

What can cause stomach acid deficiency?
Lack of stomach acid
Excessive bacterial growth
Degradation of sugar digestion = Gas Increased intra-abdominal pressure
Many (almost all) food intolerances, which have increased tremendously in recent years, may occur due to gastric acid deficiency.

How can we increase stomach acid?
Avoid stomach medicine: Because stomach medicine reduces acidity severely.
Eat acidic foods: consumption of organic apple cider vinegar and citrus fruits (especially lemon). During the day, when you are hungry, you can drink two teaspoons of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar in a glass of water, or you can consume it with lemon and vinegar.
Chew too: Chew because it stimulates the secretion of stomach acid. Chew each bite at least twenty times.
Consuming mint: Fresh mint increases gastric acid secretion. In summer, chew a few leaves of mint before meals.
Eat fermented foods: Because fermented foods contain natural organic acid. It also increases the strength of stomach acid by reducing the bacterial load.
Last alternative betaine HCL: It is in acid form and supports gastric acid. It should be reinforced under the supervision of a physician.

Basic Care Omeprazole Delayed Release Tablets Acid Reducer, Wild Berry Mint, 42 Count

Zegerid OTC Heartburn Relief, 24 Hour Stomach Acid Reducer Proton Pump Inhibitor With Omeprazole and Sodium Bicarbonate, Capsules, 42 Count

The relationship between nutrition and reflux ...

Zegerid OTC Heartburn Relief, 24 Hour Stomach Acid Reducer Proton Pump Inhibitor With Omeprazole and Sodium Bicarbonate, Capsules, 42 Count

Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is the name given to the backflow of food and acid in the stomach to the esophagus. It is known as “chest burn arasında among people because it burns in the chest. Reflux is very common in our country and all over the world. It is said that at least 20% of those who feed on industrial, refined foods have reflux, and this figure exceeds 50%.

Acid-reducing drugs are in the first or second place among the best-selling drugs in many countries as a group. Although there are those who argue otherwise, these drugs are of no therapeutic nature. Despite the tremendous advances in medicine, despite the discovery of a pile of modern stomach medications, the number of people suffering from reflux complaints is rising to one side with rocket speed !!
Professor Dr. In this article, written by Ahmet Aydın, you will learn how the treatment of complaints such as heartburn (reflux) and heartburn without medication that uses acid-reducing drugs can be improved without diet.

How do you improve your reflux (heartburn) by regulating your diet?

Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is the name given to the backflow of food and acid in the stomach to the esophagus. It is known as “chest burn arasında among people because it burns in the chest. Reflux is very common in our country and all over the world. It is said that at least 20% of those fed with industrial, refined foods have reflux, and this figure exceeds 50%. In a study conducted in our country, gastroesophageal reflux disease was found in 20% of the population. The majority of cases are obese, elderly and pregnant. Diaphragmatic hernia (hiatal hernia) is an important but not very frequent cause of reflux that facilitates reflux.

Formation mechanism of reflux

In order to prevent or regress the disease, it is necessary to first learn how reflux occurs.

Where the lower end of the esophagus joins the stomach, there is also a muscular valve-like structure called the lower esophagus sphincter. This pucker loosens as food descends to the stomach, and shrinks if it goes up the stomach again. Food that normally enters the stomach through the esophagus rarely returns to the esophagus. This is because the shrinkage at the lower end of the esophagus is shrinking again. This means that this normally opens only during the swallow function.

The reflux esophagus loosens when the lower pusher should be closed and the stomach content escapes back into the esophagus. Stomach bloating reduces the current state. Retrieval rarely depends on the insufficiency of the tone of this pucker (certain contraction). This event occurs frequently at different times of the day (1).

Cells lining the stomach surface are resistant to the strong acid secreted by the stomach. However, the floor of the esophagus has no property to be protected from this strong acid. If it is exposed to stomach acid for a long time, inflammation develops here; this is called esophagitis. Esophagitis can cause esophageal cancer in the long term.

Although gastric acid plays an important role in the mechanism of reflux, there is no gastric acid excess secretion in patients with reflux (2). Even in many reflux patients (especially the elderly), gastric acid secretion is low (3). Therefore, the use of acid-reducing drugs in these patients further increases digestive problems.

What are the clinical symptoms?

The patient often feels reflux as a “burning” and ”pressure altında beneath the breastbone, and sometimes this burning sensation is reflected in the throat. These symptoms, which are burning and pressing, increase after the meal and may last for hours. Sometimes sour water may come into the mouth. Asthma, laryngitis (hoarseness), difficulty swallowing. Rarely, it can also cause pneumonia as described above.

What are the side effects of reflux?

If reflux is not treated, it can cause stenosis and bleeding in the esophagus. Reflux underlies one third of childhood asthma. A number of pre-cancerous changes can be seen in the esophageal mucosa (mucous membranes), which encounter an acidic fluid for a long time. This is called Barrett's esophagus. Symptoms of dysphagia, bleeding, drowning, coughing, hoarseness and weight loss in a person with long-term reflux should suggest esophageal cancer.

How is it diagnosed?

If the patient's complaints are evaluated well, the diagnosis of reflux is usually made easily without resorting to any laboratory methods. Considering an important underlying anatomical cause, the following examinations are performed.

1- Esophagus-stomach - duodenum film

2- Gasroscopy: direct visualization of the esophagus and stomach with a flexible tube

3- Esophageal manometer: Examination of lower esophagus pressure

4- pH meter: A very thin flexible tube can be sent from the esophagus to the stomach to measure the pressures and ascites.

Classic reflux therapy

1. Drugs that reduce stomach acid: There are three groups; anti acids, H2 receptor blockers and proton pump inhibitors

Acid-reducing drugs are in the first or second place among the best-selling drugs in many countries as a group. Although there are those who argue otherwise, these drugs are of no therapeutic nature. Despite the tremendous advances in medicine, despite the discovery of a pile of modern stomach medications, the number of people suffering from reflux complaints is rising to one side with rocket speed !!

2. Prokinetic drugs: It facilitates the passage of substances in the stomach to the intestine faster.

3. If medication does not resolve the patient's complaints or complications such as bleeding, Barrett, stenosis, surgical methods are used.

Diet and reflux

Most obese people have complaints of reflux and stomach. It has been suggested that excess fatty foods cause reflux. However, it has been shown that reflux is related to obesity and not to the amount of fat in the diet (4).

On the other hand, the excess dietary refined sugars cause reflux. In a study, it was shown that when foods with high glycemic index in the diet of patients with reflux were removed, symptoms of disease improved within a week (5).

Even the patients who participated in this study continued to have bad habits such as alcohol, smoking and coffee, but their reflux symptoms improved. The aforementioned patients discontinued all gastric medications.

Our observations are the same. Reflux disappears spontaneously within a few days (almost all) of people who follow a low-sugar diet, the “stone age diet”. The mechanism by which a low sugar diet can relieve reflux is not well known. My personal opinion is as follows.

Insulin resistance and reactive hypoglycemia (reactive blood sugar low) are observed in those fed with flour and sugar-rich food. The sympathetic system is stimulated in the body to correct hypoglycemia. Closure of the lower end of the esophagus is related to the parasympathetic nervous system. Hypoglycemia as a result of excessive stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system, although not swallowing the lower esophagus esophagus and stomach contents backward escapes.

Reflux treatment without medication

The first step of emergency treatment is to drink 4 liters of water per day. This can be reduced by up to two liters when complaints are reduced.

The second important step is the significant reduction of refined sugars, flour and sugar-made foods (see stone age diet The diet should be continued after the disappearance of ivegenic symptoms.

The third important step is to eat at least 3-4 cloves of garlic per day. Garlic should be consumed within the first half an hour after crushing (garlic pills have little effect). Garlic inactivates all pathogenic microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract, including helicobacter. As it is known, the bacteria called helicobacter cause ulcers.

The fourth important step is to drink 0.5-1 liters of kefir buttermilk. Kefir increases the number of beneficial microbes in the intestine, produces enzymes that facilitate digestion, and synthesizes many vitamins (K, niacin, biotin, etc.). Kefir relaxes your stomach, prevents constipation, reduces allergies, strengthens the immune system and is protective against cancer. Take the kefir yeast from the importer or a neighbor and make it yourself at home.

Pneumonia-stomach medications

According to a study conducted in the USA, it was performed on 364,683 patients who applied to primary care centers (6). Primary pneumonia (pneumonia) was detected in 5,551 of these patients. The prevalence of pneumonia was 2.45% in patients who used drug that reduced acid secretion for at least one year, and 0.6% in those who did not use such drugs; that is, four times less pneumonia.

One of the important functions of gastric acid is to kill the germs we take with our food.

As well as stomach acid is one of the most important members of our immune system. In the above-mentioned study, the fact that pneumonia is seen 4 times more in users of gastric acid-lowering drugs further emphasizes the importance of this issue.

Vitamin B12-stomach medications

Reduction of stomach acid prevents dietary protein B12 from being separated from dietary proteins. Vitamin B12 deficiency has increased tremendously in recent years. The main reasons for this are the ban on eating red meat and stomach medications (7). Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to anemia, fatigue, poor concentration, and even severe symptoms of dementia.

To prevent B12 deficiency, acid-reducing drugs should be discontinued and fed with a diet rich in vitamin C or other natural acidic foods.

Gastric remedies and indigestion

Protein digestion is greatly impaired because gastric drugs reduce acid secretion or inactivate the existing. As a result, undigested protein particles pass through the blood. As a result, a mass of allergic, inflammatory or autoimmune diseases (Hoshimoto thyroiditis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, ulcerous colitis, asthma, etc.) may develop.

Stomach drugs and absorption of minerals

Reduction of stomach acid also reduces the absorption of dietary minerals such as calcium and iron. For example, antacids contain much calcium, but they are not a good source of calcium because they reduce stomach acidity.

Cancer and reflux drugs

It is assumed that drugs that reduce stomach acid need to reduce Barett's esophagus, and we would expect the esophageal cancers to decrease in the last 15-20 years. However, esophageal cancers increased by 3-4 times during this period !! (8-10).

Zegerid OTC Heartburn Relief, 24 Hour Stomach Acid Reducer Proton Pump Inhibitor With Omeprazole and Sodium Bicarbonate, Capsules, 42 Count

Nexium 24HR (42 Count, ClearMinis) All-Day, All-Night Protection from Frequent Heartburn Medicine with Esomeprazole Magnesium 20mg Acid Reducer, 38% Smaller Capsule

Causes Heartburn During Pregnancy and How Can It Be Reduced?

Nexium 24HR (42 Count, ClearMinis) All-Day, All-Night Protection from Frequent Heartburn Medicine with Esomeprazole Magnesium 20mg Acid Reducer, 38% Smaller Capsule

Heartburn, also called acid indigestion or acid reflux, is usually a burning sensation extending from the lower part of the breastbone to the lower throat. Many women suffer from heartburn for the first time during pregnancy and although they are common and generally harmless, they are quite uncomfortable.
Related problems such as flatulence and bloating during pregnancy usually start in the second or third trimester, but may be earlier for some women. Discomfort probably comes and goes until your baby is born, but in most cases heartburn is no longer a problem after birth.
Women who have gained too much weight during pregnancy can continue to have heartburn for a year after taking their baby.

Conditions Causing Heartburn During Pregnancy?
Some of the hormonal and physical changes in your body during pregnancy can cause stomach burns. For example, the placenta produces hormone progesterone, which relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus. This hormone also relaxes the valve that separates the esophagus from the stomach and can cause gastric acid withdrawal and an unpleasant burning sensation in your throat.
Progesterone can slow down digestion by slowing the wavelet contractions of your esophagus and intestines. Later in pregnancy, your growing baby inflates your abdominal cavity and pushes gastric acid back into the esophagus.

How can I reduce heartburn during pregnancy?
Prevention is the best choice to reduce heartburn during pregnancy. Although you can't completely eliminate the situation, you can try some ways to prevent it and minimize discomfort;
- Avoid food and drinks that disturb your stomach. These include carbonated beverages, alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, citrus and fruit juices, tomatoes, mustard, vinegar, mint products, processed meats and foods that are oily, spicy, fried or highly seasoned.
- Eat small meals. Instead of three large meals, eat small to small throughout the day. Take time and chew thoroughly.
- Drink water between meals. It is important to drink plenty of water daily during pregnancy, but too much fluid can disturb your stomach. Moisten most of the water by drinking between meals.
- Chew gum after dinner. Chewing gum stimulates your salivary glands and can help neutralize saliva acids.
- Eat two or three hours before bedtime. This gives you time to digest your body before it reaches out.
- Raise up to about 6 inches with several pillows or a wedge in the upper body while you sleep. This helps lower stomach acid and helps digestion.
- Get dressed comfortably. Wear loose and casual clothes. Do not wear tight clothing around your waist and abdomen.
- Consult your doctor about heartburn medications. An antacid containing magnesium or calcium can alleviate the condition. Consult your doctor strictly before taking one because some brands are high in sodium or contain aluminum or aspirin. You can also talk to your doctor about prescription heartburn medications that are safe during pregnancy.
- In addition to contributing to serious health problems, smoking increases acidity in the stomach. If you have difficulty quitting, ask your doctor to apply for a smoking cessation program. Moreover, smoking during pregnancy can cause great harm to you and your baby's development.

Nexium 24HR (42 Count, ClearMinis) All-Day, All-Night Protection from Frequent Heartburn Medicine with Esomeprazole Magnesium 20mg Acid Reducer, 38% Smaller Capsule

Alka-Seltzer Extra Strength Heartburn ReliefChews - relief of heartburn, acid indigestion and sour stomach - assorted lemon, orange strawberry flavors - 90 Count


Alka-Seltzer Extra Strength Heartburn ReliefChews - relief of heartburn, acid indigestion and sour stomach - assorted lemon, orange strawberry flavors - 90 Count

One of the most common complaints of patients admitted to outpatient clinics of Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) is the feeling of stuck in the throat or sore throat. In most cases, treatments are inadequate and diseases are persistent. It has been determined that reflux alone or in combination with other factors plays a role in the etiology of most of these.

What is Reflux?

It is a discomfort caused by acid leakage in the stomach exceeding the connection point that prevents backward escape between the stomach and esophagus. This acid leakage causes swelling, tenderness and sometimes ulcers in the lower part of the esophagus. Sometimes acid can go up and affect the upper part of the esophagus, throat, nasal, larynx and vocal cords, even the trachea. It creates different complaints according to the affected region. These are usually burning or discomfort in the chest, burning and pain in the throat, voice changes, frequent throat cleaning, throat knotting and dry cough.

Most patients with reflux disease have recently undergone chronic pharyngitis treatment, and even some patients have undergone surgery, due to the difficulty in proper examination of the reflux, and in some cases, the lack of clear findings in the throat. However, with the development of examination facilities and test methods with endoscopic cameras, reflux is an important factor in these diseases in recent years.

In spite of drug therapies, there should be suspicion of reflux in hoarseness, cough and sore throat which is not fully healed or repeated after a short time.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GER): Excessive amount of gastric acid and other stomach contents escaping towards the esophagus causing serious heartburn, heartburn and pain.

Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LFR): Gastric acid and other stomach contents up the esophagus, throat (pharynx) and larynx (larynx) back to escape. These patients do not usually suffer from classic reflux symptoms such as heartburn and heartburn. Therefore, the name 'Silent Reflux' is also used. Throat, larynx and vocal cords are much more sensitive to gastric acid and digestive enzymes than the esophagus. Reflux plays a role in pharyngitis, laryngitis, voice disorders, persistent cough, nodules and polyps, as well as sinusitis and ear infections in the pharynx and larynx. It can rarely lead to asthma, chronic bronchitis and pneumonia. It has also been shown to cause chest pain, sleep apnea and even dental problems.

Complaints of the Reflün:

Feeling there's something in the throat,

Excessive throat cleaning,

Long-lasting cough-like cough,

Feeling something stuck in the throat,



Pain or tenderness in the throat,

A bad, bitter taste in the mouth (especially in the morning),

Discharge from the back of the nose,

Asthma-like respiratory complaints,

Difficulty with high notes when singing

In FLR, the patient's complaint may be a feeling of stuck in the throat, hoarseness, cough or sore throat. However, these complaints may vary from patient to patient. On the other hand, in sound artists, it can be caused by fatigue, difficulty in giving subtle sounds and a sensation of curtain in sound.

Is Reflux a Serious Disease?

It is a long-lasting, disturbing disease. If left untreated, it is prone to permanent damage to the mucosa and chronicity. Bleeding, narrowing and blockage of the esophagus may occur.

It should be kept in mind that irritation of gastric acid in the throat and larynx can lead to edema, nodules and flesh growth in vocal cords and even cancer in the future.

How does reflux occur, what is the burning sensation?

The acid, which is already present in the stomach, increases with the secretion of acid by the special cells producing acid in the stomach after eating. While standing, with the help of gravity, acid can hardly come up. However, gastric acid is easier to reach the esophagus in the lying position. This causes the complaint to increase at night. The longer the acid remains in the esophagus and throat, the more damage it will do. There is a burning and discomfort feeling spreading from the back of the chest towards the throat. In addition to symptoms such as belching and bloating, a bitter or sour acid taste can be felt behind the throat.

How Common is this Discomfort?

This is quite common. Depending on the food habits, there is an average of one in every 10-15 people. More than 60 million people in the United States suffer from heartburn once a month; another study found more than 15 million Americans complaining of heartburn every day.

Laringo pharyngeal reflux is seen in 10% of all otolaryngology diseases. The frequency of reflux in patients with voice disorders or people with chronic throat disease reaches 60%.

Diagnosis of reflux: The information obtained from the patient and the endoscopic examination of the otorhinolaryngology are often sufficient for diagnosis. Some changes seen in the vocal cords are very important in diagnosis.

24-hour acid measurement (Ph monitoring) provides important information in the diagnosis of reflux. Monitoring is also useful for the assessment of alkali reflux as well as acid reflux.

Complaints and regression of symptoms with reflux therapy are also valuable in the diagnosis.

Reflux is also important in pediatric patients, but the diagnosis is more difficult. It is normal to have some reflux until the age of two, but reflux should be investigated for persistent cough, hoarseness, bronchitis and weight loss.

In the presence of reflux, food allergies and other gastrointestinal diseases should also be investigated if necessary.

How can complaints be reduced in reflux?

Alteration of eating and lifestyle habits and the correct use of drugs such as antacids may be sufficient for those who do not have advanced disease. Some suggestions that can be applied in daily life can help reduce complaints:

Nutrients that increase reflux and stomach burning:

Chocolate, dried fruits, mint

Fatty foods

Coffee, caffeinated and cola drinks


Gassing foods such as beans, chickpeas and corn

Foods fried in oil

Citrus fruits and juices

Tomato products

Pickles and pickle juice

Hot and sour foods

Other Lifestyle Changes in Reflux Treatment:

Reducing the amount of meals eaten, more frequent meals with smaller meals

Excess weight should be reduced. In overweight people, stomach contents are more easily escaped because of the high pressure in the abdomen.

No smoking and alcohol

The head of the bed should be high when lying

3 hours after eating or drinking should not be lied, if necessary, lighter and low-fat foods should be taken.

Try to reduce stress and stress

Tightly wrapped clothing should not be worn after meals, excessive bending, heavy work should not be done

Recently after meals 10–15 min. It was determined that the saliva increased by chewing gum containing bicarbonate content, neutralized the acid remaining in the larynx or esophagus and decreased the complaint of reflux. Chewing gums should be preferred.

What Medications Are Available for Reflux and Heartburn Complaints?

In the early stages of the disease, deacidifying drugs in the form of tablets called syrups or chewed in the mouth may be sufficient. Drugs called proton pampa inhibitors that prevent gastric acid secretion should be used regularly in later stages of the disease. Treatment with these drugs usually lasts 2-3 months, and some patients even need to use it longer.

How long should reflux therapy continue?

Reflux is a long-term (chronic) but intermittent disease. For this reason, reflux may reappear for a number of reasons (eg stress, fatigue and diet, etc.) after the symptoms and signs of reflux have disappeared and treatment is discontinued completely. Therefore, in general, reflux patients need intermittent treatment. The duration of reflux treatment varies from person to person, but lasts for an average of 3-6 months.

Reflux Therapy

In the treatment of patients with pharyngolarengeal reflux, social precautions should be applied first. In cases that cannot be treated with social measures, medication or surgical treatments may be necessary.

First, foods that increase reflux should be avoided. Coffee, starchy carbonated beverages and canned fruit juices, fries, fried meat or chicken, offal, sausage salami, as well as beans, chickpeas, corn-making foods, such as increased reflux. Chocolate, nuts, dough desserts, tahini halva, margarine, tail oil, hot spices, pickles, vinegar, garlic and lemon salt should be banned.

Excess food should not be taken at a time, less amount and should be taken regularly. Food should not be too cold or hot and should be chewed thoroughly.

It is recommended to raise the head when lying down. In addition, in order to increase intra-abdominal pressure, it is useful not to gain weight and not to wear clothes that tighten the waist. After eating, care should be taken for 2-3 hours and not to eat especially at night.

Drinks and cigarettes should not be used.

Drug Treatment in Gastroesophageal Reflux

Single dose treatment is preferred in gastroesophageal reflux, whereas pharyngolarengeal reflux should be administered twice daily to fasting abdomen before breakfast and dinner for effective treatment. In case of excessive night reflux, additional medication may be recommended at night.

Although the treatment of diseases such as acid irritation and reflective polyp nodule in the vocal cords passes with treatments, hoarseness may persist in some patients. These patients may require voice therapy.

Surgical Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux

In cases where medication fails, surgery may be necessary if the valve between the esophagus and the stomach is loosened. Surgical treatment may be recommended in patients with severe reflux and who do not respond to medication. Here, the esophagus sphincter is tightened by surgery.

Alka-Seltzer Extra Strength Heartburn ReliefChews - relief of heartburn, acid indigestion and sour stomach - assorted lemon, orange strawberry flavors - 90 Count

Basic Care Lansoprazole Delayed Release Capsules, 15 Mg, 42Count

Gastroesophageal Reflux

Basic Care Lansoprazole Delayed Release Capsules, 15 Mg, 42Count

The incidence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in our country varies between 19-25%. Studies show that one in five people have reflux. Gastroesophageal reflux (GER), commonly known as reflux, is the escape of gastric contents (gastric acid, pepsin, pancreatic enzymes and bile) back into the esophagus. Physiological reflux may also occur in healthy individuals. Physiological reflux is usually not recognized because of its short duration and no damage to the esophagus.

Reflux; When repeated frequently during the day, lasts longer and occurs during sleep, there is now pathological reflux. A typical symptom is burning sensation behind the breast bone and is accompanied by varying degrees of damage to the esophagus. In this case, ‘gastroesophageal reflux disease GÖR (GERD) or şekl reflux disease iyle as it is common among people is mentioned. Almost half of the people living in the West have identified this complaint at least once a year, 25% at least once a month, 15% at least once a week, and 5% to 10% at least once a day. The findings obtained in epidemiological studies in our country are not very different from these results.

Foods normally found in the stomach, and especially fasting acid and bile do not escape the esophagus. The valve system at the junction of the esophagus and the stomach (lower esophageal sphincter - LES) prevents this. This system allows food from the esophagus to pass into the stomach, while preventing gastric contents from escaping back into the esophagus. Thus, the mucosa of the esophagus, which is resistant to acid and bile, is saved from destruction. The most important reason of the reflux system is that the valve system is inadequate for various reasons. It is not always necessary to have valve failure for reflux. Reflux may also occur in some diseases of the esophagus and in the case of gastric emptying.

Gastric hernia is another important cause of GER. Gastric hernia, separating the chest and abdominal cavity and the diaphragm called as a result of excessive expansion of the hole in the membrane, the upper part of the stomach joins the esophagus through this hole to shift into the chest cavity. In the presence of gastric hernia, the structure and function of LES deteriorates and the escape of stomach contents to the esophagus is facilitated. Gastric hernia is present in almost half of the patients with severe reflux, while reflux complaints occur in 1/3 of cases of gastric hernia.

Symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease:

Typical symptoms of reflux disease are a burning sensation from the bottom of the chest to the throat (heartburn) and the return of edible food to the mouth or esophagus (regurgitation). This burning sensation can spread to the back and throat, usually starts 30 minutes after meals, and increases with exercise and leaning forward.

In patients with severe reflux, the contents of the stomach back to the mouth as a result of bad breath, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, abdominal distension, burping, hiccups, tickling and chronic cough may be seen as complaints. Reflux was detected in 2/3 of coughs with unknown cause. In addition, some studies have shown a close relationship between reflux and asthma.

Another atypical symptom in GERD is chest pain (chest pain due to non-cardiac causes). Since pain can sometimes be confused with coronary heart disease, these patients are usually first examined for heart disease. As a result of examinations performed in 25-30% of these patients who seem to be heart-shaped, there is no reason to explain chest pain and reflux disease was found in half of these patients.

Diagnostic methods in gastroesophageal reflux disease:

The diagnosis of reflux can be easily diagnosed by an experienced physician in patients with typical complaints by careful listening of the patient's complaints. The improvement of the patient's complaints in a short time with a treatment for reflux is another method that can be used in the diagnosis.

Endoscopic examination (gastroscopy) is the most common method for the diagnosis of reflux because it allows direct examination of the esophagus, esophageal-gastric junction and stomach, and, if necessary, tissue samples for histopathological examination. Gastroscopic examination of the esophagus from the stomach and acid-induced sores and ulcers can be seen.

Endoscopic examination should be performed especially in patients whose complaints last for more than 5 years, who are over 40 years of age, who have esophageal or gastric cancer in their first degree relatives (mother, father and siblings) and who have symptoms of swallowing difficulty, painful swallowing, weight loss and anemia.

In patients with atypical findings, undiagnosed or unresponsive treatment, some additional tests are required. In such cases, the esophagus may need to be evaluated with a catheter (PH meter) measuring acid for 24 hours, or esophageal manometry, which measures the food repulsion of the esophagus.

Complications of gastroesophageal reflux disease:

Long-term and inadequately treated patients may develop stenosis in the lower end of the esophagus. The main symptom is difficulty in swallowing. Balloon dilation is used for the treatment of stenosis and surgical treatment may be required in cases that do not improve. Another complication that may occur in reflux disease is deep ulcers in the esophagus. These ulcers can be painful and sometimes cause severe bleeding. Chronic laryngitis, asthma and more serious problems that may occur as a result of gastric contents entering the airways are other complications that may occur in reflux disease. A serious and silent complication of gastroesophageal reflux disease is known as Barrett's esophagus or barrett's metaplasia. The importance of Barrett's esophagus is the development of cancer. The incidence of esophageal cancer in Barrett's esophagus is about 0.5% per year. Patients with Barrett's esophagus should be followed up periodically by gastroscopy and tissue sampling, and patients with early signs of cancer should be treated with surgery.

Treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease:

GERD significantly reduces the comfort of life with problems caused by esophagus and outside the esophagus. Therefore, the aim of the treatment is to relieve the symptoms and prevent the development of complications. First of all, non-drug treatments that regulate lifestyle are applied in addition to medical treatment.


Raising the bed head,

Avoid eating three hours before bedtime,

To reduce the amount of food and fat content,

Decrease caffeine and chocolate intake,

Smoking cessation, alcohol cessation,

Ideal is to come to weight.

It is recommended to reduce the consumption of fatty and fried foods, tomato paste and spicy foods, especially sweets, coffee, acidic fruit juices and cola drinks, and to consume such foods mostly at lunch times.

Increasing the intra-abdominal pressure corset, tight belt and leaning forward to push forward to increase the reflux. Any kind of stress increases stomach problems. Mucosa-damaging aspirin and other analgesics and drugs that lower the lower esophageal sphincter pressure, such as theophylline, anticholinergics and calcium antagonists, should not be used during treatment.


Proton pump inhibitors and H2 receptor blockers to be used in the period of symptoms have an effect by lowering the gastric acid level. Long-term treatment is required in patients whose symptoms do not resolve despite lifestyle-regulating measures and who relapse frequently despite short-term treatment. Although antacids provide a rapid symptomatic improvement, they should generally be used in large quantities and at frequent intervals and have no therapeutic effect.

The most effective agents in treatment are proton pump inhibitors. These drugs may require lifelong use in patients with reflux hernia who have gastric hernia or esophageal ulcers. These drugs provide an effective treatment by strongly suppressing gastric acid secretion. An effective dose of these medications can improve the majority of patients (85-100%) after 8-10 weeks of treatment.

A major problem in the treatment of reflux disease is the relapse of symptoms in the majority of patients after discontinuation of treatment. Sudden discontinuation of treatment increases this possibility. In some patients, it may be sufficient to take the medication every other day or intermittently twice a week, or to use it during complaints.

According to our current knowledge, it can be said that there is no harm in long-term use of these drugs. Vitamin B12 deficiency and infrequently reduced bone density may be seen in elderly patients for more than 6-8 years. No iron deficiency development was observed. Long-term use, especially in the elderly, may lead to an increased incidence of gastrointestinal infections and pneumonia. Long-term use of the drug may result in increased serum gastrin levels and neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia in the stomach. Gastric cancer formation due to the use of these drugs has not been reported.

Endoscopic treatment:

Stretta procedure is endoscopic gastroplication and suture.

Surgical treatment:

Nowadays, the most commonly used permanent treatment method is laparoscopic surgery. Surgical treatment is an alternative if it responds to PPI treatment but cannot tolerate the drug. Surgical treatment may be recommended especially for GERD with severe regurgitation despite PPI treatment.

GERD is a common disease in the community, impairing quality of life, can cause esophageal and extraesophageal symptoms, and has serious complications. They respond well to PPI treatment, but often require long-term maintenance therapy. The drugs used in the treatment of reflux are known to be safe. A small number of patients require surgical treatment. Surgical treatment should not be rushed and the patient should be examined in detail to see if it is suitable for this treatment.

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What is Stomach Botox, How to Avoid Obesity?

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Obesity (overweight) is one of the biggest health problems that negatively affect human life. If you want to deal with obesity and get rid of your excess weight without surgery, we recommend stomach botox treatment.

Before Botox Stomach What is Botox? Let's talk about it!
Botox is a type of medicinal protein that is obtained from bacteria called ost Clostridium Botulinum uygulan and applied by injection to the human body. This protein, which stops the nerve and electrical current in the region where it is applied to the human body, prevents the muscle contraction in 4 to 6 months.

What is Stomach Botox?
Endoscopically, it is a non-surgical treatment against obesity which aims to neutralize the nerves and muscles which are effective on the hunger and appetite of the stomach for a certain period of time and has been used in the world for 15 years.
Stomach Botox is a non-surgical easy weight loss treatment aimed at limiting the functioning of the muscles in the stomach by injecting botox into certain parts of the stomach, thereby slowing the digestion process of the stomach and extending the duration of hunger-satiety.
When applying botox, it is performed by endoscopy which provides detailed internal imaging of the stomach. In this way, the patient is only as discomfort as gastroscopic application.
As this treatment is applied to the related parts of the stomach that provide the fasting hormone, the person will experience reduced appetite and long satiety.
After an average of 15-20 minutes of treatment, these muscles, which have an effect on hunger and appetite, will work for a period of 4–6 months, and thus, appetite will be reduced and stomach emptying will be prolonged as the muscles in the stomach lose the ability to contract.
Because the stomach loses its ability to contract, the food stays in the stomach for a longer time and its discharge is delayed. In this way, the person feels satiety for a longer time and does not need to buy more food.
It takes from 2 to 4 hours for the carbohydrates to leave the stomach, but after gastric botox treatment it lasts up to 12 hours..

Since gastric botox treatment is applied endoscopically, it does not require any preliminary preparation required in other operations.
In particular, stomach botox is a revolution for people with various health problems caused by obesity, which is difficult to comply with diet programs and regular exercises, and consequently caught obesity, and has been widely used in our country in recent years.
You should not have any stomach problems before treatment!
Before botox treatment is applied in diseases such as gastritis, stomach ulcer, it is recommended that such diseases should be treated first.
Benefits of Stomach Botox

You will get rid of 40% of your excess weight in a period of 6-8 months and reach your ideal weight. However, you can also make significant progress in the recovery of other obesity-related diseases caused by obesity.

Is Stomach Botox Treatment Safe?
Almost every patient who wants to have this treatment will have doubts about stomach botox risks, whether stomach botox is safe or stomach botox side effects are natural instincts. There are no risks or side effects of gastric botox surgery which lasts for 4-6 months. The error can be removed from the hospital on foot 1-2 hours after treatment.

Gastric Botox Effect Time
After 3 days following stomach botox application, decrease in hunger and appetite feelings begin. After 1 week, these sensations are maximized and the effect lasts for 4 to 6 months.

Can Stomach Botox Be Reapplied?
In the stomach botox process, it is aimed to reach the ideal weight in 6 to 8 months. In this process, stomach botox can be applied again for people who lose little weight and do not reach their ideal ideal weight.

Who Is Stomach Botox Suitable For?
It can be applied to all people who complain about their excess weight and want to lose weight. This procedure is not an operation. Patient selection is very important in this process. It should be noted that gastric botox treatment will not be very beneficial in people with a body mass index above 40.

What is the Expectation in Gastric Botox Application?
Expectation in this application; patients lose 10–15% of their total weight over a period of 3 to 6 months. The amount of weight lost may vary from person to person, depending on age, metabolic rate and exercise frequency.

Are There Side Effects of Stomach Botox?
Botox is widely used to reduce wrinkles mainly on the skin and its dangerous side effects are not known. Since gastric botox is a standard endoscopic procedure, there are no significant side effects reported in the literature. The procedure is not suitable for people with muscle disease and people with allergies to botoxa.
Botox procedures are generally used in aesthetic operations to reduce wrinkles on the skin. At this point, there are no known side effects of botox applications for both aesthetic and obesity treatment. Muscle disease, botox allergy and gastritis, ulcers and so on. Patients with stomach disorders should state their condition to their physicians and pay attention to the necessary examinations. In addition, it is of great importance that patients prefer an experienced physician and a fully equipped hospital when performing botox application.

How to apply?

The stomach is reached without an incision with the help of an anesthesiologist and the botulinum toxin is applied to 20 points in the stomach.
The procedure can be performed endoscopically, without risk of surgery and without special preparation and can be completed in as little as 10-15 minutes. After 1-2 hours the person can return to social life.

What should be considered after stomach botox?
Fast-consuming foods, such as fastfood, are harmful to consuming acidic beverages. Botox patients are hungry later, saturated with less portions, feeling earlier satiety.

Who Is Stomach Botox Suitable For?
Stomach botox can actually be applied to anyone who wants to lose weight. This procedure is not an operation. However, patient selection is important. It should be said that gastric botox will not be very beneficial in patients with a body mass index above 40 and who can be successful with surgery. At this point, patients who are overweight but not obese enough to be operated and who want to lose weight are the ideal patient group. In patients with ulcers or gasritis of the stomach, firstly, after proper treatment of these diseases, stomach botox can be applied.

Does stomach botox have adverse effects or complications?
Stomach botox has no serious side effects or complications to date. Therefore, it is a reliable method with high success rates.

Few patients (8–10%) may have mild and transient nausea for 2–3 weeks after the procedure. However, this diagnostic effect is much milder than that seen after gastric balloon or stomach reduction operations.

Can it be applied in pregnant and breastfeeding?
Not enough studies have been conducted regarding the use in pregnant and breastfeeding.

Do my bowels already have more bloating with lazy botox?
Stomach botox treatment is applied only to the smooth muscles of the stomach, has no effect on the movement of nerve cells and intestines. Therefore, it does not have an effect that increases intestinal laziness. In the diet that will be prepared for you after stomach botox (specify this to your dietician), improvement of bowel laziness can be seen by adding foods intended for the operation of the intestines.

2. Is this method like botox in the aesthetic field?

Yes, but in this application, it is intended to inject the botox substance at the required points of the stomach to ensure that the stomach is evacuated later. In this way, the person feels satiety for a longer time and appetite control is provided to facilitate weakening.
How long is it necessary to stay in hospital for stomach botox procedure?

Does stomach botox cause permanent damage to the stomach?
It is known that the whole effect of the medicine used in stomach botox is completely removed from the body within 4-6 months. There is therefore no possibility of permanent damage.

When Will You Feel the Effects of Stomach Botox?
3 days after the application of stomach botocos, appetite and hunger sensation begins to decrease. After one week, these effects are maximized and last for 4–6 months.

Can stomach botox application be repeated?
Stomach botox can be used to achieve the ideal weight in 6-8 months. People who lose some weight during this period but do not reach their ideal weight can be re-administered with stomach botox for the continuation of weight loss.

How is stomach botox applied?
Botox injection is performed by endoscopy, which allows detailed internal imaging of the stomach. As a result, the patient's discomfort is only as much as “gastroscopy”.

What is the difference from the stomach balloon?
Stomach balloon is also one of the endoscopic methods to lose weight like stomach botox. However, the volume of the gastric balloon must be re-regulated at certain times according to the patient's body, which makes it necessary to perform endoscopy each time. Stomach botox provides effective loss of appetite for 3 to 6 months at a time. On the other hand, there is occasional nausea due to the presence of a foreign body in the stomach balloon. Moreover, after the stomach balloon is withdrawn, some patients feel uncomfortable that their appetite is reopened. As the effect of the stomach botox gradually passes, there is no sudden increase in appetite in this way, the appetite gradually returns to normal.

Advantages of Stomach Botox
3 days after the application of Stomach Botox, there is a noticeable decrease in appetite and hunger. After the 7th day, these effects reach the highest level and continue for 6 months. With Stomach Botox Application, it enables to reach ideal weight in 6 to 8 months.
During this period, people who lose weight but do not reach the ideal target weight, stomach weight loss can be re-applied to ensure the continuation of weight loss.


In order to benefit from this procedure, body mass index should be less than 35. On the other hand, body mass index may not be effective in cases above 45. In the endoscopic method, which is entered by mouth, no incision is performed while applying stomach botox.
The problem of obesity, which is widespread with the rapid spread of fast food consumption in our country, puts the lives of many people in a negative way. Gastro botox, which gives hope to those who want to get rid of this disease and is used for the treatment of obesity, is achieved by injecting botulinum toxin in some parts of the stomach by endoscopic method.

The person to be treated with botox is first anesthetized by our anesthesiologist. Botox is then injected through endoscopy at specific points at the origin of the stomach. Afterwards, some muscles in the stomach lose their contraction properties and prolong their fullness. After about 20 minutes of gastric botox, the person continues his daily routine without showing any complaints of pain or nausea.


The most important point for the people who want to have weight problem again after the operation is to pay attention to their nutrition. Approximately 10 to 20 pounds can be given in 5 to 6 months after injection and diet.
Kiss. Dr. Tuğrul Demirel Obesity and Diabetes Surgery

Obesity has become one of the leading health problems of our time. Research shows that 30% of the population is suffering from health problems due to severe obesity in the United States, which can be regarded as a large sample of the whole world. Obesity is the most important reason of course, "modern life," we say easily cut off! Yet inactivity and plenty of calorie nutrition is our choice. That's why we face obesity. If we reveal the cause of obesity in this way, the basis of the treatment is also manifested: Balanced and low-calorie nutrition and physical activity in our daily lives to find a place in order.

Slimming with Stomach Botox
Each drug has a half-life in the body. In botox applications, this period is between 4-6 months and the effectiveness of the drug continues until this period.
Pros of gastric botox treatment
- It's not a surgical procedure.
- It can be applied to individuals whose body mass index is between 25-40.
- It is done under sedation. There is no need for general anesthesia.
- The process is completed in as little as 20 minutes.
- Since it is an endoscopy procedure, the patient can return to his / her daily life immediately after the procedure. Does not require hospitalization.
- Stomach botox application is effective for 6 months. The process can be repeated up to 3 times.
New method of slimming bot stomach botox ’

Stomach Botox application can be done at what age?
Stomach botox can be administered to people aged 18–65 years with a body mass index (BMI) below 35.

Is stomach botox standard in everyone? Everyone gets the same dose?
Stomach botox application is not applied to everyone at the same dose and standard. The most important reason behind failed practices is unconscious and wrong practices.

Can I do sports after stomach botox?
There is no harm in doing sports after stomach botox.

How is gastric botox applied?
8 hours fasting is sufficient for the stomach botox procedure, especially in individuals with serious health problems need to do some blood tests before the necessary analysis and blood test examinations of our patients are taken to the endoscopy unit before the endoscopy examination of the esophagus stomach duodonum is examined if there is no problem after the procedure.
Benefits of Stomach Botox
You will get rid of 40% of your excess weight in a period of 6-8 months and reach your ideal weight. However, you can also make significant progress in the recovery of other obesity-related diseases caused by obesity.

Can Stomach Botox Be Reapplied?
In the stomach botox process, it is aimed to reach the ideal weight in 6 to 8 months. In this process, stomach botox can be applied again for people who lose little weight and do not reach their ideal ideal weight.
It takes 20 minutes!
After this application lasting 15 to 20 minutes; Nerves and muscles that have an effect on the desire to eat are neutralized for up to 6 months. Consequently; appetite decreases and stomach muscles lose their ability to contract. Thus, the emptying of the stomach is delayed. As the foods stay longer in the stomach, the feeling of satiety is prolonged and with less food consumption, the person often feels satiated. After this process, decreases in weight are seen.

Does it cause bowel laziness?
Since the injection is applied only to the smooth muscles of the stomach, it has no effect on any organs other than the stomach muscles.

What to do after the procedure
You can continue your daily life after the operation. A feeling of appetite and saturation begins between 2 and 3 days, and some patients may have complaints such as nausea. After the application, the patient should be fed with liquid foods on the first day. In case of any problem, consult your doctor.
Vki is recommended for people who can not lose weight despite the diet below 40
Stomach botox application is suitable for patients with a body mass index of 25–35. Although the surgical option has come to the fore for patients over the age of 40, stomach botox application is an option for the patients who cannot lose weight despite the diet below the age of 40 and who are not compatible with the diet. Together with weight loss, these patients are self-confident and can achieve permanent weight loss with changing eating habits. Weight loss with the targeted stomach botox is 15–20 kg.
The result of the application must be dietary support!
Knowing that the duration of botox effect is 6 months; During this period, periodical diet-specific diet programs are prepared with dietician controls and the program is prepared with the aim of changing eating habits. Stomach botox and dietician controls are handled for our patients as a whole and controls are made by dietician and doctor for each patient. Stomach botox alone is not an adequate method; it is aimed to combine this method with diet and sports and ultimately to provide a significant change in eating habits.

What is obesity?
Obesity; is a growing health problem in our country as in the whole world. Obesity, which is defined by the World Health Organization as birik accumulation of fat in the body that adversely affects the health dır, is the deterioration of the body's energy balance and the increase in body weight in a way that disrupts the health due to the excess energy consumed.

What is the Effect Mechanism of Gastric Botox?
When the botox protein is injected into the stomach, the nerves that work the muscles of the stomach temporarily stop functioning and the stomach muscles lose their ability to contract. This will delay the emptying of the stomach. Normally, gastric carbohydrates transfer to the intestine in approximately 3–4 hours, while this period can be up to 12 hours in patients receiving gastric botox. Thus, the feeling of fullness lasts longer as stomach fullness will increase. Patients' desire to consume food is reduced. At the same time, the secretion of the hormone Ghrellin, which is secreted from the fundus part of the stomach and stimulates the appetite center, stops. Thus, the appetite of our patients is reduced. The effect of botax is about 4-6 months. During this time, patients who pay attention to their diet by using these advantages can lose up to 20-25 kg. The aim is to ensure that our patients obtain the correct nutritional information and do not need to repeat the procedure. However, if necessary, the procedure can be repeated after 6 months.

Botox application for any reason and allergic reaction is not done to individuals who developed. In addition, it is not correct to apply it to individuals with eating disorders up to the psychiatric dimension in the pre-procedure interview.
You can lose 30 percent of your existing weight in a year
Gastro botox, which can be easily performed to all patients with no known neurological disease, ulcer in the stomach or a large hernia, paves the way for permanent weight loss. The goal of stomach botox application is to give 20-30 percent of the weight that exists in 1 year. In other words, a person weighing 100 kilos is expected to drop to 70 to 80 kilos in a year. The fastest weight loss process here is the first 1 month. Patients may lose 10 to 15 kg frequently in the first month. Afterwards, the patient continues to lose weight and can reach the targeted 30 percent at the end of the year.

Dietary alone does not work
Dr. Il Good bowel health is among the most important factors in weight loss. Therefore, when considering stomach botox, it is recommended that you enter a diet program composed of doctors and dietitians. Otherwise, trying to lose weight by having stomach botox alone will probably disappoint you ”.

When can we return to normal life after stomach botox?
1 hour from the application person can return to normal life and work life.

It is recommended that patients be fed with liquid foods for the first 3 days. It is useful to avoid fatty and acidic foods. In this period, protein-based nutrition comes to the fore and carbohydrates should be avoided. After the first week after the procedure, patients can easily switch to normal eating patterns. Since the duration of botox effect is 6 months, special diet programs are prepared periodically with dietitian controls during this period and the program is formed with the aim of changing eating habits. Stomach botox and dietician controls are handled for our patients as a whole and controls are made by dietician and doctor for each patient. Stomach botox alone is not an adequate method. It is aimed to combine this method with diet and sports and as a result to achieve a significant change in eating habits.

Does stomach botox hurt?
Botox has been used in medicine for many years and has no known harm since it is administered at the right dosage by a specialist.

Gastric botox is an endoscopy procedure and is not an operation. Processing time is 15-20 minutes. The prolongation or shortening of this period may vary depending on the area of ​​application and the amount of drug to be used.

Gastric Botox Effect Time
After 3 days following stomach botox application, decrease in hunger and appetite feelings begin. After 1 week, these sensations are maximized and the effect lasts for 4 to 6 months.

Significantly reduces hunger
When botox is applied to the stomach, it should be administered intramuscularly as the site of application. As a result of paralysis in the muscles, acid secretion decreases at the exit of the stomach, especially in the cells that secrete acid. As the secretion of acid decreases, hunger sensation of the patients undergoing gastric botox is significantly reduced. Stomach botox is applied to the stomach muscles and paralysis occurs and stomach movements are slowed down. In other words, gastric emptying rate decreases and the patient's feeling of fullness increases. For example, eating a meal at least 2 hours is the transition to the intestines. With gastric botox, this period lasts up to 4-5 hours and the person is hungry later.

In other words, gastric emptying rate decreases and the patient's feeling of fullness increases. For example, eating a meal at least 2 hours is the transition to the intestines. With gastric botox, this period increases to 4-5 hours and the patient is hungry later. Ghrelin is the hormone that makes us say ım I'm hungry, let's eat ”. He's the chief responsible for our sense of hunger. The hormone Ghrelin is secreted in the digestive tract, mainly in the fundus region of the stomach. The secretion of this hormone depends on the state of hunger.
“Stomach balloon is one of the endoscopic interventions to lose weight. However, the volume of the gastric balloon needs to be adjusted occasionally to the patient, which requires endoscopy each time. Stomach botox provides loss of appetite with a single application. The presence of a foreign body in the stomach balloon in the stomach causes nausea, albeit rarely. In addition, many patients complain that their appetite suddenly reopens after the stomach balloon is withdrawn. There is no sudden increase in appetite in the stomach botox, the appetite is slowly returning to normal and the person should adopt the diet during this time. ”
9. What is the impact process after implementation?
Within 3 days after the application of gastric botox, appetite reduction and appetite control is achieved.
Your weight is permanent
Botox, a protein derived from a bacterium; is often used in the treatment of neurological diseases, sweating treatment and certain urological disorders. However, it has recently been used in weight loss therapies to achieve successful results. Gastric botox, which is applied differently from skin treatment, is used endoscopically. Botox applied patient can lose weight safely and permanently with his lifestyle changes.

New trend in weight loss Stomach Botox
Stating that obesity is an increasing health problem both in the world and in our country. İbrahim Sakçak said that it is possible to get rid of obesity and excess weight with Stomach Botox.
Stating that obesity is an increasing health problem both in the world and in our country. İbrahim Sakçak said that it is possible to get rid of obesity and excess weight with Stomach Botox.

How is stomach botox anesthesia performed?
The anesthesia is sedation anesthesia. The person is put to sleep for 15 minutes and then wakes up. After waking up, a half hour rest is made for control purposes.

Does stomach botox harm the stomach?
The purpose of stomach botox application is to block the nerves in certain parts of the stomach, as in the same percentage, this process is temporary, the purpose is to close the appetite and slow the stomach motility so that the patient can sometimes remain satiated for a long time with a meatball or a bowl of yogurt. necessary training. In the scientific literature it has not been observed that there is a major harm to the stomach, although with minor acceptable effects it is much less compared to gastric balloon or surgery.

Stomach botox should be done where?
Stomach botox application must be done in centers that have enough clinical experience in this work (dietitian assistant doctor) and you should reach the whole team 24 hours a day. Many patients who have been applied to the wrong centers and have not experienced weight loss come to our center. There's no magic in our plant ?! We apply only the right dose to the right places and follow it strictly. We use different treatment protocols and different doses of botox in each patient.

10. Is this application painful or painful?
The stomach botox procedure is performed under sedation. Therefore, there is no pain.

No significant side effects after application
Although there is no significant complaint after botox application, some patients; dyspeptic complaints (nausea, indigestion, bloating, etc.) may be what we call complaints. These complaints usually occur within 3 days and decrease over time.

Get rid of obesity with stomach botox
Stomach botox was the hope for many people in overweight.
Gastroenterology Specialist who made a statement about the stomach botox applied to those who want to lose weight. Glazier, botox and stomach botox operations continue in the hospital, he said.

Is it Guaranteed to Lose Weight with Stomach Botox?
As with all other obesity surgery methods, there is no guarantee for weight loss in gastric botox. Stomach botox helps patients in their diet by reducing their appetite. However, the key point is that patients adopt an active and lifestyle in line with their recommended diet regimen. Even if stomach botox is performed, there is a possibility that the operation will fail in individuals without healthy eating and healthy living habits.

Does the stomach weaken botox? What is stomach botox?
Initially, it was applied to humans in various countries after the experiments on animals, with positive results.
It is claimed that stomach botox is given between 4 and 20 pounds in 5 months. The process, muscle and nerve cells in the stomach is affected by hunger and creates a feeling of satiety.

Weight can be lost with stomach botox. However, dietitian control should be fed. People who fit this order can lose 10 to 20 pounds. Patients who partially comply with this diet may also lose weight, but below the targeted figure, weight loss occurs. It is not possible for patients who do not have any diet to lose weight.

Stomach botox can increase your sense of satiety
Stomach botox is an endoscopic procedure for patients with a body mass index between 30 and 40 in obesity borderline. The purpose of stomach botox is to delay the emptying of the stomach and to increase the feeling of satiety. The person who feels himself full can thus be saturated with small portions. In this sense, stomach botox does not directly lose weight, it is a method that helps to lose weight.

ARE THERE UN unwanted effects?

Stomach botox has no serious side effects or complications to date. Therefore, it is a reliable method with high success rates. There is no special nutritional program that the patient should follow after stomach botox. However, in order to lose weight in a healthy way, it is appropriate to follow a diet under the control of dietitians.

Exercise Therapy
Patients receiving obesity treatment often experience health problems due to their overweight, often during sports; eg problems in the knee joint due to overload. These problems cause the patient to stop exercising completely and cause him to gain more weight.

Gastric Bypass
In gastric bypass operations, a large portion of the stomach is bypassed and a small volume (approximately 30–50 cc) stomach section is prepared and sutured to the small intestine. In this operation, as in other obesity surgery operations, it is aimed to reduce the stomach volume and to deactivate a portion of the intestines and to remove some of the consumed food without being absorbed. Thus, patients are saturated with less food and some of the food they are absorbed is absorbed.

Studies to date have shown that it is difficult to treat morbid obesity permanently with medication, diet, or exercise. Therefore, obesity surgery has been applied for the last 50 years and with the development of technique and surgery, stomach reduction operations have become the first choice in the treatment of Morbid Obesity.

How healthy is this surgery?
This operation is purely physiological. For example, there is a cyst in the liver, a part of the liver is removed and the person is not harmed. For example, tonsils, appendicism is removed and no harm. This is how we can think of tube stomach surgery. 80 percent of the stomach comes out but the stomach is still in place and continues to function normally. It only shrinks in volume. This is only reduction surgery. Stomach is a moving organ again. It also secretes, grinds food, secretes digestive enzymes. What remains is a smaller stomach that has shrunk in volume.

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4 ways to reduce reflux symptoms

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Gastric acid, esophageal reflux disease caused by escaping the esophagus is gradually increasing. Once a week, the number of people suffering from reflux is about 20 percent of the population. Nutritional and lifestyle changes can reduce the effect of the disease.

The incidence of reflux disease is increasing all over the world. Ibrahim Kemal Ozdemir, obesity, reflux is effective in the increase, he said.

Stating that a definitive diagnosis was made after endoscopy, Özdemir summarized what can be done to reduce reflux complaints as follows:

Excessive fatty and paste foods, cigarettes, alcoholic and caffeine in large amounts, all kinds of cola and carbonated drinks, chocolate and foods containing direct acid should not be consumed.

Food order should be created, the amount of portions should not be overloaded, 4 hours after meals should be standing or sitting, should not sleep immediately after dinner. Meal times and order should be changed according to the status of the complaints.

If there are complaints of burning in the chest at night, waking up with a feeling of coughing or suffocation, the head should be raised up to 10 centimeters. Research has shown that sleeping on the left side increases the complaints.

If the body weight is not within the ideal limit, weight should be lost. It is important that body weight is within the ideal range, that is, for overweight patients to lose weight to return to these limits.

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