Sunday, October 6, 2019

Better Nail - Maximum Strength 25% Solution for Anti Fungal Nail Support | Nail Restoring Solution for Toenail & Fingernail Fungus | .5oz or 15ml

What is nail fungus? How does nail fungus pass?

Better Nail - Maximum Strength 25% Solution for Anti Fungal Nail Support | Nail Restoring Solution for Toenail & Fingernail Fungus | .5oz or 15ml

Nail cork is one of the most curious subjects. Most people also suffer from nail fungus is a problem because it is contagious. So what is the mushroom? How does nail fungus pass? Dr.Ata Nejat Ertek, nail fungus explained the most effective treatment methods. Here is the answer to the question of how to pass nail fungus ...

Dermatology Specialist Dr.Ata Nejat Ertek, the nail is a slow growing skin attachment, stating, "Nail fungus (onychomycosis) thickens the nail, discoloration and separates from the nail bed. In our country, nail fungus problem is quite common. Nail fungal diseases are seen in adults. It is a serious health problem due to the development of pain, causing other infections and being contagious. Especially in elderly patients, diabetes patients and patients with defensive system should be more careful. In addition, it causes serious aesthetic problems in the hands and toenails, "he said.


Laser treatment is one of the most effective treatment methods of nail fungus Dr. Dermatology Expert Dr.Ata Nejat Ertek, "Laser treatments, low risk and wide safe use at all ages, high patient compliance and clinical healing is among the first treatment options in nail fungi. The laser light applied to the toenail is applied to the nail bed, without damaging the nail and the soft tissue around it.It must also be applied to the nails of the 5 fingers, because the nails in the other fingers may also have hidden fungus. You can go back to your daily activities immediately after the application. "

Dermatology expert Dr.Ata Nejat Ertek, who stated that laser nail fungus treatment lasts about 15 minutes, said: "One session is sufficient for some patients, while some patients (very advanced stages) need more sessions (6-8 sessions or more). You can have a pedicure or nail polish immediately after the laser procedure.It is important that the period before the laser procedure.You should clean all the nail polishes on your foot 1 day before the laser procedure and do your foot cleaning.
Fungal disease is a discomfort due to environmental factors may be possible to recur. Therefore, information must be obtained from the specialist to protect from the disease, "he said.


Treatment may begin with the removal of the infected nail as far as possible by your physician. This can be done as follows:
Cutting the nail with scissors
the filings
Melt with a cream containing urea
If your infection is mild and limited to a small area of ​​your nails, your dermatologist may give you an antifungal cream or medicated nail polish. If the infection is on a large area of ​​your nail or a few nails, your doctor may give you oral antifungal therapy such as terbinafine or itraconazole. Both drugs can sometimes cause distressing side effects. Itraconazole may cause serious drug interactions. If the nail fungus is resistant to treatment in very severe cases, it may be necessary to remove the entire nail surgically.


Many individuals can be treated with oral antifungal drugs for several months. However, even after the fungus has died, the nail may not return to its normal appearance. Some individuals may relapse even after successful treatment with oral antifungal medication.


Nail color turns yellow or brown. The nail thickens and grows excessively. There may be a smelly buildup under the nails. As the infection progresses, the nail may become crumbly and spilled, or it may become thick enough to cause discomfort or pain in the shoe.


Your dermatologist can make a diagnosis by looking at the appearance of your hand and toenails. Sometimes small samples can be taken from your nails. These samples are sent to the laboratory for testing and the diagnosis is definitive.


Professions whose feet remain moist for a long time (soldiers, athletes, miners, etc.)
A history of illness (diabetes, circulatory disorder, HIV) that may reduce your resistance to infection or block blood flow to your toes
Injury to the nail, traumas
Wearing narrow and pointed shoes that pinch the fingers,
Use of communal areas such as changing rooms, swimming pool and shower
Wear the same shoes in a row
Manicure and pedicure in non-hygienic environment with non-sterilized instruments
Pressing the ground with bare feet
Moist environment caused by excessive sweating of feet
Poor foot hygiene
How long is the expected duration of nail fungus?

Nail cork rarely heals itself. It is usually a chronic (long-lasting) condition. It may worsen and affect other nails. Although the affected nail falls, the new nail may be infected with fungus.


To protect from nail fungus:

You should wear comfortable shoes and socks that allow your feet to breathe.
No shoes, sandals or slippers belonging to others should be worn in the common shower and dressing rooms.
Wash your feet every day. Dry thoroughly and use a quality foot powder.
Wear clean socks every day.
Keep your nails short.
Disinfect pedicure instruments before use.

Better Nail - Maximum Strength 25% Solution for Anti Fungal Nail Support | Nail Restoring Solution for Toenail & Fingernail Fungus | .5oz or 15ml

FUNGINIX Finger and Toe Fungus Treatment - Maximum Strength Anti-Fungal Solution, Eliminate Fungal Infections, Powerful & Effective (1 Fluid Ounce)

Nail Fungus Treatment

FUNGINIX Finger and Toe Fungus Treatment - Maximum Strength Anti-Fungal Solution, Eliminate Fungal Infections, Powerful & Effective (1 Fluid Ounce)

What are the causes of nail fungus?
The fungi that cause nail fungus are various. Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Candida albicans mushrooms are most common. The fungi settle in dead skin cells around the nail, under the nail and in the nail.

The nail fungus settles on the nail when the nail is damaged. If there is fungus on the skin of the foot, it may pass to the nail. The humid, warm and closed environment facilitates the placement of the fungus.

What are the factors that increase nail fungus formation?

Injury of the nail during sports or accidents
Diabetes, psoriasis, weakened immunity
To smoke
Walk around wet areas with toluene-free toluene
Manicure and pedicure in unclean places
What are the symptoms of nail fungus?
Yellow lines on nails
Thickened and discolored nails
Nail discharge
Fingernail in white fields
Quick-breaking, spilled nails
Is nail fungus contagious?
Nail fungus is contagious. Daily fungal spray or powder should be used on the feet. The socks should be clean and dry and replaced every day. The same shoe should be allowed to remain dry and not worn every day. Fungus sprays or cork powders should be poured into the shoe for shoe cleaning.

What other measures can be taken to prevent nail fungus?

Treatment of athlete's foot
Slippers should be used in areas such as gymnasiums, swimming pools that are used in mass and printed with bare feet.
Toenails should not be cut regularly and kept short.
Leather shoes should be preferred.
Foot and hand nail scissors should be separate.
Slippers should be worn on wet floors as fungus will accumulate.
Shoes and slippers should not be shared with other people.
Powder and spray should be used before wearing socks.
Narrow and tight shoes should not be worn. Nail damage facilitates fungal placement.
In manicure and pedicure, the person should bring their own devices.
If there is nail fungus, the nail clippers should be cleaned with alcohol before healthy nails are cut.

How to treat nail fungus?
Medicated nail polish is used in nail fungus. It should be continued regularly for at least 6 months. Fungicides are used if there is no response to nail polish or if it is a common nail fungus. Fungus pills should be used for at least 3-4 months. Then continue with medicated nail polish. If there is no response to treatment or if there is a condition that prevents the use of medication, nail fungus treatment should be performed with laser.

Why treat cork fungus?
Nail fungus is contagious and progressive. Keeps all nails over time. As age gets worse, treatment becomes difficult. With the effect of age, the nails become thicker and hard to cut over time. It is easier to enter the skin from the nail fungus areas. It causes inflammation especially in diabetics. Therefore, nail fungus should be treated as soon as possible.

FUNGINIX Finger and Toe Fungus Treatment - Maximum Strength Anti-Fungal Solution, Eliminate Fungal Infections, Powerful & Effective (1 Fluid Ounce)

Gold Mountain Beauty Fungal Nail Eliminator with Tolnaftate and Puredia SeaBerry, Foot Therapy Antifungal Treatment for toenail Fungus formulated by a Physician, Brush On Oil, 0.5oz Bottle

How to Get rid of Nail Fungus?

Gold Mountain Beauty Fungal Nail Eliminator with Tolnaftate and Puredia SeaBerry, Foot Therapy Antifungal Treatment for toenail Fungus formulated by a Physician, Brush On Oil, 0.5oz Bottle

Nail fungal infection can begin as a white or yellow spot on the tip of the nail, but it can also affect any part of the nail. As the nail fungus spreads deep into the nail, it can cause nail discoloration, thickening of the nail and crumbling of the edges; It is a problem that looks ugly and can cause pain. These infections usually occur on fingernails that are constantly exposed to warm and humid environments such as sweaty shoes or shower floors. Some people are genetically more susceptible to nail fungus, while swimming and sweating, as a result of accumulation of moisture causes fungus formation. In extreme cases, nail fungus can be very painful and affect one's ability to use hands and / or feet.

Trying Home Solutions

Drip tea tree oil on fingernail. Tea tree oil has been used as an antiseptic and fungicide for centuries. Drop a few drops directly into the fungus area or dip the cotton into the tea tree oil and apply it to the affected area.
Use a toothbrush to gently rub your fingernail. Do not forget to dispose of the toothbrush after using it for this purpose.
Try mixing tea tree oil and olive oil and rub it on your fingernail. You can use this mixture or just tea tree oil as often as you like. Twice a day is usually sufficient for mild cases.
Tea tree oil is an inexpensive and wonderful treatment without side effects. [1]

Mix a mixture of carbonate, peroxide, white vinegar and salt. Mix 4 cups (1 liter) of hot water with ¼ cup (60 ml) of hydrogen peroxide and ½ cup (120 g) of Epsom salt. Then, add 1/4 cup (60 ml) of white vinegar. All these materials can be found at the pharmacy where you live. Insert your fingernail directly into this mixture or dip a piece of cotton into the mixture and hold it on your fingernail for about 10 minutes. Repeat twice a day.

Apply pure orange oil to your fingernails. Like tea tree oil, orange oil is used as a fungicide and can help to pass nail fungus. Make sure the oil is applied not only on the toenail, but also below it. Before applying the orange oil, apply a small amount of skin to make sure you are not allergic.

Crush fresh garlic and mix with white vinegar. When garlic is used raw, it has antifungal properties. Be careful to crush the garlic thoroughly to expose all of its allicin, a compound with antifungal properties. Keep the toenail in the mixture as long as it does not cause any discomfort. Consuming raw garlic can also help repel the fungus.

Use apple cider vinegar because of its acidic properties that fight bacteria. The acidity of apple cider vinegar prevents the spread of fungus and kills bacteria at the same time. Dilute the vinegar with an equal amount of water and leave the nail in solution for 30 minutes. Repeat this every day and do not neglect to dry thoroughly after keeping your fingernail in solution.

Soak affected area in mouthwash that kills bacteria. Alcohol in the mouthwash acts as an antiseptic, and germicidal compounds help to destroy the fungus. Insert the nail into the mouthwash every day and wait for about 15 minutes.

Drive the Vicks VapoRub. Apply a small amount of decongestant cream to your fingernail and put your socks on your feet or put on your gloves before going to bed. Don't forget to take all the moisture off your fingernail before you put on Vicks.

Cover the affected area with lavender oil. Lavender oil has antiseptic properties and helps relieve irritated skin. Heat lavender oil in microwave oven to burn your skin. Dip a piece of cotton into the oil and press the affected place several times a day for several minutes.

Try to use oregano oil because of its antifungal properties. Oregano oil can do wonders for your nail fungus. A few drops of oil drip to the affected area several times a day.

Squeeze the lemon juice over and around your fingernails. Citric acid in lemon prevents the fungus from spreading to other nails or other parts of the body. Wait 15 minutes in the affected area, then rinse thoroughly with water. [2]

Medical Treatments

Take an oral medicine. If none of the above home remedies helped you, go to the doctor to take a prescription oral fungicide. The doctor will take a nail sample to confirm that you need medication. Terbinafine (Lamisil) and itraconazole (Sporanox) are two prescription drugs considered to be particularly effective. Ask your doctor what medicine is best for your condition.
If you are suffering from nail fungus or there is a risk of developing cellulite, the doctor may prescribe you an oral medicine.
Oral medication allows the nail to regenerate without a fungus, but it takes a long time to fully regenerate the nail. It usually takes 6-12 weeks for the drug to take effect, but it may take several months for the infection to heal completely.
Be aware that oral medications may have some side effects, such as rash and liver problems.

Use a nail polish remover. If the infection is not severe enough to take oral medication, your doctor may prescribe you a topical antifungal nail polish. Nail polish is similar to colorless nail polishes and is used only on the surface of the fungus. Cyclopirox (Opilox) is the most commonly written nail polish. [3]
Drive the affected area once a day for 48 weeks. Then clean the area you are wearing with isopropyl alcohol and wax again in layers.
The disadvantage of nail polish is that it takes an incredibly long time to remove the infection. Might take a year to clear the fungus.

Try a topical cream or gel. Alternatively, the physician may prescribe creams or gels that have antifungal properties or contain urea (urea helps absorb excess moisture). Some of these treatments require a prescription, others are available without a prescription.

Prefer surgery. For severe infections, it may be necessary to remove some or all of the infected nail. Don't worry, your nail will come out again, but it takes some time and you may have some pain in the process.

Become a laser treatment. Doctors can now treat nail fungus using laser or photodynamic therapy. The laser treatment method has only existed for several years and may not be available in some places. In addition, the process can be very expensive.

Preventing Nail Fungus

Watch the hygiene. Make sure your nails are as airy as possible. You can keep your nails dry by avoiding tight shoes, womens socks and pantyhose and creating open toe shoes that create a sweaty environment for your nails.

Keep your nails short, dry and clean. Use a manicure / pedicure set to treat your nails frequently. Keeping your nails short prevents bacteria from being trapped under your nails.

Wear breathable socks. Avoid cotton and wool socks if you think you will sweat while wearing. Synthetic socks are better in terms of not allowing moisture to accumulate and being trapped in the stocking.

Wear plastic gloves when washing dishes or using cleaning products. This not only prevents you from touching the bacteria while doing housework, but also keeps your hands dry. Bacteria like to live in warm, humid places, so keep your nails as far away from such environments as possible.

Always wear shoes in public places. This is especially important if you take a shower in the gym. If many people use the same shower, wear sandals. These places, which are constantly wet and warm and full of sweaty people, are bacteria nests.

Stay away from seduction manicure pedicure salons. Make sure that the manicure pedicure salon you visit is properly sterilizing your instruments and basins after each customer.
If you don't want to ask the owners, or if you're not sure if they're honest about it, bring your own nail set and ask them to do the manicure and pedicure with your tools and your nail polish.
You can also completely stop painting your fingernails or attaching false nails. Nail polish traps moisture in the nails and can cause small cuts that attract bacteria. [4]

Gold Mountain Beauty Fungal Nail Eliminator with Tolnaftate and Puredia SeaBerry, Foot Therapy Antifungal Treatment for toenail Fungus formulated by a Physician, Brush On Oil, 0.5oz Bottle

Toenail Fungus Stop Nail Repair Pen 4 Pcs, Nail Fungus Stop, Fingernail Fungus,Fungi Nail Fungus Remover, Fungus Nail Care Solution

How toe cork fungus?

Toenail Fungus Stop Nail Repair Pen 4 Pcs, Nail Fungus Stop, Fingernail Fungus,Fungi Nail Fungus Remover, Fungus Nail Care Solution

Superficial fungi that cause skin and nail lesions on the feet can be transmitted from soil, air, animals and humans. How is the first and most typical symptom of toenail fungal itching? Here is what you need to know about toenail fungus and the treatment methods that can be followed for passing ...

Fungal diseases are infectious skin diseases caused by a kind of micro-organism that belongs to the group called "fungi and yeasts" in the classification of living things. It can be seen in the skin tissue in various parts of the body. Fungal diseases are the most common cause of infectious infections with 50% of all skin diseases. Therefore, having information about fungal diseases such as fungus helps protect your body against fungi or help you take the necessary treatment steps in time.

In addition to superficial and allergic fungal diseases known since ancient times, there is also an increase in infections caused by opportunistic fungi today. The most important reason for the spread of opportunistic fungi is the destruction of our immune system by our changing dietary and living habits. Superficial fungal infections are limited to the skin, nails and mucous membranes in the body. It affects millions of people around the world but is easy to treat. Opportunistic fungi occur when the body resistance is weakest and cause disease not only in superficial tissues but also in internal organs. In this respect, treatment is more difficult.

Causes of Nail Fungus?

Mushrooms live in dark and humid environments and are contagious. A fungus from a place does not immediately cause disease, so it waits for the right time, a weak moment of the body. Our feet, which spend most of the day in closed shoes, is a suitable environment for the growth of fungi. When the appropriate environment conditions are added to the narrow, non-breathing shoes that cause continuous injuries to the feet and nails, it is almost inevitable that the nails become infected. Commonly worn shoes, slippers, non-disinfected pool water, constantly wet and hot floors on the beach, sun loungers, common manicure and pedicure instruments that are not sterilized are potentially fungal infectious. Since autoimmune diseases also disrupt the body's defense mechanism, these patients have a high incidence of fungal infections. For any reason, the body of people using immunosuppressive drugs is also prone to fungal infections.

Symptoms of Nail Fungus

Flushing of cuticle
Itching between fingers
Dandruff, flaking
Watery wounds on the nails
Color change on nail surface, yellowing
Quick break
Loss of transparency of the nail

How to Prevent Nail Fungus?


It is necessary to pay maximum attention to hygiene rules in common areas such as military areas, boarding schools, swimming pool, Turkish bath, sauna, barber-hairdresser salon where many people are present at the same time. On the other hand, excessive hygiene in personal cleaning disrupts the normal flora of the skin in such a way as to provide a favorable environment for harmful organisms. This leads to the reduction of beneficial microorganisms in the body and weakens the immune system over time. The most accurate and simple application to prevent nail fungus is to keep the feet clean but always dry. If you suspect nail fungus, your first job should be to make an appointment with a dermatologist. In order for the treatment to be successful, the type of fungus causing the infection must be determined. Although fungal treatment takes a long time, it is almost always very successful. Diabetic patients, especially those who are at risk of tissue damage, need to pay more attention to foot care. If you need to summarize the basic rules of nail care;

Keep your nails clean and dry.
Cut your toenails regularly without allowing them to grow too long. If your toenails are hard and thick, it is difficult to cut them after the bath, while the nails are soft.
Cut your nails straight.
Make sure that the tools you use to cut and shape your nails are clean and not rusted.
Do not wear shoes that squeeze your feet. Choose shoes that are made of materials that allow airflow and do not sweat.
If you notice a change in nail separation, swelling, redness, pain or bleeding, seek medical attention.
Nail Treatments Natural Treatments

Fungus alone is not a dangerous organism. In fact, fungi are extremely vital creatures for the maintenance of natural life, and their absence means the collapse of the ecosystem. Mushrooms, which are naturally present in the human body and do beneficial work for our health under normal conditions, become harmful when the micro-organism balance of the body is disrupted. Therefore, the most natural treatment of nail fungus is to maintain the balance of the body eco-system by feeding clean, natural, balanced and varied. Food products that we use for feeding, not wrapping, wrapping, smoking, bathing with water disrupt the balance of beneficial bacteria and fungi of the body and bring more harm than good.

On the other hand, laser treatment of natural methods is applied to fungi that have been detected but do not yet cause infection. Depending on the type and location of the fungus, the fungi can be destroyed after several sessions.

Toenail Fungus Stop Nail Repair Pen 4 Pcs, Nail Fungus Stop, Fingernail Fungus,Fungi Nail Fungus Remover, Fungus Nail Care Solution

EXTRA STRONG Finger & Toenail Fungus Treatment| Organic & USA Made Nail Fungus Treat-ment| Cure Athlete's Foot & Infected Nails with Our Fungus Treatment| Best Antiseptic Toe Nail Fungus Treatment

Recommendations such as medications for foot nail fungus

EXTRA STRONG Finger & Toenail Fungus Treatment| Organic & USA Made Nail Fungus Treat-ment| Cure Athlete's Foot & Infected Nails with Our Fungus Treatment| Best Antiseptic Toe Nail Fungus Treatment

Toenail fungus is an infectious disease that is very uncomfortable in terms of its appearance. Even if you think you are good in terms of hygiene, you may still experience the problem of athlete's foot. If you use foot toad fungus, but if you can not assign this kind of trouble, we can give you advice on future fungus like medicine. Here are homemade natural recipes that will come as a remedy for foot nail fungus…

Dealing with toenail fungus is very troublesome. The most important reason why foot nail fungus is so troublesome and difficult is that it spreads easily from person to person and can easily spread to surrounding tissues.

If you try all kinds of medicines for toenail fungus, but you can not get rid of some kind of toenail fungus you can try home-made natural treatments.

Here are the advice to get rid of toenail fungus in a short period of time, such as medicines to the foot nail fungus ...

Causes of toenail fungus, what are the symptoms of toenail fungus?

• Foot nail fungi, medically known as onychomycosis, are the same as the fungus on athletes foot.
• Toenail fungus is transformed into toenail fungus by combining the existing fungi in your foot in a warm and restless environment.
• Fungal infection of nails due to nail discoloration and yellowing
• Infected nail fungi tend to turn into a thick nail.
• Advancing nail fungus can cause infection, pain, inflammation.
• When the progression is accelerated, the fungus can separate from the skin and cause bad smell and various infections.

How to prevent toenail fungus?

It is necessary to clean the hands and feet continuously in order to pass the toenail fungus quickly.
• Those with toenail fungus should prefer open shoes and cotton socks as much as they can.
• Do not walk barefoot in public pools and sports halls. These conditions will help you prevent your toenail fungus.
• Keeping the nails moist for a long time is one of the most important causes of fungal infection.
• Remember that the pedicure sets used in hairdressing salons must be sterilized.
If you also have toenail fungus, avoid artificial nail polishes whenever possible.

Natural remedies for nail fungus ...

If you think that you can not get rid of this problem despite the use of toenail fungus drugs, we have researched for you, foot nail fungus, such as medicine, you can not say the next natural methods.

Vinegar and oral care water

• Pour white vinegar into a container. Add an equal amount of oral care water.

• Make sure that the volume of the mixture is sufficient to wet your nails.

How to apply?

• Dip your fungal nails into the mixture for about 30 minutes.
• After drying your nails with plain water, you can dry them with a clean towel.
• Repeat at least twice a day for at least two months.

Epsom salt and vinegar method

Vinegar will help protect an acidic environment that prevents fungal growth in the foot area and acts as a fungicide over a period of time.
Epsom salt is one of the most effective home remedies for healing your toenails.

Epsom salt, if used regularly, will help prevent the acidic environment of your toenails.

• 2-3 cups of hot water
• 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
• 1/4 cup Epsom salt

How to apply?

• Check the temperature of the water, making sure that the temperature is gradually warm.

• Funga-affected fingernails or toenails are fully immersed in water and soak for about 20 to 30 minutes.

• Keep the area dry with an absorbent towel.
• For complete recovery, repeat the remedy twice a day for at least two months.

Flavored cream method

Recommendations such as medications for foot nail fungus

Menthol cream is not only used at home but also used by many health services in the treatment of foot toenail fungus.

• Menthol cream
• Gauze

How to apply?

Recommendations such as medications for foot nail fungus

• Apply menthol cream to clean and dry toenails affected by fungus.
• Place the mentholed cream under the nail as much as you can and make sure that it spreads well. Wrap your finger with a bandage soak one night.
Coconut oil method

Recommendations such as medications for foot nail fungus
Caprylic acid content in coconut oil is known to be very useful in the treatment of toenail fungus because of its antifungal properties. Coconut oil also nourishes your nails, helping to eliminate the appearance of infected nails.

How to apply?

• Apply a little coconut oil on toenail fungus 2-3 times a day.
• Apply twice a day for an effective solution to the problem of toenail fungus.

Corn flour method

Recommendations such as medications for foot nail fungus
Corn flour is a very effective natural method in the treatment of nail fungus.
Regularly applied cornmeal method helps to reduce the infection of the toenail fungus in a short time and provides a healthy growth of your nails.

How is it applied?

Recommendations such as medications for foot nail fungus

1 bowl of corn flour
1 liter of water
• Soak your feet in this mixture for 30 minutes.
• Rinse with plain water and dry with a clean towel.
• For good results, repeat daily for 1 month before going to bed.

EXTRA STRONG Finger & Toenail Fungus Treatment| Organic & USA Made Nail Fungus Treat-ment| Cure Athlete's Foot & Infected Nails with Our Fungus Treatment| Best Antiseptic Toe Nail Fungus Treatment

Nail Fungus Repair, Maximum Strength Fungal Toenail Solution, Nail Repair, Restores Healthy Appearance of Discolored & Damaged Nails

What is nail fungus? Why? Symptoms and treatment

Nail Fungus Repair, Maximum Strength Fungal Toenail Solution, Nail Repair, Restores Healthy Appearance of Discolored & Damaged Nails

Nail fungi are a very common infectious infection and seriously impair the quality of life. Treatment of fungal infections of the hands or toenails can take quite a long time and requires the use of very strong drugs. Many forms of medicine are used in the treatment; some of them are applied to the nails while others need to be taken as pills. Starting the treatment of nail fungus without consulting a physician can be very dangerous. Because some medicines used have serious side effects; therefore, it should be used correctly under the supervision of a doctor.

What is nail fungus?
Nail fungi are a common infectious disease that begins as white or yellow spots under the nail tips. As the fungal infection deepens, it can cause the nail to change color, thicken and break. If your nail fungus is painful and causes thickened nails, you may need to take medication under medical supervision. Nail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, is a highly contagious fungal infection that rarely affects the hands and toes.

It begins with the appearance of a white or yellow dot on or under the nail tip and may cause the nail to change color, thicken or even break as the infection progresses. It may affect several or all of the nails. Unless treated, infection can spread to the other foot or to different parts of the body. The prevalence of the disease is around 10% of the general population, but it is twice as high in people over 60 years of age.

What is Athlete's Foot? Why? Symptoms and treatment

There may be many other reasons why your nails may look different than they are. You may need to consult a qualified doctor to ensure that you have a yeast infection. If your condition is mild and does not bother you, you may not need intensive treatment. However, if you have pain, smell from your nails or thicken, you may need serious care and medication. Click here for nail fungus pictures: Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3

Symptoms of nail fungus
If your nail is thickened, dried or shattered (Figure 4)
If the nail is deformed (Figure 5)
If the nail has white or yellow lines
If your nail breaks easily
If it has lost its brightness and becomes dull
If the color is dark (Picture 6)
If smell comes from mushroom nails
If you have the above symptoms on one or more nails, always consult a dermatologist. Infected nails can be separated from the nail bed. As a result, you may feel pain and detect a bad smell. You may need to see a doctor if your self-care does not solve your problem. If you have diabetes and think you are developing nail fungus, you should get help from an expert.

What is Dermatology? What does a dermatologist do? Important skin diseases

Causes of nail fungus
Fungi are microscopic organisms that do not require sunlight to survive. Nail fungal infections are usually caused by dermatophyte fungi. These fungi often live harmlessly on your skin, but sometimes they can multiply and cause infections. Mushrooms; live in warm, humid environments, including swimming pools and showers. They can invade your skin through cuts.

If your nails are often exposed to warm and humid conditions, you are at increased risk of becoming nail fungus. Nail fungi are more common in the toenails. Because;

Most toenails are found in a dark, warm and humid environment - in your shoes - where fungi can grow.
Fingers have less blood flow than fingers. This makes it difficult for your body's immune system to find infection.
Men have more nail fungal infections than women. The older you get, the greater the risk. Other than that if;

If athletes
If you smoke
If you spend too much time in water or in humid environments
If you do not keep your feet clean and dry
If you wear shoes that sweat the feet
Walk around barefoot where fungal infections can easily spread, such as shared showers, changing rooms and gyms
If your nails are damaged for any reason
If your immune system is weak
If you have some other health condition, such as diabetes, psoriasis or peripheral arterial disease, you are at increased risk of getting nail fungus.
Factors that increase the risk of nail fungus
Decreased blood flow due to aging, exposure to fungi for many years and slower elongation of nails
Breathing heavily
Being male, especially if you have a history of nail fungal infection in your family
Working in a humid environment or in a job where your hands are often wet, such as bartending or room cleaning
Wearing socks and shoes that leave feet stuffy or sweaty
Living with someone who has nail fungus
Walk bare feet in damp public areas like swimming pools, gym
Small skin or nail damage or skin disease such as psoriasis
Children with diabetes, circulatory problems, having a weakened immune system or Down's syndrome
Before going to the doctor
Preparing before meeting with your doctor may facilitate the diagnosis and treatment process. List your personal information, including recent life changes and illnesses. List all medicines, vitamins and supplements you take.

What can you ask about nail fungus?
Do not hesitate to ask your doctor any questions you may have. Here are some questions you can ask to manage your treatment correctly:

Why did I have nail fungus?
Are the drugs I will use dangerous? What tests do I need?
What other alternative approaches to treatment exist?
I have other health problems. How do I best manage them together?
Diagnosis of nail fungus
You may need to see a foot specialist (a podiatrist) or a skin specialist (a dermatologist) first. Your toenail should be checked by a qualified physician, as toenail may resemble other ailments, including psoriasis. Physical examination alone is not enough. Studies have shown that only 50-60% of cases of abnormal nail appearance are caused by fungi.

What is Ingrown Toenail? Causes and treatment

Your doctor will examine your nail and send it to a laboratory to identify the type of fungus that may cause infection by scraping off some residue under the nail. Knowing the cause of your infection helps determine the best course of treatment. Most drugs used to treat nail fungus have side effects, so it is very important to correctly diagnose the disease and administer the treatment only by a specialist.

Treatment of nail fungus
Home care: If your nail fungus is not very advanced, you can achieve success with simple treatment methods at home:

Keep your feet clean and dry
Use separate nail clippers to cut your infected nails
If your nail looks uncomfortable or you feel pain, you can ask your pharmacist. We can offer you the following treatment products:
1- Antifungal nail cream: The infection may take up to 12 months to recover and you may not always get results.
2- Nail softening cream: Used for 2 weeks to soften the nail so that infection can be scraped off
Medications for nail fungus
If self-care strategies and over-the-counter products have not helped, your doctor may recommend a combination of prescription drugs and other approaches. The recommended treatment combination is usually as follows:

A topical cream to be applied directly on the nail
A topical nail polish: The nail is first cleaned and polished.
Regular cleaning of the nail or damaged area of ​​the nail: Trimming and cleaning the nails can help reduce the amount of fungus in the nails and is highly recommended. This also reduces pain.
Antifungal prescription pills: These drugs prevent the infection of a new nail and slowly replenish infected parts. Usually you use these drugs for 6 to 12 weeks. However, you cannot see the results of the treatment until the nail is fully enlarged. An infection can take four months or more to disappear. In order to be more effective, drug treatment should be used together with topical products. Tablets may have side effects. You may occasionally need to have a blood test to check the effect of these drugs on your body. Doctors may not recommend these drugs for pregnant women, liver disease, or congestive heart failure, or for those taking certain medications. Side effects such as headache, itching and diarrhea may also occur.

The treatment applied is as follows:

Terbinafine and Itraconazole: Effective drugs for fungal infections of the nail. There are 80 %90% treatment success for hand nails and 70 ayak80% for foot nails. It is taken on a full stomach for 6 weeks for hand nails and for 12 weeks for foot nails. Itraconazole is usually given in cures for one week each month. Two times for hand nails and three times for foot nails, 7 days medication 21 days without medication is usually sufficient. However, since the new normal nail grows very slowly, it may take up to 6 months for the nails to regain their normal appearance after treatment.

Depending on the type of fungus that causes the infection and the degree of infection, you may need to take these medications for several months. If the infection is severe, topical solutions are often not effective in treating nail fungi alone. This is because external applications are very difficult to penetrate into the nail. Provides very slow and long-term recovery.

However, one of the most important advantages of topical treatment is the absence of serious side effects such as drug treatment. In addition, there is always the risk of recurrence of nail fungus after treatment. Therefore, protection after treatment is very important.

Nail fungus surgery
If your nail infection is severe and very painful, surgical intervention may be necessary to completely remove the nail. It is a simple procedure performed under local anesthesia. Grow a new nail in place. But this process can take up to a year.

Laser treatment of nail fungus
High-energy laser treatment is also an option to destroy fungi. However, this is an expensive treatment only in special cases. There are not enough studies on this type of treatment. In one study, antifungal nail cream and carbon dioxide laser treatment were tested and suggested to be partially effective.

Treatment of nail fungus with laser technology

Herbal treatment of nail fungus
Although some people say that they have achieved successful results with alternative approaches in the treatment of nail fungi, there is no accepted scientific research on this subject. Especially in advanced stage nail fungus cases will not be able to be effective in herbal methods. However, some herbal treatments recommended by some sources are as follows.

Snakeroot extract: This product comes from the plants of the sunflower family. In a study involving 110 people, it was suggested to be as effective as cyclopyrox. The treatment was administered once every 3 days for the first month, twice a week for the second month and once a week for the third month.
Tea tree oil: Twice a day, this product is said to be effective in the treatment of nail fungus, but further studies are required.
Cuticle and diabetes
Diabetes is a risk factor for nail fungus. Furthermore, the treatment process in diabetes patients can be longer and more difficult. If you have a suppressed immune system due to medications, diabetes, or other conditions, you can cause different and serious infections that go beyond your feet.

If you have diabetes, blood circulation and nerve conduction in your feet may be reduced. The risk of bacterial skin infection (cellulitis) is also higher. Therefore, you should be cautious about relatively minor injuries to your feet, including nail fungal infection.

How to protect yourself from nail fungus?
Wash your hands and feet regularly and keep your nails short and dry.
Wash your hands and feet with soap and water, rinse and dry thoroughly, including between your toes. Straighten the nails with a nail file
Wear socks that do not sweat. Change your socks frequently, especially if your feet are too sweaty.
Choose shoes that reduce moisture.
Discard the old shoes. If possible, avoid wearing old shoes that contain fungi and cause infection.
Use an antifungal spray or powder. Spray or sprinkle your feet and the inside of your shoes.
Wear rubber gloves. Invert the gloves to dry between uses.
Do not damage the skin around your nails. This can cause germs to reach your skin and nails.
Do not walk barefoot in public places. Wear sandals or shoes in pools, showers and changing rooms.
Make sure you go to a manicure or pedicure to sterilize the instruments. Better yet, bring it yourself and disinfect them after use.
Drop the nail polishes. Although it is tempting to hide nail fungal infections under beautiful pink polish, it can keep the nail moist and aggravate the infection.
Wash hands after touching an infected nail. Nail fungus is highly contagious.

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Causes of cork fungus? How does nail fungus pass?

Toenail Fungus Stop Nail Repair Pen 2 Pcs, Nail Fungus Stop, Fingernail Fungus,Fungi Nail Fungus Remover, Fungus Nail Care Solution

One of the most common nail infections, nail fungus, does not cause any pain or leakage, disturbing in terms of appearance is a health problem. It can be cured by careful treatment. The nail fungus is caused by single cell fungi called 'dermatophytes'. Only mold and yeast can cause infections of nail fungus. Read our article to learn the causes, symptoms and treatment of nail fungus
Nail fungus is a common infectious infection. Cuticle infection, also known as onychomycosis, is a disease caused by dermatophytes. As the infection progresses, it may cause the nail to change color, thicken or even break. Symptoms increase as the nail turns from yellow to brown and green. It may affect several or all of the nails. Unless treated, infection can spread to the other foot or to different parts of the body. It causes nail loss in cases where treatment is delayed. Nail fungus is a process that one should support with personal care and natural treatments. In particular, the mushrooms transmitted from public environments are seen in hot and humid places. Fungus that disrupts the structure of the nail, easily spreads and causes nail loss in a short time is a problem that can be treated.

Your nails; Thickened, dried or shredded, distorted, white or yellow streaks, easily broken, lost brightness, dull, darkened, and if you smell odor from your fingernail is infected. If the treatment process is not started, nail fungus will continue to spread.

Causes of nail fungus
If your nails are often exposed to warm and humid conditions, you are more likely to experience nail fungus problems. Nail fungi are more common in the toenails.
Men have more nail fungal infections than women. The older you get, the greater the risk. Other than that if;
If athletes
If you smoke
If you spend too much time in water or in humid environments
If you do not keep your feet clean and dry
If you wear shoes that sweat the feet
Walk around barefoot where fungal infections can easily spread, such as shared showers, changing rooms and gyms
If your nails are damaged for any reason
If your immune system is weak
If you have some other health condition, such as diabetes, psoriasis or peripheral arterial disease, you are at increased risk of getting nail fungus.

The first step in the treatment of nail fungus is nail polish drugs. Drugs applied on the nail, the fungus aims to eliminate. However, oral medications are other processes of treatment. With medications taken orally for 6-7 weeks for hand nails and 12-13 weeks for foot nails, achievements of up to 80% in fungi can be achieved.

Depending on the treatment process, your hands or feet will get rid of the fungus in about 6 months. In order to obtain positive results, regular use of drugs and personal care should be taken into consideration.

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