Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Amazon Brand - Solimo 99% Isopropyl Alcohol First Aid Antiseptic For Technical Use, 16 Fl Oz (Pack of 12)

Infected Scab: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Amazon Brand - Solimo 99% Isopropyl Alcohol First Aid Antiseptic For Technical Use, 16 Fl Oz (Pack of 12)

How to become infected with scabs
A strike breaker is the body's protective response to a cut, scrape, bite or other skin damage. Special blood cells called platelets form a clot in injury. These cells act as a bandage to stop bleeding and prevent ingress of germs and dirt. As the clot dries, it forms a shell.

Your skin is treating your own wound under crusty scabies protection.

Scabs usually heal on their own. But if the bacteria get under the scab and into the wound, the strike breaker can be infected.

Signs smeared with your scar
It is normal to have a slightly pink or reddish skin from the edge of your black spot.

It is normal to have some swelling around the scabies, especially if the injury had sutures.

There are several ways to tell whether the strike breaker can be infected:

Redness and swelling increase 48 hours after injury around the scab.
Scab feels hot or painful.
Pus is oozing from the wound.
Scab bleeds when touched.
The wound smells foul.
The red lines on the skin come from the wound.
Scab does not heal after 10 days.
Close to the skin of the scar when the skin is colored.
Alan around the wound is yellow and crusty.
Acne forms on the wound.
New tissue around the wound is abnormal.
Lymph node swollen near the wound.
You have fever when you have no other infection.
What causes an infection
Bacteria or other microorganisms can be infected when entering the wound. This can happen in several ways:

The wound was not completely cleaned and dirt and debris were still ready.
You can scratch or pick the bark and introduce new bacteria into the wound.
Wound with a bandage that is not protected.
The wound took very wet, making it more susceptible to fungal infections.
The most common types of bacteria that cause skin infections are Staphylococcus (Staph infection) and Streptococcus (strep infection). A small number of these bacteria are normally found on your skin. Their numbers increase during an infection.

Treatment of infected scabies
The first step of treatment for any cuts, bites or skin damage is to keep the area clean.

Among the home treatments for a wound I think you are becoming infected with:

Clean the area three times a day with warm, soapy water and dry with a clean towel.
Scabies Cover with sterile bandage.
Avoid collecting or squeezing scabies.
Observe other signs of developing an infection, such as increased size, worsening pain, drainage or bleeding.

More than 100.4 ° F may be a sign of a fever spreading infection. If this occurs it is immediately important to see a doctor.

When to see a doctor
If the strike breaker appears to be taking 48 hours after the infection is bad, see a doctor. If you have sudden fever and other symptoms, such as redness around the wound or a significant swelling, see a doctor immediately.

It is also important to visit your doctor with signs of infection if you have diabetes, cancer or other medical conditions that affect your immune system.

Most wound infections can be easily cured, but some can be serious and possibly life-threatening depending on the severity and location of the scab, as well as the underlying health.

Infected Peel Pictures
to prevent a strike-breaker infection
To prevent a shell from becoming infected, keep the wound area clean and consider the following tips:

Wash the area with soap and water every day.
Keep the moist mixed with a thin layer of oil jelly for the first few days.
Unless you cover the area, cut or graze a small one with sterile bandage.
Change the bandage every day.
Do not scratch or pick up the scab.
Follow your doctor's instructions, if you've had sutures for injury.
Talk to your doctor about the tetanus vaccine if the wound is the result of burns, bites or other significant injuries.
Take away
Dirt formation is a protective reaction of the body to cuts, abrasions, bites and other skin injuries.

If the area is kept clean, it is not likely to become infected. Home treatments with a good wound care can often stop an infection at an early stage. If the wound is not good, consult your doctor.

Amazon Brand - Solimo 99% Isopropyl Alcohol First Aid Antiseptic For Technical Use, 16 Fl Oz (Pack of 12)

GoodSense Maximum Strength Triple Antibiotic Ointment plus Pain Relief, Soothes Painful Cuts, Scrapes, and Burns, While Preventing Infection, 1 Ounce

Antibiotic Resistance as a Global Health Problem

GoodSense Maximum Strength Triple Antibiotic Ointment plus Pain Relief, Soothes Painful Cuts, Scrapes, and Burns, While Preventing Infection, 1 Ounce

Antibiotics are clinically important drugs used in the treatment and prophylaxis of infectious diseases caused by microorganisms. The discovery of antibiotics has been an important milestone in human health and the mortality and morbidity rates associated with infectious diseases have dramatically decreased following the clinical use of these drugs. However, almost simultaneously with the discovery of antibiotics, it was predicted that microorganisms could gain resistance to these drugs, and if the necessary precautions were not taken, the existing antibiotics would lose their effect on the treatment of infectious diseases, and thus humanity would be able to re-encounter the pre-antibiotic period.

One of the attempts to prevent the clinical reflection of antibiotic resistance to the feared dimensions has been considered as the discovery of new antibiotic drugs and after the discovery of penicillin, great progress has been achieved in this area in a short time. But at that time, as long as resistance development was not prevented, the prophecy that mankind was ultimately doomed to lose the war against pathogenic microorganisms continued to cause concern. As a matter of fact, while new antibiotic discoveries have slowed down considerably in the last decade, the incidence of multiple antibiotic resistance microorganisms has increased significantly and a future in which antibiotics have lost their effect has begun to emerge.

Recognizing the importance of global initiatives to prevent antibiotic resistance is not new. In 1998, the General Assembly of the World Health Organization decided to take action against antibiotic resistance of the member states; In 2001, the WHO Global Strategy for limiting antibiotic resistance was published. The 2005 decision of the World Health Organization's General Assembly called on providers and consumers to make reasonable use of antibiotics, highlighting the slow progress in progress towards limiting antibiotic resistance. In order to draw attention to the importance of the threat to public health, WHO has identified the theme of World Health Day 2011 as antibiotic resistance and urged the whole world to think about it, take action and take responsibility in order to stop the development of resistance.

Antibiotic resistance is a very important health problem that concerns the whole world and not only today but also the future. As a result of the increase in the frequency of international travel with the help of today's technological and economic conditions, the problem of antibiotic resistance that arises in any part of the world reaches a dimension that covers the whole world in a very short time. Therefore, national regulations and studies play a key role in controlling antibiotic resistance worldwide, but all national programs must achieve the same level of success in order to succeed. Because the problem in any part of the world is the problem of the whole world.

The World Health Organization's program for combating the development of resistance to antibiotics includes the preparation of national programs on the subject, compliance with the program, and encouragement of civil society participation; increasing audit and laboratory capacities; ensuring uninterrupted access to essential and proven drugs; regulating the rational use of antibiotics (including their use in veterinary, agricultural and animal husbandry, the textile sector, etc.) with appropriate patient care; It includes an action plan that requires coordination and cooperation of many national and international institutions, organizations and civil society, including R & D activities to make development and control of infectious diseases more effective and development of new drugs.

Antibiotic Resistance Definition and Perception

It is defined as the development of resistance to the drug effect when the effect of the drugs at a certain dose decreases after repeated use at the same dose or the need to use the same dose at higher doses to produce the same effect. Drug-resistant pathogens are mentioned when the same applies to drugs (antibiotics, antineoplastics) whose mechanism of action is to kill or suppress pathogens that cause disease in the body.

Genes responsible for the development of resistance to antibiotics in bacteria are acquired by spontaneous or induced mutations or by transfer of resistance genes from other bacteria. In the case of exposure to antibiotics, these resistance genes are naturally selected because the bacteria carrying these genes are more likely to survive, and the space occupied by the bacteria carrying these genes increases in the ecosystem.

The development of resistance to antibiotics is known from the earliest stages of the discovery process of antibiotics. Alexander Fleming, who discovered penicillin, in his speech when he received the Nobel Prize in 1945, said that if the microorganisms were exposed to penicillin in a dose not sufficient to kill themselves in the laboratory, they would gain penicillin resistance and the same was true in the body.

Studies to examine the origin of the presence of antibiotic resistance genes in nature show that these genes, and therefore the antibiotic resistance observed in bacteria, are a natural phenomenon long before people start using antibiotics for treatment. Considering that the presence of antibiotics in nature exists long before the discovery of antibiotics, it can be assumed that this is expected.

Today, antibiotic resistance mechanisms are considered as part of the evolutionary process of bacteria. Accordingly, it is foreseen that antibiotic resistance will always exist as it has always existed and that there is and will not be an antibiotic that is not resistant to its effect, and it is accepted that the plan to combat antibiotic resistance should be realized on this assumption. It is also thought that clinically important resistance mechanisms and resistant bacterial species may change over time. These causes include the production of new antibiotics at regular intervals; these antibiotics should be specific to specific resistance mechanisms and their use should be limited to these situations.

Recent studies have included the concept of a resistance pool called “resistoma oluş, which consists of the sum of the resistance factors in all bacteria as well as the multidrug resistance in a particular bacterium. Bacteria in this pool include not only pathogenic bacteria but also non-pathogenic bacteria. The reason behind this approach change is that bacteria can transfer their resistance genes horizontally to different bacterial species. It is hoped that a better understanding of resistor can provide important benefits in the discovery process of new drugs by providing insight not only to the clinically important resistance mechanisms at the present time, but also to new resistance mechanisms that may become important in the future.

GoodSense Maximum Strength Triple Antibiotic Ointment plus Pain Relief, Soothes Painful Cuts, Scrapes, and Burns, While Preventing Infection, 1 Ounce

Neosporin + Pain Relief Dual Action Cream, 1 Oz


Neosporin + Pain Relief Dual Action Cream, 1 Oz

Diabetes is a disease that affects all body systems (such as circulatory, hormonal, nervous, muscular systems). Therefore, multiple systems such as circulatory system, nervous system are affected. However, both wound and circulation need to be healthy for wound healing. Therefore, in diabetic patients, both the fingers and toes are easily wound and these wounds are not easily healed.
Patients should be aware of the following: this is not a disease to be passed on, it is a disease that must be kept under control for life; furthermore, if a complication occurs in this disease (eg infection of the toes), it may rapidly deteriorate the general condition of the patient. 15% of diabetic patients have an outpatient wound and these foot ulcers are the leading cause of hospitalization. The patient's sugar rises due to wound and infection, the wounds do not close due to the height of sugar, the infection does not pass. Patients can easily enter this vicious circle. Therefore, the patient should be awake, pay attention to hand and foot care, keep the sugar level under control (pay attention to the diet, take regular medication).

The most important point in this disease is the constant control of blood sugar and protection from complications. Perhaps the most feared disease of complications is diabetes; because in this disease, the development of complications is inevitable if the blood sugar goes high for a long time; If the wound is opened on the fingers and toes, it leads to this infection, wound healing is already impaired by high blood sugar, the blood sugar does not fall because of the infection, the infection cannot be prevented unless the blood sugar falls; blood circulation in the fingers and toes is also problematic, making the wound more difficult to heal. If the patient enters a vicious cycle of high sugar-infection, his general condition may deteriorate rapidly. Therefore, what is more important than treatment in diabetes is proper monitoring and prevention of wound formation before these problems occur.

How is it possible to avoid possible complications? The first rule is that the patient should use his medication regularly, pay attention to his diet, follow the sugar level regularly, and perform hand-foot care carefully. Patients with the most impaired wound healing are those with high sugar levels for many years; therefore, when any wound is opened in such patients, it is attempted to be treated as much as possible without surgery, with follow-up and dressings. In these patients, incisions and sutures made for surgery will hardly heal. So there is the possibility to enlarge the wound when we say close. Therefore, such old diabetics are treated as much as possible with non-surgical care and dressing. Surgery is the last resort.
There are special shoes and boots for diabetics. The patient can use these shoes and boots in daily life. The special feature of these shoes is that there is nothing on the inside of the shoes that can make foot presses, sinks and bumps. These shoes are introduced as seamless production, because of the way of production there is no additional or seam. In our country, there are companies that produce and import such shoes.

Diabetics also need to be very careful when cutting their toenails. The nails should not be cut from the bottom and should not lead to something like sinking. Infections such as ingrown toenails in the toes may cause gangrene in the toes, in some cases it may be necessary to remove the toes. Another important point are calluses. The patient should not play with calluses, callus drugs that burn the callus and peel the skin should not be used.
Diabetes care, especially foot care, is so detailed that many books have been published abroad to guide patients.

There are many care products for diabetic patients (of course, the first thing to take is a sugar meter that can look for sugar from a drop of blood from the fingertip). For example, special mirrors are sold abroad (they may be sold in our country, but I have never seen them). The patient can control the underfoot with this mirror. In patients with diabetes, the sensation of the feet may be reduced in advanced stages. Therefore, they may not feel if there is a wound under the foot. Mirror control is useful in this respect. In addition, as I mentioned above, special shoes and insoles can protect the feet against wound opening.

If you take any precaution, you may get a scar on your foot. The first thing to do in this case is to clean the area where infection and necrosis occurs. Your doctor will remove dead tissues from that area. Sterile dressings are started and sometimes medicated foot baths may be necessary. Some special medicines and ointments may be required for dressing. This treatment must be performed under the supervision of a surgeon. The treatment of diabetic foot wounds called diabetic foot can take months, or even years; Requires long follow-up.

Neosporin + Pain Relief Dual Action Cream, 1 Oz

Professional Disposables Surface Disinfectant Super Sani-Cloth Wipes, 160 Count

Pressure Sores

Professional Disposables Surface Disinfectant Super Sani-Cloth Wipes, 160 Count

Pressure sores occur in soft tissues on bone protrusions exposed to pressure in the body. In the past, these wounds were described as decubitis ulcers. Decubitis is a Latin word which means lying on your back. Since the wound is opened in the ischial areas in people sitting, it is more accurate to use the definition of pressure sores instead of decubitis.

85-90% of pressure sores are commonly seen in the sacral, trochanter and ischial regions of the lower waist. It occurs less commonly in the heel malleols, pretibial region, elbows, scapula, occipital regions. In developed countries, people with medulla spinalis injury survive in a wheelchair, and these are more commonly associated with pressure sores in the ischial regions. In our country, sacral and trochanter pressure sores are seen more frequently since most of these patients are left to bed.

Pressure sores are most commonly seen in patients with medulla spinalis damage, deprived of skin sensitivity, and in elderly and uncared patients who remain bed-dependent for chronic illnesses. Pressure is an important factor in the etiology of pressure sores. The duration of pressure in wound formation is more effective than pressure intensity. If the pressure affecting the soft tissue on the bone protrusions exceeds the capillary pressure in this region (above 35 mm Hg) and continues for a long time, changes starting at the cellular level will cause damage to the tissue necrosis.

If the pressure is removed in a short time, necrobiotic changes return with regional inflammatory response. If the pressure persists for a long time, the capillary circulation will deteriorate. As a result, anoxia develops in soft tissues and thrombosis occurs in small vessels. Obstruction of venous and lymphatic microcirculation causes accumulation of metabolic products and accelerates tissue necrosis. Addition of secondary infection affects the wound negatively.

Tensile forces are also an important factor in the formation of pressure sores. Raising the head of the bed more than 30 degrees creates tension in the lower parts of the body. Pressure and tension accelerate wound formation. In addition, regional friction, bruise, maceration, uncontrolled spasticity, anemia, hypoproteinemia, vitamin deficiencies, alcoholism, drug dependence, diabetes, peripheral vascular diseases, cancer, poorly wound dressings and splints are other important factors in the formation of pressure sores.

Although different classifications are used in pressure sores, there are 5 stages according to the most commonly used classification.
Stage 1: Skin erythema, edema and induration. If the pressure is removed and well maintained, the event is reversible and recovery is complete.
Stage 2: There is advanced superficial necrosis into the dermis. Conservative treatment improves.
Stage 3: Complete necrosis of the skin The lesion descends into the subcutaneous tissue. If secondary infection is added, the wound becomes complicated. Surgical intervention is required for large lesions.
Stage 4: The lesion includes bone tissue and the bone descends to the protrusion. Treatment is surgery.
Stage 5: The lesion has spread to bone tissue, joints and body cavities. Osteomyelitis, pathological fractures, dislocation of joints, internal organs fistulas, septicemia may develop. According to the spread of the lesion is often serious cases. Surgical intervention is required.
This classification may not always be clinically observed. Most of the time, the defect in the compression wound is cone-shaped. The top of the cone is in the skin and the base is between deep tissues.
Occasionally, a small and lesion of the skin may present with pressure sores of stage 4 and 5.

Measures to be taken to prevent pressure sores are easier and more economical than their treatment.
The first step in the prevention of pressure sores is education. Patients and their families and hospital staff should be educated about the causes and consequences of wounding. The most effective method to prevent these wounds is to change position frequently. Often, these patients should change positions every 2-3 hours.
People in wheelchairs should raise themselves with their hands every 2-3 hours and ensure that these areas are blooded.
Skin and bed care is very important. The skin is wiped with soapy water every day and dried carefully. Massage is applied in order to increase circulation, durability of the skin. Bed linen should be clean and dry. The bed and linen under the patient should not be wrinkled.
Urine and cleaning after defecation is very important in bedridden.
Anemia, hypoproteinemia, vitamin deficiencies, improper dressings and splints, which may cause pressure sores to open, should be eliminated.
Spasticity should be tackled. Although many beds, wheelchairs and cushions have been developed to prevent wound formation, no equipment has been produced to prevent all of the pressure sores.

Conservative Treatment: If pressure sores are opened, necessary precautions should be taken before they become complicated. In stages 1 and 2, the pressure is removed, and a good maintenance is achieved. If the pressure continues, the wound deepens and becomes complicated.
Many topical agents are used in wound care. Although there has been much progress in wound care in recent years, topical agents are being used in many places that can delay wound healing and damage tissues. The most ideal solution for wound cleaning is lactated ringer and saline which are closest to tissue osmolarity. Betadine solution is the least damaging to the cells and can be used in flowing effect wounds.
Although topically used antibiotics are still controversial, resistant bacteria may develop in a short time and are not economical. Antibiotics given systemically cannot reach the wound sites due to the barrier formed in these wounds. Systemic antibiotics should be given against secondary infections.

Although flora changes frequently in these wounds, wound culture should be performed for nosocomial infection.
Many synthetic and semi-synthetic materials have been developed in wound care in recent years. Most of these are not both economic and misused. These substances should be used as temporary skin dressing only if the wound is clean and there is no necrosis in cases that may delay surgery for various reasons. Some of them prevent the loss of fluid, electrolyte and protein from the body.
Various agents are available to accelerate wound healing. Hydrotherapy, hyperbaric oxygen, ultrasound, electric currents, some topically used pomades are useful in superficial wounds where skin supplements are not lost.

After removal of necrotic tissue in deep wounds where skin appendages disappear, all wounds can be closed by epithelialization from the edges with good topical care. The scar tissue, however, lacks skin patches. It may cause continuous pressure sores. Large scars that heal with scar tissue may develop malignant skin tumors in later stages.

Surgical Treatment: 3.4. In the 5th and 5th stages, surgical method is used to treat pressure sores. If the patient's blood values ​​are low in the preoperative period, it should be brought back to normal values ​​that may be operated.

In order to be successful in the treatment of pressure sores, necrotic tissue should be removed as soon as possible. Although enzymatic debridement methods are used for this, surgical debridement and defect repair should be preferred. The aim of the treatment is to bring pressure-resistant tissues with good blood to the wound area. Since the muscle-skin and fascia-skin flaps used in repair are well-blooded, they provide superiority to other repair methods in the fight against infection at the wound site. In surgical repair, bone protrusions are excised together with the period to prevent recurrences following debridement. 3. Primary suture, free skin grafts, muscle, muscle-skin and faysa-skin flaps are used for surgical repair of pressure sores of stage 4 and 5. The recurrence rate of compression wounds treated with free skin graft and primary repair was 40%, while the recurrence rate in muscle-skin flaps decreased to 5%. Therefore, muscle-skin and fascia-skin flaps should be preferred for defect repair.

The choice of flaps in surgical repair should be considered in the future pressure sores of the patient. Glucus maximus fascia-skin flap, tensor faysa-lata flap in the trochanter region and biceps femoris muscle-skin flap in the ischeal region are used as the first choice in the repair of the sacral compression wound.
In patients who do not have medullasipinalis injury, muscle and muscle-skin flaps should not be used in compression wound repair, as muscle-related functional losses will occur.

Postoperative care:
Postoperative care of patients with pressure sores is very important. Patients with flap are usually not laid on the flap for 3 weeks. In this period, starting from the first week, the patient can be given passive movements to the joints according to the surgical characteristics. Prevention of cypasticity after surgery is very important for wound removal. Vacuum drains 5-7. days, the patient is dressed in an elastic corset. Sutures are removed after 10 days. If there is no complication in flap cases, after 3 weeks, patients may begin to lie on the flap. This process starts with 15 minutes per day and can be increased every 5 to 5 minutes. This period should never exceed 2 hours.
Mean duration of hospitalization in patients with pressure injuries is 5-6 weeks. When the surgical costs are considered, it is seen that the precautions to be taken to prevent these wounds are easier and more economical.

Professional Disposables Surface Disinfectant Super Sani-Cloth Wipes, 160 Count

Care Touch Sterile Alcohol Prep Pads, Medium 2-Ply - 300 Alcohol Wipes

Remedy for Visual Impairment after Eye Infections

Care Touch Sterile Alcohol Prep Pads, Medium 2-Ply - 300 Alcohol Wipes

The eye has a delicate texture in its structure. Therefore, it is an organ that can be damaged very quickly and requires considerable attention. However, eye traumas in cases such as occupational accidents and explosions are eye problems that need immediate intervention. Post-traumatic scarring or severe infections may result in visual impairment. Scientists have also produced a new drop to reduce this risk and protect eye health. The details are in our news.

Eye trauma or various infections can cause visual impairment, even blindness. These problems that may occur in the eye are usually caused by scarring on the cornea. The outer layer of the eye is transparent, but with the scarring it becomes opaque. This reduces vision. Scientists from the University of Birmingham have produced eye drops that reduce scars and protect vision.

Today eye drops are used to prevent visual loss after trauma or infection. The drops used include antibiotics and corticosteroids that reduce inflammation. However, treatments may result in visual impairment. There are ways to fix this, but it is not completely safe. For example, corneal transplantation is an option, but there is also a risk of failure.

Scientists have also created new drops of natural wound healing that contain a protein called Decorin. This drop is a liquid gel. The use of gel in this application is more convenient to keep Decorin on the eye surface. Doctors described this new drop as a band therapeutic bandage.. Because the gel covers the damaged eye and provides unscathed healing. “Liquid gel is a new material that can switch between solid and liquid, Prof said Professor Liam Grover, one of the scientists behind this project. It takes shape according to the surface of the eye and stays there. ”

From the Faculty of Chemical Engineering Uz We're working on testing and improving this new anti-scar drop, Richard said Richard Moakes.

Dr. of the Institute of Clinical Sciences. Lisa Hill said: damla This drop, which has the potential to improve greatly for eye infection and trauma, is a treatment without surgical interventions such as corneal transplantation. It can help many people maintain eye health. ”

Liquid gel has a therapeutic effect and acts as a lubricant. Initial tests have yielded positive results, but scientists are still working to perfect this new anti-wound eye drop. This new solution can protect people's vision and eliminate the need for risky corneal transplantation.

Care Touch Sterile Alcohol Prep Pads, Medium 2-Ply - 300 Alcohol Wipes

Wet Ones Antibacterial Hand Wipes Singles, Fresh Scent, 48 Count

How does a throat infection pass? (What is good for throat inflammation, how is it treated?)

Wet Ones Antibacterial Hand Wipes Singles, Fresh Scent, 48 Count

What is good for sore throat, how the throat infection passes, how to treat, throat inflammation are the best plants are the answers to the questions you can find in this news. Citizens looking for what can be done for sore throats, especially in cold weather arousing great discomfort, wondering how to pass throat inflammation. The titles we have compiled about this issue may be the solution to your problem. Here are the details ...
What is good for sore throat, throat infection passes, how is treated, throat inflammation, what are the plants that are good answers to the questions in this news. Bacterial or viral agents may cause throat infections and may cause pain and inflammation. Throat inflammation, also known as throat infection, may occur due to viruses, bacteria, allergies or even fungi. As a result of early diagnosis, the success of the treatment process can be increased and the improvement can be accelerated.


Throat infection is an anatomical diagnosis rather than a true diagnosis. Because the human body does not have a single organ called the throat, the throat is a part of our body. There are many different organs in this region, all different infections of this region are generally called üst upper respiratory tract infection ta in medicine and halk throat infection arasında among people. In order to eliminate this confusion, it is useful to define these infections according to their region.

The vast majority of cases are caused by infections caused by close contact with a sick person, and contaminated sites are among the reasons for being close to diseased people, where air pollution is high. It can be experienced at any time of the year, especially during the cold months. It is more common in children and the elderly. Throat infection; It can be caused by viruses such as influenza, mononucleosis, adenovirus, rhinovirus, or by bacteria such as streptococcus bacteria or by some fungi.

Causes of bacterial throat infection: Sinusitis, strep throat, pertussis, epiglottitis.

Symptoms with throat infection: sore throat, throat discomfort, dry throat, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, coughing, sneezing, fatigue.

Symptoms of throat infection in infants: Swelling in the throat, swelling of the lymph nodes (you can understand it as hard muscular tissue near the ear lobe), difficulty swallowing, runny nose, low fever, irritable and cranky, frequent crying, sneezing, accompanied by rash in some cases.

Symptoms of viral throat infection: Drying of the throat, thickening of the voice, feeling of congestion in the pharynx, pain in the sinuses.

Symptoms due to bacterial throat infection: sore throat, fever, headache, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, sneezing, coughing, nausea, vomiting.


You should first consult an otorhinolaryngologist for treatment of a throat infection. The treatment of throat infection may take between 3 and 15 days depending on the causes. In mild cases, the infection spontaneously passes without treatment. In some cases, especially in bacterial infection, medical treatment is required. If the problem is caused by bacteria, antibiotics are the most effective treatment. However, due to the side effects of antibiotics and unconscious use in our country, unfortunately (rightly) a limitation has been imposed by the state.

The common blood of all physicians is to try to pass the disease naturally without taking antibiotics and to administer drug treatment in severe cases. Sore throat caused by viruses, spontaneously passes for a few days. In cases of allergy; apply drug treatment depending on the cause of allergy. In fungal infections; used antifungal drugs. Bacterial; throat swelling is called throat infection in medical literature and is contagious. Your discomfort; If there is dizziness, nausea, vomiting and pain in the neck, see your doctor.


- Add a tablespoon of salt to a glass of warm water, gargle your throat. (Do not swallow this water. Do not use this method if you have high blood pressure.)
- Drink plenty of water. Avoid hot drinks. Every drink you drink during this period should be warm. Extends the healing process by irritating the hot throat.
- You can accelerate your healing process by drinking all kinds of soup and tea.
- Mint, lemon, ginger, such as adding honey to plants to prepare for mixtures.
- Throat lozenges and sprays sold in pharmacies are effective aids.
- Another effective suggestion; gargle by adding some vinegar to a glass of warm water.
- It is another quick treatment method for using onions due to its constituent components and inflammation drying properties. Squeeze the pulp of 2-3 onions that you pass through the blender and mix the remaining water with 1 liter of water and gargle with this water during the day.
- In a glass of warm water, squeeze a full lemon. Add a little salt and a tablespoon of honey. Little by little during the day.
- Adding a little screed to a warm glass of water provided that you do not swallow, making your mouthwash easier.


The most effective way is to strengthen your immune system. Try to eat a balanced diet, try to consume plenty of greens and fruit. Eat fruits and vegetables that are especially strong in vitamin C. You should avoid smoking and avoid going out in dirty air. Room humidifiers are also an effective preventive product for throat infections. You should ventilate your room in summer and winter. Avoid close contact with people with colds and flu. Keep infants and children away from sick people. If children need to be guided in hygiene and cleaning, make sure that they pay attention to hand and body cleaning, even if they do. For long-term, throat infections accompanied by pain and vomiting, see your doctor.


Licorice Root Tea: Licorice root is a plant used in throat infections for many years. Licorice has been used extensively for oral wounds, ulcers, allergies and viral infections besides throat infection. Tea prepared from the plant can be consumed as hot or cold. The prepared tea can be used to gargle 3-4 times daily after cooling. Exaggerated use of licorice tea may cause high blood pressure and may reduce potassium levels. For this reason, consumption should not be overdone.

Sage: Sage plays an effective role in cold disease. It also has quite positive effects for throat infection and cough. Anti microbial and anti-inflammatory properties help reduce throat infection. When consumed by adding lemon to sage, vitamin C support can be provided for the body and can be consumed by sweetening with honey.

Elm Tea: Elm tea is mostly used in North American countries for throat infection. The elm tea is obtained from the inner bark of the elm and when it is introduced with water, it gets a gel consistency. This gel-like substance reduces the infection by covering the throat.

Eucalyptus tea: Eucalyptus influenza and upper respiratory diseases are among the most popular plants. As well as a soothing throat, it minimizes the pain of bronchitis and sinusitis. Eucalyptus tea can be prepared as a boiling water or steam can be inhaled by adding. The prepared tea can also be used as a mouthwash after cooling.

Chamomile Tea: Chamomile tea has a calming and sleep-regulating properties. In addition, chamomile tea can be used for sore throat and infection. As it has a sleeping effect, chamomile tea can be used as a mouthwash after it has cooled down.

Wet Ones Antibacterial Hand Wipes Singles, Fresh Scent, 48 Count

Germ-X Hand Sanitizer, Aloe, Pump Bottle, 30 Fluid Ounce (Pack of 4)

How to treat an inflamed wound?

Germ-X Hand Sanitizer, Aloe, Pump Bottle, 30 Fluid Ounce (Pack of 4)

Inflammatory wound is one of the types of wounds that need to be treated very carefully during the care and treatment process. Wound care nurse Deniz Yahcı, who stated that the inflamed wounds are more risky because of the possibility of inflammation spread, gave information about the inflammatory wounds:

"Inflammatory wounds are the wounds caused by the destruction of the skin as a result of damage to the shape integrity of the skin that surrounds our body in general and destruction of the skin as a whole. These factors start to damage the tissues after a certain period of time, and the tissues respond to this damage.


One of the obvious causes of inflammatory wounds on the skin is the failure to observe hygiene rules. Incompatible materials used in the surgery of a patient undergoing surgical intervention, risks such as hospital infection before discharge to the patient during the treatment process, inadequate home care after discharge may cause infection of the skin wound. Damaged skin tissue is a very convenient feeding place for some types of bacteria. Because the bacteria can easily reach the nutrients they need from the open skin tissue.


In the case of cutting tools, these bacteria can be located up to the subcutaneous tissue and can cause serious problems in the treatment process in the future. Because the growth rate of bacteria increases to amazing levels when it finds suitable conditions. Infection may also occur as a result of animal bites. The biggest risk group consists of bacteria transmitted from cats. Cats have plenty of bacterial flora in their mouths. You're at risk of getting an infection immediately with a bite stroke. "


- Diabetes patients,

- Animal bites,

- Injuries of cutting and piercing tools,

- In the hospital after surgical operations,

- Any unhygienic environment and not keeping the wound clean.


Inflammatory wounds are generally diversified depending on the healing process. These healing processes first occur with antibiotic treatment to destroy bacteria. This process may extend from appropriate antibiotic treatment to surgical interventions. If the inflammation does not close after antibiotic treatment, you should get support from the nearest health institution for wound care treatment. "

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