Wednesday, November 20, 2019

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How to Get Rid of Yeast Infection? Natural treatment for candidiasis

NutraBlast Boriotic Boric Acid Suppositories 800mg Complex w/Aloe Vera & FOS Probiotic Enhancer, 30 Count | All Natural Made in USA

Fungal infection
Yeast, fungus, is a type of growth in which the body results in an infection. The most common fungal infection is candidiasis. Number or more than 20 of Candida bacterial species reach with Candida albicans, the most common among them. All surfaces of the human body living under certain conditions, this fungus starts growing in number, and the infection breaks out. These are the most common humid and / or hot areas that are subject to such an epidemic. Infections caused by Candida bacteria are vaginal fungal infections, diaper and skin rash, juniper (oral cavity tissue infection) and nailbed infections.

Underarms are one of the most common areas of fungal infections. Our skin, as a rule, successfully prevents the Maya, but a cut of the skin or a breakdown can open a gate to penetrate these bacteria. The likelihood of fungal infection in the mouth grows with age. Adult yeast infections can occur around dentures, nailbeds, under the lower abdomen and under the chest as well as under other skin folds. As a rule there are these varieties of candida infections superficial and easy to clean.

When systemic candida disease spreads throughout the whole body - yeast infection - are rare and in cases up to 75 percent of cases end up with death. Even vaginal candidiasis is common in such varieties or oral fungal infections can grow into a critical disease, resistant to common treatment.

A manifestation of successive fungal infections may be a more serious disease such as leukemia, diabetes or AIDS.

American Diabetes AssociationAccording to the American Diabetes Association:

The effects of diabetes become more pronounced over time. People who don't control their blood sugar well can constantly develop complications related to high levels. One complication is that it is difficult to fight infections, fungi or bacteria.
Symptoms of yeast infection
Its signs and symptoms indicate the area of ​​candida infection.
Female vaginal yeast infection is in the form of white cheese discharge. They're usually the cause of painful sexual intercourse, such as irritation around the vagina and external tissues, burning and itching.
Juniper (term for oral candidiasis) parches having thick red form, white red facets, found anywhere in the mouth: palate, tongue, etc. The only difference with these patches being that they are not easy to remove or wipe away at all may be wrong for milk curds.
Candida skin infections have a larger red flat rash (the edges reminiscent of that of a comb) and several similar looking but smaller parches, "satellite lesions." These rashes can be painful and itchy.
When the immune system is weakened, candida infections do not penetrate different internal organs and affect them, causing dysfunction and pain in the affected organ.
Spreading into the blood In the case of Candida, the disease can be continued or without fever. In case the infection reaches the brain, it can cause serious deterioration of behavior and mental function.
Causes of Yeast Infection
One of the most commonly used yeast infections in women is vaginal itching, burning and discharging. Most women start growing these bacteria found in the vagina and cause an infection due to changes in the balance of the vagina's environment. The other most common cause of yeast overgrowth is antibiotics and steroids, pregnancy, menstruation and diabetes, as well as sperm and birth control pills, though these conditions can also contribute to getting candidiasis. Women are more subject to smearing yeast after menopause.

Candida infection has spread throughout the body and is life-threatening in people with weakened results such as the immune system, steroids, cancer treatments or diseases like AIDS. The most affected organ in this case is the eye with the brain, blood, kidney, heart and liver, spleen and lungs being less commonly affected by infection. The growth of these bacteria in people with AIDS is also the main cause of esophagitis (a variety of sore throat).

There are about 15 percent of people with weakened immune systems that are subject to the development of a systemic disease caused by Candida bacteria. Infection penetrates deep into the bloodstream, entering the mucous membranes or skin and breakdown of the breakdown and into the body. Frequent use and potent antibiotic abuse kill Candida useful bacteria to fight and keep control of growth.

Another gateway has such instruments as deeper skin ports or urinary catheters that reach the yeast. Yeast can also be injected directly into the deeper tissue or into the bloodstream by using the drug procedures, using dirty needles.

National Institutes of Health National Institutes of Health:

Fungal infections affect different parts of the body in different ways:
Thrush is a yeast infection that causes white spots in the mouth
Juniper, which spreads to the esophagus, has esophagitis in the tube that takes food from the mouth to the stomach. Esophagitis can make it hard or painful to devour
Women can get vaginal yeast infections, causing itching, pain and discharge
Fungal infections cause skin itching and rashes
Fungal infections can be life-threatening in the circulation

Male Yeast Infection
Male yeast infection is mostly overlooked and misunderstood due to the lack of yeast infection in women (so vaginal infection as an alarm to send something wrong signal). Physiological difference builds difficult to detect the disease that make men and can go through life without the slightest idea that they have yeast infection or candida. If this condition persists until the infection brings more complex health problems.

The most common causes of male yeast infection are antibiotics, corn products, wheat products, peanuts, beer, alcohol, sex, barley, weak immune system. Very often, when used in high dozes, kill beneficial bacteria, as well as antibiotics that kill beneficial bacteria, as well as other mentioned causes overacidity of the intestine thus producing a contribution to weakening of the immune system and candida growth.

Male Yeast Infection
Common cause is female fungal infection, fungus, Candida albicans species. Small amounts of these bacteria are frequently stimulated to be present on the mouth, digestive system, vagina and skin and cause no disease. These bacteria grow as an infection when the acid deteriorates to normal balance. Being very uncomfortable, a condition called a yeast infection is not serious.

The American Pregnancy Association claims the American Pregnancy Association:

Female fungal infection is more common during pregnancy than in a woman's life, especially during the second trimester of pregnancy. You notice an increase in the amount of fine, white, peculiar smelling discharge. This is a common and normal symptom in the second trimester.

How to Get Rid of Yeast Infection?
How do I get rid of yeast infection? As a rule, superficial candida infections can be easily treated at home. An OTC (bench) treatment can help to clear candidiasis or to clear a prescription medication within a few days. But if the immune system of another disease is weakened, the doctor should be consulted with the counselor before attempting to treat any yeast infection, since otherwise risking worsening of the infection. Specific care should be taken in case of pregnancy: consult your doctor before starting any yeast infection treatment.

The vast array of yeast infection treatment options available today includes creams, lotions, troches (lozenges), vaginal suppositories, pills. Consult your physician to determine the option that will work just for you before you opt for a particular eye.

Natural treatment for candidiasis
How to get rid of yeast infection without the side effects of prescription drugs? The best battle for repetitive nature is the natural treatment of yeast infection for candidiasis.

Preliminary laboratory studies have found that natural yeast infection treatment can prevent the growth of Candida albicans and stop male yeast infection and female yeast infection. Numerous clinical studies support finding these too.

How to Get Rid of Yeast Infection? The best natural treatment for candidiasis and yeast infection is recommended:
Biogetica MYCOFormula - 96 points.
Candidol - 91 points.
CandidateSOS - 80 points.
RatingHealthcare Product1 - Biogetica MYCOFormula, 96 points out of 100. Biogetica MYCOFormula is 100% natural, safe, and has no known drug interactions. Each ingredient was chosen for this unique formula to help alleviate both the discomfort and relieve multiple symptoms associated with fungal (candida) infections. Sublingual delivery system is the preferred method for delivering homeopathic remedies.

Warranty: 90 days. If you are pregnant or have not seen results that are not satisfied in any way, then send forehead empty or partially used containers.

Biogetica MYCOFormula ingredients: Baptista tree, borax, Candida Albicans, Candida parapsilosis, Echinacea Augustifolia, Kreosotum, Mercurius Cyanatis, Mercurius sulphuratus ruber, Nitricum acidum, Pyrogenium, Sulphuricum acidum, Thuja occidentalis.

Recommended use: adults and children under 12 years: spray twice under three times a day under your tongue. Children under 12 years: consult a doctor before use.

Why # 1? Like anything else, Biogetica MYCOFormula is a homeopathic product that hires on the market today for male yeast infection and female yeast infection.

Order Biogetica MYCOFormula
RatingHealthcare Product2 - Candidol, 91 points out of 100. Candidol is a liquid OTC medication that uses a multi-layered approach to naturally relieve the symptoms of Candida growth and promote healthy lifestyle and balance recovery. Candidol is an FDA product listed in natural medicine and uses an OTC formulation. Active homeopathic substances are officially recognized as listed in, and homeopathic Materia Medica.

Candidol Warranty: Return authorization (RMA) should be requested after 30 days but 60 days from date of purchase.

Ingredients of Candidol: Abies nigra, Antimonium crudum, Satanic, Baptisia tree, Borax, Candida albicans, Lachesis mutus, Phosphoricum acidum, Phytolacca decandra, Pulsatilla, Sticta pulmonaria, Sulfur, Thuja occidentalis.

Recommended use: Add a glass of liquid Candidol (ceramic, glass or plastic) to pure water or disperse it directly into your mouth.

Not # 1 why? Money back guarantee The product is designed for a single user for 60 days use. Therefore, only two (2) bottles / packages of a product can be opened to qualify for a refund.

3 - CandidateSOS, 80 out of 100 points. CandidateSOS supports body's natural balance candida levels. Specially selected homeopathic substances reduce symptoms of candidate growth (candidiasis) associated with balance levels. Candida imbalance or excessive growth may occur when the safety of immune functioning is exceeded due to poor health, antibiotic use or even stress.

CandidateSOS warranty: Just try CandidateSOS for at least 30 days. If for any reason - you are not completely satisfied - the product will be refunded less shipping fees within 1 year for a full refund.

CandidateSOS ingredients: Calcarea carbonica (30C), carbohydrate vegetabilis (30C), Ferrum metallicum (30C), Lycopodium clavatum (30C), sulfur (30C).

Recommended use: Homeopathic Medicine is best taken in a clean mouth before eating for 20-30 minutes. Chew or pass the tablet mouth. Alternatively, crush the tablet and sprinkle directly on the tongue or stir in hot water or soft food.

Not # 1 why? CandidateSOS is designed to temporarily relieve the symptoms of candida growth. This is not a permanent treatment.

Order CandidateSOS

How to Prevent Fungal Infection?
While you certainly can't prevent a yeast infection, you can reduce your risks. Learn how to prevent fungal infections and use these tips to get rid of itching, burning and other ailments associated with fungal infections:
Cotton undergarment or panties Cotton panel with crotch wear.
Dry, cool and "airy." So you can avoid wearing tight pants and shorts. keep
Avoid wearing nylon pantyhose every day.
Change clothing as soon as possible after a wet workout or a perfect environment for a yeast infection to grow because of a damp place to swim.
Do not use douches, scented powders, scented tampons and women's toilet sprays. Perfume that disrupts the natural balance in the epithelial carton of different micro-organisms with the chemicals and "good" microorganisms they contain.
Wipe from front to back using the toilet once to prevent the spread of microorganisms over the ass to the vagina.
If you have diabetes, check your blood sugar back to scale the risk of fungal infections. Fungal connects to infections and diabetes.
Consumption of yogurt, which contains viable acidophilus eubacteria cultures, is a natural "friendly" microorganism, which can help stop infections Yeasts.
If you have vaginal yeast infections when taking antibiotics, talk to your doctor at the beginning about preventive fungal preventive medical care and finish your antibiotics.
Finally, attempt to eat a healthy diet and manage stress. Even if this is not verified by medical analysis, some ladies say that excessive amounts of sugar, beer and stress will trigger their yeast infections.

NutraBlast Boriotic Boric Acid Suppositories 800mg Complex w/Aloe Vera & FOS Probiotic Enhancer, 30 Count | All Natural Made in USA

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What can be done for vaginal itching during pregnancy?

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Vaginal pruritus, which increases and decreases from time to time, occurs most often due to disturbing substances, infections, hormonal changes or menopause. Vaginal itching is definitely very irritating and often presents as a painful symptom. From time to time vaginal discharge may be increased or decreased, vaginal itching accompanying vaginal discharge should not be considered normal. As these may indicate various health problems, it is necessary to go to a gynecologist as soon as possible, to learn the factors that cause it and to receive treatment.

Causes Vaginal Itching?

The sensation of severe scratching in the vagina is usually caused by allergic and chemical substances or menopause. While each of these is already unhealthy and problematic, there are many other reasons. Whatever the cause, it is a fact that vaginal itching is painful symptoms. There are many different causes of vaginal itching. These include some skin diseases or sexually transmitted diseases. In the presence of such a reason, it is obvious that treatment should be taken as soon as possible. Although not very common, it is possible to develop vaginal itching in some cases due to stress or vulva cancer. Chemicals, allergic conditions, menopause, skin diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, stress or vulva cancer are all very important and require medical attention.

Because vaginal itching is one of the problems that women encounter from time to time in a very non-violent way, women often don't see it as a cause of concern. In fact, most of these itches are already spontaneous in a few days without any medical intervention. However, if the itching is very severe, affects the daily life of the woman negatively or if there is a more serious underlying health problem, it is very important to consult a doctor, or rather a gynecologist.

How is vaginal itching?
In case of vaginal itching, the doctor can determine the cause of vaginal itching through examination and testing. Based on the results of the tests, this disturbing symptom can be eliminated with treatment.

Vaginal itching during pregnancy

In the event of a vaginal itching during pregnancy, some allergic conditions should first come to mind. In this respect, this situation is more common especially in mothers who have a history of allergy. In addition, vaginitis, ie vaginal yeast infection, may also cause itching. However, if itching is more commonly felt around the anus, problems with hemorrhoids and parasites should be suspected.

Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, the risk of vulvo vaginal fungi is higher than in non-pregnant women. Redness and edema may occur in the vagina depending on the condition of infection present in the vagina. Although there is no discharge in the itching of every vaginal itch, it is usually accompanied by a white and dark viscous discharge.

What causes vaginal itching during pregnancy?
The same reasons for vaginal itching listed above apply to vaginal itching during pregnancy. However, the risk of vaginal pruritus is higher as the discharge is more due to hormonal changes in pregnancy and the nature of pregnancy. In this context, exposure of the vagina to irritant chemicals can cause vaginal itching during pregnancy. Such skin irritants can trigger an allergic reaction that causes an itchy rash on various parts of the body, including the vagina, and the condition may become even more serious.

Which chemicals cause itching in the vagina?

Vagina sprays, which are never recommended for use in pregnancy,
Creams and ointments,
Detergents for washing underwear,
Scented and fragrant toilet paper can cause vaginal itching.
In addition to the reasons listed above, it is a fact that the urine may cause vaginal irritation and pruritus if the expectant mother has diabetes and reproductive tract diseases.

Some skin diseases are the cause of vaginal itching!
Not every skin disease, but some skin diseases, such as eczema and psoriasis, can cause redness and itching in the genital area as in other parts of the body. Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is actually a type of skin rash that occurs in people with asthma or allergies. In some women with eczema, this skin rash is red and curved, with a rough texture and may spread to the vagina and cause itching. In such cases, there is a problem that usually causes scaly, itchy, red spots on the scalp and joints. The fact that they spread to the vaginal region also forces the woman seriously. The problem is that a very specific treatment cannot be applied, especially during pregnancy.

Vaginal itching caused by fungal infection
Under normal circumstances, the fungus called candida is a naturally occurring fungus found in the vagina. Candida fungus usually does not cause serious complaints and problems, but if the growth cannot be controlled, an uncomfortable infection can occur. This fungal infection, also known as yeast yeast infection, is a common problem affecting 3 out of 4 women in a certain period of life. Yeast infection usually occurs after a period of antibiotic use. Because antibiotic-type drugs can destroy the good bacteria in the body together with the bad bacteria. However, in order to control the growth of yeasts, extremely good bacteria are needed. In case of excessive growth of yeast in the vaginal region; Itching, burning, and small balls can be disturbing symptoms such as buds.

Bacterial vaginosis can cause vaginal itching!
Bacterial vaginosis is a common problem in women that causes vaginal itching. Like other vaginal yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis is caused by an imbalance between good and bad bacteria in the naturally occurring vagina, and the problem is exacerbated as this imbalance increases. Bacterial vaginosis typically does not always cause symptoms, but when it progresses; vaginal itching and abnormal, smelly discharge. The fungus that causes bacterial vaginosis can sometimes manifest itself as a gray, white foam.

Sexually transmitted diseases can cause vaginal itching during pregnancy!
Everyone, men and women, are at risk in unprotected sexual intercourse. Especially in the case of pregnancy and a single-partner sex life, if possible, should be protected and sexual intercourse should be preferred, and the spouse should avoid relationships with other women. Otherwise, a number of sexually transmitted diseases may be transmitted during pregnancy during unprotected sexual intercourse and may cause itching in the vagina. These diseases; genital warts, gonorrhea, genital herpes, trichomonas vaginitis. These can cause many symptoms, such as green or yellow vaginal discharge and pain when urinating.

Stress can cause vaginal itching during pregnancy!
Stress is a problem that causes many negative symptoms in the body. The physical and emotional stress experienced by the woman can lead to vaginal itching and vaginal irritation. Although not very common, stress weakens the immune system, making the person more prone to itching infections.

Vulva cancer
Vaginal itching is a problem that needs to be intervened and taken into consideration regardless of the cause. Vaginal pruritus, although not very common, is also known to be a symptom of vulva cancer. This type of cancer develops in the vulva, the outer part of the female genital organ, and includes the inner and outer lips of the vagina, the clitoris and the opening of the vagina. Although vulva cancer does not always cause remarkable symptoms in women, itching, abnormal bleeding or pain may occur in the vulva region when symptoms occur.

When should I go to the doctor for vaginal itching?

Vaginal itching is frequently seen at a mild level. However, it may be necessary to see a doctor if there is severe vaginal itching that can disturb a woman's daily life or sleep patterns. While most vaginal itching does not pose a serious problem, a number of treatments by doctors reduce or eliminate the discomfort of vaginal itching. In this respect, vaginal pruritus lasts more than a week or itching; ulcers or blisters on the vulva, pain or tenderness in the genital area, redness or swelling, difficulty urinating, and smelling, viscous discharge with thick consistency should be consulted immediately.

How is vaginal itching treated during pregnancy?
Since pregnancy is a period in which the woman is very sensitive and the baby in her womb is affected by everything, there is controversy as to how to treat vaginal itching like many other health problems. Because the use of medication in pregnancy is not recommended at all. In this context, the treatment of vulvo vaginal yeast infection in pregnancy is also a bit difficult. Because in the case of pregnancy, clinical recovery is slower, and the risk of relapse is definitely higher. One should not forget that; in the presence of such an infection, the spouse must also be treated.

If vaginal itching is detected in the early stages of pregnancy, externally applied creams and ointments can be very effective in alleviating these complaints. Of course, these should be used in the doctor's advice and control. Besides medical treatment; not to wear too tight and tight synthetic undergarments, to keep the vaginal area moist, not dry, never use the cream and tablets applied in the vagina will also work. In the case of vaginal itching after 14 weeks of gestation, medications taken orally with the prescription and prescription of the doctor can also be used.

Advice on prevention of vaginal discharge, pruritus and infection during pregnancy!
Not synthetic, cotton underwear should be preferred,
Underwear should be changed twice a day,
Underwear should be washed with soap powder, not detergent,
Never use tampons,
Excess sugar foods should be avoided because they trigger fungus formation,
Should be protected during sexual intercourse

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Diagnosis and Treatment Methods of Systemic Fungal Infections

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What is Systemic Fungal Infections?

Systemic fungal infections are a superficial and contagious type of infection. Various fungal species can cause deep tissue and systemic infections. Persons who come into contact with the fungus are often infected with these infections. Pulmonary infections begin with inhalation. Lung infections and subcutaneous infections give the potential to spread to organs, tissues, bone and sometimes even into the brain. Such systemic fungal infections may not be recognized for a long time. However, unnoticed infections for a long time can lead to serious health problems and even life-threatening conditions.

What are the Symptoms of Systemic Fungal Infections?
Systemic fungal infections generally show almost the same symptoms as all types of fungal diseases. These symptoms include:

Redness of the skin
Distortion of the nails, fracture
Night Sweating
Chest Pain
Symptoms such as weight loss.

What Causes Systemic Fungal Infections?
Symptoms of systemic fungal infections may take months or even years. Gradually worsening, these infections can spread all over the body and cause lymph nodes to grow. Pulmonary diseases or HIV / AIDS diseases may be the underlying causes of some systemic fungal infections. In addition, such disorders can occur in people who are not competent immune systems.

Diagnosis of Systemic Fungal Infections

Common Systemic Infections
Aspergillosis: These fungi are found in soil, plants and household dust. In some cases it may spread to the brain and bones.
Blastomycosis: Blastomycosis dermatitidis occurs in moist, organic-rich soils, such as in forested areas.
Coccidiomycosis: Coccidioides immitis fungus is found in arid soils.
Cryptococcosis: An infection with Cryptococcus neoformans or another species of Cryptococcus, which is rarely found in soil and is transmitted by contact with bird droppings.
Histoplasmosis: Histoplasma capsulatum, which typically affects the lungs, causes this infection.
Candidiasis: Candida species that form part of normal flora and are found worldwide.
Pneumocystis pneumonia: The causative agent is Pneumocystis jorveci, formerly known as Pneumocystis carinii.

Treatment Methods of Systemic Fungal Infection
Systemic fungal infections can be caused by normal flora and fungi. Therefore, each fungal infection cannot be cured completely or can recur even if treated. Superficially transmitted fungal infections can be cured by fungicides applied to the skin. Oral fungicides are not required for these superficial diseases. However, systemic fungal infections require oral or sometimes intravenous medications. Medications to be used may vary depending on the doctor's examination and tests. The duration of treatment may also vary depending on the type, location and duration of the infection. Systemic fungal infections require regular treatment for several years to heal. In some cases, surgery is performed to remove fungal masses from the body.

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Candida Fungus: Symptoms, Treatment and Effective Candida Diet

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What is Candida? Many patients ask the question. Let's look at this dangerous intestinal fungus and examine its symptoms and the candida diet.

Candida is commonly known as a bowel fungus physician.

This is very important to me. Because it is an important harbinger of worsening health and is seriously reducing the standard of living for my patients.

Therefore, I want you to have detailed information about candida mushrooms.

Ready if you're ready!

What is Candida?
Candida (full name Candida albicans) is a type of fungus that naturally occurs on the inner surfaces of the body (mouth, intestine, vagina).

Candida is not actually a harmful fungus. Naturally found on the surfaces of the body. It also helps the absorption and digestion processes in the intestine. So if you have the right number of candida mushrooms, you will use them to work for you.

But if the amount of fungus controlled by the immune system gets out of control, the situation changes and candida becomes a disease. In appearance, it forms a white “yogurt cut tabaka layer.

In fact, the most common cause of fungi that cause disease on human candida (1). The overgrowth of Candida fungus is called candidiasis.

All right, that's it. But I still haven't mentioned why candida mushrooms are harmful. Let's go ahead and see the details.

Is Candida harmful?
Candida mushrooms can harm you at many points. But the main damaging properties,

Toxin production as a result of excessive candida proliferation,
Inhibition of the work of other intestinal bacteria,
Increasing the permeability of intestines and causing the passage of undesirable substances into the blood,
To attack the critical diseases and cause the existing disease to worsen,
can be sorted as. In other words, if candida gets out of control, it will disrupt your health and quality of life.

Causes of Candida
It is very important for Candida to become a disease. Because this shows that many things are not going well in your body and you've been wrong.

So I have to tell you the reasons.

Continuous use of antibiotics: Your intestines are similar to states and act in balance. If one becomes weak, other opportunistic states begin to invade it.

The use of antibiotics has the same effect on your intestines. There are different groups of bacteria in the form of many states. Some groups of bacteria that are useful if you use antibiotics are weakened. Other bacteria and fungi invade the weak.

Candida is an opportunistic mushroom. If beneficial bacteria in the intestine or other sites are reduced, candida will multiply and invade them.

Birth control drugs: Candida fungus is a major problem in the genital area (especially the vagina) in women. The reason for this is the disruption of the genital area. Because the genital area (especially vagina) has an acidic environment and is caused by hormones.

The acidic environment keeps bacteria and fungi in balance and prevents excessive proliferation.

Birth control pills also contain small amounts of hormones. These hormones disrupt the acidic balance of the genital area and cause excessive proliferation of bacteria.

Apart from contraceptives, all hormonal disorders at the disease level may cause an increase in candida fungus.

Diabetes and insulin resistance: High blood sugar and excessive insulin weaken the immune system. The tired immune system loses its ability to fight bacteria and fungi.

As a result, opportunistic candida fungus attacks and begins to invade (2).

I want routine candida tests in my diabetic patients. Because the level of candida is very important to measure both uncontrolled blood sugar and the health of the immune system.

Cancer treatment and immune system diseases: Chemotherapeutic agents and radiotherapy are commonly used in the treatment of cancer types.

Both methods damage cancer cells as well as body cells. Therefore, your mechanism of protection, balance between bacteria and fungi is disrupted.

Diseases that destroy the immune system, such as HIV, make it difficult for the body to fight candida with the same logic.

As a result, the two situations I have explained cause the spread of candida mushrooms.

Excessive stress: When stress is not controlled, it causes excessive cortisol release. Uncontrolled cortisol release weakens the immune system and disrupts the balance of intestinal bacteria.

As a result, excessive stress causes candida to spread.

What I'm talking about as stress involves both mental and physical situations. So excessive exercise or constant sleeplessness is also covered by stress.

So you should think extensively.

When you think about these reasons, you know that candidacy is officially waiting for you to fall ill and makes things worse when you are in a difficult situation.

Therefore, you should know the symptoms of candida mushrooms to control your health and to avoid additional problems. Then let's continue, I'll tell you great details.

Candida mushroom looks like this under the microscope.

Symptoms of Candida
I want to talk about the symptoms of candida mushrooms so that you can weigh yourself better. This way you can control the situation.

I will also talk about a candida test that you can easily do at home at the end of the symptoms.

Symptoms of Candida

Chronic fatigue. Candida helps absorption of nutrients. However, out of control of the amount of candida can adversely affect nutrient deficiencies. This can cause serious fatigue (3).
Mental problems such as anxiety and depression.
Hormonal disorders can be seen. Menstrual irregularity in women, breast gynecomastia in men, if the condition of candida should not forget.
Itching in the genital area, malodorous discharge, pain during sexual intercourse, white discharge, urinary tract infections may occur. This is because candida disrupts normal flora that prevents infections (4).
If there is proliferation in the intestine, abdominal pain, diarrhea / constipation attacks, excessive bloating. In fact, studies have shown that diseases such as Crohn's and ulcerative colitis in your intestines may be associated with candida fungus (5).
If there is proliferation in the mouth, bad breath, tooth decay, sinus infections may be seen.
Constant joint pain and arthritis. If Candida fungus damages your intestines and increases the permeability and causes “leaky gut” syndrome, harmful materials pass into your blood and cause inflammation. This inflammation can cause joint pain and arthritis problem (6).
can be sorted as. If you have one or more of these symptoms, you should suspect candida.

Candida test
If you suspect candida mushrooms, I will teach you a very simple technique. With this technique, you can quickly test for the presence of increased candida bacteria.

Follow the steps below for the Candida test.

1. Sleep hungry at night. Get up in the morning and go to the kitchen without eating or drinking anything.

2. Take a visible glass cup.

3. Fill the glass with water.

4. Spit into the glass.

5. Wait five minutes and look into the glass. If the glass is clean, you can extend the time to ten minutes to make sure.

If you see the filamentous structures on the surface as above, a dense sediment collapsed underneath or a cloudy structure that appears in the middle, it shows that it may be candida fungus in your mouth.

Because candida fungus has a filamentous structure and leaves sediment in water. Your saliva dissolves in water over time and does not leave serious sediment.

This method is quite simple, but does not give information about the intestine, throat and genital area candida fungus. Therefore, if you suspect candida fungus and the test is negative, you should consult your doctor.

It's time to switch to treatment. If you're complaining about candida mushrooms, I have great solutions for you.

Candida diet
There are many different anti-fungal medications for Candida. But these drugs can have serious side effects on the liver and kidney.

Therefore, the use of anti-fungal drugs in healthy people who can recover is not logical. Especially if we know that a healthy diet is very effective in the treatment of candida, the intestinal fungus.

I've listed what you need to do below.

Move away from sugar and carbohydrate sources. Especially sugar products cause the spread and increase of candida fungus (7).

Especially the foods I want you to stay away from,

Grocery products containing simple sugar (such as chocolate, candies),
Starchy vegetables (such as potatoes),
Fruit juices and fruits with excessive sugar,
can be sorted as. If you want a bulk solution, the proper nutrition low carb diet for you.

Consume antifungal foods. Some foods have anti-fungal effects. Consuming these nutrients reduces the number of candida mushrooms.

Fights with candida with allicin in garlic (8).
It fights candida with lauric acid in coconut oil (9).
Fights with candida with curcumin in turmeric (10),
For garlic use, crush and swallow the two cloves of garlic on an empty stomach. To have a tablespoon of coconut oil in the morning. Curcumin in turmeric is weak in terms of absorption. If you prefer, I recommend taking it as a supplement.

If you have an oral candida problem, xylitol in sugar-free chewing gum can be of great benefit. Because it has antifungal and antibacterial properties.

Support your intestinal bacteria. Your intestinal bacteria work to control candida fungus and provide balance. Therefore, weigh the scale in favor of probiotics and ensure healthy bacterial uptake.

At this point, it is very important to select the natural probiotic to be selected according to the situation. Evaluation is essential to avoid mistakes. If you want a more effective solution, you can take a look at probiotic products.

If you are taking probiotics, make sure the content is predominantly lactobacilli. Because lactobacilli type probiotic bacteria are very effective in fighting candida.

Support the immune system. I know my patients suffering from Candida fungus have immune problems. This is often caused by uncontrolled blood sugar and chronic diseases.

Not suitable for everyone, but my advice,

10 grams of glutamine supplementi daily,
Omega 3 supplement,
Vitamin D supplementation,
Regular exercise,
There will be nutrition to control blood sugar.
Although the things I mentioned above are quite simple, they have the potential to ignite the immune system and solve your candida problem. So do not underestimate and apply.

Avoid toxins and allergens. Toxic substances damage the more vulnerable beneficial bacteria in the intestinal wall. Allergens can also cause chronic inflammation by activating the defense cells in your intestines.

Therefore, you should avoid toxins and allergens. My suggestion,

Avoiding industrial type chickens,
Taking deep-sea fish out of your life,
Reduce the consumption of gluten and lectin-containing foods,
it will be. Along with these, you should gradually remove all foods that are allergic to you and contain toxic substances.

You now know a lot more about Candida and know that you are not desperate. You can easily control the candida mushroom with the right movements and protect you from unwanted effects.

Does candida bother you? Don't forget to share your ideas with me and your candida test results at home. You can also visit this page for a special treatment appointment if you feel that the problem is not serious and cannot be overcome alone.

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Basic Care Miconazole Nitrate Vaginal Cream (4%), 3-Day Treatment for Vaginal Yeast Infection

Fungal Infection

Basic Care Miconazole Nitrate Vaginal Cream (4%), 3-Day Treatment for Vaginal Yeast Infection

Athlete's foot (Tinea pedis) (Athlete's Foot)
Athlete's foot is a type of infection caused by the fungal organism called dermatophyte. Fungal infection is very common, almost everyone has a fungal infection once in their life. It is more common in males in hot and humid areas. The most common factors are Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton interdigitale, Epidermophyton floccosum fungi. The same fungus can cause infection in the groin area. Mushroom grows easily, especially in dark, humid and warm environments. The feet in the shoe are very suitable for the growth of fungi.

The disease can be seen in one or two feet with the following clinical types:
Interdigital type: Toe spacing (especially between the last 4 and 5 fingers) is peeled, shelled and flakes.
Chronic hyperkeratotic (dry, thickened type): It appears as dry flaked areas on the soles of the feet. Especially in extreme forms of this type, all soles, heels and sides of the feet are dry, but no redness and itching. (Moccasin type) This type does not change the skin on the back of the foot.
Athlete's foot: especially between the 4th and 5th fingers; skin is moist, itchy and flaky.
Dizhidrotik type: Water collections occur in groups on the back and sides of the feet. This type can be mixed with eczema and psoriasis.
Tinea corporis type: Tinea corporis is a fungal infection of the body and ring-like dry red areas of the foot are seen on the back of the foot.

How does fungal infection develop?

Although the disease can occur at any age, it is rare in children. It can live for months in mushroom sports, bathroom floors, sports changing rooms and pools. Walking around in common places with bare feet, using someone else's towel socks and shoes can cause infection. For some people, they may be resistant to foot fungus. Especially those who do sports, who have frequent ablutions, who wear shoes that do not constantly breathe in closed air, especially those who wear the same socks and shoes for a long time, who have excessive foot sweating, those who have immune system failure due to diseases such as chemotherapy or cortisone-like medication, AIDS (eg lymphedema) recurrent resistant infections.

Since not all skin rashes on the foot develop due to fungus, the use of fungicides for each rash on the foot may cause the rash to worsen. In this case, consult a dermatologist. Your doctor will give you the right treatment, making the right diagnosis. In untreated fungal infection, water bubbles and fractures occur in the foot, and bacterial infection may develop secondary.

How is the disease diagnosed?
The diagnosis is made after examination or microscopic examination if necessary. If necessary, mushroom culture is done.

How is fungal infection treated?
When the fungus is diagnosed, treatment should be started as soon as possible. In simple cases, antifungal-containing creams are effective and quickly resolve symptoms such as burning itching. In severe cases, if the infection is resistant to cream treatments, antifungal tablets may be used. Fungal infection of the toenails is difficult to treat and antifungal tablets should be used for months. Treatment should be performed properly. Although there is no finding on your skin, the fungus may still be alive on your skin, in which case early discontinuation of treatment may cause recurrence.

If athlete's foot resists treatment, the following conditions may occur:
Untreated nail fungus
Re-infection from family or shared living spaces
Non-treatment of other family members
The skin problem that is supposed to be fungus is eczema or psoriasis

Which cases are resistant to treatment?
Patients with nail fungus who are not treated for nail fungus
Possibility of encounter with mushrooms
Cases where family members are not treated
The symptoms are not from fungus, but because of eczema or psoriasis
Presence of resistant fungal infection of the moccasin type

What are the ways to prevent fungal infection in the outpatient?

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Basic Care Miconazole Nitrate Vaginal Cream (4%), 3-Day Treatment for Vaginal Yeast Infection

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What is Genital Fungus? How to Protect Genital Fungus?

FemiClear 2-Day Yeast Infection Treatment | All-Natural & Organic | Ointment + External Itch Relief Ointment

Hello, our precious followers, we will talk about genital mushrooms and tell you how to protect them.

The vaginal fungus, which gives its first signals with itching in the genital area, is a health problem that many women face today.

Vaginal fungus called Tıp candida albicans inde in medical language can cause more serious complications if not treated in time.

For this reason, vaginal itching, vaginal discharge darkening, vaginal discharge in the case of a cheese-like consistency of a gynecologist without losing time is extremely important for your health.

What causes vaginal fungus in this article titled fungal in the genital area? How is vaginal fungus treated? After answering the questions of vaginal fungus treatment, we want to mention the most effective methods you can benefit.

Here are the details you need to know about the fungus in the genital area:

What is Vaginal Fungus?

Even in healthy women, there are fungal species suppressed by beneficial bacteria, that is, controlled by bacteria in the genital area.

However, in the case of a decrease in the number of beneficial bacteria in the genital area, unfortunately, the number of fungi in the genital area, and even the species, are gradually increasing.

As a result, you will experience intense discharge, burning and itching in the vagina that looks like dark or broken milk.

What Causes Vaginal Fungus?

Vaginal fungus that develops due to the decrease in the number of beneficial bacteria in the genital area can trigger some conditions.

Factors that reduce the number of beneficial bacteria can be listed as follows:

Regular antibiotic use
Regular use of birth control pills
Previous intrauterine devices have been used by a doctor during an operation
Cervical wounds
Regular use of hormone drugs
Previously implanted a spiral into the vagina
Weight gain and obesity
Excessive consumption of sweet, sugar and sweetening foods
Wearing tight underwear, tight pants and tight clothes
Walk around with long wet underwear, wet swimsuit, bikini
Using wet and dirty pads for a long time without changing
Wear synthetic and nylon undies
WARNING: Like other fungal varieties, fungi in the genital area tend to develop in damp and dark environments. Synthetic and nylon undergarments make the area more wet so you can minimize the formation of vaginal fungi by gaining the habit of wearing cotton undergarments that absorb the wetness.

Fungus and itching in the genital area

One of the biggest causes of itching in the genital area is fungus. In order to eliminate itching, the fungus in the region must first be destroyed. A mixture of vinegar and water is very effective for relieving itching in the genital area.

Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 1 liter of water and wash the vagina every day. Never keep the area dry, perfume or similar cosmetic products.

If there is fungus and discharge in the genital area, hygiene rules become more important. Wash twice daily with odorless soap.

fungal genitalia, vaginal fungus

Ways to Prevent Vaginal Fungus
Especially if you have had a vaginal fungal disease before, we recommend you to take the following recommendations into account in order to avoid the same symptoms.

Here are the most effective ways to prevent fungal growth in the genital area:

Avoid wearing tight and tight pants and tights.
Take care to wear cotton underwear.
Replace your wet clothes such as swimwear and bikini with dry clothes as soon as possible.
Do not apply cosmetic products such as soap, cream, shampoo, powder to the genital area.
Never forget to keep the genital area dry and clean at all times.
Fungal Treatment in the Genital Area:
For the treatment of fungi in the genital area, doctors often prescribe antifungal ointments and creams that destroy fungi.

These creams can be shown as an example of the cream Travazol. You can treat the vaginal fungus by applying this ointment several times a day in the genital area around the vagina and to the itchy areas.

However, we recommend that you consult a doctor before using ointment.

How Does Vaginal Fungus Pass?

You can fight against vaginal fungi by taking advantage of a number of medicinal nutrients that eliminate fungus, such as apple cider vinegar and yogurt, and also prevent new fungus growth in the area.

Here are methods to treat genital fungi in a short time:

Vaginal Fungus Treatment with Yogurt

Yogurt, which regulates the natural PH balance of the genital area, also eliminates bacteria and infections.

By consuming 1 bowl of yoghurt per day, you can apply some yoghurt to the genital area and purify the area from fungi and bacteria.

Vaginal Fungus Treatment with Apple Vinegar:

In addition to its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, apple cider vinegar, which has the property of balancing the Ph level of the skin, is considered to be another natural treatment used most in the treatment of vaginal fungus.

To treat vaginal fungus with apple cider vinegar, mix 1 liter of warm water and 2 tbsp fresh apple cider vinegar in a bucket.

Wash the circumference of the vagina and the outer area with this mixture. You can repeat this process twice a day until you are completely free of your fungal problem.

Vaginal Fungus Treatment with Honey

Natural honey, considered to be the sine qua non of skin care, is a powerful anti-bacterial fight against bacteria in the vagina.

As an effective anti-inflammatory, it allows the infection in the area to heal in less time.

You can kill some fungi in the area by applying some natural and fresh honey to and around the vagina.

What Good Is Mushroom In The Genital Region?
You can easily purify the genital area from fungi, bacteria and infections by giving you a chance to the following methods frequently recommended by experts.

Add some sage and thyme tea to the clean water in your bathtub. Wait in this water for 10-15 minutes.
Apply tea tree oil to the genital area several times a day.
Consume organic yogurt frequently during the day.
For regular tamarind or marigold tea every day, not to exceed 3 times a day.

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Candida Fungus - Hazards Symptoms Prevention and Treatment

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Candida Auris fungus has recently emerged as a dangerous health threat in more than a dozen countries, and in mid-May 2017, 77 clinical cases have been reported in US health care facilities. The outbreak of Candida Auris has proven to be resistant to multiple drugs and to cause serious illness.

In some cases, the fungus enters the bloodstream and spreads to the body and causes bad infections. Thirty-six percent of patients infected with Candida Auris died, but many of these people had other critical diseases that increased the risk of death.

What is Candida Fungus?
Candida Auris (C. auris) was first documented in 2009 in Japan. A fungus that grows as a fungus. Fluconazole is considered “developing multidrug-resistant (MDR) yeast için because it is resistant to many drugs, including amphotericin B and echinocandins. Candida auris can live in the hands of healthcare professionals, as well as bed rails, chairs, catheters and other medical hospital equipment.

Candida Auris Fungus GrowsThe deadly fungus is resistant to many drugs, so Candida auris is considered “superbug.. Drug-resistant super insects are a concern for health care providers and agents, such as Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Anne Schuchat, director of the CDC, described Candida auris as ”a great threat and a wake-up call”.

How does resistance occur? Bacteria and fungi are resistant to antibiotics and antifungals due to excessive and incorrect drug use and antibiotic use in animals. The more bacteria are exposed to antibiotics, the more they are susceptible and resistant, creating super insects.

C. auris is invasive, ie it enters the bloodstream via an infected hospital catheter. Unlike localized Candida infections or vaginal fungal infections in the mouth and throat, invasive Candida Fungus spreads throughout the body.

Symptoms of Candida Fungus
Symptoms may not be obvious because many patients with C. auris infection are often already hospitalized with other serious diseases or disorders in the hospital. Symptoms also vary depending on the part of the body affected. A laboratory test is required to determine if a patient has C. auris. When symptoms are identified, they may include:

Sepsis (blood poisoning)
Little or no improvement with conventional antifungal therapy
Organ failure
Causes and Risk Factors of Candida Fungus
How do you get the Candida Mushroom? In general, limited data indicate that the risk factors for Candida auris infections are not very different from other types of Candida infections. These risk factors include:

Surgical Operation
Broad spectrum antibiotic and antifungal use
Central Venous Catheter use, trachea, feeding tubes, bladder catheters
Often hospitalized or living in nursing homes
Weakened immune system
While diagnosing infections in patients of all ages, from premature babies to the elderly, healthy people do not develop C. auris infections.

(Note: What is a central venous catheter? It is a special type of catheter (tube), it is inserted into a large vein by entering the chest wall. It can stop here for months.

This catheter eliminates the need to repeatedly inject needles into the veins of the hand or arm. This catheter is not limited to children. Some adults also have a Hickman catheter.)

Candida Fungus Treatment
C. auris is treated with an antifungal drug called Echinocandins. Because some C. auris infections are resistant to the three major classes of antifungal drugs, in these cases, multiple doses of antifungal drugs may be required to treat the infection.

Considering that Candida aurias can easily pass from patient to patient in health services, some patient precautions are necessary. These measures include:

The patient is placed in a lonely room without roommates.
Health care workers wear protective clothing such as aprons and gloves when caring for an infected patient.
Patients, family members, and health care workers must apply good hygiene, including washing their hands regularly.
5 Steps to Prevent Fungal Infections
C. The five steps that can help prevent the spread of aurias are:

1. Wash your hands thoroughly before visiting a hospital or nursing home.

2. Feel free to warn if you see a health professional, including nurses and doctors, who does not wash their hands properly before coming to you or after dealing with the patient's wound, blood or body fluids.

3. Ask if there are patients infected with C. auris in the hospital at the visit and make sure that staff take appropriate measures to prevent the spread of infection.

4. Ensure that the hospital or nursing home is properly cleaned with effective disinfectants. To date, researchers have discovered that the best product to fight C. auris is an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered hospital disinfectant that is also effective against Clostridium difficile (C. diff) spores.

5. If the patient is on IV antibiotics, consult the nurse or doctor as IV antibiotics can be a serious risk factor for invasive candida.

Recent Thoughts

Candida auris is a serious yeast-like infection that is resistant to numerous antifungal drugs.
C. auris can spread to the body as an invasive candida, which can cause a very serious and possibly fatal infection.
Patients in hospitals and nursing homes that are already ill and / or have a weak immune system are at risk of being infected.
A. Make sure that you take important health safety precautions to prevent contamination from your loved ones and others. Regular hand washing is especially important.

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Vaginal Health pH Test Strips Without Swabs - Monitor Vaginal Intimate Health (Pack of 25)

What is Vaginitis?

Vaginal Health pH Test Strips Without Swabs - Monitor Vaginal Intimate Health (Pack of 25)

Vaginitis is an inflammation of the woman's vagina. Up to a third of women will show signs of vaginitis at some point in their lives. Vaginitis affects women of all ages, but is most common in reproductive ages. There are many possible factors and the type of treatment depends on the agent. In this chapter;

- Symptoms of vaginitis

- Types of treatment

- Explain how to reduce your risk.

A small amount of clear or cloudy white fluid flow through the woman's vagina is normal. This keeps the tissue wet and healthy. The vagina maintains a balance of various organisms, such as bacteria and fungi, so that it can function normally. Some factors can disrupt this normal balance of the vagina:

- Antibiotics

- Changes in hormone levels

- Pregnancy

- Breast-feeding

- Menopause

- Vaginal showers

- Spermicides (sperm killers used for contraception)

- Sexual intercourse

- Infection

A change in normal balance may allow fungi or bacteria to increase and cause vaginitis. This causes the epithelium of the vagina to become inflamed. Vaginitis can cause itching, foul odor, or plenty of discharge.

In case of any abnormal discharge, burning or itching, consult your doctor immediately.


For the diagnosis of vaginitis, your doctor will take a sample of the discharge from your vagina; examine under the microscope or send to culture. Your doctor may also request other tests. To ensure the results of the tests are accurate, do not take a vaginal shower before seeing your doctor; Do not use any vaginal medication or spermicide.


Treatment is done according to the causative agent of vaginitis. The treatment may be by oral pill or a cream, tablet or gel applied to the vagina. In some cases, your partner may also be treated.

Even if discharge or other symptoms disappear before you finish your medication, it is important that you follow your doctor's instructions exactly. Although the symptoms disappear, the infection may still be present. Stopping treatment early may cause symptoms to return. If symptoms recur after treatment is completed, see your doctor. A different treatment may be needed.

Types of Vaginitis


Fungal infection is also known as candidiasis. It is one of the most common types of vaginal infection.

Active. It is formed by a fungus called Candida. This is found in a small number in the normal vagina. However, when the balance of bacteria and fungi in the vagina changes, the fungi can multiply and cause symptoms.

Some types of antibiotics increase your risk of yeast infection. Antibiotics kill normal vaginal bacteria that control fungi; thus, fungi can multiply excessively. If a woman is pregnant or has diabetes, she is more likely to have a yeast infection. Excessive growth of fungi can also occur if the immune system, which protects the body from diseases, does not work well. For example, fungal infections may be severe in women infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). They may not even pass treatment or they may recur frequently. In many cases, the cause of fungal infection is unknown.

Symptoms. The most common symptoms of fungal infection are itching and burning of the area called the vulva outside the vagina. Burning can be worse when urinating or with sexual intercourse. Vulva may be red and swollen. Vaginal discharge is usually white, lumpy and does not smell. Some women with yeast infection notice an increase or change in discharge. Some people do not notice any currents.

Treatment. Fungal infections can be treated by placing medicine in the vagina or swallowing pills. In the majority of cases, the treatment of male sexual partners is not necessary. You should definitely see your doctor if:

- If you have a vaginal infection for the first time

- If your symptoms do not disappear after treatment

- If your vaginal discharge is yellow or green or smelly

- If you have a sexually transmitted disease (STD)

Sometimes a woman may actually think that she has a yeast infection when she has another problem. Just like fungi, there are several conditions that cause itching and burning. If there is another reason, if the woman is taking medication for yeast infection, it may be more difficult to find the main cause.

What can you do?

There are some things you can do to reduce the risk of vaginitis:

- Do not use feminine hygiene sprays or scented deodorant tampons.

- Don't try and hide a bad smell. This may be a symptom of infection that requires you to see your doctor immediately.

- Do not vaginal shower, do not wash the inside of the vagina. It is better to allow the vagina to clean itself.

- Use condoms during sexual intercourse.

- If you have been prescribed antibiotics for another type of infection, talk to your doctor about preventing fungal infections.


Active. Bacteria that cause bacterial vaginosis are naturally present in the vagina. Bacterial vaginosis is caused by excessive proliferation of these bacteria.

Symptoms. The most important symptom is increased discharge with a strong fishy odor. The smell may be more during your menstrual period or after sexual intercourse. The discharge is usually thin and dark or dull gray, but may also be greenish in color. Itching is not common, but may be present if there is too much discharge.

Treatment. A variety of different antibiotics can be used to treat bacterial vaginosis, but there are two most commonly used: metronidazole and clindamycin. They may be taken orally or may be placed in the vagina in the form of tablets, creams or gels.

Metronidazole may cause side effects in some patients when taken orally. They may cause nausea, vomiting and darkening of urine color, and may cause severe nausea and vomiting. Do not drink alcohol while using metronidazole, this combination

Often there is no need to treat a woman's sexual partner. However, if the woman has recurrent infections, treatment of the partner may be helpful.

Bacterial vaginosis frequently recurs. Long-term or repeated treatment may be required. In the majority of cases, treatment works in time. Sometimes if bacterial vaginosis occurs repeatedly, it may mean that you have an STD. Your doctor may test you for other infections.


Active. Trichomoniasis is a condition created by the microscopic parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. It spreads through sexual intercourse. Women with trichomoniasis are at increased risk of infection with other STDs.

Symptoms. Symptoms of trichomoniasis include a yellow-gray or green vaginal discharge. The stream may have a fishy smell. Burning, irritation, redness and swelling of the vulva may occur. Sometimes it can be painful when urinating.

Treatment. Trichomoniasis is usually treated with a single oral dose of metronidazole. Do not drink alcohol for 24 hours after taking this medicine because it may cause nausea and vomiting. Sexual partners should be treated to prevent recurrence of infection.

D. ATROPHIC VAGINITIS: This is not caused by an infection, but may cause discharge and vaginal irritation. It can occur at any time when female hormone levels are reduced, such as during breastfeeding or after menopause. Symptoms include dryness and burning. Atrophic vaginitis is treated with estrogen, which can be administered as vaginal cream, ring or tablet. A water-soluble lubricant may also be useful during sexual intercourse.

As a result; Consult your doctor as soon as you see any abnormal discharge or signs of vaginitis, such as burning or itching. Although vaginitis causes discomfort, it can be treated almost any time after the agent is found.


Bacterial Vaginosis: A type of vaginal infection caused by excessive proliferation of a group of organisms normally found in the vagina.

Candidiasis: A type of vaginitis caused by overgrowth of Candida (a fungus normally found in the vagina), also known as fungal infection or moniliasis.

Clindamycin: An antibiotic used to treat certain types of vaginitis, among many other types of infections.

Estrogen: A female hormone produced by the ovaries that stimulates the development of the inner layer of the uterus.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV): A virus that attacks specific cells of the body's donor system and creates acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

Metronidazole: An antibiotic used to treat some vaginal and abdominal infections.

Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD): refers to diseases spread by sexual contact. Chlamydia infection, gonorrhea, genital warts, herpes (syphilis), syphilis and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) are caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.

Spermicides: Chemicals that neutralize sperm. They are present in the form of creams, gels, foams and suppositories. Some condoms are covered with spermicides.

Vulva: Lips of the female external genitalia.

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Basic Care Miconazole 7, Miconazole Nitrate Vaginal Cream (2%) & 7 Disposable Applicators

Vaginal Fungal Infection

Basic Care Miconazole 7, Miconazole Nitrate Vaginal Cream (2%) & 7 Disposable Applicators

Vaginal yeast infection is a common disease that almost every woman encounters at least once in her life and, if left untreated, can cause more serious illnesses. Candida albicans is the most commonly isolated fungus among vaginal infections in women. Other Candida species, such as Torulopsis glabrata, may also be involved in approximately 10-15% of cases. 75% of women experience vaginal yeast infection at least once in their lifetime.

How is fungal infection transmitted?
Fungal infection is usually not transmitted elsewhere. Fungal cells in the woman's own normal vaginal flora multiply and become active when the body resistance decreases for various reasons and form vaginitis. It is thought that it can rarely be passed through sexual contact. Because it cannot be produced in male semen, it is not generally accepted by every doctor as a sexually transmitted disease. It is unlikely that it will be transmitted from the pool, sea, toilet or other goods used.

What are the symptoms of yeast infection?
The most important and most common symptom of vaginal yeast infection is itching, which increases especially at night and causes restlessness. It increases with itching especially hot effect. Most patients have burning in the external genitalia. When urinating, there is a severe burning sensation in areas where the urine touches and that area is red. Some patients may have pain and burning during sexual intercourse. Women avoid pain because of pain.
Different from the normal, odorless, sometimes thick and in mass, sometimes white or gray color, aqueous discharge is. But the presence of currents is not always a rule and may not always be currents. If present, it is white in color and has a milk or cheese cut. There is no bad smell in the discharge. The presence of odor should suggest the presence of a second infection accompanying candidiasis.
Redness and swelling of the vulva and vagina may occur. Fungal plaques can be found on the wall of the vagina.These are typical for candidiasis. Depending on the scratch, vulva skin may peel off and there may be minor bleeding.
How is vaginal fungal infection diagnosed? What are the examinations performed in vaginal fungal disease?
Vaginal examination is sufficient for the diagnosis of fungi. The presence of fungal plaques in the vagina by the doctor and the patient's complaints are sufficient for diagnosis. Peeling and small bleeding may occur on the vulva skin due to scratching, and these are also evaluated by the physician. Although the patient does not have any significant complaints, fungal cells can be seen in the smear test.

What are the factors that facilitate vaginal fungus?
· Broad spectrum antibiotics; They cause fungal formation by destroying vaginal PH and destroying benign bacteria (normal vaginal flora).
· Diabetes; Urine and vaginal secretion increases the amount of sugar facilitates fungal formation.
· Pregnancy; Fungus formation is facilitated by decreasing body resistance and changing vaginal PH due to pregnancy hormones.
· Impaired immune system; facilitates fungal formation.
· Birth control pills; change the vaginal flora and prepare the ground for fungal formation.
· Spiral; it can increase all genital infections as well as facilitate fungal formation.
· Use of nylon undergarments; They increase the moisture content of the vagina and external genitalia and help the fungus formation.
· Continuous use of sanitary napkins; Like nylon undergarments, they increase the moisture content and facilitate fungal formation.
· Use of genital organ perfumes, some toilet paper, perfumed condoms and vaginal tampon
· Obesity
· Presence of cervical sores
How Is Vaginal Fungal Treatment Done? What Are Fungicides?
Vaginal fungal infections are both very easy and difficult to treat. With treatment, complaints regress within a few days. The disease may recur in later stages in 5-25% of the patients. Recurrent candidiasis can be mentioned if the same picture repeats at least four times a year. This can be caused by the fungus moving deep into the vaginal intact tissue and remaining silent and unaffected by drugs.

Both systemic and locally effective drugs are used in the treatment. Vaginal suppositories and creams, oral antifungal agents are used in appropriate dosage and duration. Co-treatment is also recommended for recurrent infections.

In personal hygiene, the vagina is not washed with water, the use of liquid soaps with neutral pH ratings, the wearing of nylon garments, the laundry being cotton, boiling and ironing with steam iron, avoiding tight clothes, changing wet swimsuits after the pool and sea facilitate treatment.

Basic Care Miconazole 7, Miconazole Nitrate Vaginal Cream (2%) & 7 Disposable Applicators

Tea Tree Therapy - Suppository with Tea Tree Oil For Vaginal Hygiene (2-Pack of 6)

What is Fungal Treatment?

Tea Tree Therapy - Suppository with Tea Tree Oil For Vaginal Hygiene (2-Pack of 6)

Fungal Treatment
Skin disease that occurs as a result of organisms entering the body is called fungus. The organism is located in the part of the aqueous or dry skin, itching conditions, causes the formation of redness. Deformation and color change are observed in the symptoms of fungal disease in nails.

Causes Fungal Disease?
It is an infectious disease. It can be transmitted by the use of articles such as towels, slippers, shoes that directly contact the skin of the person. In addition, communal areas such as pool, hammam, sauna can be transmitted from places.

Where Does Fungal Disease Occur?
Hand nails, feet, genital area, scalp are the most common microorganisms that cause fungal disease and are the parts where the symptoms are revealed.

How is Fungal Disease Treated?
Fungus in foot areas can cause serious illness in people with diabetes, so it should not be neglected. The treatment process of fungal disease, which can be confused with many skin diseases, is firstly taken by the history of the patient by a specialist doctor, then by the analysis and an accurate diagnosis. A clear diagnosis of fungal disease can be made and the most appropriate treatment process is determined. The use of medications, lotions and creams taken during the treatment process can eliminate symptoms. Because fungal disease is contagious, hygiene should be given great importance. Otherwise, it can be seen again.

What should be considered when fungal treatment?
As with any application that may affect health, the person must be examined by a doctor who specializes in skin and skin diseases before taking Fungal Treatment. Advancement of the Fungal Treatment process under the supervision of a specialist doctor is of great importance in terms of eliminating the possible side effects and risks associated with the treatment process.

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Common Problem of Women: Vaginal Infections

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Many factors, from long-term antibiotic use to improper hygiene practices, allow the formation of infections by destroying the natural environment of the vagina. However, it is very easy to get rid of them kurtul

Lactobacilli, which predominate in the natural environment of the vagina, are benign hosts. These predominant microorganisms do not allow other disease-causing microorganisms to infect by forming a certain acidic environment. However, when this natural environment of the vagina is impaired due to pregnancy, frequent vaginal douching, antibiotic use, general immune system decline, fragrant tampon, vaginal spray usage, infections are created.

Vaginal infections are manifested by complaints such as intense discharge, itching, bad smell, painful sexual intercourse and burning while urinating. Treatment should be planned depending on the causative agent of the infection. It is possible to understand the type of infection by looking at the complaints that arise. Fungal infections are usually manifested by itching, white color, milk cuts or cheese breaks, while bacterial infections are more common with yellow-green or greyish currents, particularly with increased odor after sexual intercourse or menstrual periods.

When evaluating the discharge character during the examination, the image of the vagina and cervix provides information about the causative agent of the infection. In cases where more than one factor is considered or the type of agent cannot be understood by examination, culture and microscopic examination of the samples are performed.

What is bacterial vaginosis?
The most common vaginal infection is defined as ‘bacterial vaginosis.. Normally not dominant, but for a variety of reasons, the rate of microorganisms that arise from the proliferation of this table with a malodorous white or grayish discharge, after the relationship with the increase in the amount of bad smell, symptoms such as menstrual periods appear. Bacterial vaginosis can be revealed by examining samples taken from vaginal discharge with liquids such as potassium hydroxide during the examination and treatment is planned accordingly. In bacterial vaginosis, antibiotics, the active ingredient of which is metronidazole, are used and treatments can last for one week.

Periodic treatment in resistant cases
Another common vaginal infection in women is candida type fungi. 75 percent of women have a fungal infection once in their lives, 50 percent of them encounter this situation more than once. Anti-mycotic drugs are used to treat fungal infection. In some patients, resistant microorganisms can develop and in this case it is necessary to determine the type of fungus and to direct the treatment accordingly. In resistant cases and frequent recurrent infections, periodic treatments should be applied.

Don't make this mistake
The most common mistake in the treatment of vaginal infections is to abandon the treatment. After the disappearance of the symptoms, infections are repeated in patients who discontinue treatment without completing the recommended dose and duration. The second treatment may not be able to benefit from the same drugs.

Parasites are also seen
Another common infection is parasites called ik trichomalacia.. This parasite, which is also evaluated in the category of sexually transmitted diseases, causes yellow-green, foamy discharge and may cause small bleeding in the vaginal wall or cervix. The patient may present with complaints such as pain, strain or burning during sexual intercourse. The appropriate treatment is the use of appropriate antibiotics.

Do not leave it stuffy and humid
Although the vagina prevents the ingress of liquids thanks to its natural structure, the chemicals used in the pools can disrupt the natural environment of the vagina. In addition, long-term wet swimsuit is also causing trouble. Shared toilet use can sometimes cause infections. To protect the natural environment, the vagina should not remain airless and wet. It is important to use cotton underwear and to change it frequently if daily pad is used.

Co-treatment may also be required.
One of the factors that disrupt the vagina's natural fl is to be with multiple partners, to have oral or rectal relationships. These conditions can increase the risk of infection. In bacterial and parasitic infections, and sometimes recurrent infections, the spouse is also recommended to be treated. Men can refuse treatment because they do not have any complaints, but the treatment of men also makes the treatment permanent and shortens the duration.

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Clinical Evaluation of Superficial Fungal Infections in Children

Seroflora Boric Acid Suppositories 600mg with Vaginal Applicator, 28 Suppositories - 7 Applicators - pH Balance for Women, Feminine Care - Made in USA

Superficial fungal infections; dermatophytes and yeasts. Distribution of dermatophytes; country and geographical area, lifestyle, climatic conditions and migration varies depending on various reasons (1-3). Common fungal infections in children and adolescents; tinea capitis, tinea corporis, tinea pedis, mucocutaneous candidiasis, onychomycosis and pityriasis versicolor. Risk factors include being an infected family member or immunosuppressive factors such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, chemotherapeutic use, long-term antibiotic and systemic corticosteroid use. Fungal infections in children are usually similar to adults, but are sometimes atypical and may cause difficulty in diagnosis. Fungal infections in children can be confused with many diseases such as seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, alopecia areata and trichotillomania. In immunocompromised people, systemic treatment is preferred over treatment instead of topical, and systemic treatment is also required for tinea capitis and onychomycosis (4).

This work; The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence, distribution, clinical variants, frequency and treatment approaches of superficial mycoses in children and adolescents with dermatophyte infection.

Fifty-one patients diagnosed with superficial fungal infection in the pediatric dermatology outpatient clinic of Erciyes University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Dermatology within the last year, who were diagnosed with the diagnosis, clinical appearance, direct microscopy, and in some cases, confirmed by fungal cultures. were evaluated retrospectively.

Records of all patients including age, sex, complaints, family history, concomitant diseases, duration of disease, clinical location and type of lesions, and treatment information were reviewed. Data were analyzed by Student's t-test and Chi-square test.

Of the patients with superficial fungal infection, 33 (64.7%) were male and 18 (35.3%) were female. The mean age was 6.24 ± 4.4 (4 months-17 years) (Table 1).

Eighteen patients (35.3%) had scalp, five (9.8%) trunk, four (7.8%) tongue, four (7.8%) toenail, three (5.9%) both hands Fungal infection was observed in both the toenail and two (3.9%) hand nails. In others; three (5.9%) patients in the face area, three (5.9%) patients in the genital area, one (2%) patient in the upper extremity, two (3.9%) in the foot area and two (3.9%) in the dorsal area patients (Table 2). One patient had trunk and upper extremity involvement, the other had trunk and face involvement, and another had face, tongue, trunk and nail involvement.

In 10 patients with tinea capitis profunda (19.6%), tinea capitis superficialis eight (15.8%), tinea versicolor eight (15.8%), candidiasis eight (15.8%), tinea unguium eight (15.8%) ), tinea corporis two (3.9%), tinea pedis two (3.9%), tinea facial two (3.9%), tinea cruris one (2%) and tinea incognito in one (2%) (Table 3). Tinea incognitive patient was found to be the site of involvement. One of the children had tinea pedis and tinea unguium together. In this study, tinea capitis (35.3%) was found to be the most common clinical type of dermatophytosis.

In the family history of the patients, superficial fungal infection was found in 10 (19.6%) near first degree and two (3.9%) near second degree. The remaining 39 (76.5%) patients did not have a family history.

The most common symptom was pruritus. Concomitant diseases; Pulmonary tuberculosis, extrofia vesica, ectodermal dysplasia, epilepsy, growth retardation, hypospadias, obesity, diabetes, pachyonychia congenita, prematurity, rhinosinusitis, tinea amiantecea and telogen effluvium.

Twenty-one patients received systemic antimycotic treatment (terbinafine or itraconazole) and 30 patients received topical treatment in the whole patient group. Four of the patients in the systemic treatment group were tinea unguium and fourteen were tinea capitis. The other three patients who received systemic treatment were diagnosed as; Candidiasis, tinea incognito and tinea corporis were confirmed nail involvement confirmed by direct mycosis examination. Four were onychomycosis and four were tinea capitis (Table 3).

Four (44.4%) of nine patients with nail involvement were treated topically and five (56.6%) were treated with systemic antimycotics. All patients receiving topical treatment resulted in complete recovery, while four of the five patients receiving systemic treatment had complete recovery. One of them did not come to the controls. It was found that all patients with superficial tinea capitis superficialis received systemic antimycotic treatment, while four of the patients diagnosed with tinea capitis profunda received topical antimycotic treatment (Table 3). While the mean disease duration of the patients receiving systemic treatment at the time of admission to the outpatient clinic was 5881 days, the mean disease duration of those who preferred local treatment was 1738 days.

Skin infections caused by dermatophytes and yeasts have become an important problem affecting children and adolescents over the years (3). Most of the patients were male patients aged 5-7 years. In the literature, it has been reported that tinea capitis infection is more common in men. In this study, tinea capitis was found in 13 patients in men and five patients in women, in line with previous information. In previous studies, tinea pedis and tinea unguium were reported to be more common in men than in women, whereas in our study two of the three children with tinea pedis were found to be women (5). This finding may be due to the insufficiency of the number of patients and suggests that more comprehensive studies are needed.

In our study, a history of superficial fungal infection and concomitant immunosuppression in a family of risk factors was also evaluated. It is known that prematurity increases both fungal infections and also predisposes to other infections and increases the use of antibiotics and leads to immunosuppression (6,7). The prevalence of opportunistic superficial fungal infections such as candida is increasing in diseases such as obesity and diabetes. In addition, superficial fungal infections are the most common skin infections detected in patients with diabetes. Fungal infections have been reported to occur in 10-60% of patients with diabetes (8). In epilepsy patients, the use of antibiotics is much higher in this population due to infections frequently accused in the etiology (9). In our patients, it was seen that there were concomitant diseases such as pulmonary tuberculosis, extrofia vesica, ectodermal dysplasia, epilepsy, growth retardation, hypospadias, obesity, diabetes, pachyonis congenita, prematurity and rhinosinusitis. Although none of the patients in our study had concomitant immunosuppressive diseases such as hereditary immunosuppressive disease or chemotherapy, frequent antibiotic use secondary to concomitant diseases was found to be a risk factor for the disease.

In this study, tinea capitis was found to be the most common type of superficial fungal infections in Kayseri. Similarly in the literature, tinea capitis infection is the most common fungal infection in the world in children and adolescents (4,10). The clinical types of tinea capitis and the distribution of agents vary from region to region in the world and in our country. Turkey's Aegean and Mediterranean regions in the western part of tinea capitis superficialis more frequent, although in Kayseri in central Anatolia, East Anatolia, we observed similar to the tinea capitis profunda more often. The reason for this is that the distribution of tinea capitis agents in Central Anatolia is similar to that of Eastern Anatolia (11). Because previous studies have shown that Trichophyton verrucosum is the most isolated agent from patients with tinea capitis in both Central and Eastern Anatolia (12,13).

Unlike adults, many previous studies have reported that onychomycosis is rare in children (14). In various studies conducted in different parts of the world, rates ranging from 0% to 2.6% have been found in children. In parallel with the study conducted by Lange et al. (15) in 2006, it was observed that onychomycosis was not as low as expected in children and adolescents. In our study, onychomycosis was found to be 15.8% of superficial mycoses diagnosed in children under 17 years of age. Therefore, when nail disorder is detected in children, it should be emphasized that onychomycosis should be considered at the forefront of diagnosis. In our study, because of the presence of superficial fungal infection in the family of 12 out of 51 patients, it was seen that family transmission was important in pediatric patients. If superficial fungal infection is detected in children and adolescents, we think that relapse can be prevented by questioning the presence of fungal infection in the family and providing appropriate treatment to family members with fungal infection.

Although the first treatment of superficial fungal infections is topical antifungals, systemic antifungal drugs should be preferred when severe or chronic. Terbinafine, itraconazole and fluconazole are oral antifungals that are effective in the treatment of superficial fungal infections (16). General strategy for the management of superficial fungal infections in children; the most appropriate treatment option, including systemic treatment, without considering the profit / loss ratio and avoiding systemic antifungals as much as possible, but without hesitation in the presence of appropriate indications. In children, drug transfer is easier because nail plate has a thinner structure than adults (17). In this study, 30 patients in the pediatric age group were treated with topical antifungal and 21 patients with systemic antifungals such as terbinafine or itraconazole. In addition to the diagnostic difficulties experienced by primary and secondary care physicians, systemic treatment is preferred in children due to unconfirmed use, possible systemic side effects and difficulty in use in children. it was thought that this could cause the disease duration to be much longer.

Tinea capitis is the most common clinical type of superficial fungal infection in children and adolescents. Superficial dermatophyte infections are more common in male sex. We also believe that onychomycosis should be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis of nail disorder in children due to the high rate of onychomycosis in our patient group. In the majority of patients with onychomycosis, only topical treatment was sufficient. It is stated that family history is an important risk factor in superficial fungal infections, which is often missed by physicians. In the treatment approach, especially the experience of the physician and the correct determination of the predisposing factors such as additional disease are the guiding factors in choosing the most appropriate treatment for tinea capitis, tinea unguium and other superficial fungal infections.

Author Contributions
Ethics Committee Approval: Approval was obtained from Erciyes University Faculty of Medicine Ethics Committee, Informed Consent Form was obtained from all patients included in our study, Concept: Retrospective study, Design: Ragıp Ertaş, Demet Kartal, Serap Utaş, Data Collection and Processing : Ragıp Ertaş, Analysis or Interpretation: Serap Utaş, Ragıp Ertaş, Demet Kartal, Literature Search: Demet Kartal, Written by: Ragıp Ertaş, Referee Assessment: Reviewed by the editors' board, Conflict of Interest: No conflict of interest was declared by the authors. Financial Support: No financial support was received from any institution or person for our study.

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